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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of Zeolite Nucleation and Growth Using NMR Spectroscopy

Rivas Cardona, Alejandra 2011 December 1900 (has links)
Zeolite nucleation and growth is a complex problem that has been widely investigated but still not completely understood. However, a full understanding of this process is required in order to develop predictive models for the rational design and control of the zeolite properties. The primary objective of this dissertation is to determine the strength of organicinorganic interactions (i.e., the adsorption Gibbs energy) in transparent synthesis mixtures using PFG NMR spectroscopy, in order to provide more information for a better understanding of zeolite nucleation and growth. Three main tasks were conducted in this work. The first was an investigation of the organocation role in precursor mixtures of silicalite-1, where the Gibbs energy of the organocation adsorption on the silica particles was determined at 25 degrees C. The findings showed that small changes in the adsorption Gibbs energy resulting from the differences in the molecular structure of the organocations lead to large changes in both the stability of the precursor particles and the rate of silicalite-1 formation. The second was an in situ PFG NMR investigation of silicalite-1 synthesis mixtures, where the adsorption Gibbs energy was determined at 25 degrees C and 70 degrees C, and the time evolution of silicalite-1 was monitored at synthesis conditions. The findings showed similar adsorption Gibbs energies at 25 degrees C and 70 degrees C. Also, a maximum in the organocation diffusion coefficients was observed during the time evolution of silicalite-1, which was associated with the exothermicendothermic transition occurring during the synthesis. The third was a systematic investigation of silicalite-1 precursor mixtures with varying degrees of dilution, where the effect of the composition of the mixtures on their conductivity, pH and particle size distribution (PSD) was studied. The results showed that conductivity, pH, and PSD are strongly affected by the mixture composition. The main conclusion of this research is that the strength of the organic-inorganic interactions in transparent synthesis mixtures can be determined from experimental data of the organocation self-diffusion coefficients obtained with PFG NMR spectroscopy. The outcome information of this research should contribute to the development of a more detailed molecular-level description of the zeolite nucleation and growth, which is expected to allow the emergence of a new generation of materials by design.

Chemins cinétiques de formation du diamant microcristallin sur couches minces de nitrure de tantale élaborées par pulvérisation cathodique réactive / Kinetic pathway of microcrystalline diamond formation onto tantalum nitride thin films elaborated by reactive sputeringRING

Cheviot, Maureen 22 December 2015 (has links)
L’allègement des structures pour l’aéronautique pose, entre autres, la problématique del’usinage des matériaux composites et multi-matériaux. Le challenge réside dans la conceptiond’outils répondant aux conditions spécifiques d’usinage de ces matériaux et à leur extrêmeabrasivité. Une solution est de faire appel aux performances du diamant comme revêtementrésistant à l’usure. Dans le cadre de ce manuscrit, nous proposons d’étudier les cinétiques deformation du diamant microcristallin, sur des couches minces de nitrure de tantale (TaN). Cenitrure cristallise sous deux structures distinctes : une phase stable, hexagonale, h-TaN, et unephase métastable, cubique faces centrées, fcc-TaN. Des paramètres d’élaborationméticuleusement optimisés ont rendu possible la synthèse de ces deux structures sous forme decouches minces monophasées et la proposition de mécanismes de stabilisation. Leur potentiel entant que couche de germination du diamant a été évalué et quantifié grâce à une méthodologieoriginale, alliant expériences et modélisation. La contribution de la modélisation a permis nonseulement d’interpréter précisément les résultats obtenus expérimentalement, mais aussid’identifier les grandeurs influentes. Les coefficients de diffusion du carbone et flux de carbonetransférés dans h-TaN et fcc-TaN ont ainsi été déterminés. Les résultats obtenus, en termesd’interactions entre le TaN et le carbone, au cours du procédé d’élaboration du diamant, ouvrentdes perspectives intéressantes en termes de contrôle de la formation du diamant par CVD. / Weight reduction of aeronautic devices raises composite and multi-materialsmachining issues. The challenge lies in designing cutting tools able to resist to the specificmachining conditions of these materials and their abrasivity. One solution is to use diamond as awear resistant coating. In this work, we propose to study the kinetic of formation ofmicrocrystalline diamond onto a tantalum nitride (TaN) thin film. TaN exhibits two crystallographicstructures: the hexagonal stable one, h-TaN, and the metastable one with a face centered cubiclattice, fcc-TaN. An accurate control of deposition conditions allows us to isolate both structuresas single-phased thin films and to propose two stabilization mechanism scenarios. The influenceof each TaN structure on diamond formation has been gauged thanks to the inventivemethodology we developed and which combines experiments and modeling. The contribution ofmodeling relies on an accurate interpretation of the experimental results and the identification ofthe key parameters. Thus, carbon diffusion coefficients and carbon transfers into h-TaN and fcc-TaN phases could be determined. Our results, in terms of TaN/carbon interactions, open up newhorizons for diamond nucleation and growth in CVD conditions.

Adsorção e oxidação eletrocatalítica do monóxido de carbono em superfícies de platina atomicamente bem-orientadas / Adsorption and electrocatalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide at atomically well ordered platinum surfaces

Manuel de Jesus Santiago Farias 10 February 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo sistemático sobre a adsorção e a eletrooxidação do CO sobre eletrodos monocristalinos de platina. A partir da análise das intensidades das bandas integradas e das freqüências do Pt(111)-CO, apresenta-se uma interpretação dos efeitos de acoplamento dipolo-dipolo e de interconversão do COads.. Assim, sobre a Pt(111) os espectros de FTIR in situ mostram que o aumento na razão da intensidade das bandas integradas ACOB/ACOL e nas freqüências do νCOB quando θCO,total diminue é devido à redução do acoplamento dipolo-dipolo entre as moléculas do CO em diferentes sítios e, adicionalmente, à interconversão das formas inclinadas dos COL e COB para a forma do COB. No sentido de explicar esta interconversão, propomos um mechanism baseado nas interações dos orbitais de fronteiras do CO e do metal, associado com a retrodoação de elétrons. Nesse modelo, os deslocamentos das formas inclinadas do COL e do COB em direção à forma do COB são favoráveis provavelmente porque a retrodoação de elétrons, Ptd → CO2π* (LUMO), aumenta quando θCO,total diminui. Experimentos potenciostáticos sugerem que a cinética de nucleação e crescimento é o melhor modelo para descrever a eletrooxidação do CO. Propomos que no potencial de oxidação, ECO oxi. pode existir uma via muito rápida de formação do precursores oxigenados e que este pode lateralmente colidir com as ilhas de CO, impedindo que ocorra a dissipação das ilhas do COads. no potencial de oxidação, ECO oxi.. Apresentamos a evolução do crescimento e da oxidação de sub-monocamada de CO sobre monocristais de platina facetados. Em baixo grau de recobrimento do CO foi observado que a adsorção dessa molécula ocorre sem ocupação preferencial de sítios quinas ou terraças. Assim, sugerimos que a adsorção é um processo randômico e que depois que as moléculas do CO são adsorvidas estas não apresentam apreciáveis deslocamentos a partir de CO-(111) em direção aos sítios CO-(110). Isto significa que depois da adsorção, as moléculas do CO têm um longo tempo de residência ou que apresentam um coeficiente de difusão muito baixo. Mas, para alto grau de recobrimento por CO, os resultados mostram que é possível que laterais interações desempanham importantes papéis na distribuição de ocupação dos sítios e observamos que durante a eletrooxidação, são liberados simultaneamente sítios quinas e sítios terraços. Quanto à pré-oxidação, foi observado que quatro condições experimentais precisam ser satisfeitas para que ela ocorra sobre os monocristais de platina: (i) alto grau de recobrimento por CO; (ii) que a superfície onde oncorre a oxidação do CO tenha defeitos, como sítios quinas (110); (iii) que a camada do CO seja formada sob potenciais mais negativos do que o potencial de carga total zero do metal; (iv) e que exista pequena quantidade de CO dissolvido. As condições (i) e (ii) precisam ser satisfeitas simultaneamente para promover a pré-oxidação do CO; as condições (iii) e (iv) essencialmente contribuem correspondendo à condição (i). Observamos que a magnitude do pre-pico aumenta com o aumento do grau de recobrimento por CO. Então, isto pode ser indicativo que a pré-oxidação não tem relação com a difusão do CO em superfície porque o aumento do grau de recobrimento reduz a probabilidade de difusão em superfície. O modelo de ilhas comprimidas parece ser mais apropriado para descrever a pré-oxidação do CO. / This work presents a systematic study on the CO adsorption and its oxidation at platinum single crystal electrodes. From analysis of integrated band intensity and band frequency position of the Pt(111)-CO interface in acid, it is presented an interpretation of the dipole-dipole coupling effect and surface site inter-conversions of COads.. Thus, on Pt(111), in situ FTIR data show that the increase in both ratio integrated band intensity ACOB/ACOL and frequency of νCOB when θCO,total reduces it is indicative of reduce in dipole-dipole coupling interactions between CO molecules in different surface active sites and a mechanism where the tilted COL and COB in CO pressed adlayer displace or inter-convert in favor of increase of COB concentration. In order to explain that CO interconversion, we propose a mechanism based in frontier molecular orbitals of CO and the orbitals of the metal associated with the electron back bond donation. Thus, the displacement of tilted COL and COB on the surface towards COB is more stable because probably the back bond electron donation, Ptd → CO2π* (LUMO), increase when θCO,total diminishes. Potentiostatic experiments suggest that the nucleation and growth is the better model to describe the CO oxidation. It is proposed here that close to ECO oxi. might there is a fast pathway toward formation of oxygenated species and it might reach the CO islands by side and this hinder the dissipation of COads. islands at ECO oxi.. We report also time evolution studies of low CO adsorption coverage and oxidative stripping on stepped platinum surfaces. In low CO coverage, it was observed that there is no preferential site occupancy for CO adsorption on step or terrace. It is proposed that CO adsorption onto these surfaces is a random process, and after CO adsorption there is no appreciable shift from CO-(111) to CO-(110) sites. This implies that after adsorption, CO molecules either have a very long residence time, or that the diffusion coefficient is much lower than previously thought. But, in high CO coverage, the results show that it is possible that the lateral interaction might play important role in CO site occupancy and it was observed that during the CO electrooxidation the sites released included both terrace (111) and step (110) orientations. Among the CO oxidation a clear CO preoxidation process also occurs. It was observed four experimental conditions which were verified to be fulfilled to promote CO pre-oxidation on platinum single crystal: (i) the CO coverage is should be higher than minimum threshold; (ii) the surface where CO oxidation take place should have defects, such as (110) steps; (ii) the CO monolayer should be formed at potentials below the potential of zero total charge; (iv) and in a small amount of dissolved CO should be present in the electrolyte solution. In both conditions (i) and (ii) are necessary to take place simultaneously to promote CO pre-oxidation, (iii) and (iv) essentially contribute in fulfilling condition (i). It was verified that the magnitude of pre-peak increases with the amount of CO coverage. Thus, this might indicate that the CO pre-oxidation is not having relationship with the CO diffusion on the surface, because the increase of CO coverage diminishes surface diffusion. A picture model of compressed CO islands seems the most to describe CO pre-oxidation.

Modeling and design of a physical vapor deposition process assisted by thermal plasma (PS-PVD) / Modélisation et dimensionnement d'un procédé de dépôt physique en phase vapeur assisté par plasma thermique

Ivchenko, Dmitrii 20 December 2018 (has links)
Le procédé de dépôt physique en phase vapeur assisté par plasma thermique (PS-PVD) consiste à évaporer le matériau sous forme de poudre à l’aide d’un jet de plasma d’arc soufflé pour produire des dépôts de structures variées obtenus par condensation de la vapeur et/ou dépôt des nano-agrégats. Dans le procédé de PS-PVD classique, l’intégralité du traitement du matériau est réalisée dans une enceinte sous faible pression, ce qui limite les phénomènes d’évaporation ou nécessite d’utiliser des torches de puissance importante. Dans ce travail, une extension du procédé de PS-PVD conventionnel à un procédé à deux enceintes est proposée puis explorée par voie de modélisation et de simulation numérique : la poudre est évaporée dans une enceinte haute pression (105 Pa) reliée par une tuyère de détente à une enceinte de dépôt basse pression (100 ou 1 000 Pa), permettant une évaporation énergétiquement plus efficace de poudre de Zircone Yttriée de granulométrie élevée, tout en utilisant des torches de puissance raisonnable. L’érosion et le colmatage de la tuyère de détente peuvent limiter la faisabilité d’un tel système. Aussi, par la mise en oeuvre de modèles numériques de mécaniquedes fluides et basé sur la théorie cinétique de la nucléation et de la croissance d’agrégats, on montre que, par l’ajustement des dimensions du système et des paramètres opératoires ces deux problèmes peuvent être contournés ou minimisés. En particulier, l’angle de divergence de la tuyère de détente est optimisé pour diminuer le risque de colmatage et obtenir le jet et le dépôt les plus uniformes possibles à l'aide des modèles susmentionnés, associés à un modèle DSMC (Monte-Carlo) du flux de gaz plasmagène raréfié. Pour une pression de 100 Pa, les résultats montrent que la barrière thermique serait formée par condensation de vapeur alors que pour 1 000 Pa, elle serait majoritairement formée par dépôt de nano-agrégats. / Plasma Spray Physical Vapor Deposition (PS-PVD) aims to substantially evaporate material in powder form by means of a DC plasma jet to produce coatings with various microstructures built by vapor condensation and/or by deposition of nanoclusters. In the conventional PS-PVD process, all the material treatment takes place in a medium vacuum atmosphere, limiting the evaporation process or requiring very high-power torches. In the present work, an extension of conventional PS-PVD process as a two-chamber process is proposed and investigated by means of numerical modeling: the powder is vaporized in a high pressure chamber (105 Pa) connected to the low pressure (100 or 1,000 Pa) deposition chamber by an expansion nozzle, allowing more energetically efficient evaporation of coarse YSZ powders using relatively low power plasma torches. Expansion nozzle erosion and clogging can obstruct the feasibility of such a system. In the present work, through the use of computational fluid dynamics, kinetic nucleation theory and cluster growth equations it is shown through careful adjustment of system dimensions and operating parameters both problems can be avoided or minimized. Divergence angle of the expansion nozzle is optimized to decrease the clogging risk and to reach the most uniform coating and spray characteristics using the aforementioned approaches linked with a DSMC model of the rarefied plasma gas flow. Results show that for 100 Pa, the thermal barrier coating would be mainly built from vapor deposition unlike 1,000 Pa for which it is mainly built by cluster deposition.

Beitrag zur Wirkungsweise von Verzögerern beim Abbinden von Stuckgipsen

Schneider, Jana 26 February 2010 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurde der Einfluss verschiedener Additive (Carbonsäuren, Phosphonsäuren und Retardan P) auf die einzelnen Teilprozesse des Abbindens von Gips an technischen und synthetischen Halbhydraten unter vergleichbaren Bedingungen untersucht. Vorrangig bei der Keimbildung und beim Kristallwachstum wurde ein Einfluss der Additive beobachtet. Das pH-abhängige Wirkungsoptimum kann mit der Speziation der Additive erklärt werden. Ihre Wirkung wird durch Adsorption auf CaSO4-Oberflächen verursacht. Die Untersuchungen ergaben eine bevorzugte Ca-Affinität mit den Flächen (120) und (001) zunehmend von Citronensäure über Weinsäure, HEDP zu HDTMP. Die in verdünnten homogenen Lösungen erhaltenen Ergebnisse sind nicht direkt auf den Abbindeprozess in Pasten übertragbar. In-situ Ramanspektroskopie und Auswaschexperimente weisen in Pasten auf irreversible Adsorption und ein Überwachsen der Additive hin, was zur Abnahme ihrer Wirkung führt. Auf die Festigkeit der abgebundenen Gipskörper zeigen die Additive kaum Einfluss.

Spinodal Decomposition in the Binary Fe-Cr System

Baghsheikhi, Saeed January 2009 (has links)
Spinodal decomposition is a phase separation mechanism within the miscibility gap. Its importance in case of Fe-Cr system, the basis of the whole stainless steel family, stems from a phenomenon known as the “475oC embrittlement” which results in a ruin of mechanical properties of ferritic, martensitic and duplex stainless steels. This work is aimed at a better understanding of the phase separation process in   the Fe-Cr system. Alloys of 10 to 55 wt.% Cr , each five percent, were homogenized to achieve fully ferritic microstructure and then isothermally aged at 400, 500 and 600oC for different periods of time ranging from 30min to 1500 hours. Hardness of both homogenized and aged samples were measured by the Vickers micro-hardness method and then selected samples were studied by means of Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM).  It was observed that hardness of homogenized samples increased monotonically with increasing Cr content up to 55 wt.% which can be attributed to solution hardening as well as higher hardness of pure chromium compared to pure iron.  At 400oC no significant change in hardness was detected for aging up to 1500h, therefore we believe that phase separation effects at 400oC are very small up to this time. Sluggish kinetics is imputed to lower diffusion rate at lower temperatures. At 500oC even after 10h a noticeable change in hardness, for alloys containing 25 wt.% Cr and higher, was observed which indicates occurrence of phase separation. The alloy with 10 wt.% Cr did not show change in hardness up to 200h which suggests that this composition falls outside the miscibility gap at 500oC. For compositions of 15 and 20 wt.% Cr only a small increase in hardness was detected even after 200h of aging at 500oC, which could be due to the small amounts of α´ formed. However, it means that alloys of 15 wt.% Cr and higher are suffering phase separation. For compositions inside the miscibility gap, hardening effect is a result of phase separation either by nucleation and growth or spinodal decomposition. To distinguish between these two mechanisms, TEM studies were performed and we found evidence that at 500oC the Fe-25 wt.% Cr sample decomposes by nucleation  and growth  while that of 35 wt.% Cr  shows characteristics of the spinodal mechanism. For compositions inside the miscibility gap, with increasing Cr content up to 40% the change in hardness generally increased and for 45% and higher it always decreased. This suggests that the composition range corresponding to the spinodal region at 500oC is biased towards the Fe-rich side of the phase diagram. At 600oC only samples of 25, 30 and 35 wt.% Cr were studied because according to the previous studies, the spinodal boundary is most probably located in this composition range. However, no change in hardness was observed even up to 24h. We believe that this means the miscibility line lies below 600oC for alloys containing 35 wt.% Cr and lower. Further investigations are needed to confirm and explain this result.

Surface Influence on the First Stages of Metal Electrodeposition in Ionic Liquids

Sebastián, Paula 20 July 2018 (has links)
Esta tesis es un estudio profundo de las propiedades interfaciales Metal|líquido iónico (LI), y como estas influyen en las primeras etapas de formación de electrodepósito metálico. Dos líquidos iónicos, de dos familias diferentes, se han escogido para el análisis: un Room Temperature Ionic Liquid (RTIL): [Emmim][Tf2N]; y un Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES): 1ChCl:2urea. Para estudiar la influencia superficial en los distintos procesos, se empleó monocristales de platino (Pt(111)) y de oro Au(hkl), principalmente. El análisis inicial de las propiedades interfaciales M(hkl)|LI se realizó utilizando, entre otras técnicas, la técnica de salto de temperatura con láser pulsante, técnica que además permitió estimar el valor de potencial de carga (valor característico de la interfase metal|electrolito) en cada caso. Una vez caracterizados electroquímicamente estos sistemas, ambos LIs se utilizaron para estudiar el depósito metálico en distintas superficies tanto orientadas como poliorientadas. En concreto, se investigó el depósito de Ag y Cu en DES y sobre carbono vítreo, obteniendo que el DES influenciaba el mecanismo de nucleación y crecimiento y permitía modular el tamaño de grano. Se analizó la formación de ad-capas UPD de Cu en Au(hkl) y en DES, observándose dependencia del proceso con la orientación del sustrato y el tipo de electrolito. Finalmente, se evaluó la aplicabilidad de estos dos solventes para modificar un sustrato orientado de platino (Pt(111)) con Ni, y la sensibilidad superficial del proceso, para ello combinando técnicas clásicas como voltametría cíclica y cronoamperometría con técnicas ex-situ como SEM y AFM (para recubrimientos de baja cobertura). El presente trabajo doctoral muestra el potencial de estos solventes para modificar una superficie con distinto metales y de forma sencilla, a través de la técnica formación de depósito electroquímico, abriendo la posibilidad de utilizar estos novedosos solventes para el diseño de nuevos materiales.

Solution-Processed Fabrication of Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites & Back Interface Engineering of Cadmium Telluride Solar Cells

Watthage, Suneth C. January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Studies of Thin Film a-Si:H/nc-Si:H Micromorph Solar Cell Fabrication in the p-i-n Superstrate Configuration

Huang, Zhiquan January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Auto-assemblage d'un anthacène fluorescent aux échelles nano- et micrométriques par photoréaction contrôlée / Photocontrolled self-assembly of a fluorescent anthracene at nano- and microscales

De Vet, Christiaan J.F. 09 December 2016 (has links)
Le contrôle spatial et temporel de l'auto-assemblage de molécules fluorescentes en nano-objets organisés et en matériaux mous a été réalisé par photochimie.La photodécarbonylation quantitative du progélifiant dkDDOA sous irradiation génère le super gélifiant 2,3-didécyloxyanthracène (DDOA) à température ambiante et simultanément gélifie le DMSO. DkDDOA est réactif sous excitation avec de la lumière bleue en raison de la fonction alpha-dicétone sensible à la lumière qui est ajoutée au noyau aromatique. De plus,l’ajustement de la couleur de l'émission du gel du bleu au vert a été obtenu en ajoutant un dérivé 1,2-dicétone-5,12-diphényltétracène photo réactif qui donne un 5,12-diphényltétracène émissif vert sensibilisé par un transfert d'énergie efficace.Sous un microscope, l'irradiation laser focalisée permet la structuration de nanofibres émissives sur une surface de verre. Bien que la surface de verre soit non traitée, on peut obtenir des micropattern de nanofibres de DDOA hautement alignées. Ces surfaces émettent une lumière bleue polarisée linéairement, comme le prouve la microscopie de polarisation. L'anisotropie élevée et l'orientation des fibres ont été obtenues en contrôlant la densité de nucléation et la direction de balayage du laser focalisé. Des micropattern orientés perpendiculairement peuvent ainsi être juxtaposés sur la même surface. / The spatial and temporal control of the self-assembly of fluorescent molecules into organized nano-objects and into soft materials was achieved by photochemistry. The quantitative photodecarbonylation of the progelator dkDDOA under irradiation generates the supergelator 2,3-didecyloxyanthracene (DDOA) at room temperature and simultaneously gelates DMSO. dkDDOA is reactive under excitation withblue light due to the light sensitive alpha-diketone moiety that is added to the aromatic core.Additional colour-tuning from blue to green emission from the gel was achieved by adding a similar photoreactive 1,2-diketone-5,12-diphenyltetracene that yields a green emissive 5,12-diphenyltetracene sensitized through an efficient energy transfer. Under a microscope, focused laser irradiation enables the patterning of blue-emissive nanofibers on to a glass surface. Although the surface is non-treated, micropatterns of highly aligned DDOA nanofibers can be obtained. These surfaces emit linearly polarized blue light,as proven with polarization microscopy. The high anisotropy and the orientation of the fibers was achieved by controlling the nucleation density and the direction of scanning of the focused laser. Perpendicularly oriented micropatterns can thereby be juxtaposed on the same surface.

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