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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical Approximation of Reaction and Diffusion Systems in Complex Cell Geometry

Chaudry, Qasim Ali January 2010 (has links)
<p>The mathematical modelling of the reaction and diffusion mechanism of lipophilic toxic compounds in the mammalian cell is a challenging task because of its considerable complexity and variation in the architecture of the cell. The heterogeneity of the cell regarding the enzyme distribution participating in the bio-transformation, makes the modelling even more difficult. In order to reduce the complexity of the model, and to make it less computationally expensive and numerically treatable, Homogenization techniques have been used. The resulting complex system of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), generated from the model in 2-dimensional axi-symmetric setting is implemented in Comsol Multiphysics. The numerical results obtained from the model show a nice agreement with the in vitro cell experimental results. The model can be extended to more complex reaction systems and also to 3-dimensional space. For the reduction of complexity and computational cost, we have implemented a model of mixed PDEs and Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs). We call this model as Non-Standard Compartment Model. Then the model is further reduced to a system of ODEs only, which is a Standard Compartment Model. The numerical results of the PDE Model have been qualitatively verified by using the Compartment Modeling approach. The quantitative analysis of the results of the Compartment Model shows that it cannot fully capture the features of metabolic system considered in general. Hence we need a more sophisticated model using PDEs for our homogenized cell model.</p> / Computational Modelling of the Mammalian Cell and Membrane Protein Enzymology

Simulation and parameter estimation of spectrophotometric instruments  / Simulering och parameterestimering av spektrofotometriska instrument

Avramidis, Stefanos January 2009 (has links)
<p>The paper and the graphics industries use two instruments with different optical geometry (d/0 and 45/0) to measure the quality of paper prints. The instruments have been reported to yield incompatible measurements and even rank samples differently in some cases, causing communication problems between these sectors of industry.A preliminary investigation concluded that the inter-instrument difference could be significantly influenced by external factors (background, calibration, heterogeneity of the medium). A simple methodology for eliminating these external factors and thereby minimizing the instrument differences has been derived. The measurements showed that, when the external factors are eliminated, and there is no fluorescence or gloss influence, the inter-instrument difference becomes small, depends on the instrument geometry, and varies systematically with the scattering, absorption, and transmittance properties of the sample.A detailed description of the impact of the geometry on the results has been presented regarding a large sample range. Simulations with the radiative transfer model DORT2002 showed that the instruments measurements follow the physical radiative transfer model except in cases of samples with extreme properties. The conclusion is that the physical explanation of the geometrical inter-instrument differences is based on the different degree of light permeation from the two geometries, which eventually results in a different degree of influence from near-surface bulk scattering. It was also shown that the d/0 instrument fulfils the assumptions of a diffuse field of reflected light from the medium only for samples that resemble the perfect diffuser but it yields an anisotropic field of reflected light when there is significant absorption or transmittance. In the latter case, the 45/0 proves to be less anisotropic than the d/0.In the process, the computational performance of the DORT2002 has been significantly improved. After the modification of the DORT2002 in order to include the 45/0 geometry, the Gauss-Newton optimization algorithm for the solution of the inverse problem was qualified as the most appropriate one, after testing different optimization methods for performance, stability and accuracy. Finally, a new homotopic initial-value algorithm for routine tasks (spectral calculations) was introduced, which resulted in a further three-fold speedup of the whole algorithm.The paper and the graphics industries use two instruments with different optical geometry (d/0 and 45/0) to measure the quality of paper prints. The instruments have been reported to yield incompatible measurements and even rank samples differently in some cases, causing communication problems between these sectors of industry.A preliminary investigation concluded that the inter-instrument difference could be significantly influenced by external factors (background, calibration, heterogeneity of the medium). A simple methodology for eliminating these external factors and thereby minimizing the instrument differences has been derived. The measurements showed that, when the external factors are eliminated, and there is no fluorescence or gloss influence, the inter-instrument difference becomes small, depends on the instrument geometry, and varies systematically with the scattering, absorption, and transmittance properties of the sample.A detailed description of the impact of the geometry on the results has been presented regarding a large sample range. Simulations with the radiative transfer model DORT2002 showed that the instruments measurements follow the physical radiative transfer model except in cases of samples with extreme properties. The conclusion is that the physical explanation of the geometrical inter-instrument differences is based on the different degree of light permeation from the two geometries, which eventually results in a different degree of influence from near-surface bulk scattering. It was also shown that the d/0 instrument fulfils the assumptions of a diffuse field of reflected light from the medium only for samples that resemble the perfect diffuser but it yields an anisotropic field of reflected light when there is significant absorption or transmittance. In the latter case, the 45/0 proves to be less anisotropic than the d/0.In the process, the computational performance of the DORT2002 has been significantly improved. After the modification of the DORT2002 in order to include the 45/0 geometry, the Gauss-Newton optimization algorithm for the solution of the inverse problem was qualified as the most appropriate one, after testing different optimization methods for performance, stability and accuracy. Finally, a new homotopic initial-value algorithm for routine tasks (spectral calculations) was introduced, which resulted in a further three-fold speedup of the whole algorithm.</p> / QC 20100707 / PaperOpt, Paper Optics and Colour

Coarse Graining Monte Carlo Methods for Wireless Channels and Stochastic Differential Equations

Hoel, Håkon January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis consists of two papers considering different aspects of stochastic process modelling and the minimisation of computational cost.</p><p>In the first paper, we analyse statistical signal properties and develop a Gaussian pro- cess model for scenarios with a moving receiver in a scattering environment, as in Clarke’s model, with the generalisation that noise is introduced through scatterers randomly flip- ping on and off as a function of time. The Gaussian process model is developed by extracting mean and covariance properties from the Multipath Fading Channel model (MFC) through coarse graining. That is, we verify that under certain assumptions, signal realisations of the MFC model converge to a Gaussian process and thereafter compute the Gaussian process’ covariance matrix, which is needed to construct Gaussian process signal realisations. The obtained Gaussian process model is under certain assumptions less computationally costly, containing more channel information and having very similar signal properties to its corresponding MFC model. We also study the problem of fitting our model’s flip rate and scatterer density to measured signal data.</p><p>The second paper generalises a multilevel Forward Euler Monte Carlo method intro- duced by Giles [1] for the approximation of expected values depending on the solution to an Ito stochastic differential equation. Giles work [1] proposed and analysed a Forward Euler Multilevel Monte Carlo method based on realsiations on a hierarchy of uniform time discretisations and a coarse graining based control variates idea to reduce the computa- tional effort required by a standard single level Forward Euler Monte Carlo method. This work introduces an adaptive hierarchy of non uniform time discretisations generated by adaptive algorithms developed by Moon et al. [3, 2]. These adaptive algorithms apply either deterministic time steps or stochastic time steps and are based on a posteriori error expansions first developed by Szepessy et al. [4]. Under sufficient regularity conditions, our numerical results, which include one case with singular drift and one with stopped dif- fusion, exhibit savings in the computational cost to achieve an accuracy of O(T ol), from O(T ol−3 ) to O (log (T ol) /T ol)2 . We also include an analysis of a simplified version of the adaptive algorithm for which we prove similar accuracy and computational cost results.</p><p> </p>

Approximations of Integral Equations for WaveScattering

Atle, Andreas January 2006 (has links)
<p>Wave scattering is the phenomenon in which a wave field interacts with physical objects. An incoming wave is scattered at the surface of the object and a scattered wave is produced. Common practical cases are acoustic, electromagnetic and elastic wave scattering. The numerical simulation of the scattering process is important, for example, in noise control, antenna design, prediction of radar cross sections and nondestructive testing.</p><p>Important classes of numerical methods for accurate simulation of scattering are based on integral representations of the wave fields and theses representations require the knowledge of potentials on the surfaces of the scattering objects. The potential is typically computed by a numerical approximation of an integral equation that is defined on the surface. We first develop such numerical methods in time domain for the scalar wave equation. The efficiency of the techniques are improved by analytic quadrature and in some cases by local approximation of the potential.</p><p>Most scattering simulations are done for harmonic or single frequency waves. In the electromagnetic case the corresponding integral equation method is called the method of moments. This numerical approximation is computationally very costly for high frequency waves. A simplification is suggested by physical optics, which directly gives an approximation of the potential without the solution of an integral equation. Physical optics is however only accurate for very high frequencies.</p><p>In this thesis we improve the accuracy in the physical optics approximation of scalar waves by basing the computation of the potential on the theory of radiation boundary conditions. This theory describes the local coupling of derivatives in the wave field and if it is applied at the surface of the scattering object it generates an expression for the unknown potential. The full wave field is then computed as for other integral equation methods.</p><p>The new numerical techniques are analyzed mathematically and their efficiency is established in a sequence of numerical experiments. The new on surface radiation conditions give, for example, substantial improvement in the estimation of the scattered waves in the acoustic case. This numerical experiment corresponds to radar cross-section estimation in the electromagnetic case.</p>

Algorithms for a Partially Regularized Least Squares Problem

Skoglund, Ingegerd January 2007 (has links)
<p>Vid analys av vattenprover tagna från t.ex. ett vattendrag betäms halten av olika ämnen. Dessa halter är ofta beroende av vattenföringen. Det är av intresse att ta reda på om observerade förändringar i halterna beror på naturliga variationer eller är orsakade av andra faktorer. För att undersöka detta har föreslagits en statistisk tidsseriemodell som innehåller okända parametrar. Modellen anpassas till uppmätta data vilket leder till ett underbestämt ekvationssystem. I avhandlingen studeras bl.a. olika sätt att säkerställa en unik och rimlig lösning. Grundidén är att införa vissa tilläggsvillkor på de sökta parametrarna. I den studerade modellen kan man t.ex. kräva att vissa parametrar inte varierar kraftigt med tiden men tillåter årstidsvariationer. Det görs genom att dessa parametrar i modellen regulariseras.</p><p>Detta ger upphov till ett minsta kvadratproblem med en eller två regulariseringsparametrar. I och med att inte alla ingående parametrar regulariseras får vi dessutom ett partiellt regulariserat minsta kvadratproblem. I allmänhet känner man inte värden på regulariseringsparametrarna utan problemet kan behöva lösas med flera olika värden på dessa för att få en rimlig lösning. I avhandlingen studeras hur detta problem kan lösas numeriskt med i huvudsak två olika metoder, en iterativ och en direkt metod. Dessutom studeras några sätt att bestämma lämpliga värden på regulariseringsparametrarna.</p><p>I en iterativ lösningsmetod förbättras stegvis en given begynnelseapproximation tills ett lämpligt valt stoppkriterium blir uppfyllt. Vi använder här konjugerade gradientmetoden med speciellt konstruerade prekonditionerare. Antalet iterationer som krävs för att lösa problemet utan prekonditionering och med prekonditionering jämförs både teoretiskt och praktiskt. Metoden undersöks här endast med samma värde på de två regulariseringsparametrarna.</p><p>I den direkta metoden används QR-faktorisering för att lösa minsta kvadratproblemet. Idén är att först utföra de beräkningar som kan göras oberoende av regulariseringsparametrarna samtidigt som hänsyn tas till problemets speciella struktur.</p><p>För att bestämma värden på regulariseringsparametrarna generaliseras Reinsch’s etod till fallet med två parametrar. Även generaliserad korsvalidering och en mindre beräkningstung Monte Carlo-metod undersöks.</p> / <p>Statistical analysis of data from rivers deals with time series which are dependent, e.g., on climatic and seasonal factors. For example, it is a well-known fact that the load of substances in rivers can be strongly dependent on the runoff. It is of interest to find out whether observed changes in riverine loads are due only to natural variation or caused by other factors. Semi-parametric models have been proposed for estimation of time-varying linear relationships between runoff and riverine loads of substances. The aim of this work is to study some numerical methods for solving the linear least squares problem which arises.</p><p>The model gives a linear system of the form <em>A</em><em>1x1</em><em> + A</em><em>2x2</em><em> + n = b</em><em>1</em>. The vector <em>n</em> consists of identically distributed random variables all with mean zero. The unknowns, <em>x,</em> are split into two groups, <em>x</em><em>1</em><em> </em>and <em>x</em><em>2</em><em>.</em> In this model, usually there are more unknowns than observations and the resulting linear system is most often consistent having an infinite number of solutions. Hence some constraint on the parameter vector x is needed. One possibility is to avoid rapid variation in, e.g., the parameters<em> x</em><em>2</em><em>.</em> This can be accomplished by regularizing using a matrix <em>A</em><em>3</em>, which is a discretization of some norm. The problem is formulated</p><p>as a partially regularized least squares problem with one or two regularization parameters. The parameter <em>x</em><em>2</em> has here a two-dimensional structure. By using two different regularization parameters it is possible to regularize separately in each dimension.</p><p>We first study (for the case of one parameter only) the conjugate gradient method for solution of the problem. To improve rate of convergence blockpreconditioners of Schur complement type are suggested, analyzed and tested. Also a direct solution method based on QR decomposition is studied. The idea is to first perform operations independent of the values of the regularization parameters. Here we utilize the special block-structure of the problem. We further discuss the choice of regularization parameters and generalize in particular Reinsch’s method to the case with two parameters. Finally the cross-validation technique is treated. Here also a Monte Carlo method is used by which an approximation to the generalized cross-validation function can be computed efficiently.</p>

An Immersed Finite Element Method and its Application to Multiphase Problems

Loubenets, Alexei January 2007 (has links)
Multiphase flows are frequently encountered in many important physical and industrial applications. These flows are usually characterized by very complicated structure that involves free moving surfaces inside the fluid domain and discontinuous or even singular material properties of the flow. The application range for the multiphase flow phenomena is extremely wide, ranging from processing industry to environmental problems, from biological applications to food industry and so on. Unfortunately, due to the inherent complexity of these problems, their solution proved to be a considerable challenge. Thus, in the many applications, the predictive capability and physical understanding must rely heavily on numerical models. In this thesis we develop and analyze a finite element based method for the solution of multiphase problems. This thesis consists of four papers. In paper 1 we develop our finite element based method for the elliptic interface problems. The interface jump conditions that are present due to the discontinuity of the coefficients and presence of the singular forces are derived. Using these jump conditions, we enrich the finite element spaces in order to account for the irregularities in the flow. The resulting method was applied to the interface Stokes problem, modeling a thin elastic rubber band immersed in the homogeneous fluid. In order to apply the introduced method, the interface Stokes problem was rewritten as a sequence of three Poisson problems, one for the pressure and two for the velocity components. Paper 2 is an extension of the ideas used in paper 1. Namely, third order Hermitian polynomials are used as basis functions, their modification according to the interface jump conditions is presented and analyzed, both theoretically and numerically. The rigorous error analysis of the introduced method for two-dimensional elliptic problems is presented in paper 3. The results imply that our method is second order accurate in the L2 norm. Finally, paper 4 concerns with the extension of our method to a coupled interface Stokes problem, that contains both singular forces and discontinuities in the material properties. An application to the Rayleigh-Taylor instability problem is presented. / QC 20100806

Algorithms for a Partially Regularized Least Squares Problem

Skoglund, Ingegerd January 2007 (has links)
Vid analys av vattenprover tagna från t.ex. ett vattendrag betäms halten av olika ämnen. Dessa halter är ofta beroende av vattenföringen. Det är av intresse att ta reda på om observerade förändringar i halterna beror på naturliga variationer eller är orsakade av andra faktorer. För att undersöka detta har föreslagits en statistisk tidsseriemodell som innehåller okända parametrar. Modellen anpassas till uppmätta data vilket leder till ett underbestämt ekvationssystem. I avhandlingen studeras bl.a. olika sätt att säkerställa en unik och rimlig lösning. Grundidén är att införa vissa tilläggsvillkor på de sökta parametrarna. I den studerade modellen kan man t.ex. kräva att vissa parametrar inte varierar kraftigt med tiden men tillåter årstidsvariationer. Det görs genom att dessa parametrar i modellen regulariseras. Detta ger upphov till ett minsta kvadratproblem med en eller två regulariseringsparametrar. I och med att inte alla ingående parametrar regulariseras får vi dessutom ett partiellt regulariserat minsta kvadratproblem. I allmänhet känner man inte värden på regulariseringsparametrarna utan problemet kan behöva lösas med flera olika värden på dessa för att få en rimlig lösning. I avhandlingen studeras hur detta problem kan lösas numeriskt med i huvudsak två olika metoder, en iterativ och en direkt metod. Dessutom studeras några sätt att bestämma lämpliga värden på regulariseringsparametrarna. I en iterativ lösningsmetod förbättras stegvis en given begynnelseapproximation tills ett lämpligt valt stoppkriterium blir uppfyllt. Vi använder här konjugerade gradientmetoden med speciellt konstruerade prekonditionerare. Antalet iterationer som krävs för att lösa problemet utan prekonditionering och med prekonditionering jämförs både teoretiskt och praktiskt. Metoden undersöks här endast med samma värde på de två regulariseringsparametrarna. I den direkta metoden används QR-faktorisering för att lösa minsta kvadratproblemet. Idén är att först utföra de beräkningar som kan göras oberoende av regulariseringsparametrarna samtidigt som hänsyn tas till problemets speciella struktur. För att bestämma värden på regulariseringsparametrarna generaliseras Reinsch’s etod till fallet med två parametrar. Även generaliserad korsvalidering och en mindre beräkningstung Monte Carlo-metod undersöks. / Statistical analysis of data from rivers deals with time series which are dependent, e.g., on climatic and seasonal factors. For example, it is a well-known fact that the load of substances in rivers can be strongly dependent on the runoff. It is of interest to find out whether observed changes in riverine loads are due only to natural variation or caused by other factors. Semi-parametric models have been proposed for estimation of time-varying linear relationships between runoff and riverine loads of substances. The aim of this work is to study some numerical methods for solving the linear least squares problem which arises. The model gives a linear system of the form A1x1 + A2x2 + n = b1. The vector n consists of identically distributed random variables all with mean zero. The unknowns, x, are split into two groups, x1 and x2. In this model, usually there are more unknowns than observations and the resulting linear system is most often consistent having an infinite number of solutions. Hence some constraint on the parameter vector x is needed. One possibility is to avoid rapid variation in, e.g., the parameters x2. This can be accomplished by regularizing using a matrix A3, which is a discretization of some norm. The problem is formulated as a partially regularized least squares problem with one or two regularization parameters. The parameter x2 has here a two-dimensional structure. By using two different regularization parameters it is possible to regularize separately in each dimension. We first study (for the case of one parameter only) the conjugate gradient method for solution of the problem. To improve rate of convergence blockpreconditioners of Schur complement type are suggested, analyzed and tested. Also a direct solution method based on QR decomposition is studied. The idea is to first perform operations independent of the values of the regularization parameters. Here we utilize the special block-structure of the problem. We further discuss the choice of regularization parameters and generalize in particular Reinsch’s method to the case with two parameters. Finally the cross-validation technique is treated. Here also a Monte Carlo method is used by which an approximation to the generalized cross-validation function can be computed efficiently.

The Use of Landweber Algorithm in Image Reconstruction

Nikazad, Touraj January 2007 (has links)
Ill-posed sets of linear equations typically arise when discretizing certain types of integral transforms. A well known example is image reconstruction, which can be modelled using the Radon transform. After expanding the solution into a finite series of basis functions a large, sparse and ill-conditioned linear system arises. We consider the solution of such systems. In particular we study a new class of iteration methods named DROP (for Diagonal Relaxed Orthogonal Projections) constructed for solving both linear equations and linear inequalities. This class can also be viewed, when applied to linear equations, as a generalized Landweber iteration. The method is compared with other iteration methods using test data from a medical application and from electron microscopy. Our theoretical analysis include convergence proofs of the fully-simultaneous DROP algorithm for linear equations without consistency assumptions, and of block-iterative algorithms both for linear equations and linear inequalities, for the consistent case. When applying an iterative solver to an ill-posed set of linear equations the error typically initially decreases but after some iterations (depending on the amount of noise in the data, and the degree of ill-posedness) it starts to increase. This phenomena is called semi-convergence. It is therefore vital to find good stopping rules for the iteration. We describe a class of stopping rules for Landweber type iterations for solving linear inverse problems. The class includes, e.g., the well known discrepancy principle, and also the monotone error rule. We also unify the error analysis of these two methods. The stopping rules depend critically on a certain parameter whose value needs to be specified. A training procedure is therefore introduced for securing robustness. The advantages of using trained rules are demonstrated on examples taken from image reconstruction from projections. / Vi betraktar lösning av sådana linjära ekvationssystem som uppkommer vid diskretisering av inversa problem. Dessa problem karakteriseras av att den sökta informationen inte direkt kan mätas. Ett välkänt exempel utgör datortomografi. Där mäts hur mycket strålning som passerar genom ett föremål som belyses av en strålningskälla vilken intar olika vinklar i förhållande till objektet. Syftet är förstås att generera bilder av föremålets inre (i medicinska tillämpngar av det inre av kroppen). Vi studerar en klass av iterativa lösningsmetoder för lösning av ekvationssystemen. Metoderna tillämpas på testdata från bildrekonstruktion och jämförs med andra föreslagna iterationsmetoder. Vi gör även en konvergensanalys för olika val av metod-parametrar. När man använder en iterativ metod startar man med en begynnelse approximation som sedan gradvis förbättras. Emellertid är inversa problem känsliga även för relativt små fel i uppmätta data. Detta visar sig i att iterationerna först förbättras för att senare försämras. Detta fenomen, s.k. ’semi-convergence’ är väl känt och förklarat. Emellertid innebär detta att det är viktigt att konstruera goda stoppregler. Om man avbryter iterationen för tidigt fås dålig upplösning och om den avbryts för sent fås en oskarp och brusig bild. I avhandligen studeras en klass av stoppregler. Dessa analyseras teoretiskt och testas på mätdata. Speciellt föreslås en inlärningsförfarande där stoppregeln presenteras med data där det korrekra värdet på stopp-indexet är känt. Dessa data används för att bestämma en viktig parameter i regeln. Sedan används regeln för nya okända data. En sådan tränad stoppregel visar sig fungera väl på testdata från bildrekonstruktionsområdet.

Approximations of Integral Equations for WaveScattering

Atle, Andreas January 2006 (has links)
Wave scattering is the phenomenon in which a wave field interacts with physical objects. An incoming wave is scattered at the surface of the object and a scattered wave is produced. Common practical cases are acoustic, electromagnetic and elastic wave scattering. The numerical simulation of the scattering process is important, for example, in noise control, antenna design, prediction of radar cross sections and nondestructive testing. Important classes of numerical methods for accurate simulation of scattering are based on integral representations of the wave fields and theses representations require the knowledge of potentials on the surfaces of the scattering objects. The potential is typically computed by a numerical approximation of an integral equation that is defined on the surface. We first develop such numerical methods in time domain for the scalar wave equation. The efficiency of the techniques are improved by analytic quadrature and in some cases by local approximation of the potential. Most scattering simulations are done for harmonic or single frequency waves. In the electromagnetic case the corresponding integral equation method is called the method of moments. This numerical approximation is computationally very costly for high frequency waves. A simplification is suggested by physical optics, which directly gives an approximation of the potential without the solution of an integral equation. Physical optics is however only accurate for very high frequencies. In this thesis we improve the accuracy in the physical optics approximation of scalar waves by basing the computation of the potential on the theory of radiation boundary conditions. This theory describes the local coupling of derivatives in the wave field and if it is applied at the surface of the scattering object it generates an expression for the unknown potential. The full wave field is then computed as for other integral equation methods. The new numerical techniques are analyzed mathematically and their efficiency is established in a sequence of numerical experiments. The new on surface radiation conditions give, for example, substantial improvement in the estimation of the scattered waves in the acoustic case. This numerical experiment corresponds to radar cross-section estimation in the electromagnetic case.

Exponential Fitting, Finite Volume and Box Methods in Option Pricing.

Shcherbakov, Dmitry, Szwaczkiewicz, Sylwia January 2010 (has links)
In this thesis we focus mainly on special finite differences and finite volume methods and apply them to the pricing of barrier options.The structure of this work is the following: in Chapter 1 we introduce the definitions of options and illustrate some properties of vanilla European options and exotic options.Chapter 2 describes a classical model used in the financial world, the  Black-Scholes model. We derive theBlack-Scholes formula and show how stochastic differential equations model financial instruments prices.The aim of this chapter is also to present the initial boundary value problem and the maximum principle.We discuss boundary conditions such as: the first boundary value problem, also called  Dirichlet problem that occur in pricing ofbarrier options and European options. Some kinds of put options lead to the study of a second boundary value problem (Neumann, Robin problem),while the Cauchy problem is associated with one-factor European and American options.Chapter 3 is about finite differences methods such as theta, explicit, implicit and Crank-Nicolson method, which are used forsolving partial differential equations.The exponentially fitted scheme is presented in Chapter 4. It is one of the new classesof a robust difference scheme that is stable, has good convergence and does not produce spurious oscillations.The stability is also advantage of the box method that is presented in Chapter 5.In the beginning of the Chapter 6 we illustrate barrier options and then we consider a novel finite volume discretization for apricing the above options.Chapter 7 describes discretization of the Black-Scholes equation by the fitted finite volume scheme. In  Chapter 8 we present and describe numerical results obtained by using  the finite difference methods illustrated in the previous chapters.

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