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Using writing-to-learn strategies in community college associate degree nursing programsAshworth, Thomas Edward 19 June 2006 (has links)
This study investigated the use of writing-to-learn strategies in freshman associate degree nursing classes at Wytheville Community College, Wytheville, Virginia. It sought to determine if the use of writing-to-Iearn strategies would affect the students' achievement in the course and their critical thinking skills. The design of the study was experimental. Two groups of freshman nursing students were randomly selected and randomly assigned to either an experiment group or a control group. The experiment group used the writing-to-learn strategies. The achievement in the course was measured using teacher-developed tests. Critical thinking skills were measured using the <u>Cornell Critical Thinking Test. Level Z</u>.
The study found that the students in the experiment group achieved higher aggregate semester scores than those in the control group. The difference in mean aggregate semester scores for the two groups was statistically significant. The results of the critical thinking post-test indicated the mean scores of both groups declined, but not significantly. The mean score of the experiment group was higher, but again not significantly.
It was concluded that the use of writing-to-Iearn strategies is an effective means of improving community college nursing students' achievement The results of the critical thinking portion of the study were inconclusive. / Ed. D.
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Facilitating the cognitive growth of baccalaureate nursing students: using writing strategies for thinking and cognitive development /28 cmGivens, Karolyn W. 25 August 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to discover whether a nurse educator could facilitate the cognitive development of baccalaureate nursing students using writing strategies that challenged their thinking.
The literature focuses first on the model of the cognitive development of college students as Perry first delineated it (1970) and later modified it (1978; 1981), as well as on how other researchers have elaborated and extended it from a descriptive to a prescriptive model. Also, literature related to writing as a strategy to facilitate learning, thinking, and developing is investigated, and specific writing tasks used to those ends are described.
The study was carried out with two groups of junior nursing students. A study group, consisting of 29 students, participated in a semester long nursing concepts course where writing was used to stimulate cognitive development. The control group, consisting of 16 students, enrolled in another section of the same course, was not provided the writing experience.
It was found that the total group (n = 45) demonstrated levels of cognitive development consistent with development of nursing students described in other studies (Colucciello, 1986; Frisch, 1987; Valiga 1983). An examination of student writing in response to writing assignments revealed that different kinds of tasks were effective in challenging students at different levels of development; different kinds of tasks also elicited different kinds of cognitive responses. consistent with other studies (Stonewater & Daniels, 1983), it was found that there was not a statistically significant difference between the two groups in cognitive development at the end of the semester. / Ed. D.
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The Copper and Iron Intake and Hemoglobin of Student NursesBadgett, Lula Mae Starnes 06 1900 (has links)
The object of this study is to determine the effect, if any, of the copper and iron intake upon the hemoglobin levels of student nurses on self-chosen diets.
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A National Study of Support Programs (Efforts) in Baccalaureate and Associate Degree Nursing Programs to Enhance Retention and Success of StudentsTracey, Gail L. 01 January 2003 (has links)
The purposes of this descriptive study were to identify and describe criteria used to identify students at-risk for withdrawal or failure, and strategies in place to assist and retain students. Data were collected regarding admission policies, retention strategies, assistance programs, and perceptions of the administrators regarding the effectiveness of retention and assistance strategies. A survey method of data collection was conducted using an instrument developed by the researcher for the study. A stratified random sample of 156 NLNAC accredited associate and baccalaureate degree nursing programs was carried out and program administrators were sent the survey for voluntary, anonymous participation. The study sample consisted of the 57 programs whose surveys were returned.
Retention/ Assistance Programs. Similar percentages of associate and baccalaureate degree programs reported having retention/assistance programs. Programs were found more prevalent at private, secular institutions; at smaller programs; and in the Central region. A Pearson correlation determined no relationship between the existence of an organized assistance program with NCLEX-RN pass rate or retention rate. Retention/Assistance Strategies. Strategies reported available in the nursing program most often were academic advising of nursing and pre-nursing students, academic assistance in the form of a skills lab and computer access, and early notification to students when they are failing. Comparison of the mean NCLEX-RN pass rate and the mean retention rate with 29 strategies was conducted using Pearson correlation coefficients. Analysis determined a positive and statistically significant relationship between pass rate on NCLEX-RN and the presence and perceived effect of a cultural diversity program, grading options, and early notification to students when they are failing. Positive, statistically significant relationships were determined between retention rates and the presence and perceived effect of childcare, academic advising of nursing and pre-nursing students, early notification to students when they are failing, and faculty office hours.
Administrators' Perceptions. Program administrators perceived the strategies financial aid, academic assistance to reinforce course content, academic advising of nursing students, and faculty mentors to have the greatest effect on student retention. Additional survey responses revealed a strong academic background and financial aid were strategies reported by administrators to affect both success and failure. Advising, orientation, and academic preparation were ranked by administrators as the top factors contributing to student retention and success. They ranked academic/cognitive variables and outside responsibilities as the top factors leading to student withdrawal or failure.
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Environmental conditions and their influence on information processing by deans in baccalaureate schools of nursingDonckers, Susan Waldrop January 1987 (has links)
The problems of declining enrollments and shrinking resources seem particularly acute for baccalaureate schools of nursing. In a study of responses to these and other problems, deans of five types of baccalaureate nursing schools described how they collected and channeled information as they developed strategies to ensure the future of their programs.
A questionnaire was sent to the deans of 344 baccalaureate schools of nursing. Forty-two percent of the deans returned the questionnaire. A follow-up study of 30% of the nonrespondents produced an inadequate return and did not permit comparison of respondents and nonrespondents. The data were summarized using frequencies, percentages, means, and standard deviations. Relationships were examined with one-way analyses of variance and Pearson correlation coefficients.
The most commonly perceived factors impacting each type of school, the types of information sought for each factor, the ways information was channeled, the actions taken regarding each factor, and potential future actions were reported. Two one-way analyses of variance found no differences ∝= .05) among the types of schools in (a) the total amount of impact on the school of all the factors and (b) the total amount of influence over these factors felt by the dean of the school. Pearson correlation coefficients for total impact and the number of years the dean had been in office and total influence and the number of years the dean had been in office were not large enough to be statistically significant ∝= .05).
Suggestions for research included studies of the information-processing and decision-making strategies of deans and comparative studies of information-processing and decision-making in schools of nursing and schools in other academic areas. / Ed. D. / incomplete_metadata
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Effect of High-Fidelity Manikin Versus Standardized Patient on Cultural Humility and Cultural Self-Efficacy Among Second- and Fourth-Year Baccalaureate Nursing StudentsChahal, Aisha January 2025 (has links)
Due to increasing diversity and shifting demographics nationally, many professional organizations have called upon nursing education to prepare future generations of nurses to provide culturally appropriate care to diverse patient populations. It is crucial to use evidence-based pedagogical strategies to teach nursing students to tailor care to meet the diverse needs of patients.
Simulation has been widely used in nursing education as an effective pedagogical strategy. A study was undertaken to explore the differences between using a high-fidelity manikin versus a standardized patient in simulation on cultural humility and cultural self-efficacy in second- and fourth-year baccalaureate nursing students. Second-year (n = 39) and fourth-year (n = 58) students were equally distributed into two groups. The intervention group participated in a simulation using a standardized patient and the comparison group used a high-fidelity manikin. Mean scores on the Cultural Humility Scale (Foronda, 2020) were used to measure cultural humility, and mean scores on the Cultural Self-Efficacy Scale (Bernal & Froman, 1987) were used to measure cultural self-efficacy.
A researcher-developed 5-item demographic survey was used to collect demographic information from participants. The simulation sessions were conducted over 7 weeks from the end of February to mid-April in the spring semester of 2024. Students participated in the simulation session as a clinical group of 4-9 students on their assigned clinical day. Participants completed a pretest before the simulation, posttest 1 immediately after the simulation, and posttest 2 at the end of the semester in May. The pretest and posttests consisted of the Cultural Humility Scale, the Cultural Self-Efficacy Scale, and the demographics survey.
Data analysis revealed that although there was a statistically significant improvement in cultural humility and cultural self-efficacy immediately and over time after the simulation for both groups, there was no statistically significant difference between high-fidelity manikin simulation or SP simulation on either cultural humility, F(1,95) = 1.26, p = .27, ηp2 = .002, or cultural self-efficacy, F(1,95) = .11, p = .74, ηp2 = .001. Also, there were no differences in cultural humility or cultural self-efficacy based on the year of enrollment before or after the simulation. As no difference was found between using a manikin and using a standardized patient, nursing programs have a choice of using either approach based on the feasibility, cost, and available resources. Future research should include replications of this study as well as comparisons of other teaching modalities in simulation to increase cultural humility and cultural self-efficacy.
Keywords: Cultural humility, cultural self-efficacy, nursing education, nursing students, clinical simulation, cultural humility scale, and cultural self-efficacy scale.
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Nursing students' satisfaction and self-confidence towards high-fidelity simulation and its relationship with the development of critical thinking in Hong Kong.January 2013 (has links)
背景: 高擬真情境模擬(HFS)已成為一種流行的護理教育教學法,能讓學生安全及有效地利用高擬真情境模擬人練習護理。許多西方的研究報告指出,HFS對護理學生的自信心培育、解決問題的能力和批判性思維均有正面影響。然而,對本地護理學生所做的研究有限。基於文化差異,以及不同的學習風格,西方國家的證據未必能套用在香港的護理學生身上。 / 目的: 本研究志在探討高級護理文憑課程的學生對研究員研發的高擬真情境模擬訓練課程(HFSTP)的滿意度,及HFSTP對學生的學習自信及批判性思維發展的影響。 / 研究方法: 這項研究採用了混合方法研究設計,分為兩個階段。第一階段為準實驗性研究,利用前測後測設計,以探討HFSTP對護理學生的自信心、滿意度以及批判性思維發展的影響。共90位護理學高級文憑課程二年級學生,按他們就讀課程的要求,參加了第一階段的研究。而HFSTP是参照科爾布的經驗學習週期所研發,當中包括兩個1小時的小組研討和兩個1小時HFS實驗室培訓。第一階段的研究採用了四份問卷,包括學生滿意度和學習中自信量表(SCL),批判性思維調查(CTS),仿真設計量表(SDS)和人口表。而在SCL得分最高及最低各12位學生會被邀請參加第二階段的焦點團體訪談。這階段研究以半結構化面試指南來探索學生們對HFSTP的看法。所得數據以內容分析法作分析。 / 結果: 配對t檢驗結果表明,SCL和CTS的後測平均分均顯著高於前測(P = 0.001)。而對HFSTP的設計評價,學生評定保真度和匯報會為HFSTP學習中最重要的元素。大部份學生在定性訪談中表示滿意這嶄新的學習方法。根據定性數據分析的結果得出四大主題:(1)模擬臨床環境,(2)整體護理經驗,(3)信息和反思的思維,及(4)HFS的用量,研究人員得出結論,參照科爾布的經驗學習週期所研發的高擬真情境模擬訓練課程,是一種有效的教學策略,它能有效地提高學生的學習自信及培養出批判性思維。同時,學生表示滿意這次課程的安排。至於這次研究結果對護理教育,護理實務和高等教育管理的影響將會在這論文的最後部份發表。 / Background: High-fidelity simulation (HFS) has become a popular teaching method in nursing education that allows students to practice their nursing care skills safely and effectively on human patient stimulators. Many studies have reported the positive impacts of nursing students’ learning experience with the use of HFS on their development of self-confidence, problem solving and critical thinking. However, studies done on local nursing students are limited. Acknowledging that there may be cultural differences in the learning styles between Chinese and non-Chinese people, the existing evidence mainly come from western countries, which may have limited generalizability to Hong Kong nursing students. / Aims: This study aims to examine the satisfaction of the higher diploma nursing students on the researcher-developed high-fidelity simulation training program (HFSTP), and the effects of HFSTP on the students’ self-confidence in learning and development in critical thinking. / Methods: A mixed methods study design was used in two phases. In Phase I, a quasi-experimental, one-group pretest-posttest design was employed to investigate the effects of HFSTP on nursing students’ satisfaction, self-confidence, and critical thinking development. A total of 90 year 2 higher diploma nursing students participated in the Phase I study. The Kolb’s experiential learning cycle guided the development of the HFSTP including two 1-hour simulation tutorials and two 1-hour HFS laboratory and debriefing sessions. Four questionnaires including Student Satisfaction and Self-Confidence in Learning (SCL), Critical Thinking Survey (CTS), Simulation Design Scale (SDS), and a Demographic Sheet were employed in the Phase I study. In Phase II, a focus-group interview was conducted to explore students’ perception of HFSTP. A total of 24 students from the highest or lowest scores in the posttest SCL in Phase I were invited for the focus group interview. A self-developed semi-structured interview guide was used to explore the participants’ perception of the HFSTP. Content analysis was used for data analysis. / Results: Results of paired t-test indicated that the mean scores of both SCL and CTS in the posttest were significantly higher than those of the pretest (p = <0.001). With regard to the evaluation of the design of HFSTP, the participants rated the fidelity and debriefing sessions as the most important learning features in the HFSTP. In the qualitative interview, most of the students expressed satisfaction towards the learning of HFSTP. Four main themes (1) A mimic clinical environment, (2) Holistic care experience, (3) Information and reflective thinking, and (4) Dosage of the HFS, emerged from the analysis of the qualitative data based on students’ perceptions of having HFSTP as a new teaching strategy. Researcher concluded that the HFSTP, which is based on Kolb’s experiential learning cycle, is an effective teaching strategy for promoting nursing students’ self-confidence in learning and critical thinking development. Students were satisfied with the program design. Fidelity and debriefing sessions were reported as the two most important learning features of the HFSTP. Implications of the findings for nursing education, nursing practice and higher education administration will be presented at the end of the paper. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Fong, Wan Ching Kathryn. / Thesis (D.Nurs.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 154-161). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Chapter CHAPTER ONE --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Introduction --- p.1 / Background of the Study --- p.1 / Justification for the Study --- p.5 / Research Questions --- p.6 / Conceptual and Operational Definitions --- p.7 / Significance of the Study --- p.9 / Overview of the Study --- p.10 / Chapter CHAPTER TWO --- LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.12 / Introduction --- p.12 / Search Strategy --- p.13 / Development of Simulation --- p.13 / History of Simulation Learning in Nursing Education --- p.16 / HFS used in Nursing Education --- p.17 / Self-Confidence in Learning --- p.25 / Satisfaction with Learning Experience --- p.37 / Critical Thinking --- p.43 / Theoretical Framework: Kolb’s Experiential Learning Cycle --- p.48 / Conclusion --- p.52 / Chapter CHAPTER THREE --- METHODOLOGY --- p.55 / Introduction --- p.55 / Research Questions --- p.56 / Aims --- p.56 / Research Objectives --- p.56 / Research Design --- p.57 / Setting --- p.61 / Phase I Study --- p.63 / Phase II Study --- p.83 / Ethical Issues --- p.90 / Pilot Study --- p.91 / Summary --- p.91 / Chapter CHAPTER FOUR --- RESULTS --- p.93 / Introduction --- p.93 / Research Hypotheses --- p.94 / Phase I Study --- p.94 / Phase II Study --- p.105 / Summary --- p.126 / Chapter CHAPTER FIVE --- DISCUSSION --- p.128 / Introduction --- p.128 / Participant Recruitment and Response --- p.128 / Issues of Dropouts and Participant Non-attendance --- p.129 / Discussion on Study Findings --- p.129 / The Use of Assessment Tools --- p.142 / Limitations of the Study --- p.143 / Implications for Nursing Education --- p.144 / Implications for Nursing Practice --- p.146 / Implications for Higher Education Administration --- p.148 / Recommendations for Future Studies --- p.150 / Conclusions --- p.151 / REFERENCES --- p.154
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Exploring student nurses' narratives on nursing mentally ill people in a medical ward in the uMgungundlovu District.Radana, Nolundi. January 2011 (has links)
The promulgation of the Mental Health Care Act of 2002 in South Africa came with challenges or changes in the nursing of mentally ill people. One of the changes required that mental patients need to be observed and assessed for a period of 72 hours in a general or medical ward before being transferred to a specialist hospital. Sometimes the person remains in the ward for more than the 72 hours. This means that nursing students doing their comprehensive four year diploma (R425) are exposed to nursing people with mental illness in their first, second and third year of training, which is prior to the mental health nursing/psychiatric nursing module undertaken in the last semester of the fourth year. The purpose of this study was to explore student nurses’ narratives on nursing mentally ill people in a medical ward. Narrative inquiry was used as the research methodology.
Purposive sampling was used to select 5 participants for this study. The inclusion criteria specified that participants had to be second year students participating in the four year Comprehensive Nursing Diploma Programme (R425) who have nursed, or been in contact with a mentally ill person, for a period of eight weeks. The study was conducted before the participants were exposed to the psychiatric module, which is undertaken in fourth year of the diploma course. Data collection took place through a total of 5 sessions of focus groups which took place in a boardroom. While personal names were excluded, participants were required to fill in certain demographic details.
Data analysis was undertaken using narrative data analysis, which looked at narrative strings, which are presenting commonalities and narrative threads which are major emerging themes.
The narrative strings or commonalities that were identified were in the area of beliefs, with the dominant beliefs regarding the causes of mental illness being culturally or socially based. Emotions such as fear, sadness and frustration were identified, as well as ignorance which
leads to stigmatising attitudes. The narrative threads or emerging themes that were identified were: making sense of experiences; moments of awakenings; breaking free moments; and acceptance of a known person with mental illness. The following themes were identified: moments of awakenings or realisation, where the participants started seeing the mentally ill person in another light; and moments of strengths/unique outcomes, where participants recognised their own strengths in dealing with a mentally ill person. / Thesis (M.N.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2011.
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Clinical accompaniment of the critical care nursing studentTsele, Nancy Bertha 15 August 2012 (has links)
M.Cur. / It is quite explicit that transformation in nursing education on clinical accompaniment of the critical care nursing students in the private hospital critical care units is inevitable. It is needed to accommodate the demands made that nurses should make rapid decisions in the crisis situations, taking responsibility that were previously of those of the physicians resulting in the increased complexity of decision-making. The decision-making skills demands that the nurses should develop the ability for the analytical, critical evaluation, critical thinking and ability of independent judgement of the scientific data as stated by the South African Nursing Council Regulation 2118 (1983:2). It also demands that the registered nurses working in the critical care units be suitably trained by completion of the Intensive Care Nursing Science course as specified by the South African Nursing Council Regulation 85 as amended (Nursing Act of 1978). The critical care nurses are required to integrate both the knowledge of the highly sophisticated technological equipment and also the understanding of the complex patient's problems. It is also explicit that, there is a need to develop the guidelines on clinical accompaniment of the critical care nursing students in the private hospital critical care units as no written guidelines are available. The overall objective of the study is to describe the guidelines on clinical accompaniment of the critical care nursing students in the private hospital critical care units. The guidelines will be utilised as a point of departure for the facilitation of attainment of quality/excellency in nursing education, skills or competency of the critical care nursing students in the private hospital critical care units.
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Factors influencing motivation of nursing students in the teaching and learning environmentKoekemoer, Anne-Marie 11 1900 (has links)
Many factors are present in the teaching and learning environment that could influence students’ motivation positively or negatively. This study explores and describes the factors influencing motivation of nursing students in order to identify student support strategies to enhance motivation in the teaching and learning environment.
A qualitative, exploratory, descriptive design was used. The accessible population was all final-year students registered for the certificate leading to enrolment as a nurse (R.2175) and studying at two campuses of a selected private Nursing Education Institution (NEI) in Gauteng province. The sample selection was non-probability, convenient sampling. Data was collected by means of semi-structured focus group interviews.
The three main themes that emerged from the collected data were factors related to interpersonal relationships, factors related to the teaching and learning milieu and factors related to self-worth.
Recommendations for student support in nursing education, student support in practice and for future research were made. / Verskeie faktore bestaan in die leeromgewing wat motivering van studente positief sowel as negatief beïnvloed. Hierdie studie ondersoek en beskryf die faktore wat die motivering van verpleegstudente beïnvloed om sodoende studentondersteuning-strategieë te identifiseer wat motivering in die leeromgewing sal bevorder.
Die navorser het kwalitatiewe navorsing gebruik. Die toeganklike populasie was al die finale jaar studente geregistreer vir die kursus wat lei tot inskrywing as verpleegkundige (R.2175) en aan twee kampusse van ‘n geselekteerde privaatverpleegskool in die Gauteng provinsie studeer. Die nie-waarskynlikheids-, gerieflikheidsteekproeftegniek is gebruik. Semi-gestruktureerde fokusgroeponderhoude is gebruik om data in te samel.
Die drie hooftemas wat navore gekom het uit die ingesamelde data was faktore geassosieer met interpersoonlike verhoudings, faktore geassosieer met die leeromgewing en faktore geassosieer met selfwaarde.
Aanbevelings vir studentondersteuning in verpleegonderrig, studentondersteuning in praktyk en vir verdere navorsing is gemaak. / Ho na le dintlha tse ngata tse teng tikolohong ya dithuto tse ka bang le kgahlamelo e itseng ho baithuti ka tsela e ntle kapa e bosula. Diphuputso tsena di hlakisa dintlha tse ka bang le kabelo morolong wa baithui ba booki e le hore ho tle ho hlauwe meralo ya tshehetso e tlang ho matlafatsa tikoloho ya dithuto.
Ho sebedisitswe mokgwa o nang le boleng, o batsi o hlakileng. Batho bao ho entsweng diphuputso tsena ho bona, e ne e le baithuti ba selemo sa ho qetela ba ingodiseditseng setifikeiti sa ho ya ithutela booki, ba ithutelang dikhemphaseng tse pedi tsa lekala la poraefete la Nursing Education Institution, profensing ya Gauteng. Mokgwa o sebedisitsweng wa ho kgetha, o ne o sa fane ka sephetho se hlakileng, se bobebe. Ho ilwe ha bokelletswa lesedi ka tsela ya dihlopha tse hlonngweng dipotso.
Dihlooho (mokotaba) tse tharo tse ka sehlohong tse hlahellang leseding lena le bokelleditsweng, e bile dintlha tse amanang le dikamano tsa batho, dintlha tse amanang le tikoloho ya dithuto le dintlha tse amanang le boitshepo ya motho.
Ho entswe dikgothalletso tsa tshehetso ya baithuti thutong ya booki, tshehetso ya baithuti kwetlisong le bakeng sa diphuputso tsa nako e tlang. / Health Studies / M. P. H. (Health Studies)
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