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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating the Role of Biotic and Abiotic Ecosystem Components on the Retention and Removal of Ditch Nutrients in Ditches of Different Construction

Paull, Rachel May 12 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.


Robertson, Angela K. 16 March 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Drivers that influence oceanic productivity are not clearly constrained. However, sea level changes during glacial cycles have been proposed as a potential driver for productivity variations observed over warm and cold climate periods. In order to determine this, additional oceanic paleoproductivity data collection is necessary to estimate the ocean’s feedback in response to a dynamic climate. The eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) is an ideal site for productivity studies due to its high levels of nutrients and deep upwelling. This research examines the phosphorous and barite geochemisty of four EEP sites while also comparing the sites’ glacial and interglacial productivity variations to the geochemistry and productivity results of an independent central equatorial pacific site. Phosphorus and other elemental data were collected from sites 845, 848, 849, and 853 (ODP Leg 138). Using a Ba/Ti and P/Ti proxy (“excess” proxies), distinct productivity variations during glacial and interglacial periods were observed. While the age model for these sites has been estimated, the observed variations more than likely agree with high productivity during glacial periods and lower productivity during interglacial periods. Central equatorial Pacific cores RR0603-03TC and RR0603-03JC (IODP site survey cruise for Proposal 626) have been used as a reference for geochemical concentration parameters, as well as a comparison tool for productivity variations among the central and eastern sites. The central equatorial geochemistry results provided support for sea level changes driving paleoproductivity variations. The similar variation patterns displayed by the EEP’s geochemical data in this research could provide additional support for this hypothesis.

Nitrogen and Phosphorus Availability in Forests of Varying Ages in the Bartlett Experimental Forest White Mountains, New Hampshire

Ratliff, Tera Jean 06 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Impact of long-term no till and plow till on soil properties and soil nutrient cycling

Mestelan, Silvia A. 07 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding Invasive Species Impacts on Reclaimed Surface-Mined Lands

Franke, Morgan 11 July 2016 (has links)
Mining has caused ecosystem losses worldwide, with surface mining disturbing >2.4 million hectares in the United States since 1930. The Appalachian region of the US is home to extensive temperate deciduous forests that provide many ecosystem services and economic benefits. However, >400,000 hectares of forest have been lost due to surface coal mining, with most not being restored back to native forests or other productive land uses. These areas are left fragmented, heavily modified, unmanaged, and densely invaded by non-native plants. Autumn olive (Elaeagnus umbellata) is one of the most prevalent invasive species on reclaimed mines in Appalachia and viewed as one of the main hindrances to the successful reclamation of mined land to restore native forests. In order to better assess the impact autumn olive can have on reclamation success, we characterize autumn olive's performance in various reclamation scenarios and also how the management of autumn olive affects hardwood tree establishment. We review how exotic species impact restoration outcomes, and advocate for a better understanding of how these species could contribute towards a more ecological understanding of reclamation. Reclamation goals are currently assessed after 5 years, prioritizing short-term goals (e.g. erosion control) instead of longer-term goals such as the return of ecosystem function. With a better understanding of plant function and ecological processes, we hope to continue to advance successful reclamation on surface mined lands. / Master of Science in Life Sciences

\"Manejo da adubação nitrogenada na cultura do milho após cultivo da soja em sistema semeadura direta no Cerrado\" / Management of corn crop nitrogen fertilization after soybean cultivation on no tillage system at the Brazilian Cerrado

Lange, Anderson 02 August 2006 (has links)
O cultivo de plantas de cobertura como cultura de inverno para produzir palha e proteger o solo após a colheita da cultura de verão, na região do Cerrado brasileiro, tem sido um dos maiores desafios para os produtores que optaram pela adoção do sistema semeadura direta. Outra dificuldade inerente ao sistema semeadura direta, com peculiaridade para o Cerrado, refere-se ao manejo do nitrogênio (N) na cultura do milho, já que o ciclo deste nutriente é extremamente dependente das condições climáticas, apresentando, por isto, comportamento diferente da região Sul do país. Nesta situação, a aplicação de N na semeadura da cultura de cobertura de solo com o objetivo de aumentar a produção de palha ou em pré-semeadura da cultura principal, buscando otimizar tempo, pode ser uma estratégia que apresente a mesma eficiência da fertilização na cobertura no milho em sucessão à soja. Os objetivos do estudo foram avaliar a produção de massa de matéria seca de culturas de cobertura de solo e de espécies espontâneas; determinar a influência das épocas da fertilização nitrogenada nos caracteres fenológicos, na produtividade de grãos e de massa de matéria seca da cultura do milho cultivado após 2 anos de soja e, também, quantificar a eficiência da adubação nitrogenada, utilizando a técnica da diluição isotópica (15N). Foram desenvolvidos dois experimentos na região do Triângulo Mineiro, no Estado de Minas Gerais, avaliando-se doses, fontes e épocas de aplicação de N. As doses de N foram: 110 kg ha-1 no experimento em solo de textura média e 70 kg ha-1 no experimento em solo de textura muito argilosa, como dose suplementar à adubação de semeadura. As culturas de cobertura de solo, cultivadas após a colheita da cultura de verão, não foram eficientes na produção de palha; a adubação nitrogenada aplicada na semeadura da cultura de cobertura de solo também não resultou em produção de palha. No experimento em solo de textura média houve resposta à aplicação de N em relação à testemunha e beneficio do parcelamento em diferentes épocas, em relação à aplicação de maiores doses em uma única aplicação. Neste experimento, não houve diferença na produtividade de grãos na fertilização de cobertura do milho, usando uréia ou sulfato de amônio. Em solo de textura muito argilosa não houve resposta na produtividade de grãos do milho quando se aplicou N suplementar à adubação de semeadura, independente da época de aplicação. A eficiência da adubação nitrogenada variou de 26 a 70% para as diferentes épocas de aplicação, sendo que a média de aproveitamento foi de 50%. A aplicação antecipada não se mostrou eficiente em relação à recuperação do fertilizante, sendo recomendada adubação em cobertura, principalmente em solos mais arenosos / Cultivation of soil cover crops as second crop willing to produce straw and protect the soil after the harvest of the summer crop at the Brazilian Cerrados region had been one of the biggest challenges faced by farmers that decided for the no tillage system. Another problem inherent to the no tillage system in the Cerrados in relation with the nitrogen management (N) for corn crops is due to the cycle of this nutrient is extremely dependent on climatic conditions and for this reason, a totally different activity in comparison with Southern region of Brazil must be considered. In this situation, N supply whether in the seeding time of the soil cover crops in order to increase the straw production or before the of main cultivation (pre-seeding) looking to optimize time, it might be a strategy that demonstrates the same efficiency offered by the topdressing of the corn in soybean succession. The objectives of the study were to evaluate dry matter production in the soil cover crops and spontaneous species; to determine the influence of different timing of N-fertilizer supply in the phenology characters, yield and dry matter of corn after 2 years of soybean cultivation and, also, to quantify the efficiency of the nitrogen supply using the isotopic dilution technique (15N). Two experiments were carried out at the Triângulo Mineiro region, Minas Gerais State, Brazil, where rates, sources and timing of N applications were evaluated. The rates of N were: 110 kg ha-1 for the sandy clay loam soil experiment and 70 kg ha-1 for the very clayed soil experiment, besides the nitrogen supplied at the corn crop seeding. The cultivation of the soil cover crops after the harvest of the summer crop was not efficient for cover straw production; the nitrogen supplied at the seeding time of the cover crops also did not result in cover straw production. On the sandy clay loam experiment there was response to nitrogen regarding to the control treatment and also pointed benefit using split time application in relation with higher dose n a unique application. Also there was no difference in the corn yield whether by using urea fertilization or ammonium sulfate topdressing. For the very clayed soil experiment, there was no response on corn yield when nitrogen was supplied at the seeding independent of application timing. The efficiency of the nitrogen fertilization ranged from 26 to 70% among the different application timing and the average efficiency was 50%. The anticipated application did not demonstrate efficient with regard to the fertilizer recovery, being recommended topdressing applications, especially in sandy soils

Fluxo de nutrientes em um fragmento de mata ciliar no estado de Rondônia, Brasil / Nutrient fluxes on a riparian forest fragment in the Rondônia State, Brazil

Leite, Nei Kavaguichi 29 November 2011 (has links)
Para identificar a importância ecológica das matas ciliares é essencial conhecer a interação entre sua hidrologia e ciclagem de nutrientes. Isto se torna ainda mais crucial diante das crescentes transformações na paisagem causadas pelo homem, que têm promovido forte antropização destas formações florestais. O estudo foi conduzido em uma floresta ribeirinha sazonalmente alagada na região sudoeste da Amazônia entre os anos de 2005 e 2007. Foram medidas as principais vias hidrológicas: chuva, precipitação interna, escoamento pelo tronco, escoamento superficial, solução do solo e água subterrânea, além do rio Urupá. Em todas foram realizadas análises químicas para determinação das concentrações de C, N e macronutrientes (cátions/ânions). A mata ciliar apresenta solos ácidos, bem estruturados, pobres em nutrientes e com um eficiente mecanismo de retenção nas camadas superficiais, associado à distribuição da matéria orgânica, absorção por raízes finas ou retenção pelos complexos de troca do solo. Os estoques de nutrientes no solo estão dentro da faixa de valores observada em outros estudos na Amazônia, apresentando baixa fertilidade. A região estudada apresenta altos índices pluviométricos (em torno de 2125 mm), com um regime de sazonalidade bem definido (apresentando déficit hídrico entre maio e setembro). A partição da chuva na mata ciliar ocorre com 15% de interceptação pelo dossel e o restante sendo distribuído entre a precipitação interna (83%) e escoamento pelo tronco (2%). A lixiviação de nutrientes pelo dossel foi observada para a maioria dos elementos avaliados, excetuando Na+ e Cl-, confirmando o importante papel do dossel em suprir nutrientes para a mata ciliar. Este enriquecimento também é influenciado pela queima de biomassa durante a transição do período seco para o chuvoso. A contribuição do escoamento pelo tronco foi essencial, principalmente para NO3- e cátions básicos, evidenciando a importância da inclusão desta via hidrológica na rotina de amostragens em estudos de ciclagem de nutrientes em florestas. Os fluxos no solo foram maiores na camada superficial, principalmente em função da entrada da rica solução da precipitação interna, sendo sua contribuição extremamente alta para K+, Carbono Orgânico Dissolvido (COD), PO43-, NH4+ e SO42-. Alguns elementos apresentaram indícios de lixiviação durante os meses mais chuvosos, enquanto o Na+ apresentou lixiviação durante o ano inteiro, em função da natureza conservativa deste elemento. A retenção das bases observada no solo pode estar associada com a absorção pelas raízes, adsorção pelas fases minerais e orgânicas do solo ou ainda pela retenção de ânions, que também foi observada. A relação entre os íons e a descarga do rio Urupá gerou uma histerese em sentido horário, indicando uma importante contribuição do fluxo lateral (escoamento superficial), e evidenciando a importante conectividade entre a mata ciliar e o rio Urupá. A maioria dos elementos apresentou balanço positivo (Ca2+, K+, HCO3-, Cl-, SO42- e COD) ou próximo do equilíbrio (Mg2+, NH4+, NO3-, PO43-), com exceção do Na+. Estes resultados indicam que a floresta estudada apresenta um eficiente mecanismo de conservação dos nutrientes em seus solos, uma baixa contribuição da ciclagem geoquímica (intemperismo de rochas) e forte controle da atmosfera e dossel florestal caracterizando um ciclo relativamente fechado / To identify the ecological importance of riparian forests is crucial to evaluate the interactions between its hydrology and nutrient cycling. This becomes more important due to fast changes in landscape promoted by mankind, which has been causing strong anthropization of these forests. The present study was conducted on a seasonal flooded riparian forest in the Southwestern Amazonia between 2005-2007. Main hydrological flowpaths (rainfall, throughfall, stemflow, overland flow, soil solution, groundwater and the Urupá riverwater) were sampled and posteriorly analyzed for C, N and macronutrients (cations/anions). Riparian forest soils are acid, well structured, poor in nutrients and with an efficient retention mechanism at the surface layers, which is linked to organic matter distribution, fine roots absorption, or retention by soil exchange complexes. Soil nutrient stocks are within the range of values usually observed in other studies in the Amazon region, revealing low fertility. The studied region exhibit high annual rainfall (around 2125 mm), with a marked seasonality (drought stress from May to September) and rain partitioning in the riparian forest divided into 15% of canopy interception and the remaining distributed between throughfall (83%) and stemflow (2%). Nutrient leaching from the canopy was observed for most elements, except Na+ and Cl-, confirming the important role of the canopy in supplying nutrients to the riparian forest. This enrichment is also influenced by biomass burning during the transition between dry to wet season. Stemflow contribution was essential, especially for NO3- and base cations, showing the necessity to include this flowpath in routine sampling in nutrient cycling studies. The highest soil fluxes were observed at the surface layer as a result of enriched inputs from throughfall, especially for K+, Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC), PO43-, NH4+ e SO42-. Some elements exhibited leaching during wetter months, whereas Na+ has leached throughout the year, as a function of the conservative nature of this element. Base retention in soils may be linked to root absorption, sorption by organic and mineral soil phases, or anions retention, which was also observed in this study. The relation between ions and Urupá river discharge exhibited a clockwise hysteresis, suggesting an important lateral flow (overland flow) contribution and the connectivity between the riparian forest and Urupá River. Most elements had positive budgets (Ca2+, K+, HCO3-, Cl-, SO42- e COD) or were close to neutral balance (Mg2+, NH4+, NO3-, PO43-), except Na+. The results point out efficient nutrient retention mechanisms in these soils, low contribution from geochemical cycling (rock weathering) and a strong control from the atmosphere and forest canopy, characterizing a relatively close nutrient cycling

Exploring vivianite in freshwater sediments

Rothe, Matthias 05 July 2016 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation wurden das Auftreten und die ökologische Bedeutung Vivianits in Süßwassersedimenten erforscht. Vivianit ist das am weitensten verbreitete reduzierte Eisenphosphatmineral, das sich in Gewässersedimenten bildet. Über die Mechanismen der Vivianitbildung in Sedimenten und die quantitative Rolle des Minerals für die Speicherung von Phosphor ist bisher wenig bekannt. Die neuen Erkenntnisse dieser Arbeit basieren auf der Entwicklung einer neuartigen Methode, die eine direkte Identifikation Vivianits mittels Röntgendiffraktometrie in Sedimenten erlaubte. Es gelang erstmalig, Vivianit in Oberflächensedimenten zu quantifizieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt, dass Vivianit signifikant, mit 10-40 %, zur Phosphorretention in Süßwassersedimenten beitragen kann. Die Untersuchung der Bildungsbedingungen Vivianits in unterschiedlichen Gewässersedimenten Norddeutschlands zeigte, dass das molare Schwefel zu Eisen Verhältnis des Sediments als ein wichtiger Indikator für die Bedingungen identifiziert, welche die Triebkräfte für die An- und Abwesenheit Vivianits darstellen. Eine Eutrophierung von Gewässern und der damit verbundene Anstieg der Sulfidproduktion kann dabei die Bildung Vivianits beeinträchtigen, und eine Abnahme des Phosphorbindungsvermögens des Sediments zur Folge haben. Die vorliegende Arbeit macht deutlich, dass eine artifizielle Erhöhung des Eisengehaltes des Sediments im Rahmen einer Seenrestaurierung eine Vivianitbildung induzieren kann und so langfristig zu einem erhöhten Phosphorrückhalt führt. Sättigungsberechnungen ergaben, dass ein hinsichtlich Vivianits übersättigtes Porenwasser kein sicheres Indiz für die Anwesenheit des Minerals ist. Die Berechnungen sind nicht in der Lage die kleinskaligen chemischen Bedingungen im Porenraum des Sediments abzubilden. Die Untersuchungen zeigen, dass die Bildung von Vivianit einen wichtigen Prozess der Phosphorbindung in Gewässersedimenten darstellt, der bislang jedoch weitestgehend vernachlässigt wurde. / In this thesis, the occurrence and environmental relevance of vivianite in freshwater sediments were explored. Vivianite is the most common reduced iron phosphate mineral which forms in sedimentary environments. Not much is known about the mechanisms which lead to vivianite formation in surface sediments, and about the quantitative role of vivianite in phosphorus sequestration. The development of a novel sediment preparation technique allowed the direct identification of vivianite by powder X-ray diffraction. Notably, for the first time, vivianite was quantified in surface freshwater sediments. The study examplifies that vivianite can significantly contribute to the phosphorus retention in surface freshwater sediments, accounting for 10-40 % of total sedimentary phosphorus. The exploration of vivianite in different surface freshwater sediments located in northern Germany revealed that the sedimentary sulphur to iron ratio is a valuable indicator for the conditions that are important drivers behind the formation or absence of vivianite. It has been demonstrated that eutrophication and the accompanied increase in sulphide production hampers vivianite formation, leading to a decreased phosphorus binding capacity of sediments through increased sediment sulphidization. The present study also revealed, that an iron addition as a measure of lake restoration can trigger vivianite formation, and significantly increases the long-term phosphorus retention of sediments. Pore water equilibrium calculations demonstrated that supersaturated pore water is not sufficient to predict the occurrence of the mineral in situ. Those calculations often fail to predict the occurrence of vivianite because they do not adequately represent chemical conditions within sediment microenvironments. In summary, the formation of vivianite in aquatic sediments constitutes an important process in phosphorus sequestration which has so far largely been ignored.

Nutrients dynamics in corn-Brachiaria intercropping systems / Dinâmica de nutrientes nos sistemas de consórcio milho-Brachiaria

Oliveira, Silas Maciel de 29 January 2018 (has links)
Corn (Zea mays L.) intercropped with Brachiaria spp. plays an important role in tropical agriculture management, providing residues or forage to areas intensively cropped. Although previous studies provide useful information about effects of intercropping on soil management and crop yield, a better understanding of how corn-Brachiaria intercropping systems impacts exogenous and endogenous nutrient dynamic is needed. Two experiments were performed in the both conventional and late planting season. In the first, corn and palisadegrass (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) monoculture were compared with two intercropping patterns, directed for production of residues or forage, with simulated animal grazing. Biomass, crop nitrogen (N) content, N derived from fertilizer and N budget were measured. Among farming systems, variable responses remained almost unchanged during period of simultaneous growth. After corn harvest, intercropping patterns achieved greater biomass (0.6-11 Mg ha-1) and N content (12-318 kg ha-1) relative to fallow preceded by corn monoculture, but it results in overall gains (pre and post-harvest) only to conventional planting season. N fertilizer recovery was not affected by intercropping patterns. When corn and Brachiaria were intercropped to establish pasture, simulated grazing after grain harvest had a tightly influence on N budget, approximately -221 kg ha-1. The second experiment investigated the influence of Brachiaria species on corn nutrients partitioning and their cycling after corn harvest. Biomass, N, phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) content were evaluated using corn intercropped with three species of Brachiaria (B. Brizantha cv Marandu, B. ruziziensis, and B. hybrid cultivar Mulato II, Convert HD 36) and corn monoculture. Biomass and nutrient content was not affect when corn was intercropped with Brachiaria species. After corn harvest, Brachiaria nutrient content and biomass yield were ranking from greater to lower following the order: B. brizantha > B. ruziziensis > B. convert. Relative with the corn monoculture, intercropping treatments enhanced the total biomass (corn + Brachiaria) and the nutrient accumulation only when planted at conventional season. Over 6 site-yr, benefits of intercropping appear after corn harvest, particularly at conventional planting season. Corn intercropped with Brachiaria species either had no effect N fertilizer recovery or affect N-fertilizer distribution within components of soil-plant system. Nonetheless, intercropping provide greater biomass accumulation after harvest compared with corn monoculture, resulting in larger nutrient content stored in plant component. Our results suggest a larger N requirements when crop-livestock activities was integrated. Corn intercropped with B. brizantha during conventional season was the best approach to enhanced crop yield and nutrient cycle for corn production systems. / O consórcio entre milho (Zea mays L) e espécies de Brachiaria spp. (syn. Urochloa spp.) desempenha importante função no manejo da agricultura tropical, produzir resíduos ou forragem em áreas intensivamente cultivadas. Apesar de estudos anteriores fornecerem valiosas informações sobre efeitos do consórcio sobre o manejo do solo e produção de biomassa, um melhor entendimento de como este sistema de cultivo afeta a dinâmica de nutrientes (exógenos ou endógeno) é necessário. Dois experimentos foram conduzidos durante a safra e segunda safra. No primeiro, os monocultivos de milho e braquiária (Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu) foram comparados com dois padrões de consórcio, direcionado a produção de resíduos ou forragem, com simulação do pastejo animal. Biomassa, acúmulo de nitrogênio (N), N- fertilizante e balanço de N foram avaliados. As variáveis respostas praticamente não foram afetadas pelos sistemas de cultivos durante o período de coexistência. Após a colheita do milho, os sistemas consórciados acumularam mais biomassa (0,6 -11 Mg ha-1) e N (12-318 kg ha-1) comparado ao pousio precedido pelo monocultivo de milho, apesar destes incrementos afetarem apenas o acúmulos totais (pré+pós-colheita) do cultivo de safra. A recuperação do N-fertilizante foi semelhante entre os sitemas de cultivo. Quando o consórcio objetivou a implantação de pasto, o pastejo simulado após a colheita do milho influênciou o balanço de N, com deficit de aproximadamente -221 kg ha-1.O segundo experimento foi conduzido para investigar a influência das espécies de Brachiaria sobre o particionamento de nutrientes no milho e a ciclagem pós-colheita de grãos. Produção de biomassa, quantidades de N, fósforo (P) e postássio (K) acumuladas foram avaliadas no monocultivo de milho e em três espécies de Brachiaria spp. (B. Brizantha cv Marandu, B. ruziziensis, and B. hibrido cultivar Mulato II, Convert HD 36) em consórcio com milho. Biomassa e acúmulo de nutrientes não foram afetados no consórcio do milho com as espécies de Brachiaria. Após a colheita do milho, o acúmulo de biomassa e nutrientes das espéceis de braquiária classificadas em ordem decrescente foram: B. brizantha > B. ruziziensis > B. convert. Comparado ao monocultivo de milho, o consórcio aumentou a biomassa total (milho+braquiária) e o acúmulo de nutrientes apenas quando cultivado na safra. Entre os 6 locais/anos, os benefícios do consórcio ocorreu após acolheita do milho, especialmente para o cultivo de safra. O milho consorciado com espécies de Brachiaria não afetou a recuperação do N-fertilizante nem sua distribuição nos componentes do sistema solo-planta. Entretanto, o consórcio proporcionou maior acúmulo de biomassa após a colheita do milho se comparado ao pousio precedido pelo monocultivo de milho, aumentando a porção de nutrientes alocados no compartimento planta do sistema. Nossos resultados sugerem que a integração entre atividades de lavoura e pastejo aumenta a demanda por N do sistema de produção. O consórcio entre milho e Brachiaria brizantha cv Marandu no cultivo de safra foi a melhor estratégia para aumentar a produção de biomassa e a ciclagem de nutrientes no sistema de produção do milho.

Diminuer la dépendance aux engrais de synthèse par le recyclage local des éléments minéraux : analyse des stratégies d'approvisionnement en éléments minéraux des exploitations agricoles biologiques / Reducing dependence on artificial fertilisers through local nutrient recycling : analysis of organic farms’ nutrient supply strategies

Nowak, Benjamin 17 December 2013 (has links)
Depuis la seconde moitié du XXème siècle, l'utilisation massive des engrais desynthèse a contribué à l’augmentation des rendements mais aussi à l’accumulation d’élémentsminéraux dans les systèmes agricoles. La limitation de cette accumulation passe par unmeilleur recyclage des éléments minéraux déjà présents dans les systèmes agricoles.L'agriculture biologique, qui interdit le recours aux engrais de synthèse, peut être considéréecomme un prototype d’agriculture à même d’améliorer ce recyclage. L’objectif de cette thèse a été d’identifier les stratégies mises en place par les agriculteurs biologiques pour s’approvisionner en éléments minéraux. Cet objectif a été décliné en sous-objectifs qui ont été(i) d’identifier les pratiques d’approvisionnement en fertilisants et aliments des agriculteursbiologiques, (ii) d’en comprendre les déterminants et (iii) d’évaluer la performance de ces pratiques vis-à-vis du recyclage de l’azote, du phosphore et du potassium. Pour ce faire, 63exploitations biologiques ont été enquêtées afin de recueillir des données concernant la natureet la quantité des matières échangées, ainsi que les fournisseurs et les collecteurs en relation avec ces exploitations. Afin d’étudier l’influence du contexte local, les enquêtes ont été menées dans trois régions agricoles sélectionnées en fonction de leur degré de spécialisation (productions végétales, productions animales et mixte). L’intensité du recyclagelocal a été évaluée grâce à deux indicateurs : l’autonomie, définie comme le ratio entre laquantité d’éléments minéraux provenant d’échanges entre exploitations et la quantité totale d’éléments minéraux entrant dans les exploitations biologiques de la région, et le degré de bouclage des cycles, défini comme la proportion d'éléments minéraux passant au moins deux fois par la même exploitation au sein de la région étudiée. Un premier niveau d’analyse, àl’échelle de l’exploitation, a mis en évidence les déterminants de l’approvisionnement en éléments minéraux des exploitations biologiques. Il a montré que les exploitations biologiques spécialisées dans les productions végétales importaient des quantités importantes defertilisants organiques en provenance de l’agriculture conventionnelle. Un second niveau d’analyse, à l’échelle régionale, a montré que la proximité entre des exploitations agricoles spécialisées dans les productions végétales et d’autres spécialisées dans les productions animales favorisait les échanges entre ces exploitations. Ces échanges permettaient d’améliorer l’autonomie locale même si le degré de bouclage des cycles restait faible. Enfin, une approche par modélisation a permis de quantifier la fraction du phosphore des produits biologiques qui dérive des engrais de synthèse, notamment suite aux échanges entre lesexploitations biologiques et conventionnelles. Plus de deux tiers du phosphore composant les productions biologiques étaient du phosphore initialement issu d’apports d’engrais de synthèse. Les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse ont permis de discuter des forme d’organisation des systèmes agricoles à même d’améliorer le recyclage des éléments minéraux, mais aussi des possibilités de développement de l’agriculture biologique. / From the second half of the 20th century, massive application of artificial fertilisersworldwide has contributed to crop yield increases but also to accumulation of nutrients inagricultural systems. Preventing such accumulation is possible through better nutrientrecycling within agrosystems. Organic farming bans artificial fertilisers and may beconsidered as prototype of agriculture that recycles nutrients efficiently. The objective of thisPhD was to identify the strategies of organic farmers to source nutrients. This objective hasbeen broken down into three tasks: (i) identification of the fertilising materials and feedsinputs of organic farms, (ii) identification of the determinants of these inputs and (iii)assessment of their efficiency in recycling nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This workwas based on interviews with 63 organic farmers about their inputs and outputs (nature andamounts of trade products, type of suppliers and collectors). In order to account for theimportance of the local context, the interviews were conducted in three French agriculturaldistricts defined by their farming specialisation: these districts were specialised either in cropproduction or animal production or were kept mixed. Local nutrient recycling has beenassessed through two indicators: the autonomy was defined as the ratio between the amount ofnutrients coming from exchanges among farms and the sum of inputs to the organic farms ofthe district. The cycling index was defined as the proportion of nutrients flowing at least twicethrough the same farm. The analysis was implemented at two different scales. At farm scale,the analysis focused on the nutrient supply of organic farms. Results showed that arableorganic farms imported large amounts of organic fertilising materials from conventionalfarming. At regional scale, results showed that the proximity between arable and animal farmsfostered exchanges among farms. These exchanges increased local autonomy. However, evenfor the mixed district, the cycling index remained low. Finally, a modelling approachquantified the fraction of phosphorus in organic products that derived from artificialfertilisers. Results showed that more than two-thirds of phosphorus composing these productsderived from artificial fertilisers. These results may help to design farming systems thatenhance nutrient recycling and to discuss the possibility of organic farming development.

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