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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Programmation nutritionnelle de la crevette du Pacifique à pattes blanches Litopaneus vannamei / Nutritional programming of Pacific whiteleg shrimp Litopaneus vannamei

Araujo Lage, Luis Paulo 26 June 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a eu pour objectif de tester pour la première fois le concept de programmation nutritionnelle chez la crevette Litopaneus vannamei. La première question était de savoir à quel moment le stimulus précoce devait se faire lors du développement de la crevette. Dans ce but, nous avons déterminé deux fenêtres de développement (stades protozoea et post-larvae) pendant lesquelles la plasticité moléculaire pour le métabolisme semblait optimale (publication n°1). La deuxième question portait sur le choix du stimulus environnemental que nous voulions utiliser. Nous avons pris comme stimulus nutritionnel la restriction de la prise alimentaire (restriction énergétique) sachant que ce stimulus pouvait avoir des impacts forts sur le métabolisme de l’adulte chez de nombreuses espèces animales. Nous avons pu démontrer qu’une restriction alimentaire de 40 % (40% de baisse de quantité d’aliment distribuée) dans la phase protozoe (4 jours) et de 70% dans la phase post-larvae (3 jours) était réalisable sans que cela n’induise de baisse de survie et de pertes de performances de croissance des animaux. La restriction alimentaire au stade protozoe n’a pas permis d’observer à long terme des modifications des performances de croissance et du métabolisme (au niveau moléculaire) (publication n°3). Par contre, la restriction alimentaire au stade post-larvae a été un succès concernant la programmation : les performances de croissance, l’utilisation des aliments (avec différents ratios de protéines/glucides) et le métabolisme (au niveau moléculaire) ont été (positivement) affectés par le stimulus précoce chez les animaux juvéniles (publication n°2). Nos travaux originaux et prometteurs nous permettent donc d’envisager dans le futur des expériences de programmation précoce (via la nutrition ou autres facteurs environnementaux) afin de piloter la nutrition des crevettes en aquaculture. / This thesis work aimed to test for the first time the concept of nutritional programming in Litopaneus vannamei shrimp. The first question was when early stimulus should be performed during shrimp development. For this purpose, we determined two developmental windows (protozoea and post-larvae stages) during which the molecular plasticity for the metabolism seemed optimal (publication no. 1). The second question was about choosing the environmental stimulus we wanted to use. We took as nutritional stimulus the feed restriction (energy restriction), reported that this stimulus promotes strong impacts on the metabolism in the adulthood of many species of mammals. We were able to demonstrate that a dietary restriction of 40% (40% reduction in quantity feed allowance than normal) at the protozoea phase (4 days) and 70% in the post-larvae phase (3 days) was suitable without deleterious impacts on survival and growth performance of the animals. The feed restriction at protozoea stage did not show long-term changes in growth performance and metabolism (at the molecular level) (publication no. 3). In contrast, post-larvae the feed restriction was successful for the programming: growth performance, food utilization (with different protein/carbohydrate ratios) and metabolism (at the molecular level) were (positively) affected by the early stimulus during the development (publication no. 2). Our original and promising work allows us to envisage in the future early programming experiments (via nutrition or other environmental factors) to pilot shrimp nutrition in aquaculture.

Efeitos da programação nutricional neonatal em células da glia hipotalâmica em ratos juvenis e adultos / Effects of neonatal nutritional programming on hypothalamic glial cells in juvenile and adult rats

Debarba, Lucas Kniess 29 June 2017 (has links)
As alterações nutricionais no período neonatal são capazes de comprometer o controle hipotalâmico da ingestão alimentar e o metabolismo do indivíduo em fases posteriores do desenvolvimento. Avaliamos as alterações decorrentes do modelo de programação nutricional neonatal em células gliais hipotalâmicas, devido ao seu importante papel na homeostase energética. Os astrócitos possuem função metabólica ativa, e por sua vez, fornecem substrato energético aos neurônios por meio das conexinas 30 (CX30) e 43 (CX43). A CX30, por sua vez, exerce função, também, na manutenção morfológica astrocitária, contribuindo na inserção astrocitária na fenda sináptica, portanto interferindo na neurotransmissão. A TCPTP (T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase) proteína contra-reguladora da sinalização celular da leptina e a insulina participam nos mecanismos de resistência a esses hormônios e está presente em células da glia e possui ação moduladora na atividade de CX43. Sendo assim, a hipótese do presente trabalho é de que alterações em células da glia no hipotálamo participam nos efeitos da programação nutricional neonatal na modulação do balanço energético na vida juvenil e adulta. Para investigarmos essa hipótese, utilizamos o modelo de programação nutricional neonatal de alteração do tamanho da ninhada, sendo a quantidade de filhotes por lactante formada da seguinte maneira: 3 filhotes, ninhada pequena (SL), 10 filhotes, ninhada normal (NL) e de 16 filhotes, ninhada grande (LL). O peso corporal da ninhada foi verificado semanalmente até o desmame, realizado no 21º dia de vida (PN21). Após o desmame, o peso corporal foi verificado a cada cinco dias até o 60º dia de vida (PN60). A ingestão alimentar individual foi determinada entre o PN50 e PN60. Os animais SL apresentaram maior peso corporal (72,3 ± 2,08g) ao desmame, quando comparados aos grupos NL (57,2 ± 3,5g) e LL (36,3 ± 1,8g) e essa diferença entre os grupos foi mantida até o PN60. Observou-se, porém, que a ingestão alimentar dos animais adultos SL, não foi diferente do grupo NL. Todavia, os animais LL apresentaram um ganho de peso reduzido ao desmame, porém, esses animais alcançaram o ganho de peso corporal dos animais NL (NL: 165 ± 3,97g; LL: 145,4 ± 4,5g), a partir do PN35, fenômeno esse associado ao comportamento hiperfágico. No PN21, observou-se no grupo SL um aumento nas concentrações plasmáticas de leptina (6,4 ? 0,9ng/ml) e insulina (1,9 ? 0,15 ng/ml), quando comparado aos grupos NL (leptina: 3,8 ? 0,3ng/ml; insulina: 1,3 ? 0,2 ng/ml) e LL (leptina: 1,2 ? 0,1ng/ml; 9 insulina: 1,0 ? 0,1ng/ml). No PN60, ambos os grupos SL (leptina: 5,2 ? 1,15ng/ml; insulina: 2,5 ? 0,4ng/ml) e LL (leptina: 4,3 ? 0,5ng/ml; insulina: 3,4 ? 0,5ng/ml) apresentaram aumento nas concentrações plasmáticas de leptina e insulina, comparados ao grupo NL (leptina: 1,8 ? 0,4ng/ml; insulina: 1,2 ? 0,1ng/ml). Quando avaliada a expressão do RNAm de Ptpn2, gene que codifica TCPTP, e a expressão dessa proteína no núcleo arqueado (ARC), observamos um aumento no PN21 no grupo SL e em ambos os grupos no PN60, quando comparados ao grupo NL. O grupo SL apresentou aumento na imunorreatividade para GFAP no PN21 e ambos os grupos apresentaram essa mesma resposta no PN60. O mesmo resultado foi observado na imunorreatividade para a molécula adaptadora ligante de cálcio inonizado-1 (IBA-1) no PN21 e PN60 nos grupos SL e LL. Houve colocalização da TCPTP com GFAP, porém não com IBA-1. A TCPTP possui ação demonstrada na modulação de CX43, ao investigá-la observou-se no PN21, um aumento na expressão do RNAm de Gja1, gene que codifica CX43, assim como na imunorreatividade para CX43 apenas no grupo SL. No PN21 e PN60 observou-se redução da expressão do RNAm de Gja6, gene que codifica CX30, em ambos os grupos SL e LL. Observou-se redução na imunorreatividade de CX30 em ambos os grupos, SL e LL no PN60. No PN21, a expressão do RNAm de Il1b aumentou no ARC em ambos os grupos SL e LL. No entanto, no PN60, apenas o grupo LL apresentou um aumento da expressão do RNAm de Il1b. Adicionalmente, no PN60 ambos os grupos SL e LL apresentaram um aumento na expressão do RNAm de Tnfa no ARC. Na análise morfológica das células da glia, no PN21, observou-se no grupo SL um aumento na imunorreatividade do soma da microglia e do astrócito, assim como, nos processos de extensão de ambas as células. No PN60 ambos os grupos apresentaram um aumento na imunorreatividade do soma e dos processos de extensão astrocitários, no entanto, apenas o grupo SL apresentou um aumento na imunorreatividade do soma microglial. Para analisarmos o efeito da leptina na morfologia dos astrócitos e a participação da TCPTP nesse processo, realizamos a cultura primária de astrócitos hipotalâmicos de ratos neonatos que foram estimulados com leptina [1000ng/ml], [5000ng/ml] e LPS [500ng/ml]. O LPS foi utilizado como controle positivo do protocolo. Observamos que os estímulos com leptina e LPS, aumentaram a expressão do RNAm de Ptpn2, a imunorreatividade para TCPTP e a área astrocitária. O tratamento com LPS foi capaz de promover um aumento na expressão do RNAm de Gja1 e o inverso foi observado na expressão de Gja6. Todavia, tanto o tratamento com leptina e LPS promoveu aumento na imunorreatividade para CX43 e o inverso observou-se na imunorreatividade para CX30. Para avaliarmos a participação da TCPTP nos efeitos da leptina na morfologia dos astrócitos, realizamos o silenciamento de seu gene, utilizando o siRNA Ptpn2. O silenciamento de Ptpn2 foi capaz de reverter os efeitos da leptina tanto na expressão gênica, na imunorreatividade assim como na morfologia astrocitária. O silenciamento de Ptpn2 reverteu também as respostas de redução de CX30 e o aumento de CX43 promovidas pelo LPS pela leptina. De maneira inédita esses dados sugerem a importância da TCPTP na modulação das conexinas nos efeitos da leptina e LPS na morfologia astrocitária hipotalâmica. Observamos que apenas o tratamento com LPS foi capaz de promover um aumento na expressão do RNAm de Ptpn1, e o silenciamento de Ptpn2 intensificou esse aumento da expressão de Ptpn1, demonstrando de forma inédita 10 que a TCPTP exerce ação contra regulatória sobre a PTP1B. Como esperado o estímulo dos astrócitos com LPS aumentou a expressão do RNAm de Il6, Il1b e Tnfa. Interessantemente, o silenciamento de Ptpn2 intensificou esse aumento da expressão do RNAm de Il6, Il1b e Tnfa, demonstrando desse modo que a TCPTP possui ação contra regulatória na secreção dessas citocinas. O conjunto de dados demonstra que a alteração nutricional neonatal é capaz de promover alterações no balanço energético na vida juvenil e adulta. Estas alterações estão associadas a modificações morfológicas das células da glia e ao aumento de citocinas inflamatórias, caracterizando um estado reativo glial. Adicionalmente, demonstramos em cultura primária de astrócitos hipotalâmicos que a leptina altera a morfologia destas células e pela primeira vez demonstramos, também, que a TCPTP modula esses efeitos da leptina, por meio de suas ações na conexina CX30. A CX30 participa na modulação da morfologia dos astrócitos e sua redução está associada ao aumento na área e nos processos de extensão destas células. Em conclusão, o presente estudo demonstra que alterações na disponibilidade nutricional na vida neonatal acarretam alterações no comportamento alimentar e no peso corporal na vida juvenil e adulta em ratos. Demonstramos, também, que tais alterações nutricionais neonatais estão associadas a alterações em células da glia. A leptina induz alterações morfológicas em astrócitos, sendo este efeito mediado pela TCPTP e sua regulação sobre a expressão da proteína CX30. O conjunto dos dados indica a importância das células não neuronais no controle central da homeostase energética em modelo de programação nutricional neonatal. / Nutritional changes in the neonatal period can affect the hypothalamic control of food intake and metabolism in later life. We evaluated the influence of the neonatal nutritional programming on hypothalamic glial cells, known to play an important role in the energy homeostasis. Astrocytes have active metabolic function and provide energy substrate for the neurons through connexin 43 (CX43). CX30 is important in the maintenance of astrocyte morphology, contributing to the insertion of its process into the synaptic cleft. The TCPTP (T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase) is a counterregulator of cellular signaling of leptin and insulin, contributing to the molecular mechanisms of resistance to these hormones and it is expressed in glial and modulates CX43 activity. We hypothesized that alterations in the hypothalamic glial cells participate in the long-lasting effects on energy balance induced by neonatal nutritional programming. For this purpose, we used the model of neonatal nutritional programming induced by changing the litter size, according to the number of offspring per dam: 3 offsprings, small litter (SL), 10 offsprings, normal litter (NL) and 16 offsprings, large litter (LL). The body weight of the litter was determined weekly until weaning on the 21st day of life (PN21). After weaning, body weight was determined every five days until the 60th day of life (PN60). Individual dietary intake was determined between PN50 and PN60. The SL animals presented higher body weight (72.3 ± 2.08g) at weaning, when compared with the NL (57.19 ± 3.49g) and LL (36.27 ± 1.79g) groups and the difference between these groups were maintained until the PN60. However, the food intake of adult SL animals was not different from the NL group. On the other hand, LL animals presented a reduced weight gain at weaning but they had a catch up of reaching the vody weight of NL animals (NL: 165 ± 3.97g; LL: 145.42 ± 4.55g) from PN35 on, and this response was associated with higher food inatke. At PN21, there was an increase in plasma leptin (6.41 ± 0.90 ng/ml) and insulin (1.97 ± 0.11ng/ml) concentrations in the SL group, when compared with the NL group (leptin: 3.79 ± 0,35ng/ml; insulin: 1.32 ± 0.21ng/ml) and LL (leptin: 1.23 ± 0.10ng/ml; insulin: 0.99 ± 0.10 ng/ml). At PN60, both SL (leptin: 5,26 ± 1.15ng/ml, insulin: 2,53 ± 0,36ng/ml) and LL (leptin: 4.30 ± 0.51ng/ml, insulin: 3.39 ± 0.47ng/ml) groups presented increased plasma leptin and insulin concentrations compared with the group NL (leptin: 1.79 ± 0.41ng/ml; insulin: 1.19 ± 0.09ng/ml). The mRNA expression of Ptpn2 mRNA, gene encoding TCPTP, and its protein in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) was increase at PN21 in the SL group and in both groups at PN60, compared with the NL group. The SL group showed an increased immunoreactivity for GFAP at PN21 and 12 both groups showed this increased response at PN60. Similar response was observed for ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1 (IBA-1) immunoreactivity at PN21 and PN60. There was an overlap of TCPTP with GFAP immunoreactivity, but not with IBA-1. At PN21 there was an increase in the mRNA expression of Gja1, gene coding for CX43, as well as in the immunoreactivity of CX43 in the SL group only. At PN21 and PN60, mRNA expression of the Gja6, gene encoding for CX30, was reduced in both SL and LL groups. However, at PN60 it was reduction of CX30 immunoreactivity in both groups, SL and LL. At PN21, Il1b mRNA expression was increased in the ARC in both SL and LL groups. However, at PN60, only the LL group showed an increased Il1b mRNA expression. Additionally, at PN60 both SL and LL groups showed an increase in the Tnfa mRNA expression in the ARC. In the morphological analysis of glia cells, at PN21, there was an increase in the immunoreactivity of the microglia and astrocyte in the SL group, as well as in the extension processes of both cells. At PN60, both groups showed an increase in the soma immunoreactivity and astrocytic processe extension, however, only the SL group showed an increase in the immunoreactivity of the microglial soma. To analyze the effect of leptin on astrocyte morphology and the participation of TCPTP in this process, we performed the primary culture of hypothalamic astrocytes from neonatal rats that were stimulated with leptin [1000ng/ml], [5000ng/ml] and LPS [500ng /ml]. The LPS was used as a positive control of the protocol. We observed that the leptin and LPS stimuli increased the Ptpn2 mRNA expression, the TCPTP immunoreactivity and the astrocyte area. The LPS treatment increased the Gja1 mRNA expression and the opposite was observed in the Gja6 expression. On the other hand, both treatment with leptin and LPS increased the immunoreactivity for CX43 and the opposite was observed for the CX30 immunoreactivity. In order to evaluate the participation of TCPTP in the effects of leptin on the astrocyte morphology, we performed the silencing of its gene using the siRNA Ptpn2. The silencing of Ptpn2 was able to reverse the effects of leptin and LPS on gene expression, immunoreactivity as well as astrocyte morphology. The silencing of Ptpn2 was able to revert the reduction of CX30 and the increase of CX43 immunoreactivity and the its gene expression promoted by LPS leptin. These data are the first to show the importance of TCPTP in the modulation of connexins on the leptin and LPS effects on the morphology of hypothalamic astrocytes. Additionally, only LPS treatment was able to promote an increase in the Ptpn1 mRNA expression and Ptpn2 silencing enhanced this increase in Ptpn1 mRNA expression.These data demonstrate an unprecedented way that Ptpn2 exerts regulatory action against Ptpn1. As expected, the stimulation with LPS increased the mRNA expression of the Il6, Il1b and Tnfa. The silencing of Ptpn2 amplified this effect of LPS on cytokine gene expression, demonstrating that TCPTP has a counterregulatory action on the secretion of IL6, IL1? and Tnf?. Taken together these data demonstrate that the neonatal nutritional changes are able to promote alterations in the energy balance in the juvenile and adult life. These effects are associated with morphological changes in glial cells and increase of inflammatory cytokines, characterizing a glial reactive state. Additionally, using primary cell culture, we demonstrated that leptin alters the morphology of hypothalamic astrocytes. We also demonstrate for the first time that TCPTP modulates these effects of 13 leptin, through its actions regulating the expression of CX30. The data shown indicate the importance of non-neuronal cells in the central control of energy homeostasis in a model of neonatal nutritional programming.

High Folate, but not High Multivitamin Gestational Diets, Affect the Serotonergic Regulation of Food Intake in Female Wistar Offspring

Poon, Abraham 26 November 2012 (has links)
The hypothesis that high multivitamin gestational (HV) diets affect the development of central serotonergic regulatory systems in female offspring, and that this is due to its high folic acid content, was investigated. Dams were fed the AIN-93G diet containing the recommended multivitamin mix (RV), 10-fold the RV amount (HV), or the RV diet with 10-fold the folic acid (Hfol). Serotonergic control of food intake and macronutrient selection was assessed by measuring long-term intake and selection, short-term intake and selection following injections of serotonin receptor agonists, and hypothalamic serotonin receptor expression. Offspring from Hfol dams selected more protein and were less responsive to agonist injections, but showed no altered serotonin receptor expression. In contrast, those born to HV fed dams were not different from the RV controls in any measure. In conclusion, the Hfol, but not HV gestational diet affects serotonergic regulation of food intake in female rat offspring.

High Folate, but not High Multivitamin Gestational Diets, Affect the Serotonergic Regulation of Food Intake in Female Wistar Offspring

Poon, Abraham 26 November 2012 (has links)
The hypothesis that high multivitamin gestational (HV) diets affect the development of central serotonergic regulatory systems in female offspring, and that this is due to its high folic acid content, was investigated. Dams were fed the AIN-93G diet containing the recommended multivitamin mix (RV), 10-fold the RV amount (HV), or the RV diet with 10-fold the folic acid (Hfol). Serotonergic control of food intake and macronutrient selection was assessed by measuring long-term intake and selection, short-term intake and selection following injections of serotonin receptor agonists, and hypothalamic serotonin receptor expression. Offspring from Hfol dams selected more protein and were less responsive to agonist injections, but showed no altered serotonin receptor expression. In contrast, those born to HV fed dams were not different from the RV controls in any measure. In conclusion, the Hfol, but not HV gestational diet affects serotonergic regulation of food intake in female rat offspring.

Efeitos da programação nutricional neonatal em células da glia hipotalâmica em ratos juvenis e adultos / Effects of neonatal nutritional programming on hypothalamic glial cells in juvenile and adult rats

Lucas Kniess Debarba 29 June 2017 (has links)
As alterações nutricionais no período neonatal são capazes de comprometer o controle hipotalâmico da ingestão alimentar e o metabolismo do indivíduo em fases posteriores do desenvolvimento. Avaliamos as alterações decorrentes do modelo de programação nutricional neonatal em células gliais hipotalâmicas, devido ao seu importante papel na homeostase energética. Os astrócitos possuem função metabólica ativa, e por sua vez, fornecem substrato energético aos neurônios por meio das conexinas 30 (CX30) e 43 (CX43). A CX30, por sua vez, exerce função, também, na manutenção morfológica astrocitária, contribuindo na inserção astrocitária na fenda sináptica, portanto interferindo na neurotransmissão. A TCPTP (T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase) proteína contra-reguladora da sinalização celular da leptina e a insulina participam nos mecanismos de resistência a esses hormônios e está presente em células da glia e possui ação moduladora na atividade de CX43. Sendo assim, a hipótese do presente trabalho é de que alterações em células da glia no hipotálamo participam nos efeitos da programação nutricional neonatal na modulação do balanço energético na vida juvenil e adulta. Para investigarmos essa hipótese, utilizamos o modelo de programação nutricional neonatal de alteração do tamanho da ninhada, sendo a quantidade de filhotes por lactante formada da seguinte maneira: 3 filhotes, ninhada pequena (SL), 10 filhotes, ninhada normal (NL) e de 16 filhotes, ninhada grande (LL). O peso corporal da ninhada foi verificado semanalmente até o desmame, realizado no 21º dia de vida (PN21). Após o desmame, o peso corporal foi verificado a cada cinco dias até o 60º dia de vida (PN60). A ingestão alimentar individual foi determinada entre o PN50 e PN60. Os animais SL apresentaram maior peso corporal (72,3 ± 2,08g) ao desmame, quando comparados aos grupos NL (57,2 ± 3,5g) e LL (36,3 ± 1,8g) e essa diferença entre os grupos foi mantida até o PN60. Observou-se, porém, que a ingestão alimentar dos animais adultos SL, não foi diferente do grupo NL. Todavia, os animais LL apresentaram um ganho de peso reduzido ao desmame, porém, esses animais alcançaram o ganho de peso corporal dos animais NL (NL: 165 ± 3,97g; LL: 145,4 ± 4,5g), a partir do PN35, fenômeno esse associado ao comportamento hiperfágico. No PN21, observou-se no grupo SL um aumento nas concentrações plasmáticas de leptina (6,4 ? 0,9ng/ml) e insulina (1,9 ? 0,15 ng/ml), quando comparado aos grupos NL (leptina: 3,8 ? 0,3ng/ml; insulina: 1,3 ? 0,2 ng/ml) e LL (leptina: 1,2 ? 0,1ng/ml; 9 insulina: 1,0 ? 0,1ng/ml). No PN60, ambos os grupos SL (leptina: 5,2 ? 1,15ng/ml; insulina: 2,5 ? 0,4ng/ml) e LL (leptina: 4,3 ? 0,5ng/ml; insulina: 3,4 ? 0,5ng/ml) apresentaram aumento nas concentrações plasmáticas de leptina e insulina, comparados ao grupo NL (leptina: 1,8 ? 0,4ng/ml; insulina: 1,2 ? 0,1ng/ml). Quando avaliada a expressão do RNAm de Ptpn2, gene que codifica TCPTP, e a expressão dessa proteína no núcleo arqueado (ARC), observamos um aumento no PN21 no grupo SL e em ambos os grupos no PN60, quando comparados ao grupo NL. O grupo SL apresentou aumento na imunorreatividade para GFAP no PN21 e ambos os grupos apresentaram essa mesma resposta no PN60. O mesmo resultado foi observado na imunorreatividade para a molécula adaptadora ligante de cálcio inonizado-1 (IBA-1) no PN21 e PN60 nos grupos SL e LL. Houve colocalização da TCPTP com GFAP, porém não com IBA-1. A TCPTP possui ação demonstrada na modulação de CX43, ao investigá-la observou-se no PN21, um aumento na expressão do RNAm de Gja1, gene que codifica CX43, assim como na imunorreatividade para CX43 apenas no grupo SL. No PN21 e PN60 observou-se redução da expressão do RNAm de Gja6, gene que codifica CX30, em ambos os grupos SL e LL. Observou-se redução na imunorreatividade de CX30 em ambos os grupos, SL e LL no PN60. No PN21, a expressão do RNAm de Il1b aumentou no ARC em ambos os grupos SL e LL. No entanto, no PN60, apenas o grupo LL apresentou um aumento da expressão do RNAm de Il1b. Adicionalmente, no PN60 ambos os grupos SL e LL apresentaram um aumento na expressão do RNAm de Tnfa no ARC. Na análise morfológica das células da glia, no PN21, observou-se no grupo SL um aumento na imunorreatividade do soma da microglia e do astrócito, assim como, nos processos de extensão de ambas as células. No PN60 ambos os grupos apresentaram um aumento na imunorreatividade do soma e dos processos de extensão astrocitários, no entanto, apenas o grupo SL apresentou um aumento na imunorreatividade do soma microglial. Para analisarmos o efeito da leptina na morfologia dos astrócitos e a participação da TCPTP nesse processo, realizamos a cultura primária de astrócitos hipotalâmicos de ratos neonatos que foram estimulados com leptina [1000ng/ml], [5000ng/ml] e LPS [500ng/ml]. O LPS foi utilizado como controle positivo do protocolo. Observamos que os estímulos com leptina e LPS, aumentaram a expressão do RNAm de Ptpn2, a imunorreatividade para TCPTP e a área astrocitária. O tratamento com LPS foi capaz de promover um aumento na expressão do RNAm de Gja1 e o inverso foi observado na expressão de Gja6. Todavia, tanto o tratamento com leptina e LPS promoveu aumento na imunorreatividade para CX43 e o inverso observou-se na imunorreatividade para CX30. Para avaliarmos a participação da TCPTP nos efeitos da leptina na morfologia dos astrócitos, realizamos o silenciamento de seu gene, utilizando o siRNA Ptpn2. O silenciamento de Ptpn2 foi capaz de reverter os efeitos da leptina tanto na expressão gênica, na imunorreatividade assim como na morfologia astrocitária. O silenciamento de Ptpn2 reverteu também as respostas de redução de CX30 e o aumento de CX43 promovidas pelo LPS pela leptina. De maneira inédita esses dados sugerem a importância da TCPTP na modulação das conexinas nos efeitos da leptina e LPS na morfologia astrocitária hipotalâmica. Observamos que apenas o tratamento com LPS foi capaz de promover um aumento na expressão do RNAm de Ptpn1, e o silenciamento de Ptpn2 intensificou esse aumento da expressão de Ptpn1, demonstrando de forma inédita 10 que a TCPTP exerce ação contra regulatória sobre a PTP1B. Como esperado o estímulo dos astrócitos com LPS aumentou a expressão do RNAm de Il6, Il1b e Tnfa. Interessantemente, o silenciamento de Ptpn2 intensificou esse aumento da expressão do RNAm de Il6, Il1b e Tnfa, demonstrando desse modo que a TCPTP possui ação contra regulatória na secreção dessas citocinas. O conjunto de dados demonstra que a alteração nutricional neonatal é capaz de promover alterações no balanço energético na vida juvenil e adulta. Estas alterações estão associadas a modificações morfológicas das células da glia e ao aumento de citocinas inflamatórias, caracterizando um estado reativo glial. Adicionalmente, demonstramos em cultura primária de astrócitos hipotalâmicos que a leptina altera a morfologia destas células e pela primeira vez demonstramos, também, que a TCPTP modula esses efeitos da leptina, por meio de suas ações na conexina CX30. A CX30 participa na modulação da morfologia dos astrócitos e sua redução está associada ao aumento na área e nos processos de extensão destas células. Em conclusão, o presente estudo demonstra que alterações na disponibilidade nutricional na vida neonatal acarretam alterações no comportamento alimentar e no peso corporal na vida juvenil e adulta em ratos. Demonstramos, também, que tais alterações nutricionais neonatais estão associadas a alterações em células da glia. A leptina induz alterações morfológicas em astrócitos, sendo este efeito mediado pela TCPTP e sua regulação sobre a expressão da proteína CX30. O conjunto dos dados indica a importância das células não neuronais no controle central da homeostase energética em modelo de programação nutricional neonatal. / Nutritional changes in the neonatal period can affect the hypothalamic control of food intake and metabolism in later life. We evaluated the influence of the neonatal nutritional programming on hypothalamic glial cells, known to play an important role in the energy homeostasis. Astrocytes have active metabolic function and provide energy substrate for the neurons through connexin 43 (CX43). CX30 is important in the maintenance of astrocyte morphology, contributing to the insertion of its process into the synaptic cleft. The TCPTP (T-cell protein tyrosine phosphatase) is a counterregulator of cellular signaling of leptin and insulin, contributing to the molecular mechanisms of resistance to these hormones and it is expressed in glial and modulates CX43 activity. We hypothesized that alterations in the hypothalamic glial cells participate in the long-lasting effects on energy balance induced by neonatal nutritional programming. For this purpose, we used the model of neonatal nutritional programming induced by changing the litter size, according to the number of offspring per dam: 3 offsprings, small litter (SL), 10 offsprings, normal litter (NL) and 16 offsprings, large litter (LL). The body weight of the litter was determined weekly until weaning on the 21st day of life (PN21). After weaning, body weight was determined every five days until the 60th day of life (PN60). Individual dietary intake was determined between PN50 and PN60. The SL animals presented higher body weight (72.3 ± 2.08g) at weaning, when compared with the NL (57.19 ± 3.49g) and LL (36.27 ± 1.79g) groups and the difference between these groups were maintained until the PN60. However, the food intake of adult SL animals was not different from the NL group. On the other hand, LL animals presented a reduced weight gain at weaning but they had a catch up of reaching the vody weight of NL animals (NL: 165 ± 3.97g; LL: 145.42 ± 4.55g) from PN35 on, and this response was associated with higher food inatke. At PN21, there was an increase in plasma leptin (6.41 ± 0.90 ng/ml) and insulin (1.97 ± 0.11ng/ml) concentrations in the SL group, when compared with the NL group (leptin: 3.79 ± 0,35ng/ml; insulin: 1.32 ± 0.21ng/ml) and LL (leptin: 1.23 ± 0.10ng/ml; insulin: 0.99 ± 0.10 ng/ml). At PN60, both SL (leptin: 5,26 ± 1.15ng/ml, insulin: 2,53 ± 0,36ng/ml) and LL (leptin: 4.30 ± 0.51ng/ml, insulin: 3.39 ± 0.47ng/ml) groups presented increased plasma leptin and insulin concentrations compared with the group NL (leptin: 1.79 ± 0.41ng/ml; insulin: 1.19 ± 0.09ng/ml). The mRNA expression of Ptpn2 mRNA, gene encoding TCPTP, and its protein in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) was increase at PN21 in the SL group and in both groups at PN60, compared with the NL group. The SL group showed an increased immunoreactivity for GFAP at PN21 and 12 both groups showed this increased response at PN60. Similar response was observed for ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1 (IBA-1) immunoreactivity at PN21 and PN60. There was an overlap of TCPTP with GFAP immunoreactivity, but not with IBA-1. At PN21 there was an increase in the mRNA expression of Gja1, gene coding for CX43, as well as in the immunoreactivity of CX43 in the SL group only. At PN21 and PN60, mRNA expression of the Gja6, gene encoding for CX30, was reduced in both SL and LL groups. However, at PN60 it was reduction of CX30 immunoreactivity in both groups, SL and LL. At PN21, Il1b mRNA expression was increased in the ARC in both SL and LL groups. However, at PN60, only the LL group showed an increased Il1b mRNA expression. Additionally, at PN60 both SL and LL groups showed an increase in the Tnfa mRNA expression in the ARC. In the morphological analysis of glia cells, at PN21, there was an increase in the immunoreactivity of the microglia and astrocyte in the SL group, as well as in the extension processes of both cells. At PN60, both groups showed an increase in the soma immunoreactivity and astrocytic processe extension, however, only the SL group showed an increase in the immunoreactivity of the microglial soma. To analyze the effect of leptin on astrocyte morphology and the participation of TCPTP in this process, we performed the primary culture of hypothalamic astrocytes from neonatal rats that were stimulated with leptin [1000ng/ml], [5000ng/ml] and LPS [500ng /ml]. The LPS was used as a positive control of the protocol. We observed that the leptin and LPS stimuli increased the Ptpn2 mRNA expression, the TCPTP immunoreactivity and the astrocyte area. The LPS treatment increased the Gja1 mRNA expression and the opposite was observed in the Gja6 expression. On the other hand, both treatment with leptin and LPS increased the immunoreactivity for CX43 and the opposite was observed for the CX30 immunoreactivity. In order to evaluate the participation of TCPTP in the effects of leptin on the astrocyte morphology, we performed the silencing of its gene using the siRNA Ptpn2. The silencing of Ptpn2 was able to reverse the effects of leptin and LPS on gene expression, immunoreactivity as well as astrocyte morphology. The silencing of Ptpn2 was able to revert the reduction of CX30 and the increase of CX43 immunoreactivity and the its gene expression promoted by LPS leptin. These data are the first to show the importance of TCPTP in the modulation of connexins on the leptin and LPS effects on the morphology of hypothalamic astrocytes. Additionally, only LPS treatment was able to promote an increase in the Ptpn1 mRNA expression and Ptpn2 silencing enhanced this increase in Ptpn1 mRNA expression.These data demonstrate an unprecedented way that Ptpn2 exerts regulatory action against Ptpn1. As expected, the stimulation with LPS increased the mRNA expression of the Il6, Il1b and Tnfa. The silencing of Ptpn2 amplified this effect of LPS on cytokine gene expression, demonstrating that TCPTP has a counterregulatory action on the secretion of IL6, IL1? and Tnf?. Taken together these data demonstrate that the neonatal nutritional changes are able to promote alterations in the energy balance in the juvenile and adult life. These effects are associated with morphological changes in glial cells and increase of inflammatory cytokines, characterizing a glial reactive state. Additionally, using primary cell culture, we demonstrated that leptin alters the morphology of hypothalamic astrocytes. We also demonstrate for the first time that TCPTP modulates these effects of 13 leptin, through its actions regulating the expression of CX30. The data shown indicate the importance of non-neuronal cells in the central control of energy homeostasis in a model of neonatal nutritional programming.

Hunger of the Body, Hunger of the Mind: The Experience of Food Insecurity in Rural, Non-Peninsular Malaysia

Cooper, Elizabeth Elliott 19 August 2009 (has links)
Supplementary feeding continues to be a widespread strategy for child health promotion though its efficacy remains contested. The long-standing, Malaysian national food assistance program for children - Program Pemulihan Kanak-Kanak Kekurangan Zat Makanan (PPKZM) - fits this pattern, receiving severe criticism for its limited impact on child nutritional status. Still, the program remains, producing a seeming paradox and prompting questions of how it fits into (1) the larger political context of national health policy and (2) more localized village and clinic environments. This research combines historical inquiry with the in-depth, ethnographic study of two predominantly Malay coastal villages in Malaysian Borneo, where child anthropometry and household food insecurity rates establish a clear need for the PPKZM despite low coverage rates. This study assesses the ways in which common, local foods are perceived and categorized and the degree to which these understandings are shared both (1) within the communities and (2) between the communities and the clinics that serve them. Community members do not share a single core set of well-known food items. Instead, multiple microenvironments within the fieldsites likely dictate differential diets and prioritize distinct sets of foods. Agreement is more pronounced among clinic workers, who display a simple food classification system based almost exclusively on taxonomic differences with the rationale for these distinctions expressed in nutritional terms. Although community members recognize the same constitutive kinds, their categories are more nuanced and reflect the concerns of day-to-day practice, encompassing when and how a food item is encountered; its origins, relative expense, and common usage; and who will likely consume it. The dissertation relates cultural models for food classification to health education messages, PPKZM programming guidelines, community conditions, and food beliefs and practices. It facilitates an understanding of place - as viewed through the lens of food security - and addresses the relative fit of current nutritional programming within this context. The study offers concrete design recommendations for a successful, child-specific food package in the short-term while arguing for a more holistic, household-level solution.


Molinari, Giovanni Settle 01 September 2020 (has links)
Currently aquaculture is the largest growing food sector in the world, however, its future growth is limited by its heavy reliance on fishmeal (FM). Overfishing of wild marine fish stocks used for FM is putting too much pressure on the stocks, making FM unsustainable as a dominant protein source as aquaculture continues to grow. Plant proteins (PP) are an ideal alternative to FM because of their wide availability and relatively low cost. Soybean meal (SBM) is the most commonly used PP in aquaculture, but its inclusion in feeds is limited due to reduced digestibility and the presence of antinutritional factors ultimately leading to a reduced growth performance of fish that are fed with the SBM-based diet. Therefore, the goal of this thesis was to mitigate the negative effects of PP and improve the growth of fish fed with a PP-based diet, utilizing SBM as our PP in feeds. Three feeding trials were conducted to test the efficacy of 3 approaches towards improving the use of PP in fish. The first trial (Chapter 2), tested the effect of nutritional programming (NP) on the utilization of SBM in zebrafish (Danio rerio). NP is the theory that an organism can be ‘programmed’ to better utilize a dietary component by being exposed to that component in its early life stages. This study also tested the effect of NP through the broodstock by exposing the broodstock to SBM for 4 weeks prior to breeding. In addition, a combination of both programming techniques was also tested. The results found that neither of the programming techniques had a significant effect on the growth performance of the zebrafish. Among the two groups from the programmed broodstock, the group that also received early stage NP had a significantly higher expression of PepT1, a di- and tri- peptide transporter. Also, the dual programmed group had the highest length-to-width ratio of the distal villi among groups that were fed SBM, which signifies an increase in surface area for nutrient absorption in the intestine. The findings from this study suggest that early stage NP may increase the absorption of nutrient from PP-based feeds within the intestine. The second feeding trial (Chapter 3), utilized the supplementation of health-promoting dipeptides to improve the use of SBM-based feeds for zebrafish. The three dipeptides used in this study were alanyl-glutamine, carnosine, and anserine. The five groups in this study consisted of three groups receiving an SBM-based diet with one of the dipeptides supplemented into it, a (-) Control group receiving a non-supplemented SBM-based diet, and a (+) Control group receiving a FM-based diet. Both the alanyl-glutamine and carnosine supplemented groups experienced a significantly higher weight gain compared to the (-) Control group. In addition, the alanyl-glutamine supplemented group had a significantly higher length-to-width ratio of the intestinal villi and, had a numerically higher expression of both nutrient absorption genes measured, PepT1 and fabp2, compared to the (-) Control group. This finding suggests that the supplementation of alanyl-glutamine into SBM-based diets may improve the intestinal absorptive capacity of the fish fed with the SBM. The results from this study also support the use of both alanyl-glutamine and carnosine supplementation as a means of improving the growth performance of fish fed with a SBM-based diet. The third feeding trial (Chapter 4), was conducted on largemouth bass (LMB) (Micropterus salmoides). This study also focused on NP as a means of improving the utilization of dietary SBM, similar to Chapter 2. In this study, live feed was used as a vector to program the larval LMB to SBM. The programmed group in this study received Artemia nauplii that were enriched with a SBM solution, during the larval stage. The bass were then fed with a FM-diet for 7 weeks, before being reintroduced to SBM for the final 6 weeks of the study (PP-Challenge). The programmed LMB experienced a significantly higher weight gain compared to the non-programmed fish also undergoing the PP-Challenge, and achieved a weight gain similar to that of the LMB that were being fed with an FM-diet. In addition, the programmed LMB had significantly longer distal villi and a higher length-to-width ratio of the villi, compared to the non-programmed group. The findings from this study support the use of live feed as a vector for NP and improving the growth performance of a carnivorous aquaculture species fed with a SBM-based diet. The overall findings from these studies suggest that both NP and dipeptide supplementation are feasible means of improving the utilization of SBM in fish. The mechanism behind NP seems to lie in the intestine. In both zebrafish and LMB, NP was found to reduce the inflammatory impact on the intestine and increase the surface area for absorption of the intestinal villi. The supplementation of alanyl-glutamine had similar effects on the intestine as NP and improved the growth performance of zebrafish. The observations from these studies seem to point to mitigating the negative effects of SBM on the intestine as the key to improving the growth performance of fish fed with a SBM-based diet.

Fish meal replacement with soybean meal in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) diets: responses of nutritional programming on growth, transcriptome and isoflavone accumulation

Kemski, Megan Marie January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Prenatální a perinatální rizikové faktory dětské obezity / Prenatal and Perinatal Risk Factors of Childhood Obesity

Šmídová, Radka January 2021 (has links)
Diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical and practical part. I dedicated the theoretical part not only to prenatal and perinatal obesity risk factors, but also to diagnosis, management, health complications and prevention. In the practical part, I described the outcomes of the questionnaire survey dedicated to the mothers of children aged 1-7 years. The aim of this thesis was to find out the occurrence of selected risk factors for childhood obesity. I found out that in my study group, there were some risk factors represented in relatively small quantity (for example smoking during pregnancy, smoking during breastfeeding, gestational diabetes mellitus). Other risk factors, such as mother's or father's obesity were frequent. Some risk factors for childhood obesity are obvious, while others have not yet been proved to be directly related to obesity. However, we can certainly suggest, that the healthy parents' weight, alcohol and nicotine abstinence and exclusive breastfeeding at least until the end of fourth month of life are the factors beneficial not only for the health of the child. Key words: childhood obesity; diet during pregnancy; nutritional programming; obesity prevention; obesity risk factors

Rôles de la méthionine sur le métabolisme hépatique de la truite arc-en-ciel (Oncorhynchus mykiss) : focus sur les mitochondries / Roles of methionine on hepatic metabolism of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) : focus on mitochondria

Séité, Sarah 14 May 2019 (has links)
L’impératif d’une aquaculture durable conduit à orienter l’alimentation des poissons vers la substitution de la farine de poisson par des produits végétaux renouvelables. Toutefois, ce remplacement est souvent limité par des niveaux trop faibles en méthionine dans les matières premières végétales. Ainsi la supplémentation en méthionine de ces nouveaux régimes à base de végétaux est essentielle, mais requière une bonne connaissance de son rôle pour adapter les apports aux conditions physiologiques des poissons tout en prenant en compte les contraintes économiques et environnementales de production. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse avait pour principal objectif de caractériser les effets induits par une carence en méthionine sur le métabolisme mitochondrial de la truite arc en ciel. Les résultats obtenus dans notre première étude montrent que l'alimentation de truites avec un régime déficient en méthionine entraîne une baisse des performances de croissance associée à une baisse de l’intégrité mitochondriale et une diminution du statut oxydatif dans le foie. Nous démontrons également que ces perturbations s’accompagnent de l’induction d’un processus de dégradation des mitochondries par autophagie (appelé mitophagie) ainsi que d’une augmentation du stress du Réticulum Endoplasmique (RE) et de l’apoptose. Ces données originales publiées dans le journal Scientific Reports mettent ainsi en évidence les liens étroits qui existent entre différentes fonctions cellulaires pour faire face à un déséquilibre nutritionnel en méthionine. Outre cet effet à court terme, nous démontrons également, dans un seconde étude, qu’une carence en méthionine alimentaire pendant une courte période (2 semaines) lors des premiers repas des alevins entraîne une induction à long terme de facteurs liés à la mitophagie. Ces résultats, soumis à publication dans Journal of Experimental Biology, démontrent ainsi pour la première fois la mise en place d’un processus de programmation de cette fonction cellulaire par une carence précoce en méthionine. L’enrichissement en H3K4me3 et H3K36me3 des foies des poissons issus d’alevins carencés en méthionine par rapport aux poissons témoins suggère une implication de mécanismes épigénétiques dans ces effets. Enfin, dans une troisième étude qui se détache de la thématique principale de la thèse et qui a fait l’objet d’une publication dans le journal Frontiers in Physiology, nous nous sommes attachés à préciser les interactions existante entre l’autophagie, l’homéostasie du RE et le métabolisme intermédiaire. Dans l’ensemble, ces données approfondissent notre compréhension du rôle de la méthionine alimentaire au niveau cellulaire et soulignent le potentiel de cet acide aminé en tant que levier pour appliquer de nouvelles stratégies alimentaires, comme la programmation nutritionnelle, afin d’optimiser la nutrition et la santé des poissons d'élevage. / The expansion of the aquaculture industry in combination with limited availability and high prices of fishmeal has prompted feed producers to include more plant proteins in the aquaculture feeds. However, replacement of fish meal with plant proteins is often limited by the level of methionine in the alternative plant protein sources. Understanding of the different roles of methionine in fish is therefore essential to develop new diets and/or feeding strategies that are in tune with optimal fish growth, environmental and economic constraints. In this context, the main objective of this thesis was to characterize the effects induced by methionine deficiency on the hepatic mitochondrial metabolism in rainbow trout. The results obtained in our first study show that feeding trout with a methionine deficient diet leads to a decrease in growth performance associated with a decrease in both mitochondrial integrity and oxidative stress in the liver. We also demonstrate that these defects are accompanied by the induction of an autophagy-dependent mitochondrial degradation process (called mitophagy) as well as an increase in Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)-stress and apoptosis. These original data published in Scientific Reports thus highlight the existence of close interactions between different cellular functions to cope to a dietary methionine deficiency. In addition to this short-term effect, we also demonstrate in a second study (submitted for publication in the Journal of Experimental Biology), that early nutritional stimulus during two weeks with a methionine deficient diet resulted in a long term programming of mitophagy. The enrichment of H3K4me3 and H3K36me3 in the liver of fish from methionine-deficient fry compared to their control counterparts suggests that epigenetic mechanisms are involved in these effects. Finally, in a third and last study, recently accepted for publication in Frontiers in Physiology, we sought to clarify, in primary culture of trout hepatocytes, the existing interactions between autophagy, ER homeostasis and intermediate metabolism under amino acid deprived conditions. Together, the results obtained in the present thesis extended our understanding of the role of dietary methionine at cellular level and emphasize the potential of this amino acid to apply new feeding strategies, such as nutritional programming, to optimize the nutrition and health of farmed fish.

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