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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diagnostika PN přechodu křemíkových vysokonapěťových usměrňovacích diod pomocí šumu mikroplazmatu / Microplasma Noise as a Diagnostic Tool for PN Junctions of High-Voltage Rectifier Diodes

Raška, Michal January 2009 (has links)
The doctoral thesis deals with diagnostics of local defects in PN junctions and brings new information about microplasma noise behaviour and its usage for the temperature changes detection inside PN junctions. Defects in PN junctions are the source of microplasma noise. There were deviations observed in microplasma noise from the common known rectangle shape pulses during the measurements. These deviations were correlated with the temperature change directly in the defect area and in the defect area surroundings. Generation and recombination coefficients are commonly thought to be constant. However, these coefficients were observed to be not stable with time and this effect is explained in this work. The doctoral thesis then focuses on the PN junction parameters determination in the case when it is not possible to define unambiguously whether it is abrupt or linearly graded PN junction. The most significant parameters which are to be determined are barrier capacity, diffusion voltage and depleted area width in dependence on the voltage. The correlation between local avalanche discharge in PN junction and negative differential resistance appearance on VA characteristics of reverse-biased diode was qualitatively verified. The last important point in the work is computer modelling of temperature behaviour in the defect area and its surroundings during local avalanche breakdown. Thus the method of real diodes heating area parameters determination was introduced.

Vývoj konstrukčních prvků u staveb v Českých Budějovicích / Evolution of structural components for building constructions in České Budějovice

Šetina, Ondřej January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on urban and constructional development of the city České Budějovice both from the historical point of view as well as from the perspective of the development of structural elements of buildings. The thesis dividend into two parts. The theoretical part describes the basic terminology, historical events establishing České Budějovice and formativ of individual city districts. It also contains relevant maps. The second one, application part deals with the development and changes of buildings during different time periods. Development of construction is divided into four time periods (until 1918, 1918-1948, 1948-1993 and from 1993 to the present). In each time period the historical development, constructional solutions and architectural design of buildings are descibed and specific examples of buildings and locations are given. This part of the thesis also deals with possible future development of residential areas considering the spatial plan and limits of development. The aim of the thesis is to compile an overview of historical development and constructional elements of buildings in the selected area from the beginning of the construction of the site to present and outline a possible future development of the city.

Management organizace v procesu změny / Management of organization in the process of change

Chodlová, Michaela January 2018 (has links)
The Diploma thesis a case study monitors the process of implementing supervision in a specific medical institution that cares for vulnerable children up to three years of age. The aim of the change is to create a space for self-reflection for the employees of the organization, to support the learning process and the change. In the context of the transformation of foster care, the aim of this thesis is to support resilience when coping with change and to facilitate an open dialogue between the management and employees. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on the definition and explanation of the related terms. I present the ethical aspects of the case study and the methodology in the empirical part of the thesis. It is followed by data analysis, a description of the change process, an assessment of the organization's input status prior to the implementation of the change, and an evaluation of the organization's statut nine months after the change was introduced.

Lidé se zdravotním postižením a internet / People with disabilities and the Internet

Nováková, Lenka January 2020 (has links)
199 7. ABSTRAKT The goal: The goal of this work was to clarify the ways the social work is presented and how the forum for physically afflicted persons is created on the web portal "Lidemezilidmi", run by a company "Dobre misto", z.s. Additional intent was to show the specifics of mental illnesses and problems, connected with these illnesses, with which the clients (patients) contact this web portal most frequently. Methodology: based on the questionnaire, distributed by the company "Dobre misto", z.s., with the support from the Norwegian Fonds in connection with a project "Information Activity", the intent is to reform the psychiatric care. Results: all together, 130 valid replies were returned. Conclusion: the lives of people with disabilities, caused by illness, injury, or a genetic disposition, have one thing in common - with the mental health come social complications, problems at work, troubles in relationships, etc. However, the stories of individuals with mental and social problems vary widely. Mental illness, unlike physical disability, is not apparent at first glance, although it often causes problems to the affected person. Psychiatric patients are still discriminated against in the health and social care system, and are viewed by the public with suspicion and concern. The mission of the...

Molekulárně genetické a biochemické studie vybraných dědičných metabolických onemocnění, vývoj a aplikace nových metod. / Molecular genetic and biochemical studies of selected inherited metabolic disorders, development and applications of new methods

Mušálková, Dita January 2016 (has links)
Inherited metabolic disorders (IMD) form a diverse group of several hundred different diseases with a relatively high cumulative incidence (stated up to 1:600). They are associated with accumulation of the substrates and lack of the products in specific metabolic pathways, which is caused by deficiency of the enzyme or its activator, or dysfunction of the transport protein. However, the underlying cause is at the DNA level. The grounds for different phenotype manifestation in patients with the same genotype are often not known. During my work at the Institute of Inherited Metabolic Disorders, I designed several new methods for the research of IMD and applied them in the patients and their families. I created procedures for the isolation of lysosomal membranes that are used for the research of lysosomal storage disorders and general properties of lysosomes. Next, I introduced several novel assays for determination of the X-inactivation ratio, which led to a significant increase of informative women. Nowadays, we use these methods in heterozygous women with X-linked diseases in order to study the influence of X-inactivation on the manifestation of the diseases. The cases of a girl with mucopolysaccharidosis type II, a girl with OTC deficiency and a family with the mutation in HPRT1 gene are described...

Zpracování statistik přístupů k webovým systémům / System for Processing of Statistic Information of Web Systems Acessing

Zajda, Vladan Unknown Date (has links)
This study deals with processing of web traffic statistics and traffic statistics of systems in general. Statistics allow finding out where the users came from, how much time they spent on the site, in which information were they interested in, and which technical devices were they using to browse the web site. Measured data are stored fore later evaluation by the owner or administrator of the monitored web site. Results are displayed in form of statistics. Gathered information could be used for quality or content improvement in order to the best satisfaction and benefit to the users. By secured areas of the application the attempts for not granted access could be tracked. Those gathered information statistic can be used to increase security of the application or eventually for identification of the attackers.

Metody numerické inverzní Laplaceovy transformace pro elektrotechniku a jejich použití / Methods of Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms for Electrical Engineering and Their Applications

Al-Zubaidi R-Smith, Nawfal January 2018 (has links)
Numerické metody inverzní Laplaceovy transformace (NILT) se staly důležitou částí numerické sady nástrojů praktikujících a výzkumných pracovníků v mnoha vědeckých a inženýrských oborech, zejména v aplikované elektrotechnice. Techniky NILT zejména pomáhají při získávání výsledků simulací v časové oblasti v různých aplikacích. Příkladem jsou řešení obyčejných diferenciálních rovnic, které se objevují např. při analýze obvodů se soustředěnými parametry, nebo řešení parciálních diferenciálních rovnic objevujících se v systémech s rozprostřenými parametry, např. při zkoumání problematiky integrity signálů. Obecně platí, že většina dostupných 1D NILT metod je velmi specifická, tj. funguje dobře na několika typech funkcí a tudíž na omezeném počtu aplikací; Cílem této práce je podrobně se věnovat těmto numerickým metodám, vývoji univerzálních metod NILT a jejich rozšíření na multidimenzionální NILT, které mohou pokrývat širokou oblast aplikací a mohly by poskytnout praktický mechanism pro efektivnější způsob analýzy a simulace v časové oblasti. Myšlenky výzkumu jsou prezentovány v rámci diskusí nad širokou škálou případových studií a aplikací; Například metody NILT se používají při řešení přenosových vedení, včetně vícevodičových, a dokonce i při řešení slabě nelinárních obvodů při použití NILT více proměnných. Pomocí metody NILT mohou být s výhodou uvažovány parametry prvků závislé na kmitočtu a prvky necelistvých řádů v jejich příslušných modelech mohou být zahrnuty velmi přesným a jednoduchým způsobem.

Proposal for an international Marketing Strategy for a Selected Company / Proposal for an international Marketing Strategy for a Selected Company

Veselý, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The master’s thesis analyses a selected company operating in the tourism industry. The company has customers from more than five countries and specialises in offering hotel services in the Giant Mountains, especially for Czech, Polish and German clients. The result of this thesis is an international marketing strategy that is in line with current trends in the hotel industry. The secondary objective is to segment current and potential customers by using Google Analytics when preparing international marketing strategy.

Ochrana investic v plynárenském sektoru: Perspektivy právních vztahů mezi Evropskou unií a Ruskou federací / Protection of Investments in Gas Sector: The Perspectives of Legal Relations between the European Union and the Russian Federation

Lyapina, Elmira January 2017 (has links)
The absence of a relevant legal basis between huge commercial partners such as the EU as a single entity and the Russian Federation promoted the emergence of a legal vacuum. The long term cooperation between Russia and the EU has only one bilateral agreement - the Agreement on Partnership and Cooperation signed in 1994, which is however obsolete, and does not meet the contemporary needs. The adequate legal basis for Russia-EU cooperation in the gas sector is still missing. The protection of investments in the gas sector is being realized by bilateral agreements between Russia and EU member states, soft law and general international agreements, without any specifications for those two partners. The only international instrument covering the energy relations of these two partners - Energy Charter Treaty cannot be considered as a reliable mechanism, as Russia withdrew from it more than 8 years ago. The reasons of the withdrawal and the Yukos case as an illustrative example are discussed in this paper. In order to avoid uncertainty in such strategic area as gas investment relations and unpredictable decisions between the states represented by the commercial entities, there is a need to design a substantive legal basis, and a need to consider on the adequate dispute resolution body. In this thesis, key...

ART & ARCHITECTURE - Kulturní stavba v Jižním Centru v Brně (Janáčkovo kulturní centrum - Filharmonie Brno) / ART & ARCHITECTURE - Community Entertainment Facility in South Centre, Brno (Janáček Centre of Culture - Brno Philharmonic Orchestra)

Vašková, Ivana January 2011 (has links)
new city part, park vegetation

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