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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vyhledávání podobných fotografií / Similar Photo Searching

Rosa, Štěpán January 2010 (has links)
This paper describes the way to realization such an application, where a user chooses a photo database to working with and enters a photo into the system. The system using a visual vocabulary finds the most similar photos from the database and offers tags of the searched photo with a suitable form based on the tag statistical analysis of this photo.

Lepší vymezení herního prostoru pro VR pomocí 3D sensorů / Better Chaperone Bounds Using 3D Sensors

Tinka, Jan January 2018 (has links)
Room-scale tracking encourages users to move more freely and even walk. Even though there has been much research on making the limited physical workspace feel larger in the VR,  these approaches have their limitations and require certain conditions to be met. This thesis proposes an alternative approach to the conventional play-area boundaries of high-end VR products such as the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift which are set by the user in a 2-D fashion as a means of enhance workspace utilization. A 3-D scanner is used to make a 3-D point-cloud model of the play area's surroundings. This model is then used to detect collisions and provide feedback to the user. Evaluation based on user tests showed that this approach can be useful, is well accepted by users and might be worth further research.

Nstroj pro podporu managementu rizik / Risk Management Support Tool

kutov, Sra January 2020 (has links)
This master thesis deals with risk management in projects. The goal was to study the knowledge areas of project management, especially planning, identification and qualitative analysis of risk management. Based on the information from the required area, a tool was designed to help visualize the risks on the project while supporting their identification and analysis. The designed tool was programmed with the combination of Java Spring Boot server and React client. At the end of this thesis you can find result of the testing and possible future expansion of the application.

Analýza modálního tlumení strojní součásti pomocí metody OMA / The modal damping ratio analysis of the mechanical part using the OMA method

Sodomka, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
In one of the first hours of study at the Institute of Mechanics of Bodies, Mechatronics and Biomechanics, the author of this work received three basic recommendations regarding measurement: 1) Do not measure! 2) If you measure, do not repeat the measurement!! 3) If you repeat the measurement, do not compare the measurements!!! However, this thesis boldly violates all three recommendations. In the introductory theoretical part, it briefly introduces the vibration of multi-degree of freedom damped systems and describes experimental ways of determining the modal damping. It also summarizes the Operational Modal Analysis (OMA) approach, explains the principle of the FDD method, and introduces EFDD (Enhanced Frequency Domain Decomposition) method which allows to determine not only natural frequencies and shapes as FDD does, but also modal damping of the shapes. A script in Matlab environment for processing vibrations using EFDD method is one of the thesis outputs. The script is first tested by computational model, where a model system with known damping is tested and damping is determined by the script. Subsequently, the work moves to the actual measurement of the real system - a bonded bar which is analysed by Experimental Modal Analysis and OMA, while the second variant uses commercial EFDD method (Brüel a Kjr company) and programmed script. In the conclusion of the thesis the damping results are compared to each other. The diploma thesis continues in Ing. M. Pop’s thesis – Modal Analysis Experimental Method Verification. From this work a part of measured data is taken. Specific cases of data use are always listed in the appropriate section of the text.

Tvorba rekreačních oblastí a vývoj cen nemovitých věcí určených k rekreaci v obci Mokrá - Horákov / Creation of Recreation Areas and Development of Prices of Immovable Property for Recreation in the Mokrá - Horákov Village

Kuděla, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with an overview of the creation of a recreational area in the village Mokrá-Horákov, from history to the present, including the price history. The first part of the diploma thesis is defined by the definition of a building for recreation and the described histori-cal development of the village Mokrá-Horákov. The following sections describe the selected cottages and their valuation according to previous valuation regulations, current valuation regu-lations in the Czech Republic and current valuation regulations in Austria. In the experimental part, an analysis of valued cottages and realized sales and rentals is performed. Last but not le-ast, it is mentioned the possible acquisition of a cottage in a given locality for purchase and lease and a proposal to change the zoning plan in the recreational area. At the end of the diploma the-sis is a discussion of the results and evaluation of the results.

Spektrofotometrické stanovení chromu(III) organickými činidly / Spectrophotometric determination of Chromium(III) with organic reagents

Nevrlá, Jana January 2011 (has links)
The theoretical part of this master’s thesis is mainly focused on the physical and chemical properties of chromium, its toxicity and possibility of entering of various forms of chromium into the environment. There are also described the most common analytical methods for determination of chromium in water, including ways of modification and preconcentration water samples. The aim of experimental part is the optimalization and assessing the conditions spectrophotometric determination of Cr(III) by selected organic reagents (chromazurol S, eriochromcyanine R, 4-(2-thiazolylazo)resorcinol) and their comparison with the determination of total chromium, as Cr(III), using atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermic atomization. The analytical procedure for spectrophotometric determination of chromium with chromazurol S, which was found to be most suitable and ET-AAS, were applied to real water samples.

Implementation and Test of a 2D-integral-equation MoM-algorithm for the Analysis of Power-Bus Structures on Printed Circuit Boards / Implementation and Test of a 2D-integral-equation MoM-algorithm for the Analysis of Power-Bus Structures on Printed Circuit Boards

Štumpf, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá analýzou power-bus struktur využitím metody založené na formulaci problému 2D hraniční integrální rovnicí ve frekvenční oblasti. Uvedená metoda byla implementována v Matlabu. Program umožňuje analyzovat obecné polygonální power-bus struktury s možností nastavení parametrů substrátu a libovolného počtu a umístění budících portů. Výstupem programu je frekvenční závislost rozložení elektrického pole mezi deskami struktury, vztahy mezi porty struktury vyjádřené např. impedanční maticí a vyzařovací diagram. Dále byla implementována možnost převodu výsledné impedanční matice do tzv. Touchstone formátu, pomocí něhož je možné modelovat analyzované struktury jako obecné N-porty (např. v ANSOFT Designeru), což umožňuje analýzu power-bus struktur s dalšími obvodovými prvky. Výsledky byly ověřeny pomocí existujících analytických vztahů pro jednoduché obdélníkové struktury, využitím komerčního simulačního programu a praktickým experimentem.

Hledání objektů v obraze / object matching

Mišta, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Detection of objects based on color is not commonly used method of computer vision. There are many methods thats deals with the detection of significant points, but the color information has been omitted. The goal of this thesis is to design method of the detection significant color image areas and these areas match up with areas detected in another image. I analyzed features of detectors required to identify the reciprocal correspondence of images, defined the color significance concept, described basic color models and their properties, and a design of statistically compiled data - based method was described. Algorithms for the detection of color use color models RGB and HSV. Correspondence of areas detected in different images is performedy Kohonen neural network. The first input vector can teach Kohonen neural network and the second vector is classified by this network. To remove erroneous classifications RANSAC method is used. As a result, the method can be used for basic and rapid determination of correspondence between images, or to speed up commonly used methods for detection of significant points. At the end of the thesis are presented programs, showing functionality and options of design methods. The designed algorithms have been developed in MATLAB.

Analýza trojrozměrných objektů metodou konečných prvků v časové oblasti / Analysis of three-dimensional objects by time-domain finite elements

Syrový, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is aimed on three-dimensional finite element time domain analysis. Vector finite elements are used for analysis of cavity resonator made from PEC and filled with vacuum. Results are compared with classical “nodal” finite elements and with published literature.

Modelování nelineárních jevů v ultrazvukových polích / Model nonlinear effect in ultrasound fields

Kulík, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The main topic of this diploma thesis is the modeling of nonlinear effects in ultrasonic fields. The work deals with application of finite difference method (FDTD) on the Westervelt equation and the subsequent creation of the model of ultrasonic fields in MATLAB. This thesis also includes theoretical analysis of ultra-acoustic and technical aspects of diagnostic ultrasonography. In addition, this document includes verification of theoretical assumptions by using created model.

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