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Betony s vyšší odolností vůči působení vysokých teplot / The concrete with a higher resistance to high temperaturesMikulinec, David January 2012 (has links)
The result of this master’s thesis is acquaintance with the issues of cement concrete resistance to high temperatures. This work describes the processes ongoing in the structure of concrete at extreme thermal loads and analysis of effects of high temperatures on the individual components of reinforced concrete structures is given, then influence of high temperatures and fire on the aggregates, matrix, reinforcement steel and the resulting changes in their properties. In the experimental part is given design of composition of concrete with a higher resistance to high temperatures and subsequent verification of the physico-mechanical properties of sample of concrete after exposure to temperatures at intervals of 200 ° C, 400 ° C, 600 ° C and 900 ° C. In individual recipes were observed changes of volume weight, changes of compressive strength and tensile strength flexural , tensile strength of surface layers and the occurrence of cracks and then were compared the results of thermally loaded and unloaded samples. The benefit in this issue is to evaluate the surface appearance of samples after heat load - study of area of crack and measurement of their width - was used according to the methodology's authors Xing, Hebert, Noumowe a Ledesert given in Cement and Concrete Research. This methodology allows to quantify changes of surface, after temperature load.
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Proměna brownfieldu DOV v Ostravě ve sportovní a relaxační aktivity / Reconstruction of the Mining Area Brownfield in Ostrava into the Sport and Leisure ActivitiesPlucnarová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis is solving new function of abandodoned brownfiled, which is connected to the national cultural herritage of Dolní oblast Vítkovic. New function is made of sport relax centre with wellness program, accomodation in hotel and refreshment in restaurant. This new function completes reuse of munument with view at blast furnace, exhibitions and museums. Sport relax centre is connected with monument by promenade leading to the bank of river Ostravice. Area includes sport grounds, relaxing places and water area.
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Priority sportovní politiky EU a financování sportu / Priorities of EU sport policy and funding for sportsLukavský, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Title: Priorities of EU sport policy and funding for sports Objectives: The main objective is to describe the existing methods and the resulting possibilities for the sport funding EU-level scheme. This will result in presenting a comprehensive and clear picture of all EU funding mechanisms that could be beneficial for sports. The thesis also aims to describe the issue in the context of the EU sport policy priorities development and give an overview of the Council and Commission sport-related policy activities. Methods: In this thesis, a method of analysis of legislative and non- legislative texts was used. Other documents examined were further relevant studies, publications and strategic texts. A method of synthesis was also used when the partial information gathered during the relevant meetings of Council formations, conferences and seminars was formed into a comprehensive text. Results: The result is a text that captures the development of EU sport policy priorities and offers specific recommendations for area of sports that derive from the acquired information and from analysis of EU funding schemes. Keywords: sports, funding, EU, Preparatory actions in the field of sport, sport policy, Lisbon Treaty, Erasmus+, Council, European Union, European Parliament
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Možnosti speciálně pedagogické diagnostiky u dětí s kombinovaným postižením / Possibilities of special educational diagnostis for children with multiple disabilitiesBudišová, Eva January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a view to the special pedagogical diagnostic issue accordance to the children with multiple disabilities. By these children whose disability is mostly the hardest character is making special pedagogical diagnostic as much as correct and accurate very difficult. This diagnostic is very important for developing an individual plan of a special pedagogical intervention. The work is focused on both the individual areas of special pedagogical diagnostic and the complex diagnostic tools. In these areas are mentioned the methods and the materials of a foreign literature which is possible to use with a group of children with multiple disabilities. In the second part of the thesis are developed the results of a survey which brings a practical look to this issue. All these collected knowledge and experience should have become the benefit which should have been a starting point for searching other partial methods. These methods are dealing, for now, with still newly making issue of special pedagogical diagnostics of children with multiple disabilities.
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Diskriminace na základě rasy v soudní praxi ČR / Racial Discrimination in the Judicial Practice of the Czech RepublicUlmannová, Iva January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with issues related to decision-making practice of Czech courts in cases where the plaintiff sought protection against racial discrimination in civil proceedings. Specifically, the thesis endeavours - through the analysis of selected decisions of higher courts and the practice of lower courts - to answer the question of whether the judicial practice together with the applicable laws provide sufficiently effective judicial protection of the right to equal treatment. The first part defines the concept of race as discriminatory ground, as this term is used in legislation in a very broad way and contrary to some scientific concepts of race. The second part contains a brief summary of the legal regulation of non-discrimination in international, European and Czech law. This section focuses on the legal framework applied by Czech courts in the decisions discussed and provides a basis for the following analytical part. The third part, which is the key part of the thesis, deals with decision-making practice of the courts with focus on the problematic aspects of protection against racial discrimination in legislation regulating the protection of personal rights. The shortcomings of judicial practice ascertained are then compared with the new rules contained in the Anti-Discrimination Act....
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Vzdělávací potřeby učitelů v průběhu jejich profesní dráhy / Teachers educational needs during their careerBezoušková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the educational needs of primary school teachers in concrete forms and areas of further education in specific stages of their careers. The first part is gradually devoted to theoretical knowledge about further education of teachers, its forms and areas and careers of teachers. The ending of this part is dedicated to further education of teachers abroad and the role school management has in the management of further education. The aim of the second part of the thesis, which is the research part, was to obtain the data neccesary to determinine the educational needs of primary school teachers throughout their careers. An questionnaire was used for this with an interview serving as a complimentary method. The conclusion summarizes the results of the research and it presents teachers' preferences in forms and areas of further education in certain stages of their careers.
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Souvislost mezi absolvování redukčního kurzu a vnímanou osobní účinností u osob s obezitou / Connection between completion of weight loss program and self efficacy in obese peopleVávrová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with connections between completion of reduced course and self-efficacy of obese people. The theoretical part deals with definition of obesity, its prevalence and aspects of its treatment. A chapter of the theoretical part focuses on self-efficacy and its connections to obesity and physical activity. The last part is about general self-efficacy. The empirical part describes physical activity of obese respondents, changes in their physical activity self-efficacy and their general self-efficacy after completion of reduced course. The questionnaires about the level of physical activity and physical activity self-efficacy were created by author of the thesis. General self-efficacy was measured by General self-efficacy scale. Data were obtained in the first and last lesson of reduced courses. A paired-samples t-test was conducted to compare changes in both areas of self-efficacy. It has been found that frequency of respondents physical activity was insufficient. The results suggest that connection between completion of reduced course and general self-efficacy exist. On the other hand there was not significant difference between individual's physical self-efficacy before reduced course and after its completion. Keywords: obesity, self-efficacy, physical activity self-efficacy, general...
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Problematika ROI v oblasti získávání a výběru zaměstnanců / The Measures of ROI in recruitmentČevorová, Nina January 2010 (has links)
The paper brings answers on the the question whether it is possible to measure the field of recruitment. Via quantifying the administrative process of recrutment, the paper reflects the savings of time and costs by using e-recruitment application (applicant tracking system ATS) and it searchs for the relationship between quality of hire and increase of company value and its profit.
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Акватични коридори биљних инвазија у Србији / Akvatični koridori biljnih invazija u Srbiji / Aquatic corridors of plant invasions in SerbiaAnđelković Ana 25 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Имајући у виду значај површинских вода у продору и ширењу страних инвазивних врста, циљеви овог рада били су да се представи актуелно стање присуства и дистрибуције акватичних инвазивних биљних врста у површинским копненим водама, анализира степен инвазије рипаријалних зона на подручју Србије, одреди везаност анализираних инвазивних<br />врста за поједине типове станишта у рипаријалу река и канала и анализира утицај различитих станишних и антропогених фактора на присуство и абунданцу 26 одабраних инвазивних таксона. Теренска истраживања вршена су у периоду од 2013. до 2016. године. За потребе овог рада анализирано је 250 локалитета, од чега 217 у рипаријалу 39 река и 33 у рипаријалу шест<br />деоница канала хидросистема Дунав-Тиса-Дунав. Уз податке о бројности и<br />покровности заступљених биљних врста, сакупљани су и подаци о типу станишта (у складу са EUNIS класификацијом), релевантним физичким и<br />хидроморфолошким карактеристикама истраживаних водотокова и доминантним антропогеним утицајима на истраживаном локалитету (у складу са стандардним протоколом RHS методе). Статистичка обрада података вршена је у софтверу CANOCO 5.0, применом анализе главних компоненти (РСА), канонијскe коресподентнe анализе (CCA) и анализе редундантности (RDA). На територији Србије забележено је присуство осам акватичних инвазивних биљних врстаПрема броју налаза истичу се врсте Vallisneria spiralis, Azolla filiculoides и Elodea nuttallii. Примарно су заступљене у текућим,<br />у односу на стајаће воде, при чему се мрежа канала ХС ДТД и речни токови који припадају сливу Дунава могу сматрати основним акватичним коридорима њиховог ширења. Од 26 таксона инвазивних биљака чије је присуство праћено и анализирано у рипаријалним подручјима, таксони са<br />највећим бројем налаза су <em> Xanthium strumarium</em> subsp. <em>italicum, Amorpha</em> <em>fruticosa, Erigeron canadensis, Robinia pseudoacacia и Echinochloa crus-galli.</em> Речни сливови Дунава, Јужне Мораве, Западне Мораве и Тимока истичу се по заступљености истраживаних таксона. На основу података о дистрибуцији, бројности и покровности анализираних таксона сливови Дунава, Колубаре и Западне Мораве издвојили су се као коридори ширења највећег броја<br />истраживаних таксона. Четири типа станишта издвојила су се према<br />заступљености инвазивних биљних врста. Таксони који су забележени у највећем броју типова станишта су: <em>Amorpha fruticosa, Erigeron canadensis, </em> <em>Robinia pseudoacacia, Echinochloa crus-galli </em> и <em>Xanthium strumarium subsp</em>. <em>italicum.</em> Као резултат нумеричких анализа издвојени су физички и<br />хидроморфолошки параметри истраживаних водотокова и доминантни антропогени утицаји који на истраживаном локалитетима утичу на присуство и абунданцу анализираних таксона. У условима глобалних климатских промена може се очекивати да ће се у наредном периоду под снажним притиском ширења и доминације инвазивних врста наћи сливови Саве, Велике Мораве и Јужне Мораве. У рипаријалним областима на југозападу наше земље (долине Лима, Ибра и њихових притока) као и рипаријалним зонама планинских и високопланинских области такође је очекивано да ће доћи до повећања броја присутних инвазивних врста и њиховог даљег ширења.</p> / <p>Imajući u vidu značaj površinskih voda u prodoru i širenju stranih invazivnih vrsta, ciljevi ovog rada bili su da se predstavi aktuelno stanje prisustva i distribucije akvatičnih invazivnih biljnih vrsta u površinskim kopnenim vodama, analizira stepen invazije riparijalnih zona na području Srbije, odredi vezanost analiziranih invazivnih<br />vrsta za pojedine tipove staništa u riparijalu reka i kanala i analizira uticaj različitih stanišnih i antropogenih faktora na prisustvo i abundancu 26 odabranih invazivnih taksona. Terenska istraživanja vršena su u periodu od 2013. do 2016. godine. Za potrebe ovog rada analizirano je 250 lokaliteta, od čega 217 u riparijalu 39 reka i 33 u riparijalu šest<br />deonica kanala hidrosistema Dunav-Tisa-Dunav. Uz podatke o brojnosti i<br />pokrovnosti zastupljenih biljnih vrsta, sakupljani su i podaci o tipu staništa (u skladu sa EUNIS klasifikacijom), relevantnim fizičkim i<br />hidromorfološkim karakteristikama istraživanih vodotokova i dominantnim antropogenim uticajima na istraživanom lokalitetu (u skladu sa standardnim protokolom RHS metode). Statistička obrada podataka vršena je u softveru CANOCO 5.0, primenom analize glavnih komponenti (RSA), kanonijske korespodentne analize (CCA) i analize redundantnosti (RDA). Na teritoriji Srbije zabeleženo je prisustvo osam akvatičnih invazivnih biljnih vrstaPrema broju nalaza ističu se vrste Vallisneria spiralis, Azolla filiculoides i Elodea nuttallii. Primarno su zastupljene u tekućim,<br />u odnosu na stajaće vode, pri čemu se mreža kanala HS DTD i rečni tokovi koji pripadaju slivu Dunava mogu smatrati osnovnim akvatičnim koridorima njihovog širenja. Od 26 taksona invazivnih biljaka čije je prisustvo praćeno i analizirano u riparijalnim područjima, taksoni sa<br />najvećim brojem nalaza su <em> Xanthium strumarium</em> subsp. <em>italicum, Amorpha</em> <em>fruticosa, Erigeron canadensis, Robinia pseudoacacia i Echinochloa crus-galli.</em> Rečni slivovi Dunava, Južne Morave, Zapadne Morave i Timoka ističu se po zastupljenosti istraživanih taksona. Na osnovu podataka o distribuciji, brojnosti i pokrovnosti analiziranih taksona slivovi Dunava, Kolubare i Zapadne Morave izdvojili su se kao koridori širenja najvećeg broja<br />istraživanih taksona. Četiri tipa staništa izdvojila su se prema<br />zastupljenosti invazivnih biljnih vrsta. Taksoni koji su zabeleženi u najvećem broju tipova staništa su: <em>Amorpha fruticosa, Erigeron canadensis, </em> <em>Robinia pseudoacacia, Echinochloa crus-galli </em> i <em>Xanthium strumarium subsp</em>. <em>italicum.</em> Kao rezultat numeričkih analiza izdvojeni su fizički i<br />hidromorfološki parametri istraživanih vodotokova i dominantni antropogeni uticaji koji na istraživanom lokalitetima utiču na prisustvo i abundancu analiziranih taksona. U uslovima globalnih klimatskih promena može se očekivati da će se u narednom periodu pod snažnim pritiskom širenja i dominacije invazivnih vrsta naći slivovi Save, Velike Morave i Južne Morave. U riparijalnim oblastima na jugozapadu naše zemlje (doline Lima, Ibra i njihovih pritoka) kao i riparijalnim zonama planinskih i visokoplaninskih oblasti takođe je očekivano da će doći do povećanja broja prisutnih invazivnih vrsta i njihovog daljeg širenja.</p> / <p>Bearing in mind the significance of inland surface waters for the introduction and spread of invasive alien species (IAS), the aims of this research were to present the contemporary records of aquatic invasive plant species in surface waters, analyse the level of invasion of riparian areas in Serbia, determine the habitat preferences of the analysed IAS and determine the effects of different habitat characteristics and anthropogenic influences on the presence and bundance of the 26 analysed invasive plants. Field research was conducted during the 2013-2016 period. A total of 250 field sites were analysed as part of this research, 217 in the riparian zones of 39 rivers and 33 in the riparian zones of six canal sections of the hydrosystem Danube-Tisa-Danube (HS DTD). In addition to data on the cover and abundance of the analysed plant species, data on habitat type (following the EUNIS classification), relevant physical and hydromorhological parameters of the studied watercourses and dominant anthropogenic influences an analysed field sites were recorded (following the standard RHS protocol). Statistical data analysis was done in CANOCO 5.0 software, using the principal component analysis (PCA), canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and redundancy analysis (RDA). Eight aquatic invasive plant species were recorded for the territory of Serbia. Species with the highest number of records were: Vallisneria spiralis, Azolla filiculoides and Elodea nuttallii. They are primarily present in running, in comparison with standing waters, and the canal network of the HS DTD and rivers of the Danube catchment area are considered to be their main aquatic corridor of spread. Of the 26 invasive plant taxa whose presence was recorded and analysed in the riparian areas of Serbia,Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum, Amorpha fruticosa, Erigeron canadensis, Robinia pseudoacacia and Echinochloa crus- galli were taxa with the highest number of records.Catchment areas of the Danube, Južna Morava, Zapadna Morava and Timok rivers were characterised by the highest levels of invasion. Based on their distribution data, cover and abundance of the analysed taxa, catchment areas of the Danube, Kolubara and Zapadna Morava rivers are highlighted as the main corridors of spread for the majority of the studied IAS. Four habitat types stand out by the number of analysed IAS. Taxa which were recorded in the highest number of habitat types are: Amorpha fruticosa, Erigeron canadensis, Robinia pseudoacacia, Echinochloa crus-galli and Xanthium strumarium subsp. italicum. A number of physical and hydromorphological parameters and dominant anthropogenic influences of the studied field sites were shown to affect the presence and abundance of the studied invasive plants. The catchment areas of the Sava, Velika Morava and Južna Morava rivers are excpected to be under a strong pressure of the spread and dominance of IAS unnder the conditions of global climate changes. Riparian areas in the southwestern parts of Serbia (valleys of Lim and Ibar rivers and their tributaries) and riparian zones in the mountain and high- mountain areas are also expected to experience an increase in the number of invasive species and their spread rates.</p>
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Zkušenosti se zaváděním školních vzdělávacích programů / Experience with the application of school educational programmesZIMOVÁ, Šárka January 2010 (has links)
Nowadays, the extensive transformation of the whole school system is taking place in our society. School curriculum is introduced into all primary schools since September 2007. This diploma thesis is focused on accumulated experience of primary schools with the creation of school curriculum and the first practical experience with its implementation The first part of this thesis is devoted to the history of Czech education reforms, defines the basic terminology, discusses the different parts of general educational program and describes the creation of school curriculum. Another part is devoted to the research where we compare the experience of some primary schools with the creation and the implementation of school curriculum. In this case, it is used the method of questionnares and observation. The research is mainly focused on the problems of its own making and implementation.
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