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Ocenění podniku společnosti Shean s.r.o. / Valuation of company Shean, Ltd.Širůčková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
The dimploma thesis deals with the determination of the market value of equity Shean, Ltd., which is focused on creation of e-shop and websites projects. The thesis consists of 5 parts: Strategic Analysis, Financial Analysis, Valuation of Software OmnixCMS, Analysis of value generators and Valuation. The paper used valuation methods EVA Entity and market comparison method. The work also includes valuation of an intangible asset for valuation purposes by EVA Entity.
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Česká republika a přijetí eura - ekonomické dopady a konvergence / The Czech Republic and Euro Adoption - Economic Consequences and ConvergenceHorák, Michal January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the readiness of the Czech Republic to adopt Euro from nominal as well as from real criterions point of view. Theory of optimum currency area is introduced in the first part of the thesis. In the second part the particular criterions are analyzed on example of the Czech Republic. In last part the most important consequences related to Euro adoption are examined.
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Plazmonické biosenzory založené na zvýšené optické transmisi / Plasmonic biosensors based on extraordinary optical transmissionDršata, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá rigorózními simulacemi plazmonických biosenzorů založených na jevu zvýšené optické transmise. První část je věnována popisu fyzikálních jevů a poznatků, které tvoří základ pro studium vlastností plazmonických senzorů, a popisu výpočetní metody konečných prvků v časové oblasti, která je využita v této práci. Vlastní výsledky jsou uvedeny v další části, která se zabývá výzkumem citlivosti, rozlišení a dalších charakteristik zvoleného typu plazmonického sensoru, tvořeného sítí kruhových nanoděr v tenké zlaté vrstvě na substrátě nitridu křemíku, v závislosti na řadě jeho geometrických parametrů. Tyto závislosti jsou sledovány ve třech různých případech, a to senzoru umístěného ve vakuu, ponořeného ve vodě a v případě kdy je na zlatém povrchu umístěna tenká dielektrická vrstva, která reprezentuje přítomnost biomolekul uchycených na povrchu senzoru.
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Simulace rozptylu světla na buňkách / Simulations of light scattering from living cellsVengh, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Diplomová práca sa zaoberá rozptylom elektromagnetického žiarenia na biologickej bunke použitím metódy konečných diferencií v časovej oblasti (FDTD), Bornovej aproximácie a Rytovovej aproximácie. Metóda FDTD dáva presné výsledky v širokej škále problémov. Je spravené porovnanie Bornovej aproximácie a Rytovovej aproximácie prostredníctvom FDTD metódy. Ďaľšia časť práce zahrnuje krátky popis koherenciou riadeného holografického mikroskopu CCHM. Záverečná časť sa venuje zobrazeniu rozptýleného poľa získaného z jednotlivých simulácií pomocou simulácie objektového ramena mikroskopu CCHM.
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Posouzení rizik bezpečnosti práce v energetickém průmyslu / Assessing the Occupational Safety and Health Risk in the Power IndustryArbeit, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
The master thesis deals with security in the energy sector. As it is historically clear that the vast majority of accidents, incidents, injuries and other negative occasions were caused by the human factor. Therefore, the first goal of this work was to find a solution for the purpose of reducing the possibility of arising these problems. Therefore, attention was focused on the investigation and subsequent determination of a working safe climate within the researched company, which aims to prevent the emergence of serious situations, as this method is based on behavioural theories that take into account the study of human factors. The second partial goal of this diploma thesis was to determine the degree of security required for the production area of the company so that the basic safety requirements are met, and last but not least, the model situation of securing the production power unit is shown too.
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Hodnocení výkonnosti podniku podle modelu Start Plus a návrhy na zlepšení / Company Performance Assessment according to Model Start Plus and Proposals for the ImprovementMartincová, Marie January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the evaluation of the performance of a selected company using one of the evaluation models, namely the Start Plus model. Based on this model, an analysis of the company was performed, the output of which was the identification of the company's strengths and areas for improvement. In selected areas changes have been propesed aiming to reduce costs and streamline processes of the company.
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Legislativní zabezpečení metrologie strojírenského provozu / Legislative safeguard metrology engineering runningHorká, Zdeňka January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with legislative security scheme of metrology in engineering operation. The introduction includes description of state administration in the area of metrology and the summary of laws and regulations as well as the rights and obligations which result from the documents mentioned above. Practical part is focused on proposal of company regulations for engineering operation.
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Detekce oblasti otisku prstu v obraze / Detection of Fingerprint Area in ImageDoležel, Michal January 2010 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with proposal and implementation of system for detection of fingerprint area in image. The first task was to elaborate the theory which is necessary for understanding the image fingerprint area detection problems. It is also necessary to propose a specific system for image fingerprint area detection where it is possible to enhance or improve present methods or design a new one. The proposed system making use of selected method will be able to avoid all problems arising during fingerprint area detection. Description of proposed system implementation and testing on the fingerprint database is described in following part. In last part all the achieved results are discussed.
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Analýza a ověření metody měření indexu lomu vzduchu pro laserovou interferometrii / Analysis and verification of air refractive index measurement method for laser interferometryPikálek, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with a theoretical analysis and experimental verification of a new method for the refractive index of air measurement. This method uses a combination of laser and low-coherence interferometry. The experimental setup is based on the Michelson interferometer equipped with a double-spaced glass cell. The optical path difference between the inner and outer part of the cell that is proportional to air refractivity is estimated using two low-coherence interference signals. These signals are analysed in the frequency domain which results in the dependence of the phase change caused the by air on vacuum wavelength. This dependency is fitted by a theoretical function based on Edlén's equations in order to calculate the phase difference for laser wavelength. This value is then made more accurate utilising two laser interference signals and used for the air refractive index calculation. The new method was experimentally verified and compared to two different techniques. Moreover, the measurement uncertainty was evaluated.
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Reprezentace mezní vrstvy atmosféry modelem WRF ve vysokém rozlišení / Atmospheric boundary layer representation in the high-resolution WRF modelPeštová, Zuzana January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the comparison of the results of simulations of the numerical model WRF in the prediction mode for 9 schemes of boundary layer parameterization and in the climatic mode for 4 selected schemes. The first part of the work is devoted to the WRF model and especially its options for model physics with a focus on boundary layer schemes. The second part describes the experimental setup of the performed simulations. The third part then compares the obtained results for the prediction and climate mode with the measured data.
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