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Soukromoprávní vymáhání soutěžního práva na úrovni EU a v České republice / Private enforcement of competition law in the EU and in the Czech RepublicKubická, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of the thesis is to answer the question whether the new legal rules set forth by the Directive 2014/104/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 November 2014 on certain rules governing actions for damages under national law for infringements of the competition law provisions of the Member States and of the European Union and its transposition into Act. No. 262/2017 Coll., on Damages in the Field of Competition, as amended, is able to provide for more effective private enforcement of competition law by all injured parties compared to present. The thesis is composed of eight chapters, except from the introduction and the conclusion, each of them analyzes the current regulation of private enforcement of competition law, evaluates it and proposes the possible solutions for securing the rights of injured parties. The second chapter describes the main differences and relationship between public and private enforcement of competition law. Since the competition law cases often includes the international element, the third chapter deals with the questions of international jurisdiction and applicable law and its importance for facilitating claims for damages by injured parties. The fourth chapter examines the scope of application of the above mentioned regulations. The fifth...
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Strategický plán rozvoje města / Strategic development plan of the townŠVECOVÁ, Zdeňka January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to elaborata a strategic plan of development for the town of Lomnice nad Lužnicí. The work begins with a literature review, which contains a list of findings related to strategic planning including strategy, a set of regional development strategy documents, funding sources and more. To obtain the information needed to draw up a strategic plan a method of documentary inquiry, survey and structured interview were used. In the analytical part of the documentary survey, it was found that in the area of regional development, the higher territorial units have detailed current strategic development documents. The primary points of development listed in these documents are consistent with each other. The practical part of this work is made up by a detailed outline of a strategic plan for the development of the Lomnice nad Lužnicí. This outline includes characteristics of Lomnice nad Lužnicí, SWOT analysis, proposed priority areas of development and also includes measures for individual priority areas and development activities.
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Možnosti integrace učiva Výchovy ke zdraví a VV na 2. stupni ZŠ / Options integration of health education curriculum and VV at the 2nd primary schoolHajná, Magdalena January 2018 (has links)
in English DP: Possibilities of integration of the subjects of Health Education and Art Education at the Secondary School Autor: Bc. Magdalena Hajná This diploma thesis presents results of examining the possibility of integration of subjects of "Art education" and "Health Education" at the lower secondary level of education. The result is a project of linking the selected subjects into the education curriculum for the sixth year of elementary school. In a theoretical part, I focused on the brief history and the present of education fields of Health Education and Art Education. I outlined its basic characteristics; I summarized important starting points for their integration and I outlined the common goals and contents. I have used weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats (SWOT) analysis made in a specific studied school in Prague to specify and refine focus and form of this thesis. Another source of data was a School Counseling Program called "Spolu to zvládnem" (in English: Together we succeed) which was previously run on the studied school. Goal of the program mentioned was to rebuild class team spirit after a part of children leaving class in favor of eight-year grammar schools. As a practical part of this diploma thesis project, I have collected data of knowledge and experience of the...
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Čerpání prostředků ze strukturálních fondů neziskovými organizacemiMaroušková, Monika Bc. January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá systémem Strukturální politiky Evropské unie v období 2000-2006, porovnává předpoklady ziskových a neziskových organizací pro čerpání prostředků ze strukturálních fondů Evropské unie a analyzuje dosavadní zkušenosti neziskových organizací v této oblasti. Součástí práce jsou návrhy a doporučení k nápravě zjištěných problémů a nedostatků.
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Analýza služeb neziskových organizací v příhraničních oblastech Jihočeského kraje / Analysis of Non-Profit Organizations in the Border Areas of the South Bohemian RegionBrožík, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis assess the analysis of range of services provided by the non-profit organizations in the areas along the borders of South Bohemian region. This assessment is to be based on gaining information on current condition of non-profit sector in the given region as well as the possibility of cross-border cooperation with foreign subjects of similar kind. The practical part of this diploma thesis is dealing with research of the range of activities being engaged by the non-profit organizations in the area. Non-profit organizations which had been asked have shown the interest in cooperation with both domestic and foreign non-profit organizations. Based on the output of the research a report concerning the condition of the non-profit sector has been made, as well as recommendation on further activities of the non-profit organizations.
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Stabilita eurozóny v kontextu dopadů ekonomické krize / Stability of the euro area in the context of the impact of economic crisisMalinová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the stability of the euro area in the context of the impact of the economic crisis. The work is divided into three chapters. The theory of optimum currency area was identified as a fundamental theoretical basis for subsequent analysis, and then Ireland and Portugal were chosen as the two countries representing vulnerable economies, which have been subjected to more detailed examination and comparison. These two parts were for the coherence of the whole work set in the historical context of European monetary integration. The first part deals with a theory of optimal currency area. The first chapter is further analysis of potential benefits and costs of the monetary area. The second chapter focuses on the historical context of monetary integration in Europe and recent developments in euro area countries. The theme of the third chapter is to compare the impact of the crisis on the Irish and the Portuguese economy. This chapter focuses on the main causes of the crisis in Ireland and then in Portugal, the impact of the crisis on them and stability restoring program adopted in the context of drawing loans from the European Commission, ECB and IMF. In the last part of the third chapter the causes and effects of the crisis in Ireland and Portugal were mutually compared. The conclusion of this chapter is devoted to the prospects of these countries into the future.
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Poptávka na trhu wellness služeb v ČR a v zahraničí / Demand in the wellness market for services in the Czech Republic and abroadNeuwirth, Richard January 2007 (has links)
PhD dissertation: "Demand in the wellness market for services in the Czech Republic and abroad" deals with an emerging sphere in the market for services. The service sector contributes not only to the GDP but participates in improving living standards in developed countries. Wellness market for services could influence the way how to spend free time, increase the whole quality individual lives and contribute to reduce spending on health care in the future. In the introductory part there is analyzed the current situation on the wellness market in the Czech Republic. The view of some Czech businessmen on the wellness market for services is often considered (for the purpose) as a way of earnings regardless the broader content of the sphere connected with the healthy lifestyle. The term "wellness" often includes activities which do not concern this sphere, only use this term for marketing purpose. The dissertation is based on the own definition as a term. This term is defined as a permanent feeling of higher quality of life achieved through performing physical and mental activities and internal acceptance of the healthy lifestyle. The goal of this dissertation is a demand survey for these services, it specifically concerns the research of public awareness in this sphere, finding the attitude to activities, which are connected with wellness and acquiring next information which is principal for development in successful business activities, particularly for the strategic decision in pricing policy, the equipment in wellness premises and the quality provided services. In the dissertation were assumed three basic hypotheses: 1. On the basis of research there will be possible to put a qualified customer group and to determine chosen activities. They are suitable as a content of offered programmes for clients who are informed of this sphere or seek to achieve outlined goals. 2. Customers with interest and knowledge of the sphere will be interested in the healthy nutrition, the consumption of dietary supplements and in next activities concerning wellness. 3. Next assumption is a fact that the level of knowledge and understanding the whole conception will be at a lower level in the public. The theoretical part of the dissertation is based on the classical microeconomic theory. The attention is mainly paid to the theory of consumer optimum. Subsequently the dissertation focuses on the issue of marketing research, particularly on the analysis of appropriate quantitative methods which could and should be used in the application part. Great emphasis is placed on the communication policy which is a very important tool for the marketing mix. The application part of the dissertation focuses on its own demand research within that over nineteen thousand data from more than three hundred respondents were obtained. The results were presented after analyzing the obtained data. They showed that all age groups of respondents included in the population survey have within their categories very different features. Thanks to that fact popular sports have been identified, it was possible to determine a client's price concept about services suitable for this sphere and to describe an opinion on the quality and the equipment of wellness premises. Next, for purposes of comparison, two researches from abroad were used and these have become a valuable source of information and serve as a basis for comparative research i.e. comparison of foreign experience with the situation on the Czech market. Both differences and facts generally applicable in the Czech Republic and abroad were found. The result of the investigation was not only the recommendation for following research directions, particularly the need to do research in specialized wellness premises among informed customers with regard to data which were not possible to find out during the overall market research. Another task resulted from the finding that the respondents have very little awareness of the sphere and it will be necessary to establish the wellness programme conception and to introduce this concept to the public particularly by focusing on high schools oriented on physical education and sport and other public institutions. There is a fact that the Czech institutions in the health sector do not consider the prevention in the field of diseases of civilization important enough. It will be necessary to carry out next education of the public in order to achieve savings in the treatment of diseases of civilization in the Czech health care in the future. At the end of the dissertation it is stated that the goals and tasks were fulfilled despite difficulties in obtaining foreign materials and information suitable for comparison with the market in the Czech Republic. In the introduction the presented hypotheses were mostly confirmed, excluding the customer's price concept. It could not be determine intended consumer optimum because of significant heterogeneity of statistical results. In any case the dissertation showed the low level of public awareness of the concept wellness (as expected), the necessity of more distinctive defining of mental activities suitable for this field and the need to unite different opinions on the whole sphere of these services.
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Metodické pomůcky pro učitele v oblasti mediálního vzdělávání / Methodical tools for teachers in area of media educationKručayová, Alena January 2012 (has links)
The focus of this diploma thesis is the question of media education in Czech Republic. The work tries to set a theoretical frame for media education and media literacy. It describes different approaches to the realization to the media education and states the history and development in Czech Republic as well as worldwide. Possibilities of tutor education in this field are also mentioned. Furthermore, the work analyses the state of the art in this field in Slovakia in comparison with Czech Republic. The main objective of this work is to assess the themes used in several chosen printed methodical materials in the field of media education and reasons for favoring specific thematic ranges. Presence of different media in these thematic ranges is evaluated from the viewpoint of their usefulness in teaching and practice of the methodical-didactic approach. Based on the discovered facts the work summarizes the overall situation of media education in Czech Republic.
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Problematika socio-ekonomického rozvoje příhraničních oblastí Jihočeského kraje / The issue of socio-economic development of border areas of South Bohemia regionKOMENDOVÁ, Linda January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with cross-border cooperation and the influence of socio-economic development of this cooperation. The aim of the thesis is to assess the socio-economic development situation, determining the causes of decline and its persistence in the border regions. The work is divided into two main parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with regional policy, cross-border cooperation and cross-border cooperation tools. The practical part deals with socio-economic and SWOT analysis of the South Region.
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Modelování globálních barotropních oceánských slapů v časové oblasti / Time-domain modelling of global barotropic ocean tidesEinšpigel, David January 2017 (has links)
Traditionally, ocean tides have been modelled in frequency domain with forcing of selected tidal constituents. It is a natural approach, however, non-linearities of ocean dynamics are implicitly neglected. An alternative approach is time-domain modelling with forcing given by the full lunisolar potential, i.e., all tidal constituents are included. This approach has been applied in several ocean tide models, however, a few challenging tasks still remain to solve, for example, the assimilation of satellite altimetry data. In this thesis, we present DEBOT, a global and time-domain barotropic ocean tide model with the full lunisolar forcing. DEBOT has been developed "from scratch". The model is based on the shallow water equations which are newly derived in geographical (spherical) coordinates. The derivation includes the boundary conditions and the Reynolds tensor in a physically consistent form. The numerical model employs finite differences in space and a generalized forward-backward scheme in time. The validity of the code is demonstrated by the tests based on integral invariants. DEBOT has two modes for ocean tide modelling: DEBOT-h, a purely hydrodynamical mode, and DEBOT-a, an assimilative mode. We introduce the assimilative scheme applicable in a time-domain model, which is an alternative to existing...
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