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Identification of factors of business cycle synchronization within the EUIrmann, David January 2015 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to assess business cycle correlation and convergence in the European Union. The thesis also examines the effect of structural conver-gence, intra-industry trade intensity and other factors upon the above mentioned convergence of economic activities. For this purpose, the correlation analysis and panel data regression analysis are implemented. The results show positive influence of intra-industry trade intensity, whereas structural convergence indices report ra-ther unstable and heterogeneous outcomes.
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Systém rozvoje a vzdělávání zaměstnanců ve vybrané organizaci / System development and training of employees in the selected organizationDVOŘÁK, František January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis entitled "System of development and training of employees in the selected company" is an analysis of education and development of employees in the company XY. In the work is used fictive company name XY to preserve the anonymity of the organization. The work is divided into two parts. The first part ( one third of total volume ) is focused on theory. The remaining part is practical work, which is targeted on the specific analysis of the company XY. The theoretical part aims at clarifying the possible approaches to company training and development of its employees, further at objectives and functions of education, region and method development and education, and finally at systematic training cycle. The practical part is focused not only on an analysis of the process of education and development of employees in the company XY, but also to get feedback from the employees themselves. To obtain the necessary information were used in addition to internal company documents also two surveys: Quantitative research (survey) and qualitative research (expert interviews). It can be said that based on the results of both studies there was a consensus of obtained information (results). Based on this information and findings were made proposals to improve the education and development of the analyzed company.
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MOŽNOSTI ÚZEMNÍHO A REGIONÁLNÍHO ROZVOJE NA ÚZEMÍ OBCE STARÉ MĚSTO POD LANDŠTEJNEM / Possibilities of teritorial and regional development on area of Staré Město pod Landštejnem villageKŘEŠNIČKOVÁ, Dana January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis was created a medium-term draft of actions for the local development needs of village Staré Město pod Landštejnem based on economic, social and organizational possibilities that the village has. This draft was based on the analysis of themes from a questionnaire survey among residents of the village, interviews with local actors, existing development documents related to the community and the author's own ideas. A part of this thesis is the geographical characteristics of the village area and the analysis of literature dealing with the countryside, especially its local and regional development, spatial planning and territorial development of rural settlements and the surrounding landscape, including the analysis of materials prepared for the municipality. Another important output of the thesis is to summarize and supply the existing principles for spatial and landscape planning in the village.
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Podpora zdraví v lékárně / Health Promotion in community pharmacyFořtová, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Social and Clinical pharmacy Student: Veronika Fořtová Supervisor: Jitka Pokladníková Title of diploma thesis: Health promotion in community pharmacy The main aim of this diploma thesis is the evaluation of the questionnaire survey among the pharmacists in a relation to the alternative approaches to the health care, and the evaluation of the obstacles that are hindering greater development of these approaches. The theoretical part describes issues connected with health and health promotion. The next part is focused on alternative approaches to health, describing human as a whole being and relationship being, complementary and alternative medicine, and on describing traditional Chinese medicine. The research part is describing initial conditions for the implementation of the questionnaire survey and describes information resulting from this survey divided into several different aspects (city size, age category of respondents, length of their experience etc.). In the discussion part, the theoretical part is summarized that the bio-psycho-social approach is developed by the psychosomatic medicine. This integral view coincides with the initial definition of health, respectively with the intent described in WHO...
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Výuka regionální geografie světového oceánu a polárních oblastí na 2. stupni ZŠ / Teaching regional geography of the world ocean and polar regions at the second grade of elementary schoolBAČÁKOVÁ, Daniela January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with teaching regional geography of the world ocean and polar regions. It focuses on creating my own conception of teaching geography at the second grade of elementary school. The thesis includes the didactic analysis of textbooks and workbooks of geography for second grade of elementary school, which contain the subject matter. For inspiration and to create notions about the current teaching of the topic, a questionnaire survey was made on a few selected elementary schools. The main goal of the thesis was to create my own teaching materials in the form of a textbook, a workbook and a methodical manual for teachers with regard to new tendencies in education.
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Podnikatelský koncept ubytovacího zařízení jako součást využití železniční tratě Dívčice-Netolice pro cestovní ruch / The business concept of accommodation as part of the railway line Dívčice-Netolice for tourismVESELÁ, Monika January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with the suggestion of the business concept of accommodation in Netolice. Secondary data and the data obtained questionnaire survey, controlled conversations, self-examination analysed the area, market, market opportunities, accommodation and catering facilities and visitors to the area and became the essential starting point for the processing of a business concept of accommodation category pension, whose main idea is to 100years the tradition of local railway lines.
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Mísní akční skupiny v Jižních Čechách - jejich vliv na rozvoj regionu / Local Action Groups in southern Bohemia and their influence on the regional developmentSLÍPKOVÁ, Pavla January 2014 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is "Local Action Groups in southern Bohemia and their influence on the regional development". The main aim of the thesis is to evaluate the influence of a chosen Local Action Group (LAG) in the given region of southern Bohemia and to appraise its input from LAG's insiders' points of view. The theoretical part explains basic terms related to Common Agricultural Policy, Rural Development Programme, LEADER method and functioning of a Local Action Group. The applied part is divided into two sections. The first one introduces LAGs in southern Bohemia and their evaluations, including financial contribution to the region. Moreover, detailed characterisation of LAG Třeboňsko was brought forth. The second section focuses on survey among insiders of LAG Třeboňsko and their opinion on its activities in the region. Controlled interviews with the representatives of the LAG were used as a main tool to find out attitude of the LAG's management as well as its members. The interviews were conducted with two groups first within the public sector represented by leaders of individual microregions and second within the private sector represented by the associated entrepreneurs. The function of the LAG was evaluated based on the survey results. Thanks to the interviews with LAG's insiders, it is possible to conclude that LAG Třeboňsko works on a good level and its members percept its influence in the region's development positively and as well-founded.
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Eticky problematické oblasti inspekcí kvality sociálních služeb / The ethical dimension of quality inspection in social servicesBICKOVÁ, Lucie January 2018 (has links)
The final thesis is focused on problematic question of social services quality inspection. First part of the thesis aids on conception of quality in context of social services. This part also describes development of social services and their practical use in law system of Czech Republic. We can also find description of inspection methods and their system. Third charter is mainly focused on dimension of inspector's ethic codex. It is aiming on systems of values, professional ethics, ethic codex and education of inspectors. Last and main chapter is trying to explain problematic areas in actual and real conditions of inspection process. Chapter contains suggestions with several solutions. Thesis uses and combines all collected data from verified sources, specialists external inspectors.
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Hodnocení vegetačních pozůstatků někdejšího osídlení ve vybrané příhraniční oblasti / Evaluation of vegetation remnants of former settlements in selected border areasKALNÁ, Eva January 2010 (has links)
Eva Kalná, 2010:Evaluation of vegetation remnants of former settlements in selected border areas. It was chosen region Zhůří for this work, which is one of the displaced villages at Šumava Mountains, which was part of the Dobrá Voda military training area. First, the work is devoted to the history of the village and then to changes in vegetation both directly and indirectly influenced by humans. The part of theme of this paper is primarily exploring areas of interest in terms of plant species, providing evidence of former settlements and making photographs and map outputs for each species found. The next theme is the evaluate of using the area from 1949 to the present, which over decades has fundamentally changed. Work also focuses on comparisons between the state of use from the 1949 today state habitat.
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Evropská měnová unie, její vývoj a budoucnost / The development and future of the European Monetary UnionFIALA, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis, European Monetary Union, its Development and the Future, deals with the reasons, which ultimately led to the foundation of the later European Union and afterwards the European Monetary Union. The journey, which leads up to the present where we are now, lasted for several decades. The experience with the two World Wars on the European territory was the sufficient reason why the European countries embarked on this common journey. In the first part this thesis offers the insight into the past. In short, the most important historical milestones on this road, leading towards the European, respectively the European Monetary Union, are suggested here. The second part of this thesis focuses on current problems of the European Monetary Union. The individual European macroeconomic indicators are compared with the results obtained overseas, particularly in the U.S.A. and Japan. Ultimately, it appears that the EU in comparison especially with the U.S.A. is lagging behind in some indicators. Another part of the thesis is dedicated to the optimum currency area. Is therefore the European Monetary Union the optimum currency area? A few indicators give again the answer to this question. The resulting values of the indicators show that the European Monetary Union is not the optimum currency area today. The reasons can be found particularly in the political than the economic area. Therefore, there is lots of work waiting for the European politicians, officials, but also ordinary citizens, and it will be only up to them, which way the European Union sets out.
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