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Physics and chemistry of gas in discsTilling, Ian January 2013 (has links)
Protoplanetary discs set the initial conditions for planet formation. By combining observations with detailed modelling, it is possible to constrain the physics and chemistry in such discs. I have used the detailed thermo-chemical disc model ProDiMo to explore the characteristics of the gas in protoplanetary discs, particularly in Herbig Ae objects. I have assessed the ability of various observational data to trace the disc properties. This has involved a number of different approaches. Firstly I compute a series of disc models with increasing mass, in order to test the diagnostic powers of various emission lines, in particular as gas mass tracers. This approach is then expanded to a large multiparameter grid of ~ 10 5 disc models. I have helped to develop a tool for analysing and plotting the huge quantity of data presented by such a model grid. Following this approach I move on to a detailed study of the Herbig Ae star HD 163296, attempting to fit the large wealth of available observations simultaneously. These include new Herschel observations of the far-infrared emission lines, as well as interferometric CO observations and a large number of continuum data. This study addresses the topical issues of the disc gas/dust ratio, and the treatment of the disc outer edge. It explores the effects of dust settling, UV variability and stellar X-ray emission on the disc chemistry and line emission. There is possible evidence for gas-depletion in the disc of HD 163296, with the line emission enhanced by dust settling, which would indicate a later evolutionary stage for this disc than suggested by other studies. Finally, I work to improve the treatment of the gas heating/cooling balance in ProDiMo, by introducing a non-LTE treatment of the atomic hydrogen line transitions and bound-free continuum transitions. I explore the effects of this on the disc chemical and thermal structure, and assess its impact in terms of the observable quantities.
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This dissertation presents a technique for the identification and classification of late-type stars and for the estimation of M star metallicities. The technique uses broad-band, V and I, CCD images to identify red stars and two intermediate-band CCD images to classify these as carbon or M types. One of the intermediate passbands is centered on a TiO absorption band at 7750Å and the other is centered on a CN absorption band at 8100Å. Color-color plots of V-I versus the intermediate-band index, 77-81, clearly distinguishes carbon from M stars. Observations of both early- and late-type stars were used to define the 77-81 system based upon the intermediate-band filters. The TiO bandstrength deduced from the 77-81 color as a function of V-I color was investigated for field giants and giants in 12 globular clusters. A linear correlation between [Fe/H] and the V-I color at a given TiO bandstrength was found. This correlation can be used to estimate the metallicity of M giants. The stellar population of a field in Baade's Window was examined using this technique. Many late-M stars and no carbon stars were found. The color-color diagram for Baade's Window suggests a range of metallicities for the M giants of [Fe/H] ≈ -0.4 to > +0.2. The stellar population of the Sagittarius Dwarf Irregular galaxy (Sagdig) was examined using the 77-81 system. A method for estimating reddening based upon the color mode of foreground stars was developed for the analysis of the Sagdig data. Sagdig is estimated to be ~ 1.3 megaparsecs distant. Bright blue and red stars in Sagdig are evidence for recent star formation. Carbon stars were identified in Sagdig. They display a bimodal luminosity and color distribution which suggests distinct epochs of star forming activity between 1 and 10 Gyr ago. The spatial distribution of carbon stars and bright red stars in Sagdig shows this galaxy to be much larger than previously thought.
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MID-INFRARED COLORS OF DWARF GALAXIES: YOUNG STARBURSTS MIMICKING ACTIVE GALACTIC NUCLEIHainline, Kevin N., Reines, Amy E., Greene, Jenny E., Stern, Daniel 22 November 2016 (has links)
Searching for active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in dwarf galaxies is important for our understanding of the seed black holes that formed in the early universe. Here, we test infrared selection methods for AGN activity at low galaxy masses. Our parent sample consists of similar to 18,000 nearby dwarf galaxies (M-* < 3 x 10(9) M-circle dot, z < 0.055) in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey with significant detections in the first three bands of the AllWISE data release from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). First, we demonstrate that the majority of optically selected AGNs in dwarf galaxies are not selected as AGNs using WISE infrared color diagnostics and that the infrared emission is dominated by the host galaxies. We then investigate the infrared properties of optically selected star-forming dwarf galaxies, finding that the galaxies with the reddest infrared colors are the most compact, with blue optical colors, young stellar ages, and large specific star formation rates. These results indicate that great care must be taken when selecting AGNs in dwarf galaxies using infrared colors, as star-forming dwarf galaxies are capable of heating dust in such a way that mimics the infrared colors of more luminous AGNs. In particular, a simple W1 - W2 color cut alone should not be used to select AGNs in dwarf galaxies. With these complications in mind, we present a sample of 41 dwarf galaxies that fall in the. WISE infrared color space typically occupied by more luminous AGNs and that are worthy of follow-up observations.
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Definitive test of the Rh = ct universe using redshift driftMelia, Fulvio 21 November 2016 (has links)
The redshift drift of objects moving in the Hubble flow has been proposed as a powerful model-independent probe of the underlying cosmology. A measurement of the first- and second-order redshift derivatives appears to be well within the reach of upcoming surveys using as the Extremely Large Telescope high resolution spectrometer (ELT-HIRES) and the Square Kilometer Phase 2 Array (SKA). Here we show that an unambiguous prediction of the R-h = ct cosmology is zero drift at all redshifts, contrasting sharply with all other models in which the expansion rate is variable. For example, multiyear monitoring of sources at redshift z = 5 with the ELT-HIRES is expected to show a velocity shift Delta v = -15 cm s(-1) yr(-1) due to the redshift drift in Planck I > CDM, while Delta v = 0 cm s(-1) yr(-1) in R-h = ct. With an anticipated ELT-HIRES measurement error of +/- 5 cm s(-1) yr(-1) after 5 yr, these upcoming redshift drift measurements might therefore be able to differentiate between R-h = ct and Planck I > CDM at similar to 3 sigma, assuming that any possible source evolution is well understood. Such a result would provide the strongest evidence yet in favour of the R-h = ct cosmology. With a 20-yr baseline, these observations could favour one of these models over the other at better than 5 sigma.
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Constraining the mass–richness relationship of redMaPPer clusters with angular clusteringBaxter, Eric J., Rozo, Eduardo, Jain, Bhuvnesh, Rykoff, Eli, Wechsler, Risa H. 21 November 2016 (has links)
The potential of using cluster clustering for calibrating the mass-richness relation of galaxy clusters has been recognized theoretically for over a decade. Here, we demonstrate the feasibility of this technique to achieve high-precision mass calibration using redMaPPer clusters in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey North Galactic Cap. By including cross-correlations between several richness bins in our analysis, we significantly improve the statistical precision of our mass constraints. The amplitude of the mass-richness relation is constrained to 7 per cent statistical precision by our analysis. However, the error budget is systematics dominated, reaching a 19 per cent total error that is dominated by theoretical uncertainty in the bias-mass relation for dark matter haloes. We confirm the result from Miyatake et al. that the clustering amplitude of redMaPPer clusters depends on galaxy concentration as defined therein, and we provide additional evidence that this dependence cannot be sourced by mass dependences: some other effect must account for the observed variation in clustering amplitude with galaxy concentration. Assuming that the observed dependence of redMaPPer clustering on galaxy concentration is a form of assembly bias, we find that such effects introduce a systematic error on the amplitude of the mass-richness relation that is comparable to the error bar from statistical noise. The results presented here demonstrate the power of cluster clustering for mass calibration and cosmology provided the current theoretical systematics can be ameliorated.
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TOWARD A NETWORK OF FAINT DA WHITE DWARFS AS HIGH-PRECISION SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC STANDARDSNarayan, G., Axelrod, T., Holberg, J. B., Matheson, T., Saha, A., Olszewski, E., Claver, J., Stubbs, C. W., Bohlin, R. C., Deustua, S., Rest, A. 05 May 2016 (has links)
We present the initial results from a program aimed at establishing a network of hot DA white dwarfs to serve as spectrophotometric standards for present and future wide-field surveys. These stars span the equatorial zone and are faint enough to be conveniently observed throughout the year with large-aperture telescopes. The spectra of these white dwarfs are analyzed in order to generate a non-local-thermodynamic-equilibrium model atmosphere normalized to Hubble Space Telescope colors, including adjustments for wavelength-dependent interstellar extinction. Once established, this standard star network will serve ground-based observatories in both hemispheres as well as space-based instrumentation from the UV to the near IR. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this concept and show how two different approaches to the problem using somewhat different assumptions produce equivalent results. We discuss the lessons learned and the resulting corrective actions applied to our program.
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SPIDERS: the spectroscopic follow-up of X-ray-selected clusters of galaxies in SDSS-IVClerc, N., Merloni, A., Zhang, Y.-Y., Finoguenov, A., Dwelly, T., Nandra, K., Collins, C., Dawson, K., Kneib, J.-P., Rozo, E., Rykoff, E., Sadibekova, T., Brownstein, J., Lin, Y.-T., Ridl, J., Salvato, M., Schwope, A., Steinmetz, M., Seo, H.-J., Tinker, J. 21 December 2016 (has links)
SPIDERS (The SPectroscopic IDentification of eROSITA Sources) is a programme dedicated to the homogeneous and complete spectroscopic follow-up of X-ray active galactic nuclei and galaxy clusters over a large area (similar to 7500 deg(2)) of the extragalactic sky. SPIDERS is part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)-IV project, together with the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and the Time-Domain Spectroscopic Survey. This paper describes the largest project within SPIDERS before the launch of eROSITA: an optical spectroscopic survey of X-ray-selected, massive (similar to 10(14)-10(15) M-circle dot) galaxy clusters discovered in ROSAT and XMM-Newton imaging. The immediate aim is to determine precise (Delta(z) similar to 0.001) redshifts for 4000-5000 of these systems out to z similar to 0.6. The scientific goal of the program is precision cosmology, using clusters as probes of large-scale structure in the expanding Universe. We present the cluster samples, target selection algorithms and observation strategies. We demonstrate the efficiency of selecting targets using a combination of SDSS imaging data, a robust red-sequence finder and a dedicated prioritization scheme. We describe a set of algorithms and work-flow developed to collate spectra and assign cluster membership, and to deliver catalogues of spectroscopically confirmed clusters. We discuss the relevance of line-of-sight velocity dispersion estimators for the richer systems. We illustrate our techniques by constructing a catalogue of 230 spectroscopically validated clusters (0.031 < z < 0.658), found in pilot observations. We discuss two potential science applications of the SPIDERS sample: the study of the X-ray luminosity-velocity dispersion (L-X-sigma) relation and the building of stacked phase-space diagrams.
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Cosmic voids and void lensing in the Dark Energy Survey Science Verification dataSánchez, C., Clampitt, J., Kovacs, A., Jain, B., García-Bellido, J., Nadathur, S., Gruen, D., Hamaus, N., Huterer, D., Vielzeuf, P., Amara, A., Bonnett, C., DeRose, J., Hartley, W. G., Jarvis, M., Lahav, O., Miquel, R., Rozo, E., Rykoff, E. S., Sheldon, E., Wechsler, R. H., Zuntz, J., Abbott, T. M. C., Abdalla, F. B., Annis, J., Benoit-Lévy, A., Bernstein, G. M., Bernstein, R. A., Bertin, E., Brooks, D., Buckley-Geer, E., Rosell, A. Carnero, Kind, M. Carrasco, Carretero, J., Crocce, M., Cunha, C. E., D'Andrea, C. B., da Costa, L. N., Desai, S., Diehl, H. T., Dietrich, J. P., Doel, P., Evrard, A. E., Neto, A. Fausti, Flaugher, B., Fosalba, P., Frieman, J., Gaztanaga, E., Gruendl, R. A., Gutierrez, G., Honscheid, K., James, D. J., Krause, E., Kuehn, K., Lima, M., Maia, M. A. G., Marshall, J. L., Melchior, P., Plazas, A. A., Reil, K., Romer, A. K., Sanchez, E., Schubnell, M., Sevilla-Noarbe, I., Smith, R. C., Soares-Santos, M., Sobreira, F., Suchyta, E., Tarle, G., Thomas, D., Walker, A. R., Weller, J. 11 February 2017 (has links)
Cosmic voids are usually identified in spectroscopic galaxy surveys, where 3D information about the large-scale structure of the Universe is available. Although an increasing amount of photometric data is being produced, its potential for void studies is limited since photometric redshifts induce line-of-sight position errors of >= 50 Mpc h(-1)which can render many voids undetectable. We present a new void finder designed for photometric surveys, validate it using simulations, and apply it to the high-quality photo-z redMaGiC galaxy sample of the DES Science Verification data. The algorithm works by projecting galaxies into 2D slices and finding voids in the smoothed 2D galaxy density field of the slice. Fixing the line-of-sight size of the slices to be at least twice the photo-z scatter, the number of voids found in simulated spectroscopic and photometric galaxy catalogues is within 20 per cent for all transverse void sizes, and indistinguishable for the largest voids (R-v >= 70 Mpc h(-1)). The positions, radii, and projected galaxy profiles of photometric voids also accurately match the spectroscopic void sample. Applying the algorithm to the DES-SV data in the redshift range 0.2 < z < 0.8, we identify 87 voids with comoving radii spanning the range 18-120 Mpc h(-1), and carry out a stacked weak lensing measurement. With a significance of 4.4 sigma, the lensing measurement confirms that the voids are truly underdense in the matter field and hence not a product of Poisson noise, tracer density effects or systematics in the data. It also demonstrates, for the first time in real data, the viability of void lensing studies in photometric surveys.
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Effects of Observational Feedback on Verbal and Nonverbal Classroom Behavior of Student TeachersFurr, Oneta Roberts 08 1900 (has links)
The central problem of this study was to determine the effects of feedback of observations recorded by an elementary college supervisor for the verbal and nonverbal classroom behavior of elementary student teachers.
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Associations Between Intelligence Test Scores and Test Session Behavior in Children with ADHD, LD, and EBDNelson, Stephanie Anne 17 June 2008 (has links)
Individually administered intelligence tests are a routine component of psychological assessments of children who may meet criteria for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), learning disorders (LD), or emotional and behavioral disorders (EBD). In addition to providing potentially useful test scores, the individual administration of an intelligence test provides an ideal opportunity for observing a child’s behavior in a standardized setting, which may contribute clinically meaningful information to the assessment process. However, little is known about the associations between test scores and test session behavior of children with these disorders. This study examined patterns of test scores and test session observations in groups of children with ADHD, LD, EBD who were administered the Stanford Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition (SB5), as well as in control children from the SB5 standardization sample. Three hundred and twelve children receiving special education services for ADHD (n = 50), LD (n = 234), EBD (n = 28) and 100 children selected from the SB5 standardization sample were selected from a data set of children who were administered both the SB5 and the Test Observation Form (TOF; a standardized rating form for assessing behavior during cognitive or achievement testing of children). The groups were then compared on SB scores and TOF scores. Associations between test scores and TOF scores in children with ADHD, LD, and EBD and normal controls were also examined. The results of this investigation indicated that children with ADHD, LD, and EBD and normal control children differed on several SB5 and TOF scales. Control children scored higher on all of the SB5 scales than children with LD, and scored higher on many of the SB5 scales than children with ADHD and EBD. Children with EBD demonstrated the most problem behavior during testing, followed by children with ADHD. Children with LD were similar to control children with respect to test session behavior. In addition, several combinations of test scores and test session behavior were able to predict diagnostic group status. Overall, the results of this investigation suggest that test scores and behavioral observations during testing can and should be important components of multi-informant, multi-method assessment of children with ADHD, LD, and EBD.
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