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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The electrical injury enigma /

Zelt, Ronald G. January 1989 (has links)
No description available.

The involvement of the superior colliculi in post-stroke unilateral spatial neglect: a pilot study

Ogourtsova, Tatiana January 2010 (has links)
The underlying mechanisms of the unilateral spatial neglect (USN), a highly prevalent and disabling consequence of stroke that responds poorly to existing interventions, remain unclear. Animal research suggests that post-stroke USN may be related in part to a disruption of visual attention mediated through the midbrain superior colliculi (SC). However, little attention has been placed on studying this mechanism in humans with post-stroke USN. / The first manuscript of this thesis presents a literature review on the implications of the SC in USN and reviews the rationale and potential for USN treatments aimed at involving the SC. Overall, 21 animal research studies and 24 human research studies were retrieved. Animal studies suggest a direct involvement of the SC in USN presentation and alleviation through a number of interconnections. It proposes that when the ipsilateral SC is deactivated, the animal presents with USN of the contralesional hemispace where the ipsilateral SC is found to be hypoactive, and the contralateral SC is hyperactive. This activity imbalance is restored after the contralateral SC is also deactivated, leading to USN alleviation. Nonetheless, given the paucity of human studies that were found, the contribution of the SC in USN, while plausible, remains to be confirmed. While intervention studies were retrieved where eye patching, with SC activity rationale, was used as a treatment for USN, several methodological issues were identified for future research in his area. Overall, it is suggested that further exploration of the mechanisms involved and their impact on USN in humans will help develop theoretically based intervention strategies tailored to USN type. / The implication of the collicular pathway has been studied using the spatial summation effect (SSE), where response to bilateral presentations is significantly faster that to unilateral presentations. It has never been directly analyzed in those with post-stroke USN. The objectives of the second manuscript, in which the thesis related study was conducted were twofold: 1. to determine the feasibility of investigating SC contribution using the SSE and, 2. to compare the SC contribution in three groups - individuals with left USN of the near extrapersonal space following right hemisphere stroke, those without USN following a right hemisphere stroke and healthy normal controls. This pilot study included individuals with (n=7) and without (n=10) right hemisphere post-stroke USN and individuals with no history of previous stroke and USN (n=10). All participants were tested on a computer reaction time test under two conditions: using both eyes and using a right monocular eye patch while responding to unilateral and bilateral achromatic stimuli presentations. An eye tracker device was used to control for fixation ability. It was found that the SSE was present in controls under binocular and monocular conditions. In individuals without post-stroke USN, SSE was found abnormal (under binocular and monocular conditions) where reaction times to bilateral stimuli were faster than to the unilateral left stimuli only and not to the unilateral right stimuli presentations. As for the participants with USN, we found that they had poor fixation ability by demonstrating either failure to fixate or several missed fixations (i.e. loosing fixation). Overall, the feasibility of using SSE to investigate the contribution of the SC in post-stroke USN is challenging with this population given poor fixation. Interestingly, the SC are connected to the frontal eye field in directing spatial attention and controlling voluntary and reflexive saccade eye movements that are involved in fixation. T / Les mécanismes neuronaux sous-jacents de la négligence spatiale unilatérale (NSU), une conséquence répandue et invalidante d'un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) qui répond pauvrement aux traitements, sont encore mal connus. Des travaux récents sur des animaux suggèrent que la NSU peut être liée en partie à une rupture du contrôle de l'attention visuelle médiée par les collicules supérieurs (CS) du mésencéphale. Toutefois, peu d'attention a été mise sur l'étude de ce mécanisme chez l'homme avec la NSU suite à un AVC. fr / Le premier manuscrit présente une revue de littérature sur les implications des CS dans la NSU et examine la justification et le potentiel, et vise à associer les CS à des traitements pour NSU. Au total, 21 études sur les animaux et 24 études sur l'homme étaient récupérées Les études chez l'animal suggèrent une implication directe des CS dans la présentation et l'allégement de la NSU. Principalement, lorsque la CS ipsilatérale est désactivé, l'animal présente la NSU de l'hémiespace contralésionnelle. Le CS ipsilatéral se trouve être hypoactif, et le CS contralatéral est hyperactif. Ce déséquilibre dans les activités des CS est rétabli suite à la désactivation du CS contralatéral mènant à l'allégement de la NSU. Néanmoins, étant donné la rareté des études sur l'homme qui ont été trouvées, la contribution des CS dans la NSU, tandis que plausible, reste à confirmer. Des études basées sur les connaissances des activités des CS chez l'homme ont été trouvées – dans lesquelles la patche de l'œil a été utilisée comme un traitement pour la NSU. Néanmoins, plusieurs questions doivent être abordées dans les futures études analysant l'effet de la patche de l'œil sur la NSU. Dans l'ensemble, il est suggéré que l'exploration additionnelle et directe des mécanismes en jeu et leur impact sur la NSU chez l'homme contriburent au développement des stratégies d'intervention adaptées aux plusieurs types de NSU. / L'implication des parcours rétino-colliculaires a été étudiée en utilisant l'effet de la sommation spatiale (ESS), mais n'a jamais été directement analysé chez cieux avec de la NSU suite à un AVC. Les objectifs du deuxième manuscrit étaient de déterminer la faisabilité d'enquêter sur l'implication des CS en utilisant l'ESS et d'analyser la contribution des CS chez les individus présentant une NSU gauche de l'espace extrapersonnel près suite à un AVC de l'hémisphère droit (n=7), les personnes sans NSU suite à un AVC de l'hémisphère droit (n=10), et chez des individus sains (n=10). Les participants ont été testés sur une tâche de temps de réaction sur l'ordinateur en utilisant les deux yeux et en utilisant une patche monoculaire sur l'œil droit tout en répondant à des présentations achromatique unilatérales et bilatérales. Un dispositif oculomètre a été utilisé pour measurer de la capacité de fixation. Par conséquent, l'ESS était présent chez les individus sains sous conditions binoculaire et monoculaire. Chez les personnes sans NSU, l'ESS était anormal (sous conditions binoculaire et monoculaire), dans lesquelles les temps de réaction aux présentations bilatérales étaient plus rapides qu'aux présentations unilatérales gauches, et pas droites. Les participants avec NSU ont démontré une capacité de fixation faible en démontrant soit une incapacité totale de fixer ou plusieurs pertes de fixation. En conclusion, la possibilité d'utiliser l'ESS pour enquêter sur la contribution des CS dans la NSU suite à un AVC est difficile étant donné une pauvre capacité de fixation. En effet les CS sont liés au domaine œil frontal à diriger l'attention spatiale et le contrôle des mouvements oculaires volontaires et réflexes. Nous pouvons donc spéculer que l'incapacité à fixer indique une insuffisance des activités des CS chez des individus avec NSU suite à un AVC. D'autres recherches sur ce sujet sont nécessair

Participation in recreational activities in school age children with high functioning autism and their peers

Potvin, Marie-Christine January 2011 (has links)
The patterns of recreational engagement and health related quality of life (HRQL) of school-aged children with High Functioning Autism (HFA) are not well understood. The objectives of this study of children with HFA and their typically developing peers were to: compare their recreational profiles; identify child-based factors related to recreational participation; and, estimate their HRQL in relation to recreational engagement. Additionally, the psychometric properties of the Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment/ Preference for Activities of Children (CAPE/PAC) for this population were estimated. A cross sectional study of a volunteer sample of children with HFA (n=30) and peers (n=31) recruited through multiple Vermont sources was conducted. Data collection took place during 2-3 home visits. Standardized and psychometrically sound tools were used to independently confirm diagnosis and ascertain children's characteristics. The CAPE/PAC and Pediatric Quality of Life 4.0 were the primary outcome measures. The groups were similar on key characteristics except those related to the HFA attributes. Children with HFA differed from peers in terms of diversity (p=.002), social aspects (p=.006) and locations (p<.001) of recreational participation. The two groups were not statistically different in personal intensity (p=.684), enjoyment (p=.239) or preferences (p=.788) of recreation. Children with HFA had significantly poorer HRQL whether reported by themselves (p<.001) or their parents (p<.001), although disagreement (ICC=-.075) between children and parental scores suggested that they had different viewpoints about children's HRQL. The study results have value for parents, clinicians, teachers and administrators in understanding and supporting the recreational engagement of children with HFA. / Nous avons une compréhension limitée des habitudes de loisir et de la qualité de vie liées à la santé (QVLS) des enfants d'âge scolaire ayant un trouble envahissant du développement (TED) de haut niveau. Cette étude avait pour objectifs: de comparer les habitudes de loisir; d'identifier des facteurs chez l'enfant qui sont associés aux habitudes de loisir; et, d'estimer la QVLS et la relation de celle-ci avec les habitudes de loisir des enfants ayant un TED de haut niveau et de leurs pairs présentant un développement typique. De plus, la validité et la fiabilité du Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment/ Preference for Activities of Children (CAPE/PAC) chez les enfants ayant un TED de haut niveau furent estimées. Au Vermont, un échantillonnage volontaire d'enfants ayant un TED de haut niveau (n=30) et de leurs pairs (n=31) a été établi à partir de diverses sources afin de procéder à cette étude transversale. La collecte de données s'est faite lors de 2 ou 3 visites. Des outils d'évaluation standardisés, valides et fiables furent utilisés pour confirmer les critères d'inclusion. Le CAPE/PAC et le Paediatric Quality of Life 4.0 étaient les deux outils d'évaluation des principaux concepts étudiés. Les participants dans les deux groupes présentaient des caractéristiques similaires sauf celles reliées au diagnostic de TED. Les enfants ayant un TED de haut niveau participaient dans un nombre plus restreint d'activités de loisir (p=.002), avec un nombre plus limité d'autres personnes (p=.006) et généralement plus près de chez eux (p<.001). Cependant, les deux groupes n'étaient pas statistiquement différents en ce qui a trait à la fréquence de participation moyenne dans les activités de loisir (p=.684), leur plaisir à participer à ces activités (p=.239) ou leur désir d'y participer (p=.788). Les enfants ainsi que leurs parents (p<.001) jugeaient que les enfants ayant un TED de haut niveau avaient une QVLS significativement moindre que leurs pairs. Malgré ce fait, l'accord entre la QVLS jugé par les enfants et leurs parents étaient presqu'absent (ICC=-.075) indiquant qu'ils évaluaient des aspects différents de la qualité de vie. Les résultats de cette étude pourront aider les parents, les cliniciens, les enseignants et les administrateurs à comprendre les habitudes de loisir des enfants ayant un TED et leur permettront de mieux soutenir les enfants dans cette participation.

Identifying frailty using the ICF: proof of concept

Blank Nash, Caryn January 2008 (has links)
Frailty has emerged as an increasingly important concept in the understanding and care of the elderly. Despite this, no consensus has been established in the frailty literature regarding a theoretical framework, operational definition, or measurement strategies. The International Classification of Function, Disability and Health (ICF) provides an attractive framework to exemplify and consolidate the diverse literature on frailty. The ICF is a classification system developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide a common language and universal conceptual framework to describe health and health-related states. The overall objective of this proof-of-concept study is to determine the extent to which the identification and measurement of frailty is compatible with the ICF framework. A total of 156 words were identified by health professionals from two articles that were shown to be influential in the frailty literature. These words were subsequently linked to the ICF following a standardized mapping protocol. The 202 codes that were identified comprised a comprehensive set of functional status indicators (FSIs), or characteristics that describe the clinical entity of frailty, in a uniform and standardized manner. A total of 21 of these FSIs were identified from items on both the Francophone and Anglophone versions of the Système de Mesure d'Autonomie Functionelle (SMAF), a measure specific to quantifying function in the elderly. / La fragilité a émergé comme un concept de plus en plus important dans la compréhension et les soins des personnes âgées. En dépit de ceci, aucun consensus n'a été établi dans la littérature concernant un cadre théorique, une définition opérationnelle, ou des stratégies de mesure. La classification internationale de la fonction, de l'incapacité et de la santé, (CIF), fournit un cadre attrayant pour illustrer et consolider la littérature diverse sur la fragilité. La CIF est un système de classification développé par l'organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) pour fournir un langage commun et un cadre conceptuel universel pour décrire la santé et les conditions de santé. L'objectif global de cette étude de preuve-de-concept est de déterminer jusqu'à quel point d'identification et de mesure de la fragilité sont compatibles avec le cadre de la CIF. Un total de 156 mots a été identifié par des professionnels de la santé à partir de deux articles qui se sont avérés influents dans la littérature. Par la suite, ces mots ont été liés à la CIF selon un protocole standardisé de recoupement. Les 202 codes qui ont été identifiés comportent un ensemble complet d'indicateurs d'états fonctionnels (IEFs), ou des caractéristiques qui décrivent l'entité clinique de la fragilité, d'une façon uniforme et standardisée. Un total de 21 de ces IEFs a été identifié à partir des questions des versions françaises et anglaises du Système de Mesure d'Autonomie Fonctionnelle (SMAF), une mesure spécifique pour quantifier la fonction chez les personnes âgées.

Exploring the link between housekeeping and occupational injuries

Dufort, Vincent. January 1997 (has links)
Background. Housekeeping is an important aspect of safety in the workplace. There have been only a limited number of studies assessing the impact on injury of housekeeping. In addition, measuring the state of housekeeping has posed continuous problems in these studies due to the lack of standardized and objective instrumentation. Objectives. The objectives of the first part of this thesis involved the development and evaluation of an instrument for measuring the state of housekeeping in industry. The second part examined the association between housekeeping and safety. Methods. This study began with the development of a checklist for evaluating housekeeping and proceeded to a fifteen-month prospective cohort study of fifty-seven companies in the transportation equipment and machinery manufacturing sector in Quebec, Canada, each employing between twenty and sixty workers. Companies were followed over 16 months to evaluate housekeeping levels. At the end of the study, information on compensable injuries that occurred during the study period was obtained. Results. Inter-observer reliability of the instrument was reasonably high (ICC 0.88, 95% CI 0.81--0.94) though test-retest reliability was less stable (ICC 0.73, 95% CI 0.68--0.78). In the second part of this study, housekeeping was found to be significantly associated with both injury rates (IRR 1.35, 95% CI 1.08--1.70) and rate of days lost (IRR 1.48, 95% CI 1.39--1.57), and trends were seen across categorical housekeeping levels. The association between cleanliness and safety was not as strong, nor was a trend found. Conclusions. The housekeeping checklist demonstrated high inter-observer reliability. The less stable test-retest reliability is partly due to changes in housekeeping between visits. Obstructions (lack of clutter, clear access to workstations, equipment and exits) and cleanliness components of housekeeping were more difficult, to measure and observers disagreed more when evaluating these components

Criteria and methods for evaluating an occupational health service in medium-sized industry

King, Norman. January 1978 (has links)
No description available.

Suicide and other causes of death in electrical utility workers : their association with exposure to electric and magnetic fields

Baris, A. N. Dalsu January 1995 (has links)
This dissertaion comprises three related papers. / The first paper reports a historical cohort mortality study which was carried out among 21,744 electrical utility workers in the province of Quebec. A total of 1582 deaths were observed at the end of follow-up (1970-1988). A job exposure matrix (JEM) was used to estimate the exposure to 60 Hz electric, magnetic, and pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) from the code of the last job held by each worker. The results showed no evidence of excess of cause specific or general mortality relative to provincial death rates in the cohort overall. The ratios of Standardized Mortality Ratios (SMRs) as estimates of rate ratio (RR) in the exposed relative to the background group were also calculated. Statistically significant RRs were found for pancreatic cancer for electric fields (RR = 2.8, 95% Confidence intervals (CI) 1.13-7.01) and for lung cancer for PEMF (RR = 1.56, 95% CI 1.05-2.25). Deaths caused by accidents and violence showed significant RRs for electric fields (RR = 2.16, 95% CI 1.59-2.92), magnetic fields (RR = 1.76, 95% 1.29-2.39) and for PEMF (RR = 1.96, 95% CI, 1.40-2.71). Occupational accidents related to power lines explain for some of the excess of deaths from accidents and violence. There was a small non-significant association with magnetic fields for leukaemia (RR = 1.52, 95% CI 0.45-4.47) and brain cancer (RR = 1.59, 95% CI 0.57-4.31), but the results for these two sites were based on small numbers. / The second paper reports a case-cohort study to investigate a previously suggested association between exposure to electric and magnetic fields and suicide. Forty-nine deaths from suicide between 1970 and 1988 were identified in the above-mentioned cohort and a sub-cohort comprising a one percent random sample was selected from it. Cumulative and current exposures to electric fields, magnetic fields and PEMF were estimated for the sub-cohort and cases through the JEM. For cumulative exposure, rate ratios (RR) for all three fields showed mostly small non-significant increases in the medium and high exposure groups. The most elevated risk was found in the medium exposure group for electric field-geometric mean (RR = 2.76, 95% CI 1.15-6.62). The results did not differ after adjusting for socioeconomic status (SES), alcohol use, marital status and mental disorders. There was little evidence for an association of risk with exposure immediately prior to the suicide. Small sample size (deaths from suicide) and inability to control for all potential confounding factors were the main limitations of this study. / The third paper reports a study of validity attributing magnetic field exposure by using a worker's last job. This was done by comparing, in a sample of the cohort, estimates obtained using last job with those obtained using full work histories. The correlation between indices based on last job and those based on all jobs varied between 0.75 and 0.78. The study showed that the last job was particularly good in identifying the highest exposed individual. The results are most likely to be generalizable to other industries in which highest exposed jobs are also skilled jobs.

What constructs are represented in multiple sclerosis specific health-related quality of life measures?

Arafah, Alaa Mohammad January 2009 (has links)
ABSTRACT Health-related quality of life (HRQL) is becoming a common outcome for many medical and rehabilitative studies. This is specifically true for multiple sclerosis (MS), one of the most common chronic neurological condition affecting young adults. As MS results in severe consequences, its management depends on careful assessment of the outcome of interest. Measures of HRQL should represent all domains of HRQL and should be based on a theoretical frame of reference. The main objective of this content analysis study is to estimate the extent to which items in the MS-specific HRQL measures capture all domains of HRQL, using the International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) and the Wilson-Cleary models as frames of reference. Items of 10 HRQL measures were linked to the ICF by a pool of 25 health professionals using a standardized procedure. Among the 550 items that were mapped, 44% represented symptoms, 34% represented functioning and 35% represented concepts of general health perception and satisfaction with quality of life. Only 6% of the items targeted environmental factors. Measures differed not only in the degree of representing the different components of HRQL but also in the ways of ascertaining a single construct, fatigue, one of the most distressing MS symptom. / ABRÉGÉ La qualité de vie reliée à la santé (QRVS) devient de plus en plus l'objectif principal des recherches en réadaptation et en médicine. Les études portant sur la sclérose en plaque (SP) visent particulièrement des résultats pouvant améliorer la qualité de vie des personnes. En effet, la sclérose en plaque (SP) est une condition neurologique chronique qui affecte principalement de jeunes adultes. Cette maladie résulte en de sévères symptômes. Une meilleure compréhension de la gestion de ces symptômes dépend principalement de la précaution et de la précision des évaluations. Les mesures de qualité de vie reliée à la santé (QRVS) devraient représenter tous les domaines de ce qu'est la QRVS. De plus, ces mesures devraient se référer à un modèle théorique définit. L'objectif principal de cette étude est d'estimer à quel point les mesures évaluant la qualité de vie reliées à la santé (QVRS) utilisées pour la sclérose en plaque permettent de saisir l'entièreté des domaines de la QVRS. Chaque item de ces mesures sera analysé en utilisant comme référence le modèle Classification internationale du fonctionnement, du handicap et de la santé (CIF) et le modèle Wilson-Cleary. Selon une méthodologie standardisée, vingt-cinq professionnels de la santé ont reliés au modèle ICF les items de 10 questionnaires évaluant la QVRS. Parmi ces 550 items, 44% représentaient des symptômes, 34% représentaient le niveau de fonctionnement, 35% portaient sur la conception de la santé et la satisfaction par rapport à la vie. Seuls 6% portaient sur des facteurs environnementaux. Les différents aspects de la QVRS étaient représent

A study of forward head-body tilts in human balance control /

Lo Monaco, Emmanuel January 1990 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to investigate the contributions of both the vestibular and foot/ankle somatosensory inputs to the mechanisms controlling lower limb muscular activity of normal human subjects. The standing subject was modelled as a single-link inverted pendulum, producing whole head-body tilts about an axis colinear with the ankle joints. / A paradigm was developed whereby the vestibular and the ankle proprioceptive afferent systems were systematically and selectively controlled or eliminated. There was a greater tendency for reflex response to be activated in the three lower limb muscles when the forward tilts had an acceleration larger than 1.4 g. This was found when the whole head-body tilts were delivered with minimal changes in ankle angle or a significant change in ankle angle from the neutral position towards dorsiflexion. Frequency of occurrence was greater for the more proximal muscle when there was minimal ankle dorsiflexion, and for one of the distal muscles when there was ankle dorsiflexion. The proximal hip extensor muscle tended to have the shortest latency during whole head-body tilts alone, while the most distal muscles had the shortest latency when the tilts occurred concomitantly with ankle rotation.

Evaluation and retraining of driving skills in clients with stroke / Évaluation et réentraînement des habiletés à la conduite automobile de clients ayant subi un accident vasculaire cérébral

Mazer, Barbara Lee January 2000 (has links)
An important component of the rehabilitation of clients with stroke is a referral by treating clinicians to a driving evaluation service in order to determine fitness to drive. However, the validity of the evaluation procedure has not been well established. In addition, while clinicians offer therapy to help improve the level of function in many areas of daily life, few rehabilitation centres have attempted to assist clients to return to independent driving. This thesis is comprised of three manuscripts examining both the methods used to evaluate driving performance as well as the effectiveness of a novel training program on the driving success of clients with stroke. / Une composante importante du processus de réadaptation des clients ayant subi un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) est la référence à un service d’évaluation de conduite automobile, dans le but de déterminer la capacité à conduire du client. Toutefois, la validité de la procédure d’évaluation actuellement utilisée n’a pas encore été déterminée. De plus, même si les cliniciens offrent des thérapies visant à optimiser le niveau de fonctionnement dans plusieurs domaines d’activités de la vie quotidienne, peu de centres de réadaptation ont jusqu'à maintenant tenté d’aider leurs clients à réapprendre à conduire de façon autonome. La présente thèse est constituée de trois articles portant sur les méthodes d’évaluation des performances de conduite ainsi que sur l’efficacité d’un nouveau programme d’entraînement à la conduite automobile pour les clients ayant subi un AVC. fr

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