Spelling suggestions: "subject:"obre""
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Fojejjo : Ett designverktyg för funktionscontainrarNilsson, Johan January 2013 (has links)
Projektets syfte har varit att utveckla ett dataprogram för design och konstruktion av så kallade funktionscontainrar. En funktionscontainer är en stor container som inrymmer utrustning såsom arbetsbänkar, svetsar och dokumentskåp och som ska kunna användas under militära operationer. Datorstödd design är vanligt förekommande och företaget som har efterfrågat det utvecklade dataprogrammet ville gå över från papper och penna till datorstödd design. För att styra projektet framåt har den så kallade ccd-metoden använts. Dataprogrammet heter Fojejjo och det har skrivits i C# .NET. Grafikmotorn som används är Ogre 3D med Mogre som C#-wrapper. Data sparas mellan programkörningarna i en MS Access-databas. Fojejjo är uppdelat i flera delar: databas, grafik, användargränssnitt och logik. Databasdelen hanterar all data om moduler och containrar och trafiken till och från databasen. Grafikdelen hanterar visualisering av containern och dess innehåll. Användargräns-snittsdelen hanterar programmets användargränssnitt, men även filhantering. Logikdelen hanterar kontroll att containerns innehåll är placerat på ett giltigt sätt. It-etiska aspekter redogörs för och gjorda ställningstaganden och bedömningar beskrivs. Sju av kravspecifikation-ens arton punkter har blivit helt implementerade och ytterligare två har blivit delvis implementerade. Största anledningen till att inte fler krav blev uppfyllda var tidsbrist. Projektets syfte har inte uppnåtts fullt ut. Mer arbete behövs för att Fojejjo ska vara riktigt användbart. En viktig aspekt av programutveckling är tillgänglighet för personer med funkt-ionsnedsättning, något som inte diskuterats i detta projekt. Nivån av tillgänglighet har utvärderats och tydliga tillgänglighetsbrister har hittats, främst för personer som har svårt att använda en datormus. Vidareutvecklingsmöjligheterna är stora. Förslag på områden är grafik, användargränssnitt, logik och tillgänglighet. / The purpose of this project has been to develop software for designing and constructing so called functional containers. A functional container is a large container that holds equipment such as workbenches, welds and file cabinets, and that could be used for military operations. Com-puter aided design is common-practice and the company that requested this software wanted to transition from pen and paper to computer aided design. For the planning of this project, a method called CCD was used. The application is called Fojejjo and it's written in C# .NET. The graphics engine used is Ogre 3D with Mogre as wrapper for C#. Data is stored between sessions in a MS Access database. Fojejjo is built around several parts: database, graphics, user interface and logics. The database part handles all data about containers with equipment as well as the traffic to and from the software. The graphics part handles the visualiza-tion of the container and its equipment. The user interface part handles the user interface, but also file management. The logics part handles controlling that all the equipment is placed correctly. Seven of the eighteen points in the requirements specification has been fully imple-mented, and two more has been partially implemented. The main reason for not implementing more requirements was shortage of time. The purpose of this project hasn't been fully met. There has to be more work for Fojejjo to be really useful. One important aspect of software development is accessibility for people with disabilities, something that wasn't discussed for this project. The level of accessibility has been evaluated and obvious accessibility issues were found, most notably for people that have difficulties using a computer mouse. Opportunities for further development are plenty. Suggested areas are graphics, user interface, logics and accessibility.
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Figures de la faim et de la fin : une lecture de l'Ogre de Jacques ChessexRioux, Mélissa January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire propose d'explorer la figure de l'ogre, ses traits caractéristiques, les effets qu'elle engendre ainsi que l'imaginaire qui la nourrit dans un roman lauréat du prix Goncourt: L'Ogre de Jacques Chessex, publié en 1973. Dans notre recherche, l'ogre, être à la fois fascinant et terrifiant, est appréhendé comme une figure qui permet de représenter, d'une manière approximative et analogique, une faim excessive, démesurée et menaçante. Notre analyse montre qu'il existe, dans le roman, une corrélation entre la faim, représentée par l'ogre, et un imaginaire de la fin. Notre objectif consiste à mieux cerner l'imaginaire qui entoure la figure de l'ogre. Depuis les Contes du temps passé de Charles Perrault, l'ogre n'a jamais cessé de hanter la littérature. Pourquoi ce monstre de contes de fées, amateur de chair humaine et surtout de celle des petits enfants, est-il toujours autant d'actualité? L'acte de dévorer de la chair -chair animale ou humaine, chair alimentaire ou sexuelle, chair morte ou vive -connote le meurtre, le sacrifice, la violence, la destruction et l'assimilation. La figure est dynamique, car c'est l'imaginaire qui, par un processus symbolique et métaphorique, donne à l'ogre ses multiples visages. L'analyse de la figure de l'ogre s'associe à une pensée plus large sur la persécution et sur l'innocence des victimes. Notre recherche prend appui d'abord sur les textes qui concernent le personnage de l'ogre dans la littérature -les textes d'Arlette Bouloumié sur le sujet sont incontournables et sur des études anthropologiques analysant les actes alimentaires, sacrificiels et persécuteurs. L'approche sémiotique et l'utilisation des théories de la lecture permettent de donner une nouvelle direction à l'analyse de la figure de l'ogre. Après avoir explicité les concepts théoriques nécessaires à la compréhension de la recherche, il s'agit, dans un premier temps, de définir l'ogre et les caractéristiques qui lui sont propres. Ensuite, la figure de l'ogre, telle qu'elle apparaît dans le roman, est analysée à la lumière des différents champs métaphoriques qu'elle convoque. Nous nous intéressons également aux diverses figures qui partagent avec elle un ou plusieurs traits et qui lui ressemblent. Puisque l'ogre est celui qui menace de nous anéantir en nous dévorant, nous proposons un parallèle entre la faim et la fin, confrontant ainsi deux imaginaires intimement liés à la figure de l'ogre. Nous verrons que l'ogre et son appétit démesuré coïncident avec un imaginaire de la fin et avec la mort d'un sujet. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Ogre, Jacques Chessex, Faim, Fin, Figure, Mythe, Imaginaire.
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Procedūrinė humanoidų animacija / Procedural humanoid animationTamulionis, Andrius 01 July 2014 (has links)
Šokis ir aerobika yra judesių programų pavyzdžiai - jos susideda iš tam tikra tvarka surikiuotų, pakartotinai naudojamų komponenčių. Norint efektyviai modeliuoti tokias programas, reikalinga formali žmogaus judesių notacija. Pasinaudoję esamomis priemonėmis (3D modeliavimo įrankiai, OGRE grafikos variklis, H-Anim) ir sukūrę savas, realizavome procedūrinių humanoido animacijų veikimo schemą. Ji leidžia sudaryti žmogaus judesių programą ir yra nesunkiai suprantama net ir tiems, kurie neturi animacijos ar trimačio modeliavimo patirties. Procedūrinės animacijos užrašomos XML formatu. Jas pavaizduoja mūsų peržiūros programa. Formatas leidžia abstrahuoti judesius į "procedūras", juos apjungti į sekas ir kaupti judesių bibliotekas. Turint pavienių judesių komponentes, procedūrinės animacijos kūrimas, pildymas ar keitimas yra žymiai paprastesnis ir lankstesnis, be to, tokia animacija yra nepriklausoma nuo humanoido modelio geometrijos. / Dance and aerobics are examples of movement programs – they consist of reusable components laid out in particular order. Efficient modeling of such programs requires the usage of some formal movement notation. With the help of existing tools and standards (3D modeling packages, OGRE graphics engine, H-Anim), as well as utilizing the ones we designed ourselves, we have implemented procedural humanoid animation schema. It allows for creating human movement programs and is easy to grasp even for those with no experience in animation or 3D modeling. Procedural animations are written in XML and visualized by our viewer software. Using our format, one can abstract movements into "procedures", combine them into sequences and store them in movement libraries. With all the individual movements at hand, creating, extending and modifying a procedural animation is much more simple and flexible. Moreover, this kind of animation is independent of model's geometry.
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Srovnání volně dostupných zobrazovacích knihoven / Comparison of Open Source Rendering LibrariesZáleta, Martin January 2013 (has links)
The main purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed analysis of some of the major available open source rendering libraries with the emphasis on their notable characteristics, and an in-depth comparison among them with regards to their possible practical use. Specifically, the selected rendering libraries in this paper are the following - OpenSceneGraph, Ogre 3D, Irrlicht Engine, Crystal Space and OpenSG, but a sidenote is given to some of the others as well. Last but not least, self-made examples of their usage are also included, and are meant to demonstrate some of the mentioned characteristics and principles of the analysed libraries.
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Vizualizace grafických scén v knihovně OGRE / Graphics Scene Visualization Using OGRE LibraryOndrejíček, Marián January 2012 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to investigate the possibilities of the OGRE visualization library and to implement an application which utilizes both simple and advanced OGRE features. Furhtermore there are explained basics of creating effects using Cg language and connecting them with OGRE library. The Bullet library which is often used in visualization applications for physics calculations is analyzed as well. The second part describes implementation of the demo application. In the end, the results are discussed, including possibilities of future development.
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Kosterní animace pro GPUengine / Skeletal Animation for GPUengineMinařík, Antonín January 2019 (has links)
This paper deals with studying skeletal animation techniques, and the subsequent design and implementation of skeletal animation extension for the GPUEngine library. The theoretical part describes the techniques of animation, skeletal animation and skinning. The following is an analysis of existing skeletal animation systems. The proposed solution seeks to reduce the data redundancy in the memory while rendering more skeletal models. According to the design a basic skeletal animation system has been implemented. Furthermore, a demonstration application has been created showing the skeletal system's use. The resulting skeletal system can be used in simple 3D applications and can serve as a basis for further works.
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