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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Treatment and characterisation of oily wastewaters

Karhu, M. (Mirjam) 18 August 2015 (has links)
Abstract Oily wastewaters are heterogeneous, containing various types of oils, surfactants from detergents, metals etc. Oily wastewaters are produced from a wide range of industries such as metalworking, petroleum refineries, the petrochemical industry, transportation as well as the textile and food industries. Oily wastewaters, especially those containing stable oil-in-water emulsions, require advanced treatment as conventional treatment methods have their limitations to meet ever-stricter environmental regulations. Ultrafiltration is a widely accepted and commonly used treatment method for oily wastewaters. The first aim of this thesis was to increase knowledge concerning the performance of an industrial-scaled ultrafiltration-based process treating concentrated real oily wastewaters. The demand for a more effective pre-treatment method for ultrafiltration to enhance performance and decrease fouling of membrane was observed. The second aim of the thesis was to investigate the suitability and efficiency of different methods for treating concentrated model oil-in-water emulsions and real oily wastewaters. The treatment methods studied were electrocoagulation (electrolytic dissolution of anodic metal), conventional coagulation-flocculation followed by either sedimentation or dissolved air flotation, and dissolved air flotation utilising cationic air bubbles. Electrocoagulation was discovered to be a promising treatment method for various types of oil-in-water emulsions. Dissolved air flotation with cationic modified air bubbles was proven to be an efficient method with even higher treatment results with smaller chemical doses when compared to conventional coagulation-flocculation followed by dissolved air flotation. The biodegradation of various components is an important measure of their impact on the environment in case of spillage. The third aim of the thesis was to explore the biodegradability of different types of oils and surfactants in solution conditions and soils. It was discovered that the biodegradation of light fuel oil continued during a three-month time period, reaching a biodegradation degree of over 60% in mineral-rich soil. For surfactants, their distinct effect on the biodegradation of organic material in soil was observed, and it masked the biodegradation of the surfactants themselves. / Tiivistelmä Öljyiset jätevedet ovat heterogeenisiä, sisältäen mm. erityyppisiä öljyjä, metalleja ja pesuaineiden pinta-aktiivisia aineita. Öljyisiä jätevesiä muodostuu laajalti eri teollisuuksista, kuten metallintyöstöstä, öljyn jalostuksesta, petrokemian teollisuudesta, ruoka- ja tekstiiliteollisuudesta sekä liikenteestä. Öljyiset jätevedet, varsinkin stabiileja öljyemulsioita sisältävät, vaativat tehokkaan käsittelymenetelmän, jotta ympäristölainsäädännön ja luvituksen ehdot täyttyvät. Ultrasuodatus on yleisesti käytössä oleva öljyisten jätevesien käsittelymenetelmä. Tämän väitöstyön ensimmäinen tavoite oli lisätä tietoutta teollisen mittakaavan konsentroituneiden öljyisten jätevesien ultrasuodatusprosessien tehokkuudesta. Prosessien strategisista kohdista kerättyjen öljyisten jätevesien karakterisointitulosten perusteella havaittiin, että ennen ultrasuodatusta tarvitaan tehokas esikäsittelyvaihe prosessin tehostamiseksi ja ultrasuodattimen tukkeutumisen vähentämiseksi. Täten toinen väitöstyön tavoite oli selvittää eri menetelmien soveltuvuutta ja tehokkuutta konsentroituneiden malliaineina käytettyjen öljyemulsioiden ja öljyisten jätevesien käsittelyssä. Tutkitut käsittelymenetelmät olivat elektrokoagulaatio (sähkökemiallinen flokkaavien metalli-ionien liuottaminen anodilta), koagulaatio-flokkulaatio ja laskeutus/korkeapaineflotaatio sekä korkeapaineflotaatiomenetelmä, joka hyödyntää kationisia ilmakuplia. Elektrokoagulaation todettiin olevan erittäin tehokas käsittelymenetelmä, jolla saavutettiin korkeat puhdistustulokset erityyppisille öljyemulsioille. Korkeapaineflotaatiolla, joka hyödyntää kationisia ilmakuplia, saavutettiin hyvät puhdistustulokset jopa pienemmillä kemikaalimäärillä verrattuna perinteiseen koagulaatio-flokkulaatioon ja korkepaineflotaation. Erilaisten komponenttien biohajoavuus on tärkeä suure arvioitaessa niiden ympäristövaikutuksia. Väitöstyön kolmas tavoite oli selvittää erilaisten öljyjen ja pinta-aktiivisten aineiden biohajoavuutta erilaisissa liuosolosuhteissa ja maa-aineksissa. Tärkeimmät biohajoavuustutkimustulokset olivat, että kevyt polttoöljy saavutti kolmen kuukauden mittauksen aikana yli 60 % biohajoavuusasteen mineraalirikkaassa maa-aineksessa. Pinta-aktiivisten aineiden havaittiin lisäävän huomattavasti maan orgaanisen aineksen biohajoamista, ja tämä vaikeutti itse pinta-aktiivisten aineiden biohajoamisen arviointia.

Problematika nakládání s dešťovými vodami z komunikací / Problems of disposal with rainwater from a communication

Oprchalová, Marie Unknown Date (has links)
Transportation has unfavorably influence on a quality of enviroment. Increase of traffic leads to construction of new motorways and to intensify the traffic on current comunications. A consequence is more polluted hard surfaces, when surface-wash contaminate soil, surface water and underground water. Devices for treating contamined water, such as oil-separators, are very actual in these days. The subject of this thesis was to test the possibilities of increasing effectiveness of mechanical separator for light liquids by installing various types of constructions. Target was to determine effectiveness of this conventional technology, which is energetically and technically simple and find out applicability for first step cleaning and further usage.

O/W Emulsion Stabilised with Clay Particles and Anionic Surfactant as an Oily Sludge Model: Preparation, Characterization and Destabilization with Natural and Synthetic Polyelectrolytes

Rojas Reyna, Rosana del Coromoto 08 March 2011 (has links)
Oily wastewater produced from petroleum and petrochemical refining processes is one of the gravest environmental threats. Oil waste ending up in sewers and dumps each year is equal to 25 times the amount of crude oil spilled in the Exxon Valdez accident (1989). Oil/Water separation covers a broad spectrum of industrial process operations. There are many techniques employed depending on each situation. The byproduct of water recovery from oily wastewater is a sludge rich in oil, surfactants and particles (oily sludge). The oily sludge still contains significant amounts of waters, which need to be recovered prior to its disposal. The use of polyelectrolytes for the flocculation of the emulsified oil and its separation from the aqueous phase is usually one of the steps of the wastewater as well as oily sludge treatment process. The efficiency of polyelectrolytes as floculants is quite often evaluated via trial and error and the appropriate polymer is selected according to the case. Even in scientific investigations it is rather common to use industrial oily sludge samples. The industrial oily sludge is characterized and treated by polyelectrolytes. Nevertheless industrial oily sludge is quite complicated and variable to be approximated by a model. For the systematic study of polyelectrolytes efficiency a stable, realistic and well-defined oily sludge model is necessary. In the present work an oily sludge model was successfully developed and characterized. The model consists on water, oil (kerosene), surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS) and clay particles (Blauton). The emulsifying efficiency of the surfactant and the clay were studied independently. The interactions between the surfactant and the clay including adsorption of the former on the later and cation exchange reactions were investigated. The four components were finally combined to form a series of emulsions varying the relative amounts of the emulsifiers for the highest stability to be encountered. Having concluded on the composition of the oily sludge model the efficiency of various polyelectrolytes was evaluated. Commercial natural (chitosans), synthetic (PolyDADMACs) polyelectrolytes and oilbreaks as well as lab-scale semi-synthetic polymers (modified chitosans) were tested. The flocculation efficiency was determined based on the amount and quality of water that was recovered as well as on the floc stability, size and sedimentation speed. The recovered water was characterized according to the environmental protection agency (EPA). The analysis included measurements on: total organic carbon (TOC), chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), total suspended solids (TSS) and pH. Selection of the appropriate flocculant also depends on the type of flocs formed in combination to the treatment following the flocculation. When filtration or centrifugation is used as a post-flocculation process the appropriate polymers are those that form large and porous flocs, as the case of the modified chitosans AG95 and AG97. Clarification devices on the other hand require dense flocs as these produced by the use of PolyDADMACs, commercial chitosans, oilbreaks and modified chitosans GA35, GA41 and AG79. Regarding the water quality, some of the polymers used that have low values of COD, TOC and BOD5, may not need the secondary treatment (biological) prior to discharge, such as P187K (PolyDADMAC) and GA41 (modified chitosan). The others require a biological treatment for the regulation limits to be reached. The pH values of modified chitosans (except of AG97), lab-scale PolyDADMACs and an oilbreak (OCAA) are all in range of the regulation limits. The applicability of biopolymers as flocculants for oil sludge dewatering is a relatively new field of investigation. As a consequence of the growing demand for environmentally friendly technologies as well as renewable resources the interest on natural flocculants has increased. The aminopolysaccharide chitosan and its modified derivatives have outstanding properties such as biocompability, biodegradability, hydrophilicity, adsorption, flocculating ability and antibacterial properties. These natural polymers derived from the sea-food industry waste products would be very useful as residue oil adsorbents in any oily wastewater and can be among the most promising candidates as a replacement of the synthetic flocculants. / Ölhaltiges Abwasser, das bei Erdöl- und petrolchemischen Raffinierungsprozessen entsteht, ist eine der größten Umweltgefahren. Dieses Altöl landet jedes Jahr in der Kanalisation und in Deponien. Es handelt sich dabei um die 25-fache Menge an Rohöl, die beim Unfall der Exxon Valdez (1989) ausgeflossen ist. Die Öl/Wasser-Trennung überspannt ein breites Spektrum industrieller Prozesse. Es gibt viele Techniken, die abhängig von jeder Situation eingesetzt werden. Das Nebenprodukt bei der Abtrennung von Wasser aus ölhaltigen Abwässern ist ein Schlamm (Ölschlamm), der reich an Öl, Tensiden und Partikeln ist. Der Ölschlamm enthält noch bedeutende Mengen an Wasser, die vor ihrer Entsorgung verwertet werden müssen. Die Verwendung von Polyelektrolyten zur Ausflockung des emulgierten Öls und seine Trennung von der wässrigen Phase ist in der Regel einer der Schritte zur Behandlung von Abwässern sowie ölhaltigen Schlämmen. Die Effizienz von Polyelektrolyten als Flockungsmittel wird ganz häufig über Versuch und Fehler bewertet, und das passende Polymer wird entsprechend dem jeweiligen Fall ausgewählt. Sogar in wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen ist es eher üblich, industrielle Ölschlamm-Proben zu verwenden. Der industrielle Ölschlamm wird charakterisiert und mit Polyelektrolyten behandelt. Dennoch ist der industrielle Ölschlamm ziemlich kompliziert und variabel und muss durch ein Modell angenähert werden. Für die systematische Untersuchung der Effizienz von Polyelektrolyten als Flockungsmittel ist ein stabiles, realistisches und klar definiertes Ölschlamm-Modell notwendig. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Ölschlamm-Modell erfolgreich entwickelt und charakterisiert. Das Modell besteht aus Wasser, Öl (Kerosin), Tensid (Natriumdodecylsulfat, SDS) und Tonteilchen (Blauton). Die Emulgiereffizienz des Tensids und des Tons wurden unabhängig voneinander untersucht. Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen dem Tensid und dem Ton, die sowohl die Adsorption des Ersteren auf dem Letzteren einschließen als auch einen Kationenaustausch, wurden untersucht. Die vier Komponenten des Ölschlamm-Modells wurden schließlich kombiniert und es wurde eine Reihe von Emulsionen hergestellt, bei denen die relativen Mengen der Emulsionsmittel verändert wurden, um eine möglichst hohe Stabilität zu erreichen. Nachdem ein geeignetes Ölschlamm-Modell zur Verfügung stand, wurde die Effizienz der verschiedenen Polyelektrolyte als Flockungsmittel bewertet. Kommerzielle natürliche (Chitosane), synthetische (PolyDADMACs) Polyelektrolyte und Oilbreaks sowie Labor-semi-synthetische Polymere (modifizierte Chitosane) wurden getestet. Die Flockungseffizienz wurde sowohl basierend auf der Menge und Qualität des Wassers, das zurückgewonnen wurde, als auch bezogen auf die Flockenstabilität, die Flockengröße und die Sedimentationsgeschwindigkeit bestimmt. Das zurückgewonnene Wasser wurde entsprechend der Vorschriften der Behörde für Umweltschutz (EPA) charakterisiert. Die Analysen enthielten die Bestimmung des gesamten organischen Kohlenstoffs (TOC), des chemischen Sauerstoffbedarf (CSB), des biochemischen Sauerstoffbedarfs (BSB5), des Gesamtgehalts an suspendierten Partikeln (TSS) und die Bestimmung des pH. Die Auswahl geeigneter Flockungsmittel hängt auch von der Art der gebildeten Flocken, in Kombination mit der Behandlung, die den Flockungsprozess folgt, ab. Wenn als Postflockungsprozess Filtration oder Zentrifugation folgen, sollten Polymere verwendet werden, die große und poröse Flöckchen bilden, wie im Fall der modifizierten Chitosane AG95 und AG97. Andererseits verlangen Geräte zur Klärung von Abwässern dichte Flocken, wie solche, die beim Einsatz von PolyDADMACs, kommerziellen Chitosanen, Oilbreaks und den modifizierten Chitosanen GA35, GA41 und AG79 entstehen. In Bezug auf die Wasserqualität erhält man mit einigen der verwendeten Polymere so niedrige Werte von CSB, TOC und BSB5, dass wie im Falle von P187K (PolyDADMAC) und GA41 (modifiziertes Chitosan) keine biologische Sekundärbehandlung notwendig ist. Im Falle der anderen Polymere ist eine biologische Behandlung nötig, um die vorgeschriebenen Grenzen zu erreichen. Die pH-Werte der modifizierten Chitosane (außer der AG97), der im Labor hergestellten PolyDADMACs und des Oilbreak OCAA sind alle in Bereich der vorgeschriebenen Grenzen. Die Anwendbarkeit von Biopolymeren als Flockungsmittel für die Ölschlammentwässerung ist ein relativ neuer Forschungsbereich. Als Folge der wachsenden Nachfrage nach umweltfreundlichen Technologien sowie erneuerbarer Ressourcen hat das Interesse an natürlichen Flockungsmitteln zugenommen. Das Aminopolysaccharidchitosan und dessen modifizierte Produkte haben hervorragende Eigenschaften wie Biokompatibilität, Biodegradierbarkeit, Hydrophilie, Adsorption, die Fähigkeit zur Flockung und antibakterielle Eigenschaften. Diese natürlichen Polymere, die aus Meeresfrüchte-Industrieabfallprodukten gewonnen werden, sollten als Restöl-Adsorbentien bei der Aufarbeitung jedes ölhaltigen Abwassers sehr nützlich sein und können zu den vielversprechendsten Kandidaten als Ersatz der synthetischen Flockungsmittel werden.

Chiral Induction and Defect Structures in Liquid Crystal Systems

Ferris, Andrew J., PhD 02 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Estudo da geração de biodiesel a partir de resíduos oleosos do saneamento ambiental

Oliveira, Jairo Pinto de 10 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-23T14:04:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jairo Pinto de Oliveira.pdf: 2727767 bytes, checksum: 3b1352014d87848112176e085bb84c8d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-10 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Effluents are released daily into water bodies without any treatment with high levels of oil and grease (OG) and are a huge environmental problem. These residues are potentially available may be used for energy recovery, such as oil usage for the production of biodiesel. As the biggest barrier to the production of biodiesel involves the cost of raw materials, grease traps of restaurants, industries and wastewater treatment plants can be used as feedstock for biofuel production, since they have large amounts of oil and grease without cost. However, residual oils and greases contain high levels of free fatty acids (FFA) and as the preferred route for the production of biodiesel transesterification is alkaline, may be formed soap as a final product, impairing the separation of glycerol and decreasing the reaction yield. Thus, the acidic and enzymatic transesterification can present as promising alternatives, since it can catalyze the modification of both triglycerides and free fatty acids. The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of using four types of oily waste sanitation (skimmings of grease from a University Restaurant, a Food Industry, a Station Wastewater Treatment and Sludge pits and septic tanks); characterize the physicochemical properties of oils and greases extracted and evaluate processes involving generation of biodiesel acid catalyst (H2SO4) and enzyme (immobilized Candida antarctica). The residues studied showed high levels of oil and grease and physicochemical characterization showed high levels of acidity, saponification and humidity. Were detected and quantified the major saturated and unsaturated fatty acids by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The production of biodiesel from raw materials from grease traps showed high levels of conversion, greater than or equal 90%, which shows that both catalysts (H2SO4 and lipase Candida antarctica) are presented in the efficient esterification of raw waste acidic. The best conversion was found to be 96.5% using the lipid material from the grease trap the University Restaurant UFES catalyzed enzymatically at 50 ° C and molar ratio of 1:9 (oil: alcohol) / Efluentes são lançados diariamente em corpos d água sem nenhum tipo de tratamento com elevados teores de óleos e graxas (OG) e constituem um enorme problema ambiental. Estes resíduos potencialmente disponíveis podem ser utilizados para o aproveitamento energético, como o uso de óleo para a produção de biodiesel. Como a maior barreira para produção de biodiesel envolve o custo de matéria prima, caixas de gordura de restaurantes, indústrias e de estações de tratamento de efluentes podem ser utilizados como matéria prima para produção de biocombustível, pois apresentam grandes quantidades de óleos e graxas sem nenhum custo. No entanto, óleos e graxas residuais contêm altos teores de ácidos graxos livres (AGL), e como a via preferencial para a produção de biodiesel é a transesterificação alcalina, pode ocorrer a formação de sabão como produto final, prejudicando a separação do glicerol e diminuindo o rendimento da reação. Desta forma, a transesterificação enzimática e ácida podem se apresentar como alternativas promissoras, visto que podem catalisar a modificação tanto de triglicerídeos como de ácidos graxos livres. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a possibilidade de utilização de quatro tipos de resíduos oleosos do saneamento (Escumas de caixas de gordura de um Restaurante Universitário, de uma Indústria de Alimentos, de uma Estação de Tratamento de Efluentes e de Lodos de Fossas e Tanques Sépticos), caracterizar as propriedades físico-químicas dos óleos e graxas extraídos, bem como avaliar processos de geração de biodiesel envolvendo catalisador ácido (H2SO4) e enzimático (Candida antarctica imobilizada). Os resíduos estudados apresentaram altos teores de óleos e graxas e a caracterização físico-química mostrou elevados índices de acidez, saponificação e umidade. Foram detectados e quantificados os principais ácidos graxos saturados e insaturados por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência (CLAE). A produção do biodiesel a partir das matérias primas provenientes de caixas de gordura apresentaram altos níveis de conversões, maior ou igual 90%, o que demonstra que ambos os catalisadores (H2SO4 e a lipase Candida antarctica) apresentam-se eficientes na esterificação de matérias primas residuais ácidas. A melhor conversão encontrada foi de 96,5% utilizando o material lipídico proveniente da caixa de gordura do Restaurante Universitário da UFES catalisado enzimaticamente a 50ºC e razão molar 1:9 (óleo:álcool)


KARLA DE AVELLAR MOTA 12 January 2018 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a morfologia de biofilmes, formados em superfície de aço API 5L X80 submetida a um fluido com baixo BSW (Basic Sediment Water), ou seja, baixo teor de água em óleo, através de análise por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), determinar a cinética e quantificar os grupos bacterianos de formação destes biofilmes, e avaliar a biocorrosão causada por estes microrganismos. Foram realizadas alterações no protocolo original de preparo de amostras, com a finalidade de obter melhor definição das morfologias avaliadas. Realizaram-se estudos dinâmicos (looping) e em condições estáticas, com e sem a adição de agente biocida. Utilizando-se como fluido de processo o óleo coletado no terminal da Petrobras em Barra do Furado que tem como característica um BSW de aproximadamente 1 por cento de água. Para alcançar os objetivos descritos foram quantificadas bactérias sésseis (bactérias facultativas heterotróficas, bactérias precipitantes do ferro, bactérias anaeróbias heterotróficas e bactérias redutoras de sulfato) através da técnica do número mais provável (NMP). A intensidade do processo corrosivo foi avaliada através da análise dos pites formados nos cupons por microscopia óptica. A seqüência de fixação com alteração do protocolo inicial, permitiu uma melhor preservação estrutural do biofilme obtendo-se assim imagens com melhor resolução, tendo em vista que a fixação primária com glutaraldeído fixa principalmente proteínas pelo estabelecimento de ligações divalentes com grupamento amino, e a pós-fixação em tetróxido de ósmio reage com os lipídios. Quanto a cinética, observou-se também que na presença de fluido oleoso, a formação do biofilme só é detectada após 15 dias de exposição. A adição do agente biocida inibiu o crescimento do biofilme, não sendo detectada a presença de células cultiváveis após 7 dias em contato com o fluido contendo o agente químico. / [en] This study aims to evaluate the morphology of biofilms formed on the surface of API 5L X80 steel exposed to a low BSW (Basic Sediment Water) fluid comprising oil of a low water content. The analisys was performed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in order to determine the formation kinetics, to quantify and identify the bacterial groups present as the film formed, and to evaluate the biocorrosion caused by these organisms. Modifications were made to the original sample preparation protocol, in order to better define the film morphologies. Studies were undertaken applying either static or dynamic (looping) conditions, bith with and without the addition of biocides. The process fluid used was oil collected from the Petrobras Barra do Furado Terminal, characterized by its 1 percent BSW. The evaluation was performed quantifying the sessile bacteria present in the film (heterotrophic bacteria, iron bacteria, anaerobic bacteria e sulphate reducing bacteria) via the Most Probable Number (MPN) technique. The intensity of the corrosion process was determined by the analysis of pits forme in the testpieces, by optical microscopy. The application of a sample fixation sequence, in addition to modifications of the inicial sample preparation protocol, permitted the improved preservation of the biofilm structures, thereby permitting higher resolution images. The primary fixing agent, containing gluteraldehyde, principally fixes proteins, by establishing divalent bonds with amino groups, while the post-fixation stage with osmium tetroxide invloves reactions with lipid groups.With regard to the film deposition kinetics, it was observed that biofilm formation could only be detected after 15 day s exposure to the oily fluid. The addition of a biocide, inhibited the growth of the film, no cultivatable cells being present after 7 days contact with the treated fluid.

Desenvolvimento de modelo computacional de previsão de quebra de gotas em simulador de separação de óleo e água em um hidrociclone / Development of computational model of forecast of drops break in simulator of separation of oil and water in a hydrocyclone

Cleber de Almeida Corrêa Junior 27 March 2008 (has links)
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. / O presente trabalho aborda aspectos sobre o tratamento de águas oleosas, através de hidrociclones, em uma planta de processamento primário de petróleo. Apresenta o hidrociclone, sua utilização pela indústria do petróleo e os fenômenos de escoamento que ocorrem no seu interior. A partir das equações da conservação de massa e da quantidade de movimento linear, fazendo-se diversas considerações simplificadoras, chega-se a uma equação diferencial para a função corrente que, após ser trabalhada, possibilita a obtenção do conjunto de equações utilizadas como modelo para o cálculo da eficiência de separação do hidrociclone. Estudam-se algumas causas que fazem com que uma gota se deforme ou quebre, em seguida observam-se quais dessas causas são aplicadas no caso do escoamento no interior do hidrociclone, e desenvolve-se um modelo simplificado para a representação do fenômeno da quebra de gotas. Calcula-se uma nova eficiência de separação, levando-se em conta o fenômeno da quebra de gotas. Toda a modelagem computacional foi feita com a utilização do software MATLAB. / The present work approaches aspects of oily water treatment, by using hydrocyclones, in a petroleum primary processing plant. It shows the hydrocyclone, its utilization in the petroleum industry and the flow phenomena occurring within it. Starting from the mass conservation and linear momentum conservation equations, assuming some hypothesis, one writes a differential equation for the stream function that, after some work, provides a set of equations suited to use as a model for calculating the hydrocyclone separation efficiency. Some causes of the deforming and break-up of droplets are studied. Afterwards, it is investigated which of these causes apply to the flow inside of the hydrocyclone and, finally, a simple model representative of the droplet break-up phenomenon is developed. A new separation efficiency is calculated, considering the droplet break-up phenomenon. All the computational modeling was done using software MATLAB.

Desenvolvimento de modelo computacional de previsão de quebra de gotas em simulador de separação de óleo e água em um hidrociclone / Development of computational model of forecast of drops break in simulator of separation of oil and water in a hydrocyclone

Cleber de Almeida Corrêa Junior 27 March 2008 (has links)
Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. / O presente trabalho aborda aspectos sobre o tratamento de águas oleosas, através de hidrociclones, em uma planta de processamento primário de petróleo. Apresenta o hidrociclone, sua utilização pela indústria do petróleo e os fenômenos de escoamento que ocorrem no seu interior. A partir das equações da conservação de massa e da quantidade de movimento linear, fazendo-se diversas considerações simplificadoras, chega-se a uma equação diferencial para a função corrente que, após ser trabalhada, possibilita a obtenção do conjunto de equações utilizadas como modelo para o cálculo da eficiência de separação do hidrociclone. Estudam-se algumas causas que fazem com que uma gota se deforme ou quebre, em seguida observam-se quais dessas causas são aplicadas no caso do escoamento no interior do hidrociclone, e desenvolve-se um modelo simplificado para a representação do fenômeno da quebra de gotas. Calcula-se uma nova eficiência de separação, levando-se em conta o fenômeno da quebra de gotas. Toda a modelagem computacional foi feita com a utilização do software MATLAB. / The present work approaches aspects of oily water treatment, by using hydrocyclones, in a petroleum primary processing plant. It shows the hydrocyclone, its utilization in the petroleum industry and the flow phenomena occurring within it. Starting from the mass conservation and linear momentum conservation equations, assuming some hypothesis, one writes a differential equation for the stream function that, after some work, provides a set of equations suited to use as a model for calculating the hydrocyclone separation efficiency. Some causes of the deforming and break-up of droplets are studied. Afterwards, it is investigated which of these causes apply to the flow inside of the hydrocyclone and, finally, a simple model representative of the droplet break-up phenomenon is developed. A new separation efficiency is calculated, considering the droplet break-up phenomenon. All the computational modeling was done using software MATLAB.


Biswas, Avidipto 16 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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