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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Research on heavy metals in roadside and evaluation of heir influence on the environment / Sunkiųjų metalų pakelėse tyrimai ir įtakos aplinkai vertinimas

Jankaitė, Audronė 04 December 2007 (has links)
Soil contamination with heavy metals is a problem of worldwide concern that is still unsolved. The analysis of the current methods of soil cleaning from heavy metals leads to conclusions that phytoremediation, i.e. soil decontamination by using plants, is one of the best methods. Although this method has not received a wide application yet and possibilities of its application are still being analysed, it is one of the most prospective soil cleaning methods due to low cost and a rather efficient cleaning of the upper surface of soil. Three kinds of Poaceae f. Species – Lolium perenne L., Poa pratensis L. and Festuca pratensis Huds. – have been chosen in this work for decontaminating soil from heavy metals. These plants were grown under artificial laboratory conditions in soil which was once and periodically contaminated with heavy metals. It was established that it is the Lolium perenne L. that most efficiently removes heavy metals and cleans soil. The results of experiments show that the selected grassy plants (perennial ryegrass, meadow-grass and fescue-grass) efficiently clean soil from heavy metals (copper, lead, manganese, zinc, nickel and chromium) when soil contains both low (0.5–120 mg/kg) and high (up to 6,850 mg/kg) concentrations of these metals. Since the perennial ryegrass absorbs the highest amount of heavy metals, the highest efficiency of soil cleaning is achieved using this plant, therefore, 80 % of the mixture of grassy plants was formed of the perennial... [to full text] / Dirvožemio tarša sunkiaisiais metalais visame pasaulyje aktuali problema iki šiol neturinti universalaus sprendimo. Išanalizavus šiuo metu dirvožemio valymui nuo sunkiųjų metalų naudojamus metodus, galima daryti išvadą, kad vienas iš tinkamiausių metodų yra fitoremediacija, t. y. dirvožemio valymas nuo teršalų panaudojant augalus. Šis metodas dar nėra plačiai taikomas ir jo taikymo galimybės dar tik tiriamos tačiau, tai vienas iš perspektyviausių dirvožemio valymo metodų dėl sąlyginai mažos kainos ir pakankamai efektyvaus paviršinio dirvožemio sluoksnio išvalymo. Atliktų eksperimentinių tyrimų rezultatai parodė, kad pasirinkta žolinė augalija – daugiametė svidrė, pievinė miglė ir tikrasis eraičinas efektyviai valo dirvožemį nuo sunkiųjų metalų (vario, švino, mangano, cinko, nikelio, chromo) tiek esant mažoms (0,5–120 mg/kg), tiek didelėms (iki 6850 mg/kg) jų koncentracijoms dirvožemyje. Kadangi daugiausiai sunkiųjų metalų iš dirvožemio sorbuoja svidrė, tai dirvožemio valymo efektyvumas naudojant šią žolinės augalijos rūšį yra efektyviausias ir sudarant žolinės augalijos mišinį 80  sudarė svidrė ir po 10  eraičinas bei miglė. Eksperimentų metu tirta, kaip sunkiųjų metalų mišinio koncentracijos kenkia hidrobiontams ir nustatyta, kad didinat sunkiųjų metalų mišinio koncentracijas (iki 0,198–5,12 g/l) jos tampa letalinėmis vaivorykštiniam upėtakiui, tuo pačiu ir kitiems vandens gyvūnams.Pagal tyrimų su vaivorykštiniais upėtakiais rezultatus nustatyta, kad stebimų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Sunkiųjų metalų pakelėse tyrimai ir įtakos aplinkai vertinimas / Research on heavy metals in roadside and evaluation of their influence on the environment

Jankaitė, Audronė 04 December 2007 (has links)
Dirvožemio tarša sunkiaisiais metalais visame pasaulyje aktuali problema iki šiol neturinti universalaus sprendimo. Fitoremediacija – naujai atsirandanti ir daug žadanti technologija nestipriai užterštiems dirvožemiams valyti naudojant augalus. Šiame darbe dirvožemio valymui nuo sunkiųjų metalų pasirinktos trys žolinės augalijos rūšys – svidrė, miglė ir eraičinas, augintos modelinėmis laboratorinėmis sąlygomis vieną kartą ir periodiškai sunkiaisiais metalais teršiamuose dirvožemiuose. Nustatyta, kad geriausiai sunkiuosius metalus iš dirvožemio sorbuoja ir didžiausias dirvožemio valymo efektyvumas pasiekiamas naudojant svidrę. Augalijai sorbuojant sunkiuosius metalus iš dirvožemio dalis šių metalų (Cu, Cr, Zn, Pb, Mn, Ni) koncentruojasi žolinės augalijos šaknyse, tačiau didžioji dalis ten susikaupiančių metalų (iki 90 proc.) pereina į antžeminę augalo dalį. Didžiausios sunkiųjų metalų koncentracijos augale (iki 60 proc. ir daugiau) ir atitinkamai efektyviausias dirvožemio valymas nustatytas svidrės atveju, todėl sudarant mišinį didžiąją dalį (80 proc.) jame sudaro svidrė. Sunkiųjų metalų mišinys daro neigiamą įtaką vaivorykštinio upėtakio jauniklių fiziologiniams ir morfologiniams rodikliams, todėl didinat sunkiųjų metalų mišinio koncentracijas (iki 0,198–5,12 g/l) jos tampa letalinėmis vaivorykštiniams upėtakiams, tuo pačiu ir kitiems vandens gyvūnams. Pagal tyrimų su vaivorykštiniais upėtakiais rezultatus nustatyta, kad stebimų upėtakių, gyvenusių akvariume, užterštame 5,7... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Soil contamination with heavy metals is a problem of worldwide concern that is still unsolved. The analysis of the current methods of soil cleaning from heavy metals leads to conclusions that phytoremediation, i.e. soil decontamination by using plants, is one of the best methods. Although this method has not received a wide application yet and possibilities of its application are still being analysed, it is one of the most prospective soil cleaning methods due to low cost and a rather efficient cleaning of the upper surface of soil. Three kinds of Poaceae f. Species – Lolium perenne L., Poa pratensis L. and Festuca pratensis Huds. – have been chosen in this work for decontaminating soil from heavy metals. These plants were grown under artificial laboratory conditions in soil which was once and periodically contaminated with heavy metals. It was established that it is the Lolium perenne L. that most efficiently removes heavy metals and cleans soil. The results of experiments show that the selected grassy plants (perennial ryegrass, meadow-grass and fescue-grass) efficiently clean soil from heavy metals (copper, lead, manganese, zinc, nickel and chromium) when soil contains both low (0.5–120 mg/kg) and high (up to 6,850 mg/kg) concentrations of these metals. Since the perennial ryegrass absorbs the highest amount of heavy metals, the highest efficiency of soil cleaning is achieved using this plant, therefore, 80 % of the mixture of grassy plants was formed of the perennial... [to full text]

Influence of waterfalls on patterns of association between trout and Natal cascade frog Hadromophryne natalensis tadpoles in two headwaterstreams of the Ukhahlamba Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site

Karssing, Jeffery Robert 06 1900 (has links)
Current literature suggests that little, if any, research has been conducted in South Africa to determine the impact of alien invasive trout on indigenous amphibian biodiversity. The primary aim of the research project was to establish whether waterfalls are seasonally important in protecting the indigenous Natal Cascade Frog Hadromophryne natalensis tadpole populations from predation by alien rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and brown trout Salmo trutta at two sampling areas located at Injesuthi and Monk‟s Cowl Nature Reserve within the uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site (UDPWHS). The dissertation argues in favour of a biotic rationale, namely trout predation, as being the primary cause for the decline of H. natalensis tadpoles below the waterfalls and systematically negates the influence of geo-physical (abiotic) environmental factors on tadpole abundance. Habitat isolation and fragmentation is identified as a latent threat to the continued persistence of H. natalensis populations in the UDPWHS. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

Experimental analysis of intra- and interspecific competitive interactions between cutthroat trout and sculpins in small streams

Ramirez, Ben S. 02 December 2011 (has links)
In the Pacific Northwest ecoregion of North America, sculpins represent a major constituent of freshwater assemblages in coastal rivers. Based on their prevalence and abundance, sculpins are likely important ecologically, yet little is known of their interactions with co-occurring species, such as widely studied salmon and trout (salmonines). In this study, I evaluated inter- and intraspecific interactions involving cottids (Cottus sp.) and coastal cutthroat trout (Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii). I used a response surface experimental design to independently evaluate effects of cutthroat trout and sculpin biomass on growth and behavior. There was evidence of both intra- and interspecific interactions between cutthroat trout and sculpins, but the interactions were asymmetrical with biomass of cutthroat trout driving both intra- and interspecific interactions, whereas sculpins had little influence overall. Cutthroat trout biomass was positively related to conspecific aggressive interactions and negatively related to growth. Sculpin exhibited increased use of cover during the day in response to greater biomass of cutthroat trout, but not sculpin biomass. Nocturnal use of cover by sculpins was unaffected by biomass of either species. This experiment provides insights into the species interactions and the mechanisms that may allow sculpins and salmonines to coexist in nature. As cutthroat trout appear to be superior competitors, coexistence between sculpins and cutthroat trout may depend on some form of refuge, either in the form of in-stream cover or crypsis coupled with diel resource segregation. Cutthroat trout are usually active during the day, indicating that nocturnal foraging by sculpins may in part represent a behavior that minimizes interspecific competition with cutthroat trout. / Graduation date: 2012

Toxicité, transfert et gestion subcellulaire de l’yttrium (Y) chez trois organismes d’eau douce

Cardon, Pierre-Yves 11 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Characterisation of chromatin extracellular traps in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Van, Andre P. January 2018 (has links)
One of the greatest challenges in finfish aquaculture is combating losses caused by infectious bacterial diseases, and a better understanding of the interactions between the host immune system and pathogens is essential for developing new methods to manage infections and outbreaks. Extracellular traps (ETs) are decondensed nuclear chromatin released by neutrophils into the extracellular matrix that can ensnare and kill microbes. Since the discovery of ETs in humans, these innate immune effectors have been characterised across the animal kingdom, including in some fish species, though their existence the salmonids has yet to be confirmed. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to confirm and characterise the release of ETs in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and investigate the interaction of these structures with fish pathogenic bacteria. To do this, a triple-layer Percoll gradient technique was employed to give highly enriched cell suspensions of polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) derived from head-kidney tissue preparations. Treatment of PMN-enriched cell suspensions with the nucleic-acid-specific stain, SYTOX Green, revealed the presence of ET-like structures that had been released without stimulation. These ET-like structures were confirmed by immunostaining techniques to contain the diagnostic proteinaceous markers of ETs: neutrophil elastase, myeloperoxidase and the H2A histone. Previously characterised inhibitors and inducers of ET release from phagocytic immune cells in other animals confirmed that calcium ionophore (CaI), flagellin, and cytochalasin D shared similar activities for ET-release by rainbow trout PMNs. However, interestingly, as the common ET-inducer phorbol-myristate acetate (PMA) and ET-inhibitor diphenyleneiodonium (DPI) did not exert their expected potency in ET release assays with the PMNs, perhaps indicating that these fish cells are less dependent on NADPH oxidase signalling for ET release compared to mammals and most invertebrate species. The PMN-derived ETs were demonstrated to bind to and trap the extracellular nuclease-deficient bacterial fish pathogen, Vibrio anguillarum (Vib 87) when co-cultured. Finally, extracellular nuclease activity produced by a V. anguillarum isolate (Vib 6) during culture was able to degrade ETs released by rainbow trout PMNs in a dose-dependent manner. Moreover, viable colony counts, fluorescent and phase contrast microscopy demonstrated that V. anguillarum Vib 6 eluded trapping by ETs, while an extracellular nuclease-deficient isolate did not. These observations are consistent with the suggestion that nucleases are a microbial virulence factor during host infection. Confirming the existence and antimicrobial potential of extracellular traps released by rainbow trout PMNs may provide a platform towards the development of novel therapeutics to reduce mortalities in finfish aquaculture caused by infectious microbial pathogens.

Born to run? Integrating individual behavior, physiology, and life histories in partially migratory steelhead and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Sloat, Matthew R. 18 March 2013 (has links)
Steelhead and rainbow trout are common names for marine-migratory (anadromous) and freshwater-resident forms of Oncorhynchus mykiss, a partially migratory salmonid fish. Anadromous and resident forms are sympatric and can produce offspring with a life history different from their own (i.e., steelhead parents can produce rainbow trout offspring and vice versa). The expression of these alternative life histories is a plastic response to individual patterns of energy acquisition, assimilation, and allocation during juvenile life stages. Individual performance during early stream life is of particular interest because of potential carry-over effects on subsequent growth and developmental trajectories. In a series of experiments in laboratory streams, I determined the influence of individual variation in energy metabolism on behavior, growth, and life-history expression in O. mykiss. Individual variation in energy metabolism was a strong predictor of feeding territory acquisition by juvenile fish during the transition from dependence on maternal provisioning of egg yolk reserves to independent feeding. Feeding territory acquisition was positively associated with standard metabolic rate (SMR) under conditions of an abundant and predictable food supply. When the density of intraspecific competitors was manipulated, the association between SMR and territory acquisition was strongest at intermediate stocking densities, moderate at the highest stocking densities, and weakest at the lowest stocking densities. However, reducing the spatial predictability of food resources within streams reversed the influence of SMR on competitive outcomes. These experiments determined that variation in ecological conditions during early life stages imposes different selection regimes on juvenile O. mykiss and results in physiological divergence among cohorts. Subsequent rearing experiments determined that behavioral dominance influences rates of anadromy and freshwater maturation, most likely through the association between SMR and territory acquisition. In addition to the effects of behavioral dominance, I observed a significant influence of sex, rearing temperature, and individual growth trajectories on the expression of anadromy and freshwater maturation. Partially migratory populations of O. mykiss maintain an exceptionally diverse portfolio of life-history strategies. Results from this work lend insight into a suite of behavioral and physiological processes influencing individual life histories. / Graduation date: 2013

Effects of Hypoxia and Exercise on In Vivo Lactate Kinetics and Expression of Monocarboxylate Transporters in Rainbow Trout

Omlin, Teye D. 21 February 2014 (has links)
The current understanding of lactate metabolism in fish is based almost entirely on interpretation of concentration measurements that cannot be used to infer changes in flux. Moreover, the transporters regulating these fluxes have never been characterized in rainbow trout. My goals were: (1) to quantify lactate fluxes in rainbow trout under normoxic resting conditions, during acute hypoxia, and exercise by continuous infusion of [U-14C] lactate; (2) to determine lactate uptake capacity of trout tissues by infusing exogenous lactate in fish rest and during graded exercise, and (3) to clone monocarboxylate transporters (MCTs) and determine the effects of exhausting exercise on their expression. Such information could prove important to understand the mechanisms underlying the classic “lactate retention” seen in trout white muscle after intense exercise. In normoxic resting fish, the rates of appearance (Ra) and disappearance (Rd) of lactate were always matched (~18 to 13 µmol kg-1 min-1), thereby maintaining a low baseline blood lactate concentration (~0.8 mM). In hypoxic fish, Ra lactate increased from baseline to 36.5 µmol kg-1 min-1, and was accompanied by an unexpected 52% increase in Rd reaching 30.3 µmol kg-1 min-1, accounting for a rise in blood lactate to 8.9 mM. In exercising fish, lactate flux was stimulated > 2.4 body lengths per second (BL s-1). As the fish reached critical swimming speed (Ucrit), Ra lactate was more stimulated (+67% to 40.4 μmol kg-1 min-1) than Rd (+41% to 34.7 μmol kg-1 min-1), causing an increase in blood lactate to 5.1mM. Fish infused with exogenous lactate stimulated Rd lactate by 300% (14 to 56 μmol kg-1 min-1) during graded exercise, whereas the Rd in resting fish increased by only 90% (21 to 40 µmol kg-1 min-1). Four MCT isoforms were partially cloned and characterized in rainbow trout: MCT1b was the most abundant in heart, and red muscle, but poorly expressed in gill and brain where MCT1a and MCT2 were prevalent. MCT4 was more expressed in the heart. Transcript levels of MCT2 (+260%; brain), MCT1a (+90%; heart) and MCT1b (+50%; heart) were stimulated by exhausting exercise. This study shows that: (i) the increase in Rd lactate plays a strategic role in reducing the lactate load imposed on the circulation. Without this response, blood lactate accumulation would double; (ii) a high capacity for lactate disposal in rainbow trout tissues is elicited by the increased blood-to-tissue lactate gradient when extra lactate is administered; and (iii) rainbow trout may be unable to release large lactate loads rapidly from white muscle after exhausting exercise (lactate retention) because they poorly express MCT4 in white muscle and fail to upregulate its expression during exercise.

Introdução da truta arco-íris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) e suas conseqüências para a comunidade aquática dos rios de altitude do sul do Brasil

Sosinski, Lilian Terezinha Winckler January 2004 (has links)
A introdução de espécies exóticas é uma prática que acompanha a história da humanidade, sendo as espécies introduzidas a base da nutrição e economia em vários países. Porém, esse processo contínuo tem levado a uma homogeneização da flora e fauna global. Os ecossistemas aquáticos, que têm recebido menor atenção que os terrestres, têm sofrido perda de diversidade, hibridação, introdução de patógenos, degradação do habitat além da necessidade e alto custo de controle das espécies introduzidas. O desenvolvimento da aqüicultura tem acelerado a introdução de peixes exóticos, que são a base dessa produção em países como o Brasil. Além desta, entre as razões para a introdução citam-se o esporte, a manipulação ecológica com controle de organismos indesejáveis, o melhoramento dos estoques, a ornamentação ou ainda introduções acidentais. No Rio Grande do Sul, nos rios dos Campos de Cima da Serra estão ocorrendo introduções da espécie exótica truta arco- íris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) desde meados da década de 90 como forma de estímulo ao turismo rural. O objetivo dessa prática é a pesca esportiva, que atrai turistas de várias regiões. Porém, os rios da região possuem várias espécies de peixes endêmicas e as conseqüências dessa prática sobre a biota aquática são desconhecidas. O objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar o efeito da introdução da truta arco-íris sobre o ecossistema de rios de baixa ordem no município de São José dos Ausentes – RS, Brasil. Para tanto foi descrita a biologia da truta arco- íris no novo ambiente, verificando sua alimentação, movimentação, presença e viabilidade da reprodução. A ictiofauna autóctone dos rios com ausência e presença de trutas foi comparada, bem como o efeito da predação sobre a macrofauna bentônica. A ictiofauna foi amostrada com o uso da pesca elétrica, sendo o conteúdo estomacal das trutas avaliado sazonalmente. Três trutas foram marcadas e acompanhadas por ii biotelemetria para determinação da sua área de vida. Um experimento com ninhos artificiais foi conduzido para verificação da sobrevivência de ovos de trutas nas condições dos rios de São José dos Ausentes. O experimento de exclusão de peixes foi feito a fim de avaliar o efeito da predação sobre a macrofauna bentônica, comparando a macrofauna em rios com e sem trutas. Os resultados indicaram que a truta arco- íris tem como alimento principal os invertebrados bentônicos, porém as maiores classes de tamanho incluem peixes em seus alimentos principais. Logo após sua introdução a movimentação é restrita, porém alguns exemplares foram capturados em um rio onde não foi feita introdução dessa espécie. Apesar de baixa, a sobrevivência dos adultos ocorre, assim como a reprodução. A sobrevivência dos ovos também é baixa, porém, uma pós-larva foi encontrada. A ictiofauna autóctone é diferenciada nos rios com presença de truta, apresentando menor riqueza e diversidade e uma tendência a diminuição da biomassa. A macrofauna bentônica também é diferenciada, apesar de não ser possível atribuir essa diferença somente à presença das trutas. / The introduction of exotic species is a practice that accompanies the humanity's history, being the introduced species the base of the nutrition and economy in several countries. Even so, that continuous process has been taking to a homogenization of the global flora and fauna. The aquatic ecosystems, that have been receiving smaller attention than the terrestrial ones, have been suffering diversity loss, hybridization, pathogens introduction, degradation of the habitat and costs of control of the introduced species. The development of aquaculture has been accelerating the introduction of exotic fish, that are the base of that production in countries as Brazil. Among the reasons for the introduction are the sporting fishing, the ecological manipulation with control of undesirable organisms, the improvement of the stocks, the ornamentation or still accidental introductions. In Rio Grande do Sul, in the rivers of Campos de Cima da Serra are occurring introductions of the species exotic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from middles of the decade of 90 as incentive form to the rural tourism. The objective of that practice is the sporting fishing, which attracts tourists of several areas. Even so, the rivers of the area possess several endemic species of fish and the consequences of that practice on the aquatic biota have been ignored. The objective of the present work is to evaluate the effect of the introduction of the rainbow trout on rivers of low order in the municipal district of São José dos Ausentes - RS, Brazil. Thus the biology of the rainbow trout was described in the new environment, verifying its feeding, movement, presence and viability of reproduction. The autochthonous ictiofauna of the rivers with absence and presence of trouts was compared, as well as the effect of the predation on the benthic macrofauna. The ictiofauna was collected with the use of the electric fishing, being the stomacal content of the trouts evaluated seasonally. Three trouts were marked and accompanied by biotelemetry for determination of its life iv area. An experiment with artificial nests was driven for verification of the survival of eggs of trouts in the conditions of the rivers of São José dos Ausentes. The experiment of exclusion of fish was made in order to evaluate the effect of the predation on the benthic macrofauna, comparing the macrofauna in rivers with and without trouts. The results indicated that the rainbow trout has as main food benthic invertebrates, even so, in larger size classes it include fishes as main food. After its introduction the movement is restricted, even so trout s were found in a river where they were not introduced. Although low, have survival, as well as reproduction. The survival of the eggs is low, but it is happening in Silveira River, a post larvae being found. The autochthonous ictiofauna is differentiated in the rivers with trout presence, presenting smaller richness and diversity. The benthic macrofauna is also differentiated, in spite of not being possible to attribute that difference only to the presence of trouts.

Influence of waterfalls on patterns of association between trout and Natal cascade frog Hadromophryne natalensis tadpoles in two headwaterstreams of the Ukhahlamba Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site

Karssing, Jeffery Robert 06 1900 (has links)
Current literature suggests that little, if any, research has been conducted in South Africa to determine the impact of alien invasive trout on indigenous amphibian biodiversity. The primary aim of the research project was to establish whether waterfalls are seasonally important in protecting the indigenous Natal Cascade Frog Hadromophryne natalensis tadpole populations from predation by alien rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and brown trout Salmo trutta at two sampling areas located at Injesuthi and Monk‟s Cowl Nature Reserve within the uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site (UDPWHS). The dissertation argues in favour of a biotic rationale, namely trout predation, as being the primary cause for the decline of H. natalensis tadpoles below the waterfalls and systematically negates the influence of geo-physical (abiotic) environmental factors on tadpole abundance. Habitat isolation and fragmentation is identified as a latent threat to the continued persistence of H. natalensis populations in the UDPWHS. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Science)

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