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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Misdaad in die nywerheid. 'n kriminologiese ondersoek

Kruger, Jan Johannes Lewis January 1979 (has links)
Aangesien misdaad in die handel- en nywerheid in die jonste tyd in omvang toeneem, het by die ondersoeker die begeerte ontstaan om vas te stel wat die aard, omvang en die gevolge van misdaad, o.a. winkeldiefstal en gapsery in die privaatsektor is. Voorts is klem gele op die basiese vereistes van sekuriteit asook die daarstelling en gebruik van die beskikbare fisiese beveiligingstelsels. In die laaste plek is aangedui watter rol sekuriteitspersoneel ten aansien van sekuriteit in die handel en nywerheid speel. In die 600 handels- en nywerheidsondernemings wat in die ondersoek betrek is, is 23 052 misdade gepleeg waarvan 18 700 (81,12%) diefstal is. Die ander misdade is bedrog, vervalsing, eiendomsbeskadiging, geweldpleging, aanranding, huisbraak (inbraak) dobbelary en die gebruik van dagga. In totaal is 17 713 van die 23 052 misdade deur die werknemers gepleeg. Twee-en-tagtig persent (14 434) is diefstal en is hoofsaaklik deur die nieblanke rassegroep gepleeg. Die meeste werknemers, naamlik 10 396 (58,69%) wat oortree is tussen die ouderdomme 17 en 25 jaar. Dit is gedurende die leeftyd dat mense tot die beroepsarbeid toetree en dikwels vanwe~ onoordeelkundige besteding van hul verdienste nie die mas kan opkom nie en dan van ongeoorloofde metodes gebruik maak om die soms karige inkomste aan te vul. Namate die ouderdom styg, in die mate neem misdaad af. Die boonste bestuur tree nie deurgaans konsekwent op teen mense wat van hul eiendom steel nie. Die redes is die volgende : In die eerste plek is hulle nie bereid om ter wille van minder ernstige oortredings kosbare ure in die howe deur te bring nie. In die tweede plek tree hulle meer simpatiek op teen die vroulike geslag as teenoor die mans. Laastens word jeugdiges wat oortree eerder aan hul ouers as aan die polisie oorhandig aangesien die boonste bestuur jeugoortreders saver moontlik van die howe probeer we~hou ten einde nie hul toekoms daardeur te benadeel nie. Winkeldiefstal en gapsery is ~ misdaad wat in die jongste tyd vir veral die kleinhandelaars, heelwat hoofbrekens besorg. Die meeste oortreders is werknemers tussen die ouderdomme 17 en 25 jaar. Nie minder nie as 53,40 persent (4 514) val in die ouderdomsgroep. Net 2 jeugdiges tussen 7 en 16 jaar is aan die polisie uitgelewer terwyl die res aan hul ouers oorhandig is. Slegs 4 754 werknemars wat hul werkgewers besteel is aan die polisie uitgelewer terwyl 9 580 nie vervolg is nie. Ten aansien van die buitestaanders is die situasie ietwat anders. In totaal het 2 591 winkeldiewe en gapsers met die gereg gebots teenoor 1 575 wat nie in die hande van die gereg geval het nie. Winkeldiefstal en gapsery het tot gevolg dat die 600 ondernemings R1 656 46o per jaar as onvoorsiene verliese afskryf. Dit is ~ bedrag wat van die verbruikerspubliek verhaal moet wod. die gevolg is dat pryse onnodig die hoogte inskiet met onvermydelike stimulasie van inflasie en benadeling van die landsekonomie. Dit het nodig geword dat elke ondernemer sy eiendom self beskerm en beveilig. Gebruikmaking van die beskikbare fisiese beveiligingstelsels soos dief- en brandalarmstelsels, geslotebaantelevisie, eenrigtingspie~ ls, interkommunikasiestelsels, sekerheidsheinings, sekerheidsbeligting, ens. sal die sekuriteitspersoneel in staat stel om op ~ doeltreffende wyse handels- en nywerheidseiendom te beveilig. Om dit moontlik te maak moet daar noue samewerking tussen die sekuriteitshoof en die boonste bestuur wees. Dit op sigself bring mee dat die boonste bestuur sekuriteitsbewus moet wees. 'n Verliesbeheerstelsel met sekuriteit as basis, behoort die boonste bestuur in staat te stel om daagliks te bepaal of die ondernemings suksesvol funksioneer al dan nie. Indien hulle daadwerklik in die verband optree, behoort deeglik opgeleide sekuriteitspersoneel met behulp van die beskikbare fisiese beveiligingstelsels dit vir die misdadiger bykans onmoontlik te maak om die handel en nywerheid te beroof. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 1979. / gm2014 / Anthropology and Archaeology / unrestricted

Postmodernistiese elemente in enkele dramas van Pieter Fourie

Jooste, Margaretha January 1992 (has links)
In hierdie studie is gepoog om enkele prominente postmodernistiese elemente in drie dramas van Pieter Fourie na te gaan en die doel was nie om 'n teoretiese ondersoek of waardering van die postmodernisme as denkmodus te onderneem nie. In hoofstuk een is enkele elemente van die postmodernistiese denkmodus ondersoek met as uitgangspunt verskeie teoretici se standpunte. Pieter Fourie se oeuvre is kursories ontleed en die drie dramas Ek, Anna van Wyk, Die koggelaar en Donderdag se mense is geidentifiseer as die tekste wat aan die hand van die genoemde postmodernistiese elemente ontleed sal word. Ek. Anna van Wyk is in hoofstuk twee in meer besonderhede bestudeer veral ten opsigte van die meervlakkige/meerduidige aanbieding van die stof asook die speL met fiksionaliteit en realiteit. Die opvoeringsopset, wat 'n integrerende deel van die teks vorm, bied sowel boeiende kykstofjleesstof as 'n uitdaging ten opsigte van 'n ontleding vanuit 'n postmodernistiese perspektief. Die aanbiedingswyse van Die koggelaar sluit nou aan by Ek. Anna van Wyk en in hoofstuk drie is die drama veral ten opsigte van die tegniek van representasies ontleed. Die tegniek is gebruik om die geskiedenis te bevraagteken deur bepaalde Afrikanerwaardes en -tradisies te relativeer. In hoofstuk vier is die laaste drama in die trilogie ondersoek. Ooreenkomste asook verskille tussen Donderdag se mense aan die een kant en Ek, Anna van Wyk en Die koggelaar aan die ander kant is uitgelig. Die studie van die drama het ook 'n waardebepaling ten opsigte van geslaagdheid al dan nie as literere teks, veral vanuit 'n postmodernistiese denkraamwerk, moontlik gemaak. Ten besluite is daar in hoofstuk vyf gepoog om bepaalde gevolgtrekkings te maak aan die hand van die bevindinge van die studiestuk. Hoewel die drie dramas nie sander meer as postmodernisties getipeer kan word nie, vertoon al drie sowel wat vorm as inhoud betref, 'n sterk postmodernistiese inslag. Tipies postmodernistiese tekste wil anti- interpretatief wees, maar Fourie se bantering van sy materiaal laat blyk dat 'n vertolking tog wenslik is ten einde die teenstrydighede in die Afrikaner se geslote sosiaal-politieke en religieuse waardestelsels te ontmaskerHoewel die drie dramas nie in alle opsigte slaag nie, slaag dit tog as belangrike stemme gerig juis aan die blanke Afrikaner binne veral die Suid-Afrikaanse politieke konteks. Noodsaaklike en in sommige opsigte selfs profetiese vrae is gevra op die vooraand van 'n era waarin die Afrikaner met 'n nuwe eerlikheid en onbevangenheid selfkritiek begin toepas het ten opsigte van sy geskiedenis, tradisie en waardes.. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1992. / gm2014 / Afrikaans / unrestricted

Die psigososiale behoeftes van maatskaplike werkers tydens ondersoeke na seksuele misbruik van kinders / Hendrina Magdalena (Daleen) Luyt

Luyt, Hendrina Magdalena January 2015 (has links)
Sexual abuse of children is a complex problem that holds far-reaching consequences for the child and his / her family. It is a criminal act of power and control that has an impact on all people regardless of age, race, culture and economic status (Statistics, 2014). The handling of sexual abuse is a service field of social work in which social workers are designated by law to investigate cases of sexual abuse of children and the allegations thereof, according to the Children's Act No 32 of 2005 (SA, 2005). During investigations into child sexual abuse social workers experience intense, powerful feelings that have an emotional impact on the social worker and his / her role functioning (Cussons, 2011:2). It is important for social workers to possess the necessary knowledge, skills and resources to facilitate service delivery (Van Wyk, 2011:65). The objective of this research was to determine the psychosocial needs of social workers during investigations into child sexual abuse in order to establish the nature of social workers' needs, conscious experiences and observable behaviour. The researcher used the qualitative approach. The interpretive descriptive research design as a research strategy was used to determine the psychosocial needs of social workers during investigations into child sexual abuse. Eleven participants took part in the study and data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews with each participant individually. The qualitative data were transcribed into themes and sub-themes to be analysed by a coding system according to the proposed framework of Tesch (in Creswell, 2009:186). Eight themes were identified: (1) role requirements, (2) role expectations, (3) emotional needs, (4) physical needs, (5) social needs, (6) cultural needs, (7) spiritual needs and (8) development and growth. These themes were divided into sub-themes and categories, and appropriate narratives as discussed in the interviews. The information was checked with literature and some conclusions and recommendations were made. Investigations into child sexual abuse are high-intensity cases which require immediate action from social workers. It was found that social workers experienced a strong demand for debriefing and support during their involvement with these investigations. It seems that social workers dealing with these cases experience unique psychosocial needs. If these needs are not addressed, it can lead to negative role functioning, occupational stress and even burnout of these social workers. The following recommendations can be made, namely that: * support working groups be presented for debriefing opportunities; * organizations establish working groups that focus on stress; * child sexual abuse be seen as a speciality field; * social workers be trained as case managers of the investigation into child sexual abuse; * professional role-players involved be trained through workshops in respect of their own and others' obligations; * resources be recruited and obtained. / MSW, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Die psigososiale behoeftes van maatskaplike werkers tydens ondersoeke na seksuele misbruik van kinders / Hendrina Magdalena (Daleen) Luyt

Luyt, Hendrina Magdalena January 2015 (has links)
Sexual abuse of children is a complex problem that holds far-reaching consequences for the child and his / her family. It is a criminal act of power and control that has an impact on all people regardless of age, race, culture and economic status (Statistics, 2014). The handling of sexual abuse is a service field of social work in which social workers are designated by law to investigate cases of sexual abuse of children and the allegations thereof, according to the Children's Act No 32 of 2005 (SA, 2005). During investigations into child sexual abuse social workers experience intense, powerful feelings that have an emotional impact on the social worker and his / her role functioning (Cussons, 2011:2). It is important for social workers to possess the necessary knowledge, skills and resources to facilitate service delivery (Van Wyk, 2011:65). The objective of this research was to determine the psychosocial needs of social workers during investigations into child sexual abuse in order to establish the nature of social workers' needs, conscious experiences and observable behaviour. The researcher used the qualitative approach. The interpretive descriptive research design as a research strategy was used to determine the psychosocial needs of social workers during investigations into child sexual abuse. Eleven participants took part in the study and data was collected by means of semi-structured interviews with each participant individually. The qualitative data were transcribed into themes and sub-themes to be analysed by a coding system according to the proposed framework of Tesch (in Creswell, 2009:186). Eight themes were identified: (1) role requirements, (2) role expectations, (3) emotional needs, (4) physical needs, (5) social needs, (6) cultural needs, (7) spiritual needs and (8) development and growth. These themes were divided into sub-themes and categories, and appropriate narratives as discussed in the interviews. The information was checked with literature and some conclusions and recommendations were made. Investigations into child sexual abuse are high-intensity cases which require immediate action from social workers. It was found that social workers experienced a strong demand for debriefing and support during their involvement with these investigations. It seems that social workers dealing with these cases experience unique psychosocial needs. If these needs are not addressed, it can lead to negative role functioning, occupational stress and even burnout of these social workers. The following recommendations can be made, namely that: * support working groups be presented for debriefing opportunities; * organizations establish working groups that focus on stress; * child sexual abuse be seen as a speciality field; * social workers be trained as case managers of the investigation into child sexual abuse; * professional role-players involved be trained through workshops in respect of their own and others' obligations; * resources be recruited and obtained. / MSW, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Die Tradisionele wereldbeskouing van die Khoekhoen

Hoff, J Ansie January 1990 (has links)
Die Khoekhoe-wereldbeskouing is aan die hand van literatuurnavorsing, waarneming en ondervraging van informante ondersoek. Informante uit die twee Khoekhoe-hoofgroepe naamlik die Kaapse Khoekhoen en die Nama, is betrek. Vanwee die effek van verwestersing ken slegs gegewens ocr die wereldbeskoulike in die religie, die sosiale organisasie en die gesondheidsbevordering bekom word. Daar is gevind dat die beginsel van lewenskrag die basis van die Khoekhoe-wereldbeskouing vorm. Hiervolgens sou die entiteite in die heelal, insluitende bonatuurlike wesens, die mens en die natuur, met krag belaai wees, en sou elke entiteit ocr 'n bepaalde hoeveelheid krag beskik volgens sy plek in 'n kraghie~ argie. 'n Vermeerdering in krag by 'n bepaalde entiteit sou die balans tussen kragte in die heelal en dus die verhouding tussen entiteite versteur. Die siening is gehuldig dat die mens die grootste hoeveelheid lewenskrag in die oggend en net na 'n oorgangstadium besit, en daagliks asook van een oorgangstadium tot die volgende kragverlies sou ondervind. In ooreenstemming met die gedagte dat entiteite in die heelal slegs verskillende manifestasies van lewenskrag sou wees, is die geheel as belangriker as die besondere beskou en is weinig onderskeid tussen natuurlik en bonatuurlik of menslik en niemenslik gemaak. Die mens sou 'n natuurlike band met sy of haar geboorteplek he. In teenstelling hiermee is die aardse omgewing buite die geboorteplek as vyandig ervaar. Groot nadruk is geplaas op die verkryging van harmonie met die omringende omgewing deur middel van handelinge van assosiering. Die Khoekhoen het duidelik tussen geed en kwaad onderskei. Die goeie het gesondheid, lewe en vooruitgang ingesluit. Hierteenoor het die kwaad siekte, deed en agteruitgang omvat. Die goeie is toegeskryf aan Tsui//Goab, die goeie god, en die kwaad aan //Gaunab, die slegte god. Albei die wesens is as die fundamentele oorsaaklike faktore beskou. / Thesis (DPhil)--University of Pretoria, 1990. / gm2014 / Historical and Heritage Studies / Unrestricted

'n Volkekundige ondersoek na die aard en ontstaansoorsake van Tsotsi-groepe en hulle aktiwiteite soos gevind in die stedelike gebied van Pretoria (Afrikaans)

Bothma, C.V. 09 December 2011 (has links)
No abstract available.Some pages might not display fully due to a faulty original copy. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Anthropology and Archaeology / unrestricted

Gereformeerd én charismaties? : 'n liturgiese ondersoek na kontemporêre tendense in die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk

Van Staden, Neeltje 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDiv (Practical Theology and Missiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / In the postmodern times people’s world changed a lot. A lot of sociological and ecclesiological paradigm shifts took place. These shifts weren’t limited to one area. Globalisation caused these shifts to take place the world over. During modernism the emphasis was mainly on knowledge and the cognitive aspect of man. Now the emphasis shifted to experience. The media provides in this need. Television, films and the internet are focused on giving an experience. The question is what influence these changes have on the church and what people want from the church. The answer is simple. People want an experience of God. The Dutch Reformed Church’s (DRC) emphasis on a rational understanding of God which crystalises in the preaching of the Word which takes a central role in the worship service, does not provide in people’s needs anymore and is out of touch with the experiences of everyday. The hypothesis is as follows: a rediscovery of the essence of reformed liturgy as continuing reforming liturgy has the potential to find a way between the extremes of set traditionalism and irresponsible experimenting where people of our generation can come home and find liturgical guidance for life.

An information kit for families affected by child sexual abuse and reported to the East Rand Child Protection Unit / Setlaiso Caroline Poppy Maleka

Maleka, Setlaiso Caroline Poppy January 2010 (has links)
Child sexual abuse is a very sensitive issue that causes trauma and damage to the victims. This does not affect only the victims, but their families and the society at large. It is sometimes difficult for the society to support the victims of child sexual abuse. It then becomes a burden on the families because they lack information on how to deal with their sexually abused children. The families do not have knowledge of forensic social work and it becomes difficult for them to understand the process of forensic investigation. The information kit for families affected by child sexual abuse will empower the families with knowledge on the process of forensic investigation. This will also help to prepare both the children and their families for what will happen after the case has been reported to the Child Protection Unit. They will also be able to know their expectations when it comes to the court proceedings. An improved understanding will help the child prepare for testifying. Developing an information kit and reader–friendly guidelines will assist in relieving the stress on parents and strengthen them in giving their children the necessary support. Further research should be conducted on families’ understanding of forensic investigation and the court proceedings involved when a child has been sexually abused. Currently there is little data on forensic social work in South Africa, due to the fact that forensic social work is still quite a new field in our country. The researcher thus identified a need for conducting a qualitative study with the parents of sexually abused children whose cases had been reported to the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit for forensic investigation at the time of the study. The aim of this study was to develop an information kit for families who were affected by child sexual abuse in order to give them a better understanding of forensic investigations in such cases. An interview schedule was developed with the purpose of confirming whether the families understood what they would be going through during the whole process. From the research it was evident that forensic social work was something new to the respondents as it was difficult for some of them to give detailed responses to the questions. It became clear that the families of sexually abused children are in need of relevant and clear information on forensic social work, the nature of forensic investigations and associated procedures. / Thesis (M.A. (MW))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

An information kit for families affected by child sexual abuse and reported to the East Rand Child Protection Unit / Setlaiso Caroline Poppy Maleka

Maleka, Setlaiso Caroline Poppy January 2010 (has links)
Child sexual abuse is a very sensitive issue that causes trauma and damage to the victims. This does not affect only the victims, but their families and the society at large. It is sometimes difficult for the society to support the victims of child sexual abuse. It then becomes a burden on the families because they lack information on how to deal with their sexually abused children. The families do not have knowledge of forensic social work and it becomes difficult for them to understand the process of forensic investigation. The information kit for families affected by child sexual abuse will empower the families with knowledge on the process of forensic investigation. This will also help to prepare both the children and their families for what will happen after the case has been reported to the Child Protection Unit. They will also be able to know their expectations when it comes to the court proceedings. An improved understanding will help the child prepare for testifying. Developing an information kit and reader–friendly guidelines will assist in relieving the stress on parents and strengthen them in giving their children the necessary support. Further research should be conducted on families’ understanding of forensic investigation and the court proceedings involved when a child has been sexually abused. Currently there is little data on forensic social work in South Africa, due to the fact that forensic social work is still quite a new field in our country. The researcher thus identified a need for conducting a qualitative study with the parents of sexually abused children whose cases had been reported to the Family Violence, Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit for forensic investigation at the time of the study. The aim of this study was to develop an information kit for families who were affected by child sexual abuse in order to give them a better understanding of forensic investigations in such cases. An interview schedule was developed with the purpose of confirming whether the families understood what they would be going through during the whole process. From the research it was evident that forensic social work was something new to the respondents as it was difficult for some of them to give detailed responses to the questions. It became clear that the families of sexually abused children are in need of relevant and clear information on forensic social work, the nature of forensic investigations and associated procedures. / Thesis (M.A. (MW))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

The validity and reliability of the General Child Assessment model as pre-forensic screening instrument for children between three and five years old

Du Plessis, Minette January 2012 (has links)
The forensic assessment of young children is a difficult and often daunting task for professionals working in the field of child sexual abuse. A forensic assessment with pre-school children requires that the professional have knowledge of various aspects of the children themselves and the disclosure of abuse, and remain as neutral and objective as possible while conducting the assessment. Literature indicates that the knowledge of the child’s social, behavioural and developmental level is essential in order to conduct a developmental sensitive forensic interview. Although the term “pre-forensic screening” is relatively new in the field of forensics, Hewitt (1999) and Carnes (2006) refer to “pre-screening” and “developmental, behavioural and social assessment”, respectively. The study examined the usefulness of the General Child Assessment Model as a pre-forensic screening technique specifically for children aged 3-5 years. The researcher adopted a qualitative approach to explore the usefulness of the General Child Assessment Model as a pre-forensic screening instrument with professionals working in the clinical as well as forensic field. Seven semi-structured interviews were conducted with professionals trained in the general child assessment model. The interviews focused on the professionals’ use of the model in general, the value they attached to the model, its usefulness as a pre-forensic screening instrument with children aged 3-5 years, strengths and limitations of the model as a pre-forensic screening instrument, and practical recommendations for using the model in the forensic context. The data from the semi-structured interviews was analysed and divided into themes and subthemes, which were further described and linked with relevant literature .It became clear that the use of this assessment model had value in the therapeutic as well as forensic context. The model was described as an important and valuable part of the forensic process as it provides a holistic view of the child in context. The strengths and limitations of the model as a pre-forensic screening instrument were also explored and the participants made practical recommendations to optimise the use of the model as a pre-forensic screening instrument. In addition, a case study was used to evaluate the model as a pre-forensic screening instrument. / Thesis (MSW (Forensic Practice))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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