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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Participatory Design with the Bulgarian LGBTQ+ Community : Localized Responses to Systemic Homophobia

Ivanova, Siyana January 2022 (has links)
Research shows that Bulgaria is among the least LGBTQ+ friendly countries in the European Union, with members of the community facing discrimination, hostility, and violence both in their everyday lives and on a systemic level. The environment of suppression and stigma has also had an effect on the volume of local research into LGBTQ+ issues. This project’s goal is to fit into that research gap by providing a perspective on the problems faced by Bulgarian LGBTQ+ people and the plausible, practical solutions they would like to see or be part of on a local level. Participants focused on solutions that would create a space for queer community and expression, provide support and information where it is needed, and grow stronger community bonds. Some of those solutions were technological (such as an informational application and a community forum), others focused on interpersonal connection (such as an LGBTQ+ book club), and yet others on direct action (distributing counterpropaganda). / Forskning visar att Bulgarien är bland de minst hbtq-vänliga länderna i EU, med medlemmar av samhället som utsätts för diskriminering, fientlighet och våld både i sin vardag och på systemnivå. De miljö av förtryck och stigma har också haft en effekt på volymen av lokal forskning om HBTQ+-frågor. Detta projektets mål är att passa in i denna forskningsklyfta genom att ge ett perspektiv på problemen som bulgariska HBTQ+ står inför människor och de rimliga, praktiska lösningar de skulle vilja se eller vara en del av på lokal nivå. Deltagarna fokuserade på lösningar som skulle skapa ett utrymme för queergemenskap och uttryck, ge stöd och information där det behövs och stärka gemenskapsbanden. Några av dessa lösningar var tekniska (som en informativ ansökan och ett communityforum), andra fokuserade på interpersonell koppling (som en HBTQ +bokklubb), och ytterligare andra om direkta åtgärder (distribution av kontrapropaganda).

The Effectiveness of an Online Workshop on Behavior Management as a Professional Development Tool for Teachers

Kuriyan, Aparajita B 03 March 2015 (has links)
The current study examines the effects of an online workshop pertaining to classroom behavior management on teacher self-efficacy, attitudes, motivation, knowledge, and practices. In addition, information about teacher utilization of the Internet, their opinions about professional development, and experiences with classroom management were collected. Participants included 57 1st through 5th grade special and regular education teachers. Eligible teachers were those who teach an academic subject and had at least one child in the classroom they considered as disruptive. Teachers were randomized to either a training or waitlist group. Classroom observations of teacher practices and questionnaires were utilized. Teachers in the training group participated in two assessment points, baseline and post-workshop, and received access to the online course immediately following the baseline assessment. Teachers in the waitlist group participated in three assessment points, baseline, post-workshop, and follow-up, and received access to the online course immediately following the post-workshop assessment. Findings show that all teachers had access to the Internet at home and at school and used it on a daily basis. The majority of teachers indicated having some past training on all the techniques that were presented in the online workshop. All teachers expressed satisfaction with the workshop, indicating that it should be offered again. Post-workshop, findings showed significant group differences in knowledge with a large effect for the training group scoring higher than the waitlist group on a quiz. Secondly, group differences in self-efficacy, knowledge, and attitudes with teachers’ past-training as a moderator, was examined. Past-training was not found to be a significant moderator of self-efficacy, knowledge, or attitudes. However, the main effect for training group was significant for attitudes. In addition, teacher attitudes, but not knowledge and self-efficacy, significantly predicted motivation to implement. Next, the moderating effect of barriers on motivation and classroom management skill implementation was examined. Barriers were not found to be a significant moderator. Lastly, the training group was observed to be significantly more effective at giving commands compared to the waitlist group. The current study demonstrates the potential of a low-intensity online workshop on classroom management to enhance the accessibility of teacher professional development.

Distribuerade designworkshops med fysiskt workshop-kit : Hur engagemanget hos deltagarna i distribuerade workshops kan höjas / Distributed design workshops with a physical workshop kit : How the engagement of participants in distributed workshops can be increased

Asteberg, Henrik January 2021 (has links)
För att ta reda på vilka utmaningar designers upplever i samband med distribuerade workshops genomfördes en förstudie där designers intervjuades och utifrån intervjuerna kunde flera utmaningar identifieras. Bland annat var det utmanande att få deltagare engagerade, att få dialoger och samtal att fungera bra över videosamtal och att tekniken inte var tillräckligt lättanvänd för alla deltagare. Efter förstudien valdes en av dessa utmaningar ut som fokus för en uppföljningsstudie och utmaningen som valdes var att höja engagemanget hos deltagare i distribuerade designworkshops. För att undersöka detta genomfördes studien med designforsknignsmetoder där skisser och olika prototyper utformades och utvärderades. Den slutgiltiga prototypen av ett fysiskt workshop-kit testades i ett experiment med mellangruppsdesign där engagemanget mättes med User Engagement Scale. Efter workshoparna intervjuades även flera deltagare ur varje grupp om deras upplevelse.  Resultatet från User Engagement Scale påvisade inte någon statiskt signifikant skillnad mellan de två grupperna men i intervjuerna lyftes flera olika aspekter och attribut som bidrar till engagemanget, vare sig ett workshop-kit används eller ej. Inledningsvis behöver det väckas ett intresse genom det första intrycket och då är workshop-kitet en värdefull tillgång då det väcker intresse och spänning hos deltagarna genom den visuella utformningen och spänning inför vad det kan innehålla.   För att behålla engagemanget under workshopen är det viktigt att deltagarna får vara aktiva och interagera snarare än att vara passiva. När de själva är aktiva ökar deras anknytning till workshopen vilket bidrar till engagemanget. Det bidrar även ifall de får vara med och influera de olika momenten, exempelvis genom omröstningar eller att få ta ledaransvar under olika moment. Anknytning kan även skapas socialt i gruppen för att höja engagemanget. Workshop-kitet var utformat för att stötta den sociala interaktionen i gruppen, något som flera deltagare upplevde hade en positiv inverkan på gruppdynamiken och workshopen.  När fysiska artefakter utformas för workshops är det fördelaktigt ifall de är visuellt tilltalande och intresseväckande då det skapar spänning inför workshopen och de olika momenten, detta hjälper till att öka engagemanget. Att ha variation i workshopen bidrar även till bibehållandet av engagemanget hos deltagarna, workshop-kitet bör således bidra till variation och nya intresseväckande moment under workshopen. Vid utformandet av det fysiska workshop-kitet är det även viktigt att ha i åtanke att det behöver stötta den digitala workshopen samtidigt som den inte ersätter funktioner som fungerar bättre online och de fördelar som finns med online-verktyg. Utifrån detta rekommenderas det att de fysiska föremålen ska kunna användas av varje deltagare enskilt och att samarbetet inte bygger på att deltagarna kan se eller interagera med varandras artefakter. / In order to understand what challenges designers experience when facilitating distributed workshops, a study was conducted where designers were interviewed about their experiences. From this several challenges were identified, for example, that it is difficult to get participants engaged, to have group conversations over video call and that the technical tools might be too difficult to use for some workshop participants. After this, another study was performed focusing on the question of increasing the engagement of participants in distributed workshops. In order to answer this question, the study followed a research through design approach where sketches and prototypes were made and the final prototype of a physical workshop-kit was evaluated in an experiment with an experimental group and a control group. The User Engagement Scale was used to measure the engagement and after the workshops several interviews were conducted with participants about their experience participating.  The result from the Use Engagement Scale did not show a statistically significant difference between the two groups, however, several attributes and aspects contributing to engagement were mentioned in the interviews. To start with, there needs to be an interest that sparks the engagement, this can be done with the physical workshop kit since it looks interesting and makes the participants eager to know what it contains.   In order to maintain the engagement during the workshop it is important that the participants are kept active rather than passive, this creates a connection that increases the engagement. Another way to increase the connection is by letting the participants influence the workshop, for example through voting or by letting them take leadership in some activities in the workshop. There can also be a social connection in the group which increases the engagement and the workshop-kit was partly aimed at facilitating the social interaction in order to increase the engagement. This had a positive effect on the group dynamics and the workshop according to participants.  When physical artifacts are designed for a workshop it is beneficial if they are visually appealing and interesting since that creates interest leading up to the workshop, this interest increases the engagement. To have variation in the workshop also increases the engagement and thus the workshop-kit could be designed to support variation and new interesting activities during the workshop. Another aspect to keep in mind when designing a physical workshop-kit for distributed workshops is that it needs to support the digital workshop but at the same time not replace the strengths of the digital tools. Based on this it is recommended that the physical artifacts are designed to be used individually by the participants and that the cooperation does not build on the participants being able to see or interact with each other's artifacts. / <p>Framläggningen genomfördes på distans över videosamtal i Microsoft Teams.</p>

Oficina on-line complexa como extensão da sala de aula de inglês: percepções e construções / Complex online workshop as an extension to the English language classroom: perceptions and constructions

Costa, Solange Lopes Vinagre 24 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-09-26T10:04:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Solange Lopes Vinagre Costa.pdf: 2690657 bytes, checksum: 0193d72872cf3cad6d7f66587b851222 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-26T10:04:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Solange Lopes Vinagre Costa.pdf: 2690657 bytes, checksum: 0193d72872cf3cad6d7f66587b851222 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-24 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This is a qualitative research in the Applied Linguistics field which aims at describing and interpreting the phenomenon experiencing a complex online workshop, developed based on the complex educational design (FREIRE, 2013), as an extension to the English language classroom, from a students’ perspective. It also investigates how the use of the complex educational design as a guide to develop online English language teaching-learning activities can contribute to maintaining the participation of students, who usually show an interest in using digital technology tools to extend their classroom learning, but who often discontinue their use. Besides the complex educational design, this study is also theoretically grounded on complexity (MORIN, 2003, 2005, 2015a, 2015b, 2015c), which are the basis for the development of complex online workshops that reflect students’ reality, interests, needs, and expectations. The research is methodologically grounded on the complex hermeneutic-phenomenological approach (FREIRE, 2010, 2012, 2017), which articulates with the theoretical foundation used. The eight research participants were students from different face-to-face classrooms from the English language course of an educational institution in the city of São Paulo. Their English language proficiency level ranged from beginning of B1 to B1+ of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The focal workshop was two weeks in length and was held asynchronously on the Google Classroom virtual environment. Three research instruments were used by students to textually record their perceptions of the phenomenon: a first week account, a final questionnaire, and a non-participation account. The texts generated by students’ responses to the instruments were interpreted following the complex hermeneutic-phenomenological approach procedures, which revealed the following themes: learning, development, time, difference, interaction, self-reflection, protagonism, and connection. Such themes depict the nature of the experience of the phenomenon under investigation / Esta é uma pesquisa qualitativa na área de Linguística Aplicada que tem por objetivo descrever e interpretar o fenômeno vivência em oficina on-line complexa, desenvolvida com base no design educacional complexo (FREIRE, 2013), como extensão da sala de aula de inglês, na perspectiva dos alunos. Também investiga de que forma a utilização do design educacional complexo como linha norteadora para o desenvolvimento de atividades on-line para o ensino-aprendizagem da língua inglesa pode contribuir para a manutenção da participação dos alunos, que, muitas vezes, demonstram interesse em utilizar ferramentas de tecnologia digital como extensão de sua aprendizagem presencial, mas que geralmente descontinuam seu uso. Além do design educacional complexo, este estudo também se embasa teoricamente na complexidade (MORIN, 2003, 2005, 2015a, 2015b, 2015c), que fundamentam o desenvolvimento de oficinas on-line complexas que refletem a realidade, interesses, necessidades e expectativas dos alunos. A pesquisa tem o embasamento metodológico da abordagem hermenêutico-fenomenológica complexa (FREIRE, 2010, 2012, 2017), que se articula à fundamentação teórica utilizada. Os oito participantes da pesquisa eram alunos de turmas presenciais diferentes do curso de inglês de uma instituição de ensino na cidade de São Paulo. Seu nível de proficiência na língua inglesa variava de início de B1 a B1+ do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para Línguas. A oficina focal teve a duração de duas semanas e foi realizada de forma assíncrona no ambiente virtual Google Classroom. Foram utilizados três instrumentos para o registro textual pelos alunos de suas percepções a respeito do fenômeno: um relato da primeira semana, um questionário final e um relato de não participação. Os textos gerados pelas respostas aos instrumentos foram interpretados segundo os procedimentos da abordagem hermenêutico-fenomenológica complexa, revelando os seguintes temas: aprendizagem, desenvolvimento, tempo, diferença, interação, autorreflexão, protagonismo e conexão. Tais temas caracterizam a natureza da vivência do fenômeno investigado

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