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Energy Saving vs. Performance: Trade-offs in Optical Networks

Wiatr, Pawel January 2016 (has links)
The energy consumption of communication networks is continuously growing. Many energy saving approaches have been proposed at the device, system, and network level. The most promising way to address this problem is to utilize photonic technologies as much as possible thanks to their low energy consumption per bit performance. Moreover, several approaches have been proposed to further reduce the energy consumption in optical networks. One popular technique exploits low power modes (e.g., sleep or doze mode) for devices that are not used. However, sleep mode based approaches may affect the way optical connections (i.e., lightpaths) are routed, or alter the characteristics of some devices. This in turn may have a detrimental impact on crucial network/device performance parameters. In other words a green approach may introduce additional delay, change the level of resource utilization in the network, or even impact the lifetime of a device, resulting in increased network operational cost. This thesis provides a study that carefully assesses, in both access and core networks, the trade-off between the benefits of sleep-based energy-efficient schemes and their possible side-effects. In fiber access networks putting a device into sleep mode and waking it up can introduce a significant energy overhead. Already proposed energy-efficient approaches reduce this overhead by aggregating as much as possible the traffic before a transmission. However, aggregating data may cause an additional delay that in some cases might not be acceptable. This thesis investigates the trade-off between energy saving and additional packet delay in the case of a LTE backhaul network based on wavelength division multiplexing passive optical network (WDM-PON). The thesis proposes a novel energy-efficient approach based on the dozing concept able to precisely control when a transmitter needs to wake up in order to maximize the time spent in sleep mode, while assuring that packet transmissions are completed before a given deadline. The proposed scheme is also able to exploit possibly diverse traffic delay requirements to further improve energy saving performance. In optical core networks, one way to decrease the energy consumption is to minimize the number of used active devices by aggregating the lightpaths on the lowest possible number of active fiber links. Routing strategies based on this intuition are beneficial in terms of energy saving, but on the other hand may impact the network performance (e.g., blocking probability) by affecting length of the lightpaths and link occupancy distribution. This trade-off is evaluated in the thesis with the help of a specially designed routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) strategy referred to as weighted power aware lightpath routing (WPA-LR). The WPA-LR strategy permits the fine tuning between the minimization of two objectives: energy consumption and network resource (i.e., wavelength) utilization. Evaluation results confirm that energy efficiency and network performance are conflicting objectives. However, the proposed WPA-LR strategy offers energy minimization with acceptable impact on the network performance. The thesis also investigates the impact that sleep-based energy-efficient strategies have on the lifetime of a number of optical network devices, in both access and core networks. In fact, utilizing a sleep mode functionality may change the operational conditions of the device which can impact the device lifetime. This is a crucial aspect to consider because it may directly affect the network operational cost related to fault management. The thesis provides a methodology to assess under which conditions and for which devices an energy-efficient scheme may lead to overall cost benefit vs. a (possible) increase of reparation cost. It was found that in access networks and with business customers a small lifetime variation in optical line terminals (OLTs) or in optical network units (ONUs) can lead to significant cost increase that cannot be covered by the profits coming from the energy saving. In core networks erbium doped fiber amplifiers (EDFAs) are the most vulnerable devices in terms of impact on their lifetime. For this reason it was found that the usage of green routing algorithms based on putting EDFAs into sleep mode may not always be economically beneficial. In conclusion this thesis provides a different perspective on sleep mode based energy-efficient algorithms where the potential benefit in terms of energy saving is weighted against the impact of a possible degradation of the network performance and devices lifetime. On the other hand these performance degradations can be controlled and limited by the proposed algorithms. / Energikonsumtionen av kommunikationsnätverk, växer kontinuerligt. Många energibesparande åtgärder har föreslagits, såväl på komponentnivå, systemnivå och nätverksnivå. Det mest lovande sättet att hantera energibehov i kommunikationsnätverk är att utnyttja optisk teknologi så mycket som möjligt då denna har potential att ge låg energiförbrukning per bit. Det finns också ett antal föreslagna metoder för att ytterligare reducera energibehovet i optiska nätverk. En av de mest använda teknikerna bygger på att låta enheter som ej används gå ner på låg effekt (”sovläge”). Om detta används i allt för hög utsträckning kan det dock påverka hur optiska förbindelser (sk lightpaths) sätts upp eller ge förändrade egenskaper hos de aktuella komponenterna. Detta kan i sin tur ha en skadlig inverkan på de centrala nätverks- och komponentegenskaper vilket påverkar prestandan. Med andra ord kan en sådan ”grön” ansats baserad på sovläge leda till ökad fördröjning, förändring av resursutnyttjandet i nätet och till och med påverka risken för att det uppstår fel i komponenterna vilket ökar driftskostnaden för nätet. Denna avhandling fokuserar på dessa aspekter och visar upp resultat som belyser avvägningen mellan sovlägesbaserade energieffektiva strategier och deras eventuella bieffekter. Att slå av och väcka upp komponenter i optiska access-nätverk kan vara förknippat med en signifikant extra energikostnad. Tidigare föreslagna energieffektiva strategier försöker reducera denna ökade energikostnad genom att samla så mycket trafik som möjligt innan överföringen sker. Dock kan detta leda till ökad fördröjning som i vissa lägen inte är acceptabel. I avhandlingen undersöker vi avvägningen mellan energibesparingar och ökad paketfördröjning i fallet med LTE distributionsnät baserade på våglängsmultiplexerade passiva optiska nätverk (WDM-PON). Vi föreslår en ny energieffektiv ansats baserad på att enheter försätts i ”slummer-läge”. Detta gör det möjligt att med god precision bestämma när en sändare behöver väckas upp i syfte att maximera tiden i sovläget och att försäkra sig om att paketen kommer fram inom avsedd tid. Strategin är även kapabel att utnyttja differentierad fördröjning för att ytterligare förbättra energibesparingen. Ett sätt att minska energikonsumtionen i optiska distributionsnät är att minimera antalet aktiva enheter genom att exempelvis samla optiska förbindelser till ett minimalt antal aktiva fiberlänkar. Routingstrategier som utgår från denna princip är fördelaktiga ur energisynpunkt men kan å andra sidan skada nätverksprestanda (exempelvis blockeringssannolikhet) genom påverkan på förbindelselängder och annorlunda belastning av länkarna. Denna avvägning utvärderas i avhandlingen med hjälp av en specifikt utformad strategi för routing och våglängstilldelning (RWA) som vi benämner ”viktad effektmedveten optisk förbindelserouting” (WPA-LR). Denna strategi möjliggör noggrann avvägning mellan minimeringen av två kriterier: å ena sidan energikonsumtion, å andra sidan utnyttjandet av nätverksresurser (speciellt väglängdsutnyttjandet). Vår utvärdering bekräftar att energieffektivitet och nätverksprestanda står i motsatsförhållande till varandra. Dock erbjuder WPA-LR strategin minimering av energin med en acceptabel påverkan på nätverksprestanda. Slutligen undersöks i avhandlingen den påverkan som sovlägesbaserade energieffektiva strategier har på livslängden för optiska nätverkskomponenter, både i access- och i distributionsnät. Användning av sovlägesfunktion kan påverka arbetsförhållandena för en komponent, något som i sin tur kan påverka livslängden. Detta är en kritisk aspekt att ta i beaktande då det direkt kan påverka driftskostnaden kopplad till nätunderhållet. En metod ges för att utvärdera under vilka förhållanden och för vilka enheter en energieffektiv strategi kan leda till en total kostnadsfördel jämfört med en (möjlig) ökning av reparationskostnaderna. Ett resultat är att, i accessnät och för företagsanvändare, så kan även en liten variation i feluppkomst i optiska linjeterminaler (OLTs) eller optiska nätverksenheter (ONUs) leda till signifikanta kostnadsförluster vilka inte kan kompenseras genom de vinster som kan åstadkommas med energibesparingar. I distributionsnät är erbium-dopade fiberförstärkare (EDFAs) de mest utsatta enheterna vad gäller inverkan på livslängd. Genom att studera routingstrategier (ex.vis WPA-LR) har vi funnit att användningen av ”gröna” routingalgoritmer baserade på att lägga EDFAs i sovläge inte alltid är ekonomiskt fördelaktigt. Denna avhandling ger ett perspektiv på sovlägesbaserade energieffektiviseringsalgoritmer där de potentiella fördelarna vad gäller minskade driftskostnader ställs mot möjliga försämringar av nätverksprestanda och komponenters livslängd. Å andra sidan kan dessa försämringar hållas under kontroll och begränsas av den föreslagna algoritmen. / La consommation d'énergie des réseaux de communication ne cesse de croître. Ce problème fait l’objet de nombreuses approches orientées vers les économies d'énergie (écoénergétiques) au niveau des appareils (équipements) des systèmes et des réseaux. La façon la plus prometteuse de limiter l’augmentation de consommation évoquée est d'utiliser autant que possible des technologies photoniques, vu leur faible consommation d'énergie par bit. Plusieurs autres approches ont été proposées pour réduire davantage encore la consommation d'énergie dans des réseaux optiques. Une technique populaire exploite les modes de faible puissance (par exemple le mode veille) pour les appareils qui ne sont pas utilisés. Cependant, les approches basées sur le mode de veille peuvent affecter la manière dont les liaisons optiques (circuits optiques) sont acheminées, ou modifier les caractéristiques de certains appareils. Cela peut avoir un impact négatif sur les paramètres de performance des réseaux/équipements cruciaux. En d'autres termes, une approche écoénergétique peut introduire un retard supplémentaire, changer le niveau d'utilisation des ressources dans le réseau, ou même avoir un impact sur le taux d'échec d'un équipement, entraînant une augmentation des coûts d'exploitation du réseau. Cette thèse évalue attentivement, à la fois dans le réseau d'accès mais aussi dans le cœur du réseau, le compromis entre les avantages des régimes économes en énergie utilisant le mode veille et leurs effets secondaires possibles. Dans les réseaux d'accès optiques, mettre un équipement en mode veille et le réactiver peut introduire une surcharge d'énergie significative. Les approches d'économie d'énergie déjà proposées réduisent cette surcharge en regroupant autant que possible le trafic avant sa transmission. Toutefois, les données d'agrégation peuvent provoquer un retard supplémentaire qui peut ne pas être acceptable dans certains cas. Cette thèse étudie le compromis entre les économies d'énergie et un retard supplémentaire des paquets dans le cas d'un réseau backhaul LTE basé sur réseau optique passif à multiplexage en longueur d'onde (WDM-PON). La thèse propose une nouvelle approche éco énergétique. Elle développe un concept au travers duquel il est possible de contrôler avec précision quand un émetteur doit se réactiver, afin de maximiser le temps passé en mode veille tout en veillant à ce que les transmissions de paquets soient terminées en temps voulu. Le schéma proposé est également capable d’exploiter les (éventuelles) exigences diverses de retard de trafic pour améliorer encore les économies d'énergie. Dans le cœur des réseaux optiques, on peut diminuer la consommation d'énergie en minimisant le nombre d’équipements actifs utilisés pour l’acheminement des circuits optiques et le nombre de liens actifs à fibres optiques. Les stratégies de routage basées sur ce principe sont bénéfiques en termes d'économie d'énergie, mais peuvent affecter les performances du réseau (par exemple, la probabilité de blocage) en affectant la longueur des circuits optiques et la distribution d’occupation des liens. Ce compromis est évalué dans la thèse avec l'aide d’une stratégie de routage et affectation de longueur d'onde (RWA) appelée routage des circuits optiques conscient de la puissance (WPA-LR). La stratégie WPA-LR permet le réglage fin entre deux objectifs: minimiser la consommation d'énergie et minimiser l’utilisation des ressources réseau (i.e. longueur d'onde). Les résultats de l'évaluation confirment que l'efficacité énergétique et les performances du réseau ont des objectifs contradictoires. Cependant, la stratégie WPA-LR proposée permet la minimisation de l'énergie avec un impact acceptable sur les performances du réseau. La thèse étudie également l'impact que les stratégies d’économie d’énergie basées sur le mode veille ont sur la durée de vie d'un certain nombre d’équipements de réseau optique, dans les deux réseaux d'accès et de base. L'utilisation du mode veille peut en effet modifier les conditions de fonctionnement de l’équipement, ce qui peut influer sur la durée de vie de l'appareil. Ceci est un aspect crucial à considérer, car il peut affecter directement le coût opérationnel du réseau lié à la gestion des pannes. La thèse propose une méthodologie pour évaluer dans quelles conditions et pour quels dispositifs un système économe en énergie peut conduire à des avantages de coûts globaux par rapport à une (possible) augmentation des coûts de maintenance. Dans les réseaux d'accès et auprès de clients commerciaux, il a été constaté qu’une petite variation de taux d'échec dans les terminaux de ligne optique (OLT) ou dans les unités de terminaison de réseau optique (ONUs) peut conduire à des pertes financières importantes qui ne peuvent être compensées par les bénéfices provenant des économies d'énergie. Dans les cœurs de réseaux les amplificateurs à fibre dopée en erbium (EDFA) sont les équipements les plus vulnérables en termes d'impact sur leur durée de vie. Pour cette raison, l'utilisation d'algorithmes de routage écoénergétiques basé sur la mise en mode veille des EDFA peut par conséquent n’être pas toujours économiquement avantageuse. En conclusion, cette thèse fournit une perspective différente sur des algorithmes économes en énergie basés sur l’utilisation du mode veille. Leur bénéfice potentiel en termes d'économie d'énergie est comparé à l'impact d'une éventuelle dégradation d’une part de la performance du réseau et d’autre part de la durée de vie des équipements. Ces dégradations de performances peuvent être contrôlées et limitées par les algorithmes proposés. / Zużycie energii elektrycznej w sieciach komunikacyjnych stale rośnie. Do tej pory zostało zaproponowanych wiele metod oszczędzania energii na poziomie urządzeń, systemów i sieci. Najbardziej obiecującym podejściem do tego problemu jest wykorzystanie technologii optycznych, z uwagi na ich niskie zużycie energii „per bit”. Ponadto wiele różnych metod przeznaczonych dla sieci optycznych zostało przedstawionych w literaturze. Jedna z popularnych technik wykorzystuje tryb niskiego poboru energii (uśpienia) w urządzeniach, które nie są używane. Jednakże techniki wykorzystujące tryb uśpienia mogą mieć wpływ na kierowanie optycznych połączeń sieciowych (lightpaths) lub zmieniać właściwości urządzeń. Natomiast to może mieć negatywny wpływ na kluczowe parametry wydajności sieci czy urządzeń sieciowych. Innymi słowy algorytmy oszczędzające energię mogą wprowadzić dodatkowe opóźnienia, zmienić wykorzystanie zasobów sieciowych, a nawet wpływać na awaryjność urządzeń zwiekszając tym samym koszt eksploatacji sieci. Praca ta przedstawia i analizuje kompromis pomiędzy korzyściami płynącymi z energooszczędnych algorytmów opartych na trybie uśpienia, a ich ewentualnymi skutkami ubocznymi, zarówno w sieciach dostępowych, jak i szkieletowych. W przypadku optycznych sieci dostępowych proces wprowadzenia urządzenia w tryb uśpienia i jego wybudzenia może spowodować znaczący narzut energetyczny. Proponowane sposoby zmniejszenia tego narzutu agregują ruch sieciowy przed jego transmisją, Jednakże taka agregacja powoduje dodatkowe opóźnienia transmisji, które w niektórych przypadkach mogą być niedopuszczalne. Praca ta analizuje kompromis pomiędzy oszczędzaniem energii, a dodatkowymi opóźnieniami transmisji w przypadku sieci LTE-backhaul, bazowanej na technologii pasywnych sieci optycznych, opartych na multipleksowaniu z podziałem długości fali WDM-PON (Wavelength Division Multiplexing Passive Optical Network). Niniejsza praca proponuje nowatorską metodę oszczędzania energii, opartą na koncepcji drzemki (dozing), która precyzyjnie kontroluje czas wybudzania nadajnika, tak aby zmaksymalizować czas spędzony w trybie drzemki, przy zapewnieniu, że transmisja danych zostanie zakończona przed upływem wymaganego czasu. Proponowana metoda wykorzystuje również zróżnicowane wymagania maksymalnych opóźnień transmitowanych danych do dalszej poprawy wydajności energetycznej. Jednym ze sposobów zmniejszania zużycia energii w światłowodowych sieciach szkieletowych jest zredukowanie liczby aktywnych urządzeń, poprzez umiejętne kierowanie optycznych połączeń sieciowych przy użyciu już aktywnych łączy światłowodowych. Kierowanie ruchu sieciowego oparte na tym pomyśle jest korzystne z punktu widzenia oszczędzania energii, choć z drugiej strony może mieć wpływ na parametry wydajnościowe sieci (np. zwiększenie prawdopodobieństwa blokady połączeń) poprzez oddziaływanie na długość połączeń, czy zajętość łączy. Przytoczony problem jest analizowany w tej pracy za pomocą specjalnie zaprojektowanego algorytmu routingu i przypisania długości fali RWA (Routing and Wavelength Assignement), nazwanego WPA-LR (Weighted Power Aware Lightpath Routing). Algorytm WPA-LR pozwala na precyzyjną regulację pomiędzy redukcją zużycia energii i optymalizacją wykorzystania zasobów sieciowych. Wyniki wykonanej analizy problemu potwierdzają, że efektywność energetyczna i wydajność sieci to cele ze sobą sprzeczne. Jednakże proponowana strategia (WPA-LR) umożliwia kontrolę i osiągnięcie kompromisu pomiędzy zmniejszeniem zużycia energii, a pogorszeniem wydajności sieci. Praca ta bada również wpływ energooszczędnych strategii, opartych o tryb uśpienia, na trwałość optycznych urządzeń sieciowych, zarówno w sieciach dostępowych, jak i szkieletowych. Używanie trybu uśpienia może zmienić warunki pracy urządzenia, które z kolei mogą mieć wpływ na jego trwałość. Natomiast zmniejszenie trwałości urządzenia może bezpośrednio oddziaływać na koszt eksploatacji sieci związany z zarządzaniem awariami. Niniejsza praca proponuje metodologię oceny, na jakich warunkach i w przypadku których urządzeń, używanie algorytmów oszczędzania energii może prowadzić do ogólnych korzyści finansowych lub strat związanych ze wzrostem kosztu eksploatacji sieci. W pracy stwierdzono, że w sieciach dostępowych, w szczególności obsługujących klientów biznesowych, mały wpływ na awaryjność optycznych terminali ONU (Optical Network Unit) lub optycznych urządzeń dystrybucyjnych OLT (Optical Line Terminal) może prowadzić do znacznego zwiększenia kosztów, które mogą przekroczyć zyski związane z oszczędzaniem energii. W sieciach szkieletowych wzmacniacze światłowodowe EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier) są najbardziej wrażliwymi urządzeniami pod względem wpływu na ich awaryjność. W pracy dowiedziono, że użycie energooszczędnych algorytmów kierowania połączeń światłowodowych, opartych na wprowadzaniu EDFA w tryb uśpienia, nie zawsze jest korzystne ekonomicznie. Niniejsza praca przedstawia nowatorskie spojrzenie na energooszczędne algorytmy oparte na wprowadzaniu urządzeń w tryb uśpienia, gdzie potencjalne korzyści w zakresie oszczędzania energii są porównane ze stratami związanymi z degradacją wydajności sieci lub żywotności urządzeń sieciowych. / <p>QC 20160509</p>

Análise econômica da produção de feijão, milho e soja com e sem irrigação no município de Itaí-SP

Gomes, Amauri [UNESP] 04 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:24:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-08-04Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T18:52:36Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 gomes_a_me_botfca.pdf: 192281 bytes, checksum: 3403a5d364ee53a8f4d39f93d481cb3e (MD5) / Os custos de produção na agricultura determinam o nível de rentabilidade econômica das atividades agrícolas desenvolvidas na propriedade rural, o que permite avaliar a eficiência do sistema de produção adotado pelo produtor ou empresário rural. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar e comparar economicamente as culturas de feijão, soja e milho em sistemas de produção irrigados e não irrigados. Os dados foram coletados em quatro propriedades rurais localizadas no município de Itaí, pertencente ao EDR de Avaré, região sudoeste do Estado de São Paulo, na safra 2005/06, no período de agosto de 2005 à julho de 2006. A partir desses dados foram estimados o custo operacional efetivo e o custo operacional total. Para análise da rentabilidade foram determinados os indicadores econômicos denominados de receita bruta, margem bruta, ponto de nivelamento, preço de equilíbrio, lucro operacional e índice de lucratividade. Partiu-se do pressuposto que o sistema de produção irrigado deveria apresentar o maior nível de produtividade e rentabilidade, entretanto os dados demonstraram que nas culturas de feijão e milho no sistema irrigado os resultados foram inferiores ao sistema não irrigado. A produtividade média do feijão não irrigado foi 29% superior e o índice de lucratividade médio foram 26% superior ao sistema irrigado. A soja irrigada apresentou produtividade e receita bruta média 19% superior ao sistema não irrigado, porém a cultura apresentou prejuízo nos dois sistemas, devido ao baixo preço de venda obtido pelo produtor. Em relação à combinação das culturas de feijão das águas e soja de verão e feijão das águas e milho safrinha, a sucessão feijão e milho não 2 irrigados, apresentaram a maior rentabilidade com índice de lucratividade de 45,26%, em 2° lugar irrigados, apresentaram a maior rentabilidade com índice de lucratividade de 45,26%, em... / The costs of production in the agriculture determine the level of economical profitability of the agricultural activities developed in the rural property, which allows evaluating the efficiency of the system of production adopted by the producer or rural businessman. The objective of this work is to analyze and compare economically the cultures of bean, soy and corn in systems of production irrigated or not. The data were collected in four farms located in Itaí, pertaining to the EDR of Avaré, south-west region of the State of Sao Paulo, in the harvest 2005/06, in the period of August of 2005 to the July of 2006. From these data were estimated the effective operational cost and the total operational cost. For the analysis of the profitability were determined the economic indicators of gross revenue, gross margin, break even point, balance price, operational profit and profitability rate (IL). It proceeded from the assumption that the system of production irrigated should present nigher productivity and profitability. From data it was observed that the bean and corn cultures under irrigated system the results were lower than the not irrigated system. The average productivity of the not irrigated bean was 29 % superior and the average rate of profitability was 26% superior to the irrigated system. The irrigated soy presented productivity and gross average profit 19% superior to the not irrigated system, however the culture presented loss in two systems, due to the low obtained sale price. Regarding to combination of the cultures of water bean, summer soy and corn safrinha, the succession bean and corn not irrigated,presented the biggest profitability with rate of profitability of 45,26 %, folowed by the bean and corn irrigated with 18,93 %, in 3rd place the bean and soy not irrigated with 6,67 % and at last the bean and soy irrigated at a loss of 7,35 %... (Complete abstract, click electronic access below)

Sistemas de colheita de mandioca industrial: desempenho e custos operacionais, análise energética e qualidade de colheita / Industrial cassava harvest systems: performance and operational costs, energy analysis and harvest quality

Santos, Ronilson de Souza [UNESP] 10 July 2017 (has links)
Submitted by RONILSON DE SOUZA SANTOS null (rssantos@ufpa.br) on 2017-09-11T22:31:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE REVISADA COMPLETA.pdf: 2934350 bytes, checksum: edd9fbae10de2c963217f91009661d87 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO (luizamenezes@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2017-09-12T17:42:28Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_rs_dr_bot.pdf: 2934350 bytes, checksum: edd9fbae10de2c963217f91009661d87 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-12T17:42:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 santos_rs_dr_bot.pdf: 2934350 bytes, checksum: edd9fbae10de2c963217f91009661d87 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-07-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação Amazônia Paraense de Amparo à Pesquisa (FAPESPA) / A mandioca, Manihot esculenta Crantz, originaria da América do Sul, alimenta aproximadamente 500 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. No Brasil, os cultivos têm produtividade média de 14 t ha-1, mas em alguns casos, podendo chegar até 30 t ha-1, sendo a fécula o principal produto obtido, que vem sendo utililizada como matéria prima nas indústrias de alimento, fármacos e química. Entretanto, os plantios ainda são caracterizados por práticas rudimentares de cultivo, principalmente, nas ações que compõem a operação de colheita, que é predominantemente manual, pouco ergonômica e marcada pela intensa demanda de esforço físico, dificultando a contratação de mão-de-obra para realização desta operação. Sobretudo, nos plantios que destinam a produção para indústria. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar três sistemas de colheita de mandioca, com análises efetuadas a partir do desempenho operacional, custo demandado, análise energética e qualidade de colheita. Os tratamentos foram caracterizados da seguinte forma: Sistema de colheita manual (S1), composto de poda manual da porção aérea da planta, arranquio das raízes, separação das raízes da cepa e embarque em unidade de transporte; sistema de colheita semi mecanizada (S2), composto de poda mecanizada da porção aérea da planta, desagregação mecanizada do solo, arranquio manual das raízes, separação das raízes da cepa e embarque das mesmas em unidade de transporte e sistema de colheita mecanizada (S3), composto de poda mecanizada da porção aérea da planta, desagregação mecanizada do solo, recolhimento e embarque mecanizado das raízes em unidade móvel de transporte. Destacam-se como principais resultados a capacidade de campo operacional-CCo nas ações de arranquio manual do sistema S1 e embarque mecanizado do sistema S3, os quais obtiveram 0,62 t h-1 a 12,4 t h-1, respectivamente. O recolhimento mecanizado das raízes que usou uma máquina capaz de realizar, simultaneamente, três ações da operação de colheita, obteve CCo de 10,24 t h-1, podendo representar a redução da dependência que a cultura tem com a mão-de-obra manual. Exceto o embarque mecanizado, as demais ações obtiveram Eficiência Operacional- EfO acima de 70%. Os custos operacionais totais variaram de R$ 21,84 t-1 a R$ 40,01 t-1, sistemas S2 e S3, respectivamente, com destaque para o S2 que contabilizou o menor custo, constituindo-se como a melhor opção para colheita de mandioca. A demanda de energia nos sistemas avaliados foi de 2,35 MJ t-1, 62, 61 MJ t-1 e 79,44 MJ t-1, sistemas S1, S2 e S3, respectivamente, com esses dois últimos sistemas obtendo balanço e eficiência energética positivos, mas com alta dependência de energia fóssil. Na avaliação da qualidade da colheita, a soma das impurezas orgânica e mineral variaram de 1,44% a 4,29%. Os níveis de dano físico ao produto colhido variaram de 7,5% a 11,5% e os percentuais de raízes não colhidas variaram de 2,3% a 4,1%, sendo que estes resultados podem ser considerados satisfatórios, quando comparados a qualidade de colheita mecanizada de sistema já consolidados. / The Manihot esculenta Crantz, originally from South America, feeds about 500 million people worldwide. In Brazil, this crop has an average yield of 14 t ha-1, but in some cases, this yield can be to 30 t ha-1, starch is the main product obtained, which has been used as raw material for food, drus and chemical industries. However, fields crops are still characterized by rudimentary management practices, mainly in the actions that make up the harvest operation, which is predominantly manual, no ergonomic and characterized by the intense demand of physical effort, situation that became difficult to hire people to labor this kind of operation, mainly if this crop for industry production. Therefore, the objective this work was to evaluate three cassava harvest system, with analysis performed based at the operational performance, demanded cost, energy analysis and harvest quality. The treatments were characterized as follows: Manual harvest system (S1) manual aerial pruning plants, manual pulling roots, manual separation roots, manual heaps roots and manual boarding roots into mobile transport unit; Semi-mechanized harvest system (S2) mechanized aerial pruning plants, soil detachment manual aerial pruning plants, manual pulling roots, manual separation roots, manual heaps roots and manual boarding roots into mobile transport unit and Mechanized harvest system (S3) mechanized aerial pruning plants, soil detachment, mechanized picking and mechanized boarding roots into mobile transport unit. The main results were the operational field capacity-CCo, of manual pruning from S1 system that obtened 0.62 t h-1 and mechanized picking from S3 system, which obtained at 12.4 t h-1. The mechanized harvest roots using a harvester machine was able to make, simultaneously, three actions harvesting operation, obtained CCo of 10.24 t h -1, this result can represent the reduction of dependence that the crop has with availability people to work. Except for the mechanized boarding, the other actions obtained Operational Efficiency - EfO above 70%. Total operating costs ranged from R$ 21.84 t-1 to R$ 40.01 t-1, systems S2 and S3, respectively, with S2 accounting for the lowest cost, being the best option for cassava harvest. The energy demand in systems evaluated was 2.35 MJ t-1, 62.61 MJ t-1 and 79.44 MJ t-1, S1, S2 and S3 systems, respectively, with this latter two systems obtaining balance and positive energy efficiency, but highly dependent of fossil energy. About harvest quality, the quantity of the organic and mineral impurities added ranged from 1.44% to 4.29%. The physical levels damage percentage of harvested roots ranged from 7.5% to 11.5% and the percentage of unharvested roots ranged from 2.3% to 4.1%, and these results can be considered satisfactory when compared to mechanized harvest quality of the system already consolidated.

Optimization of freight truck driver scheduling based on operation cost model for Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) transportation

Zhang, Zhiying 01 October 2018 (has links)
Drivers are essential factors affecting the efficiency and management level of a carrier. In this thesis, the driver assignment problem is investigated and methods for obtaining lower total operational costs are introduced for small and medium-sized truck freight transportation companies. Three interrelated research topics, including the following, have been systematically studied. Firstly, extending the traditional costing and Activity-Based Costing (ABC) method, the new Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing (TDABC) method, TDABC-FTC, has been introduced for truck freight companies. Detailed implementation process flow has been designed to streamline the easy incorporation of overhead cost. Fuel costs hold about one-third of the total operational costs of truck freight transportation, and drivers’ driving behaviors heavily influence the fuel consumption rate. In this work, the On-Board Diagnostics (OBD) Ⅱ, GPS tracker and Controller Area Network (CAN) bus are used to retrieve related truck operation data and transfer these data to a central database for later processing to obtain driving behavior parameters. An artificial neural network (ANN) model, built using MATLAB toolbox, is introduced to capture the relations between driving behavior and fuel consumption rate. The fuel consumption indicators for different drivers are then developed to reflect their relative fuel consumption rate quantitatively. The driver assignment problem is modeled as an optimization problem for minimizing the total operational cost of the truck, and the NP-hard problem is solved as a mixed integer programming problem. Two solution methods, Branch and Bound, and the Hungarian algorithm, are used to solve the formulated driver assignment problem. The Hungarian algorithm has been modified to address two particular situations in the driver assignment problem. Numerical experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the newly introduced TDABC model, the fuel saving oriented optimal driver assignment method associating driver behavior to truck fuel consumption rate for different transportation tasks, and the solution methods for the special optimization problems formulated in this work. The newly introduced methods were tested using real truck fleet data, showing considerable benefit of the optimal scheduling techniques, and forming the foundation for further research in this area. / Graduate

Strategy and Profitability: Managing Profits in Inflation Economy

Sharaaz, Mohamed Jaffar Mohamed 01 January 2016 (has links)
The inflation rate in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) rose to 5-year highs in 2014 and higher by 28% in the first half of 2015. This situation has challenged business managers to sustain business goals. Guided by Kaplan and Norton's balanced scorecard framework. the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies business managers use to maintain profitability with rising operating costs. Two organizations in Dubai, United Arab Emirates were purposefully sampled for this multiple case study. Data were collected through multiple semistructured interviews of a single senior manager from each organization, then triangulated with company e-mails and focus group interviews of 2 junior managers from each of the organizations. All data were analyzed using a 5-phased cycle of compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding to understand the emerging patterns. The themes revealed cost reduction initiatives and revenue enhancements initiatives as the key strategies used by the business managers. The approach and direction used in these strategies showed variance based on cost and revenue drivers of the organizations. The findings of the study can be a guide for business managers to understand the essence of effective business strategies that counter challenging economic environments, thus sustaining profitability and developing additional employment opportunities for the surrounding community.

Operational-cost optimisation and cost management in the sourcing and supply chain : a conceptual framework for a medium-sized service company without a central procurement function

Visser, Riaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A typical medium-sized service company in South Africa faces definite challenges and misses opportunities in optimising and managing its operational expenses in its sourcing and supply chain. Medium-sized companies generally do not have the benefit of sophisticated in-house procurement divisions and extensive buying power but they still have to optimise their expenses in order to ensure maximum profitability and business longevity. The study addresses these challenges and opportunities by developing and proposing a framework for a typical medium-sized service company that does not have a central procurement function related to the cost optimisation and management of the identified sourcing and supply-chain elements. The research process entails the development of a conceptual framework developed from literature analysis and a representational practical environment as well as the testing, reviewing and validating of the test implementation of the framework. The results flowing from the testing and implementation of the framework are excluded from the research project. The results are displayed in the form of a summary of specific relevant information around each framework element as well as a conceptual framework. Recommendations are made in relation to the implementation and practical adaptation of the framework. It is concluded that a medium-sized service company can successfully optimise and manage its costs in the sourcing and supply-chain elements in the absence of a central procurement function. This requires the effective implementation of the developed framework, which was adapted from sophisticated larger companies. Implementation and the measurement process need to be driven or, preferably, conducted by the medium-sized company owner or management. Buy-in of the framework and the processes around it needs to be obtained from employees, suppliers and other stakeholders. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Tipiese mediumgrootte diensverskaffingsonderneming in Suid-Afrika staar spesifieke uitdagings in die gesig en ontbeer geleenthede met betrekking tot die optimalisering en bestuur van die bedryfsuitgawes in sy aankoop- en verskaffingsketting. Mediumgrootte ondernemings beskik in die algemeen nie oor die voordeel van ’n gesofistikeerde interne aankoopafdeling en groot aankoopkrag nie, maar hierdie ondernemings moet nog steeds hulle koste-uitgawes optimaliseer in die nastreef van maksimale wins en besigheidsukses. Die navorsingstudie neem hierdie uitdagings en geleenthede onder die loep deur die ontwikkeling en aanbeveling van ’n raamwerk vir ’n tipiese mediumgrootte diensverskaffingsonderneming wat nie oor ’n sentrale interne aankoopafdeling beskik nie. Die raamwerk is gebaseer op koste-optimalisering en -bestuur van die geïdentifiseerde aankoop- en verskaffingskettingelemente. Die navorsingsproses behels die ontwikkeling van ’n konseptuele raamwerk deur literatuuranalise en ’n verteenwoordigende praktiese omgewing, sowel as die toetsing, hersiening en geldigverklaring van die raamwerk tydens die toets-implementering daarvan in die praktiese omgewing. Die resultate van die toets en implementering van die raamwerk vorm nie deel van hierdie studie nie. Die navorsingsresultate word ten toon gestel in die vorm van ’n opsomming van die relevante raamwerkelemente sowel as ’n ontwikkelde raamwerk. Aanbevelings ten opsigte van die implementering en praktiese aanpassing van die raamwerk word dan gemaak. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat ’n mediumgrootte diensverskaffingsonderneming wel in die afwesigheid van ’n sentrale interne aankoopafdeling sy kostes in die aankoop- en verskaffingsketting suksesvol kan optimaliseer en bestuur. Dit kan gedoen word deur die doeltreffende implementering en aanwending van die ontwikkelde raamwerk wat vanaf groter ondernemings aangepas is. Die raamwerk se implementering- en metingsproses moet deur die eienaar of bestuur van die mediumgrootte onderneming gelei, of verkieslik uitgevoer, word. Die werknemers, verskaffers en ander belanghebbendes se ondersteuning vir die raamwerk en gepaardgaande prosesse is baie belangrik vir die implementering en sukses van die raamwerk.

Qualidade, desempenho operacional e custos de plantios, manual e mecanizado, de Eucalyptus grandis, implantados com cultivo mínimo do solo / Quality, operational performance and cost of eucalyptus grandis hand and machine planting, implemented with minimal tillage.

Fessel, Vitor Augusto Graner 03 July 2003 (has links)
O método de plantio manual de mudas de árvores é predominante no Brasil. Para a redução dos custos com mão-de-obra, aumento de produtividade e qualidade operacional, o plantio manual deve ser substituído total ou parcialmente por operações mecanizadas. Com esse enfoque foram avaliadas as atividades de plantios manual e mecanizado de eucaliptos, bem como de preparo mecanizado do solo, em área pertencente a uma empresa florestal. O plantio manual foi feito por onze trabalhadores rurais, com o uso da transplantadora de acionamento manual. O plantio mecanizado foi realizado por uma máquina de transplantio de mudas, operada por um trabalhador rural e tracionada por um trator. Na área do estudo foram locadas duas parcelas amostrais, formando uma malha de setenta e cinco pontos amostrais para cada sistema de plantio. Os itens do preparo do solo avaliados foram a profundidade do sulco, o diâmetro dos torrões e o volume cilíndrico dos galhos de madeira sobre a faixa de sulcamento. O itens dos sistemas de plantio avaliados foram a presença de defeitos da operação, a distância entre plantas, a altura da parte aérea das mudas e a sobrevivência das plantas após um mês de idade. As ferramentas da qualidade total utilizadas foram os histogramas, o diagrama de causa e efeito, os gráficos de Pareto e de controle. As análises estatísticas dos resultados foram feitas pelo teste t e pelo teste de qui-quadrado Para avaliar o desempenho operacional do sistema manual estimou-se somente a capacidade de campo operacional. No sistema mecanizado foram estimadas as capacidades de campo efetiva e operacional. Nos dois sistemas de plantio foram estimados também os custos horários e operacionais das máquinas e da mão-de-obra. Entre os sistemas de plantio, a distância entre plantas foi diferente estatisticamente, com melhor distribuição das mudas no sistema manual. O número de defeitos por muda plantada foi semelhante estatisticamente entre os sistemas de plantio. Os principais defeitos do sistema manual foram as mudas plantadas com colo encoberto pelo solo e as mudas plantadas fora do centro do sulco, os quais representaram 72,8% do total. No sistema mecanizado, esses defeitos, somados às mudas não plantadas e mudas não firmes, representaram 76,7% do total. A altura da parte aérea foi diferente estatisticamente, tanto no plantio como um mês após. A sobrevivência das mudas efetivamente plantadas, após um mês de idade, foi semelhante estatisticamente. Concluiu-se, assim, que a qualidade em ambos os sistemas de plantio não variaram dentro de padrões aceitáveis pela empresa florestal. O tempo produtivo do sistema de plantio mecanizado foi igual a 48,2%, gerando uma capacidade de campo operacional 60,0% menor do que no sistema manual. Inferiu-se que o número médio de mudas plantadas por trabalhador por hora foi igual a 95 no sistema manual, enquanto que no sistema mecanizado foi igual a 205. O custo operacional estimado do sistema mecanizado foi 44,9% maior do que no sistema manual, fato devido a baixa capacidade de campo operacional observada no sistema mecanizado. / Hand planting of tree seedlings is the predominant method in Brazil. In order to reduce labor costs, increase productivity, and improve operational quality, hand planting should be totally or partially replaced by machine operations. Having this in mind, eucalyptus’ hand and machine planting activities were assessed, as well as those of mechanical tillage, in an area belonging to a forestation company. Hand planting had been carried out by 11 rural workers by using a planting tube. Machine planting had been carried out by using a seedling transplant machine, which was operated by a rural worker and pulled by a tractor. In the study area, two sampling parts were allocated, forming a web with 75 sampling points for each planting system. Tillage items that were assessed included furrow depth, stone diameter, and the cylindrical volume of wood branches on the furrow belt. Planting system items that were assessed included the presence of operation defects, distance between plants, height of the top portion of the seedlings, and plant survival after one month of age. Total quality tools included histograms, cause and effect diagram, control graphs, and Pareto's graphs. Statistical analyses of the results were performed by using test and qui-square test. To evaluate hand planting system’s operational performance, only the operational field capacity was estimated. As for the machine system, effective and operational field capacities were estimated. Labor and machine hourly costs, as well as the operational costs for both planting systems were assessed. When comparing planting systems, the distance between plants was statistically different, with hand planting system showing better seedling distribution. The number of defects per planted seedling was statistically similar for both planting systems. The major defects in the hand planting system were seedlings planted with soil-covered base and those planted out of the furrow center, which represented 72.8% of the total. With the machine system, these defects, in addition to non-planted and loose seedlings, represented 76.7% of the total. The height of the top portion was statistically different, both when planting and after one month. The survival of effectively planted seedlings after one month of age was statistically similar. Thus, we concluded that the quality of both planting systems did not vary within the standards that are acceptable for the forestation company. Machine planting system's productive time was 48.2%, and generated an estimated operational field capacity 60.0% less to that for the hand planting system. The average number of planted seedlings per worker by hour was inferred to be equal to 95 in the hand planting system, whereas it was equal to 205 in the machine system. The operational cost for the machine system was estimated to be 44.9% greater to that for the hand planting system, which is due to the low operational field capacity observed in the machine system.

Custo operacional e ponto de renovação de tratores agrícolas de pneus: avaliação de uma frota. / Operational cost and renewal point of agricultural tire tractors: evaluation of a fleet.

Oliveira, Marli Dias Mascarenhas 07 February 2001 (has links)
O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é determinar o custo operacional e o ponto de renovação da frota de tratores agrícolas de pneus de uma empresa agropecuária, utilizando-se os dados dos dispêndios do uso de 39 tratores, entre os anos de 1983 e 1998. Aplicou-se o método do custo anualizado equivalente (CAE), pelo qual é possível determinar-se a idade de substituição dos tratores, a partir do custo operacional e do fluxo de caixa de cada trator. A análise dos resultados obtidos permitiu concluir que dentre os custos operacionais as despesas com reparos e manutenção são as mais elevadas o que pode ser atribuído às altas horas de trabalho acumuladas, tornando antieconômica a utilização da máquina na empresa. Os valores calculados através do custo anualizado equivalente (CAE), apresentaram resultados maiores que os calculados pelo custo operacional. A diferença fundamental entre os dois métodos de cálculo está no CAE que considera uma remuneração ao capital utilizando a taxa de desconto do fluxo de caixa. O método do custo anualizado equivalente, mostrou-se eficiente na análise da vida econômica de tratores e na determinação do ponto de substituição de frotas, pois permite a substituição da máquina antes que ocorram as despesas mais altas com a mesma. Caso contrário, a perda de capital provocada pela diminuição do valor presente do valor residual, calculado pelo CAE, pode inviabilizar o uso econômico da máquina. Verificou-se com a aplicação do CAE que a idade de substituição de uma máquina depende do valor de inicial, das despesas anuais com o trator, de valor de revenda em cada ano e da taxa de desconto. Especificamente para esta empresa verificou-se que a idade economicamente ótima de troca situou-se entre quatro e cinco anos de vida útil do trator. / The main objective of the present study was to determine the operational cost and the fleet renewal point of agricultural tractors of tires for an agricultural company, which provided data on expenditures for the use of 39 tractors, from 1983 to 1998. The computation took in account the yearly cost equivalent method (CAE), which allowed to determine the tractor substitution age , starting from the operational cost and from the cash flow of each tractor. The analysis results analysis showed that the greater item in the operational costs is the expenses with repairs and maintenance which can be attributed to the greater accumulated working hours, so far it may make not profitable the use of the machine in the company. The CAE method values showed bigger values than the operational cost method values (OC). The fundamental difference among them is that CAE considers a remuneration to the capital using the cash flow discount tax. Also , the CAE method was more efficient in the analysis of the tractor economical life and in the determination of the fleet substitution point, so it allowed the substitution of the machine before higher expenses might occur. Otherwise, the capital loss provoked by the decrease of the present value of the residual value, computed by CAE, would make unfeasible the economical use of the machine. Also ,the present study showed that the age of substitution of a machine depends on the initial value, on the annual expenses with the tractor, on the value of resale in every year and on the discount tax. Specifically for this company, it was verified that the economical age to change a vehicle is between four or five years of useful life of the tractor.

Plantio mecanizado de cana-de-açúcar: aspectos operacionais e econômicos / Mechanized planting of sugarcane: operational and economic aspects

Oliveira, Cilene de 28 September 2012 (has links)
O Brasil é o maior produtor de cana-de-açúcar no mundo, e a cultura possui grande importância para o agronegócio nacional. A área plantada é de aproximadamente 8,4 milhões de hectares e a recente demanda por etanol tem contribuído por novas áreas de expansão, além da particularidade do canavial ser renovado periodicamente. O plantio é uma das primeiras operações no sistema de produção agrícola e afeta as operações subseqüentes, bem como a produtividade da cultura. Embora o sistema de produção agrícola da cana-de-açúcar seja altamente mecanizado, a operação de plantio foi praticamente a última em ter a opção da mecanização total. No Brasil o plantio é predominantemente semi-mecanizado, mas recentemente tem ocorrido a mudança para o mecanizado. Entretanto, a operação é influenciada por diversas variáveis, tais como as características técnicas e econômicas das máquinas utilizadas na operação, as particularidades de cada propriedade agrícola como o tamanho da área, a jornada de trabalho, o espaçamento, a velocidade operacional, a distância do talhão de plantio, dentre outros, que afetam o desempenho econômico e o dimensionamento do número de conjuntos necessários na operação, tanto para o transporte de mudas quanto para o plantio. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral desse trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho operacional e econômico do sistema de plantio mecanizado de cana-de-açúcar, e o objetivo específico analisar o comportamento das variáveis e as suas relações e interrelações no custo operacional do sistema. Para análise do comportamento dessas variáveis, e seus respectivos efeitos nos custos, foi criado um modelo, em planilha eletrônica, Excel®, que se baseou no ciclo operacional entre o transporte de mudas e o plantio no talhão, limitando-se assim o grau de abrangência do estudo. O modelo foi verificado, validado, e utilizado na análise das variáveis por meio da construção de cenários. Conclui-se, que o modelo permitiu avaliar o desempenho operacional e econômico do sistema de plantio mecanizado de cana-deaçúcar. Com base nos resultados, a capacidade de carga da plantadora é a variável de maior impacto no custo operacional do plantio e existe uma área máxima que uma plantadora pode atender conforme o ritmo operacional, em que a área depende das características do sistema proposto. / Brazil is the largest producer of sugarcane in the world, the crop has great importance for the country\'s agribusiness. The planted area is approximately 8.4 million hectares, and the recent demand for ethanol has contributed to an expansion into new areas, in addition to the sugarcane crop being renewed periodically. Planting is one of the first operations in any agricultural production system and thus affects subsequent operations, as well as the yield. Although the agricultural system of sugarcane production is highly mechanized, the planting operation was virtually the last to have the option of total mechanization. In Brazil the planting is predominantly semi-mechanized, but recently there has been a shift to a fully mechanized planting. However, the operation is influenced by several variables, such as technical and economic characteristics of the machines used in the operation, the particularities of each agricultural property such as the size of the area, the work day, the spacing, the operation speed, the distance of plot planting, among others, that affect economic performance such as scale and the number of sets required in the operation, both for the transport of seedlings and the planting. This way, the general objective of this study was to evaluate the operational performance and economic system of mechanized planting of sugar cane, and the specific objective analyze the behavior of the variables and their relations and inter-relations in operational cost of the system. For analysis of the behavior of these variables, and their respective effects on costs, was created a model in an electronic spreadsheet, Excel®, which was based on operational cycle time between the transport of seedling and planting the grove, limiting the degree of coverage of the study. The model was verified, validated, and used in the analysis of variables through scenario building. The model allowed to evaluate the operational and economic performance of the system of mechanized planting of sugarcane. Based on the results, the load capacity of the planter is the variable of greatest impact on the operational cost of planting and there is a maximum area that a planter can attend, as the operational rate, in that area depend on the characteristics of the proposed system.

Plantio mecanizado de cana-de-açúcar: aspectos operacionais e econômicos / Mechanized planting of sugarcane: operational and economic aspects

Cilene de Oliveira 28 September 2012 (has links)
O Brasil é o maior produtor de cana-de-açúcar no mundo, e a cultura possui grande importância para o agronegócio nacional. A área plantada é de aproximadamente 8,4 milhões de hectares e a recente demanda por etanol tem contribuído por novas áreas de expansão, além da particularidade do canavial ser renovado periodicamente. O plantio é uma das primeiras operações no sistema de produção agrícola e afeta as operações subseqüentes, bem como a produtividade da cultura. Embora o sistema de produção agrícola da cana-de-açúcar seja altamente mecanizado, a operação de plantio foi praticamente a última em ter a opção da mecanização total. No Brasil o plantio é predominantemente semi-mecanizado, mas recentemente tem ocorrido a mudança para o mecanizado. Entretanto, a operação é influenciada por diversas variáveis, tais como as características técnicas e econômicas das máquinas utilizadas na operação, as particularidades de cada propriedade agrícola como o tamanho da área, a jornada de trabalho, o espaçamento, a velocidade operacional, a distância do talhão de plantio, dentre outros, que afetam o desempenho econômico e o dimensionamento do número de conjuntos necessários na operação, tanto para o transporte de mudas quanto para o plantio. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral desse trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho operacional e econômico do sistema de plantio mecanizado de cana-de-açúcar, e o objetivo específico analisar o comportamento das variáveis e as suas relações e interrelações no custo operacional do sistema. Para análise do comportamento dessas variáveis, e seus respectivos efeitos nos custos, foi criado um modelo, em planilha eletrônica, Excel®, que se baseou no ciclo operacional entre o transporte de mudas e o plantio no talhão, limitando-se assim o grau de abrangência do estudo. O modelo foi verificado, validado, e utilizado na análise das variáveis por meio da construção de cenários. Conclui-se, que o modelo permitiu avaliar o desempenho operacional e econômico do sistema de plantio mecanizado de cana-deaçúcar. Com base nos resultados, a capacidade de carga da plantadora é a variável de maior impacto no custo operacional do plantio e existe uma área máxima que uma plantadora pode atender conforme o ritmo operacional, em que a área depende das características do sistema proposto. / Brazil is the largest producer of sugarcane in the world, the crop has great importance for the country\'s agribusiness. The planted area is approximately 8.4 million hectares, and the recent demand for ethanol has contributed to an expansion into new areas, in addition to the sugarcane crop being renewed periodically. Planting is one of the first operations in any agricultural production system and thus affects subsequent operations, as well as the yield. Although the agricultural system of sugarcane production is highly mechanized, the planting operation was virtually the last to have the option of total mechanization. In Brazil the planting is predominantly semi-mechanized, but recently there has been a shift to a fully mechanized planting. However, the operation is influenced by several variables, such as technical and economic characteristics of the machines used in the operation, the particularities of each agricultural property such as the size of the area, the work day, the spacing, the operation speed, the distance of plot planting, among others, that affect economic performance such as scale and the number of sets required in the operation, both for the transport of seedlings and the planting. This way, the general objective of this study was to evaluate the operational performance and economic system of mechanized planting of sugar cane, and the specific objective analyze the behavior of the variables and their relations and inter-relations in operational cost of the system. For analysis of the behavior of these variables, and their respective effects on costs, was created a model in an electronic spreadsheet, Excel®, which was based on operational cycle time between the transport of seedling and planting the grove, limiting the degree of coverage of the study. The model was verified, validated, and used in the analysis of variables through scenario building. The model allowed to evaluate the operational and economic performance of the system of mechanized planting of sugarcane. Based on the results, the load capacity of the planter is the variable of greatest impact on the operational cost of planting and there is a maximum area that a planter can attend, as the operational rate, in that area depend on the characteristics of the proposed system.

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