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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electrical and optical characterization of InP nanowire-based photodetectors

Dawei, Jiang January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with electrical and optical characterization  of p+i–n+ nanowire-based photodetectors/solar  cells. I have investigated their I-V performance and found that all of them exhibit a clear rectifying behavior with an ideality factor around 2.2 at 300K.  used Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy to extract their optical properties. From the spectrally resolved photocurrent data, I conclude that the main photocurrent is generated in the i-segment of the nanowire (NW) p-i-n junctions, with negligible  contribution from the substrate.   I also used a C-V technique to investigate the impurity/doping profiles of the NW p+-i-n+ junction.  The technique has been widely used for investigations of doping profiles in planar p-n junctions, in particular with one terminal (n or p) highly doped. To verify the accuracy of the technique, I also used a planar Schottky  sample with an already known doping profile for a test  experiment. The result is very similar to the actual data. When we used the technique to investigate the doping level in the NWs photodetectors grown on InP substrates, the results show a very high capacitance above 800pF which most likely is due to the influence of the parasitic capacitance from the insulating layer of SiO2. Thus,  a new sample design is required to investigate the  doping profiles of NWs.

Multimode Optical Fiber Bragg Gratings: Modeling, Simulation and Experiments

Zhang, Jinsong 05 1900 (has links)
Telecommunication networks based on optical fiber technology have become a major information-transmission system, satisfying the growing demand for bandwidth due to increased internet traffic and other applications such as video on demand, etc. Fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs), in recent years, have emerged as critical components for enabling high-capacity transmission since their response can be tailored to meet the needs of specific applications. FBGs are currently the focus of intense research interest in both the fiber communications and sensing fields. Optical fiber Bragg grating structures in single-mode fiber (SMFBGs) have been studied extensively since the discovery of photosensitivity in germanium-doped silica fiber. They have been used in numerous applications ranging from wavelength-selective filtering in wavelength-division-multiple-access (WDMA) systems to temperature and strain sensing. To a lesser extent, Bragg gratings in multimode fibers have also received attention because of easy coupling with light sources. Most of the MMFBGs related research work has demonstrated the formation of a Bragg grating in a graded-index MMF and briefly reported the measured transmission spectrum. So far, there are few theoretical studies on Bragg gratings in multimode fibers. In this thesis, we investigate Bragg gratings in multimode optical fibers both theoretically and experimentally. A comprehensive numerical model for MMFBGs has been established and the corresponding computer simulation software (MMFBG simulator combined with mode solver) developed. The optical properties of MMFBGs were systematically studied for the first time using our own MMFBG numerical software package. It effectively assists the design modeling for MMFBG-based optical devices. Bragg gratings in multimode fiber were also investigated experimentally. Our theoretical simulation results show good agreement with experiments and offer the insightful explanations for the underlying physics of the device. First, the guided modes were modeled and simulated for step index multimode fibers and graded index multimode fibers with emphasis on parabolic fiber structure. These are popular, standard and commercially available MM fibers, and employed throughout our experiments. This allows us for the simulation of fiber characteristics such as cut-off wavelength, mode effective index, propagation constants and optical field distribution. It also allows for calculation of mode coupling coefficients by overlap integral between any chosen guided modes. Therefore, it serves as a powerful model for the design and analysis of optical fibers. Second, the generalized MMFBG coupled mode theory formalism is derived. The physical mechanism of the behavior of MMFBGs is studied and discussed. The general solution to the MMF Bragg grating problem is achieved by Runge-Kutta, Newton-Raphson and shooting numerical methods. Our theoretical treatment, in particular, offers the advantages which can deal with not only self-coupling but also more complicated cross-coupling interactions and can solve arbitrary large number of mode coupling problems throughout the entire spectra simultaneously for multimode FBGs, thus allowing for a precise and quantitative study of MMFBGs. Such an intensive multimode fiber Bragg grating physical modeling and simulations have not been reported previously. It provides an effective means for the design and analysis of optical fiber devices based on Bragg gratings. Third, the optical properties of multimode FBGs were studies experimentally. Numerical predications of the grating spectral characteristics under fabrication and experimental condition are calculated. The results of the numerical calculations are compared with experimentally measured spectra of multimode gratings written by ultraviolet irradiation of deuterium-sensitized fiber with grating reflectivities ranging from 78% to 99.39%. Good agreement is obtained between the theoretical simulations and the experimental results. Thus, we provide quantitative explanations for the observed experimental phenomena. These explanations give both physical insight and a more complete understanding of the nature of the interaction between the wave propagation and multimode fiber gratings. Furthermore, the spectral simulation of the actual experiments prepares a theoretical guidance for the advanced experimental investigation and also presents a step toward MMFBG device design. Finally, the optical properties of MMFBGs were also studied theoretically. To our knowledge, this is the first detailed analysis and thorough investigation on grating characteristics in MMF. It is demonstrated that the transmission and reflection spectra of fiber Bragg gratings in multimode optical fibers strongly depend on the length of grating, index modulation, period of grating, mode excitation condition and physical structure of MMF. The simulation results allow us to deeply comprehend and visualize the more sophisticated behavior within a multimode fiber grating, and will also allow us to confidently predict and evaluate the performance of more complex structure MMFBGs. It provides the fundamental principles for designing the targeted spectrum performance and settles the theoretical rationale for realizing the practical applications. Overall, the comprehensive numerical model and MMFBG solver package developed in this thesis opens a clear and broad window for understanding MMFBG mechanisms from the physical point of view. Various simulation results and spectral characteristics have been researched and discussed under both ideal and experimental conditions for the purpose of experimental analysis and device design. The results of our study indicate that a new class of potential applications based on MMFBGs can be expected in optical fiber sensors and advanced communication systems. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)

Physical properties of experimental composite formulations with varying resin matrix and filler fraction

Leyva del Rio, Diana January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Development of MOCVD GaN Homoepitaxy for Vertical Power Electronic Device Applications

Zhang, Yuxuan 02 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Electrical and Optical Characteristics of InP Nanowires based p-i-n Photodetectors

Ahmed, Rizwan, Abbas, Shahid January 2010 (has links)
Photodetectors are a kind of semiconductor devices that convert incoming light to an electrical signal. Photodetectors are classified based on their different structure, fabrication technology, applications and different sensitivity. Infrared photodetectors are widely used in many applications such as night vision, thermal cameras, remote temperature sensing, and medical diagnosis etc.   All detectors have material inside that is sensitive to incoming light. It will absorb the photons and, if the incoming photons have enough energy, electrons will be excited to higher energy levels and if these electrons are free to move, under the effect of an external electric field, a photocurrent is generated.   In this project Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy is used to investigate a new kind of photodiodes that are based on self-assembled semiconductor nanowires (NWs) which are grown directly on the substrate without any epi-layer. The spectrally resolved photocurrent (at different applied biases) and IV curves (in darkness and illumination) for different temperatures have been studied respectively. Polarization effects (at low and high Temperatures) have been investigated.  The experiments are conducted for different samples with high concentration of NWs as well as with lower concentration of NWs in the temperature range from 78 K (-195ºC) to 300 (27ºC). These photodiodes are designed to work in near infrared (NIR) spectral range.   The results show that the NW photodetectors indeed are promising devices with fairly high break down voltage, change of photocurrent spectra with polarized light, low and constant reverse saturation current (Is). The impact of different polarized light on photocurrent spectra has been investigated and an attempt has been made to clarify the observed double peak of InP photocurrent spectrum. Our investigations also include a comparison to a conventional planar InP p-i-n photodetector.

Alternating-Current Thin-Film Electroluminescent Device Characterization / Charakterizace tenkovrstvých elektroluminiscenčních součástek

Ahmed, Mustafa M. Abdalla January 2008 (has links)
Jádrem této disertační práce bylo studovat optické a elektrické charakteristiky tenkovrstvých elektroluminiscenčních součástek řízených střídavým proudem (ACTFEL) a zejména vliv procesu stárnutí luminiforů na jejich optické a elektrické vlastnosti. Cílem této studie měl být příspěvek ke zvýšení celkové účinnosti luminoforů, vyjádřené pomocí jasu, účinnosti a stability. Vzhledem k tomu, že současnou dominantní technologií plochých obrazovek je LCD, musí se další alternativní technologie plošných displejů porovnávat s LCD. Výhodou ACTFEL displejů proti LCD je lepší rozlišení, větší teplotní rozsah činnosti, větší čtecí úhel, či možnost čtení při mnohem vyšší intenzitě pozadí. Na druhou stranu je jejich nevýhodou vyšší energetická náročnost, problém s odpovídající barevností tří základních barev a podstatně vyšší napětí nutné pro činnost displeje. K dosažení tohoto cíle jsme provedli optická, elektrická a optoelektrická měření ACTFEL struktur a ZnS:Mn luminoforů. Navíc jsme studovali vliv dotování vrstvy pomocí KCl na chování mikrostruktury a na elektroluminiscenční vlastnosti (zejména na jas a světelnou účinnost) ZnS:Mn luminoforů. Provedli jsme i některá, ne zcela obvyklá, měření ACTFEL součástek. Vypočítali jsme i rozptylový poměr nabitých barevných center a simulovali transportní charakteristiky v ACTFEL součástkách. Studovali jsme vliv stárnutí dvou typů ZnS:Mn luminoforů (s vrstvou napařenou či získanou pomocí epitaxe atomových vrstev) monitorováním závislostí svítivost-napětí (L-V), velikost vnitřního náboje - elektrické pole luminoforu (Q-Fp) a kapacitance-napětí (C-V) ve zvolených časových intervalech v průběhu stárnutí. Provedli jsme krátkodobá i dlouhodobá měření a pokusili jsme se i o vizualizaci struktury luminoforu se subvlnovým rozlišením pomocí optického rastrovacího mikroskopu pracujícího v blízkém poli (SNOM). Na praktickém případu zeleného Zn2GeO4:Mn (2% Mn) ACTFEL displeje, pracujícího při 50 Hz, jsme také studovali stabilitu svítivosti pomocí měření závislosti svítivosti na napětí (L-V) a světelné účinnosti na napětí (eta-V). Přitom byl zhodnocen význam těchto charakteristik. Nezanedbatelnou a neoddělitelnou součástí této práce je i její pedagogický aspekt. Předložený text by mohl být využit i jako učebnice pro studenty na mé univerzitě v Lybii.

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