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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ROBERTH WALDO ANGULO LLERENA 30 December 2004 (has links)
[pt] O setor de petróleo e gás apresenta diversas oportunidades de aplicação para os sensores a fibra óptica. Algumas características inerentes às fibras ópticas, como baixo peso, flexibilidade, longa distância de transmissão, baixa reatividade do material, isolamento elétrico, imunidade eletromagnética e alta capacidade de multiplexação, podem ser determinantes em diversas situações, seja nos segmentos de exploração, transporte, refino ou distribuição. As principais operadoras internacionais do setor identificaram a tecnologia de Sensores a Fibra Óptica como elemento chave para viabilizar, com toda a funcionalidade esperada, a instalação de sistemas de completação inteligente de poços de petróleo (produção ou injeção). O sensoriamento do poço permite obter, a qualquer momento, informações precisas sobre diversas grandezas, entre outras a pressão, temperatura, vazão, pH ou mesmo a posição de válvulas que controlam o fluxo através do poço. A monitoração em tempo real do poço é parte da estratégia de automação do processo de produção do campo de petróleo. Esta é uma tendência que no futuro próximo aponta para a exploração de campos de petróleo inteligentes, onde a produção por vários poços de um mesmo reservatório realizase de forma otimizada e automatizada, reduzindo custos, e aumentando fatores de recuperação das reservas de hidrocarbonetos fósseis. O presente trabalho se insere neste contexto, e apresenta a concepção, desenvolvimento e resultados de testes de dois protótipos de transdutores de fundo do poço para integrar um sistema de completação inteligente baseado na tecnologia de sensoriamento utilizando redes de Bragg em fibras ópticas. O primeiro deles destina-se à medida da pressão diferencial num sensor de vazão do tipo Venturi. Resultados de testes com protótipos do transdutor demonstraram que ele pode operar numa faixa de mais ou menos 5 bar de pressão diferencial, sob pressões médias de até 21 MPa e temperaturas de 90 graus Celsius com resolução de 0,06 por cento do fundo de escala. O segundo transdutor desenvolvido, aplica-se à medida da posição de abertura e fechamento de uma válvula controladora de fluxo tipo camisa deslizante (sliding sleeves). Duas técnicas foram investigadas. A primeira delas, para aplicações mais gerais, baseia-se no uso de atuadores magnetoestrictivos. A segunda procurou atender a um projeto específico para este tipo de válvula, em cuja concepção utiliza-se uma mola elástica para exercer a força de restituição contra um atuador hidráulico. Neste caso, optou-se por desenvolver uma célula de carga instrumentada com redes de Bragg. Nos testes realizados foram obtidos resultados satisfatórios em termos de sensibilidade e resolução, tendo-se chegado para esta última a valores próximos de 0,03 mm num curso de 70 mm (0,04 por cento do fundo de escala). / [en] Optical fibers are finding a growing range of new applications in the petroleum industry, which include, not only those already well established in telecommunications, but also in novel sensing technologies. Possibility of dense multiplexing, continuous distributed measurements, long distances between measurement points and electronic circuits, and explosion risk free, are some of the characteristics shared by different types of optical fiber sensors. The major global oil and gas operators and service companies have elected optical fiber sensing as one of the key enablers to implement with all the expected functionality and reliability the novel technology of intelligent well completion. Continuous well monitoring allows the operator to access, at any time during the well life, important information regarding different process variables, such as pressure, temperature, flow-rate, pH, or even the position of sliding sleeves valves that control the flow through the well. This is part of the automation strategy to optimize production in the whole reservoir, a technological trend that points towards the concept of an intelligent oil field and that, in the near future, will be applied to the integrated management of production from several wells in the same reservoir, contributing to reduce intervention costs, and increasing recovery factors of fossil hydro-carbon reserves. The present work is inserted in this context, and reports the conception, development and results of tests conducted with prototypes of two different optical fiber transducers to be integrated in an intelligent well completion system. The first one is a Bragg grating differential pressure transducer, which has been developed to measure pressure drop across a Venturi flow-meter inserted in the production tubing. Test results with prototypes have demonstrated that the transducer may be applied to measure differential pressures in the range of more or less 5 bar, under static (average) pressures up to 21 MPa and temperatures below 90 Celsius Degree, with 0.06 percent full-scale resolution. The second development is a displacement transducer applied to measure the opening position of sliding sleeves valves. Two different measurement principles were investigated. The first, intended to general applications of displacement measurements, relied on the use of magnetostrictive actuators and fiber Bragg grating sensors. The second displacement transducer applies to a specific type of valve, which employs a mechanical spring to provide recovery forces to a hydraulic actuator. The proposed solution was based on the use of a load cell instrumented with fiber Bragg gratings. Tests results demonstrated that the prototype transducer was capable of resolving changes in displacement as lower as 0.03 mm in a full-range of 70 mm, approximately 0.04 percent full-scale resolution.

Comportement mécanique et durabilité de structures en béton renforcées par des armatures composites internes / Mechanical behaviour and durability of concrete structures reinforced by internal composite rebars

Rolland, Arnaud 27 March 2015 (has links)
La corrosion des armatures constitue la principale cause de dégradation des ouvrages en béton armé, et occasionne des coûts élevés de maintenance/réparation. Pour prévenir ce problème sur ouvrages neufs, une solution consiste à renforcer les structures en béton par des armatures non-métalliques de type Polymère Renforcé de Fibres (PRF), généralement à base de fibres de verre, de carbone ou d'aramide. Il existe aujourd'hui plusieurs textes réglementaires consacrés aux armatures PRF, notamment aux USA, au Canada et au Japon, et de nombreux ouvrages en béton armé par barres en PRF ont d'ailleurs été construits dans ces pays. Cependant, si l'utilisation de ces nouvelles armatures semble à priori prometteuse, elle suscite encore des réserves de la part des maîtres d'ouvrages, notamment en France. Il subsiste en effet des incertitudes sur le comportement à long terme des structures renforcées par PRF, et plus particulièrement sur la durabilité en milieu alcalin des armatures à matrice vinylester ou époxy renforcée par des fibres de verre (PRFV), qui sont actuellement les plus utilisées, ou encore sur le vieillissement de l'interface PRF/béton. Dans ce contexte, la présente étude vise à développer pour la première fois en France, un ensemble de méthodologies permettant, d'une part, de caractériser les principales propriétés physiques, mécaniques et d'interface des différentes armatures en PRF disponibles sur le marché, mais également d'évaluer la durabilité d'armatures en PRFV (les plus représentatives du marché) et de l'interface PRFV/béton à travers des procédures pertinentes de vieillissements accélérés. La première partie de l'étude a donc été consacrée à la caractérisation physique et mécanique d'une sélection d'armatures du commerce, confectionnées à base de fibres de verre, de carbone ou d'aramide, et au comportement mécanique de l'interface entre ces PRF et le béton. Outre la caractérisation microstructurale des PRF par techniques de microscopie et d'analyse thermique, la mise en place de dispositifs d'essais de traction et de flexion 3 points à appuis rapprochés (Short-beam test) a permis d'accéder respectivement aux propriétés mécaniques en traction (module d'élasticité, résistance) et à la résistance au cisaillement inter-laminaire des armatures. Des essais spécifiques d'arrachement (Pull-out) ont ensuite permis d'évaluer l'influence de différents paramètres (type de fibre, diamètre et géométrie de surface des barres) sur le mécanisme de transfert d'effort à l'interface armature/béton. Une grande originalité de l'approche proposée réside dans l'instrumentation d'une partie des corps d'épreuve par des capteurs de déformation à fibre optique disposés au niveau de l'interface armature/béton ; ce dispositif de mesures réparties permet d'accéder à des informations locales comme le profil des déformations de traction de l'armature, et d'en déduire la longueur d'ancrage des différentes armatures dans le béton. En complément de l'étude expérimentale précédente, un travail de modélisation analytique et numérique a été initié en vue de simuler les essais d'arrachement et d'appréhender plus finement les mécanismes d'interface mis en jeu entre l'armature et le béton lors de ces essais. Dans cette optique, un modèle analytique d'interface a tout d'abord été proposé, puis introduit dans un modèle aux éléments finis (modèle d'endommagement de zones cohésives). Enfin, un protocole de vieillissement accéléré a été appliqué à des barres en PRFV seules ou noyées dans un milieu cimentaire. Les caractéristiques résiduelles des armatures et des interfaces ont été évaluées à différentes échéances de vieillissement (jusqu'à 240 jours). Hormis une diminution des propriétés mécaniques des barres soumises à une immersion directe en solution alcaline, cette condition pouvant être considérée comme très sévère par rapport aux conditions de service, il n'a pas été observé de dégradation des propriétés d'adhérence PRF/béton par rapport à l'état initial / Corrosion of the steel reinforcing bars (rebars) is the main process involved in the degradation of reinforced concrete (RC) structures, and has large repercussions on the maintenance/reparation expenses. To prevent such degradations on new infrastructures, the use of corrosion-free reinforcements, such as Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bars based on glass, carbon or aramid fibers, is gaining interest. Specific guidelines are already available in several countries (USA, Canada or Japan for instance), that define the design principles and good practices for this type of internal rebars; beside, many FRP RC structures have been built and are in service in these countries. Although the development of these new reinforcing bars is quite promising, infrastructures owners are still reluctant for their wide-scale use, especially in France. There are still major concerns regarding the long term behavior of FRP RC structures, and more particularly, the durability of glass fibers reinforced polymers (GFRP) when subjected to an alkaline environment, and the ageing behavior of the GFRP/concrete bonding as well. In this context, the present study aims at developing for the first time in France, a set of methodologies that allows : to characterize the main physical/mechanical properties of different types of FRP bars from the marketto assess the durability of GFRP bars (the most common type of bar) and their interface with concrete through relevant accelerated ageing procedures. The first part of this study was thus devoted to the physical/mechanical characterization of a selection of commercially available FRP rebars, based on glass, carbon or aramid fibers, and to the mechanical behavior of corresponding FRP/concrete interfaces. Beside the microstructural characterization of the various FRP materials by microscopy and thermal analysis techniques, tensile and short beam tests were developed in order to determine the tensile properties (Young's modulus and strength) and the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of the bars. Specific pull-out tests then made it possible to evaluate the influence of several parameters (type of fibers, diameter and surface geometry of the bars) on the mechanism of load transfer at the bar/concrete interface. A main originality of the proposed approach relied on the instrumentation of several test bodies by optical fiber strain sensors, which were installed along the bar/concrete interface. Such a distributed measurement system provided local information in the form of tensile strain profiles of the bars along the interface, and made it possible to determine the effective transfer length of the various types of FRP bars. As a complement to the previous experimental study, an analytical and numerical modeling work was initiated to simulate the pull-out tests and investigate more closely the interfacial mechanisms involved in the FRP bar/concrete bond behavior. In this line, an improved interface model was first proposed, which was then implemented in a finite element model (cohesive zone model formulated in the context of damage mechanics).Finally, an accelerated ageing protocol was developed and applied to the GFRP bars, either alone or embedded in a concrete medium. The retention properties of both bars and interfaces were determined after various periods of exposure (up to 240 days). Except a drop of tensile properties observed for GFRP bars that were directly immersed in an alkaline solution, which is considered as a very severe environment compared to actual service conditions, no significant loss of interfacial properties was detected on aged specimens compared to the initial state


SULLY MILENA MEJIA QUINTERO 07 November 2006 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho versa sobre duas diferentes aplicações de sensores a redes de Bragg em fibra óptica. A primeira consiste no desenvolvimento de uma técnica de sensoriamento do pH empregando fibra óptica, que visa a monitoração contínua e permanente deste parâmetro em poços de petróleo depletados e de injeção. Nesta aplicação, as redes de Bragg são acopladas, através de um mecanismo transdutor, a sistemas poliméricos que respondem a alterações do pH apresentando uma variação expressiva de seu volume. O tempo de resposta e o fator de inchamento do sistema polimérico foram caracterizados para valores de pH 3, 4, 5, e 6, em soluções aquosas contendo sais dissolvidos em concentrações típicas das encontradas em águas de formação. As medições foram realizadas a temperaturas e pressões ambientes, assim como na presença de óleo, e após a pressurização do sistema polimérico até 5000 psi. Diferentes mecanismos transdutores foram projetados e construídos, e suas respostas, avaliadas em soluções aquosas com composição similar à das águas de formação. Foram estimadas a sensibilidade da técnica e as principais fontes de incerteza na medição do pH. Procurou-se também avaliar a funcionalidade dos mecanismos transdutores visando uma futura instalação em poço. Na segunda aplicação, é proposta uma técnica para a medição in situ da tensão residual induzida em filmes finos de alta dureza durante sua deposição em câmaras de sputtering assitido por rádio-frequência e campo magnético. A técnica é constituída por uma viga em aço engastada, tendo uma de suas faces instrumentada com um conjunto de redes de Bragg a fibra óptica, enquanto a face oposta é exposta ao fluxo de íons do material a ser depositado. O sistema sensor é instalado em uma câmara que opera sob alto vácuo, enquanto os aparelhos de leitura permanecem no exterior. A resposta do protótipo em função de variações do campo magnético e da temperatura no interior da câmara foi levantada. Em seguinda, foram realizadas medições da deformação da viga durante a deposição de filmes de sílica, de óxido de titânio-índio, e de carbeto de silício. A tensão residual dos filmes foi calculada e comparada com resultados de medições de curvatura do substrato realizadas empregando um perfilômetro. Tensões residuais de 6 MPa até 0,2 Gpa foram obtidas durante as diferentes deposições. / [en] This work treats of two different applications of optical fiber Bragg grating sensors. The first application consists of a pH sensing technique that employs optical fiber to permanent and continuously monitor the pH in depleted and injection oil wells. In this application, the Bragg gratings are coupled by a transduction mechanism to a polymeric system which responds to pH variations with a large volume change. The response time as well as the swelling factor of the polymeric system at pH 3, 4, 5, and 6 have been characterized in aqueous solutions with dissolved salts in concentrations typical of those found in formation waters. Experiments have been carried out at room temperature and pressures, in the presence of oil, and after pressurization up to 5000 psi. Several mechanisms of transduction have been designed, constructed, and tested in solutions similar to the formation waters. The sensitivity of the technique and the main sources of uncertainties related to the pH measurement have been investigated. Also, the functionality of the mechanisms has been evaluated aiming at a future installation in the petroleum wells. The second application investigated is a technique for in situ measurement of the residual stress induced in hard thin films during deposition by RF magnetron sputtering. The sensing technique consists of a cantilever steel beam. One of the surfaces of the beam is instrumented using optical fiber Bragg gratings; the opposite face is exposed to the ion flux that originates the thin film. The sensing system is installed in a vacuum chamber while the interrogating apparatus remains outside. The prototype has been characterized with respect to variations of the magnetic field and the temperature inside the chamber. Measurements of the beam strain have been carried out during deposition of silica, indium- titanium oxide, and silicon carbide thin films. The residual stresses have been calculated and the results compared with data obtained using perfilometry. Residual stress values varying from 6 MPa up to 200 MPa have been obtained during the different deposition processes.


BIANCA GONCALVES MOREIRA 28 March 2006 (has links)
[pt] De acordo com os cálculos do Sindicato Nacional da Indústria de Cerveja (Sindicerv), os estados e o governo federal perdiam anualmente cerca de R$ 720 milhões em arrecadação, devido à sonegação praticada por alguns fabricantes de cerveja. Um elemento facilitador para esse tipo de sonegação é o método atualmente utilizado pela Receita Federal para o controle da quantidade de volume produzido, que envolve apenas o controle de notas fiscais de vendas, o que tem sido uma grande fonte de erros e prejuízo, tanto para as empresas, quanto para o governo. Em 2001, com o objetivo de criar mecanismos que auxiliem no controle de arrecadação de impostos, o governo federal publicou a Medida Provisória no 2.158-35, obrigando os fabricantes a instalar um Sistema de Medição de Vazão (SMV) em todas as linhas de engarrafamento, na entrada de cada enchedora. O SMV seria usado inicialmente apenas no monitoramento. Além de medir a quantidade de bebida produzida, o SMV é, por meio de um sistema de condutivímetro elétrico, responsável por detectar o tipo de líquido que está sendo envasado. Nesta dissertação, são avaliadas possíveis técnicas de diferenciação de bebidas alcoólicas e não-alcoólicas, visando atribuir maior confiança à Receita Federal e aos consumidores. Além da condutividade, foram avaliadas a densimetria e a potenciometria. Devido a problemas encontrados nestas três (3) técnicas, resolveu-se testar a eficiência de um sensor à fibra óptica de índice de refração para a diferenciação de bebidas. A principal vantagem deste sensor é tornar a sonegação mais difícil, pois, ao contrário do condutivímetro, não sofre influência eletromagnética externa. As incertezas de medição dos valores obtidos para condutividade e índice de refração foram calculadas. Os resultados da presente dissertação são suficientemente significativos para substanciar a recomendação de uma revisão da Medida Provisória no 2.158- 35. Parte desta dissertação foi financiada, através do Convênio referência FINEP n° 22.01.0692.00, pelo Programa Tecnologia Industrial Básica e Serviços Tecnológicos para a Inovação e Competitividade MCT/FINEP/FNDCT/Fundo Verde Amarelo, um programa cooperativo universidade- empresa. / [en] According to the Brazilian Sindicato Nacional da Indústria de Cerveja (Sindicerv), about R$ 720 million a year used to be lost due to federal and state tax evasion by some beer manufacturers. Tax evasion used to be eased by the method used by the Brazilian federal revenue service (Receita Federal) to monitor the amount of beer manufactured, which was solely based on sales receipts, resulting in large losses for the government and companies. In 2001, in order to create mechanisms to help in tax collection, the Federal government issued the Medida Provisória no 2.158-35, making it mandatory for the manufacturers to install a Flow Measurement System in all bottling lines, at the beginning of the beverage filler. The system was to be initially used as a monitoring device. In addition to measuring the amount of beverage manufactured, the Flow Measurement System is also responsible for detecting the type of beverage being bottled or canned by means of an electrical conductivity sensor. This and other possible methods for distinguishing between alcoholic and non alcoholic beverages in the Flow Measurement System are evaluated in this dissertation, in order to increase reliability for the Receita Federal and the consumers. In addition to the conductivity, density and pH measurements were also evaluated. Due to problems found in these three (3) techniques, an index of refraction optical fiber sensor was also tested for distinguishing between beverages. The main advantage of this sensor is that it makes tax evasion more difficult because, as opposed to the conductivity sensor, it is not affected by external electromagnetic interference. The uncertainty in measurement of the conductivity and index of refraction results were calculated. This dissertation` results are sufficiently significant to substantiate the recommendation that the Medida Provisória no 2.158-35 be revised. Part of this dissertation was financed by the Convênio referência FINEP n° 22.01.0692.00 of the Programa Tecnologia Industrial Básica e Serviços Tecnológicos para a Inovação e Competitividade MCT/FINEP/FNDCT/Fundo Verde Amarelo, a university-company cooperative program.

Comportement mécanique et durabilité de structures en béton renforcées par des armatures composites internes / Mechanical behaviour and durability of concrete structures reinforced by internal composite rebars

Rolland, Arnaud 27 March 2015 (has links)
La corrosion des armatures constitue la principale cause de dégradation des ouvrages en béton armé, et occasionne des coûts élevés de maintenance/réparation. Pour prévenir ce problème sur ouvrages neufs, une solution consiste à renforcer les structures en béton par des armatures non-métalliques de type Polymère Renforcé de Fibres (PRF), généralement à base de fibres de verre, de carbone ou d'aramide. Il existe aujourd'hui plusieurs textes réglementaires consacrés aux armatures PRF, notamment aux USA, au Canada et au Japon, et de nombreux ouvrages en béton armé par barres en PRF ont d'ailleurs été construits dans ces pays. Cependant, si l'utilisation de ces nouvelles armatures semble à priori prometteuse, elle suscite encore des réserves de la part des maîtres d'ouvrages, notamment en France. Il subsiste en effet des incertitudes sur le comportement à long terme des structures renforcées par PRF, et plus particulièrement sur la durabilité en milieu alcalin des armatures à matrice vinylester ou époxy renforcée par des fibres de verre (PRFV), qui sont actuellement les plus utilisées, ou encore sur le vieillissement de l'interface PRF/béton. Dans ce contexte, la présente étude vise à développer pour la première fois en France, un ensemble de méthodologies permettant, d'une part, de caractériser les principales propriétés physiques, mécaniques et d'interface des différentes armatures en PRF disponibles sur le marché, mais également d'évaluer la durabilité d'armatures en PRFV (les plus représentatives du marché) et de l'interface PRFV/béton à travers des procédures pertinentes de vieillissements accélérés. La première partie de l'étude a donc été consacrée à la caractérisation physique et mécanique d'une sélection d'armatures du commerce, confectionnées à base de fibres de verre, de carbone ou d'aramide, et au comportement mécanique de l'interface entre ces PRF et le béton. Outre la caractérisation microstructurale des PRF par techniques de microscopie et d'analyse thermique, la mise en place de dispositifs d'essais de traction et de flexion 3 points à appuis rapprochés (Short-beam test) a permis d'accéder respectivement aux propriétés mécaniques en traction (module d'élasticité, résistance) et à la résistance au cisaillement inter-laminaire des armatures. Des essais spécifiques d'arrachement (Pull-out) ont ensuite permis d'évaluer l'influence de différents paramètres (type de fibre, diamètre et géométrie de surface des barres) sur le mécanisme de transfert d'effort à l'interface armature/béton. Une grande originalité de l'approche proposée réside dans l'instrumentation d'une partie des corps d'épreuve par des capteurs de déformation à fibre optique disposés au niveau de l'interface armature/béton ; ce dispositif de mesures réparties permet d'accéder à des informations locales comme le profil des déformations de traction de l'armature, et d'en déduire la longueur d'ancrage des différentes armatures dans le béton. En complément de l'étude expérimentale précédente, un travail de modélisation analytique et numérique a été initié en vue de simuler les essais d'arrachement et d'appréhender plus finement les mécanismes d'interface mis en jeu entre l'armature et le béton lors de ces essais. Dans cette optique, un modèle analytique d'interface a tout d'abord été proposé, puis introduit dans un modèle aux éléments finis (modèle d'endommagement de zones cohésives). Enfin, un protocole de vieillissement accéléré a été appliqué à des barres en PRFV seules ou noyées dans un milieu cimentaire. Les caractéristiques résiduelles des armatures et des interfaces ont été évaluées à différentes échéances de vieillissement (jusqu'à 240 jours). Hormis une diminution des propriétés mécaniques des barres soumises à une immersion directe en solution alcaline, cette condition pouvant être considérée comme très sévère par rapport aux conditions de service, il n'a pas été observé de dégradation des propriétés d'adhérence PRF/béton par rapport à l'état initial / Corrosion of the steel reinforcing bars (rebars) is the main process involved in the degradation of reinforced concrete (RC) structures, and has large repercussions on the maintenance/reparation expenses. To prevent such degradations on new infrastructures, the use of corrosion-free reinforcements, such as Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) bars based on glass, carbon or aramid fibers, is gaining interest. Specific guidelines are already available in several countries (USA, Canada or Japan for instance), that define the design principles and good practices for this type of internal rebars; beside, many FRP RC structures have been built and are in service in these countries. Although the development of these new reinforcing bars is quite promising, infrastructures owners are still reluctant for their wide-scale use, especially in France. There are still major concerns regarding the long term behavior of FRP RC structures, and more particularly, the durability of glass fibers reinforced polymers (GFRP) when subjected to an alkaline environment, and the ageing behavior of the GFRP/concrete bonding as well. In this context, the present study aims at developing for the first time in France, a set of methodologies that allows : to characterize the main physical/mechanical properties of different types of FRP bars from the marketto assess the durability of GFRP bars (the most common type of bar) and their interface with concrete through relevant accelerated ageing procedures. The first part of this study was thus devoted to the physical/mechanical characterization of a selection of commercially available FRP rebars, based on glass, carbon or aramid fibers, and to the mechanical behavior of corresponding FRP/concrete interfaces. Beside the microstructural characterization of the various FRP materials by microscopy and thermal analysis techniques, tensile and short beam tests were developed in order to determine the tensile properties (Young's modulus and strength) and the interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) of the bars. Specific pull-out tests then made it possible to evaluate the influence of several parameters (type of fibers, diameter and surface geometry of the bars) on the mechanism of load transfer at the bar/concrete interface. A main originality of the proposed approach relied on the instrumentation of several test bodies by optical fiber strain sensors, which were installed along the bar/concrete interface. Such a distributed measurement system provided local information in the form of tensile strain profiles of the bars along the interface, and made it possible to determine the effective transfer length of the various types of FRP bars. As a complement to the previous experimental study, an analytical and numerical modeling work was initiated to simulate the pull-out tests and investigate more closely the interfacial mechanisms involved in the FRP bar/concrete bond behavior. In this line, an improved interface model was first proposed, which was then implemented in a finite element model (cohesive zone model formulated in the context of damage mechanics).Finally, an accelerated ageing protocol was developed and applied to the GFRP bars, either alone or embedded in a concrete medium. The retention properties of both bars and interfaces were determined after various periods of exposure (up to 240 days). Except a drop of tensile properties observed for GFRP bars that were directly immersed in an alkaline solution, which is considered as a very severe environment compared to actual service conditions, no significant loss of interfacial properties was detected on aged specimens compared to the initial state


03 September 2004 (has links)
[pt] Desde o final da década de 80 a indústria de fibras óticas têm passado por avanços consideráveis. Através de técnicas controladas, as fibras ópticas podem gerar sinais associados a uma vasta gama de grandezas físicas funcionando como sensores denominados de Sensores a Fibra Óptica (SFO s). Diversas técnicas podem ser empregadas para tal, e entre as existentes a baseada em redes de Bragg é a que mais tem se destacado. O interesse por transdutores empregando esta técnica se justifica pelas vantagens proporcionadas pelo uso da luz, tais como sua capacidade de multiplexação, boa relação sinal/ruído, medições a longas distâncias, imunidade a campos eletromagnéticos, ausência de faísca, entre outras. Neste trabalho buscou-se desenvolver um transdutor e uma técnica de medição baseada em sensores a rede de Bragg para medição de vibrações mecânicas. Um acelerômetro óptico triaxial é projetado e construído. Diferentes modelos foram testados em busca das características de desempenho desejadas. Simulações numéricas empregando o método dos elementos finitos auxiliaram na decisão por melhores desenhos para o transdutor. Resultados de testes experimentais e calibrações empregando um sistema de aquisição de sinais desenvolvido são mostrados. Medições de longa duração para avaliação de estabilidade do sistema e efeitos de temperatura também são apresentados. / [en] Since the end of the 1980s, the fiber optics industry has experienced considerable advances. Through a number of controlled techniques, fiber optics can generate signals associated with a vast array of physical measures, working as sensors denominated Optical Fiber Sensors (OFS s). Many different techniques can be employed to achieve this objective. Among these, the one based on Bragg networks has received the greatest amount of attention. The interest in transducers employing this technique is justified by the advantages of using light, such as its multiplexing capability, good signal-to-noise ratio, possibility of long distance measurements, immunity to electromagnetic fields, and absence of sparks. In the present work, a transducer and measurement technique based on Bragg network sensors vibration are developed, in order to measure mechanical vibrations. A triaxial optical accelerometer is designed and built. Different models are tested in the search for the desired performance characteristics. Numerical simulations employing the finite element method help the decision making process for better transducer designs. Results from experimental and calibration tests using a newly developed signal acquisition system are presented. Long duration measurements to evaluate system stability and temperature effects are also shown.

Distribuované optické vláknové senzory / Distributed optical fiber sensors

Hynek, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
Nowdays, optical fibers are one of important parts of computer networks, especially for their ability to transfer information for long distance. This thesis doesn´t utilize optical fibers as carriers, but as sources of information, specifically as sensors intended to detect physical effects acting on the optical fiber, which is usually used for telecommunication purposes. Linear and nonlinear properties of the fiber are used to gain information about acting effects on the optical fiber.

Podélné struktůry v optických vláknech s využitím v senzorice / Longitudinal structures in optical fibres with the use in sensorics

Falešník, Vlastimil January 2015 (has links)
This semestral work describes key concepts, principles and basic characteristics of optical fibers. Furthermore, the principles of phase mask and subsequent records of perpendicular or tilted structures in fiber are being discussed. The work also introduces the use of such structures in sensorics as well as its connection to Bragg grating. Considerable part of this thesis is dedicated to analysis and production of longitudinal structures in fibers.

Optovláknové bodové senzory / Optical fiber point sensors

Okoun, Petr January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyzes a structure of spot optical sensors with longitudinal grid and multiple Bragg grating and possibilities of spot optical sensors use and implementation in the industry. Basic principles of light propagation through optical environment are described in the introduction part, followed by description of phenomena in optical fibers and sensors. The distribution of fiber optic sensors and the use of optic fiber in spot mode is described further. The optical sensor system is designed on the basis of analysis with description of its construction at the end of this work. A significant part is devoted to the analysis of longitudinal structures in the fiber in response to multiple Bragg gratings, their subsequent manufacture and suggestion of use in sensors industry.

Miniature gas sensing device based on near-infrared spectroscopy

Alfeeli, Bassam 06 December 2005 (has links)
The identification and quantification of atoms, molecules, or ions concentrations in gaseous samples are in great demand for medical, environmental, industrial, law enforcement and national security applications. These applications require in situ, high-resolution, non-destructive, sensitive, miniature, inexpensive, rapid detection, remotely accessed, real time and continuously operating chemical sensing devices. The aim of this work is to design a miniature optical sensing device that is capable of detecting and measuring chemical species, compatible with being integrated into a large variety of monitoring systems, and durable enough to be used under extreme conditions. The miniature optical sensor has been realized by employing technologies from the optical communication industry and spectroscopic methods and techniques. Fused silica capillary tubing along with standard communication optical fibers have been utilized to make miniature gas sensor based on near-infrared spectroscopy for acetylene gas detection. In this work, the basic principles of infrared spectroscopy are reviewed. Also, the principle of operation, fabrication, testing, and analysis of the proposed sensor are discussed in details. / Master of Science

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