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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tvarování laserového svazku / Laser beam shaping

Hantl, Josef January 2011 (has links)
Thesis describes shortly types of waves and beams. Gaussian beam properties and parameters are described in more details, Gaussian beam is the most used in atmospheric optical links. The main goal of work is studying of possibilities of laser beam shaping, mainly the beam Top hat. In this project reasons why is suitable to shape laser beam for optical communications and the most used methods for shaping of laser beam are described. The suggested processes of beams shaping are experimentally verified and properties of beams shaped of single methods are compared with each other.

Prospektivní studie dlouhodobých zrakových následků akutních intoxikací metanolem / Prospective study of long-term visual sequelae of acute methanol poisonings

Nurieva, Olga January 2019 (has links)
Background: Methanol poisoning is a life-threatening condition which induces acute toxic optic neuropathy with possible long-term visual sequelae in survivors. Aim: To study the prevalence, character, dynamics, and key determinants of chronic morphological and functional visual pathway changes during 4 years after methanol-induced optic neuropathy. Methods: A total of 55 patients with confirmed methanol poisoning with mean age 46.7 ± 3.6 years (46 males and 9 females), and 41 controls were included in this prospective longitudinal cohort study. The patients were examined 4.9 ± 0.6, 25.0 ± 0.6, and 49.9 ± 0.5 months after discharge. The following tests were performed: visual evoked potential (VEP), optical coherence tomography with retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) measurement, brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), complete ocular examination, biochemical tests, and apolipoprotein E (ApoE) genotyping. Results: Of 42/55 patients with all three consecutive examinations, abnormal RNFL thickness was registered in 13 (31%) and chronic axonal loss during the observation period was found in 10 (24%) patients. The risk estimate of chronic global RNFL loss for arterial blood pH<7.3 at admission was: 11.65 (1.91-71.12; 95% CI) after adjusting for age and sex. The patients with chronic axonal degeneration demonstrated...

Konstrukce experimentálního zařízení pro studium mazání okolků kolejových vozidel / Design of Wheel Flange Lubrication Experimental Apparatus

Nepovím, Radovan January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with construction design and practical realisation of experimental apparatus for investigation of wheel flange track vehicle lubrication. Experimental apparatus in full-scale uses optical interferometry for investigation of lubrication behaviour in wheel flange contact. It is an innovative approach which has not been used for such experiments so far. The aim of the following measurement with this apparatus is to determine the minimal amount of ecological lubrication in wheel flange contact under certain conditions when there is no lubrication film interruption. The apparatus enables to measure real rail wear. This work contains the apparatus description for the study of wheel flange lubrication, wheel flange contact specifications, the description of its influence on wear and acoustic emission, and a detailed description of the experimental apparatus.

Robotický stolní fotbal - herní strategie / Robotic table football - game strategy

Parák, Roman January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the master's thesis is the robotic table football device modification and the design of game strategies. The thesis was extended by the design of technology for the robotic table football safety and the design of the Human Machine Interface (HMI). In the introduction so far developed solutions and presentation of the B&R Automation company are described. The following chapters describe mechanical solution modification, electrical wiring diagram design, creating simulation in the MATLAB development environment, resolving security issues and the subsequent application of a solution into the robotic table football. The conclusion of the thesis is devoted to the visualization interface design.

Luminiscence polovodičů studovaná rastrovací optickou mikroskopií v blízkém poli / Luminescence of semiconductors studied by scanning near-field optical microscopy

Těšík, Jan January 2017 (has links)
This work is focused on the study of luminescence of atomic thin layers of transition metal chalkogenides (eg. MoS2). In the experimental part, the work deals with the preparation of atomic thin layers of semiconducting chalcogenides and the subsequent manufacturing of plasmonic interference structures around these layers. The illumination of the interference structure will create a standing plasmonic wave that will excite the photoluminescence of the semiconductor. Photoluminescence was studied both by far-field spectroscopy and near-field optical microscopy.

Vliv dynamického přidělování šířky pásma na koncové jednotky / Influence of Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation over Optical Network Unit

Sikora, Pavel January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with DBA algorithms used in XG-PON networks. It describes reference appearance of the DBA algorithm, as well as, three specific DBA algorithms discussed in professional articles. Particularly speaking about GIANT, HYRA and modified Max-Min Fair DBA. The thesis provides description of frames utilized by DBA algorithms in XG-PON networks, specifically XGEM frame and XGTC frames. The thesis also presents a simulation tester of DBA algorithms tested on a virtual XG-PON network. Finally, it contains the results of testing these DBA algorithms with a description.

Mazání plastových převodů / Lubrication of plastic gears

Poledník, Radim January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to describe the influence of input parameters (rolling speed, load, temperature, dynamic viscosity and pressure coefficient of the lubricant) on film thickness in point and elliptical contacts using optical interferometry. Regression based film thickness formula has been obtained using universal form of non-dimensional parameters of entrainment speed U, load W and material G. Equations were also complemented by the function of ellipticity k. New regression formulas for central and minimum film thickness have been compared with existing EHL thickness equations. These film thickness measurement and new regression formulas have applicability to our understanding of the performance and more effective design of lubricated gears from polymeric materials.

Návrh propojení far-infrared spektrometru k supravodivému magnetu a magneto-optické měření ve far-infrared oblasti / Design of the far-infrared spectrometer coupling to a superconductive magnet and magneto-optical measurements in the far-infrared region

Dubnická Midlíková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
Práca sa zaoberá vývojom ďalekej infračervenej spektroskopie v silnom magnetickom poli. Kombinácia ďalekej infračervenej spektroskopie a silného magnetického poľa je veľmi dôležitým nástrojom pri charakterizácii materiálov, ako sú jedno-molekulové magnety. Predstavuje tiež ideálnu experimentálnu techniku, ktorá dokáže skúmať a objasniť vlastnosti nových 2D materiálov. Ďaleká infračervená spektroskopia v magnetickom poli taktiež umožňuje študovať elektrónovú paramagnetickú rezonanciu (EPR) jedno-molekulových magnetov s veľmi veľkým delením pri nulovom poli, hlavne na báze komplexov prechodných kovov alebo lantanoidov, v ktorých bežne používané EPR systémy neposkytujú experimentálny prístup k magnetickým rezonančným prechodom. V práci sú podrobne popísané dve zostavy ďaleko infračervených spektrometrov pripojené k supravodivým magnetom. Prvá opísaná zostava, ktoré sa nachádza na univerzite v Stuttgarte, je už zmontovaná a jej výkon je diskutovaný. Magneto-optické merania jedno-molekulových magnetov vykonané na tejto zostave sú predstavené. Druhá magneto-optická zostava čerpá zo skúseností získaných pri prvej zostave a je určená pre CEITEC.

Použití bezpilotních letounů v průmyslu a jejich porovnání s běžnými metodami / Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Industrial Purposes and its Comparison with Standard Methods

Červenka, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
The main aim of this dissertation is to suggest an application of unmanned aircrafts and to compare them with the currently used methods. In the introductory part the dissertation deals with the history and development of unmanned aircrafts. Further, it presents a theory essential to understand a principle of operation of the proposed methods and its analysis of the currently used methods and procedures. In the final part the dissertation explains a proposal of use of unmanned aircrafts in the industry and compares them with the methods currently used.

Příprava a testování SNOM sond speciálních vlastností / Preparation and testing of SNOM probes

Bobek, Juraj January 2019 (has links)
Fotonická krystalická vlákna (PCF) představují slibný nástroj pro spojení technik známých z mikroskopie rastrovací sondou, elektronové mikroskopie a systémů pro vstřikování plynu. Přivedení světla a přenos pracovního plynu současně do blízkosti vzorku umístěného uvnitř elektronového mikroskopu přináší nové možnosti experimentů. PCF by mohly být použity nejen k charakterizaci nebo modifikaci struktur na mikroskopické úrovni, ale také k jejich výrobě. Tato práce se zabývá výzkumem literárních zdrojů s tématikou fotonických krystalů s důrazem na PCF. Leptání PCF pomocí kyseliny fluorovodíkové bez poškození jejich vnitřní struktury je experimentálně studováno s velkou precizností. Optické vlastnosti závislé na geometrii PCF jsou testovány pro různé modifikace PCF. Dále se práce zabývá spojením PCF s mikroskopií atomárních sil a následnou integrací do elektronového mikroskopu.

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