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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fokusovací techniky optického měření 3D vlastností / Focus techniques of optical measurement of 3D features

Macháček, Jan January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with optical distance measurement and 3D scene measurement using focusing techniques with focus on confocal microscopy, depth from focus and depth from defocus. Theoretical part of the thesis is about different approaches to depth map generation and also about micro image defocusing technique for measuring refractive index of transparent materials. Then the camera calibration for focused techniques is described. In the next part of the thesis is described experimentally verification of depth from focus and depth from defocus techniques. For the first technique are shown results of depth map generation and for the second technique is shown comparison between measured distance values and real distance values. Finally, the discussed techniques are compared and evaluated.

Behaviour of Objects in Structured Light Fields and Low Pressures / Behaviour of Objects in Structured Light Fields and Low Pressures

Flajšmanová, Jana January 2021 (has links)
Studium chování opticky zachycených částic nám umožňuje porozumět základním fyzikálním jevům plynoucím z interakce světla a hmoty. Předkládaná práce podává vysvětlení zesílení tažné síly působící na opticky svázané částice ve strukturovaném světelném poli, tzv. tažném svazku. Ukazujeme, že pohyb dvou opticky svázaných objektů v tažném svazku je silně závislý na jejich vzájemné vzdálenosti a prostorové orientaci, což rozšiřuje možnosti manipulace hmoty pomocí světla. Následně se práce zaměřuje na levitaci opticky zachycených částic ve vakuu. Představujeme novou metodologii na charakterizaci vlastností slabě nelinearního Duffingova oscilátoru reprezentovaného opticky levitující částicí. Metoda je založena na průměrování trajektorií s určitou počáteční pozicí ve fázovém prostoru sestávajícím z polohy a rychlosti částice a poskytuje informaci o parametrech oscilátoru přímo ze zaznamenaného pohybu. Náš inovativní postup je srovnán s běžně užívanou metodou založenou na analýze spektrální hustoty polohy částice a za využití numerických simulací ukazujeme její použitelnost i v nízkých tlacích, kde nelinearita hraje významnou roli.

Digitalizace snímaní rozložení optické intenzity / Digitalization of the optical intensity distribution scanning

Škrob, Robin January 2008 (has links)
This Master’s thesis solves a design and construction of device for gathering and transfer of data into computer. The device should replace graph plotter, by which is measured the optical intensity of a laser beam. From this characteristic it is possible to determine other parameters of the laser beam, such as halfwidth of the beam, angle of divergence and Rayleigh length. The described device - “data gatherer” - measures two voltage values – voltage detected on photodiode and voltage detected on distance moved by photodiode. Measured values of voltage are processed and sent through a serial line into the computer. A pre-amplifier is connected to the control part for both channels of measured values with possibility of amplification. Computer application, which performs graphic interpretation of the measured values, serves as user control peripheral. The product of this project is compact device operating under OS Windows with graphic output.

Měřící metody klíčových parametrů v optických sítích / Measuring methods of key parameters in optical networks

Balon, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
The main goal of the master’s thesis was to familiarize with optical networks dilemma and its measuring during fabrication. The whole thesis is divided into several parts where the first part deals with optic fiber dilemma. It describes its kinds, properties and also suggests a basic principle of optic signal dispersion using these fibers. It describes also optical network FTTx architecture (Fiber To The x). The second part of the thesis focuses on methods of measuring key parameters of optical networks. Is brings out the methods of measuring optical loss and dispersive influences. The last and final part in focused on creating a methodical manual for measuring these networks during its fabrication and verifying measuring methods stated in the theoretical part inside a real network. Measuring was implemented on an optical network of Masaryk University in Brno.

Výkonové ztráty v optické části spoje pracujícího ve volném prostoru / Power losses in optical part of the link working in free space

Szajkó, Juraj January 2011 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce pojednává o charakteristikách laserových diod, difrakcí a o vlastnostech gausovského svazku. Je určen útlum vazby vysílací dioda - vysílací apertura v závislosti na velikostech apertury a na velikosti svazku v programu MATLAB. Jsou stanoveny optimální parametry vazby apertura-dioda.

Bezdrátové spoje pro metropolitní sítě / Wireless connections for metropolitan networks

Svoboda, Jan January 2011 (has links)
This Master’s thesis analizes technologies suitable for metropolitan area networks. In this thesis there are mentioned technologies used for wireless transfer with speeds above 1 Gbps. There are described basic features and parameters of microwave radio relay links in 70/80GHz range and free space optic links. These technologies are compared with classic optical networks. Practical part of thesis was focused on development of application which calculates signal attenuation caused by the passage of the atmosphere for both technologies. Results gained from this application are mentioned in this Master’s thesis.

Měření výšky hladiny pomocí OVS / Measurement of Level by Fiber Optic Sensors

Bednář, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this master‘s thesis is the issue of design of fiber optic sensor for min/max and continuous measurement of liquid level, which could be used for laboratory measurement of optoelectronics. The thesis is divided into the three parts, the first part deals with methods of retrieval level measurement using fiber optic sensors. The second part is made of plant design of optical fiber sensors, it is shown the implementation of measuring devices for liquid level measurement and measured transfer characteristics of the sensors developed. The last part is proposed for laboratory typing tasks using established preparation for teaching in the subject Optoelectronic sensors.

Optické kabeláže - srovnání / Optical cabling - a comparison

Zelinková, Vlasta January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on an analysis of mounting and cable laying fiber optic lines. The first chapter includes an analysis is made comparing parameters fiber and copper cabling, mainly in terms of access networks. This part specifies the various transmission media and access networks that are operated on them. Attention is focused on the transmission rate and its possible impact, provided the capacity and other important values. This section also demands site maintenance, service, or any failure on the routes of these networks. With this goal in the second chapter was created several designs networks that provide insight into possible solutions to the situation for emerging networks, and for upgrading existing networks, using both management and elements of optical and copper, or combinations thereof. Provide information from expert sources and verified directs the work of the future and to clarify further the eventual development of individual technologies. Most other space and offers the potential of optical technology, nature, and therefore the third chapter is fully devoted to only the transmission medium. At the beginning of this section is a theoretical analysis of possible ways of cable laying fiber optic cabling with a comparison of advantages and disadvantages. The most stable is an underground installation, which is costly in standard cases. As a result of these factors proved to be a possible solution using the underground installation of water pipeline shutdown. Therefore, the optical path designed, organized and implemented laying of fiber optic cable. By completing the inspection measurement and evaluation of the cost compared with other ways of installing fiber optic cable.

Pasivní optické sítě WDM-PON / Passive optical networks WDM-PON

Havliš, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
The work deals with optical access networks, passive optical networks, especially WDM-PON. Features a modern solution to connect users to the optical access network using optical FTTx connections. Describes the different types of FTTx connections, their parameters and construction technology. Practical work is a practical application of theory for the development of various design and simulation of WDM-PON networks. Each proposal includes the construction of technical solutions optical access networks, the technology used and the balance of the reduced pricing WDM-PON network. The penultimate part of the work consists of design models simulated WDM-PON networks by the simulation program OptSim. The conclusion deals with the evaluation of individual design and simulation of WDM-PON networks.

Model atmosférického prostředí pro optické bezkabelové spoje / Model of atmospheric transmission media for free space optics

Přikryl, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study the methods of a free space optical link design and its application in the communication technologies. The thesis describes possible intrusive influences on the transmitted optical signal, which are the signal noise, atmospheric attenuation and atmospheric turbulences. The thesis is particulary focused on the influence of the atmospheric turbulences and atmospheric attenuation on the optical beam.

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