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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verslo vadybos bakalauro studijų programų optimizavimas / The optimization of bachelor study programs in business management

Taurienė, Ana 26 June 2014 (has links)
Šiuo metu Lietuvoje galima būtų pastebėti nemažai problemų su universitetine ugdymo sistema. Ją reformuoti buvo siekiama ne kartą, tačiau, anot valstybės kontrolės auditorių: „Iki šiol nesuformuotas optimalus bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų, kolegijų, universitetų, kitų švietimo įstaigų tinklas ir infrastruktūra, joms skiriama nepakankamai lėšų, stinga pastangų mokymo kokybei gerinti“. Atsižvelgiant į valstybės kontrolės Vyriausybei, Švietimo ir mokslo ministerijai pateiktas rekomendacijas švietimo sistemos pertvarkoms suprantame, kad net jei reformos ir būtų įgyvendintos, jos nepaliestų mokyklų ar universitetų vidaus, t.y. studijų programų optimizavimo ir studentų bei dėstytojų mobilumo vystymo. Siekiant išanalizuoti šią problemą išskirti tokie tikslai uždaviniai ir darbo objektas: Darbo objektas. Lietuvos ir užsienio universitetų vadybos bakalauro studijų programos. Darbo tikslai. Optimizuoti verslo vadybos studijų programą bei pašalinti studentų ir dėstytojų mobilumo suvaržymo problemą. Siekiant užsibrėžto tikslo keliami tokie uždaviniai: Įvertinti esamas studijų programas; Išanalizuoti sukurtos studijų programos įvedimo į mokymo sistemą etapus; Išskirti autorių nuomones studijų programų optimizavimo klausimais; Sukurti optimalią vadybos bakalauro studijų programą; Atlikti studentų ir dėstytojų apklausą; Sukurti modelį studijų optimizavimui. Šio darbo pirmajame skyriuje bus nagrinėjama studijų programų rengimo metodika Lietuvoje ir kitose ES valstybėse. Detalizuojama studijų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Currently, a lot of problems could be seen in Lithuania‘s university education system. It was aimed to reform quite a few times, but, according to the state control auditors, "...Until now, there are no optimal net nor infrastructure of secondary schools, colleges and universities, they are underfunded, there is a lack of efforts to improve the quality of teaching". According to the state control‘s guidelines for the reform, given to Government, Ministry of Education and Science, we recognize that even if the reforms are implemented, they would not touch the ‚inside‘ of schools or universities, i.e. would not influence the optimisation of studies program and development of mobility of students and lectureres. In order to analyze this issue there are distinguish these work objectives and tasks: The object. Lithuanian and foreign universities management bachelor degree programs. Work objectives. Optimize the business management degree programs and remove student and teacher mobility problems. In order to achieve the objective there are the following tasks: • Evaluate existing study programs • Analyze the introduction of the study program educational system phases. • Exclude the opinions of the authors about optimization of study programs. • To establish the optimal management bachelor degree program.• To do the student and teacher survey • Create a model for the study optimization. The metodology of programs‘ development in Lithuania and other EU countires will be analised in... [to full text]

Razvoj sistema za projektovanje i optimizaciju konstrukcije pribora

Vukelić Đorđe 01 July 2010 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji se prikazuje razvoj sistema za<br />projektovanje i optimizaciju konstrukcije pribora za<br />ma&scaron;insku obradu. Analizirani su različiti prilazi u<br />projektovanu pribora. Prikazana je koncepcija i<br />funkcionisanje razvijenog sistema. Validacija sistema<br />je izvr&scaron;ena na konkternim radnim predmetima za<br />operacije obrade bu&scaron;enja i glodanja. Na kraju su dati<br />odgovarajući zaključci i mogući pravci budućih<br />istraživanja</p> / <p> The dissertation shows the development of<br /> system for fixture design and layout<br /> optimization for machining processi. Different<br /> approaches were analyzed in fixture design.<br /> The concept and functioning of the developed<br /> system is presented. Validation of the system<br /> is made with specific workpieces for drilling<br /> and milling process operations. At the end the<br /> appropriate conclusions and possible<br /> directions for future research are given.</p>

Projektovanje elemenata pribora sa aspekta nosivosti i popustljivosti njihovih kontakata sa radnim predmetom / Design of fixture elements from the aspect of fixture-workpiece inteface load capacity and compliance

Miljanić Dragomir 26 June 2015 (has links)
<p>U doktorskoj disertaciji je prikazana nova metodologija za projektovanje<br />i optimizaciju konstrukcije elemenata pribora. Projektovani su i<br />realizovani uređaji koji omogućavaju ispitivanje nosivosti i<br />popustljivosti kontakta između elemenata pribora i radnog predmeta u<br />statičkim i dinamičkim uslovima opterećenja. U istraživanjima je<br />simuliran proces stezanja elementima sa specijalno projektovanim<br />završetkom i praćena je nosivost i popustljivost spoja između<br />elemenata pribora i radnog predmeta. Utvrđeno je da standardni<br />elementi za stezanje sa ravnim čelom u odnosu na specijano<br />projektovane elemente imaju značajno manju nosivost i popustljivost.<br />Pozitivni efekti primene elemenata za stezanje sa specijalno<br />projektovanim završetkom ogledaju se u povećanju pouzdanosti, tačnosti<br />i produktivnosti mašinske obrade.</p> / <p>Presented in this doctoral dissertation is a new methodology for the design and<br />optimization of fixture elements. Special device is designed and manufactured<br />to test load capacity and interface compliance between fixture elements and<br />workpiece under static and dynamic loads during machining. The research<br />process is simulated by specially designed clamping elements and monitored<br />for load capacity and interface compliance between fixture elements and<br />workpiece. It was found that the standard clamping elements with flat clamping<br />surface have a significantly lower load capacity and interface compliance in<br />comparison with the specially designed clamping elements. Application of the<br />specially designed clamping elements results in increased reliability, accuracy<br />and machining productivity.</p>

Tamprių-plastinių prisitaikančių sistemų optimizacija su standumo ir stabilumo sąlygomis / Optimization of elastic-plastic systems under stiffness and stability constraints at shakedown

Merkevičiūtė, Dovilė 23 December 2005 (has links)
Optimization problems (to which is dedicated this dissertation) of structural mechanics are introductory stage of structure optimum design based on principles of solid deformable body mechanics, mathematical programming theory, its methods and their mechanical interpretation. In order to base calculation on real operating conditions of structure, it is necessary evaluate as exact as possible structure material properties, external effects and other factors in mathematical models of optimization problems. Partially it is achieved by including plastic properties of material. Calculation and design of the structures, taking in to account plastic strains, allows to use their bearing capacity more efficiently and make more economic project (in this dissertation research is developed on the basis of perfect plasticity theory). From the other side, real effect for structure are often cyclic (variable repeated load character is also evaluated in this work). In the dissertation it is assumed that load is quasi–static and is characterised by load variation bounds (deterministic formulation of problems is considered). Under repeated loading a structure can lose its serviceability because of its progressive plastic failure or because of alternating strain (usually both cases are called cyclic–plastic collapse). But, if residual forces together with variable part that do not violate the admissible bounds appear in the initial stage of loading, the structure adapts to existing load and... [to full text]

Kvazi Njutnovi postupci za probleme stohastičkog programiranja / Quasi Newton Methods for Stochastic Programming Problems

Ovcin Zoran 19 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Posmatra se problem minimizacije bez ograničenja. U determinističkom&nbsp;slučaju ti problemi se uspe&scaron;no re&scaron;avaju iterativnim Kvazi Njutnovim postupcima.&nbsp;Ovde se istražuje &nbsp;stohastički slučaj, kada su poznate vrednosti funkcije cilja i njenog gradijenta na koje je uticao &scaron;um. Koristi se novi način određivanja dužina koraka, koji kombinuje metod linijskog pretraživanja i metod stohastičke aproksimacije tako da zadrži dobre osobine oba pristupa i obezbedi veću efikasnost postupka. Metod je testiran u kombinaciji sa vi&scaron;e načina izbora pravca u iterativnom postupku. Dokazana je konvergencija novog postupka i testiranjem na velikom broju standardnih test problema pokazana njegova efikasnost. Takođe se za re&scaron;avanje problema ekvilibriuma u Neoklasičnoj ekonomiji predlaže i dokazuje konvergencija jednog Fiksnog Njutnovog postupka. U zadatku nalaženja re&scaron;enja za niz problema kojima se preciznije modelira slučajni sistem, ovaj Fiksni Njutnov postupak ostvaruje veliku u&scaron;tedu CPU vremena u odnosu na Njutnov metod. U prvom delu teze je dat op&scaron;ti teoretski uvod. U drugom delu je dat pregled relevantnih rezultata iz posmatranih oblasti zajedno sa dva originalna rezultata. U trećem &nbsp;delu su dati rezultati numeričkih testova.</p> / <p>The problem under consideration is unconstrained minimization pro-blem. The problem in deterministic case is often solved with Quasi Newton met-hods. In noisy environment, which is considered, new approach for step length along descent direction is used. The new approach combines line search and stoc-hastic&nbsp; approximation method using good characteristics of both enabling better efficiency. The convergence is proved. New step length is tested with three de-scent directions. Many standard test problems show the efficiency of the met-hod. Also, a new, affordable procedure based on application of the fixed Newton method for a sequence of equilibrium problems generated by simulation is intro-duced. The convergence conditions of the method are derived. The numerical results show a clear difference in the quality of information obtained by solving a sequence of problems if compared with the single equilibrium problem. In the first part general theoretical introduction is given. In the second part a survey of results from scientific community is given together with original results. The third part contains many numerical tests of new methods that show its efficiency.</p>

Multidisciplinarni razvoj elemenata regala fleksibilnog skladišnog koncepta transportno – logističkih sistema / Multidisciplinary development elements racks of flexible storageconcept transport logistics system

Đelošević Mirko 14 November 2014 (has links)
<p>Savremeni uslovi trži&scaron;nog poslovanja zahtevaju visoku<br />konkurentnost robe u cilju ostvarivanja maksimalnog profita<br />proizvodnih kompanija odnosno distributera i zadovoljenja potreba<br />kupaca. Debalans rasta produktivnosti proizvodnih procesa i<br />logističkog sistema je jedan od glavnih uzroka usporavanja<br />celokupnog reproduktivnog procesa. Istraživanje transportnologističkog<br />sistema sa tendencijom razvoja elemanta fleksibilnog<br />skladi&scaron;nog koncepa je multidisciplinarnog karaktera i fokusirano je<br />na analizu procesa, funkcionalnih povr&scaron;ina, layout-a i regalske<br />opreme skladi&scaron;ta.</p> / <p>Modern conditions of market economy requires a highly<br />competitive goods in order to achieve maximum profit production<br />company respectively distributors and gratification the needs of<br />customers. Imbalance growth of productivity of production<br />processes and logistics system is one of the main causes of<br />slowing down the entire of reproductive process. The research of<br />transport and logistics system with the tendency development of<br />elements of flexible storage concept is multidisciplinary and<br />focused on process analysis, functional area, layout and storage<br />racks.</p>

Optimizacija procesa i alata namenjenih monitoringu medija / Media Monitoring Optimization Processes and Tools

Bengin Senka 30 June 2015 (has links)
<p>U disertaciji je dat prikaz procesa monitoringa medija u uslovima delimične digitalizacije štampanih medija, koji se, u najvećem meri, zasniva na procesu pres klipinga. Realizovana je njegova optimizacija metodom lineranog programiranja (LP- Linear Programing), metodom celobrojnog lineranog programiranja (ILP- Integer Linear Programing) i metodom grananja i ograničavanja (Branch and Bound). U optimizaciji je korišćen softver CPLEX. Optimizacijom je dobijen globalni optimum raspodele zadataka među zaposlenima; smanjenja broja zaposlenih u radnim smenama i ravnomernog skraćenja radne smene u slučajevima manjeg broja radnih zadataka.</p> / <p>In this dissertation the process of media monitoring in case of incomplete digitalization of printed media is discussed. According to this model, media monitoring service is mainly based on monitoring of news in the printed media - press clipping. Considering that the monitoring of the printed media is complex process, we realized optimization of media monitoring process by using Linear Programming (LP), Integer Linear Programming (ILP), as well as Branch and Bound method. The optimization software CPLEX is used. The global optimum of tasks distribution among employees; reducing number of employees working in shifts and balanced shortening of the work shift in case of a small number of tasks is obtained.</p>

Multikriterijska optimizacija instrumenata energetske politike korištenja biomase / MULTI-CRITERIA OPTIMIZATION OF BIOMASS ENERGY POLICY INSTRUMENTS

Kulić Fahrudin 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>U ovom radu je prezentirana metodologija razvoja modela optimizacije<br />podsticaja proizvodnje električne i toplotne energije u<br />kogenerativnim postrojenjima koja koriste drvnu biomasu kao gorivo.<br />Model optimizacije je razvijen koristeći matematičku metodu<br />linearnog programiranja u kome je maksimizirana ukupna ekonomska<br />korist za raspoloživi iznos sredstava za podsticaje. Model<br />optimizacije je primijenjen na kogenerativna postrojenja u drvo-<br />prerađivačkoj industriji u Bosni i Hercegovini i pokazano da se<br />primjenom modela optimizacije, kroz iterativni proces, mogu odrediti<br />optimalne vrijednosti podsticaja za proizvedenu električnu i<br />toplotnu energiju koji rezultuju u maksimalnoj ukupnoj ekonomskoj<br />koristi za društvo u cjelini.</p> / <p>This thesis presents a methodology for the development of a mathematical<br />model for optimization of the level of subsidies for generating electricity and<br />heat in co-generating plants that use woody biomass as fuel. The optimization<br />model is developed using the mathematical method of linear programming to<br />maximize the total economic benefits for a defined amount of available funds<br />for subsidies. This model is applied to co-generating plants in the woodprocessing<br />industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina and shows that the application<br />of this optimization model can, through an iterative process, determine the<br />optimal levels of incentives for electricity and heat that result in the maximum<br />economic benefits for the society as a whole.</p>

Simpleksinės paieškos statistinių charakteristikų tyrimas / Analysis of simplex search statistical charakteristics

Rinkevičius, Vytautas 17 June 2004 (has links)
The analysis of searching optimization tasks and methods at work have been performed, rules of constructing simplex, its motion rules have been presented. The methods of simplex search analysis have been investigated; simplex search methods compared to other optimization methods. The analysis of statistical characteristics of rectangular simplex search was made using multiple Markov chains. Double Markov chains describing properties of rectangular simplex search in the climbing stage were designed, simplex search statistical characteristics calculating methodic was created. Theoretical statistical characteristics – probabilities of search steps, mathematical expectancy of shift of the simplex center towards the aim – which let us evaluate the velocity of rectangular simplex search in the climbing stage and reveal its features were obtained. Rectangular simplex search with two and three controlled variables was analyzed experimentally. Theoretical characteristics are confirmed by the results of modeling the search. The task of filter structure synthesis was solved using simplex search method. The results and conclusions of the research can be used in creating new algorithms of simplex search.

Tinklapių optimizavimo paieškos sistemoms tyrimai / Researches in optimisation of websites for the search engines

Smirnov, Aleksandr 15 June 2005 (has links)
World Wide Web affects the new areas of business as it occurs in our lives more and more often. The term "site" becomes well-known and important for the employers and the Internet advertisement more popular since the commercial sites’ visitors are potential clients of the enterprises and institutes. It is noticed that Internet projects often fail: despite of the site is fine, functional and has a lot of useful information, the result is useless or it does not corresponds to its purposes. This happens because of the very simple reason: nobody knows about the site! Among thousands of sites which can be found by the search engine the user can overview and evaluate only few of the search results. Sooner or later sites’ owners find out this fact, and they question themselves: “Why not my site is placed in the first search engine result page?” Moreover, the site’s theme completely corresponds to the query, and the quality of content is fine and even better than the one of competitors. The answer exists: the site is not optimized for the search engines. The main purpose of the paper is to analyze, select and apply in practice the effective search engine optimization strategies and methods. The main contribution of the paper is the detail description of information dynamics and its structure, research of the world popular search engine’s Google work principles and also other search engines’ and directories’ functional peculiarities, analysis of the page ranging algorithms. The... [to full text]

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