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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diamagnétisme des gaz quantiques quasi-parfaits / Diamagnetism of quasi-perfect quantum gases

Savoie, Baptiste 24 November 2010 (has links)
La majeure partie de cette thèse concerne l’étude de la susceptibilité diamagnétique en champ magnétique nul d’un gaz d’électrons de Bloch à température et densité fixées dans la limite de sfaibles températures. Pour les électrons libres (i.e. en l’absence de potentiel périodique), la susceptibilité diamagnétique a été calculée par L. Landau en 1930 ; le résultat est connu sous le nom de formule de Landau. Quant au cas des électrons de Bloch, E.R. Peierls montra en 1933 que dans l’approximation des électrons fortement liés, la formule pour la susceptibilité diamagnétique reste la même en remplaçant la masse de l’électron par sa ”masse effective” ; ce résultat est connu sous le nom de formule de Landau-Peierls. Depuis, de nombreuses tentatives pour clarifier les hypothèses de validité de la formule de Landau-Peierls ont vu le jour. Le résultat principal de cette thèse établit rigoureusement qu’à température nulle, lorsque la densité d’électrons tend vers zéro, la contribution dominante à la susceptibilité diamagnétique est donné par la formule de Landau-Peierls avecla masse effective de la plus petite bande d’énergie de Bloch. / The main part of this thesis deals with the zero-field diamagnetic susceptibility of a Blochelectrons gas at fixed temperature and fixed density in the limit of low temperatures. For a freeelectrons gas (that is when the periodic potential is zero), the steady diamagnetic susceptibilityhas been computed by L. Landau in 1930 ; the result is known as Landau formula. As for the Blochelectrons, E.R. Peierls in 1933 showed that under the tight-binding approximation, the formula forthe diamagnetic susceptibility remains the same but with the mass of the electron replaced by its”effective mass” ; this result is known as the Landau-Peierls formula. Since, there were very manyattempts in order to clarify the assumptions of validity of the Landau-Peierls formula. The mainresult of this thesis establishes rigorously that at zero temperature, as the density of electrons tendsto zero, the leading contribution of the diamagnetic susceptibility is given by the Landau-Peierlsformula with the effective mass of the lowest Bloch energy band.

Magnetismo orbital em sistemas de muitos elétrons / Orbital magnetism in many electrons systems

Morbec, Juliana Maria Abreu da Silva 06 March 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho investigamos os efeitos do magnetismo orbital sobre o gás de elétrons tridimensional e sobre íons de camadas abertas em matrizes metálicas. Derivamos uma expressão analítica fechada para a energia de troca do gás de elétrons tridimensional na presença de fortes campos magnéticos, incluindo contribuições do segundo nível de Landau e polarização de spin arbitrária. Esse cálculo generaliza e corrige resultados anteriores disponíveis na literatura. Em seguida, realizamos um cálculo numérico da energia de troca do gás de elétrons tridimensional na presença de campos magnéticos, permitindo a ocupação de um número ilimitado de níveis de Landau, possibilitando assim a obtenção da energia de troca para quaisquer valores de campo magnético e densidade. Em uma abordagem independente, usamos as aproximações de Thomas-Fermi e Thomas-Fermi-Dirac para construir modelos simples para a função dielétrica do gás de elétrons tridimensional no regime de campos magnéticos muito fortes (apenas o primeiro nível de Landau ocupado). Finalmente, estabelecemos vínculos entre os tratamentos fenomenológicos e de primeiros princípios do magnetismo orbital em íons de camadas abertas em matrizes metálicas. Esses vínculos forneceram um embasamento teórico para o uso dos termos de polarização orbital em cálculos Kohn-Sham e levaram à obtenção de expressões aproximadas para os funcionais de troca-correlação da teoria do funcional da densidade de corrente. / In this work, we investigate the effects of orbital magnetism in the three-dimensional electron gas and in open-shell ions in a solid. We derive a closed analytical expression for the exchange energy of the three-dimensional electron gas in strong magnetic fields including the contribution of the second Landau level and arbitrary spin polarization. This calculation generalizes and corrects earlier results available in the literature. Next, we perform a numerical calculation of the exchange energy of the three-dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field, allowing several Landau levels to be occupied, to obtain the exchange energy for arbitrary values of magnetic field and density. In an independent approach, we use the Thomas-Fermi and Thomas-Fermi-Dirac approximations to construct simple model dielectric functions for the three-dimensional electron gas in the strong magnetic field regime (where only the lowest Landau level is occupied). Finally, we establish links between the phenomenological and the first-principles treatment of orbital magnetism in open-shell ions in solids. These links provide a theoretical foundation for the use of orbital polarization terms in Kohn-Sham calculations and allow to obtain approximations to the exchange-correlation functionals of current-density functional theory.

Magnetismo orbital em sistemas de muitos elétrons / Orbital magnetism in many electrons systems

Juliana Maria Abreu da Silva Morbec 06 March 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho investigamos os efeitos do magnetismo orbital sobre o gás de elétrons tridimensional e sobre íons de camadas abertas em matrizes metálicas. Derivamos uma expressão analítica fechada para a energia de troca do gás de elétrons tridimensional na presença de fortes campos magnéticos, incluindo contribuições do segundo nível de Landau e polarização de spin arbitrária. Esse cálculo generaliza e corrige resultados anteriores disponíveis na literatura. Em seguida, realizamos um cálculo numérico da energia de troca do gás de elétrons tridimensional na presença de campos magnéticos, permitindo a ocupação de um número ilimitado de níveis de Landau, possibilitando assim a obtenção da energia de troca para quaisquer valores de campo magnético e densidade. Em uma abordagem independente, usamos as aproximações de Thomas-Fermi e Thomas-Fermi-Dirac para construir modelos simples para a função dielétrica do gás de elétrons tridimensional no regime de campos magnéticos muito fortes (apenas o primeiro nível de Landau ocupado). Finalmente, estabelecemos vínculos entre os tratamentos fenomenológicos e de primeiros princípios do magnetismo orbital em íons de camadas abertas em matrizes metálicas. Esses vínculos forneceram um embasamento teórico para o uso dos termos de polarização orbital em cálculos Kohn-Sham e levaram à obtenção de expressões aproximadas para os funcionais de troca-correlação da teoria do funcional da densidade de corrente. / In this work, we investigate the effects of orbital magnetism in the three-dimensional electron gas and in open-shell ions in a solid. We derive a closed analytical expression for the exchange energy of the three-dimensional electron gas in strong magnetic fields including the contribution of the second Landau level and arbitrary spin polarization. This calculation generalizes and corrects earlier results available in the literature. Next, we perform a numerical calculation of the exchange energy of the three-dimensional electron gas in a magnetic field, allowing several Landau levels to be occupied, to obtain the exchange energy for arbitrary values of magnetic field and density. In an independent approach, we use the Thomas-Fermi and Thomas-Fermi-Dirac approximations to construct simple model dielectric functions for the three-dimensional electron gas in the strong magnetic field regime (where only the lowest Landau level is occupied). Finally, we establish links between the phenomenological and the first-principles treatment of orbital magnetism in open-shell ions in solids. These links provide a theoretical foundation for the use of orbital polarization terms in Kohn-Sham calculations and allow to obtain approximations to the exchange-correlation functionals of current-density functional theory.

Orbital Polarization in Relativistic Density Functional Theory

Sargolzaei, Mahdi 03 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The description of the magnetic properties of interacting many-particle systems has been one of the most important goals of physics. The problem is to derive the magnetic properties of such systems from quantum mechanical principles. It is well understood that the magnetization in an atom described by quantum numbers, spin (S), orbital (L), and total angular momentum (J) of its electrons. A set of guidelines, known as Hund's rules, discovered by Friedrich Hermann Hunds help us to determine the quantum numbers for the ground states of free atoms. The question ``to which extent are Hund's rules applicable on different systems such as molecules and solids?'' is still on the agenda. The main problem is that of finding the ground state of the considered system. Density functional theory (DFT) methods apparently are the most widely spread self-consistent methods to investigate the ground state properties. This is due to their high computational efficiency and very good accuracy. In the framework of DFT, usually the total energy is decomposed into kinetic energy, Coulomb energy, and a term called the exchange-correlation energy. Taking into account the relativistic kinetic energy leads to direct and indirect relativistic effects on the electronic structure of a solid. The most pronounced direct effect (although not the biggest in magnitude) is the spin-orbit splitting of band states. A well-known indirect relativistic effect is the change of screening of valence electrons from the nuclear charge by inner-shell electrons. One can ask that how relativistic effects come into play in ordinary density functional theory. Of course ordinary density functional theory does not include those effect. Four-current density functional theory (CDFT), the quantum electrodynamic version of the Hohenberg-Kohn theory is a powerful tool to treat relativistic effects. Although it is principally designed for systems in strong magnetic fields, CDFT can also be applied in situations where currents are present without external magnetic fields. As already pointed out by Rajagopal and Callaway (1973), the most natural way to incorporate magnetism into DFT is the generalization to CDFT. These authors, however, treated its most simple approximation, the spin density functional theory (SDFT), which keeps the spin current only and neglects completely correlation effects of orbital currents. By using the Kohn-Sham-Dirac (KSD) equation, spin-orbit coupling is introduced kinematically. The part of the orbital magnetism that is a consequence of Hund's second rule coupling is absent in this theory and there is not any more a one-to-one mapping of spin densities onto external fields. In solids, in particular in metals, the importance of Hund's second rule coupling (orbital polarization) and Hund's third rule (spin-orbit coupling) is usually interchanged in comparison to atoms. Thus, in applications of the relativistic CDFT to solids, the usual way has been to keep the spin-orbit coupling in the KSD equation (an extension to ordinary Kohn-Sham (KS) equation) and to neglect the orbital contribution to the total current density and approximate exchange-correlation energy functional with spin density only. This scheme includes a spontaneous exchange and correlation spin polarization. Orbital polarization, on the other hand, comes into play not as a correlation effect but also as an effect due to the interplay of spin polarization and spin-orbit coupling: In the presence of both couplings, time reversal symmetry is broken and a non-zero orbital current density may occur. Application of this scheme to 3d and 4f magnets yields orbital moments that are smaller than related experimental values by typically a factor of two. Orbital magnetism in a solid is strongly influenced by the ligand field, originating from the structural environment and geometry of the solid. The orbital moments in a solid with cubic symmetry are expected to be quenched if spin-orbit coupling is neglected. However, spin-orbit coupling induces orbital moments, accordingly. The relativistic nature of the spin-orbit coupling requires orbital magnetism to be treated within QED, and the treatment of QED in solids is possible in the frame of current density functional theory. The kinematic spin-orbit coupling is accounted for in many DFT calculations of magnetic systems within the LSDA. However, a strong deviation of the LSDA orbital moments from experiment is found in such approaches. To avoid such deviations, orbital polarization corrections would be desirable. In this Thesis, those corrections have been investigated in the framework of CDFT. After a short review for CDFT in Chapter 2, in Chapter 3, an "ad hoc" OP correction term (OPB) suggested by Brooks and Eriksson is given. This correction in some cases gives quite reasonable corrections to orbital moments of magnetic materials. Another OP correction (OPE), which has been introduced recently, was derived from the CDFT in the non-relativistic limit. Unfortunately, the program can only incompletely be carried through, as there are reasonable but uncontrolled approximations to be made in two steps of the derivation. Nevertheless, the result is quite close to the "ad hoc"ansatz. The calculated OPE energies for 3d and 4f free ions are in qualitative agreement with OPB energies. In Chapter 4, both corrections are implemented in the FPLO scheme to calculate orbital moments in solids. We found that both OPB and OPE corrections implemented in FPLO method, yield reasonably well the orbital magnetic moments of bcc Fe, hcp Co and fcc Ni compared with experiment. In Chapter 5, the effect of spin-orbit coupling and orbital polarization corrections on the spin and orbital magnetism of full-Heusler alloys is investigated by means of local spin density calculations. It is demonstrated, that OP corrections are needed to explain the experimental orbital moments. Model calculations employing one ligand field parameter yield the correct order of magnitude of the orbital moments, but do not account for its quantitative composition dependence. The spin-orbit coupling reduces the degree of spin polarization of the density of states at Fermi level by a few percent. We have shown that the orbital polarization corrections do not change significantly the spin polarization degree at the Fermi level. We also provide arguments that Co2FeSi might not be a half-metal as suggested by recent experiments. In Chapter 6, to understand recent XMCD data for Co impurities in gold, the electronic structure of Co impurities inside gold has been calculated in the framework of local spin density approximation. The orbital and spin magnetic moment have been evaluated. In agreement with experimental findings, the orbital moment is enhanced with respect to Co metal. On the other hand, internal relaxations are found to reduce the orbital moment considerably, whereas the spin moment is less affected. Both OPB and OPE yield a large orbital moment for Co impurities. However, those calculated orbital moments are almost by a factor of two larger than the experimental values. We also found that the orbital magnetic moment of Co may strongly depend on pressure.

Orbital Polarization in Relativistic Density Functional Theory

Sargolzaei, Mahdi 21 December 2006 (has links)
The description of the magnetic properties of interacting many-particle systems has been one of the most important goals of physics. The problem is to derive the magnetic properties of such systems from quantum mechanical principles. It is well understood that the magnetization in an atom described by quantum numbers, spin (S), orbital (L), and total angular momentum (J) of its electrons. A set of guidelines, known as Hund's rules, discovered by Friedrich Hermann Hunds help us to determine the quantum numbers for the ground states of free atoms. The question ``to which extent are Hund's rules applicable on different systems such as molecules and solids?'' is still on the agenda. The main problem is that of finding the ground state of the considered system. Density functional theory (DFT) methods apparently are the most widely spread self-consistent methods to investigate the ground state properties. This is due to their high computational efficiency and very good accuracy. In the framework of DFT, usually the total energy is decomposed into kinetic energy, Coulomb energy, and a term called the exchange-correlation energy. Taking into account the relativistic kinetic energy leads to direct and indirect relativistic effects on the electronic structure of a solid. The most pronounced direct effect (although not the biggest in magnitude) is the spin-orbit splitting of band states. A well-known indirect relativistic effect is the change of screening of valence electrons from the nuclear charge by inner-shell electrons. One can ask that how relativistic effects come into play in ordinary density functional theory. Of course ordinary density functional theory does not include those effect. Four-current density functional theory (CDFT), the quantum electrodynamic version of the Hohenberg-Kohn theory is a powerful tool to treat relativistic effects. Although it is principally designed for systems in strong magnetic fields, CDFT can also be applied in situations where currents are present without external magnetic fields. As already pointed out by Rajagopal and Callaway (1973), the most natural way to incorporate magnetism into DFT is the generalization to CDFT. These authors, however, treated its most simple approximation, the spin density functional theory (SDFT), which keeps the spin current only and neglects completely correlation effects of orbital currents. By using the Kohn-Sham-Dirac (KSD) equation, spin-orbit coupling is introduced kinematically. The part of the orbital magnetism that is a consequence of Hund's second rule coupling is absent in this theory and there is not any more a one-to-one mapping of spin densities onto external fields. In solids, in particular in metals, the importance of Hund's second rule coupling (orbital polarization) and Hund's third rule (spin-orbit coupling) is usually interchanged in comparison to atoms. Thus, in applications of the relativistic CDFT to solids, the usual way has been to keep the spin-orbit coupling in the KSD equation (an extension to ordinary Kohn-Sham (KS) equation) and to neglect the orbital contribution to the total current density and approximate exchange-correlation energy functional with spin density only. This scheme includes a spontaneous exchange and correlation spin polarization. Orbital polarization, on the other hand, comes into play not as a correlation effect but also as an effect due to the interplay of spin polarization and spin-orbit coupling: In the presence of both couplings, time reversal symmetry is broken and a non-zero orbital current density may occur. Application of this scheme to 3d and 4f magnets yields orbital moments that are smaller than related experimental values by typically a factor of two. Orbital magnetism in a solid is strongly influenced by the ligand field, originating from the structural environment and geometry of the solid. The orbital moments in a solid with cubic symmetry are expected to be quenched if spin-orbit coupling is neglected. However, spin-orbit coupling induces orbital moments, accordingly. The relativistic nature of the spin-orbit coupling requires orbital magnetism to be treated within QED, and the treatment of QED in solids is possible in the frame of current density functional theory. The kinematic spin-orbit coupling is accounted for in many DFT calculations of magnetic systems within the LSDA. However, a strong deviation of the LSDA orbital moments from experiment is found in such approaches. To avoid such deviations, orbital polarization corrections would be desirable. In this Thesis, those corrections have been investigated in the framework of CDFT. After a short review for CDFT in Chapter 2, in Chapter 3, an "ad hoc" OP correction term (OPB) suggested by Brooks and Eriksson is given. This correction in some cases gives quite reasonable corrections to orbital moments of magnetic materials. Another OP correction (OPE), which has been introduced recently, was derived from the CDFT in the non-relativistic limit. Unfortunately, the program can only incompletely be carried through, as there are reasonable but uncontrolled approximations to be made in two steps of the derivation. Nevertheless, the result is quite close to the "ad hoc"ansatz. The calculated OPE energies for 3d and 4f free ions are in qualitative agreement with OPB energies. In Chapter 4, both corrections are implemented in the FPLO scheme to calculate orbital moments in solids. We found that both OPB and OPE corrections implemented in FPLO method, yield reasonably well the orbital magnetic moments of bcc Fe, hcp Co and fcc Ni compared with experiment. In Chapter 5, the effect of spin-orbit coupling and orbital polarization corrections on the spin and orbital magnetism of full-Heusler alloys is investigated by means of local spin density calculations. It is demonstrated, that OP corrections are needed to explain the experimental orbital moments. Model calculations employing one ligand field parameter yield the correct order of magnitude of the orbital moments, but do not account for its quantitative composition dependence. The spin-orbit coupling reduces the degree of spin polarization of the density of states at Fermi level by a few percent. We have shown that the orbital polarization corrections do not change significantly the spin polarization degree at the Fermi level. We also provide arguments that Co2FeSi might not be a half-metal as suggested by recent experiments. In Chapter 6, to understand recent XMCD data for Co impurities in gold, the electronic structure of Co impurities inside gold has been calculated in the framework of local spin density approximation. The orbital and spin magnetic moment have been evaluated. In agreement with experimental findings, the orbital moment is enhanced with respect to Co metal. On the other hand, internal relaxations are found to reduce the orbital moment considerably, whereas the spin moment is less affected. Both OPB and OPE yield a large orbital moment for Co impurities. However, those calculated orbital moments are almost by a factor of two larger than the experimental values. We also found that the orbital magnetic moment of Co may strongly depend on pressure.

Exotic states in condensed matter: I. Mesoscopic magnetism in integrable systems; II. Cooper pairing mediated by multiple-spin exchanges

Lou, Ming 23 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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