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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Addressing the challenge of complexity with the development of the performance "ESP" conceptual framework to guide sustainable organisational development

Fontannaz, Suzanne Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A fundamental shift has occurred from the industrial age, traditional worldview to the knowledge age, emerging worldview. The implication of this shift is that organisations can no longer rely on an enduring competitive advantage for sustainable results. This raises questions about the relevance of the existing organisational performance approaches in addressing the challenge of complexity, particularly with regard to the validity and reliability of the established performance management frameworks. In the industrial age, financial measures were sufficient for measuring organisational performance. However, the emergence of the networked economy implies that a more composite measure is required, which reflects the diversity of stakeholder interests. The research confirms that, whilst there is no universal agreement in defining organisational performance, there is agreement that sustainable organisational performance is a combination of growth (social and economic measures) and profitability (financial measures). Further, the research confirms the existence of gaps, which undermine organisational performance. These gaps originate from the divergent approaches to organisational performance, which can be traced through the evolution of organisational development theory and management practice. Existing research studies collaborate the existence of these divergent approaches in determining organisational performance. These approaches include execution, strategy and people, representing the ‘ESP’ of organisational performance. Execution refers to a process based, micro perspective of organisational performance, whilst strategy and people refer to the systemic, macro approaches. In conditions of hyper-change, execution is considered to be the key determinant of organisational performance, whilst the traditional, strategy approach is found to be essential in addressing the challenge of complexity. The emergence of the networked economy implies that a more composite, people approach is required to address the challenges associated with increasing connectivity. The research proposition contends that an execution culture is necessary for addressing the challenge of complexity. This culture is dependent on the strategic fusion of the divergent strategy and people approaches and the existence of a strategic paradigm throughout the organisation. Organisational performance resides in an organisation’s ability to integrate the divergent approaches, to develop the necessary dynamic capabilities for sustainable organisational performance. The Performance ‘ESP’ framework reflects the integration of these approaches and provides a visual confirmation of the research proposition. The level of execution is determined by the existence of a strategic paradigm throughout the organisation, which is determined by individual performance, defined by the level of effectiveness, strength (individual) and partnership (‘ESP’). The development of a strategic paradigm is particularly relevant in the South African context, where historical factors have inhibited the level of empowerment within organisations. It is recommended that organisations apply the Performance ‘ESP’ index as a diagnostic tool to assess the existence of an execution culture to address the challenge of complexity. The purpose of the assessment tool is to complement the financial measures of performance, to ensure a balance between profitability and growth, to ensure sustainable organisational performance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar het ‘n fundamentele verandering plaasgevind van die industriële tydperk en tradisionele wêreldbeskouiing na die kennistydperk en opkomende wêreldbeskouing. Die implikasie van hierdie verandering is dat organisasies nie meer kan staatmaak op ‘n deurlopende mededingende voordeel vir volhoubare resultate nie. Dit laat vrae ontstaan oor die toepaslikheid van die bestaande organisatoriese prestasiebenaderings om die uitdaging van kompleksiteit te hanteer, veral met betrekking tot die geldigheid en betroubaarheid van die bestaande prestasiebestuursraamwerke. Tydens die industriële tydperk was finansiële maatstawwe voldoende om organisasieprestasie te meet. Die opkoms van die netwerk-ekonomie impliseer egter dat ‘n meer saamgestelde maatstaf nodig is, wat die diversiteit van die belange van belanghebbers weerspieël. Die navorsing bevestig dat, hoewel daar geen universele ooreenkoms is in die definisie van organisasieprestasie nie, daar wel ooreenkoms is dat volhoubare organisasieprestasie ‘n kombinasie is van groei (sosiale en ekonomiese maatreëls) en winsgewendheid (finansiële maatreëls). Daarbenewens bevestig die navorsing die bestaan van gapings wat organisasieprestasie ondermyn. Hierdie gapings ontstaan uit die uiteenlopende benaderings tot organisasieprestasie, wat gevolg kan word deur die evolusie van organisasie-ontwikkelingsteorie en bestuurspraktyk. Bestaande navorsingstudies gebruik ‘n samestelling van hierdie uiteenlopende benaderings om organisasieprestasie te bepaal. Hierdie benaderings sluit in uitvoering, strategie en mense, wat in die Engelse afkorting die ‘ESP’ van organisasieprestasie verteenwoordig. Uitvoering verwys na ‘n prosesgebaseerde mikroperspektief van organisasieprestasie, terwyl strategie en mense verwys na die sistemiese makrobenaderings. In omstandighede van hiperverandering word uitvoering gesien as die sleutelbepaler van organisasieprestasie, terwyl die tradisionele strategiebenadering noodsaaklik is vir die hantering van die uitdaging van kompleksiteit. Die opkoms van die netwerk-ekonomie impliseer dat ‘n meer saamgestelde, mensbenadering nodig is om die uitdagings te hanteer wat saamgaan met groter onderlinge verbondenheid. Die navorsingsvoorstel se uitgangspunt is dat ‘n uitvoeringskultuur nodig is om die uitdaging van kompleksiteit te hanteer. Hierdie kultuur is afhanklik van die strategiese samesmelting van die uiteenlopende strategie- en mensbenaderings en die bestaan van ‘n strategiese paradigma dwarsdeur die organisasie. Organisasieprestasie hang af van ‘n organisasie se vermoë om die uiteenlopende benaderings te integreer en die nodige dinamiese bekwaamhede te ontwikkel vir volhoubare organisasieprestasie. Die prestasie- of ‘ESP’-raamwerk weerspieël die integrasie van hierdie benaderings en voorsien ‘n visuele bevestiging van die navorsingsvoorstel. Die vlak van uitvoering word bepaal deur die bestaan van ‘n strategiese paradigma dwarsdeur die organisasie, wat bepaal word deur individuele prestasie, gedefinieer deur die vlak van doeltreffendheid, sterkte (individueel) en vennootskap (‘ESP’). Die ontwikkeling van ‘n strategiese paradigma is veral toepaslik in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, waar historiese faktore die vlak van bemagtiging binne organisasies geïnhibeer het. Daar word aanbeveel dat organisasies die Prestasie ‘ESP’ Indeks toepas as ‘n diagnostiese instrument om die bestaan van ‘n uitvoerende kultuur te bepaal vir die hantering van die uitdaging van kompleksiteit. Die doel van die bepalingsinstrument is om die finansiële maatstawwe van prestasie aan te vul om sodoende ‘n balans tussen winsgewendheid en groei te verseker en dus volhoubare organisasieprestasie te verseker.

Mobilising innovation as an organisational competence in selected Namibian companies

Grobler, Rikus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Innovasie is een van die sinvolste strategiese benaderings wat ’n organisasie kan ontgin om ’n mededingende voordeel te bekom. Ondanks wye belangstelling en volop literatuur, verstaan baie organisasies ongelukkig nog nie hoe om innoverend te wees nie. Innovasie is ‘n ingewikkelde konsep wat nie altyd behoorlik verstaan word of toegepas word nie. Hierdie navorsing verken die benutting van innovasie vir mededingende voordele deur dit ’n kernbevoegdheid van die organisasie te maak. Hierdie studie is op ‘n gevallestudie-strategie gegrond, en gebruik semigestruktureerde en ongestruktureerde individuele onderhoude, waarneming en dokumentêre ontledings om data in te samel. Drie gevallestudie-organisasies is doelspesifiek gekies uit organisasies wat in Namibië gebaseer is, en onderhoude is met twaalf mense oor die hiërargie van elke organisasie gevoer. Hierdie mense is op grond van doelgerigte en kriterium-gebaseerde steekproefneming gekies. ‘n Literatuurstudie is onderneem om vorige navorsing oor innovasie in konteks te plaas, en om ’n oorsig te kry van die huidige stand van innovasie-verwante navorsing. Literatuur oor die onderwerp van kernbevoegdhede met spesifieke verwysing na die verwantskap tussen kernbevoegdhede en strategie, en gevolglik ook innovasie as ‘n kernbevoegdheid van ‘n organisasie, is ook bestudeer. ‘n Spesifieke model vir die benutting van innovasie as ‘n organisatoriese bevoegdheid is deur die literatuurstudie geïdentifiseer. Hierdie model sluit ‘n raamwerk van sewe elemente in wat as tersaaklik beskou word vir die vestiging van ’n innovasievermoë in ‘n organisasie. Die toepaslikheid van die model ten opsigte van die gebruik daarvan om innovasie as ’n kernbevoegdheid van ’n organisasie te vestig en die tersaaklikheid van die sewe elemente vir die model is getoets teen die inligting wat in die gevallestudie-organisasies ingesamel is. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat die pragmatiese formulering en belyning van 'n organisasie se strategie, kernbevoegdhede en innoveringspraktyke tot groter mededingendheid kan lei. Daar is ook bevind dat die voorgestelde innovasievermoëmodel meriete het om innovasie as ’n kernbevoegdheid van die organisasie te vestig. Dit blyk ook dat die grootte van ‘n organisasie nie ‘n determinant is vir die toepaslikheid van die model nie. Dit kom ook voor of al sewe elemente van die raamwerk tot ’n mate tersaaklik is vir die aanwending van die innovasievermoëmodel. Die kombinasie van die elemente kan egter verskil. Daarby kan die tersaaklikheid en toepaslikheid van die elemente ook van mekaar verskil. Dit is egter noodsaaklik dat ‘n organisasie verstaan hoe die innovasievermoëmodel werk en ook dat die model by ‘n organisasie se strategie inkorporeer word om sodoende die praktyke en prosesse in plek te stel wat die elemente van die raamwerk vereis. Alle organisasies is inherent innoverend. Hierdie innoveringsvermoë moet net op die korrekte wyse benut en bestuur word – deur die innovasievermoëmodel te gebruik – om sodoende die innoveringsvermoë aan te wend tot die volle potensiaal daarvan. Organisasies moet ook in ag neem dat die doelwit om innovasie as ‘n kernbevoegdheid te vestig, is nie ‘n korttermyn ambisie nie, die organisasie moet die voldoende wil hê om innovasie ’n kernbevoegdheid van die organisasie te maak, en die hele organisasie moet hierby betrek word. Omdat hierdie studie op ‘n gevallestudie-ontwerp gegrond is, word die veralgemeenbaarheid van die bevindinge tot die drie gevallestudie-organisasies beperk. Hierdie navorsingstudie is hoogstens verkennend van aard omdat dit van beperkte steekproewe gebruik gemaak het. Verdere navorsing is nodig om dieper insig te verkry in die konsepte wat in hierdie studie behandel is, om ’n model of raamwerk te ontwikkel vir die belyning van strategie, kernbevoegdhede en innovasie, en ook om ’n praktiese en betroubare manier te vind om innovasievermoë te meet. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Abstract Innovation is one of the most significant strategic approaches an organisation can exploit to gain a competitive advantage. Unfortunately, despite broad interest and a vast literature, understanding of innovative behaviour in organisations remains relatively undeveloped. Innovation is a complicated concept that is not always well understood or applied. This study explores how innovation can be exploited for competitive benefits by making it a core competence of the organisation. This study made use of a case study strategy, utilising semi-structured and unstructured individual interviews, observation and documentary analysis to collect data. Three case study organisations were purposefully selected from Namibian-based organisations, and twelve people across the hierarchy of each organisation were interviewed, selected on the basis of purposeful and criterion-based sampling. A literature review was also conducted in order to put the past research done on innovation into context and to review the current state of affairs of innovation-related research. The literature on the topic of core competencies, with a specific focus on the connection between core competencies and strategy, and subsequently innovation as a core competence of an organisation, was also reviewed. Through the literature review a specific model for utilising innovation as an organisational competence was identified. This model included a framework of seven elements that were found to be relevant for establishing an innovation capability (IC) within an organisation. The applicability of the model in terms of utilising it to establish innovation as a core competence of an organisation, and the relevance of the seven elements to the model, were then tested against the information collected in the case study organisations. The findings suggest that the formulation and alignment of an organisation’s strategy, core competencies and innovation practices in a pragmatic way can enable an organisation to become more competitive. The proposed innovation capability model was also found to have merit in terms of utilising this model to establish innovation as a core competence of an organisation and all seven elements of the framework seemed to be relevant to some extent with regards to the deployment of the innovation capability model. The size of an organisation was found not be a determinant in order for the model to be applicable. The combination of elements can be different and the relevance and applicability of the elements can differ from each other as well. It is also imperative that an organisation properly understands how the innovation capability model works and to incorporate the model into the organisation’s strategy in order to establish the practices and processes that the elements of the model require. All organisations are inherently innovative, this innovativeness just needs to be fostered and managed in the proper manner – through the innovation capability model – in order to exploit innovation to its fullest potential. Organisations must also realise that the pursuit of establishing innovation as a core competence is not a short-term ambition and the organisation need to have the proper intent to establish innovation as a core competence and this intent must be shared by the whole organisation. As the study employed a case study design, the generalisability of the findings is limited to the three case study organisations. This research study is, at best, an explorative one, as it used limited samples. Further research is necessary to gain more in-depth insights on the concepts discussed in the research study in order to develop a model or framework for aligning strategy, core competence and innovation and also to find a practical and reliable way of measuring innovation capability.

An investigation into the application of the dimensions of matrix management in Sanlam Personal Finance (PTY) LTD

Classen, Gavin J. 12 1900 (has links)
Matrix Management has been applied in various large organisations with varying degrees of success in order to carry out their projects. The effectiveness or lack thereof, in applying the principles of matrix structures, is believed to be the area of focus in these organisations. Project management in large organisations can be a complex process if a sound strategy of matrix organisation is absent. Organisations normally use the matrix approach to combine the advantages of traditional functional and product structures to increase the ability of managers and other employees to process information. The matrix structure is generally used to basically permit the flexible sharing of employee resources across service or product lines. However, the disadvantages associated with the matrix structure, which include the maintenance of two hierarchies does provide challenges to employees and managers. By reducing duplication of key functional activities of product lines, matrix design could reduce costs in organisations. The matrix manager's function is therefore designed to achieve an overall balance by coordinating the organisation's functional and product / service activities to ensure delivery on time and within budget. It therefore becomes incumbent on the functional and product / service managers to work closely with each other to make the matrix design work well. Matrix organisation requires that managers demonstrate high levels of trust and communication, teamwork and negotiating skills. Co-ordination is achieved through extensive formal and informal meetings or in one-to-one conversations and problem solving. Teams consists of both functional and product or service managers and other employees. Matrix organisation is intended to permit the flexible sharing of employees across product or service lines. The matrix manager obtains the resources and integrates the efforts of functional and product or services personnel. However, the maintenance of two management structures could be expensive. Employees have to report to two superiors, which can be frustrating and confusing. Matrix management would therefore require people to develop good interpersonal skills and requires management to accept this type of management. Furthermore, it would require the matrix manager to maintain a balance between the functional and the product or services interests. In the light of the above, it is apparent that a matrix organisation will not take place naturally (Brown, 1999: p22). There will be resistance to change, also from top management, to do things in the traditional way through the functional structures. In many organisations team cultures are absent. This could lead to a failure to work together and take orders from people outside their functional division. In order to be successful, matrix organisations are thus required to make a number of mind shifts regarding their structures. This research project aims to test the successful or unsuccessful application of the dimensions of matrix management in Sanlam Personal Finance (SPF). Many projects of varying sizes and differing natures are implemented within this company on an ongoing basis both with and without the use of consultants. / Sanlam

Talent management and its impact on sustainable business success

Da Gama, Brigitte 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research report consists of an analysis of the impact of talent or human capital in ensuring business success and giving organisations a competitive advantage. It examines the literature, particularly recent literature and evaluates the most current thinking and practices in the area of talent management. Talent management is analysed from four perspectives, namely conventional aspects of talent management including sourcing and succession planning; leadership; and the development of talent and organisational culture. All four aspects need to be examined if we are to develop a holistic understanding of the field of talent management. Organisations that can implement advanced organisational practices in these four areas are reaping the rewards from a business profitability perspective. The report also includes the examination of a ground-breaking survey on the importance of talent for competitive advantage to companies in the late 1990s. This survey would later lead to the well-known concept of the 'war for talent'. The pertinent issue of succession planning is also covered because it is acknowledged that a failure to adequately plan for future talent requirements is the equivalent of leaving an organisation open to an enormous risk. There are clear findings that the most successful succession planning programmes are based on developing internal candidates. The latest research thinking and insights on how to manage the most productive employees or rather high-fliers in a company are also explored. There is a clear understanding that people make a definitive contribution to business success and the most talented individuals, who have the potential to contribute extensively, must not only be understood but should also be appropriately led. The availability of quality leadership is a key challenge facing organisations presently and into the future. The critical importance of leadership in modern organisations cannot be overstated. No talent management strategy is complete without paying special attention to the leadership talent within an organisation. This report therefore deals with new areas from which to source leaders in the context of a global shortage of leadership skills. It also looks at the creation of leadership brands and the benefits to a company of establishing a leadership brand. Particular attention is paid to the issue of succession planning and the leader's responsibility in this arena. The thorny and perpetual dearth and consequences of inadequate representation of women in the leadership ranks are also explored. The report also explores concepts around the development of talent. It is not sufficient for organisations to hire the best talent. Skills need to be kept sharp and relevant for companies to have sustainable success. An under-investment in the development of talent has enormous consequences for the future of an organisation. Toyota, one of the most successful companies in the world, is also analysed to evaluate the techniques that they use to create a culture of continuous learning which leads to a virtuous cycle of continuous improvement. Google is explored as a case study of the success that can be achieved when an entire organisation is designed around the concept of development and learning. The often-misunderstood and under-valued (by business leaders anyway) yet highly relevant topic of managing the organisational culture is also analysed. One critical aspect about building a winning culture is whether businesses have a culture that supports the ongoing changes facing the modern enterprise. Modern businesses need to be able to adapt faster and better to new challenges. A culture that manages change well is therefore a prerequisite to success. The most successful organisations in the world have demonstrated that there is a link between the culture that is followed by their employees and business success. We therefore examine and discuss the key components of a high performance culture. A number of case studies from businesses that have built impressive organisational cultures are also discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingsverslag bestaan uit 'n ontleding van die impak van talent of menslike kapitaal om sakesukses te verseker en organisasies 'n mededingende voordeel te gee. Dit ondersoek die literatuur, in besonder onlangse literatuur, en evalueer die jongste gedagterigtings en praktyk op die gebied van talentbestuur. Talentbestuur word uit vier perspektiewe ontleed, naamlik konvensionele aspekte van talentbestuur met insluiting van verkryging en opvolgbeplanning; leierskap; die ontwikkeling van talent en organisasiekultuur. Al vier aspekte moet ondersoek word as ons 'n holistiese begrip wil ontwikkel van die veld van talentbestuur. Organisasies wat gevorderde organisasiepraktyke op hierdie vier gebiede kan implementeer, pluk die vrugte uit die oogpunt van winsgewendheid vir hulle besigheid. Die verslag omvat ook die ontleding van 'n vernuwende oorsig oor die belangrikheid van talent vir 'n mededingende voordeel vir maatskappye in die laat 1990's. Hierdie oorsig sou later lei tot die welbekende konsep van die 'oorlog vir talent'. Die pertinente vraagstuk van opvolgbeplanning word ook gedek omdat daar aanvaar word dat 'n gebrek aan voldoende beplanning vir toekomstige talentvereistes dieselfde is as om 'n organisasie bloot te stel aan enorme risiko. Daar is duidelike bevindings dat die suksesvolste opvolgbeplanningsprogramme gebaseer is op die ontwikkeling van interne kandidate. Die nuutste navorsingsmenings en -insigte oor die bestuur van die produktiefste werknemers oftewel hoogvlieers in 'n maatskappy word ook ondersoek. Daar word duidelik begryp dat mense 'n bepalende bydrae maak tot sakesukses en dat die talentvolste individue, wat die potensiaal het om omvattende bydraes te maak, nie net met begrip behandel moet word nie maar ook toepaslike leiding moet ontvang. Die beskikbaarheid van goeie gehalte leierskap is 'n sleuteluitdaging waarvoor organisasies tans en in die toekoms te staan gaan kom. Die kritieke belangrikheid van leierskap in moderne organisasies kan nie oorbeklemtoon word nie. Geen talentbestuurstrategie is volledig sonder dat spesiale aandag gegee word aan die leierskapstalent binne 'n organisasie nie. Hierdie verslag behandel dus nuwe areas vir die verkryging van leiers in die konteks van 'n wereldwye tekort aan leierskapsvaardighede. Dit kyk ook na die skepping van leierskapshandelsmerke en die voordele wat die daarstelling van 'n leierskapshandelsmerk vir 'n maatskappy inhou. Daar word veral aandag gegee aan die kwessie van opvolgbeplanning en die leier se verantwoordelikheid in hierdie arena. Die moeilike en voortdurende tekort aan vroue in leierskapsgeledere en die gevolge van hierdie ontoereikende verteenwoordiging word ook ondersoek. Die verslag ondersoek ook begrippe rondom die ontwikkeling van talent. Dit is nie voldoende vir organisasies om die beste talent aan te stel nie. Vaardighede moet opgeskerp word en toepaslik bly vir maatskappye om volhoubare sukses te behaal. 'n Onderbelegging in die ontwikkeling van talent het enorme gevolge vir die toekoms van 'n organisasie. Toyota, een van die suksesvolste maatskappye ter wereld, word ook ontleed om die tegnieke te evalueer wat hulle gebruik om 'n kultuur van volgehoue leer te skep, wat lei tot 'n voortreflike siklus van deurlopende verbetering. Google word ondersoek as 'n gevalstudie van die sukses wat behaal kan word wanneer 'n totale organisasie ontwerp word rondom die konsep van ontwikkeling en leer. Die hoogs relevante onderwerp van die bestuur van organisasiekultuur word ook ontleed. Dit word dikwels misverstaan en onderwaardeer - deur sakeleiers in elk geval. Een kritieke aspek van die opbou van 'n wenkultuur is of besighede 'n kultuur het wat ondersteuning bied aan die voortgesette veranderinge waarvoor die moderne onderneming te staan kom. Moderne besighede moet vinniger en beter by nuwe uitdagings kan aanpas. 'n Kultuur wat verandering goed bestuur, is dus 'n voorwaarde vir sukses. Die suksesvolste organisasies in die wereld het aangetoon dat daar 'n skakel is tussen die kultuur wat deur hulle werknemers gevolg word en sakesukses. Ons ondersoek en bespreek dus die sleutelkomponente van 'n hoeprestasiekultuur. 'n Aantal gevalstudies van besighede wat indrukwekkende organisasiekulture opgebou het, word ook bespreek.

Critical performance analysis of Proposal Engineer Pillar (PEP) at Sizophumelela using Mcinsey 7S model

Matu, Nkosinathi George 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The organisations of the 21st century are confronted with continuous changes. It is necessary that organisations respond to these changes to improve the level of their performance. Although the number of change initiatives within organisations is the norm of the day, there are very few successes. One reason for this, the author maintains, is the tendency to usually overemphasise hard elements, and not attend adequately to the soft elements, although the latter often contribute to the success of the organisation. These soft elements are: staff, skills, style of leadership, and shared values. The aim of the study is to enhance organisational performance of the proposal engineering pillar (PEP) of Sizophumelela organisation. This department was chosen because most of the corrective actions requests (CAR) due to non performance at Sizophumelela are from PEP. The main objective of this study is to identify the areas of concern in PEP, to develop an understanding of organisational change and to propose interventions to address and solve problem areas and improve performance. The McKinsey 7S Model was used to analyse the effectiveness of this department at Sizophumelela, an electrical transformer manufacturer and refurbishment business. After the identification of problem areas, interventions are proposed to address these issues. In the literature review an overview of some organisational change models is provided and the limitations of these models are also indicated. Out of these models, the business process re-engineering (BPR) model was viewed as important for this study; hence some aspects of that model form part of proposed interventions to address the identified issues. The McKinsey 7S Model is preferred for the performance analysis of the PEP with its focus on: Strategy, structure, systems, staff, and style of leadership, skills, and shared values. The 7S model is viewed by the author as the model that has the greatest benefit, because both hard and soft elements are focused on. A comprehensive set of material available within the company was used and structured interviews were conducted with all members of the PEP team. With the help of this methodology the strengths and weaknesses were established and some recommendations were made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die organisasies van die 21ste eeu kom voortdurend te staan voor veranderinge. Dit is nodig dat organisasies op hierdie veranderinge reageer om hul vlak van prestasie te verbeter. Hoewel die aantal veranderingsinisiatiewe binne organisasies vandag die norm is, is daar baie min suksesse. Een rede hiervoor, volgens hierdie outeur, is die neiging om gewoonlik harde elemente te oorbeklemtoon en nie genoeg aandag te gee aan die sagte elemente nie, hoewel laasgenoemde dikwels bydra tot die sukses van die organisasie. Hierdie sagte elemente is: personeel, vaardighede, leierskapstyl, en gedeelde waardes. Die doel van die studie is die verbetering van organisasieprestasie in die voorleggingsingenieurspilaar (PEP) van die Sizophumelela organisasie. Hierdie afdeling is gekies omdat die meeste van die versoeke om korrektiewe optrede (CAR) weens nieprestasie by Sizophumelela uit PEP afkomstig is. Die hoofdoelwit van hierdie studie is om die areas in PEP waaroor daar kommer bestaan, te identifiseer, begrip te ontwikkel van organisasieverandering en intervensies voor te stel om probleemareas op te los en prestasie te verbeter. Die McKinsey 7S Model is gebruik om die doeltreffendheid van hierdie afdeling by Sizophumelela te ontleed. Laasgenoemde is 'n besigheid wat elektriese transformators vervaardig en opknap. Na die identifisering van probleemareas word intervensies voorgestel om aan hierdie kwessies aandag te gee. In die literatuuroorsig word sommige modelle van organisasieverandering bekyk en die beperkinge van hierdie modelle word ook aangedui. Uit hierdie modelle word die model vir besigheidsprosesherontwerp (BPR) beskou as belangrik vir hierdie studie, dus vorm sommige aspekte van daardie model deel van voorgestelde intervensies ten opsigte van die geidentifiseerde kwessies. Die McKinsey 7S Model word verkies vir die prestasieontleding van die PEP met sy fokus op strategie, struktuur, stelsels, personeel, leierskapstyl, vaardighede en gedeelde waardes. Die 7S Model word deur die outeur beskou as die model met die grootste voordeel, aangesien dit fokus op beide harde en sagte elemente. 'n Omvattende stel materiaal wat binne die maatskappy beskikbaar is, is gebruik, en gestruktureerde onderhoude is gevoer met al die lede van die PEP span. Met behulp van hierdie metodologie is die sterk en swak eienskappe bepaal en sekere aanbevelings gedoen.

Business and information technology alignment : a case analysis at the Government Institutions Pension Fund (Namibia)

Kandetu, Tengovandu Kakeni 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The incumbent needs for business excellence has placed demands on seamless relations between the IT organization and the business. This is a relationship that can never be left to chance. Hence, the objectives of this research were to assess whether the information technology strategy is aligned to the business strategy of the Government Institutions Pension Fund in Namibia and to ascertain how to narrow the gap between IT and business strategies at GIPF. This research has utilized a questionnaire as the main data source. The questionnaire had a Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient = 0.956, signaling a great internal consistency for the 33 questions of the survey instrument. The survey was performed on a random sample size limited to n=35, which indicates that the results may not be conclusive. The research revealed that the needs of the business should take pre-eminence in the alignment initiative and that IT implementations should be aimed at achieving those needs. However, there are times when IT needs to drive the business agenda in order to champion new opportunities and stimulate new efficiencies. In conclusion, it was established that the credibility of the IT organization, the management of demand for services and the relationship between IT and business executives are central to the quest for alignment. Proper consideration of these issues should be maintained to enable the use of IT for the benefit of business strategy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige behoeftes vir besigheids-uitnemendheid het hoe vereistes geplaas op 'n geoliede en foutloose verhouding tussen inligtingstegnologie (IT) en die besigheid. Daar kan nie aanvaar word dat hierdie verhouding vanself sal ontwikkel nie. Die doelwitte van hierdie navorsing is juis om vas te stel of die GIPF van Namibie se inligtingstegnologie strategie in Iyn is met die besigheidsstrategie en om te bepaal hoe hierdie gaping nouer gemaak kan word. Die navorsing het gebruik gemaak van 'n vraelys as die hoof bron van data. Die vraelys het 'n Cronbach alpha betrouebare koeffisient van 0.956, wat aandui dat daar groot interne konsekwentheid is vir die 33 vrae van die ondersoek instrument. Die ondersoek was gedoen op 'n willekeurige toetsgrootte waar n=35 wat mag aandui dat die resultate nie bepalend is nie. Die navorsing toon dat die behoeftes van die besigheid prominensie moet neem in die belynings inisiatief en dat IT implementering daarop gemik moet wees om hierdie doelwitte te bereik. Maar, daar is kere waar die inligtingstegnologie se behoetes die dryfveer vir die besigheidsagenda moet wees om nuwe geleenthede te ondersoek en om nuwe bekwaamhede te stimuleer. Ter samevatting, is dit vasgestel dat die aanneemlikheid van die IT organisasie, die bestuur van die vraag na dienste en die verhouding tussen IT en die besigheids bestuur sentraal is vir die soeke na 'n verhouding wat volkome in Iyn is. Daar moet deurlopend deeglik aandag aan hierdie aspekte geskenk word om te verseker dat IT gebruik word ter ondersteuning van die besigheidstrategie.

Linking operational excellence to shareholder value : McDonald's as a case study

Bryans, Robert 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: McDonald's is world renowned for the benchmark standards it sets in operations management. This is evidenced by the numerous references in operations management textbooks over the last 10-15 years. However, since 1999, McDonald's has not been able to link this operations excellence to creating shareholder value. In fact, the McDonald's share price has declined by 64 % over the last 4 years. In comparison, Wendy's (McDonald's biggest competition in the US fast food market) share price has increased by 2 % over the same period. Understanding why McDonald's has not been able to link operational excellence and the creation of shareholder value is the reasoning behind this mini-thesis. The hypothesis is that there are a number of factors. which influence shareholder value, and operational excellence is but one of these factors. A literature survey was conducted in order lO understand the underlying theories which link operational excellence and shareholder value creation. Evidence supporting this hypothesis is then presented and discussed. In Chapter 3, McDonald's ability to deliver operational excellence is evaluated against the evidence presented in operations management textbooks and other sources. The success of McDonald's in delivering perfonnance in the other factors affecting shareholder value is then discussed in Chapter 4 and compared to its biggest competition. Firstly, the share price of McDonald's is compared to its biggest competition (Wendy's), then the strategy of McDonald's and its impact on shareholder value creation is discussed, along with McDonald's ability to implement the other important factors and drivers, namely customer value creation, efficiency of value delivery and direct financial impact on shareholders. As a result of the above evidence. it was found that there are two basic reasons why McDonald's has not been able to link operational excellence and shareholder value creation: 1. Relative to its competition, McDonald's has not demonstrated sufficient competence in the other factors, which influence shareholder value creation. These factors are: customer value creation and the efficiency of customer value delivery. This is further evidenced by the financial output measures of McDonald's relative to its competition. 2. McDonald's ability in delivering operational excellence has diminished recently. This is evidenced by falling ratings in customer satisfaction surveys. The above reasons are evidenced by customer satisfaction survey results, comparative financial results and a number of non-direct driver results. In order to increase shareholder value creation, it is recommended that McDonald's change the focus of its strategy from operations to the creation of customer value. In order to support this change, the organisational structure and business processes will have to be changed by top management, who must be the crusaders of this change. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: McDonald's is bekend vir die maatskappy se wereldklas bedryfs bestuur standaardc. Die standaarde word tel kens na verwys in menige bedryfs bestuur handboeke oor die afgelope 10 tot 15 jaar. McDonald's kon egtcr nie daarin slaag om die hoe bedryfsbetuur standaarde in aandeelhouer waarde te omskep nic. Die waarde van die McDonald's aandele het met 64% gedaaJ oor die afgelope 4 jaar. In kontras het Wendy's (McDonald's se grootste mededinger in die Amerikaanse kitskos mark) se aandeel pryse met meer as 2% gestyg oor dieselfde peri ode. Die redc vir hierdie studie is dan juis om te bepaal waarom McDonald's nie hul voortrcflike bestuurs standaarde kon koppel aan stygende aandeelhouer waarde nic. Die hipotese is dat daar 'n aantal faktore is wat die aandeelhouer waarde van 'n maatskappy bepaal en dat bedryfs bestuur standaarde maar net een van hierdie faktore is. 'n Literatuur studie is gedoen om te bepaal wat die verwantskap is tussen puik bedryfsbetuur standaarde en die skepping van aandeelhouer waarde. Die bewyse vanuit die literatuurstudie is dan gebruik om die hipotese mee te toets. In Hoofstuk 3 is die vennoe van McDonald' s om hoe bedryfsbestuur standaarde te handhaaf evalueer aan die hand van die literatuur studie. McDonald's se sukses in die implementering van die ander faktore wat lei tot verhoogde aandeelhouer waarde is in Hoofstuk 4 bespreek en terselfde tyd vergelyk met die verrnoens van sy grootste mededingers. Eerstens is die aandeelprys van McDonald's met die van sy grootste mededinger (Wendy's) vergelyk en tweedens is die strategie van McDonald's en die impak daarvan op aandeelhouer waarde bespreek. Ander belangrike faktore soos kliente waarde skepping. effektiwiteit van waarde toevoeging en direkte finansiele impak op aandeelhouers is ingesluit in die bespreking. Daar is gevind dat daar twee hoofredes is waarom McDonald's nie daarin geslaag het om bedryfs bestuur uitmuntenheid te omskep in aandeelhouer waarde nie: 1. McDonald's het in vergelyking met sy mededingers nie goed genoeg gedoen m.b.t. die ander faktore wat aandeelhouer waarde bernvloed nie. Hierdie faktore is kliente waarde skepping en effektiwiteit van waarde toevoeging. 2. McDonald's se bedryfs bestuur standaarde het begin afneem. Dit word gestaaf deur laer waarderings in klante tevredenheids bepalings. Die onvermoe van McDonald' s om die bogenoemde faktore te implementeer word deur die klante tevredenheids bepalings, vergelykende finansiele resultate en 'n aantaJ indirekte maatstawwe gestaaf. Daar word dus voorgestel dat McDonald's sy stralegiese fokus moet verskuif vanaf bedryfs bestuur optimisering na kliente waarde skepping. Die organisasie struktuur en besigheids prosesse van McDonald's sal dus deur bestuur herorganiseer moet word om die verandering in strategie te kan ondersteun.

A critical analysis of Eriez Magnetics' competitive position

Poonan, Kumaran 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Eriez Magnetics, a manufacturer of specialized magnetic and associated equipment, is well positioned in terms of image and reputation. However, a growing number of low cost competitors are continuously eroding its Market share. The objective of the study was to perform a comprehensive situational analysis, and identify key issues that are necessary for Eriez to improve its competitive position. Various analytic tools and filters were used to analyse the company information, which was predominantly obtained form structured interviews. The key issues identified were: a. No clear and visible vision, mission and objectives agreed and understood by all in organisation. b. No common value system threading through organisation. c. Lack oftrust between workers and management. d. No integrated information system to enable sharing of information. e. Lack of formal and visible performance. f. No formal quality plan in workshop that is adhered to for every job. g. Lack of concerted customer focus due to understaffed sales and marketing team. h. Potential for the diverse product range to be streamlined. i. Lack of Staff and Agent Training. j. Lack of Employee encouragement to submit ideas to enhance performance. In order to regain its position as the market leader, it needs to focus strongly on its people management, internal processes, customer service and core products, as detailed in this report. The Balance Scorecard is a tool that Eriez SA must consider using to actively monitor key variables identified that will enhance the company's competitive position. The next phase of the project is syndicating these findings and recommendations with Eriez SA top management with a view of setting up an implementation plan. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Eriez Magnetics, a maatskappy wat gespesialiseerde magnetiese en assosieerde toerusting vevaardig het 'n goeie reputasie en beeld wereld wyd. Hulle mark word huidiglik bedreig in Suid Afrika deur 'n groeiende aanslag van lae koste vevaardigers. Die uiteensetting van die skrif is gegrond op 'n analiese van Eriez se huidige situasie, om sleutel items te identifiseer wat hulle in staat sal stel om hulle mark posisie te verbeter. Informasie vanuit die maatskappy was grooteliks bekom deur gestruktureerde onderhoude met sleutel staf. Verskillende analietese applikasie toerusting was gebruik om die maatskappy se informasie te evalueer. Sleutel punte was as volg:: a. Daar is geen duidelike, sigbare visie of rigting wat almal in die organisasie kan verstaan en identifiseer mee nie. b. Geen waarde sisteem was opsigtilik in die organisasie. c. Daar bestaan 'n duidelike wantroue tussen werkgewer en werknemer. d. Daar is geen sentrale informasie stelsel wat werknemers toegang tot het nie. e. Geen formele werk verrigtings stelsel. f. Geen formele kwaliteits standaarde wat toegepas word nie. g. Bemarking en verkope span is erg beperk in terme van staf, dit impak op kliente fokus. h. Hulle diverse produk reeks behoort krities ondersoek te word. i. Minimale staf en agente opleidings programme in plek. j. Werknemers word nie aangepor om konstruktiewe idees voor te lê nie. Indien Eriez sy posisie as mark leier wil herwin, sal hy streng fokus op sy bestuur, interne prosesse, kliente diens en kern produkte moet plaas, soos beskryf in die verslag. Eriez SA word ook aangeraai om die gebalanseerde telkaart metode toe te pas, wat fokus sal plaas op koste besparing en ook sy kompeterende posisie verhoog. Die volgende fase is om die bevindinge, soos saamgevat in die verslag, voor te lê aan Eriez SA hoofbestuur en om 'n implementeerings program daar te stel.

Making human capital the differentiating factor

Buys, Angela Florina 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study looks at practical guidelines on how to make human capital the differentiating factor. It is the first phase of a process of further study, commentary and implementation. Students at the University of Stellenbosch Business School completed one assignment of their choice from one of eight key areas. These related to the following concepts: people management strategies delivering tangible results; entrenching a workplace culture that delivers optimum performance; high performance workplace practices; growth through competency-based skills training; team-based leadership; strategy processes for changing workplaces into major competitive advantages; transforming knowledge into power and enabling organisations to implement change. The approach followed in this study was to identify two or three well-researched (with regard to existing and international best practices) assignments in each of the eight areas and in this way conduct an assessment of what organisations are currently doing to make human capital the differentiating factor. It was clear that more world-class organisations recognize the bottomline value of a skilled and dedicated workforce. However, investing in human capital is not that easy. It requires many choices like, amongst others: What are the appropriate reward strategies for an organisation? Which benefits are competitive, cost-effective and valued? How do organisations deal with a globally mobile workforce? Valued lessons learnt and recommendations were identified, for future students and organisations, with regard to the second round of validating the information gathered in this research project. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek praktiese riglyne oor hoe om mense kapitaal die onderskeidende faktor te maak. Die studie is die eerste fase van 'n proses van verdere studie, kommentaar en implementering. Studente aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch - Bestuurskool het elk 'n werkstuk van eie keuse in een van agt sleutel areas voltooi. Die onderwerpe het met die volgende verband gehou: mense bestuursstrategië wat tasbare resultate oplewer; vestiging van 'n werksplek kultuur wat optimum prestasie bewerkstellig; hoë-prestasie werksplek praktyke; groei deur vermoëndheids gebaseerde vaardigheids opleiding; span gebaseerde leierskap, strategiese prosesse om die werksplek in 'n grootskaalse kompeterende voorsprong te verander; die transformasie van kennis na mag en die instaatstelling van organisasies om verandering te implementeer. Die uitgangspunt van hierdie studie is gerig op die identifisering van twee of drie goed nagevorsde werkstukke(met verwysing na bestaande en internasionale beste praktyke) in elk van die agt areas en op hierdie wyse te bepaal wat organisasies doen om mense kapitaal die onderskeidende faktor te maak. Dit. het duidelik geword dat die meer wêreld-klas organisasies die grondwaarde van 'n vaardige en toegewyde werksmag erken. BeIegging in mense kapitaal is egter nie so eenvoudig nie. Dit vereis ondermeer keuses oor: Wat is die mees gepaste vergoedingsstrategie vir 'n organisasie? Watter voordele is kompeterend, koste-effektief en gewaardeerd? Hoe handel organisasies met 'n globaal mobiels werksmag? Waardevolle lesse en aanbevelings, vir die tweede fase van geldigheidsverklaring van die inligting versamel in hierdie navorsingsprojek, is vir toekomstige studente en organisasie identifiseer.

The development of a balanced scorecard for the Faculty of Military Science

Walters, Adriaan Neethling 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Managing any government institution has become increasingly complicated as the requirements for accountability, streamlined operations and greater flexibility have multiplied. Being a government institution but at the same time an institution of higher education, managing the Faculty of Military Science becomes a daunting task. It requires sophisticated approaches for implementing strategy and measuring performance. Employees are asked to change how they view their work and focus on results, not activities. While not asking the impossible, it is a challenging task. Formal accountability for outcomes down the line has simply not been a marker of the bureaucratic culture. As leadership looks for ways to support employees in this transition, it is vital that a comprehensive management system is deployed. For employees to focus on the outcomes of their individual performance, they must: • understand what the standards for organisational performance are; • participate in measuring how well those standards have been met; and • be responsible for finding ways to improve organisational performance. The Balanced Scorecard can help. This approach is one that is gaining currency as an easy to use and accessible process for measuring organisational effectiveness. It can be applied at any level and any type of organisation. The objectives and measures for the Balanced Scorecard are derived from the organisation's vision and strategy. These objectives and measures describe the progress of the organisation from four perspectives. These perspectives can vary from organisation to organisation and in the case of the Faculty of Military Science they include, the stakeholder perspective, the customer perspective, the internal processes perspective and the learning and growth perspective. It is a balanced model, because the measures represent an equilibrium between external measures for stakeholders and customers, and internal measures of business processes and learning and growth. The construction of the Balanced Scorecard is a systematic process, which ensures that the organisation's objectives and measures are made clear and that there is consensus in this regard. The success of the process depends on the participation of top management. The most important person in the process is the leader or "architect. A Balanced Scorecard can be constructed in 16 weeks, with high involvement of the leader in the beginning of the process. The Balanced Scorecard must be used as a strategic management system. It helps to clarify and to gain consensus about vision and strategy of the organisation, which should be communicated throughout the organisation. It is also useful in the establishment of objectives for each employee, the allocation of resources and the alignment of strategic initiatives, This study is directed towards the relevant literature on the Balanced Scorecard and the possible use thereof as a management system in an institution for higher education, specifically the Faculty of Military Science. To this end a thorough literature study was undertaken, focusing on the origins of the Balanced Scorecard, the developing and implementation thereof as well as the Balanced Scorecard as a strategic management system. The study further determined the applicability of the Balanced Scorecard to institutions for higher education, looking at the University of California, San Diego, as an example. In the final instance a Balanced Scorecard is proposed for the Faculty of Military Science, with certain recommendations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Toenemende druk op staatsinstellings om meer aanspreeklikheid te aanvaar, aktiwiteite meer vaartbelyn uit te voer en om meer buigsaam in hul optrede te wees, veroorsaak dat die bestuur van sulke instellings toenemend kompleks begin word. Die bestuur van die Fakulteit Krygskunde, 'n staatsinstelling, maar ook 'n instelling vir hoër onderwys, bied dus 'n geweldige uitdaging. Dit vereis daarom 'n gesofistikeerde benadering tot die implementering van 'n strategie en die meet van prestasie. Van werknemers word verwag om hul siening van werk te verander deur te fokus op resultate eerder as op aktiwiteite - 'n uitdaging op sy eie. Aanspreeklikheid vir die bereiking van resultate op lae vlakke in 'n staatsinstelling was nog nooit deel van 'n burokratiese kultuur nie. Vir leierskap om werknemers met hierdie aanpassing te ondersteun, is 'n omvattende bestuurstelsel nodig. Vir werknemers om te fokus op die uitkomste van hul individuele prestasies, moet hulle: • die prestasiestandaarde van die organisasie verstaan; • deelneem om te bepaal tot watter mate die standaarde bereik is; en • verantwoordelikheid neem om te bepaal hoe die prestasie van die organisasie verbeter kan word. Dit wat 'n organisasie meet en hoe die resultate daarvan gekommunikeer word lewer 'n sleutel bydrae t.o.v die voortdurende verbetering van prestasie deur die werknemers. Die "Balanced Scorecard" kan op hierdie gebied 'n groot bydrae lewer. Dit is 'n benadering wat wye veld wen as 'n eenvoudige en toeganklike proses om die effektiewiteit van 'n organisasie te meet. Die benadering kan op enige vlak en enige tipe organisasie toegepas word. Die doelwitte en maatstawwe vir die "Balanced Scorecard" word direk afgelei uit die organisasie se visie en strategie. Hierdie doelwitte en maatstawwe beskryf die organisasie se vordering uit vier perspektiewe. Hierdie perspektiewe kan wissel van organisasie tot organisasie en in die geval van die Fakutteit Krygskunde sluit dit in, die belanghebber perspektief, die kliente perspektief, die interne prosesse perspektief en die leer- en groeiperspektief. Die model word as gebalanseerd beskou omdat dit 'n ewewig tussen die eksterne maatstawwe (vir aandeelhouers, belanghebbers en kliente) en interne maatstawwe (besigheidsporosesse en leer- en groeifasette) handhaaf. Die bou van 'n "Balanced Scorecard" is 'n sistematiese proses, wat konsensus en duidelikheid met betrekking tot die organisasie se doelwitte en maatstawwe verseker. Die sukses van die hele proses berus egter op die ondersteuning en deelname van die topbestuur. Die belangrikste persoon in die hele proses is die leier of "argitek". 'n "Balanced Scorecard" kan binne 16 weke voltooi word, met die leier se betrokkenheid baie hoog aan die begin van die hele proses. Die "Balanced Scorecard" moet as 'n strategiese bestuurstelsel gebruik word. Dit kan help om die visie en strategie duidelik te stel en om konsensus daaroor te bereik. Dit moet aan die hele organisasie gekommunikeer word. Dit is verder nuttig in die opstel van doelwitte vir elke werknemer, die allokasie van hulpbronne en die rig van strategiese inisiatiewe. Hierdie studie is gerig tot die relevante literatuur t.o.v die "Balanced Scorecard" en die potensiele gebruik daarvan as 'n bestuurstelsel by 'n instelling van hoër onderwys, en spesifiek die Fakulteit Krygskunde. 'n Deeglike literatuurstudie is gedoen oor die oorsprong van die "Balanced Scorecard", die ontwikkeling en implementering daarvan, asook die aanwending van die "Balanced Scorecard" as 'n strategiese bestuurstelsel. Die studie het ook die toepaslikheid van die "Balanced Scorecard" ondersoek deur te verwys na die Universiteit van Kalifornie, San Diego as 'n voorbeeld. In die finale instansie word 'n "Balanced Scorecard" voorgestel vir die Fakulteit Krygskunde met sekere aanbevelings.

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