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Environnement et développement de l'enfant à 2 ans / Environment and child development at age 2Pelé, Fabienne 15 December 2014 (has links)
Contexte : L’organisme en développement est très sensible à son environnement. Plusieurs études épidémiologiques ont suggéré la toxicité développementale d’une dizaine de polluants suite à des expositions prénatales. L’objectif général de cette thèse est d’évaluer les conséquences des expositions à des polluants chimiques (consommation de produits de la mer comme vecteur de contamination, solvants organiques et insecticides organophosphorés) pendant la grossesse sur le développement de l’enfant à 2 ans en se focalisant sur le développement neuro-comportemental, le développement respiratoire et immunitaire et le développement staturo-pondéral. Matériel et méthodes : Ce travail s’est appuyé sur la cohorte mère-enfant PELAGIE, mise en place en Bretagne entre 2002 et 2006. Près de 3500 femmes ont été incluses en début de grossesse et environ 1500 couples mère-enfant ont été suivis à 2 ans. Les expositions ont été évaluées en début de grossesse à partir de questionnaires, de matrices emplois-expositions ou de dosage de biomarqueurs d’exposition. Les indicateurs de santé ont été mesurés lors du suivi à 2 ans par questionnaire permettant de recueillir des éléments sur le comportement, les manifestations respiratoires à type de sifflement, les maladies allergiques et la croissance entre la naissance et 2 ans. Résultats : L’exposition professionnelle prénatale aux solvants organiques était associée à des déficits de l’attention/hyperactivité et des niveaux d’agressivité plus importants chez l’enfant à 2 ans. Cette exposition n’était pas associée avec les manifestations respiratoires et allergiques. Nous avons aussi montré que la consommation maternelle de coquillages et crustacés pendant la grossesse était associée à une augmentation du risque d’allergie alimentaire chez l’enfant. Enfin, l’exposition prénatale aux insecticides organophosphorés a été associée à une diminution de la vitesse de croissance en taille à 2 ans. Conclusion : Ce travail renforce l’hypothèse de l’implication de l’exposition prénatale aux polluants chimiques de l’environnement, y compris à faible dose, dans l’origine développementale de la santé et des maladies. / Background: The organism is very sensitive to environment during its developmental period. Number of epidemiological studies has suggested the developmental toxicity of about ten chemical pollutants after prenatal exposure. The general objective of the thesis is to explore the effect of prenatal exposure to certain chemical pollutants (organic solvents, organophosphates pesticides and maternal consumption of fish and shellfish (vectors of pollutants)) on child development at age 2. Methods: This thesis is based on the PELAGIE mother-child cohort that was set up in 2002, in Brittany (FRANCE). In total, 3421 women were included in this cohort at the beginning of pregnancy and 1500 mother- child pairs were followed when the child was 2 years old. Exposures were evaluated at the beginning of pregnancy from questionnaires, job-exposure matrices or measurement of biomarkers of exposure. Health indicators were measured at the 2 years follow-up. At follow-up, questionnaires allowed to obtain information on child behaviour, respiratory manifestations like wheezing, allergies (eczema and food allergy) and growth between birth and the age of two. Results: Prenatal occupational exposure to solvents was associated with higher level of hyperactivity and attention deficit at age 2. This exposure was not associated neither with respiratory nor with allergic manifestations. We also observed that maternal shellfish consumption during pregnancy was associated with a higher risk of food allergy in preschoolers. Finally, higher prenatal exposure to organophosphate pesticides was associated with a decrease height growth velocity at age 2. Conclusion: The present thesis based on the PELAGIE study supported for the hypothesis that prenatal exposure to environmental chemicals may be implicated in the developmental origin of health and diseases.
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Neuropatia retardada induzida por organofosforados: estudo in vitro dos mecanismos de neurotoxicidade do organofosforado triclorfom, e estratégias de neuroproteção / Organophosphate induced delayed neuropathy: in vitro study of the neurotoxicity mechanisms induced by the organophosphate trichlorfon and strategies of neuroprotectionFernandes, Lais Silva 10 March 2017 (has links)
Os praguicidas organofosforados (OPs) são amplamente utilizados na indústria química e na agricultura em todo o mundo. Muitos deles são potenciais causadores da \"Neuropatia Retardada Induzida por Organofosforados\" (NRIOP), caracterizada pela degeneração distal de axônios do sistema nervoso central e periférico (degeneração do tipo Walleriana). O praguicida triclorfom (dimetil 2,2,2-tricloro-1-hidroxietil fosfonato) tem sido utilizado em larga escala na produção agrícola e também no controle de vetores transmissores de várias doenças. Há relatos de efeitos neuropáticos em seres humanos expostos ao triclorfom, mas apesar disso, o seu potencial neuropático e seus mecanismos de neurotoxicidade ainda não foram elucidados. Assim, no presente estudo foram avaliados os mecanismos de toxicidade do praguicida OP triclorfom utilizando linhagem SH-SY5Y de neuroblastoma humano como modelo, e também foram avaliados possíveis agentes neuroprotetores em células tratadas com o bem estabelecido indutor da neuropatia mipafox. Foram utilizados como possíveis neuroprotetores: a amilorida e nimodipino (bloqueadores de canais de cálcio tipo T e L respectivamente), MDL 28170 (inibidor (III) de calpaína) e liraglutida (um agonista do \"glucagon like peptide\" -GLP-1). Foram usados o mipafox, como modelo de indução da NRIOP e o paraoxon, como modelo não indutor da NRIOP. Os ensaios de inibição e reativação da esterase susceptível à neuropatia (ESNp) e de citotoxicidade mostraram que somente o mipafox e o triclorfom apresentaram inibição e envelhecimento da ESNp superiores a 70% em concentrações com baixa toxicidade, condição compatível com a indução da NRIOP. A ativação das calpaínas foi observada apenas no tratamento com mipafox, efeito este inibido pela nimodipina, amilorida e pelo MDL 28170. Triclorfom e o mipafox causaram elevação significativa nos níveis de cálcio intracelular e da caspase-3, além de inibir significativamente o crescimento de neuritos. Os três OPs avaliados foram capazes de diminuir a captação da glicose, que foi aumentada nos grupos tratados com mipafox associado com neuroprotetores. As quatro substâncias utilizadas como possíveis neuroprotetoras reduziram significativamente o dano causado pelo mipafox sobre os neuritos. O modelo usado no estudo mostrou-se apropriado para a caracterização dos OP neuropáticos, pois permitiu a diferenciação dos efeitos do mipafox (neuropático) e do paraoxon (não-neuropático). Os dados obtidos indicam que o triclorfom tem potencial indutor de NRIOP, e a amilorida, nimodipino liraglutida e MDL apresentaram potencial neuroprotetor / Organophosphorus (OP) pesticides are widely used in the chemical industry and agriculture around the world. \"Organophosphate Induced Delayed Neuropathy\" (OPIDN) is characterized by distal degeneration of axons of the central and peripheral nervous system (Wallerian-type degeneration). The OP trichlorfom (dimethyl 2,2,2-trichloro-1-hydroxyethyl phosphonate) has been used in large scale in agricultural production and also for the control of vectors that are transmitter of diseases. There are reports of neuropathic effects in humans exposed to trichlorfon, but despite this, its neuropathic potential and mechanisms of neurotoxicity have not yet been elucidated. Thus, in the present study we evaluated the mechanisms of toxicity of trichlorfom and possible neuroprotective agents in SH-SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells treated with the well-established neuropathy inducer mipafox. The following neuroprotective agents were used: amyloride and nimodipine (T and L-type calcium channel blockers, respectively), MDL 28170 (calpain inhibitor (III) and liraglutide (a \"glucagon-like peptide\" - GLP-1 agonist). Mipafox was used as neuropathic OP and paraoxon was used as a non-neuropathic OP. Inhibition and reactivation assays of neurpathy target esterase (NTE) and cytotoxicity showed that only mipafox and trichlorfon showed inhibition and aging of 70% of the NTE in concentrations that presented low toxicity, consistent with development of OPIDN. Activation of calpain was observed only in the treatment with mipafox, an effect inhibited by nimodipine, amyloride and MDL 28170. Triclorfom and mipafox caused significant increase in the levels of intracellular calcium, caspase-3 and significantly inhibiting neurite growth. All three OPs assessed in this work caused a decrease in glucose uptake, which was increased in groups treated whith mipafox plus neuroprotectors. Substances used as possible neuroprotective agents significantly reduced the inhibitory effect of mipafox on neurite outgrowth. The model used in the study proved to be appropriate for characterizing neuropathic OPs, because it allowed a differentiation of the effects of mipafox (neuropathic) and paraoxon (non-neuropathic). The data obtained indicate that trichlorfonm has potential in cause OPIDN. Amiloride, nimodipine, MDL and liraglutide have presented potential neuroprotective effects
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New methods for determination of airborne pollutants : Focus on tetrabromobisphenol A, organophosphate triesters and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsTollbäck, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
The work presented in this thesis concerns the development and evaluation of new methods of sampling and analysis of organic pollutants in the indoor and outdoor environment. In Paper I, the development of a new method was reported for the determination of the brominated flame retardant tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) in air using sampling with glass fiber filter and polyurethane foam (PUF), ultrasonic solvent extraction and liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (LC-ESI/MS). The MS fragmentation mechanism of TBBPA was thoroughly investigated and different acquisition modes were evaluated to achieve the most sensitive and selective detection. In Papers II and III, the potential use of Empore SPE membranes was evaluated for air sampling of volatile, semi-volatile and particle-associated organic compounds. Breakthrough studies conducted for 24h at air flows of 10- 20 L/min showed that the SPE membranes efficiently retains volatile and semi-volatile organophosphate esters and particles >10 nm. Effort was invested in the development of fast and environmental friendly methods, with low cost, for sample clean up and analysis. In Paper II, the sample preparation technique was dynamic solvent extraction with methanol coupled to LC-ESI/MS. The total run time per sample, including both extraction and separation, was less than 34 min, consuming only 1.6mL methanol. In Paper III, efficiency of selective extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from particulate matter sampled with Empore SPE membranes, using dynamic subcritical water extraction (DSWE) was investigated. Acceptable recoveries of the investigated compounds from reference material (SRM 1649a) were achieved. In Paper IV, the application of dynamic solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) air sampling was evaluated using, gas chromatography/positive ion chemical ionisation (GC/PICI) and tandem-MS detection for the determination of organophosphate esters in work environment.
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Biomarkers of oxidative stress and DNA damage in agricultural workersMuniz, Juan Fermin 15 December 2009 (has links)
Pesticides are among the most pervasive environmental contaminants and they are an important potential risk for human health. Agricultural workers are constantly exposed to pesticide spray, drift and residues in the soil and foliage. Many agricultural pesticides are readily absorbed by the body, through contact with the skin, the respiratory track, the eyes, and the gastrointestinal system. Multiple studies have reported a strong association between pesticide exposure and various health outcomes including cancer. Oxidative stress and DNA damage have been proposed as mechanisms linking pesticide exposure to health effects and neurological diseases.
The focus of the present translational study is to examine the relationship between human exposure to the organophosphate pesticide azinphos methyl (AZM) and oxidative stress by measuring biomarkers of oxidative stress in biological fluids (i.e., urine, serum) and peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) of agricultural workers. The findings from these field studies will be validated in vitro by examining cultures of human lymphocytes treated with AZM for similar biomarkers of oxidative stress. Since the collection of PBLs from study participants is highly invasive and not suitable for studies involving
younger subjects, we also examined buccal cells for biomarkers of oxidative stress (i.e., DNA damage) as a more universal source of human tissue to assess oxidative stress in pesticide exposed individuals.
We demonstrated in this study that AZM induces oxidative stress and causes DNA damage in human tissues. Agricultural workers who had been exposed to AZM showed elevated serum levels of lipid peroxides, increased urinary levels of 8-OH-dG, and lymphocytes from these individuals showed increased DNA damage and associated changes in oxidative DNA repair enzymes. Biomarkers of oxidative stress were also elevated in human lymphocytes treated with physiologically relevant concentrations of AZM. In cultures of human lymphocytes, AZM caused a concentration-dependent loss of viability and associated increases in ROS and a reduction in intracellular GSH.
We also demonstrated that viable leukocytes from the oral cavity can be readily obtained from humans and these buccal cells can be used to assess DNA damage following exposure to occupational and environmental genotoxicants. We also noted that oral leukocytes are especially sensitive to cryopreservation with DMSO and thus, these cells must be cryoprotected with 5% DMSO to preserve the viability of these cells for subsequent biochemical studies.
In summary, these in vivo and in vitro studies demonstrated that AZM induces oxidative stress in a dose-dependent matter and that oral lymphocytes are a good source of human tissue for assessing DNA damage and possibly other biochemical changes. The possible health implications of the variations in these biomarkers of oxidative stress and DNA damage are undetermined. Yet the findings from these studies have provided a strong foundation for determining the mechanism by which pesticide induce oxidative stress, to explore the putative relationship between pesticide-induced oxidative stress and disease (e.g. cancer, neurodegenerative disorders) and determine whether tissue damage in humans is brought about by direct or by indirect action of organophosphate pesticides. / Graduation date: 2010
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Investigation of the Catalytic Mechanism and Biosensing Potential of PhosphotriesterasesLangley, Christopher R. 25 August 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the characterization of SsoPox, a lactonase with promiscuous phosphotriesterase activity from the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Sulfolobus solfataricus, and the potential of the phosphotriesterase from Brevundimonas diminuta (PTEBd) to function as an organophosphate sensor. Arg-223 and Tyr-99 of SsoPox are not essential for lactonase activity, however substitution of a phenylalanine in place of Tyr-97 abolished lactonase activity while reducing paraoxonase activity by 20-fold. Substrate specificity of SsoPox can be modulated through the partial blockage of the hydrophobic binding tunnel adjacent to the active site. The specificity constant for N-(3-oxo-decanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone decreased 37-fold when a phenylalanine was introduced in place of Leu-226. PTEBd was expressed and purified from Pseudomonas putida and, like SsoPox, can be immobilized to Disruptor paper. The immobilized enzyme can be used to detect five organophosphates at concentrations as low as 50 μM. Incubation of PTEBd-immobilized sensors at different temperatures proved that the enzyme is stable for at least 40 days at 23.5 degrees Celsius without any detectable change in activity.
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Neurotoxicity after poisonings with organophosphate pesticides in Nicaragua /Miranda, Jamilette, January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2003. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.
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The development of FT-Raman techniques to quantify the hydrolysis of Cobalt (III) nitrophenylphosphate complexes using multivariate data analysisTshabalala, Oupa Samuel 03 1900 (has links)
The FT-Raman techniques were developed to quantify reactions that
follow on mixing aqueous solutions of bis-(1,3-diaminopropane)diaquacobalt(
III) ion ([Co(tn)2(0H)(H20)]2+) and p-nitrophenylphosphate
For the development and validation of the kinetic modelling
technique, the well-studied inversion of sucrose was utilized. Rate
constants and concentrations could be estimated using calibration
solutions and modelling methods. It was found that the results
obtained are comparable to literature values. Hence this technique
could be further used for the [Co(tn)2(0H)(H20)]2+ assisted
hydrolysis of PNPP.
It was found that rate constants where the pH is maintained at 7.30
give results which differ from those where the pH is started at 7.30
and allowed to change during the reaction. The average rate
constant for 2:1 ([Co(tn)2(0H)(H20)]2+:PNPP reactions was found to
be approximately 3 x 104 times the unassisted PNPP hydrolysis rate. / Chemistry / M. Sc. (Chemistry)
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Fabrication and use of new solid state phosphate ion selective electrodes for monitoring phosphorylation and dephosphorylation reactionsEnemchukwu, Emeka Martin 06 1900 (has links)
Highly selective and sensitive phosphate sensors have been fabricated by constructing a solid membrane disk consisting of variable mixtures of aluminium powder (Al), aluminium phosphate (AlPO4) and powdered copper (Cu). Both binary and ternary electrode systems are produced depending on their composition. The ternary membranes exhibit greater selectivity over a wide range of concentrations. The ternary electrode with the composition 25% AlPO4, 25% Cu and 50% Al was selected as our preferred electrode. The newly fabricated ternary membrane phosphate selective electrodes exhibited linear potential response in the concentration range of 1.0 × 10−6 to 1.0 × 10−1 mol L−1. The electrodes also exhibit a fast response time of <60 s. Their detection limit is 1.0 × 10−6 mol L−1. The unique feature of the described electrodes is their ability to maintain a steady and reproducible response in the absence of an ionic strength control. The electrodes have a long lifetime and can be stored in air when not in use. The selectivity of the new phosphate selective electrodes with respect to other common ions is excellent. The results obtained provide further insight into the working principles of the newly fabricated phosphate selective electrodes.
Dephosphorylation and phosphorylation reactions were monitored using the preferred phosphate selective electrode. The following reactions were studied and inferences drawn; (a) the reactions between *[{CoN4(OH)(OH2)}]2+ and *[OH(PO2O)]2- for 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 *[{CoN4(OH)(OH2)}]2+ to *[OH(PO2O)]2- ratios.(b) the reactions between *[{CoN4(OH)(OH2)}]2+ and *[O2NC6H4PO2(O)(OH)]- for
1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 *[{CoN4(OH)(OH2)}]2+ to *[O2NC6H4PO2(O)(OH)]- ratios. (c) the
reactions between *[{CoN4(OH)(OH2)}]2+ and *[(OH)2(PO2)2O]2- for 1:1, 2:1 and
3:1 [{CoN4(OH)(OH2)}]2+ to *[(OH)2(PO2)2O]2- ratios, and (d) the reactions
between *[{CoN4(OH)(OH2)}]2+ and *[(OH)2(PO2)3O2]3- for the 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1
[{CoN4(OH)(OH2)}]2+ to *[(OH)2(PO2)3O2]3- ratios. Further insight into
dephosphorylation and phosphorylation reactions is unravelled by the novel
phosphate selective electrode monitoring.
*For clarity of the complexes utilized, see chapter 4, table 4.1.
KEY WORDS; Dephosphorylation, phosphorylation, ion selective electrodes,
phosphate ion selective electrode, decontamination, electromotive force, potential
difference, activity, concentration, selectivity coefficient, calibration, ionic strength,
hydrolysis, inorganic phosphates, nitrophenylphosphate, pyrophosphate,
tripolyphosphate, organophosphate esters. / Chemistry / D. Phil (Chemistry)
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Biosurveillance des retardateurs de flamme organophosphorés chez les travailleurs du recyclage électronique au QuébecTraore, Inna Tata 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Neue Biofilminhibitoren mittels Metagenom-Strategie und marine Streptomyceten, neue Naturstoffe, Synthesen und Biosynthesen / Novel Biofilm Inhibitors from Metagenomes and Marine Streptomycetes, Novel Natural Products, Total Syntheses and BiosynthesesQuitschau, Melanie 23 October 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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