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Multifunctional Metallo-Supramolecular Matrials and SensorsBurnworth, Mark Gross 14 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Eliminación de pesticidas organofosforados mediante fotoelectrocatálisis con fotoánodos de WO3Roselló Márquez, Gemma 14 October 2021 (has links)
[ES] La presente Tesis Doctoral tiene dos objetivos claramente diferenciados, siendo el primero de ellos la realización de un estudio de optimización de la síntesis de nanoestructuras de óxido de wolframio (WO3) mediante el uso de un diseño de experimentos, mientras que el segundo de ellos es el uso de estas nanoestructuras en la degradación fotoelectrocatalítica de 4 pesticidas organofosforados de diferentes subfamilias (diazinon, fosmet, clorfenvinfos y fenamifos). El uso del óxido de wolframio como fotocatalizador en el proceso fotoelectrocatalítico (FEC) despierta un gran interés, ya que se trata de un semiconductor con gran fotoestabilidad en electrolitos acuosos ácidos, excelente conductividad eléctrica, tiene la capacidad de absorber la parte azul del espectro visible además de la luz ultravioleta, y el borde superior de la banda de valencia es mayor que el potencial de oxidación de H2O/O2. Todo ello hace que el WO3 sea capaz de fotooxidar eficazmente una amplia gama de compuestos orgánicos. Las nanoestructuras estudiadas en la Tesis Doctoral se sintetizaron mediante anodizado electroquímico, ya que se trata de una técnica sencilla que permite un control de sus parámetros de manera fácil y efectiva, permitiendo obtener las nanoestructuras directamente sobre el propio sustrato metálico. Además, la necesidad de controlar y eliminar los contaminantes emergentes en el medio ambiente se ha vuelto cada vez más crucial durante las últimas décadas. Así, en esta Tesis se han degradado 4 pesticidas tóxicos y persistentes en el medioambiente mediante la técnica de fotoelectrocatálisis (FEC) utilizando las nanoestructuras de WO3. En esta técnica, los fenómenos electrolíticos y fotocatalíticos actúan juntos para mineralizar el contaminante orgánico. Además, la FEC está atrayendo la atención de los investigadores por su capacidad para degradar contaminantes orgánicos y transformarlos en compuestos inocuos con condiciones de trabajo no extremas.
Por tanto, en el diseño de experimentos realizado en la Tesis Doctoral se modificaron 3 variables con tres niveles cada una, por tanto se escogió un diseño 33. Las variables que se modificaron fueron el electrolito utilizado durante el anodizado, la temperatura y atmosfera en el proceso de post-anodizado (tratamiento térmico), obteniendo de esta manera nanoestructuras con diferentes propiedades tanto estructurales como fotoelectroquímicas.
Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que las nanoestructuras que presentan mejores propiedades morfológicas y fotoelectroquímicas, y con una estructura cristalina más adecuada fueron las obtenidas con el ácido metanosulfónico (CH4O3S) como electrolito y calentadas en el proceso de post-anodizado a 600 ¿C y en atmósfera de aire.
Con estas nanoestructuras optimizadas, se realizó el proceso de degradación de los 4 pesticidas seleccionados mediante fotoelectrocatálisis. En este proceso, se partió de una concentración inicial de 20 ppm en todos los pesticidas, haciéndose un seguimiento del pesticida mediante UV-Visible y cromatografía líquida de ultra alto rendimiento acoplada a la espectrometría de masas (UHPLC-MS/Q-TOF).
Tras 24 horas de ensayo se consiguió degradar el diazinón hasta 2 ppm (consiguiendo un 90% de degradación), el clorfenvinfos se degradó hasta 1 ppm (consiguiendo un 95% de degradación) y el fosmet y fenamifos se degradaron al 100%. Para cada uno de los pesticidas se ha propuesto una ruta de degradación según los compuestos intermedios identificados mediante el UHPLC-MS/Q-TOF,
dando como resultado final moléculas más pequeñas y más inocuas para los seres humanos y para el medioambiente. / [CA] La present tesi doctoral té dos objectius clarament diferenciats, sent el primer la realització d'un estudi d'optimització de la síntesi de nanoestructures d'òxid de wolframi (WO3) mitjançant l'ús d'un disseny d'experiments, mentre que el segon és l'ús d'aquestes nanoestructures en la degradació fotoelectrocatalítica de quatre pesticides organofosforats de diferents subfamílies (diazinon, fosmet, clorfenvinfòs i fenamifòs). L'ús de l'òxid de wolframi com a fotocatalitzador en el procés fotoelectrocatalític (FEC) desperta un gran interès, ja que es tracta d'un semiconductor amb gran fotoestabilitat en electròlits aquosos àcids; amb una excel·lent conductivitat elèctrica; té la capacitat d'absorbir la part blava de l'espectre visible, a més de la llum ultraviolada, i la vora superior de la banda de valència és major que el potencial d'oxidació d'H2O/O2. Tot això fa que el WO3 siga capaç de fotooxidar eficaçment una àmplia gamma de compostos orgànics. Les nanoestructures estudiades en la tesi doctoral es van sintetitzar mitjançant anodització electroquímica, ja que es tracta d'una tècnica senzilla que permet un control dels seus paràmetres de manera fàcil i efectiva, i permet obtenir les nanoestructures directament sobre el mateix substrat metàl·lic. A més, la necessitat de controlar i eliminar els contaminants emergents en el medi ambient s'ha tornat cada vegada més crucial durant les últimes dècades. Així, en aquesta tesi s'han degradat quatre pesticides tòxics i persistents en el medi ambient mitjançant la tècnica de la fotoelectrocatàlisi (FEC) utilitzant les nanoestructures de WO3. En aquesta tècnica, els fenòmens electrolítics i fotocatalítics actuen junts per a mineralitzar el contaminant orgànic. La FEC està atraient l'atenció del personal investigador per la seua capacitat per a degradar contaminants orgànics i transformar-los en compostos innocus amb condicions de treball no extremes. Per tant, en el disseny d'experiments realitzat en la tesi doctoral es van modificar tres variables amb tres nivells cadascuna, per tant, es va triar un disseny 33. Les variables que es van modificar van ser: l'electròlit utilitzat durant l'anodització, la temperatura i l'atmosfera en el procés de postanodització (tractament tèrmic), i es van obtenir d'aquesta manera nanoestructures amb diferents propietats, tant estructurals com fotoelectroquímiques. Els resultats obtinguts van mostrar que les nanoestructures que presenten millors propietats morfològiques i fotoelectroquímiques, i amb una estructura cristal·lina més adequada, van ser les obtingudes amb l'àcid metanosulfònic (CH4O3S) com a electròlit, i calfades en el procés de postanodització a 600 ¿C i en atmosfera d'aire. Amb aquestes nanoestructures optimitzades, es va realitzar el procés de degradació dels quatre pesticides seleccionats mitjançant fotoelectrocatàlisi. En aquest procés, es va partir d'una concentració inicial de 20 ppm en tots els pesticides, i es va fer un seguiment del pesticida mitjançant UV visible i cromatografia líquida d'ultraalt rendiment acoblada a l'espectrometria de masses (UHPLC-MS/Q-TOF). Després de 24 hores d'assaig, es va aconseguir degradar el diazinon fins a 2 ppm (es va assolir un 90% de degradació), el clorfenvinfòs es va degradar fins a 1 ppm (es va assolir un 95% de degradació) i el fosmet i el fenamifòs es van degradar al 100%. Per a cadascun dels pesticides s'ha proposat una ruta de degradació segons els compostos intermedis identificats mitjançant l'UHPLC-MS/Q-TOF, que dona com a resultat final molècules més xicotetes i més innòcues per als éssers humans i per al medi ambient. / [EN] This Doctoral Thesis has two clearly differentiated objectives. The first objective is to carry out an optimization study of the synthesis of tungsten oxide nanostructures (WO3) using a design of experiments. The second objective is to use of these nanostructures in the photoelectrocatalytic degradation of 4 organophosphate pesticides of different subfamilies (diazinon, phosmet, chlorfenvinphos and fenamiphos). The use of tungsten oxide as a photocatalyst in the photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) process arouses great interest, since it is a semiconductor with great photostability in acidic aqueous electrolytes, excellent electrical conductivity, it has the ability to absorb the blue part of the visible spectrum in addition to ultraviolet light, and the upper edge of the valence band is greater than the oxidation potential of H2O / O2. All this makes WO3 capable of efficiently photo-oxidizing a wide range of organic compounds. The nanostructures studied in the Doctoral Thesis were synthesized using electrochemical anodization, since it is a simple technique that permits the control their parameters easily and effectively, allowing the nanostructures to be obtained directly on the metal substrate itself. Furthermore, the need to control and eliminate emerging pollutants in the environment has become increasingly crucial over the past decades. Thus, in this Thesis, 4 toxic and persistent pesticides in the environment have been degraded by the photoelectrocatalysis (PEC) technique using the WO3 nanostructures. In this technique, the electrolytic and photocatalytic phenomena act together to mineralize the organic contaminant. PEC is attracting the attention of researchers for its ability to degrade organic pollutants and transform them into harmless compounds under non-extreme working conditions.
Therefore, in the design of experiments carried out in the Doctoral Thesis, 3 variables were modified with three levels each one, therefore a 33 design was chosen. The variables that were modified were the electrolyte used during the anodization, the temperature and the atmosphere in the post-anodization process (annealing treatment), thus obtaining nanostructures with different structural and
photoelectrochemical properties.
The results obtained showed that the nanostructures with the best morphological and photoelectrochemical properties, and with adequate crystalline structure werethose obtained with methanesulfonic acid (CH4O3S) as electrolyte and annealed in the post-anodization process at 600 ¿C and in an air atmosphere.
With these optimized nanostructures, the degradation process of the 4 selected pesticides was carried out by photoelectrocatalysis. This process started from an initial concentration of 20 ppm in all pesticides, using UV-Visible and Ultra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrophotometry (UHPLCMS / Q-TOF) to monitoring the process.
After 24 hours of experiment, the diazinon was degraded to 2 ppm (achieving 90% degradation), chlorfenvinphos was degraded to 1 ppm (achieving 95% degradation) and phosmet and fenamiphos were 100% degraded. For each of the pesticides, a degradation route has been proposed according to the intermediate compounds identified by UHPLC-MS/Q-TOF, resulting in smaller and more innocuous molecules for humans and the environment. / Agradezco a la Generalitat Valenciana y al Fondo Social Europeo por la ayuda
predoctoral recibida para la realización de la presente Tesis Doctoral (ACIF 159-
2018) así como para la realización de una estancia predoctoral en la Universidad
de Lisboa. También quiero agradecer al Ministerio de Economía, Industria y
Competitividad, por la concesión de los proyectos CTQ2016-79203-R (2016) y
PID2019-105844RB-I00 (2019) en los cuales he podido participar durante la Tesis
Doctoral. / Roselló Márquez, G. (2021). Eliminación de pesticidas organofosforados mediante fotoelectrocatálisis con fotoánodos de WO3 [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/174712
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Nitric oxide triggered dephosphorylation reactionsEnemchukwu, Emeka Martin 01 1900 (has links)
The synergistic effect of nitric oxide toward dephosphorylation reactions involving phosphate esters was the subject of investigation in this research. Sodium nitroprusside under UV irradiations at 254nm, 365nm and white light was utilized as nitric oxide donor in solutions. The effects of cobalt trimethylenediamine and nitroprusside towards dephosphorylation of nitrophenylphosphate and pyrophosphate which were modeled as organophosphate ester substrates were also investigated. The activated substrate models showed more rate enhancement than the unactivated models in all cases. The direct interaction of nitric oxide with the phosphorus centre is presumed to be the reason for enhanced hydrolysis. This study demonstrates the possible role of nitric oxide in decontamination reactions of poorly biodegradable phosphate esters in the biosphere. / Chemistry / M. Sc. (Chemistry)
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The effects of organophosphate exposure on non target terrestrial and aquatic organisms following different exposure regimes : linking biomarker responses and life-cycle effectsJordaan, Martine Saskia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Botany and Zoology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of organophosphate pesticides is still an integral part of commercial farming
activities and these substances have been implicated as a major source of environmental
contamination in South Africa. Evidence exists that many non target animals in and around
agricultural areas are at risk of being affected due to the mobile nature of pesticides and the
intermittent nature of pesticide application. The extent to which non-target animals are
affected by exposure to two organophosphates (azinphos-methyl and chlorpyrifos) was
investigated through monitoring selected biomarker responses and life cycle effects under
laboratory conditions in two selected test species. A representative species from both the
aquatic and terrestrial environment was used as these two compartments of the environment
are inevitably linked due to the mobility of pesticides from the area of application to
surrounding areas. The earthworm Eisenia fetida was used as test organism in the terrestrial
environment while the fish Oreochromis mossambicus served as representative of the aquatic
environment. Juvenile life stages of both species were subjected to standard acute toxicity
tests which showed that for both species, juvenile life stages were more sensitive to both
pesticides than adults. It was also illustrated that azinphos-methyl is more toxic than
chlorpyrifos to both species.
Both test species were also subjected to an intermittent exposure regime in order to assess the
effects of repeated pesticide application on biomarker, life-cycle and behaviour responses.
The results indicated that for similar exposure regimes, azinphos-methyl was more toxic to
E. fetida than chlorpyrifos and detrimentally affected all endpoints investigated. The present
study suggests that exposure concentration may have a more pronounced effect in inducing a
toxic response than exposure interval, irrespective of the pesticide used. In addition to this,
E. fetida was unable to avoid the presence of these pesticides in soil, even at concentrations
as high as 50% of the LC50 value, indicating that the presence of pesticides in the soil pose a
realistic threat to earthworms and other soil dwelling organisms. Biomarker responses,
morphological effects and feeding behaviour was assessed for O. mossambicus and similar to
the terrestrial toxicity experiments, there was evidence to suggest that in the case of an
intermittent exposure scenario, azinphos-methyl was more hazardous than chlorpyrifos to this
species. For the majority of endpoints that were investigated, it appeared that exposure
interval played a more important role in inducing an effect than exposure concentration. At a shorter exposure interval, the majority of endpoints showed no difference between higher and
lower exposure concentrations, while at a longer exposure interval the effects of exposure
concentration became evident. In addition, feeding behaviour was affected by pesticide
exposure in a dose-dependent manner.
The present study yielded important results that improve the understanding of biological
impacts of pesticide pollution on the environment. This can aid in optimising farming
practices such as pesticide application not only in terms of eradicating the pest organisms, but
also in terms of mitigating the environmental effects associated with large-scale pesticide use,
thereby ensuring sustained biodiversity in these areas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van organofosfaat plaagdoders is ‘n integrale deel van kommersiële landbou
aktiwiteite maar hierdie middels is ook ‘n prominente bron van omgewingsbesoedeling in
Suid-Afrika. Daar is bewys dat verskeie nie-teiken diere in en om landbouareas geaffekteer
word weens die nie-statiese aard van plaagdoders in die omgewing, sowel as die herhalende
aard van plaagdodertoediening. Die graad waartoe nie-teiken diere geaffekteer word deur die
plaagdoders azinphos-metiel en chlorpyrifos is ondersoek deur die monitering van verskeie
biomerkerresponse en lewenssiklus-effekte in geselekteerde toetsspesies binne ‘n beheerde
laboratoriumomgewing. ‘n Verteenwoordigende spesie van beide die akwatiese en die
terrestriële omgewing is gebruik aangesien hierdie twee dele van die omgewing onlosmaaklik
verbind is weens die beweging van plaagdoders vanaf die area van toediening na omringende
areas. Die erdwurm Eisenia fetida is gekies as toetsorganisme vir die terrestriële omgewing
en die varswatervis Oreochromis mossambicus het gedien as verteenwoordigende spesie vir
die akwatiese omgewing. Onvolwasse diere van beide spesies is onderwerp aan standaard
akute toksisiteitstoetse en daar is gevind dat, vir beide spesies, onvolwasse diere meer
sensitief vir die betrokke plaagdoders is as volwasse diere. Dit is ook gevind dat azinphosmetiel
giftiger is as chlorpyrifos vir beide spesies.
Beide toetsspesies is ook onderwerp aan ‘n chroniese blootstellingsregime om die effek van
herhaalde plaagdodertoediening op biomerker-, lewenssiklus- en gedragsresponse te
ondersoek. Die resultate van die herhaalde blootstelling het aangedui dat vir soortgelyke
blootstellingsregimes, azinphos-metiel giftiger is as chlorpyrifos vir E. fetida en dat beide
middels alle eindpunte wat ondersoek is, nadelig affekteer. Die huidige studie toon ook
bewyse dat blootstellingskonsentrasie ‘n meer prominente effek as blootstellingsinterval kan
hê in die teweegbringing van ‘n toksiese respons. Verder was E. fetida nie in staat om die
teenwoordigheid van die plaagdoders in grond te vermy nie, self nie by konsentrasies so hoog
as 50% van die LC50 waarde nie. Laasgenoemde resultaat dui dus aan dat die aanwesigheid
van plaagdoders in die grondomgewing ‘n realisitese bedreiging inhou vir erdwurms en ander
Soortgelyk aan die terrestriële toksisiteitseksperimente, was daar getuienis vir die verhoogde
toksisiteit van azinphos-metiel relatief tot chlorpyrifos vir O. mossambicus. Dit blyk dat blootstellingsinterval ‘n meer prominente rol as blootstellingskonsentrasie speel in die
teweegbringing van effekte vir die meerderheid van die eindpunte wat ondersoek is. In die
geval van ‘n korter blootstellingsinterval het die meerderheid van eindpunte wat ondersoek is
geen verskille getoon tussen ‘n hoër en ‘n laer konsentrasie nie, terwyl met ‘n langer
blootstellingsinterval daar ‘n aanduiding was dat blootstellingskonsentrasie ‘n meer
prominente rol gespeel het. Verder is gevind dat voedingsgedrag in O. mossambicus
geaffekteer is op ‘n konsentrasie verwante manier.
Die huidige studie toon resultate wat ‘n belangrike bydrae kan lewer tot die begrip van die
biologiese impakte van organofosfaat plaagdoders op die omgewing. Die resultate kan
gebruik word vir die optimisering van boerderypraktyke soos plaagdodertoediening, sodat
laasgenoemde effektief is vir die beheer van pes-organismes, maar ook die impakte van
grootskaalse plaagdodertoediening kan minimaliseer en sodoende die biodiversiteit binne
hierdie areas sal beskerm.
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Feeding behaviour of the prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii as an indicator of pesticide contamination in tropical freshwaterSatapornvanit, Kriengkrai January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to develop and standardize a novel feeding bioassay with Macrobrachium rosenbergii for use in the laboratory and allowing it to be easily deployed under field conditions. Standardization of the test aimed to minimize feeding rate variations and to ensure that subsequent statistical analyses have sufficient power to consistently detect changes in feeding rates. These were accomplished through the development of a post-exposure feeding toxicity test under laboratory, microcosm and in situ/field conditions. This procedure was proven to be repeatable and economical. M. rosenbergii as test animals were available in terms of quantity and uniformity in sizes. The standard guidelines and procedures for M. rosenbergii bioassay developed from this study include the size of test animals (9-10 mm), density in exposure containers (10 animals in 500 mL of medium in the laboratory, 10 animals in field chambers with 98.6 mL volume), exposure time (24 hours), feeding period for post-exposure feeding (4 hours) and number of replicates for the feeding test (10 replicates for individual measurements). The tiered approach used in the preliminary risk assessment of pesticide using TOXSWA was capable of screening the risk level of pesticide in the study area, identifying profenofos and dimethoate as test chemicals for the lethal and sub-lethal experiments. This model was beneficial in the preliminary risk assessment of pesticides in the tropics, since it was not necessary to set up laboratory work. This method could also provide preliminary data to support the environmental planner and decision/policy maker. This is an alternative way to develop a cost efficient model to inform and warn the risk of pesticide use. The effects of pH, temperature and hardness on control post-exposure feeding rates of M. rosenbergii were assessed and indicated that M. rosenbergii was very sensitive to acidic and basic conditions. The use of post-exposure feeding inhibition as the endpoint under laboratory conditions revealed that prawns were sensitive to pesticides (chlorpyrifos, dimethoate and profenofos) and a heavy metal (zinc). Post-exposure feeding rate inhibition could be used as a sublethal endpoint as the EC50 values obtained for chlorpyrifos and zinc were lower than their lethal levels. Mortality of prawn was also another endpoint used to define the toxicity of pesticides such as carbendazim, in which mortality occurred during exposure, but post-exposure feeding rate of the surviving animals did not decrease. The microcosm experiments were able to link the laboratory toxicity tests and the effects observed in the field. Microcosm studies provided another dimension to studies looking at pesticide effects on aquatic systems. In this research, carbendazim affected feeding and survival rates in the microcosm set-up but in the laboratory only mortality showed a significant difference (P < 0.05). In situ bioassays were able to show the effects of pesticides on post-exposure feeding rates using the methods developed. Post-exposure feeding rates were significantly lower than control in farms using pesticides while in uncontaminated sites (pesticide-free), the post-exposure feeding rates did not decrease. However, mortality was observed even in the uncontaminated sites which could be attributed to other factors such as low dissolved oxygen and presence of some other unidentified chemical substances. The degree of mortality and the effect on feeding rates depends not only on the type and concentration of the known pesticide but also on water quality parameters. The basic methods developed for in situ bioassay from this research is a simple, easy and fast way to determine the effect of pesticides because the results can be seen in the field. The procedures developed and results obtained from this study can be used as a basis for further toxicity studies on M. rosenbergii and other potential tropical species.
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Levels and sources of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in indoor and outdoor environmentsMarklund, Anneli January 2005 (has links)
Global consumption of organophosphate esters (OPs), which are used as flame retardants and plasticizers, is rapidly increasing. Their use as additives in diverse applications poses a risk as they may be emitted from the products they are added to and be further transported in the environment. Therefore, the levels, distribution, and possible sources of 15 OPs, some of which are reported to be toxic, were investigated in indoor and outdoor environments. An exposure assessment was performed, and the exposure to OPs via inhalation was examined for five occupational groups. In addition, based on the findings of the studies, the total flow of OPs in Sweden was estimated. In indoor environments, the OPs detected in air and dust varied between the sites, but generally reflected the building materials, furniture etc. used in the premises. A majority of the analysed OPs were detected in all samples, and public buildings tended to have higher levels than domestic buildings. The chlorinated OPs dominated in indoor air and wipe samples from vehicles. They were also abundant in the dust samples. Some occupational groups were significantly more exposed to OPs than others. Aircraft technicians, for example, were exposed to about 500 times more tributyl phosphate than day care centre personnel. Upon domestic and industrial cleaning, OPs are discharged with the wastewater via the sewage system to sewage treatment plants (STPs). Irrespective of the size of the STPs investigated, they had similar levels of OPs in their influents, indicating that products containing OPs are widely used by the communities they serve. In some cases, it was possible to trace elevated levels of individual OPs to specific sources. The OPs were poorly removed from the wastewater, and the chlorinated OPs especially tended to pass through the STPs without being removed or degraded. Thus, levels of OPs in their effluents were also similar, as were the levels in their sludge. Of the total amounts of OPs entering the STPs, 50% was emitted to the recipients via the effluent. Hence, there is room for significant improvement in the treatment processes. Carps living in a pond, receiving STP effluent were found to contain relatively high levels of OPs compared to perch collected in lakes from background locations. Air and road traffic were also identified as sources of OPs: the concentration of total OPs in snow samples decreased with increasing distance from a major road intersection, and OPs were detected in aircraft lubricants and hydraulic fluids and in waste oil from cars and lorries. OPs are emitted from both diffuse and direct sources to the environment and may then be spread by long-range air transport, rivers and streams. This probably explains why OPs were also detected in air and fish from background locations. Finally, OPs are ubiquitous substances in both indoor and outdoor environments. The possibility that prolonged exposure to OPs at the levels found may cause adverse effects, for instance in aqueous organisms, cannot be excluded. For example, the OP levels in snow were of the same magnitude as reported effect concentrations. Similarly, in some premises, indoor exposure to OPs was close to the suggested guideline value. However, since these studies include only a limited number of samples, and data regarding the health and environmental effects of OPs are sparse, no definitive conclusions regarding their possible environmental effects can be drawn. / Den globala konsumtionen av organiska fosfatestrar (OP) för användning som flamskyddsmedel och mjukgörare har ökat kraftigt på senare tid. Det breda användningsområdet för dessa additiv medför en risk att de kan avges från de produkter de är satta till och transporteras vidare ut i miljön. Följaktligen undersöktes källor till, halter av, och fördelning i inom- och utomhusmiljöer av 15 OP, varav en del har toxiska effekter. Vidare har exponering för OP i bl.a bostäder och offentliga byggnader beräknats. Utöver detta undersöktes exponeringen för OP via inandning hos 5 yrkesgrupper. Slutligen användes resultaten för att uppskatta det totala flödet av OP i Sverige. I de olika inomhusmiljöerna uppmättes ett flertal OP i varierande halter i damm och luft, men generellt speglade halterna byggnadsmaterial, möbler etc. som fanns i lokalerna. De offentliga lokalerna tenderade att uppvisa högre halter än privata hus, förmodligen beroende på högre brandskyddskrav. Klorerade OP dominerade i inomhusluft samt i avstrykningsprov från fordon och förekom även i höga halter i damm. Vissa yrkesgrupper var exponerade för betydligt högre halter OP än andra, t.ex. exponerades flygtekniker för upp till 500 ggr högre lufthalter av tributylfosfat jämfört med förskollärare. I samband med våtskurning i inomhusmiljöer (hushåll, industrilokaler, osv.) släpps avsevärda mängder OP ut i avloppet och når till sist reningsverk. Oberoende av storlek på reningsverken var halterna av OP relativt lika, i vardera ingående vatten och slam, vilket indikerar en bred användning av OP i samhället. I vissa fall kunde specifika källor till OP i avloppsvattnet spåras. Exempelvis hade två av reningsverken högre halter av en klorerad OP jämfört med övriga reningsverk. Dessa behandlade vatten från en skumplastfabrik, respektive en fabrik som tillverkar flamskyddad färg. Avskiljningsgraden av OP från avloppsvatten visade sig generellt vara dålig, i synnerhet klorerade OP tenderade att passera genom reningsverken utan att degraderas eller avskiljas från vattnet. Av den mängd OP som nådde reningsverken släpptes 50 % ut till miljön via utflödet. Som ett resultat av detta uppvisade karpar från en damm påverkad av utflödet från ett reningsverk höga halter OP jämfört med abborrar från referenssjöar. Det finns därför anledning att förbättra tekniken på reningsverken. Flyg- och vägtrafik kunde också identifieras som källor till OP i miljön. OP uppmättes i hydrauloljor och smörjmedel för flygplan samt i spillolja från bilar och lastbilar. Vidare minskade totalhalten OP i snöprov med ökat avstånd från en större vägkorsning. OP släpps således ut från både diffusa och direkta källor och kan sedan spridas vidare via luft och vattendrag. Därmed var det inte förvånande att OP även påträffades i luft och fisk från bakgrundslokaler. Avslutningsvis förekommer OP i varierande halter i såväl inom- som utomhusmiljöer. Det kan inte uteslutas att långvarig exponering för de halter av OP som uppmätts skulle kunna orsaka negativa effekter hos t.ex vatten- eller jordlevande organismer. I smälta snöprov från en flygplats uppmättes exempelvis halter av OP i samma storleksordning som rapporterade effektkoncentrationer. Dessutom visade sig den beräknade exponeringen av OP, i några av de provtagna inomhuslokalerna, uppgå till halter nära det föreslagna riktvärdet för OP i Tyskland. Dessa studier inkluderar dock ett begränsat antal prov och provtyper och kunskapen om dessa föreningars miljö- och hälsoeffekter är bristfällig. Därför bedöms underlaget som för litet för att några definitiva slutsatser ska kunna dras angående OPs eventuella effekter på miljön.
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A procura de bactérias degradadoras de metamidofós. / Searching for methamidofos degrading bacteria.Cardona, Diana Maria Chica 27 September 2011 (has links)
O metamidofós é um inseticida organofosforado altamente tóxico por ser um forte inibidor da acetilcolinesterase, sendo utilizado em diversas culturas para o controle de pragas. Há poucas informações sobre a biodegradação deste composto disponíveis na literatura. Foram isoladas e caracterizadas 12 bactérias a partir de amostras de solo e água de uma área contaminada com metamidofós, as quais mostraram inicialmente capacidade de degradar o pesticida, utilizando-o como fonte de enxofre/nitrogênio e fósforo/enxofre. Estes isolados foram identificados por métodos de biologia molecular e pela caracterização do perfil lipídico da célula como pertencentes aos gêneros, Serratia, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas e Curtobacterium. Ensaios preliminares da cinética de degradação do metamidofós por GC/MS evidenciaram o consumo do pesticida pelas bactérias isoladas. A retomada destes ensaios após alguns meses de armazenamento em glicerol a -80ºC resultou na perda da capacidade de biodegradação do composto-alvo por causas não-identificadas. Fatores que podem ter contribuído para este resultado negativo incluem eventual perda de plasmídeos com partes das vias de biodegradação ou interferentes utilizados na estabilização do metamidofós. / Methamidophos is a strong acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and, therefore, a very toxic organophosphorus insecticide. This product has been widely employed for pest control in a variety of cultures, but little information is available about its biodegradation. 12 bacteria were isolated and characterized, from water and soil samples obtained from a site contaminated with methamidophos, which in preliminary tests showed the ability to degrade methamidophos, using it as a combined source of sulfur/nitrogen and/or phosphorus/sulfur. These isolates were identified by molecular biology methods and by characterization of its fatty acids profile as members of the genus Serratia, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas and Curtobacterium. The ability to biodegrade the compound was lost after prolonged storage at -80ºC for unknown reasons. It was hypothesized that this negative result may have occurred due to loss of plasmids or by interference of products used in the stabilization of commercial methamidophos formulations.
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Reações de obtenção de NOx empregado no processo Humifert para a produção de compostos organofosfatados. / NOx reactions applied in a organophosphated compounds production by Humifert process.Rodrigues, Vera Lucia 25 May 2011 (has links)
O processo Humifert é uma alternativa para produção de compostos fertilizantes fosfatados, com solubilização mais lenta do que os fertilizantes tradicionais, resultando em um tempo de nutrição da planta maior. No processo, utilizam-se rochas fosfáticas com algum tipo de limitação para o aproveitamento normal, seja pelos teores menores, seja por dificuldades de tratamento industrial dos minérios, além de materiais orgânicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi melhorar o equipamento existente no Instituto de Geociências, para tornar possível condições de produção de NOx, no Processo Humifert, capaz de produzir um teor de fósforo disponibilizado em condições controladas de processo. Empregando-se planejamento estatístico de experimentos foi possível selecionar as variáveis de entrada mais importantes ao processo (agitação da mistura de rocha fosfática, matéria orgânica e umidade, A codificada; temperatura de oxidação da amônia, B codificada; umidade da mistura, C codificada; porosidade da placa difusora, D codificada; vazão do ar auxiliar, E codificada). A análise estatística, também, permitiu construir modelos de regressão nos quais as influências das variáveis de processo foram sentidas na solubilidade do fósforo nos extratores: ácido cítrico, solução 2% (Pácido cítrico); água, (Págua); citrato neutro de amônio mais água, (PCNA+água). Estas últimas variáveis aqui denominadas de variáveis de saída ou de resposta. A manipulação dos referidos modelos permite obter o fertilizante de acordo com as necessidades da cultura e do solo. O estudo, também, permitiu concluir que a maior quantidade de fósforo disponível nos compostos organofosfatados foi o solúvel em ácido cítrico, portanto, a maior quantidade de compostos gerados encontra-se na melhor condição de disponibilidade pela planta. / Humiphert process is an alternative used for producing phosphated compound fertilizers with a slower solubilization when compared to other traditional fertilizers, resulting in a longer period of plant nutrition. During the process, phosphatic rocks are used along with some sort of limitation according to the normal development, both by their lower content percentage and by treatment of difficulties of industrial ores, besides organic materials. This work aim to improve an equipment existing at the Instituto de Geociências in order to find out the best process condition to produce NOX in Humifert process. This way, the process is able to produce an available phosphorus content under process conditions controlled. The process variables were select by using of experimental design. These variables were: agitation of phosphatic rock mixture (rock, organic material and humidity), A coded; ammonia oxidation temperature, B coded; humidity of mixture, C coded; porosity of the diffusing board, D coded; auxiliary air, E coded. Statistical analysis also allowed to build regression models in which the influences of process variables were felt in the solubility of phosphorus in the extractors: 2% solution of citric acid (Pacid Citric), water (Pwater); ammonium neutral citrate plus water (PCNA + water). These last variables here called output variable or response. The manipulation of these models allows to obtain the fertilizer according to the needs of the crop and soil. The study still conclude that the greater amount of available phosphorus in compound was soluble in citric acid, therefore, a greater amount of compounds generated is in the best condition of availability for the plant. The study still conclude that the greater amount of available phosphorus in the organophosphated compounds were soluble in citric acid. Therefore, the greater amount of compounds generated is in the best condition of availability for the plant.
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Reações de obtenção de NOx empregado no processo Humifert para a produção de compostos organofosfatados. / NOx reactions applied in a organophosphated compounds production by Humifert process.Vera Lucia Rodrigues 25 May 2011 (has links)
O processo Humifert é uma alternativa para produção de compostos fertilizantes fosfatados, com solubilização mais lenta do que os fertilizantes tradicionais, resultando em um tempo de nutrição da planta maior. No processo, utilizam-se rochas fosfáticas com algum tipo de limitação para o aproveitamento normal, seja pelos teores menores, seja por dificuldades de tratamento industrial dos minérios, além de materiais orgânicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi melhorar o equipamento existente no Instituto de Geociências, para tornar possível condições de produção de NOx, no Processo Humifert, capaz de produzir um teor de fósforo disponibilizado em condições controladas de processo. Empregando-se planejamento estatístico de experimentos foi possível selecionar as variáveis de entrada mais importantes ao processo (agitação da mistura de rocha fosfática, matéria orgânica e umidade, A codificada; temperatura de oxidação da amônia, B codificada; umidade da mistura, C codificada; porosidade da placa difusora, D codificada; vazão do ar auxiliar, E codificada). A análise estatística, também, permitiu construir modelos de regressão nos quais as influências das variáveis de processo foram sentidas na solubilidade do fósforo nos extratores: ácido cítrico, solução 2% (Pácido cítrico); água, (Págua); citrato neutro de amônio mais água, (PCNA+água). Estas últimas variáveis aqui denominadas de variáveis de saída ou de resposta. A manipulação dos referidos modelos permite obter o fertilizante de acordo com as necessidades da cultura e do solo. O estudo, também, permitiu concluir que a maior quantidade de fósforo disponível nos compostos organofosfatados foi o solúvel em ácido cítrico, portanto, a maior quantidade de compostos gerados encontra-se na melhor condição de disponibilidade pela planta. / Humiphert process is an alternative used for producing phosphated compound fertilizers with a slower solubilization when compared to other traditional fertilizers, resulting in a longer period of plant nutrition. During the process, phosphatic rocks are used along with some sort of limitation according to the normal development, both by their lower content percentage and by treatment of difficulties of industrial ores, besides organic materials. This work aim to improve an equipment existing at the Instituto de Geociências in order to find out the best process condition to produce NOX in Humifert process. This way, the process is able to produce an available phosphorus content under process conditions controlled. The process variables were select by using of experimental design. These variables were: agitation of phosphatic rock mixture (rock, organic material and humidity), A coded; ammonia oxidation temperature, B coded; humidity of mixture, C coded; porosity of the diffusing board, D coded; auxiliary air, E coded. Statistical analysis also allowed to build regression models in which the influences of process variables were felt in the solubility of phosphorus in the extractors: 2% solution of citric acid (Pacid Citric), water (Pwater); ammonium neutral citrate plus water (PCNA + water). These last variables here called output variable or response. The manipulation of these models allows to obtain the fertilizer according to the needs of the crop and soil. The study still conclude that the greater amount of available phosphorus in compound was soluble in citric acid, therefore, a greater amount of compounds generated is in the best condition of availability for the plant. The study still conclude that the greater amount of available phosphorus in the organophosphated compounds were soluble in citric acid. Therefore, the greater amount of compounds generated is in the best condition of availability for the plant.
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Resistência de populações do caruncho do milho a inseticidas fosforados / Organophosphate resistance in maize weevil populationsFreitas, Célia de Jesus Pereira 16 July 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-07-16 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is an important pest of stored maize because of the losses caused. This insect has been studied for responding to selection pressure for insecticide resistance, which impairs its control. In the present study, we carried out a survey of physiological and behavioral resistance to two organophosphate insecticides in 15 populations of S. zeamais collected in Brazil and Paraguay and investigated if differences in population growth, body size and metabolic rate were associated with the resistance. The insects were maintained in the laboratory, and concentration-mortality bioassays were conducted to determine lethal concentrations with 48 hours of exposure. Behavioral resistance was studied by recording the walking behavior on insecticide-treated and untreated surfaces and determining the distance walked, speed, resting time, and proportion of time spent on the treated surface. The instantaneous rate of population growth (ri) was determined, and so was the maize consumption for 90 days, body mass, and production of CO2 as indicative of the metabolic rate of the insects. Results of the concentration-mortality bioassays indicated variations in susceptibility to methyl clorpiriphos (≤ 6,06x) and fenitrothion (≤ 7,71x) relative to the standard susceptible population (Sete Lagoas), but these resistance levels are low and should not cause control failures in the field. The walking behavior on treated surfaces also varied among the populations, but no clear evidence of repellency was detected and no significant correlation was observed between physiological and behavioral resistance. The instantaneous rate of population increase and the respiratory rate were similar among the populations although there were differences in food consumption and body mass of the insects. Importantly, none of these four traits correlated with organophosphate resistance in the populations studied, suggesting absence of detectable fitness costs. We can conclude that the levels of resistance to methyl clorpiriphos and fenitrothion are low, and the physiological resistance in these populations is independent of the behavioral resistance. Furthermore, and even due to the low levels of organophosphate resistance detected, no fitness costs associated with insecticide resistance seems to occur. / Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. (Coleoptera: Curculionidade) é reconhecidamente importante pelos danos causados a grãos de milho armazenados. Essa espécie tem sido bastante estudada por responder à pressão de seleção para resistência a inseticidas, dificultando seu controle. Neste trabalho foi realizado um levantamento da resistência fisiológica e comportamental a dois inseticidas organofosforados em 15 populações de S. zeamais coletadas em vários estados do Brasil e no Paraguai e investigado se características corporais, metabólicas e demográficas estão associadas à resistência. Os insetos foram mantidos em laboratório e testados mediante bioensaios de concentração-mortalidade para determinação de doses letais com 48 horas de exposição. Insetos de cada população foram também submetidos a ensaios de caminhamento em superfície tratada e não-tratada com inseticida para detecção de resistência comportamental, onde foi avaliada a distância caminhada, a velocidade de caminhamento, o tempo em repouso e a proporção de tempo em que os insetos permaneceram sobre a superfície tratada. Foram também determinados a taxa instantânea de crescimento populacional (ri), e o consumo alimentar de milho por 90 dias, além da massa corporal dos indivíduos de cada população estudada. Determinou-se ainda a produção de CO2 como indicativo da taxa metabólica dos insetos. Os resultados dos bioensaios de concentração-mortalidade indicaram variação de suscetibilidade a clorpirifós-metílico (≤ 6,06x) e fenitrotiom (≤ 7,71x) em relação à população padrão de suscetibilidade (Sete Lagoas). Entretanto, este baixo nível de resistência não deve ser alarmante a ponto de levar a falhas de controle no campo e nem parece haver um padrão de distribuição espacial da mesma. As características comportamentais de caminhamento na área tratada variaram entre as populações, embora não pareça haver repelência pelos inseticidas. Não se detectou diferença significativa na taxa instantânea de crescimento populacional e nem na taxa respiratória dos insetos, apesar de haver diferenças de consumo alimentar e massa corporal dos insetos das diferentes populações. É importante salientar que nenhuma dessas quatro características esteve associada com a resistência a inseticidas apresentada pelas populações, indicando que a incipiente resistência aos fosforados das populações estudadas parece não estar associada a custos adaptativos. Pode-se concluir que os níveis de resistência a clorpirifós-metílico e fenitrotiom detectados neste estudo são baixos e a presença de resistência fisiológica nas populações é independente da resistência comportamental. Além disto, e até em função dos baixos níveis de resistência observados, não há indícios de custos adaptativos associados à resistência.
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