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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pyroxene stability within kimberlite magma in the upper mantle : an experimental investigation

Burness, Sara 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Entrainment and assimilation of xenolithic material during kimberlite ascent is considered to be important in shaping the chemistry of the magma and fuelling magma ascent by driving CO2 exsolution. Previous, but as yet unpublished experimental work from Stellenbosch University has demonstrated that orthopyroxene has a key role in this. Orthopyroxene is a very rare xenocrystic constituent of kimberlite but makes up a considerable fraction of the entrained xenolithic material. The initial study used a natural kimberlite composition (ADF1) doped with a peridotite mineral suite (by weight); 88 % ADF1 5% olivine, 5% orthopyroxene and 2% garnet-spinel intergrowth as a starting composition. The subsequent high PT experiments (1100 to 1300°C and 2.0 to 3.5GPa) established that equilibrium orthopyroxene is stable at 1100°C above 2.5GPa, at 1200°C above 2.5GPa and at 1300°C between 2.0 and 3.5GPa. At lower pressures orthopyroxene is completely digested by the experimental melt by the reaction; Mg2Si2O6 (opx) = Mg2SiO4 (ol) + SiO2 (in liquid). In contrast, clinopyroxene is a common phase in kimberlite and often occurs as more than one generation of crystals. Xenocrystic clinopyroxene is dominated by diopside compositions. However, rare omphacite is sometimes also inherited from an eclogite source. The Omphacite, like orthopyroxene, displays textural evidence of severe disequilibrium and may also contribute to the evolution of kimberlitic melt. Thus, a second study produced experiments on the ADF1 kimberlite material at upper mantle PT conditions (1100 to 1300°C and 2.0 to 4.0GPa) as well as an omphacite doped starting material (ADF1+O). These experiments examine the behaviour of pyroxene in kimberlite magma including the influence this may have on magma buoyancy. Within this PT range omphacitic clinopyroxene breaks-down via complex multipart reactions. At 1100°C and 2.0GPa reaction textures around remnant omphacite suggest that omphacite melts incongruently in a complex reaction similar to: Omp + Melt = Ap + Cr-diop + SiO2-enriched Melt. At 1300°C omphacite melts completely and is perceived to produce peritectic Cr-diopside, calcium-rich olivine, carbonate in the melt as well as enrich the melt in SiO2. The melts produced by both the ADF1+O and ADF1 compositions at 1300°C and 4.0GPa are reduced in SiO2 content and have increased TiO2, Cr2O3, Al2O3, MnO, CaO, K2O and P2O5 compared to their respective starting compositions. However, significantly higher proportions of Ca, Na and Fe observed within the ADF1+O melt is a direct consequence of omphacite melting. The ADF1+O starting composition produced equilibrium orthopyroxene above 1100°C and 4.0GPa as well as at 1300°C above 2.0GPa. At lower pressure the orthopyroxene melts incongruently to form peritectic olivine and more silica-rich melt compositions. This digestion favours CO2 exsolution. The effect of orthopyroxene melting can be seen in the melt compositions produced by the peridotite doped starting material (ADF1+P) of the initial study. At 1300°C and 2.0GPa, ADF1+P produced a siliceous melt (37.0 wt.% SiO2) enriched in Al and alkalis compared to the starting ADF1+P composition. This behaviour is directly attributed to xenocrystic orthopyroxene melting at high temperature. In contrast, at the same PT the original kimberlite (ADF1) composition produces a melt with 28.9 wt.% SiO2 and high Ca and Mg contents. Overall, with an increase in pressure the melts become enriched in alkalis and Al2O3 as a direct result of xenocrystic pyroxene melting. In addition, increased pressure allows for a greater solubility of CO2 within the melt. This results in a lower SiO2 melt content and the increased stabilization of equilibrium silica-rich mineral phases (i.e. olivine and equilibrium orthopyroxene). Within the peridotite doped static system (unpublished) the mineral separates with an average crystal size of 115μm ±10μm were all effectively digested in less than 48hours. Similarly, the omphacite doped experiments consumed the 150μm (±10μm) xenocrysts in under 24 hours. Thus, it is suggested that xenocrystic pyroxene is unstable in these experimental kimberlitic melt compositions and is likely to be efficiently assimilated in less than 24 hours. These experimental melts most likely resemble those of natural systems under upper mantle PT conditions. Therefore, pyroxene melting increases the silica content of the melt which in turn drives CO2 exsolution and ascent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Meevoering en assimilasie van xenolitiese materiaal gedurenende kimberliet bestyging is beskou as belangrik in verband met die vorming van die chemie van die magma, en bevorder magma bestyging deur die aandrywing van CO2 ontmenging. Vorige, maar ongepubliseerde eksperimentele werk vanaf Stellenbosch Universiteit het gedemonstreer dat ortopirokseen ‘n sleutelrol hierin het, omrede ortopirokseen ‘n baie skaars xenokristiese bestanddeel van kimberliet is maar ‘n aansienlike fraksie van die meevoerde xenolitiese materiaal moet opmaak. Hierdie studie het ‘n natuurlike primere kimberliet komposisie (ADFI) gedoop met ‘n peridotiet mineraal reeks (per gewig); 88 % ADF1 5% olivien, 5% ortopirokseen en 2% granaat-spinel ingroeiing as begin komposisie gebruik. Die daaropvolgende hoë DT eksperimente (1100 tot 1300°C en 2.0 tot 3.5GPa) het vasgestel dat ewewigsortopirokseen stabiel is teen 1100°C bo 2.5GPa, 1200°C bo 2.5GPa en teen 1300°C vanaf 2.0 tot 3.5Gpa. Teen laer druk word ortopirokseen geheel verteer deur die eksperimentele smelting volgens die reaksie Mg2Si2O6 (opx) = Mg2SiO4 (ol) + SiO2 (in vloeistof). In kontras hiermee is clinopirokseen algemeen in kiemberliet en kom dikwels voor as meer as een generasie se kristalle. Diopsiet komposisies domineer xenokristiese klinopirokseen. Seldsame omfasiet is tog somtyds ook geërf vanaf ‘n eklogiet bron. Die omfasiet, soos ortopirokseen, vertoon teksturuele bewys van ernstige disekwilibrium en mag ook bydra tot die evolusie van kimberlitiese smelt. Dus was daar addisionele eksperimente uitgevoer op die ADF1 kimberliet material teen hoër mantel DT kondisies (1100 tot 1300°C en 2.0 tot 4.0GPa), asook ‘n begin materiaal gedoop met omfasiet (ADF1+O). Hierdie eksperimente ondersoek die gedrag van pirokseen in kiemberliet magma, asook die invloed wat dit sal hê op die dryfvermoë van die magma. Binne hierdie DT reeks breek omfasitiese klinopirokseen af via komplekse multideel reaksie prosesse. Teen 1100°C en 2.0Gpa stel reaksie teksture rondom die oorblywende omfasiet voor dat omfasiet ongelykvormig smelt deur ‘n komplekse reaksie soortgelyk aan: Omp + Smelt = Ap + Cr-diop + SiO2-verrykde Smelt. Teen 1300°C smelt omfasiet volkome en is waargeneem om peritektiese Cr-diopsiet, kalsiumryke olivien en kalsiet te produseer, sowel as dat dit die smelt verryk in SiO2. Die smeltings geprodiseer deur die ADF1+O en ADF1 massa komposisies teen 1300°C en 4.0GPa is verlaag in SiO2 inhoud en bevat verhoogde TiO2, Cr2O3, Al2O3, MnO, CaO, K2O en P2O5 in vergelyking met die onderskeie begin komposisies. Aansienlike hoër proporsies van Ca, Na en Fe is egter waargeneem in die ADF1+O smelt en is ‘n direkte gevolg van die smelting van omfasiet. Die ADF1+O begin samestelling het ewewigsortopirokseen bo 1100°C en 4.0Gpa geproduseer en massa teen 1300°C en 2.0 tot 4.0GPa. Teen laer druk smelt hierdie pirokseen inkongruent om peritektiese olivien en meer silika-ryke smelt samestellings te vorm, en ontmeng CO2. Die effek van ortopirokseen smelting kan aanskou word in die smelt samestellings wat produseer is deur die begin materiaal wat gedoop is in peridotiet (ADF1+P), in die oorspronklike studie. Teen 1300°C en 2.0GPa het ADF1+P ‘n silikahoudende smelt (37.0 wt.% SiO2) produseer wat verryk is in Al en alkalies in vergelyking met die ADF1+P massa samestelling. Hierdie gedrag is direk toegeskryf aan die xenokristiese ortopirokseen wat smelt teen hoë temperatuur. In kontras hiermee, teen dieselfde DT kondisies produseer die oorspronklike kiemberliet (ADF1) massa ‘n smelt met 28.86 gewigspersentasie SiO2 en hoë Ca en Mg inhoud. In die algeheel word die smeltings verryk in alkalies en Al2O3 teen verhoogde druk as ‘n derekte gevolg van xenokristiese pirokseen smelting. Verder laat verhoogde druk toe vir hoër oplosbaarheid van CO2 in die smelt, wat lei tot laer SiO2 inhoud en ‘n toename in stabilisering van ewewigs silika-ryke mineraal fases (dws. olivien en ewewigsortopirokseen). In die peridotiet gedoopde statiese sisteem (ongepubliseerd), was die mineraal skeiding met ‘n gemiddelde kristal grootte van 115μm ±10μm almal effektief verteer in minder as 48 ure. Soortgelyk hieraan het die omfasiet gedoopde eksperimente die 150μm (±10μm) sade onder 24 ure verteer. Dus stel dit voor dat xenokristiese pirokseen in naatuurlike sisteme onstabiel is in kiemberlietiese smelt samestellings en sal waarskynlik geassimileer wees in miner as 24 ure en ‘n meer silica-ryke kiemberlietiese smelt samestelling produseer terwyl dit CO2, ontmenging en bestyging aandryf.

Orthopyroxene stability within Kimberlite magma : an experimental investigation

Jacobs, Daniel A. B. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The common presence of large volumes of coarse-grained olivine in kimberlite magmas has been proposed to attest to the volume of mantle xenolith material that has been disaggregated during the ascent of the magma. Orthopyroxene should constitute 10-50 vol% of mantle xenoliths in kimberlites, some of which must be disaggregated into the kimberlite, yet it is typically absent. This work tests the stability of orthopyroxene in ascending kimberlite magma by conducting experiments at pressures between 2.0 and 3.5 GPa and temperatures between 1100 and 1300°C. The starting material consisted of natural hypabyssal kimberlite that is close in composition to primary group I kimberlite magma with 5wt% orthopyroxene sourced from a natural peridotite added. At higher temperatures and pressures it is seen that orthopyroxene quantities exceed that of the starting material, but at lower temperatures and pressures it is absent. These results indicate that orthopyroxene is not stable in the magma composition investigated within the shallower part of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle. Based on increased olivine volumes in the experiments where orthopyroxene disappeared, as well as textural relationships between olivine and orthopyroxene, it is found that orthopyroxene dissolution is incongruent along the reaction Mg2Si2O6 (opx) = Mg2SiO4 (ol) + SiO2 (in the liquid). It is concluded that this reaction leads to a maximum addition of 5.5 vol% peritectic olivine to the kimberlite as it ascends through the depths equivalent to a pressure window of 2.0 to 3.5 GPa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: The common presence of large volumes of coarse-grained olivine in kimberlite magmas has been proposed to attest to the volume of mantle xenolith material that has been disaggregated during the ascent of the magma. Orthopyroxene should constitute 10-50 vol% of mantle xenoliths in kimberlites, some of which must be disaggregated into the kimberlite, yet it is typically absent. This work tests the stability of orthopyroxene in ascending kimberlite magma by conducting experiments at pressures between 2.0 and 3.5 GPa and temperatures between 1100 and 1300°C. The starting material consisted of natural hypabyssal kimberlite that is close in composition to primary group I kimberlite magma with 5wt% orthopyroxene sourced from a natural peridotite added. At higher temperatures and pressures it is seen that orthopyroxene quantities exceed that of the starting material, but at lower temperatures and pressures it is absent. These results indicate that orthopyroxene is not stable in the magma composition investigated within the shallower part of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle. Based on increased olivine volumes in the experiments where orthopyroxene disappeared, as well as textural relationships between olivine and orthopyroxene, it is found that orthopyroxene dissolution is incongruent along the reaction Mg2Si2O6 (opx) = Mg2SiO4 (ol) + SiO2 (in the liquid). It is concluded that this reaction leads to a maximum addition of 5.5 vol% peritectic olivine to the kimberlite as it ascends through the depths equivalent to a pressure window of 2.0 to 3.5 GPa.

Rhéologie d'agrégats olivine-orthopyroxène sous haute pression / Rheology of olivine-orthopyroxene aggregates at high pressure

Proietti, Arnaud 22 January 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à la rhéologie de deux des principaux minéraux du manteau supérieur terrestre : l'olivine et l'orthopyroxène. Dans un premier temps, des agrégats polycristallins à grains fins (entre 100 nm et 5 &m) d'olivine et de pyroxène ont été synthétisés par frittage flash (Spark Plasma Sintering) ainsi que par frittage sous vide. Ces échantillons ont ensuite été déformés à des pressions comprises entre 2 et 6 GPa dans des presses de typeD-DIA, installées sur des lignes de lumière des synchrotrons NSLS et ESRF afin d'avoir une mesure in situ de la contrainte différentielle et de la déformation. L'effet de la pression sur la plasticité basse température de l'olivine a été étudié à température ambiante (ligne ID06 du synchrotron ESRF, Grenoble). Les mécanismes de déformation à haute température de l'olivine et de l'orthopyroxène ont également été étudiés, pour des températures comprises entre 900 et 1200°C (ligne X17B2 du synchrotron NSLS, New York). Les données mécaniques ainsi que l'analyse des microstructures par EBSD, suggèrent une déformation par fluage diffusion. Des lois rhéologiques incluant l'effet de la pression, de la température, de la contrainte et de la taille de grain ont été déterminées pour les deux minéraux. A ces conditions, le pyroxène est moins visqueux que l'olivine. Enfin, des échantillons biphasés, avec un rapport volumique Ol/Px de 70/30 et 80/20, ont été déformés. La contrainte différentielle calculée dans chacune des deux phases suggère la contribution d'un second mécanisme de déformation en plus du fluage diffusion, en accord avec les observations microstructurales. / This thesis presents our work on the rheology of two of the main minerals of the upper mantle: olivine and orthopyroxene. First, fined-grained polycrystalline aggregates (with grain sizes between 100 nm and 5 &m) of olivine and pyroxene were synthesized by Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) and vacuumsintering. The samples were then deformed at pressures between 2 and 6 GPa in D-DIA presses installed on synchrotrons X-ray beamlines at NSLS and ESRF so thatmeasurements of the differential stress and strain could be obtained in situ. The influence of pressure on low-temperature plasticity of olivine was studied at room temperature (ID06 beamline, ESRF synchrotron, Grenoble). High-temperature deformation mechanisms of olivine and orthopyroxene were also studied between 900 and 1200°C (X17B2 beamline, NSLS synchrotron, New York). Mechanical results and microstructural analysis by EBSD suggest a deformation by diffusion creep. Rheological laws including the effect of pressure, temperature, differential stress and grain size were determined for each mineral. Under these conditions, orthopyroxene appears less viscous than olivine. Finally, two-phase aggregates (Ol/Px volume ration of 80/20 and 70/30) were also deformed. Differential stress, estimated in each phase, indicates the contribution of a second deformation mechanism, in agreement with microstructural observations.

Electrical conductivity and hydrogen diffusion in synthetic orthopyroxene single-crystals / Elektrische Leitfähigkeit und Wasserstoffdiffusion in synthetischen Orthopyroxen Einkristallen

Schlechter, Elke 17 February 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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