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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sankcionování právnických osob / Sanctioning of legal persons

Kratochvílová, Kateřina January 2020 (has links)
Sanctioning of legal persons Abstract This thesis focuses on criminal responsibility of legal persons, with an emphasis on sanctioning. The thesis examines the Act No. 418/2011 Coll., On Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and the Proceedings against them (hereinafter as "the Act"). Further it evaluates how is the Act applied by the courts and what are the problems resulting from the application of the Act, with focus on sanctioning. The thesis further proposes ideas for improvements, including changes in legislation de lege ferenda. The diploma thesis consists of three parts. In the first part the author addresses the basic concepts of criminal responsibility of legal persons, its roots in foreign and international law, and the development of the concept in the Czech Republic. This part further describes the basic institutes of corporate criminal liability, including imputability of criminal act to the legal person, followed by explanation of the concept of exculpation and related case law. Part Two focuses on sanctioning of legal persons from the theoretical perspective. It addresses the basic institutes of sanctioning of legal persons, the purpose and the principles of sanctioning, followed by the analysis of each sanction included in the Czech Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and the...

Odpovědnost fyzických osob za přestupky / Liability of natural persons for administrative infractions

Mattauchová, Marie January 2020 (has links)
The topic of the submitted diploma thesis is the liability of natural persons for administrative delicts as one of the traditional subjects of administrative criminal law. Given that liability of natural persons for administrative delicts is based on the same concept as the previous legislation, even after the adoption of Act No. 250/2016 Coll., On Liability for Administrative Delicts and Proceedings, the author of this work chose only some previously unknown institutes and the problems associated with them. Specifically, the author focused on the analysis of the current legal regulation of complicity, indirect perpetration and participation, and especially on the differences compared to their regulation in substantive criminal law. However, in order to give the treatise on the relevant institutes the form of a more complex whole, the author decided to place this legal analysis in the context of a more general issue - the position of a natural person as the perpetrator of an administrative delict. The structure of the thesis is based in three basic chapters. The first chapter deals with the very basis of this legal responsibility, i.e., the concept of an administrative delict and a brief description of its conceptual features. The second chapter focuses on the very subject of this work, namely on...

Teoretická koncepce právního jednání právnické osoby / Theoretical concept of legal acts of juristic person

Holcová, Eliška January 2021 (has links)
Theoretical concept of legal acts of juristic person Abstract This diploma thesis aims to analyze the legal acts of juristic persons from a theoretical point of view and also what practical implications this concept brings. It is divided into three chapters, while the first chapter is divided into three subchapters and is devoted to basic concepts in law and their concept in connection with juristic person. The first subchapter deals with legal personality, especially the subjectivity of a juristic person. The second subchapter deals with legal acts and how legal acts differs from behavior. The third subchapter focuses on legal capacity. Particular emphasis is placed on the legal capacity of juristic persons and on whether it is possible to speak of legal capacity in their context. The second chapter is divided into two subchapters. The first subchapter concerns the development of the very concept of a juristic person. The second subchapter describes selected theories of juristic persons. These are theories of will, interest, combined and modern theories, with emphasis on the theory of fiction and organic theory. The conclusion of the second chapter consists of a treatise on how the theory of fiction and organic theory have been reflected in the Czech legal system over time. The third chapter deals with...

Potřeby pracovníků intervenčních center při práci s ohroženými osobami / Needs of intervention center workers at work with persons threatened by domestic violence

Kadlecová, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Needs of intervention center workers at work with persons threatened by domestic violence" defines basic concepts in the theoretical section that relate to topic - violence, abuse, domestic violence, violent person, threatened person, expulsed person, expulsion. The thesis also defines characteristics of working with threatened persons and the status of intervention centers in the system of services. Besides that, it deals with the authorization of the institutions that provide support and help to threatened persons. In detail talks about social service - intervention center - focusing on its mission, target group, the statutory duties and interdisciplinary cooperation. Experience from abroad, that was originally the source of inspiration for building the intervention centers in the Czech Republic, is surveyed. The practical section presents the results of the research that was focused on the intervention centers workers in Czech Republic. The aim of the research was to find out to what extent their needs at work with threatened persons are satisfied. The system of basic developmental needs (Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor) by Albert Pesso and Diane Boyden-Pesso was used to define the needs. The results of the research lead to the conclusion that intervention center workers needs...

Právní úprava fyzických osob v obecném zákoníku občanském a v současném občanském zákoníku / Legal regulation of natural persons in the General Civil Code and in the current Civil Code

Stromšík, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
Legal regulation of natural persons in the Civil Code of Austria and in the current Civil Code of the Czech Republic Abstract This dissertation thesis brings a comprehensive historical perspective on the development of the concept of a person in the legal sense in the territory of the Czech lands. A great part of the thesis deals with the philosophical definition of this term and examines the natural legal bases of this issue. Emphasis is placed on the comparison of the legal regulation of natural persons in the Civil Code of Austria (ABGB) which was enacted in 1811 and the Czech Civil Code from 2012. The authors of the new Civil Code designate as the ideological source of the recodification the draft of the Czechoslovak Civil Code from 1937, which was de facto modern revision of the ABGB, so it is important to take into account the relevant ABGB provisions when interpreting the new Civil Code. It is also important to take into account the historical origins of these provisions, while also examining how their interpretation has evolved over time. In this dissertation thesis there is also quite a large space devoted to the issue of personality protection. Some of the most important provisions of the new Czech Civil Code and the Civil Code of Austria are again compared. Great attention is paid to the...

Trestní řízení proti právnickým osobám / Criminal proceedings against legal persons

Glinkina, Jekatěrina January 2021 (has links)
1 Criminal proceedings against legal persons Abstract On the first of January 2012, criminal liability of legal entities was finally established in the Czech Republic. This happened with effectiveness of the Act No. 418/2011 Coll., on the Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and Proceedings against them. This event significantly influenced Czech Criminal Law and caused a great stir. There has been both praise and criticism of the adoption of this law. Despite the fact that almost ten years have passed since that day and the Act itself has been amended by more than ten amendments, it has undergone extensive development, both in terms of interpretation and application. This thesis is devoted to the issue of criminal proceedings against legal persons, which in the Czech legal system is regulated in general mainly by the Act No. 141/1961 Coll., on Criminal Procedure and further modified by the special Act on Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and Proceedings against them. In a total of six chapters, the author of this thesis discusses in detail not only individual special aspects of proceedings against legal persons, but also addresses the basic issues of this type of proceedings, which are regulated in the general legislation. The author also focuses on the practical aspects of conducting such proceedings and...

La responsabilité et l'accomplissement de la personne : approche du personnalisme de Karol Wojtyla

Couture, Daniel 18 February 2022 (has links)
Le philosophe ne peut éviter de s'occuper d'une façon ou d'une autre de l'être humain. Pour l'auteur dont nous avons choisi d'aborder la pensée, l'être humain est une personne. D'ailleurs, tout discours éthique la présuppose. Mais, pour Karol Wojtyla, il importe de la voir "apparaître" dans l'acte humain. L'acte révèle la personne, la richesse phénoménologique de ce "fait" est à la base de Osoba i czyn, ouvrage d'une toute première importance pour ce travail. La personne accomplissant un acte est appelée à s'accomplir elle-même en cet acte. La personne doit s'accomplir, c'est là le cœur et la racine de la responsabilité. Nous présentons ici certaines figures incontournables de la responsabilité et comment le monde devrait se trouver pour que nous la rencontrions.

Trestní řízení proti právnickým osobám / Criminal Proceedings against Legal persons

Chovanec, Štěpán January 2014 (has links)
Chovanec, Š. Criminal proceedings against legal entities Criminal proceedings against legal entities represent a significant innovation for Czech criminal procedure law. Adoption of Act nř 418/2011, about Criminal liability of legal entities and criminal proceedings against them, is considered as acceptance of the world's phenomenon of enactment of the institute of Criminal liability of legal entities. The lawmaker had chosen a special regulation for criminal proceedings against legal entities which however does not describe the issues solely. So the Penal Code is considered subsidiary applicable regardless it does regulate criminal proceedings against a natural person. The author of this text deals with risks and potential problems connected to this construct. The author of this text describes selected aspects of criminal proceedings against legal entities from its beginning to the enforcement proceeding.

Vliv představitelnosti slov na osvojování slovních tvarů v češtině / Effects of Word Imageability on the Acquisition of Grammatical Morphology in Czech Children

Kříž, Adam January 2013 (has links)
(in English): In many studies there was demonstrated that word's imageability - the ability of a word to produce a mental image of it's referent - affects the processing of its inflection (e.g. Prado - Ullman, 2009), its acquisition (e.g. McDonough et al., 2011) and the acquisition of grammatical morphemes (Smolík, in press). This thesis builds on the Smolík's paper, and its goal is to test whether the imageability of a word's stem influences the acquisition of its inflections in Czech children. Word imageability ratings and ratings of other variables that were assumed to affect the process of the acquisition of word inflections, were collected, then questionnaires were distributed to parents to examine how the forms of chosen words are acquired by children. The focus was on the acquisition of nominative plural of nouns, present tense in second person and past tense of verbs. The results show that the imageability significantly predicts the age of acquisition of the nominative in singular and all observed forms of verbs. The absence of the imegability effect on the acquisition of nominative in plural may be due to the overall high imageability and thus reduced variability of ratings in nouns in our dataset. Two possible explanations of the imageability effect on the acqusition of morphological...

Problematika ucelené rehabilitace v sociální práci / Social work at the context of the comprehensive rehabilitation of people with disabilities

Kačur, Ivan January 2018 (has links)
AJ In my theses I look into the problematic of comprehensive rehabilitation of people with health handicap from the perspective of social work by two different ways. Once as a trial to connect all the rehabilitation segments into one comprehensive by the law shielded unity with a goal to achieve the highest possible function potential of individual and the widest possible integration of person, once as a local welfare mix site of services with rehabilitation character with the same goal as in the first case. At the researche part I will focuse on a role of social workers in the institution of Jedličkův ústav a školy and Centrum služeb Vyšehrad, considered as institution providing services of comprehensive rehabilitation.

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