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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trestněprávní odpovědnost ve zdravotnictví / Criminal Liability in Medical Law

Musilová, Barbora January 2018 (has links)
Criminal liability in medical law This diploma thesis deals with a criminal liability in medical law, especially with a criminal liability of providers of healthcare, which are not only individuals, but also legal entities. This thesis also compares Czech criminal and medical law with criminal and medical regulations in the Russian Federation. The thesis itself is divided into three chapters, which are subdivided into several sections. In the first chapter the criminal liability in medical law is analysed generally. It concerns general aspects of criminal liability, possible crimes, conditions under with healtcare services may be provided without any criminal sanction and other types of liability in medical law, such as civil, labour, administrative and disciplinary liablities. It introduces into criminal law and medical law in the Russian Federation. The second chapter defines providers of healthcare and shows those providers as possible subjects of criminal liability. It also describes the system of healthcare in the Czech Republic and compares it with the extensive system of healthcare in Russia. The criminal liability of legal entities is presented in chapter three. The Czech legislation from the year 2016 regarding the criminal liability of legal entities is discussed in consideration of...

Zaměstnávání osob se zdravotním postižením / Employment of persons with disabilities

Černá, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
1 Employment of persons with disabilities Abstract This thesis deals with the employment of people with disabilities. People with disabilities belong to the society with specific needs. These needs have to be taken into account when these people are employed. This thesis focuses on taking into account the specific needs of this group of employees and discusses the possibilities of making them succesful on the labor market. The aim of this work is to evaluate the employment of people with disabilities both from the theoretical and practical point of view and to create an overview of how the employment of people with disabilities is taking place and what it means for their employers. For this reason, the thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is systematically divided into eight chapters. The first chapter deals with characteristics of basic concepts related to this topic. The second chapter deals with international and European legislation of the employment of people with disabilities. The third chapter provides information on Czech legislation, the constitutional basis of the rights of people with disability is defined here and the Anti-Discrimination Act, along with other regulations dealing with this issue. The fourth chapter deals with the regulation of...

Trestní řízení proti právnickým osobám / Criminal Proceedings against Legal Entities

Findejsová, Adéla January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on a comprehensive analysis of criminal proceedings against legal entities using Act No. 141/1961 Coll., On Criminal Procedure (Criminal Procedure Code) in combination with Act No. 418/2011 Coll., On Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings against them. The adoption of Act No. 418/2011 Coll., On Criminal Liability of Legal Entities and Proceedings against them, introduced criminal liability of legal entities into the legal order of the Czech Republic since 1st January 2012 but the institute of criminal liability of legal entities is constantly evolving to respond to the needs of society. The diploma thesis is conceived from a procedural point of view with the current use of the substantive bases of the issue of criminal liability of legal entities. The thesis further explains important terms and outlines the development of criminal liability of legal entities in the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to provide a comprehensive view of phases of criminal proceedings against legal entities and to evaluate selected problematic aspects of the legal regulation which are accordance with the interpretation of the professional public and with the developing jurisprudence of the domestic courts. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first three are...

Sankcionování právnických osob / Sanctioning of legal person

Hron, David January 2019 (has links)
1 Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the analysis of the issue of sanctioning of legal persons as well as with selected aspects of criminal liability of legal persons. The main reason why I chose this topic is my deep interest in analyzing the discussed issues together with the evaluation of the current state of the Act No. 418/2011 Coll., On Criminal Liability of Legal Persons and the Proceedings against them, and on the basis of this evaluation to submit proposals for improvement. At the beginning of this work, the reader will find a presentation of the basic structure, along with an outline of the main goals of the thesis, and then it will be divided into five basic chapters. The first chapter defines the basic concepts of criminal liability of legal persons related to their sanctioning. There is a theoretical definition of a legal person due to the absence of a definition of this term in czech criminal law. After defining the theoretical basis of criminal liability of legal persons, the development of this institute is outlined, together with the question of sanctioning the legal persons that are primarily involved in this work. The second chapter focuses on the development of criminal liability of legal persons. Due to the fact that origin of the criminal liability of legal persons is in the...

Problematiky osob se zdravotním postižením a jejich postavení na trhu práce na Táborsku

Holubová, Monika Bc. January 2007 (has links)
V teoretické části jsou obecně popsány principy sociální politiky, specifika trhu práce a politika zaměstnanosti. Jsou zde vymezeny pojmy související se zdravotním postižením a nastíněny změny v novém zákoníku práce týkající se osob se zdravotním handicapem. V praktické části je popsána činnost úřadu práce v Táboře a dalších organizací podporujících zdravotně postižené občany. Text je prokládán statistikami získanými z úřadu práce. Dále je zmapován trh práce z hlediska největších zaměstnavatelů zdravotně postižených v regionu Tábor. V závěru praktické části je vyhotovena SWOT analýza a na jejím základě doporučena strategie zaměřená na silné stránky a příležitosti.

Zaměstnávání osob se zdravotním postižením / Employment of persons with disabilities

Králová, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
Title of thesis: Employment of persons with disabilities Abstrakt v anglickém jazyce Persons with disabilities are a vulnerable group of citizens, and not only in terms of employment. Finding their spot in the labor market is made difficult by their handicap and often by low or incomplete education. That is why legislation is in place to help them compensate for their initial disadvantage by raising them to the same level as the rest of job seekers. The goals of this thesis are to analyze and evaluate the current regulation of the employment of people with disabilities, and to research the practical side of this issue in the current labor market. The thesis tries to find out the forms of assistance offered to persons with disabilities and the actual employment options open to these persons. The thesis consists of four chapters. The first chapter defines the basic terms. Particular attention is paid to the definition of a person with disabilities, both in the context of international and European law and within the Czech legal system. The second chapter deals in detail with the principle of equal treatment and non- discrimination in the context of labor law in general, as well as specifically related to persons with disabilities. The centerpiece of the chapter is the Anti-Discrimination Act. The third...

Pohled na statut lidského embrya z filosoficko-etického hlediska / The view of statut human embryo from ethical point of view

BŘEZINOVÁ, Nicola January 2017 (has links)
The work deals with looking at the status of the human embryo. The structure of the work is divided into several chapters that deal with a particular topic. The first chapter deals with the historical view of the adoption of a human embryo, in the second chapter is devoted to philosophical adopting the human embryo and view individual philosophers on this issue. The third chapter is devoted to the ethical acceptance of the issue. Here is discussed an ethical perspective on human embryo status and access two main streams which occur in this area. The next part is devoted to the present, both in terms of the ethical-philosophical, and in terms of health. In the medical section includes prenatal communication between mother and child, and research on embryonic stem cells, which is associated with a number of ethical issues.

Účetní, daňové a právní aspekty převodu podnikání fyzické osoby na společnost s ručením omezeným

Mlýnková, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The graduation thesis is oriented to the accounting, tax and law implica-tions of transfer business self-employed to the Limited Liability Company. The paper evaluated the effects of individual variants of transfer of assets and debts self-employed to the Limited Liability Company, such as the sale of business, nonmonetary investment to the basic capital, rent business. The operational objective is to evaluate the tax burden on individuals and businesses tax burden of limited liability companies. Work based on business of specific self-employed, its tax evidence, and transfer type variations are applied to its business.

Vztah typů vazeb využívaných při hledání a získání zaměstnání v Kroměříži

Zavadilová, Jitka January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores the relationship between types of strong and weak ties used while searching for a job, in Kroměříž the city. The theoretical part of this thesis, based on the available literature, defines social capital, forms of social capital, and the strong and weak ties by major authors of this social field. In the practical part is conducted socio-economic analysis of Kromeriz the district and conducted a quantitative survey using the methods of questioning. Based on the results of the questionnaire survey results are evaluated and answered 7 specific questions. They also test the hypothesis and calculated using the formula Cramers rule of dependence between variables. There are recommendations in the conclusion, to improve the working situation in the area.

Vymáhání pohledávek v právní teorii a praxi / Debt collection in legal theory and practice

Nejedlá, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This diploma work focuses on the issue of debt collection via deductions from pension payments. The theoretical part analyses the legal conditions for this type of debt collection and defines the terms related to it. The first chapters generally focus on financial literacy among the population. The subsequent chapters map the act of deducting amounts from pension payments, the method of calculating the deduction amounts and the process of making deductions when receivables overlap and when the payer of income changes. The other sections of the work focus on insolvency and the recipient payer's responsibility in the event of deductions. The practical part compares and analyses data about the development of numbers of pensions affected by ordered asset seizure and details regarding the amount of income earned during working life and during retirement. Based on the author's own observation, the final part of the document contains suggestions of possible solutions that would reduce the number of pensions affected by asset seizure.

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