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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Změna právní formy podnikání subjektů spravovaných profesní komorou

Nesrsta, Lucie January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the problematics of conducting a dental surgery and describes the legal person and natural person aspects of the business. The ma-in aim of the thesis is the analysis of transformation from the natural person to the limited liability company. The subsidiary aim of the thesis is the process of the change, cost calculation and the tax and accounting related consequences. The the-sis deals with situation of a concrete dental surgery and the conclusion focuses on evaluation of the change.

Komunikační problémy majoritní společnosti se skupinou neslyšících / Communication problems of the majority society with a group of deaf

Vaculíková, Zuzana January 2014 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is communication problems of the majority of society and groups of deaf people. Deaf people also live in the majority of hearing society. These people meet each other and they can communicate with each other. This communication is problematic, however, because in the communication of deaf and hearing there are communication barriers. In this thesis, we used a quantitative method of the surveyed hearing respondents. We researched what communication problems exist in the communication of the majority society and a group of deaf people. Based on the methods used, we found that communication problems are mainly caused by a lack of awareness of the major societies of the group of deaf people. In this thesis, we propose to raise awareness of the majority of the hearing society about a group of deaf people, in order to eliminate communication problems. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Potřeby osob se zdravotním postižením a jejich blízkých v době hospitalizace / Needs of persons with disabilities and their close persons during hospitalisation

Andersová, Věra January 2015 (has links)
Experience of patients with disabilities and their close persons during hospitalisation demonstrates insufficient understanding to the needs of such people. This issue is also discussed in foreign literature, wherein the need to establish the position of a specialized worker who knows very well the conditions of the health care facility and the needs of people with disabilities is emphasized. The objective of this thesis is to point out the complex issue of the needs of people with learning disability and their close persons during hospitalisation. Hospitalisation itself is a difficult and demanding situation in any person's life. For persons with learning disability, this situation is even more serious. The thesis aims at describing the experience of persons with learning disability so that it may serve as the basis for improving their health care.

Profesionální sport a jeho legislativní úprava / Professional sport and its legislation

Hejl, Filip January 2015 (has links)
Professional sport and its legislation I choose this topic for its currency and for in my opinion ignored need of solving problems mentioned in the thesis. In scope of this thesis I tried not only to assess legal status of individual and collective professional sportsmen or in other words of performance of their activity on professional level, but I also tried to solve chosen problematic points resulting from the confrontation of professional sport activity and strict provisions of Czech law (in particular Labour Code), by which the performance of sport activity and related legal relations are governed. Thesis is systematically divided into four chapters besides the introduction and conclusion which contains other subchapters. These subchapters specify topics contained in chapters. First chapter is the introduction to the topic devoted to reciprocal relation of sport and law. In this chapter I deal with the term "sport" and its possible definition from the law point of view and its basic organization and division in general. There is also one subchapter dedicated to act on support of sport. In second chapter I deal with the performance of sport activity by individual professional sportsman in detail and with two possible options of its inclusion into law. New Civil Code is also reflected here....

Praní špinavých peněz / Money Laundering

Janeček, Miroslav January 2015 (has links)
Money laundering can be defined as a process of converting the proceeds of illegal activities to legitimate money or other assets, or as a process whose aim is to conceal the origin and ownership of proceeds that come from illegal activities. Its main phases are placement, layering and integration. The main sources of dirty money are drug trafficking, procuring, arms trafficking, extortion, robbery and property crimes. The aim of this thesis is the analysis of the fight against money laundering in terms of financial law and from institutional point of view, evaluation of its success and the formulation of my own opinions on the possible improvement of the system components. The first part of thesis deals with the term of money laundering, its phases and characteristics and history. The second part analyses the legislation at international, EU and national level. Attention is paid to the AML Directives and to the AML Act. Main obligations prescribed by Directives and AML Act to obliged persons are identification obligation, due diligence, preservation of information, reporting of suspicious transactions, postponement of client's order, creation of internal policies and staff training. Then follows characterization of individual authorities and institutions involved in combating money laundering....

Trestněprávní odpovědnost právnických osob na úseku ochrany životního prostředí / Criminal liability of legal entities for environmental protection

Horčičáková, Eva January 2014 (has links)
: The main purpose of this thesis is to introduce and also to assess the new law on criminal liability of legal persons which brings really important changes into existing Czech criminal law conception. The first chapter is focused on the explanation of the terms which are indispensable to the topic such as criminal and administrative liability or the definition of the legal entities. The second chapter describes the development of the criminal liability of legal persons in the environmental law on the international and EU background. The third chapter provides a view of the current law basics. Specifically the substantive and procedural law questions are clarified. The fourth chapter offers the comparison especially of the slovak and polish law. In the fifth chapter the relevant judicature is analysed when the results are the basement for the future practising of the courts. In the end of the chapter the frequency of the new law is evaluated and also the recommendation for future utilization is given.

Zákaz sebeobvinění právnické osoby v řízení o správním deliktu / Privilege against self-incrimination of legal entity in administrative proceedings

Švásta, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the topic of privilege against self-incrimination of legal entity in administrative proceedings and in offence proceedings. The following reasons led me to the choice of this topic. First of all, it is a multidisciplinary topic involving criminal law, criminal administrative law, constitutional law, and private law, especially the regulation of legal entities. Furthermore, with the exemption of decision-making praxis of courts, and a few academic essays, attention hasn't been paid to this topic in its complexity. For this reason, this topic has offered novelty and the possibility of observing the progressive development of judicature, especially the decision-making praxis of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic as well as the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic and the European Court of Human Rights. The first part deals with the historical origins of privilege against self-incrimination and development of the criminal proceedings over the centuries. Special attention is paid to the fact, that privilege against self-incrimination was originally part of criminal proceedings until the 12th century, when this privilege was removed from the canon law and replaced with the inquisitional process which was linked with the...

Trestněprávní odpovědnost právnických osob / Criminal Responsibility of Legal Entities

Švepeš, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the legal institution of the criminal responsibility of legal entities and a feasibility of its implementation in the Czech law. The main objective of the thesis is to find an answer to the question if the implementation of the institution is neccessary in the Czech republic and eventually in which form and parameters. The first part of the paper describes the current state of legal regulation in the Czech republic and contains a comparative analysis of legal regulation in France, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Slovakia, Great Britain and United States. In the end of the theoretical part the paper discusses relevant liabilities of the Czech republic arising from international treaties and european law. In the second part the paper focuses on scolarly debate on the possible implementation, its advantages and disadvantages. The core of the paper lies in the critical reflection of existing drafts of the law on criminal responsibility of legal entities and author's own speculation about a possible legal regulation in the Czech republic

Problematika účetnictví a financování školské právnické osoby zřízené církví / The issue of accounting and financing of school legal entity established churches

Pechová, Blanka January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of accounting and financing of school legal entity established churches. It solves the regulation of school legal entity, the specifics of accounting and taxation. Furthermore, the diploma thesis focuses on sources of financing for school legal entity. The main content of the diploma thesis is the description of accounting, taxation and funding of school legal entity in certain conditions Bishop gymnasium J. N. Neumann and Primary Church School in the Czech Budweis. The diploma thesis is complemented by an analysis of the financial economy of the organization for the period 2008 - 2010.

Krizový management za běžných a mimořádných situací na jednotlivých fakultách Jihočeské univerzity. / Crisis management in current and emergency situations at separate faculties of the University of South Bohemia.

SKRÁŠKOVÁ, Anna January 2007 (has links)
The aim of my work is to verify the real state of the critical management in case of an emergency event or critical situation at the University of South Bohemia, and on the basis of the analysis propose the way to secure necessary critical preparedness of the university in this respect. In the thesis I delt with the dangers and threats specific for České Budějovice, Nové Hrady and Vodňany concerning the University of South Bohemia. I ground my work on the hypothesis that the preparedness of faculties and colleges at the University of South Bohemia for emergency events and their resolution is not sufficient, which was proved true in the course of elaboration. I compared the existing plans and precautions at the University of South Bohemia with the present laws and notices valid in the Czech Republic. The obtained information thus led to the preparation of a Plan of critical preparedness for the University of South Bohemia with assuming that other elaboration by all the faculties and colleges in practice will be realized. The result of my thesis is the Plan of critical preparedness of the University of South Bohemia in electronic form that will be used as a proposal of precautions and solutions of emergency situations at the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice.

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