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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Machine learning in quaywall design / Maskininlärning vid design av kajväggar

Langevald, Joris January 2021 (has links)
Today we live in a world where technology is changing the world and projects around us at a rapid pace. It is believed companies will have to change their operations to maintain an edge. At Movares, a Dutch engineering consultancy firm, they recognize the importance of digital transformation. Their goal is to apply digital transformation to their day-to-day operations enabling engineers to focus on innovation. One of these operations concerns the optimization of quay wall designs. In this thesis, an automated optimization routine for the design of qual walls is suggested. The design of Quay walls is influenced by site-specific variables and design variables. Currently at Movares, the design variables are determined based on engineering judgement a combination of norms, experience, and data. The lack of an integral analysis of the design variables makes it difficult to judge the efficiency of the designin terms of costs. Furthermore, the speed of this trial-and-error based approach is limited by the designer interacting with the analysis software. The automated optimization routines suggested in this thesis try to pose a solution to these problems. In an automated routine, the task of the engineer shifts from evaluating results to formulating an optimization problem. The engineer operates at a higher level and an algorithm is responsible for evaluating the intermediary results. The proposed routines can be best described as a databased or data-driven routine and a hybrid routine. The databased routine bases its evaluation solely on data and relies on statistical tools to extract insight. For the design of quay walls, this data includes soil properties, soil geometry and design variables. The hybrid optimization routine combines the use of data with a theory-based model. A theory-based model in contrast to databased models is based on scientific understanding of a system or process, e.g., determining slope stability with Bishop’s method, or soil behavior under cyclic loading. From the work in this thesis, it is shown hybrid optimization routines were able to identify the optimum with respect to costs within an acceptable timeframe. With the use of Machine learning techniques, the total computation time was significantly reduced compared to uninformed sampling techniques. / Vi lever idag i en värld där teknologin snabbt utvecklas. Företag måste förändra och utveckla sin verksamhet för att upprätthålla ledande teknik. Vid det Holländska konsultföretaget Movares har man insett vikten av digital utveckling. Målet är att tillämpa digitala verktyg i det dagliga arbetet för att möjliggöra fokus på innovation. En av dessa tillämpningar är dimensionering av kajväggar. I detta examensarbete föreslås en automatiserad optimeringsrutin för dimensionering av kajväggar. Idag påverkas designen främst av platsspecifika variabler som bestäms baserat på ingenjörsmässiga bedömningarsom baseras på normer, dimensioneringsmodeller, materialegenskaper och erfarenhet. Bristen på integrerad analys av designvariabler gör det svårt att bedöma effektiviteten i designprocessen med avseende på kostnaderna. Dessutom är hastigheten på denna ”trial-and-error” process begränsad av mänsklig interaktion med mjukvara. Den automatiserade optimeringsrutinen som föreslås i detta examensarbete försöker lösa dessa problem. I en automatiserad rutin så är ingenjörens uppgift att skifta från att utvärdera resultat till att formulera optimeringsproblem. Ingenjören arbetar på en högre nivå och en algoritm ansvarar för att utvärdera de mellanliggande resultaten. De föreslagna rutinerna kan beskrivas som en databaserad eller datadriven modellfri rutin och en hybridrutin. Den databaserade rutinen baserar sin utvärdering enbart på data och bygger på statistiska verktyg för att extrahera insikt. För konstruktion av kajväggar inkluderar dessa data markegenskaper, jordgeometri och konstruktionsvariabler. Den modellfria rutinen beskrivs bäst som en databaserad modell som enbart baserarsin utvärdering på data. Hybridoptimeringsrutinen kombinerar användningen av data med en teoribaseradmodell. En teoribaserad modell i motsats till databaserade modeller är baserad på vetenskaplig förståelse för ett system eller en process, t.ex. bestämning av stabilitet med Bishop´s-förenklade metod eller jordens beteende under cyklisk belastning. Arbetet i denna studie påvisar att hybridoptimeringsrutiner kan identifiera det optimala med avseende påkostnader inom en rimlig tidsram. Med användning av maskininlärningstekniker reducerades den totalaberäkningstiden betydligt jämfört med oinformerad provtagningsteknik.

Bildhuggaren : Ett äldreboende utformat för individen / Bildhuggaren : A retirement home designed for the residents

Lind, Damian, Kulmala, Willy January 2020 (has links)
I denna avhandling presenteras ett gestaltningsförslag för ett hållbart och attraktivt äldreboende. Ett boende där de äldre kan leva ett socialt, aktivt och givande liv. Förslaget presenterar ett modernt äldreboende på fastigheten ”Bildhuggaren 1” i Huddinge kommun med gällande detaljplan. En utmaning för framtidens bostadsutvecklare kommer att vara vårdanpassade bostäder för äldre. Jordens befolkning ökar för varje år och medellivslängden lika så i takt med sjukvårdens framsteg. I förlängningen leder detta till ökad efterfrågan för äldreomsorg. För ett gott åldrande har statens folkhälsoinstitut år 2010 tagit fram fyra kriterier som bör uppfyllas för att detta ska uppnås. Dessa kriterier är social gemenskap och stöd, meningsfullhet, fysisk aktivitet och goda matvanor. Boendet har projekterats med ambitionen att uppfylla statens folkhälsoinstituts kriterier för ett gott åldrande men även att ge närhet till natursköna miljöer, integration och ett brett utbud med fritidsaktiviteter. För att åstadkomma detta har en genomgång gjorts för äldrevårdens utvecklig för att identifiera vad som varit uppskattat och fungerat historiskt. Denna fakta har uppdaterats med hjälp av en enkätundersökning för att ge insyn i dagens 55+ åringars intressen och vad som ger dem livsglädje. Den data har sedan kompletterats med en projekteringsmall för äldrevård samt med planritningar från befintliga äldreboenden. Detta för att identifiera väsentliga funktioner som bör inkluderas i skapandet av ett fungerande vårdboende. Detta kombinerat har lett fram till ett lokalprogram som var grunden i detta gestaltningsförslag. Undersökningsarbetet har resulterat i förslagshandlingar över äldreboendet i form av plan-, fasad- och sektionsritningar samt ett antal visualiseringar i 3D som visar viktiga funktioneroch platser. / This thesis presents a design proposal for a sustainable and attractive retirement home. An accommodation where the elderly can live a social, active, and rewarding life. The proposal presents a modern housing for the elderly at the property ”Bildhuggaren 1” in Huddinge municipality with the current regulations. A challenge for the future developers will be care-adapted housing for the elderly. The population of the earth is increasing every year and average life expectancy too in progress of healthcare. By extension, this will lead to increased demand for elderly care. For good aging, the state public health institute has in 2010 developed four criteria that should be met for this to be achieved. These criteria are social community and support, meaningfulness, physical activity and good eating habits. This accommodation has been designed with the ambition to meet the state’s public health institute’s criteria for good aging, but also to provide proximity to scenic environments, integration and a wide range of leisure activities. To achieve this, a review has been made for the elderly care development to identify what has been appreciated and worked historically. This fact has been updated with the help of a survey to provide insight into today’s 55+ year olds. Their interests and what gives them joy in life. This data has then been supplemented with a planning template for elderly care and with floor plans from existing retirement homes. This to identify essential functions that should be included in the creation of a functioning nursing home. This combined has led to a local program. The research work has resulted in proposal documents about the elderly housing in the form of floorplans, facade- and section drawings as well as 3D visualizations that show important functions and locations.

Connecting digital and physical representations through semantics and geometry

Uggla, Gustaf January 2019 (has links)
The fields of geodesy and building information modeling (BIM) meet each other in the intersection between the physical and the digital world. Within the construction industry, the role of geodesy has typically been to describe the position of assets and to transform the geometries of those assets between coordinate systems suitable for design and coordinate systems with a known relation to the Earth. This is not changed by the introduction of BIM but rather emphasized by it, as higher degrees of automation and prefabrication increases the need for strict and non-distorting transformations. The objectoriented aspects of BIM require that captured geodata can be semantically classified and that objects can be reconstructed and extracted from the geodata. In this landscape, geodesy is the bridge between model and reality, connecting the two worlds through both semantics and geometry. This thesis is a comprehensive summary of three papers within these two topics. The first paper describes the geometric transformations required throughout the life cycle of a built asset and assesses the georeferencing capabilities of the open BIM standard Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). The second and third paper propose and showcase a methodology where image-based deep learning is used to extract roadside objects from mobile mapping data. The findings of the first paper include suggestions for how IFC can be improved in order to facilitate better georeferencing, and the second and third paper show that the proposed methodology performs well in comparison to a manual classification. / De två områdena geodesi och byggnadsinformationsmodellering (BIM) möter varandra i skärningspunkten mellan den fysiska och den digitala världen. Inom byggindustrin har geodesins roll historiskt varit att positionsbestämma anläggningar samt att transformera deras geometrier mellan koordinatsystem lämpliga antingen för design eller för inmätning och utsättning. Detta har inte ändrats av att BIM börjat användas, utan det har snarare blivit ännu viktigare då högre nivåer av automatisering och prefabricering ställer högre krav på strikta och icke-deformerande transformationer. De objektorienterade aspekterna av BIM kräver att infångade geodata kan klassificeras semantiskt och att objekt kan återskapas och extraheras från dessa geodata. I detta landskap utgör geodesin en bro mellan modell och verklighet, och sammanlänkar dessa världar genom både semantik och geometri. Denna avhandling är en sammanfattning av tre artiklar inom dessa två områden. Den första artikeln beskriver de geometriska transformationer som krävs genom en anläggnings livscykel och utvärderar georefereringsförmågan hos den öppna BIM-standarden Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). Den andra och tredje artikeln föreslår och demonstrerar en metod där bildbaserad deep learning används för att extrahera vägnära objekt ur data insamlat genom mobile mapping. Slutsatserna från den första artikeln inkluderar förslag på hur IFC kan utvecklas för att möjliggöra bättre georeferering, och de två andra artiklarna visar att den föreslagna metoden presterar väl i jämförelse med en manuell klassificering. / <p>QC 20190429</p>

Framställning av primärkarta över Furuviks djurpark, Gävle, med hjälp av UAS

Hammas, Katarina January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med detta arbete har vart att ta reda på vilken osäkerhet man kan få i plan och höjd vid kartering med UAS. Arbetet kommer redogöra för hur en karta (primärkarta) framställs över en avgränsad del av Furuviks djurpark, belägen i södra delen av Gävle kommun, med hjälp av UAS. Flygningen skedde på en solig dag med flyghöjden 112 m. En digital höjdmodell (DEM) och en ortofotomosaik skapades i PhotoScan utifrån de bilder som togs under flygningen över studieområdet. Primärkartan digitaliserades sedan i ArcMap utifrån ortofotomosaiken med höjdangivelse utifrån DEM. Vid inmätningar av stöd och kontrollpunkter användes en GNSS-mottagare med antenn från Leica ansluten till SWEPOS Nätverks-RTK (Real Time Kinematic). Kontroll av den genererade DEM gjordes i analogi med SIS-TS 21144:2013 där den totala medelavvikelsen i området blev -0,006 m med en standardosäkerhet på 0,047 m. Vid en analys av medelavvikelsen i höjd för varje enskild kontrollprofil, uppstår ett fenomen. De profilerna där flygblocken överlappade varandra hade ett höjdvärde som låg över den genererade DEM medan de övriga profilernas höjdvärden låg under DEM. Detta fenomen kan ha orsakats av skuggområden i bilderna vid bildmatchningen utförd i PhotoScan. Kartan kontrollerades i plan där en lägeskontroll av de digitaliserade kartobjekten genomfördes. Ett Root Mean Square error (RMS-värde) beräknades fram till 0,054 m vilket är något högre än det i HMK-Geodatakvalitet rekommenderade för primärkartor på 0,050 m. Även tidsåtgången med kartering med hjälp av UAS undersöktes i detta arbete. 70 procent av den totala tidsåtgången för förberedelser, flygning och insamling av data gick till inmätningen av flygsignalerna med GNSS-RTK i denna studie. / Map production by using unmanned aircraft, is a method that is of high interest in the world. There are different names for the technology that manages the unmanned aircraft. Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) refers to the vehicle and the systems that are necessary to control the vehicle from distance. An UAS position and orientation are known in the air by the integrated GNSS- and navigation systems. The purpose of this work, is to find out which uncertainty one can get in plan and elevation using UAS. The work will describe how a map (ground map) is produced, using UAS, over a limited area of Furuvik Zoo, located in the southern part of the municipality of Gävle. The flight took place on a sunny day with the flying altitude 112 m. A digital elevation model (DEM) and an orthophoto is created in Photo Scan based on the images that were taken during the flight over the study area. The ground map was digitized in ArcMap with altitude readings based on the digital elevation model. During the measurements of ground control targets and control points, a GNSS receiver with antenna of the model Leica connected to SWEPOS Network RTK (Real Time Kinematic) was used. Control of the produced DEM was made in analogy with SIS TS 21144:2013 where the average height deviation of the area was 0,006 m with a standard uncertainty of 0,047 m. In an analysis of the mean deviation in height of each control profile, a phenomenon arises. The control profiles located in the area where the two flying areas overlapped has a height value over the generated DEM while the other profiles had a height value lower than the generated DEM. This phenomenon may have been caused by the shadow areas in images during the image matching in PhotoScan. The ground map produced in this study was controlled in plane where the position control of the digitized map objects were carried out. A root mean square error (RMS-value) was calculated to be 0,054 m, which is slightly higher than that in HMK-Geodatakvalitet recommended for ground maps (0,050 m). The time needed for mapping using the UAS were also examined in this work. Our study shows that 70 percent of the total time required for preparation, flight and data collection went to the measuring of ground control targets with GNSS-RTK.

Hållbara och närproducerade attefallshus : Förslag på hållbara material samt hur dessa kan implementerasvid nybyggnation

Svensson, Vidar January 2024 (has links)
Sveriges befolkning växer, och med den även behovet av lämpliga bostadslösningar. År 2014 infördes därför möjligheten att bygga attefallshus, ett relativt enkelt sätt för bostadsägare att skapa upp till 30 kvadratmeter extra boyta på sina fastigheter. Byggbranschen har snabbt anpassat sig för att fylla denna nya nisch med en mängd olika lösningar på hur dessa småhus ska utformas, tillverkas och distribueras. Många företag konkurrerar genom att till exempel använda billiga material, minimeramängden isolering i klimatskalet och förlägga tillverkningen utomlands. Den här studien har grundats i ett samarbete med byggföretaget Kvarnsveden Bygg AB, vilka har uttryckt en önskan om att börja producera attefallshus på ett mera hållbart sätt. Målet med studien blev därmed att försöka ta fram förslag på småhuskonstruktioner av hållbara, lokalproducerade material samt en uppskattning av produktionskostnadenför dem. Tre olika husmodeller ritades upp, varav två skulle kunna användas som permanentboende. Förutom våtrum, ångbromsar, fönster och takpapp består den absoluta majoriteten av byggnaderna av cellulosabaserade material, vilka är både förnyelsebara och koldioxidbindande. Samtliga byggmaterial i studien är producerade i Sverige, varav isolering och fönster tillverkas inom 13 mil från byggföretagets lokaler. Att konstruera hållbara attefallshus som är godkända för permanentboende för en rimlig kostnad verkar således vara fullt möjligt, och detta är ett bidrag till att lösa bostadsbristen på ett hållbartsätt. / The population of Sweden is growing, and with it grows the need for adequate housing. In 2014 it became possible to build so-called Attefall-houses; a convenient way for estate owners to create up to 30 square meters of extra living space. The building industries quickly came up with several ways to fill this new niche, with a variety of different solutions for how to design, manufacture and distribute these small houses. Many companies compete by using cheap materials, minimal insulation and locating the manufacturing in other countries. This study came to in collaboration with the building company Kvarnsveden Bygg AB, who wish to start a production of Attefall-houses in a more sustainable manner. The goal of this study was to come up with house models using locally sourced, sustainable building materials and an estimation of the manufacturing cost for these. Three different house models were created, of which two can be used as permanent residences. Except for bathrooms, windows, vapor retarders and roofing, the buildings are constructed almost entirely by cellulose based materials, which are both renewable and carbon dioxide binding. All of the building materials used in the study are manufactured in Sweden, of which insulation and windows are manufactured within 130 kilometers from the building company. To construct sustainable Attefall-houses that are approved for use as permanent residences at a reasonable cost thus seems to be fully possible, and could be a contribution to sustainably solving the Swedish housing shortage.

Model-based Prognostics for Prediction of Remaining Useful Life

Mishra, Madhav January 2015 (has links)
Prognostics and healthmanagement (PHM) is an engineering discipline that aims to maintain the systembehaviour and function, and assure the mission success, safety andeffectiveness. Health management using a proper condition-based maintenance (CBM)deployment is a worldwide accepted technique and has grown very popular in manyindustries over the past decades. These techniques are relevant in environmentswhere the prediction of a failure and the prevention and mitigation of itsconsequences increase the profit and safety of the facilities concerned.Prognosis is the most critical part of this process and is nowadays recognizedas a key feature in maintenance strategies, since estimation of the remaininguseful life (RUL) is essential.PHM can provide a stateassessment of the future health of systems or components, e.g. when a degradedstate has been found. Using this technology, one can estimate how long it willtake before the equipment will reach a failure threshold, in future operatingconditions and future environmental conditions. This thesis focuses especiallyon physics-based prognostic approaches, which depend on a fundamentalunderstanding of the physical system in order to develop condition monitoringtechniques and to predict the RUL.The overall research objective of thework performed for this thesis has been to improve the accuracy and precisionof RUL predictions. The research hypothesis is that fusing the output of morethan one method will improve the accuracy and precision of the RUL estimation,by developing a new approach to prognostics that combines different remaininglife estimators and physics-based and data-driven methods. There are two waysof acquiring data for data-driven models, namely measurements of real systemsand syntactic data generation from simulations. The thesis deals with two casestudies, the first of which concerns the generation of synthetic data andindirect measurement of dynamic bearing loads and was performed atBillerudKorsäs paper mill at Karlsborg in Sweden. In this study the behaviourof a roller in a paper machine was analysed using the finite element method(FEM). The FEM model is a step towards the possibility of generating syntheticdata on different failure modes, and the possibility of estimating crucialparameters like dynamic bearing forces by combining real vibration measurementswith the FEM model. The second case study deals with the development ofprognostic methods for battery discharge estimation for Mars-based rovers. Herephysical models and measurement data were used in the prognostic development insuch a way that the degradation behaviour of the battery could be modelled andsimulated in order to predict the life-length. A particle filter turned out tobe the method of choice in performing the state assessment and predicting thefuture degradation. The method was then applied to a case study of batteriesthat provide power to the rover.

Tracking and Visualizing Hospital Equipment in a Web Based GIS

Qvist, Rickard January 2013 (has links)
The hospital in Gävle has been fined multiple times due to improper placement of hospital beds in the hallways; so far they have been fined 20 times for a total of 570 000kr (Löfving, 2013). A solution to this problem was requested by the hospital in the form of an indoor positioning system to track hospital equipment. Therefore, this study was performed and it was focused on three main research questions: How will tracking equipment indoor with the fingerprint method perform under different circumstances? (Moving between floors, running, walking, under a bed, hidden by electronic equipment etc.) How can the positions be visualized in a web-based GIS? What problems can be solved by visualizing the movement of equipment in a GIS? The research questions were answered by performing studies on previous research in the fields of Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) and visualization techniques. To test how the system performs a case study was performed in a testing environment on floors 7 and 8 of building 38 of Gävle Hospital. The data collected in the case study was then used to simulate moving hospital beds and from there create visualizations based on the research on previous studies.   Because the hospital wanted the system to use the already existing infrastructure of the building an IPS was found that use the already existing Wi-Fi network. By combining this positioning system with the web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) called CRISP a powerful analysis tool emerged that not only had the ability to track equipment but also perform analysis of statistics for workflow and the movement of the equipment, among others. The precision of 3 m was found to be on par with other positioning systems using Wi-Fi. This gives the system described and tested in this thesis great potential to expand in to other fields, where there is need for high accuracy combined with a powerful analysis tool to help make the business as efficient as possible.

Spatiotemporal expansion of solar parks in Sweden : An investigation of the historical trajectory and future installation trend of ground mounted solar parks in Sweden

Bexell, Elin, Fährlin, Axel, Pektas, Koray, Holmgren, Selma January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates the historical trajectory and future estimations of cumulative installed power and geographical distribution of Ground-Mounted Photovoltaic parks (GMPV-parks) inSweden. Historical data of cumulative installed power from GMPV-parks were compiled, and future estimations for 2024-2027 were projected using trend analysis. Factors influencing thegeographical distribution of GMPV-parks were analyzed, focusing on national factors. A sensitivity analysis was conducted to assess variations in future estimations based on parameter adjustments. Results show a exponential growth in cumulative installed power historically, with projections suggesting a similar trend in the future. Geographical placements are expected to follow historical trends, driven by solar radiation, climate, and urban proximity. Overall, this study provides valuable insights for those aiming to expand solar energy capacity in Sweden, emphasizing the importance of regulatory frameworks and technological advancements in shaping future integration efforts.

Förtätning inom kommunal planering - En fallstudie om hur förtätning representeras i kommunala dokument

Adolfsson, Gustaf January 2024 (has links)
This bachelor´s thesis is concearned with explaining and analysing how the concept of förtätning is represented in Swedish municipal documentation. The use of the concept has been explained as complex and varied, and as such, it is of great use to explain how municipal documentation uses the concept in their strategies for land and water use in comparison to each other as well as comparing the result to Boverket and other related research. This by retrieving information through qualitative conventional content analysis from comprehensive planning and other municipal documents. Found in this study is that the concept at face value is found to have little meaning beyond what is initially apparent but is heavily tied to the strategies and desired qualities that the new, and complementary construction, should provide, and promote according to principles related to wellbeing, sustainability, and equality. Critique towards the concept is very lightly touched upon due to the type of documentation that was the basis for this study.

Autopia : en undersökning av den kommunala planeringsverksamhetens inställning till autonom mobilitet

Axén, Josefin, Hansson, Axel January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

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