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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The difference between hearing and listening : A qualitative comparative case study about the inter-relations between leaders and employees within agile start-ups

Nyström, Niklas, Rahmani, Zakaria January 2021 (has links)
Leadership are often a central part of organizations’ success. Consequently, it never ceases to attract attention and curiosity. What makes a good leader can vary depending on what kind of organization or setting one may be in and therefore different traits and styles are needed. However, one could argue that more aspects matter and what actually defines a great leader are for the ones being led to decide. The people within an organization need to trust and feel secure with the one leading and if that is not the case there is a big risk that the organization won’t survive. Moreover, the leadership styles and traits that come from earlier theories are often applicable on well-established companies but not easily applied on start-ups since such organizations are different and not built on the same parameters. The relations between leaders and employees within start-ups is also unexplored and therefore in need of enlightening.  The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether the leadership within agile start-ups reflect the wants of the employees that are working there. To be able to do this, a comparative case study design with an inductive research approach was used while investigating three agile start-ups. When studying the sample organizations, the authors extracted four major resemblances that testimonies that there is a high correlation between what the leader and the followers thinks are good attributes for a leader to have. The four major resemblances are the importance of truly listening, the importance of delegating responsibility, the importance of having a clearly defined direction and finally, the importance of embracing trial and errors. Nevertheless, there were some influencing factors that came up during the research where everyone did not share the same vision and that may be wise remembering.  Lastly, a few suggestions are mentioned that a leader could bear in mind when working within an agile start-up. The suggestions take the leader-follower perspective into account and would hopefully be beneficial for the leader to have in mind when managing the organization.

Turismutveckling : en studie ur företagsledningens perspektiv

Järvinen, Jouko January 1988 (has links)
No description available.

Easier travelling with babies in cities, in collaboration with Thule Sweden AB. / Enklare resande med spädbarn i städer, i samarbete med Thule Sweden AB

CESTER RUBIO, BERTA January 2020 (has links)
Master thesis carried out in collaboration with Thule Group during spring 2020 as part of the Industrial Design Master at Jönköping University. The work aims to develop a new concept idea related to "Active with kids" and focused on the Southern Europe market (Spain). The goal of the project is to improve the parental active experience in metropolitan areas concerning strollers or their accessories. The product proposal will fit and express Thule vision and brand language. This project is written in the field of industrial design; therefore, we will go over the usual design process: empathize, define, ideate and prototype. The project will be done individually, however, the beginning of it (empathize and define), will be carried out in pairs between Nerea Cuello and Berta Cester, to achieve broad research and obtaining two different products within a similar market. The project starts with a design brief formulated by the company and continues into understanding the problem by investigating the brand, the user, the market, and other interesting factors. Continuing with an ideation phase that explores different problems and ideas. The process will end with a final concept presented as a physical prototype. The final result is a new concept solution for easier travelling with babies in urban cities, improving parents' lifestyles when they cannot use or find it difficult to use a stroller

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment : Analysis of a Risk Assessment Process in Emergency Preparedness

Garpenfeldt, Katarina January 2019 (has links)
A challenging yet crucial component of emergency planning is to identify relevant hazards and assess their risk level. Within the Province of Ontario, Canada, governmental emergency management stakeholders are required to use the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) process, developed by the Province, to meet legislative compliance. The HIRA process is based on the use of risk matrices and hence faces many of the inherent challenges of this method, potentially resulting in a poor risk assessment process with a low quality outcome. The aim of this thesis is to analyze Ontario’s Provincial HIRA process to identify weaknesses, strengths, and gaps, in order to increase understanding for potential issues related to this type of hazard identification and risk assessment process within emergency preparedness. The Provincial HIRA process will be analyzed, as it is implemented in the Regional Municipality of York, including the Public Health Unit, by comparing the process to six points identified in the literature as potential challenges with the ability to compromise the quality of a risk assessment process. The main focus is on the use of risk matrices although some aspects more generally related to risk assessments have been included. Overall the Provincial HIRA has several weaknesses and gaps. It is evident that the process demonstrates many of the issues that impair the quality of risk assessments supported by the use of risk matrices such as ambiguous input and out-puts, errors, poor resolution and sub-optimal resource allocation. Additionally, a significant amount of resources and access to hazard subject matter expertise would be required to execute the HIRA in accordance with the guideline. Such resources are not necessarily available to the target audience. All these aspects contribute to a risk assessment process that struggles to meet one of its main objectives, to provide the user with a quantitative risk ranking with the capacity to distinguish between risk levels of different hazards. Subsequently the outcome may not accurately support the emergency planning or the decision making process related to resource allocation. / Identifiering av lokalt relevanta faror och bedömning av deras risknivåer är en kritisk och komplex del av arbetsområdet beredskap för nödsituationer (eng. emergency preparedness). Myndigheter som bedriver verksamhet inom detta område i provinsen Ontario, Kanada  är enligt lag skyldiga att genomföra en ”Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment” (HIRA) process, utvecklad av provinsen. HIRA-metoden är baserad på användandet av risk matriser och står således inför många av denna metods inneboende utmaningar vilket kan resultera i svag riskbedömningsprocess med tvivelaktigt resultat. Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera Ontarios HIRA-process för att identifiera potentialla svagheter, styrkor och luckor i processen och således generera insikt i potentiella utmaningar relaterat till denna typ av riskbedömningsprocess inom ”emergency preparedness”.  HIRA-processen, så som den implementerats i York Region och inom dess folkhälsomyndighet, kommer att analyseras baserat på sex punkter identifierade inom litteraturen som aspekter med förmåga att påverka kvalitén på riskdömningsresultatet. Sammanfattningsvis ses att HIRA-processen innefattar många av de svagheter som diskuteras i litteraturen rörande riskmatriser som till exempel fel, tvetydig in- och utdata, dålig upplösning och suboptimal resursfördelning vilket potentiellt medför en riskbedömningsprocess av låg kvalité. För att genomföra HIRA-processen så som metoden är designad behöver användaren investera en betydande mängd resurser samt helst tillgå expertis inom riskbedömning relaterat till de olika farorna som skall bedömas, vilket inte alltid finns tillgängligt inom de organisationen som genomför en HIRA. Dessa aspekter sammantaget bidrar till en process som inte nödvändigtvis når fram till ett av sina primära mål; att skapa en kvantitativ rangordning av risker med förmåga att särskilja olika farors risknivå. Till följd finns en risk att resultatet av riskbedömning inte stödjer den operativa planeringen eller processen för beslutsfattande relaterad till resursfördelning.

Securing VANET in Truck Platooning With Hybrid Blockchain and Modelling of Trust

Brass, Adam January 2020 (has links)
Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have remained complacent for a period which has caused the strength of security of these networks to decrease. In the context of truck platooning, a topic in high regards to companies which maintain a fleet of trucks or even a single truck for which business is essential, should consider security of the VANET a necessity and trust must be implemented as well. The main contribution of this work is to propose a model of securing VANET communication regarding truck platooning via a hybrid method of Blockchain technologies, smart contracts, and the modeling of trust.

Is the chain unbroken : a pilot study of the local police use of IT forensic processes / Is the chain unbroken : a pilot study of the local police use of IT forensic processes

Andersson, Ove January 2020 (has links)
This work is done in cooperation with the Halmstad local police. We examine how seizedphones are handled throughout the organisation. We investigate where and if there canoccur issues with the physical device handling and we also look at how the extractions madeon seized phones are analysed and the possible problems with that work.We have interviewed several employees, both sworn and unsworn staff, we have looked atprovided statistics and done thorough background research in this field. The comparison andanalysis of the material show that the evidence integrity and the chain of custody standcomparably firm. We do on the other hand see issues with the knowledge level in the ITforensic field, the wish for more training, the lack of knowledge sharing between groups andthe risk for missing crucial evidence due to these issues. We also look at some possibleways of meeting the risks mentioned by investigating the newly employed IT caseadministrators and how that has turned out. At the local police stations, these persons solveissues that needed addressing but were previously neglected due to lack of knowledgeablestaff. The suggestions on adding these types of employees address some of the issues withextraction analysis. The paper also proposes some possible solutions to some of theproblems mentioned.

Discovering the Effects of Sharing Economy for Tourism and Hospitality Industry in the Stockholm and Uppsala Region

Carrillo Zavala, Pedro Antonio, Süslü, Barış January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this research is to investigate the current situation of how the growing demand on Peer-to-Peer services (P2P) like Airbnb is affecting the conventional establishments and businesses in the tourism and hospitality (TH) sector in the Stockholm and Uppsala Region. In other words, understanding the effects of the sharing economy (SE) and picturing its place inside (or in the opposite of) the TH industry. By using semi-structured interviews with small to medium size hotel/hostel experts, Airbnb hosts and tourism industry representatives we make an exploratory study and analyze the current situation of the relationship between Airbnb and conventional establishments operating in TH industry. We analyze corporate and marketing strategies and business models being used by incumbents of the industry. Our findings show that the relationship between Airbnb as an accommodation platform in the Stockholm and Uppsala market is not considered as a threat by other actors of TH sector by any means and that there are different factors that could be considered in order to understand this feeling around the Stockholm and Uppsala Region. Some of the discussed factors within the study are the development and growing characteristics of the market together with the regulations currently applied to the P2P platforms within the county. The results also give new study possibilities for researchers that are willing to discover how the Swedish TH industry develops in the next decade in relation to a dynamic customer base in the Stockholm and Uppsala region and in Sweden.

Anomalous Meteor Head Echoes Detected by the MU Radar

Nordström, Per January 2020 (has links)
This study have identified and analysed anomalous meteor head echos detected by the MU Radar, as well as reproduced an interference anomaly through simulation with the use of an existing analysis pipeline. The parameters used to detect anomalies were High Start Altitude [HSAA], High Radar Cross Section [HRCSA] and High Eccentricity [HEA]. A cut-off of the head echo signal were the cause of the HSAA’s. Trail echos misclassified as head echoes and low agreement with the multiple emitter location and signal parameter estimation (MUSIC) method gave rise to the HRCSA’s. The majority of the HEA’s were given a falsely high eccentric- ity due to high beam angle and trail echos detection. Three found HEA’s showed a small possibility of having an hyperbolic orbit. Additionally, a simulation was made which concluded that signal interference will occur between two echos if the range is the same to the radar.

Parallel Convolutional Neural NetworkArchitectures for ImprovingMisclassifications of Perceptually CloseImages

Khafaji, Al-Mustafa January 2020 (has links)
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have proven to be an alternative for object identification formultiple application areas. They are treated as a critical component for autonomouslyoperating systems and consequently crucial for many companies. Since DNNs do not behavein the same way as traditional deterministic systems, there are several challenges to cope withbefore being used in safety-critical applications. Both random and systematic failures must betaken care of, including permanent and transient faults, design faults in hardware andsoftware, and adversarial inputs. In this thesis, we will be constructing an architecture that isrobust and can detect misleading errors produced by a DNN to some extent. One way to copewith failures in DNNs is through architectural mitigation. By adding redundant and diversearchitectures, it can detect misclassification to a greater area. Convolutional neural networkarchitectures will be tested and trained using MATLAB and Simulink. The focus will be onfault-tolerant architectures. The method used in this thesis is experimental research. Theresults show that parallel architectures can detect misleading image classification better. Inaddition, and somewhat unexpected, combining three different networks gives worse resultsthan combining two networks.

Sex & Sånt : - Ett webbplatskoncept för sexualupplysning

Karvonen, Rakel January 2021 (has links)
Under hösten 2020 skrevs flertalet artiklar om att ungdomars pornografikonsumtionpåverkar deras sexualitet negativt, vilket startade debatter om ungdomars sexualitet,porrfilter, förbud och sexualupplysningen i skolan. Detta är ett examensarbete förTeknisk Design högskoleingenjör vid Luleå Tekniska Universitet, som undersökerhur en webbaserad tjänst för sexualupplysning kan göra kvalitetssäkrad informationattraktiv, intressant och interaktiv och därigenom möjliggöra en god och säker källa förungdomar att lära sig om sex och relationer. Resultatet är ett webbplatskoncept somkallas Sex & Sånt. Arbetet har följt IDEO:s inspiration-ideation-implementationsprocessför användarcentrerad design, under vilken enkätundersökningar, benchmarking,brainstormingsessioner, workshops, prototypande och användartester använts för att nåslutresultatet.Sex & Sånt är ett koncept för en interaktiv webbplats med en normkreativ bas. Oavsettsexuell läggning, könstillhörighet, hudfärg och funktionsvariation ska alla känna sigrepresenterade och inkluderade i konceptet. På webbplatsen kan ungdomar finnainspiration till sitt sexliv och lära sig om sådant som hör till, exempelvis preventivmedel.De kan ställa frågor till andra ungdomar och besvara andras frågor, samt delta i interaktivaberättelser där de själva får skapa sin huvudkaraktär och göra val som påverkar hurberättelsen slutar. Sex & Sånt bidrar med en annorlunda vinkel på sexualupplysning förungdomar, där de kan finna inspiration till sitt eget sexliv och där reflektion kring den egnasexualiteten uppmanas.Keywords:

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