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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Boosting SAT-solver Performance on FACT Instances with Automatic Parameter Tuning

Pintjuk, Daniil January 2015 (has links)
Previous work by Asketorp [2014] has shown that integer factorization with the best SAT-solvers is orders of magnitude slower then with general number field sieve (GNFS). However only default configurations for the tested SAT-solvers ware considered in thous tests therefor this rapport attempts to explore what difference use of good configurations would have made. Our method involved using automatic parameter tunning with the algorithm iterated local search (ILS). ILS was used to tune the sat solver Minisat. And the tuned configuration was compared with the default by timing Minisat runs with respective configurations. The results show that performance gains are far from being big enough to suggest that the SAT-solvers tested by Asketorp [2014], would have come much closer to the performance of GNFS if tuned configurations were used. However the performance gains achieved in this report are impressive enough to advocate the use of automated parameter tuning of Sat-solvers for specific sets of instances.

Critical Factors for Successful Strategy Formation in Venture Capital Funded Companies : A study made for SEB Venture Capital

Öun, Maria, Pettersson, Ida January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Phase-Field simulation of surfactant adsorption onto flat and droplet interfaces / Fas-Field simulering av ytaktiv adsorption på plant och droppformat gränssnitt

Tariq, Ammar January 2012 (has links)
Surfactant adsorption plays a vital role in our daily life, it is also an integral part when it comes to the establishment of microfluidic devices, a developed Phase-field model based on free energy of two fluids with a surfactant is analyzed. The ill-posedness of the model and proposed alternatives for it are discussed. A suitable alternative is studied, using adaptive finite element methods, alongside with the original phase field model and confirmed for its ill-posedness. Concluding to the well-posedness of our alternative, a practical case of two droplets moving in shear flow is demonstrated using numerical simulation.

Time Resolved Micro Photoluminescence of InGaN/GaN Quantum Dots

Eriksson, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Time resolved micro photoluminescence of InGaN/GaN quantum dots has been investigated, together with power dependence and polarization measurements. The quantum dots are formed at the top of selectively grown GaN pyramids on a 4H-SiC substrate. Decay time constants in the range of 400 ps to 1.1 ns have been observed with a pulsed 267 nm laser with an average power of 20 μW, and no correlation between emission energy and lifetime has been observed. Strong and sharp emission peaks show mono-exponential or close to mono-exponential decay curves and the smaller and/or broader peaks show multi-exponential decays. Different directions of polarization have been observed for two groups of emission peaks, separated by 60°, which fits the six fold symmetry of the pyramids well. Small differences in power dependence and carrier lifetimes have also been observed when comparing these two groups of emission peaks. Selectively grown InGaN/GaN quantum dots can be used for emitters and sensors with customizable wavelength, sharp line width and quick response times in the ultraviolet, blue, and green regions of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Communication tools’ impact on project communication efficiency : An evaluation of traditional communication tools and Social Media

Berg, Linda January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Digital twin of crane robot

Stadin, Andreas, de la Vaux, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
The creation of digital twins has been on a rise in the last years, and digital twins are becoming an essential part in today's industries. To be able to keep up, the engineering students at Högskolan i Halmstad need to follow and explore the current development. The goal with this project is to introduce digital twins to the students and give them a wider knowledge about the future of manufacturing.In this project a digital twin was developed from a physical crane. The digital twin was made from a CAD model and was imported into a simulator to replicate the physical robot and its parts. The digital twin had virtual sensors installed and may be considered a cyber-physical system. / På senare år har skapandet och användandet av digitala tvillingar ökat drastiskt och de håller på att implementeras i dagens industrier. För att ingenjör studenterna på Högskolan i Halmstad skall hänga med i utvecklingen av dagens tekniska samhälle, behöver de vara med och utforska de tekniska nyheter som finns. Målet med detta projekt är att introducera digitala tvillingar till ingenjör studenterna, för att ge dem en bredare grundkunskap inom framtidens industrier.I detta projekt har en digital tvilling utvecklats utifrån att efterlikna en fysisk kran. Utvecklingen av den digitala tvillingen har designats som en CAD-modell och importerats in i en simulator för att efterlikna den fysiska kranen och dess delar. På den digitala tvillingen har även virtuella sensorer installerats och systemet kan anses vara ett cyber-physical system.

Framgångsfaktorer och hinder vid implementering av affärssystem.

Bergfeldt, Tomas, Jansson, Pontus January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Effektivisering av produktionsplaneringsprocessen inom ETO med hjälp av regressionsanalys : En fallstudie om produktionsplanering och dess påverkan på ett ETO-företag

Lindström, Marcus, Strömberg, Felix January 2021 (has links)
Today’s manufacturing industry is characterized by being highly competitive and drives companies to strive for more efficient product and production system development. One way of achieving this, is by continuous improvement of processes. One important part of lowering waste is by an efficient  production planning. A competitive production system can improve product quality, decrease costs, and improve the general efficiency. Engineering-to-order (ETO) systems face a challenge due to the difficulty to attain an efficient production planning. The difficulty strives from the complex character of the manufacturing processes and the uniqueness of product properties, which makes a good standardization work a challenge. ETO companies often have high reliance on manual-labor with manual data acquisition, which makes it hard to perform effective production planning with high accuracy. One common technique for executing production planning in the ETO-industry represent a multivariate regression analysis     The thesis includes a case study that examines how regression analysis used for production planning within a production of an ETO company can be improved and what effects it has on processes and departments within the company. The problem was addressed by a mixed method approach, qualitative data were collected from semi-structured interviews, observations, and a thorough literature review and quantitative data were mainly collected through document studies. The study shows that regression analysis is suitable for production planning in the ETO industry while emphasizing the importance of high-quality data, partly through implementation of standardizations. The updated model improves main processes in production which in turn gives rise to improvements in support processes performed by other departments.

Analys och underhåll av komponenter i tuff kemisk miljö

Axelsson, Patrik January 2021 (has links)
Examensarbetet som rapporten redovisar utfördes i ett av Volvo Group Truck Operation:s (GTO) gjuterier på motorfabriken i Skövde. Här används sandgjutning för att tillverka komponenter till lastbilsmotorer av gjutjärn. I gjutprocessentillverkas sandkärnor enligt Epoxy-SO2-metoden. Sandkärnorna hanteras av robotar i slutna celler. Underhållsavdelningen upplever att komponenter på robotverktygensom förflyttar kärnorna har kort livslängd. En teori är att detta beror påexponeringen för SO2. Forskning visar på att vissa material som exponeras för svaveldioxid (SO2) bland annat korrodera eller bli spröda. Korrosionsprocessen för metaller kan öka om SO2 reagerar tillsammans med vatten och syrgas och bildar svavelsyrlighet (H2SO3) eller svavelsyra (H2SO4). För att den här kemiska processen ska påbörjas krävs en relativluftfuktighet om minst 60%. Polymerer som plast och gummi kan svälla, lösas uppeller bli spröda vid exponering för SO2 , H2SO3 eller H2SO4. Slutmålet med examensarbetet är att definiera lämpliga komponenter åtunderhållsavdelningen som ska användas vid renovering av robotverktygen. Innan detta kan utföras behöver verktygen brytas ner på komponentnivå ochdokumenteras i ett underhållssystem. Vidare kommer mätningar på koncentrationav svaveldioxid, luftfuktighet samt temperatur utföras i robotcellerna. Resultatet från mätningarna används som underlag för att ta reda på om det finns liknande komponenter som tål miljön i robotcellen bättre. När verktygen slutligen renoverats kommer förhoppningsvis de oplanerade stoppen minska. Om de oplanerade stoppen minskar kommer underhållskostnaderna kopplat till robotcellerna också minska. Enligt mätningarna var inte luftfuktigheten tillräckligt hög för att komponenterna i robotcellerna ska riskera att korrodera på grund av exponering för SO2. Däremot ärmånga pneumatiska komponenter delvis tillverkade av plast som inte tål SO2. Många av de här komponenterna finns som alternativ tillverkade av till exempel nickel-pläterad mässing eller rostfritt stål som tål gasen. Examensarbetet har gett svar på frågeställningarna och lett fram till konkretaförbättringar. Det har även skapat nya idéer till fortsatt förbättringsarbete. / The thesis this report refers to has been carried out in one of Volvo Group truck operation’s(GTO) foundries in the engine factory in Skövde. Sandcasting is used to manufacture components for truck engines of cast iron. In the casting process, sandcores are manufactured according to the Epoxy-SO2-process. The sand cores are handled by robots in closed cells. The maintenance department experiences tha tcomponents on the robotic tools that move the cores have a short service life. One theory is that this is due to exposure to SO2. According to research, certain materials exposed to SO2 can corrode or become brittle. The corrosion process for metals can increase if SO2 react with water and oxygen to form sulfurous acid (H2SO3) or sulfuric acid (H2SO4). In order for thischemical process to begin, a relative humidity of at least 60% is required. Polymers such as plastic and rubber may swell, dissolve or become brittle upon exposed to SO2, H2SO3 or H2SO4. The final goal with this thesis is to define suitable components for the maintenance department that will be used in the renovation of the robotic tools. Before this can be done the tools need to be broken down to component level and be registered in a maintenance system. Furthermore, measurements of concentration of sulfur dioxide, humidity and temperature will be performed in the robotic cells. The results from the measurements are used as a basis for finding out if there are similar components that can withstand the environment better. When the tools are finally renovated, hopefully the unplanned stops will decrease. If the unplanned stops decrease, the maintenance costs associated with the robotic cells will also decrease. According to the measurements, the humidity was not high enough for the components in the robotic cells to risk corroding due to exposure to SO2. However, many pneumatic components are partly made of plastic that does not tolerate SO2. Many of these components are available as alternatives made of, for example, nickel-plated brass or stainless steel that can withstand the gas. The thesis has provided answers to the issues and led to concrete improvements. It has also created new ideas for continued improvement work.

OCR algoritmers noggrannhet och snabbhet vid identifieringen av text på olika typer av bakgrund : En jämförelse mellan OCR - algoritmerna Tesseract och Google ML-Kit / The accuracy and speed of OCR algorithms in identifying text on different types of backgrounds

Sahiti, Ylli January 2021 (has links)
SyfteOCR, optical character recognition, algoritmer kan implementeras på olika sätt, de påverkar även resultatet både beroende på vilken implementation som används och vilket dataset som det används på. Därför är det viktigt att testa de olika OCR algoritmerna på just det dataset som är tänkt att användas för att få ett förutsägbart resultat. Metod60 bilder är tagna på innehållsförteckningar tryckta på svenska livsmedelsprodukter med tre olika bakgrundsytor, aluminium, konvexa ytor och mjukplast. Två OCR algoritmer, ML Kit och Tesseract, har jämförts med avseende på precision och hastighet i syfte att hitta svårigheter för de respektive algoritmerna. ResultatBåda undersökta OCR algoritmerna hade störst svårighet att identifiera tecken i bilder med reflektion. ML Kit hade färre problem med lågupplösta bilder, Tesseract hade anmärkningsvärt större problem med lågupplösta bilder. För ändamålet som studien avser så är ML Kit det bästa valet. BegränsningarEnbart två OCR algoritmer jämförs i studien. Livsmedelsprodukter med tre olika bakgrundsytor har studerats, aluminium, konvex yta och mjukplast. Endast precision samt hastighet har jämförts. Precisionen har jämförts i antalet rätt ord samt hur nära en prediktering är från att vara helt rätt (Levenshtein algoritm).

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