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An investigation of koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) movement in the Waikato region using laser ablation otolith microchemistryBlair, Jennifer Marie January 2008 (has links)
The koi carp Cyprinus carpio is an invasive fish that has reached high numbers and biomass in the North Island of New Zealand, particularly in the Waikato region. This species has a variety of negative effects on aquatic ecosystems, increasing turbidity, uprooting aquatic macrophytes, and affecting water column nutrient levels. Recent research in Australia and New Zealand has shown that adult carp, though largely restricted to small scale movements, are capable of moving long distances. Movement in adult carp may be underestimated by these studies, and comparatively little is known about the movement of smaller carp. This study examined the feasibility of using laser ablation otolith microchemistry to track koi carp movement and identify spawning areas. Water samples from six locations (Lake Waahi, Lake Whangape, Lake Waikare, the Whangamarino River, and the Waikato River at Aka Aka and Rangiriri) were analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Significant differences between sites were found in the water concentrations of many elements. Koi carp were collected from the above locations, as well as from Opuatia Stream, Pungarehu Stream, the Maramarua River and Lake Hakanoa. The elemental concentrations in the asteriscus otoliths were analysed using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP-MS). Elemental concentrations in the edges and nuclei of adult koi carp and the edges of young-of-the-year (YOY) koi carp were significantly different between capture sites. No significant differences were found in elemental concentrations between sites in the nuclei of YOY koi carp. A discriminant function analysis (DFA) was carried out using the otolith edge elemental signatures of koi carp. The model used Ba, Sr, Mg, Rb and Zn concentrations to differentiate between four capture locations: the Waikato River, Pungarehu Stream, Lake Waahi, and Lake Waikare and Pungarehu Stream. The DFA was able to correctly predict the capture location of 82% of koi carp using their otolith edge elemental signatures. The classification functions created using koi carp otolith edge signatures were then used as a training set to classify otolith nucleus signatures. The otolith nuclei of 80% of YOY koi carp were classified to their site of capture, suggesting they had not moved between locations. The majority of adult koi carp caught at Lake Waikare, Whangamarino River, Pungarehu Stream and Opuatia Stream had nucleus signatures matching their capture sites, indicating that these fish originated from their capture location. Koi carp from other sites likely moved there from another location. The majority of adult koi carp (88%) caught at the Waikato River at Rangiriri had otolith nucleus signatures matching Lake Waikare and Pungarehu Stream. Adult koi carp caught at Lake Waahi and the Waikato River at Aka Aka had otolith signatures corresponding to a range of locations. While some areas (Lake Waikare, Pungarehu Stream) appear to have resident koi carp populations that likely originated there, others (Lake Waahi, the Waikato River) appear to have koi carp populations of mixed origin. These results indicate that Lake Waikare, Pungarehu Stream and the Whangamarino River may be important sources of koi carp recruits in the lower Waikato region.
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Using Otolith Elemental Composition to Track the Habitat Use, Movements, and Life History Patterns of Common Snook (Centropomus undecimalis) and Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) in the Tampa Bay EstuaryRolls, Holly Jacqueline 10 June 2014 (has links)
Knowledge of fish habitat use and connectivity is critical for understanding the structure and dynamics of fish populations and, therefore, necessary for the implementation of successful fisheries management strategies. Tagging is an effective means of providing such information, and the elemental composition contained within fish otoliths is increasingly being used as a natural tag. The chemical composition of otoliths reflects the incorporation of elements from different water bodies and can thus be used to understand the habitat use, movements, and life history patterns of fishes. To assess the applicability of otolith elemental composition as a tagging technique within the Tampa Bay estuary, Florida, laser ablation-inductively coupled-plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) was used to analyze the elemental composition of otoliths from two estuarine-dependent fish species, Snook (Centropomus undecimalis) and Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus).
Otolith elemental fingerprints can be used to quantify the proportion of juveniles from different nurseries that survive to join the sub-adult and adult fisheries, thus, providing resource managers with quantitative criteria to prioritize the most productive areas for conservation and restoration. To evaluate the use of otolith elemental fingerprinting in the Tampa Bay estuary, the spatial and temporal scales of chemical variation in otoliths collected from throughout Tampa Bay were examined by performing permutation-based multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVA) on the elemental data at several spatial (individual tributary, two-region, and three-region) and temporal (annual and seasonal) scales. Canonical Analysis of Principal Coordinates (CAP) was used to generate classifiers based on the otolith elemental fingerprints of juvenile fish, and `leave-one-out' cross-validation procedures indicated that the greatest classification accuracy was obtained by using the two-region model (upper vs. lower Tampa Bay) for both species (for Snook F=45.8, p=0.001, CAP cross-validation success=76%; for Red Drum F=9.7, p=0.001, CAP cross-validation success=87%). For both species, all temporal analyses at the inter-annual scale indicated that otolith elemental fingerprints were significantly different across years (two-way MANOVA; p
Several environmental factors which may have contributed to the regional differences in otolith chemistry were examined, including physico-chemical parameters (surface measurements of salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH, and temperature taken at the time of sample collection), surficial geologic stratigraphy, and land development. Weak, but significant correlations were identified between some elements and physico-chemical parameters; however, instantaneous measurements taken at the time of fish collection may not have provided an accurate representation of the overall conditions experienced by the fish during the period in which the otolith material used in analyses had been deposited (2 - 4 weeks). A significant correlation between latitude and otolith Sr/Ca was found, likely corresponding to an increasing ambient gradient that occurs from the upper to lower bay (for Red Drum F=77.1, p=0.001; for Snook F=69.2, p=0.001). The Land Development Intensity metric was negatively correlated with otolith Li/Ca and Sr/Ca. While surficial geologic inputs may have also contributed to the elemental composition of otoliths, the relationships revealed by redundancy analyses (RDA) were somewhat unclear or contradictory.
Once the appropriate chemical characterization of the study area was identified (the two-region models for both species), elemental fingerprints from the core portions of sub-adult and adult otoliths were assigned to their most probable juvenile habitat region using a maximum likelihood estimator based on the posterior probabilities generated by CAP analyses (CAP-MLE). Application of the two-region model revealed that the majority of Red Drum (83%) was determined to have originated from juvenile habitats in the upper Tampa Bay region, while most Snook (60%) originated from juvenile habitats in the lower Tampa Bay region. The majority of sub-adult/adult Snook and Red Drum were collected from the same region in which they were determined to have originated (for Snook, 36 out of 55 = 65%; for Red Drum, 58 out of 78 = 74%), indicating some level of site fidelity to juvenile habitat areas.
The use of otolith elemental profiling to reconstruct specific environmental and physiological experiences has the potential to provide unique insights regarding the life histories of Snook, a species with unpredictable spawning and movement characteristics. Otoliths from Snook maintained in captivity at the Mote Aquaculture Park (MAP) were analyzed to elucidate the degree to which various factors, including otolith growth (macrostructure features), spawning events, handling stress, and salinity influence otolith chemistry. Cross-correlation analyses of otolith elemental profiles and quantified macrostructure features (including annuli and checks) demonstrated that interpretations of elemental patterns should not be confounded by changes associated with otolith crystallography. An elemental marker for known spawning events was not identified (ANOVA spawners vs. non-spawners, p>0.05); however, because the physiological costs and alterations in blood chemistry associated with gonadal maturation (rather than the singular act of spawning) could affect otolith chemistry, additional studies which more thoroughly track maturation stages may be able to identify a suite of elements that can be used to discern the reproductive histories of Snook. Significantly elevated Zn:Ca (ANOVA: F=5.64, p=0.012) and decreased Fe:Ca (ANOVA: F=25.02, p
Continuous life history Ba:Ca and Sr:Ca profiles of 56 wild Snook collected from throughout Tampa Bay revealed significant plasticity in the types of juvenile habitats settled, as well as in the timing of ontogenetic movements from these habitats. Of the profiles examined, 55% exhibited otolith core signatures characterized by an opposing Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca pattern, followed by an inverted pattern, providing an indicator of the movement of larvae from high salinity, pre-settlement environments into mesohaline, tidally-influenced juvenile habitats. In contrast, nearly half (45%) the Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca profiles indicated settlement in higher salinity environments, suggesting a high degree of habitat plasticity for juveniles of this species. For fish that settled into mesohaline habitats, decreases in Ba:Ca and/or increases in Sr:Ca over the first several years of life signaled the ontogenetic transition out of the juvenile habitat, with the timing of emergence ranging from within the first year to age-3. Because conditions during early life may propagate into divergent behaviors in subsequent life stages, information on the experiences of early life and juvenile stages could help to inform whether the occupation of different juvenile habitat types, or the precocious or delayed emergence from those habitats, explain the peculiar spawning and movement habits that occur in this species.
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Natal origin of atlantic bluefin tuna (thunnus thynnus) from the gulf of st. lawrence using δ13c and δ18o in otolithsSchloesser, Ryan Walter 15 May 2009 (has links)
Increased knowledge of stock mixing and migration patterns of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is required to appropriately manage and conserve declining populations. The nursery origin of giant bluefin tuna present in the Gulf of St. Lawrence was identified using stable carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) isotopes in sagittal otoliths. Anthropogenic and natural processes are capable of impacting atmospheric and oceanic concentrations of δ13C and δ18O, affecting otolith concentrations. Therefore, inter-decadal variation of δ13C and δ18O in the otolith cores (corresponding to the first year of life) of bluefin tuna was examined prior to stock predictions and temporal variability was detected in both isotope ratios. Significant changes in both δ13C and δ18O were recorded in the otolith cores of individuals with birthdates between 1947 and 2003. Both δ13C and δ18O varied significantly as a function of year of birth, with δ13C decreasing and δ18O increasing over the time period investigated (-2.39×10-2 and 5.78×10-3 per year, respectively). The rate of change in otolith δ13C was nearly identical to the reported rates of atmospheric δ13C depletion, recently attributed to the burning of fossil fuels (referred to as the Suess effect). Observed shifts in otolith δ18O were less pronounced and likely linked to changing physicochemical conditions (i.e. salinity) in oceanic reservoirs over the time period investigated. The results show that otolith cores of bluefin tuna effectively track inter-decadal trends and record past oceanic δ13C and δ18O levels. After adjusting for inter-decadal trends, the isotopic composition of milled otolith cores of giants from three decades (1970s, 1980s, 2000s) and three regions were compared to otolith δ13C and δ18O values of yearling bluefin tuna collected from eastern and western nurseries. Maximum likelihood estimates indicated that 99% of bluefin tuna caught in the Gulf of St. Lawrence fishery originated from the western nursery, with no significant differences among the decades and regions examined. Results suggest that little to no mixing of eastern and western populations of adult bluefin tuna occurs in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, making it important for the management and conservation of the declining western population.
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Natal origin of atlantic bluefin tuna (thunnus thynnus) from the gulf of st. lawrence using δ13c and δ18o in otolithsSchloesser, Ryan Walter 15 May 2009 (has links)
Increased knowledge of stock mixing and migration patterns of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is required to appropriately manage and conserve declining populations. The nursery origin of giant bluefin tuna present in the Gulf of St. Lawrence was identified using stable carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) isotopes in sagittal otoliths. Anthropogenic and natural processes are capable of impacting atmospheric and oceanic concentrations of δ13C and δ18O, affecting otolith concentrations. Therefore, inter-decadal variation of δ13C and δ18O in the otolith cores (corresponding to the first year of life) of bluefin tuna was examined prior to stock predictions and temporal variability was detected in both isotope ratios. Significant changes in both δ13C and δ18O were recorded in the otolith cores of individuals with birthdates between 1947 and 2003. Both δ13C and δ18O varied significantly as a function of year of birth, with δ13C decreasing and δ18O increasing over the time period investigated (-2.39×10-2 and 5.78×10-3 per year, respectively). The rate of change in otolith δ13C was nearly identical to the reported rates of atmospheric δ13C depletion, recently attributed to the burning of fossil fuels (referred to as the Suess effect). Observed shifts in otolith δ18O were less pronounced and likely linked to changing physicochemical conditions (i.e. salinity) in oceanic reservoirs over the time period investigated. The results show that otolith cores of bluefin tuna effectively track inter-decadal trends and record past oceanic δ13C and δ18O levels. After adjusting for inter-decadal trends, the isotopic composition of milled otolith cores of giants from three decades (1970s, 1980s, 2000s) and three regions were compared to otolith δ13C and δ18O values of yearling bluefin tuna collected from eastern and western nurseries. Maximum likelihood estimates indicated that 99% of bluefin tuna caught in the Gulf of St. Lawrence fishery originated from the western nursery, with no significant differences among the decades and regions examined. Results suggest that little to no mixing of eastern and western populations of adult bluefin tuna occurs in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, making it important for the management and conservation of the declining western population.
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Classifying Hatchery Steelhead Trout Stocks Using Otolith Chemistry: Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Adult Steelhead TroutBoehler, Christopher Thomas 10 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Examination of Spawning Stock Specific Recruitment and Migration Dynamics in Lake Erie White BassDavis, Jeremiah J. 01 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Développement de la microchimie élémentaire et isotopique (87Sr : 86Sr) des otolithes de saumons Atlantique : évaluation du potentiel pour un appui à la gestion piscicole dans le bassin de l’Adour / Natal origins of Atlantic salmon from the Adour basin using multi elemental composition and strontium isotope ratio of otolithsMartin, Jean 22 January 2013 (has links)
Le saumon Atlantique fait partie du patrimoine écologique et économique du bassin de l’Adour. Dans le cadre de la gestion actuelle du saumon dans ce bassin, l’origine natale des géniteurs, le taux de retour des individus d’origine piscicole, le taux de homing sur chaque sous-bassin ou encore le soutient par des géniteurs extérieurs au bassin de l’Adour sont des thématiques qui restent sans réponses. Ce projet propose donc de tester le potentiel de la géochimie des otolithes sur le saumon Atlantique du bassin de l’Adour. Nos travaux démontrent que la variation géographique de la composition chimique de l’eau dans 12 rivières colonisées par le saumon, associée à un enregistrement dans l’otolithe proportionnel à la signature géochimique du milieu de vie, permettent de discriminer l’origine géographique des individus. La combinaison des signatures élémentaires (Sr:Ca et Ba:Ca) et surtout l’isotopie du Sr (temporellement plus stable et sans fractionnement biologique) dans les otolithes améliore la précision du classement à l’échelle de la rivière de développement. En se basant sur la transmission de signatures géochimiques (élémentaires et isotopiques) transgénérationelles entre la femelle reproductrice et les otolithes des embryons produits par cette dernière, nous avons discriminé avec succès les individus nés en rivière de ceux nés en pisciculture. Le classement des géniteurs (180 individus) selon leur rivière natale a confirmé que le sous bassin du gave d’Oloron, et plus particulièrement le gave d’Ossau, reste le lieu qui produit le plus de saumon de retour. De façon non négligeable, le gave de Pau contribue lui aussi au renouvellement de la population (10 d’origine piscicole et 6 d’origine naturelle). 18 saumons sur 180 sont issus de l’alevinage (soit 10%); la majorité s’étant développée dans le sous-bassin du gave de Pau. Par ailleurs, nous avons mis à jour l’existence de périodes au cours de la vie des juvéniles (changements de milieu: sac vitellin—milieu extérieur et pisciculture—rivière) durant lesquelles l’enregistrement du Ba dans l’otolithe n’est pas en relation avec la chimie de l’eau. L’originalité de notre approche est d’avoir étudié l’influence des facteurs endogènes et environnementaux chez des poissons ayant vécu dans le milieu naturel ou ayant séjourné en milieu naturel contrôlé. Nos travaux mettent l’accent sur la complexité de l’intégration du rapport Ba:Ca dans l’otolithe et démontrent l’utilité des éléments traces et des isotopes du Sr comme « tag naturel » pour distinguer l’origine natale du saumon Atlantique. / The Adour basin holds one of the largest populations of Atlantic salmon in southern Europe exploited by commercial and sport fisheries. Determining the relative contributions of individual rivers and hatcheries to the Adour basin populations becomes crucial to understand key sources that contribute the most to its persistence. We successfully used Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca and 87Sr:86Sr ratios as natural tags for determining the natal origins of adults from 12 tributaries. Success in discriminating between fish from different sites was greatest using Sr isotopes since the latter remained relatively constant across years at a given location. Geochemical signatures from core regions of the otolith were also used to identify fish from hatchery or naturally spawned sources. The predominance of adults spawned in the Ossau River among returning adults corresponded with long-term juvenile production trends in the Ossau River. Despite the limited upstream accessibility of the Pau River, our study demonstrated that Atlantic salmon recruits can successfully leave this river to join the adult population in the Adour basin. We observed relatively clear separation between hatchery and wild juveniles using both Sr:Cacore (wild > 2.5 and hatchery < 0.80) and 87Sr:86Srcore (wild < 0.710 and hatchery > 0.710). The return of hatchery reared fish as adult spawners represented 10% of the total sampled fish we analyzed. Almost all adults, previously identified as belonging to the Ouzom River, were hatchery produced. Adults originated from the Pau River were either wild or hatchery reared fish. We also conducted field controlled experiments that characterized the elemental uptake process in juvenile Atlantic salmon otoliths during freshwater residency. Physiological effects influenced Ba deposition. Ba:Ca otolith profiles from hatchery-reared and field collected fish were characterised by a peak at yolk absorption mark. Hatchery-reared fish stocked in a river also displayed a peak of Ba:Ca following transfer which was not related to the water chemistry. Our experiment revealed a 20-day lag time between initial Ba:Cawater changes and Ba:Caotolith saturation. Results suggested that such effects should be considered during any attempts to determine rivers of origin of Atlantic salmon based on otolith elemental composition or reconstruct the movement of individual fish among and within streams.
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