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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determining Inclinations of Active Galactic Nuclei via their Narrow-Line Region Kinematics

Fischer, Travis C 07 August 2012 (has links)
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are axisymmetric systems to first order; their observed properties are likely strong functions of inclination with respect to our line of sight. However, except for a few special cases, the specific inclinations of individual AGN are unknown. We have developed a promising technique for determining the inclinations of nearby AGN by mapping the kinematics of their narrow-line regions (NLRs), which are easily resolved with Hubble Space Telescope (HST) [O III] imaging and long-slit spectra from the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). Our studies indicate that NLR kinematics dominated by radial outflow can be fit with simple biconical outflow models that can be used to determine the inclination of the bicone axis, and hence the obscuring torus, with respect to our line of sight. We present NLR analysis of 52 Seyfert galaxies and resultant inclinations from models of 17 individual AGN with clear signatures of biconical outflow. From these AGN, we can for the first time assess the effect of inclination on other observable properties in radio-quiet AGN, including the discovery of a distinct correlation between AGN inclination and X-ray column density.

Flächenhafte Bestimmung von Hochwasserspenden

Walther, Jörg, Fischer, Björn, Horn, Susanna, Merz, Ralf, Salinas Illarena, Jose Luis, Laaha, Gregor 07 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Der Projektabschlussbericht befasst sich mit der Bestimmung von Hochwasserscheitelabflüssen mit zugeordneter Jährlichkeit HQT an unbeobachteten Gewässerquerschnitten in Sachsen. Grundlage sind beobachtete Hochwasserscheitel an 113 Pegeln und hydrologische Überlegungen zur räumlichen Variabilität von Hochwassern. Zur Anwendung kommen Index-Flood-Verfahren, Top-Kriging und Georegression. Die Bewertung der Ergebnisse erfolgt mit einem Jack-Knife-Vergleich für die durch Pegel beobachteten Einzugsgebiete. Zur Bestimmung von Hochwasserspenden wird für Sachsen eine Kombination aller drei Verfahren empfohlen. Die Ergebnisse sollen Planern und Wasserbehörden für die Bemessung wasserbaulicher Anlagen zur Verfügung stehen.

The remarkable outflows from the galactic microquasar SS433

Jeffrey, Robert January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, I present 4 new, high-resolution observations of the Galactic microquasar SS 433, obtained from the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). I show that we can resolve the same ejecta in successive observations separated by ~ 35 d. I will demonstrate a method to uniquely determine launch vectors of the jet bolides, and I use this unprecedented baseline in time to show that the expansion rate of these bolides may reach 0.03c. I also present the first scientific results from the study of the radio jets in a unique set of historic observations of SS 433: the 39 images that comprise the 2003 VLBA movie of Mioduszewski et al. (2004). This unmatched time sampling allows us to see daily changes in the dynamics of SS 433's jets. I present evidence that these observations caught SS 433 as it transitioned from quiescence into a flare, and I show that this manifests itself as an increase in both the jet launch speed and the brightness of the jet bolides. Using these data, I examine the evolution of the particle energies, densities and magnetic fields within the bolides. We see that the estimates of the mass-loss rates via the jets cannot be reconciled with the those inferred from X-ray or optical data, if we posit equipartition of energy in synchrotron emitting plasma. The time resolution of the 2003 data allows us to observe the flux evolution of the jet bolides, and I show that the bolides undergo a power law decay as t<sup>−2.8</sup>. Lastly, I examine X-ray monitoring data from the Swift/BAT satellite and the MAXI All-Sky- Monitor. From these lightcurves, I examine the geometry of the X-ray emission from close to the compact object itself, and I discuss SS 433's place within the current paradigm of accretion in microquasars. Throughout, we will see that it is the accessible time scales of the SS 433 phenomenon that allow us to learn about its exciting, complex physics.

Resolving the H alpha-emitting Region in the Wind of eta Carinae

Wu, Ya-Lin, Smith, Nathan, Close, Laird M., Males, Jared R., Morzinski, Katie M. 17 May 2017 (has links)
The massive evolved star. Carinae is the most luminous star in the Milky Way and has the highest steady wind mass-loss rate of any known star. Radiative transfer models of the spectrum by Hillier et al. predict that Ha is mostly emitted in regions of the wind at radii of 6-60 au from the star (2.5-25 mas at 2.35 kpc). We present diffraction-limited images (FWHM similar to 25 mas) with Magellan adaptive optics in two epochs, showing that. Carinae consistently appears similar to 2.5-3 mas wider in Ha emission compared to the adjacent 643 nm continuum. This implies that the H alpha line-forming region may have a characteristic emitting radius of 12 mas or similar to 30 au, in very good agreement with the Hillier stellar-wind model. This provides direct confirmation that the physical wind parameters of that model are roughly correct, including the mass-loss rate of M= 10(-3)M(circle dot) yr(-1), plus the clumping factor, and the terminal velocity. Comparison of the Ha images (ellipticity and PA) to the continuum images reveals no significant asymmetries at H alpha. Hence, any asymmetry induced by a companion or by the primary's rotation do not strongly influence the global H alpha emission in the outer wind.

An Analysis of Intermarket Sales Inflows/Outflows Within a Shift-Share Framework

Yavas, Ugur 01 October 1992 (has links)
This article describes a method to analyse retail trade flows among competing retail centres. A case study of three nearby communities in the Southeastern United States is used to demonstrate the application of the technique. Results of the case study and their implications are discussed.

The Hanle Effect as a Diagnostic of Magnetic Fields in Stellar Envelopes. IV. Application to Polarized P Cygni Wind Lines

Ignace, Richard, Nordsieck, Kenneth H., Cassinelli, Joseph P. 10 July 2004 (has links)
The Hanle effect has been proposed as a new diagnostic of circumstellar magnetic fields for early-type stars, for which it is sensitive to field strengths in the 1-300 G range. In this paper we compute the polarized P Cygni line profiles that result from the Hanle effect. For modeling the polarization, we employ a variant of the "last scattering approximation." For cases in which the Sobolev optical depths are greater than unity, the emergent line intensity is assumed to be unpolarized, while for smaller optical depths, the Stokes source functions for the Hanle effect with optically thin line scattering are used. For a typical P Cygni line, the polarized emission forms in the outer wind, because the Sobolev optical depth is large at the inner wind. For low surface field strengths, weak P Cygni lines are needed to measure the circumstellar field. For high values of the surface fields, both the Zeeman and Hanle diagnostics can be used, with the Zeeman effect probing the photospheric magnetic fields and the Hanle effect measuring the magnetic field in the wind flow. Polarized line profiles are calculated for a self-consistent structure of the flow and the magnetic geometry based on the WCFields model, which is applicable to slowly rotating stellar winds with magnetic fields drawn out by the gas flow. For surface fields of a few hundred gauss, we find that the Hanle effect can produce line polarizations in the range of a few tenths of a percent up to about 2%.

On the Distances and Energetics of AGN Outflows

Edmonds, Bartlett D. 10 September 2013 (has links)
Active galactic nuclei (AGN) ubiquitously show outflows. It is now widely recognized that these outflows are key components in the evolution of super-massive black holes and their host galaxies. As important as these outflows are, we still lack sufficient understanding of their structure and energetics. The majority of the work presented in this thesis involved photoionization modeling of AGN outflows along with analysis of density diagnostics in order to determine the distances and energetics of observed outflows. The main findings of these analyses are that 1) outflows are often at distances of hundreds to thousands of parsecs from the central supermassive black hole and 2) quasars outflows can be sufficiently powerful to provide feedback in galactic evolution scenarios. We also find in some cases that the recombination timescales of metal ions are long compared with the flux variability timescales. The large distances we find provide a challenge to current outflow models. For example, these outflows cannot be connected with an accretion disk surrounding the supermassive black hole as assumed in some models. Furthermore, the outflows may be out of equilibrium as we find in Mrk 509. In this case, a thorough understanding of time-dependent photoionization effects is necessary. In this thesis, I include early steps toward understanding time-dependent photoionization as well as ionization studies of accretion disk winds. The main results of these theoretical studies is that 1) the appearance of multiple ionization components in an outflow can be an artifact of the incorrect assumption that the outflow is in ionization equilibrium and 2) the shielding gas required in accretion-disk-wind models should have a clear signature in UV spectra, but none has been observed to date. / Ph. D.

Shock-excited molecular hydrogen in the outflows of post-asymptotic giant branch stars

Forde, Kieran Patrick January 2014 (has links)
Since the identi cation of proto-planetary nebulae (PPNe) as transition objects between the asymptotic giant branch stars and planetary nebulae more than two decades ago, astronomers have attempted to characterise these exciting objects. Today many questions still elude a conclusive answer, partly due to the sheer diversity observed within this small subset of stellar objects, and partly due to the low numbers detected. Fortunately, many of these objects display a rich spectrum of emission/absorption lines that can be used as diagnostics for these nebulae. This dissertation presents a study of six PPNe using the relatively new (at NIR wavelengths) integral eld spectroscopy technique. This method has allowed the investigation of distinct regions of these nebulae, and in certain cases the application of magneto-hydrodynamic shock models to the data. The goal of this research has been to investigate the evolution of PPNe by detailed examination of a small sample of objects consisting of a full range of evolutionary types. Near-IR ro-vibrational lines were employed as the primary tool to tackle this problem. In all six sources the 1!0S(1) line is used to map the spatial extent of the H2. In three of these objects the maps represent the rst images of their H2 emission nebulae. In the case of the earliest-type object (IRAS 14331-6435) in this sample, the line map gives the rst image of its nebula at any wavelength. In the only M-type object (OH 231.8+4.2) in the sample, high-velocity H2 is detected in discrete clumps along the edges of the bipolar out ow, while a possible ring of slower moving H2 is found around the equatorial region. This is the rst detection of H2 in such a late-type object but due its peculiarities, it is possibly not representative of what is expected of M-type objects. In IRAS 19500-1709, an intermediate-type object, the line map shows the H2 emission to originate in clumpy structures along the edges of a bipolar shell/out ow. The remaining three objects have all been the subject of previous studies but in each case new H2 lines are detected in this work along with other emission lines (Mg ii, Na i &amp; CO). In the case of IRAS 16594-4656, MHD shock models have been used to determine the gas density and shock velocity. Two new python modules/classes have been written. The rst one to deal with the data cubes, extract ux measurements, rebin regions of interest, and produce line maps. The second class allows the easy calculation of many important parameters, for example, excitation temperatures, column density ratio values, extinction estimates from several line-pairs, column density values, and total mass of the H2. The class also allows the production of input les for the shock tting procedure, and simulated shocks for testing this tting process. A new framework to t NIR shock models to data has been developed, employing Monte Carlo techniques and the extensive computing cluster at the University of Hertfordshire (UH). This method builds on the approach used by many other authors, with the added advantages that this framework provides a method of correctly sampling the shock model parameter space, and providing error estimates on the model t. Using this approach, data from IRAS 16594-4656 have been successfully modelled using the shock models. A full description of this class of stellar objects from such a small sample is not possible due to their diverse nature. Although H2 was detected across the full spectral vi range of post-AGB objects, the phase at which H2 emission begins is still not clear. The only M-type object in this work is a peculiar object and may not be representative of a typical post-AGB star. The H2 PPNe appear to be located at lower Galactic latitudes (b 20 ) than the total PPNe population, possibly pointing to an above average mass and hence younger age of these objects.

Collapsar accretion and the gamma-ray burst X-ray light curve

Lindner, Christopher Carl 02 November 2010 (has links)
We present axisymmetric hydrodynamical simulations of the long-term accretion of a rotating gamma-ray burst progenitor star, a "collapsar," onto the central compact object, which we take to be a black hole. The simulations were carried out with the adaptive mesh refinement code FLASH in two spatial dimensions and with an explicit shear viscosity. The evolution of the central accretion rate exhibits phases reminiscent of the long GRB [gamma]-ray and X-ray light curve, which lends support to the proposal by Kumar et al. (2008a,b) that the luminosity is modulated by the central accretion rate. In the first "prompt" phase, the black hole acquires most of its final mass through supersonic quasiradial accretion occurring at a steady rate of [scientific symbols]. After a few tens of seconds, an accretion shock sweeps outward through the star. The formation and outward expansion of the accretion shock is accompanied with a sudden and rapid power-law decline in the central accretion rate Ṁ [proportional to] t⁻²̇⁸, which resembles the L[subscript x] [proportional to] t⁻³ decline observed in the X-ray light curves. The collapsed, shock-heated stellar envelope settles into a thick, low-mass equatorial disk embedded within a massive, pressure-supported atmosphere. After a few hundred seconds, the inflow of low-angular-momentum material in the axial funnel reverses into an outflow from the thick disk. Meanwhile, the rapid decline of the accretion rate slows down, which is potentially suggestive of the "plateau" phase in the X-ray light curve. We complement our adiabatic simulations with an analytical model that takes into account the cooling by neutrino emission and estimate that the duration of the prompt phase can be ~ 20 s. The model suggests that the steep decline in GRB X-ray light curves is triggered by the circularization of the infalling stellar envelope at radii where the virial temperature is below 10¹⁰ K, such that neutrino cooling is inefficient and an outward expansion of the accretion shock becomes imminent; GRBs with longer prompt [gamma]-ray emission should have more slowly rotating envelopes. / text

Millimetre spectral line mapping observations towards four massive star-forming H ii regions

Li, Shanghuo, Wang, Junzhi, Zhang, Zhi-Yu, Fang, Min, Li, Juan, Zhang, Jiangshui, Fan, Junhui, Zhu, Qingfeng, Li, Fei 05 January 2017 (has links)
We present spectral line mapping observations towards four massive star-forming regions Cepheus A, DR21S, S76E and G34.26+0.15 - with the IRAM 30-m telescope at the 2 and 3 mm bands. In total, 396 spectral lines from 51 molecules, one helium recombination line, 10 hydrogen recombination lines and 16 unidentified lines were detected in these four sources. An emission line of nitrosyl cyanide (ONCN, 14(0), 14-13(0), (13)) was detected in G34.26+0.15, as the first detection in massive star-forming regions. We found that c-C3H2 and NH2D show enhancement in shocked regions, as suggested by the evidence of SiO and/or SO emission. The column density and rotational temperature of CH3CN were estimated with the rotational diagram method for all four sources. Isotope abundance ratios of C-12/C-13 were derived using HC3N and its C-13 isotopologue, which were around 40 in all four massive star-forming regions and slightly lower than the local interstellar value (similar to 65). The N-14/N-15 and O-16/O-18 abundance ratios in these sources were also derived using the double isotopic method, which were slightly lower than in the local interstellar medium. Except for Cep A, the S-33/S-34 ratios in the other three targets were derived, which were similar to that in the local interstellar medium. The column density ratios of N(DCN)/N(HCN) and N( DCO+)/N(HCO+) in these sources were more than two orders of magnitude higher than the elemental [D]/[H] ratio, which is 1.5 x 10(-5). Our results show that the later stage sources, G34.26+0.15 in particular, present more molecular species than earlier stage sources. Evidence of shock activity is seen in all stages studied.

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