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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pricing outside barrier options when the monitoring of the barrier starts at a hitting time

Mofokeng, Jacob Moletsane 02 1900 (has links)
This dissertation studies the pricing of Outside barrier call options, when their activation starts at a hitting time. The pricing of Outside barrier options when their activation starts at time zero, and the pricing of standard barrier options when their activation starts at a hitting time of a pre speci ed barrier level, have been studied previously (see [21], [24]). The new work that this dissertation will do is to price Outside barrier call options, where they will be activated when the triggering asset crosses or hits a pre speci ed barrier level, and also the pricing of Outside barrier call options where they will be activated when the triggering asset crosses or hits a sequence of two pre specifed barrier levels. Closed form solutions are derived using Girsanov's theorem and the re ection principle. Existing results are derived from the new results, and properties of the new results are illustrated numerically and discussed. / Mathematical Sciences / M. Sc. (Applied Mathematics)

O processo de colonização no Rio Grande do Sul : o caso de São Leopoldo no século XIX

Saviani Filho, Hermógenes January 2008 (has links)
Este tem trabalho tem por objeto a constituição da economia colonial no extremo sul da América portuguesa, em territórios que hoje compõem o estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Investiga-se como foram construídas suas estruturas produtivas mais típicas e como este espaço foi incorporado economicamente ao império português na América. Analisa-se a estrutura agrária através das estâncias, charqueadas e das unidades familiares da região de colonização alemã. O Rio Grande do Sul constituiu-se em importante região produtora de alimentos, charque e trigo, para o mercado interno da América portuguesa. Os dados obtidos através do Arquivo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul para a região de São Leopoldo nos levou a concluir que a região de colonização alemã dependia do setor voltado ao comércio externo, indo, assim, a favor da tese de Caio Prado Jr. / This work addresses colonial society in the southern part of Portuguese America, in the territories that are the now the state of Rio Grande do Sul. I explore the ways in which this region's productive structures were constructed and how they were incorporated into the economy of the American par of the Portuguese Empire. I analyze the region's agricultural structures by looking at estancias (farms), charqueadas and the other family production units. The State of Rio Grande do Sul became an pivotal supplier food, such as charque and wheat, for internal market of Portuguese America. Dice obtained of Archive of Rio Grande do Sul for São Leopoldo region's to take finished which the zone of German colonization be based of sector outside market in favourable of Caio's Prado thesis.

Depictions of the Western Artist in Colonial South Africa: Turbott Wolfe

Bazlen, Chloe 01 January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores what the role of the artist provides to the colonial novel. Using William Plomer's novel Turbott Wolfe, the role of the Western artist in colonial South Africa is examined and critiqued, putting it in conversation with the art theory of Roger Fry and the Primitivism movement. In doing so, it explores themes such as desire, miscegenation, complexity, and carnival, showing that while artists partake in society, they also remain critical of it, responding to it in their artwork.

O processo de colonização no Rio Grande do Sul : o caso de São Leopoldo no século XIX

Saviani Filho, Hermógenes January 2008 (has links)
Este tem trabalho tem por objeto a constituição da economia colonial no extremo sul da América portuguesa, em territórios que hoje compõem o estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Investiga-se como foram construídas suas estruturas produtivas mais típicas e como este espaço foi incorporado economicamente ao império português na América. Analisa-se a estrutura agrária através das estâncias, charqueadas e das unidades familiares da região de colonização alemã. O Rio Grande do Sul constituiu-se em importante região produtora de alimentos, charque e trigo, para o mercado interno da América portuguesa. Os dados obtidos através do Arquivo do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul para a região de São Leopoldo nos levou a concluir que a região de colonização alemã dependia do setor voltado ao comércio externo, indo, assim, a favor da tese de Caio Prado Jr. / This work addresses colonial society in the southern part of Portuguese America, in the territories that are the now the state of Rio Grande do Sul. I explore the ways in which this region's productive structures were constructed and how they were incorporated into the economy of the American par of the Portuguese Empire. I analyze the region's agricultural structures by looking at estancias (farms), charqueadas and the other family production units. The State of Rio Grande do Sul became an pivotal supplier food, such as charque and wheat, for internal market of Portuguese America. Dice obtained of Archive of Rio Grande do Sul for São Leopoldo region's to take finished which the zone of German colonization be based of sector outside market in favourable of Caio's Prado thesis.

A dimensão social na experiência de consumo em alimentação fora do lar / The social dimension in consumer experience in outside home food sector

Dyego de Oliveira Arruda 28 July 2017 (has links)
A presente tese parte do pressuposto teórico-epistemológico de que os consumidores são \"seres sociais\", portanto, eles sofrem influência de uma série de aspectos da dimensão social do ambiente interno de varejo ao longo de uma determinada experiência de consumo. Em suma, entende-se que a dimensão social do ambiente interno dos estabelecimentos de varejo é composta por três grupos de \"atores\": os outros consumidores que também estão no ambiente (mas que não interagem verbalmente com o consumidor focal), a companhia que está junto do consumidor focal ao longo da experiência (com a qual ele estabelece interação verbal), além dos colaboradores da organização. Assim sendo, tendo isto em perspectiva, a presente tese teve como objetivo geral analisar a influência da dimensão social (outros consumidores, companhia e colaboradores) nas experiências do consumidor focal. Como locus analítico para a realização das reflexões da tese, optou-se por enfocar as experiências de consumo de alimentos fora do lar, uma vez que o ato de ir à um restaurante, por exemplo, é algo socialmente determinado, com um contexto social evidente, passível ser explorado no âmbito do objetivo geral delineado para o presente trabalho. Do ponto de vista metodológico, a pesquisa que foi conduzida classificou-se como exploratória e qualitativa, em que foram realizadas 43 entrevistas em profundidade com consumidores de diferentes perfis sociodemográficos que se dirigiram à estabelecimentos de alimentação do tipo fast-food. As entrevistas em profundidade, que ocorreram a partir do uso de um protocolo com questões norteadoras, foram gravadas, transcritas e submetidas à técnicas de análise de conteúdo. Em suma, os principais resultados encontrados na tese dão conta de que os outros consumidores, em específico, induzem o consumidor focal a empreender determinados tipos de reações afetivas, emocionais e comportamentais muitas vezes de modo heurístico e não intencional. Já as companhias, além de fazerem com que a experiência dure mais tempo, também induzem o consumidor focal a \"enxergar\" a sua experiência de consumo numa perspectiva mais hedônica, de tal modo que o consumidor focal não raro acaba negligenciando, em função da importância atribuída à companhia, eventuais problemas que tenham ocorrido ao longo de sua experiência. Por fim, os colaboradores têm como papel fundamental auxiliar o consumidor quando da ocorrência de algum problema, ou mesmo quando o consumidor apresenta algum tipo de dúvida, sempre de modo atencioso, demonstrando segurança e proatividade (já que estes são aspectos valorizados pelos consumidores). Em resumo, pode-se dizer que a principal implicação da tese é lançar luz no fato de que a dimensão social do ambiente interno de varejo é algo que impacta significativamente as experiências dos consumidores, numa dinâmica em que os gestores das empresas de varejo devem atentar-se com cuidado para esses aspectos. / This thesis starts from theoretical and epistemological assumptions that consumers are \"social beings,\" therefore, they are influenced by several aspects of the social dimension of retail internal environment during a given consumer experience. In sum, we understood that the social dimension of the retail internal environment is composed by three groups of \"actors\": (a) the other consumers who are also in the store (but who do not interact verbally with the focal consumer); (b) the companion that were with the focal consumer throughout the experience (with which he establishes verbal interaction) and; (c) the employees of the organization. Thus, this thesis aimed to analyze the influence of the social dimension (other consumers, companion and employees) in the consumer experience. As an analytical locus, we decided to focus on experiences of food consumption outside the home, since the act of going to a restaurant, for example, is socially determined, with a clear social context. From the methodological perspective, the research was classified as exploratory and qualitative, in which 43 in-depth interviews were conducted with consumers of different sociodemographic profiles who went to fast food restaurants. The in-depth interviews, which occurred from the use of a protocol with guiding questions, were recorded, transcribed and submitted to content analysis techniques. In summary, the main results found suggest that other consumers induce the focal consumer to undertake certain types of affective, emotional and behavioral reactions, often in a heuristic and unintentional way. The companion, besides to making the experience last longer, also induce the focal consumer to \"see\" their consumer experience in a more hedonic perspective; the focal consumer often neglects problems that have occurred during its experience due to the importance attributed to the companion. Finally, employees have a fundamental role to assist the consumer when a problem occurs, or even when the consumer presents some type of doubt, always in a caring way, demonstrating safety and proactivity (since these are aspects valued by consumers). In summary, we can be said that the main implication of this thesis is to shed light on the fact that the social dimension of the retail internal environment is something that impacts the consumer experiences. Therefore, the managers of the retail companies should be careful about these aspects.

Investimentos em infraestrutura como instrumento de política industrial / Investments in infrastructure as an instrument of industrial policy trial

Fernando Leme Fleury 13 February 2009 (has links)
As mudanças na eficiência relativa de setores produtivos ao longo do tempo direcionam a reorganização de atividades econômicas entre países desenvolvidos e emergentes. Essas mudanças resultam de dois movimentos complementares. Primeiro, o desenvolvimento setorial autônomo, decorrente da combinação de acumulação de capital físico e humano, eficiência transacional e curva de aprendizagem. O segundo movimento refere-se a choques exógenos, produzidos por inovações tecnológicas ou por intervenções autônomas do setor público. Tais intervenções, que alteram de forma planejada a dinâmica das trajetórias setoriais, são denominadas de política industrial. Por sua importância para o crescimento e desenvolvimento econômico, constituem o objeto de análise deste trabalho. A análise de investimentos em infraestrutura como instrumento de política industrial é desenvolvida em três etapas. Na primeira etapa propomos a estruturação de um modelo de organização epistemológica em política industrial a partir das relações instrumentoobjetivo. Com base na sistematização das principais linhas de pesquisa, utilizamos este modelo para estabelecer a vinculação normativa entre investimentos em infraestrutura e instrumentos de política industrial. Em complemento, o modelo permite posicionar a metodologia de pesquisa por meio da combinação entre modelos teóricos positivos e testes econométricos. Na segunda etapa desenvolvemos o vínculo teórico, fundamentado em um arcabouço hipotético-dedutivo, para estabelecer as condições nas quais investimentos em infraestrutura influenciam as trajetórias de crescimento e de comércio exterior de diferentes setores. Este arcabouço combina duas categorias de modelos. Seguindo a metodologia de Aschauer (1989), utilizamos variações de modelos de crescimento de Solow (1956), considerando investimentos em infraestrutura tanto como acúmulo de capital quanto como choque tecnológico, para avaliar seus impactos sobre dinâmicas setoriais. Combinamos esses modelos com os de Frankel e Romer (1999) para avaliar esses investimentos sob a ótica teórica do comércio internacional, desta forma criando o vínculo entre investimentos em infraestrutura e competitividade setorial. A terceira etapa estabelece o vínculo empírico entre investimentos em infraestrutura e objetivos da política industrial, testando as predições teóricas por meio de diferentes especificações de modelos de dados em painel aplicados a uma amostra de 85 países no período de 1960 a 2005. No plano do crescimento econômico, a produção per capita em diferentes setores é regredida em relação a investimentos em infraestrutura, mediante o uso de variáveis de controle tradicionais. No plano do comércio internacional, a variável dependente é a participação setorial na balança comercial; no plano tecnológico, a variável dependente é a produtividade do trabalho; e no plano social, a variável dependente é a equidade na distribuição de renda. Os testes empíricos indicam que investimentos em infraestrutura produzem um impacto positivo e estatisticamente relevante no crescimento de longo prazo do produto interno per capita, especialmente em economias em desenvolvimento. Avaliando setorialmente os resultados, esses investimentos geram aceleração expressiva e robusta no setor de serviços e menor aceleração no setor industrial. No setor agrícola, investimentos em infraestrutura auxiliam na sustentação do padrão histórico de crescimento. No plano tecnológico, investimentos em infraestrutura apresentaram efeitos expressivos sobre a produtividade marginal do trabalho na indústria, efeitos menores sobre a produtividade marginal do trabalho no setor de serviços, não indicando efeitos sobre a produtividade marginal do setor agrícola. Dentre os segmentos que compõem o setor de infraestrutura, verificamos que as telecomunicações atuam mais fortemente como instrumento indutor de crescimento econômico, indicando que esse segmento representa um instrumento de política industrial. Não foram encontradas evidências de que os segmentos de rodovias e geração de energia elétrica exerçam o mesmo papel do setor de telecomunicações. No plano do comércio internacional, os investimentos em infraestrutura não se mostraram relevantes na identificação de tendências de longo prazo. No plano social, investimentos em infraestrutura apresentaram efeitos relevantes na redução das desigualdades de renda. A composição das três etapas normativa, teórica e empírica, sugere que investimentos em infraestrutura podem produzir resultados relevantes de acordo com os objetivos propostos pela política econômica, materializando-se em importante instrumento a ser considerado no âmbito da administração pública. / The changes in the relative efficiency of economic sectors are drivers of the redistribution of economic activities between developing and developed countries. These changes are the result of two complementary factors. The first factor is the autonomous development of industry efficiency as a result of physical and human capital accumulation, transactional efficiency and learning curve. The second factor accounts for exogenous impacts produced by disruptive technologies and, mainly, by public sector interventions. Those interventions are, in a broad sense, denominated industrial policy and constitute the focus of the research. Such interventions, that change in a planned manner the dynamics of the sectors, are called industrial policy. For their importance for growth and economic development, they constitute the focus of this work. The analysis of investments in infrastructure as a tool of industrial policy is developed in three stages. In the first stage we structure an epistemological model of organization in industrial policy from the instrument-objectives relationships. Based on the systematization of the main fields of research, we use this model to establish the normative link between investments in infrastructure and industrial policy instruments. In addition, the model allows positioning the research methodology through the combination of positive models and generalizable empirical tests. In the second stage we develop the theoretical link, based on a hypothetical-deductive framework in order to establish the conditions under which investments in infrastructure affect the growth and foreign trade trajectories in different sectors. This framework combines two categories of models. Following the methodology of Aschauer (1989), we use variations of models of growth of Solow (1956), considering investments in infrastructure as much as accumulation of capital and technological shocks to assess its impacts on sectors dynamics. Further, we combine this effort with models by Frankel and Romer (1999) to evaluate these investments from the perspective of international trade theory, thus creating the link between investments in infrastructure and sector competitiveness. The third stage provides the empirical link between investments in infrastructure and industrial policy objectives, testing the theoretical predictions by using different specifications of data panel models applied to a sample of 85 countries covering period from 1960 to 2005. In terms of economic growth, the per capita production in different sectors is regressed against investments in infrastructure, using traditional control variables. In terms of international trade, the dependent variable used in the model is the participation of each sector in trade balance of a country. On the technological framework, the dependent variable is labor productivity and finally, the social objectives are tested using the fairness in the income distribution as the dependent variable. The empirical tests suggest that the infrastructure projects have a positive and statistically significant impact on long-term growth of GDP per capita, what is especially relevant for developing economies. Evaluating the results for different sectors, these investments generate significant and robust acceleration in the services sector and smaller acceleration in the industrial sector. In agriculture, investments in infrastructure help support the historical growth pattern. Considering technology, investment in infrastructure had significant effects on the marginal productivity of labor in industry, weaker effects on the labor marginal productivity in the service sector and indicated no effects on the labor marginal productivity of the agricultural sector. Among the components of the infrastructure sector, telecommunications act more strongly as an inducer of economic growth, indicating that this is an instrument of industrial policy. In terms of international trade, investments in infrastructure were not relevant to identify long run trends. In the social framework, investment in infrastructure had relevant effects in reducing income inequalities. The composition of the three stages - normative, theoretical and empirical, suggests that investments in infrastructure can produce relevant results, according to the objectives proposed by the economic policy. Investments in infrastructure can also be materialized in an important public policy instrument.

Outside directors experience and the effect on company value : a South African study

Jenkins, Kerry Claire January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis I investigate the impact of outside directors experience on company value. I do so by looking at a clear event, company delistings in the time period 2003 to 2011 in South Africa, a country with arguably imperfect institutions. Based on qualitative and quantitative research I am able to establish that director experience is indeed associated with company value. The qualitative analysis is based on semi-structured interviews with over 30 highly experienced, independent non-executive directors who have/had seats on over 150 South African listed company boards. Their responses confirm resource theory dependency and provide information on the nature of experience, its relevance during delisting and under other circumstances, as well as insight into the type of experience lacking on boards in corporate South Africa. The results of this research can be of practical use to nomination committees and has implications for future South African governance code reforms and/or guidelines.

Social Classroom : symbol of function beyond programme

Malan, Stephanus Francois 04 December 2008 (has links)
This dissertation explores theory with regards to function in architecture. The objective would be to consider the role of any intervention, within its context, in the initial design stages before programmatic conclusions are made. It also investigates the importance of formalizing embedded site narrative as a primary function of any intervention. The final proposal creates a space with an unmistakable sense of place capable of hosting any event on the social calendar of the University, synonymous with student life and the memory thereof. True beauty does not only dwell in the aesthetic appeal of an edifice, but in the presentation of an embedded narrative, giving complex meaning to the whole and driving the creation to be a manifestation of this narrative. An intervention can be absorbed by its own internal programme or generate an urban space that becomes the custodian of the interior. Campus buildings often outlive their programmatic functions due to changing spatial demands and growth. It is therefore necessary for designers to lay emphasis on design strategies that provide interventions with the capacity to sustain their intended functions. / Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Architecture / unrestricted

Are Independent Directors Effective Corporate Monitors? - An Analysis of the Empirical Evidence in the USA and Canada

Lai, Brian Y. January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores whether independent directors in the USA and Canada are effective in holding management accountable by: (1) analyzing how the policy of relying on independent directors developed and operates; (2) introducing the main theoretical critiques of independent directors’ monitoring effect; and (3) examining whether empirical studies in the field of management science and financial economics support the policy in both countries of relying on independent directors as corporate monitors. Empirical evidence shows that boards with a majority of independent directors, in some circumstances, were associated with better firm performance (in the post-SOX period) and fulfilled certain board tasks effectively in the United States. Canadian studies, however, have not shown a positive association with improved firm performance. Audit committees composed entirely of independent directors have been effective in ensuring the quality of financial reporting in the United States, but this effect has not been found in Canada. Compensation committees composed fully of independent directors neither constrained the level of executive compensation nor tied CEO pay to firm performance in either country. US firms with an audit committee member who had accounting expertise, rather than financial analysis or supervisory expertise, were associated with a higher quality of financial reporting, while Canadian firms with an audit committee member who has financial expertise, instead of financial literacy, were associated with a similar effect. Studies also showed that independent directors perform better in certain circumstances. Based on empirical evidence, US regulators should consider: (1) changing the current mandatory requirements for an independent board and a completely independent compensation committee to a comply-or-explain requirement; (2) narrowing the qualification of a financial expert to an individual who has accounting expertise; and (3) recruiting independent directors who have two or fewer outside directorships, hold more of the corporation’s shares, have lower cost of acquiring corporate information, and have no social connections with the CEO. In Canada, weak evidence of the monitoring effectiveness of independent directors supports the existing comply-or-explain approach. Canadian regulators may only need to require or recommend that at least one audit committee member has financial expertise, instead of only financial literacy.

Dialect reflecting heritage, class, and dis/entitlement and creating social situations

Agbasi, Adobi 01 July 2016 (has links)
This study examines how dialect can reflect people's heritage, socioeconomic status, and dis/entitlement status. It also examines how dialect has the ability to create social situations through codeswitching and language borrowing. I use the novels A Lesson Before Dying, The Lunatic, and Anthills of the Savannah to best explain my study. The novels take place in the United States, Jamaica, and West Africa. The theory that dialect reflects people's heritage, class, and dis/entitlement status is revealed through people from Africa and the African Diaspora and through people from Europe and the European diaspora. A conclusion is formulated after analyzing the characters' historical background, their living conditions, their educational status, and their actions toward others and themselves. The attributes of these characters, along with their dialect reveal a pattern that exists in real life. There are situations in which the dialect a person speaks determines how his or her life plays out. Ultimately, this thesis will reveal that people who speak standard dialects deal with similar situations, and people who speak nonstandard dialects deal with similar situations.

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