Spelling suggestions: "subject:"outsourcing""
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Information technology outsourcing in U.S. hospital systems /Diana, Mark Leonard, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Virginia Commonwealth University, 2006. / Prepared for: Dept. of Health Administration. Bibliography: leaves 157-165. Also available online via the Internet.
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Function-specific schemes for verifiable computationPapadopoulos, Dimitrios 07 December 2016 (has links)
An integral component of modern computing is the ability to outsource data and computation to powerful remote servers, for instance, in the context of cloud computing or remote file storage. While participants can benefit from this interaction, a fundamental security issue that arises is that of integrity of computation: How can the end-user be certain that the result of a computation over the outsourced data has not been tampered with (not even by a compromised or adversarial server)?
Cryptographic schemes for verifiable computation address this problem by accompanying each result with a proof that can be used to check the correctness of the performed computation. Recent advances in the field have led to the first implementations of schemes that can verify arbitrary computations. However, in practice the overhead of these general-purpose constructions remains prohibitive for most applications, with proof computation times (at the server) in the order of minutes or even hours for real-world problem instances. A different approach for designing such schemes targets specific types of computation and builds custom-made protocols, sacrificing generality for efficiency. An important representative of this function-specific approach is an authenticated data structure (ADS), where a specialized protocol is designed that supports query types associated with a particular outsourced dataset.
This thesis presents three novel ADS constructions for the important query types of set operations, multi-dimensional range search, and pattern matching, and proves their security under cryptographic assumptions over bilinear groups. The scheme for set operations can support nested queries (e.g., two unions followed by an intersection of the results), extending previous works that only accommodate a single operation. The range search ADS provides an exponential (in the number of attributes in the dataset) asymptotic improvement from previous schemes for storage and computation costs. Finally, the pattern matching ADS supports text pattern and XML path queries with minimal cost, e.g., the overhead at the server is less than 4% compared to simply computing the result, for all our tested settings. The experimental evaluation of all three constructions shows significant improvements in proof-computation time over general-purpose schemes.
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Toward practical argument systems for verifiable computationSetty, Srinath T.V. 09 February 2015 (has links)
How can a client extract useful work from a server without trusting it to compute correctly? A modern motivation for this classic question is third party computing models in which customers outsource their computations to service providers (as in cloud computing). In principle, deep results in complexity theory and cryptography imply that it is possible to verify that an untrusted entity executed a computation correctly. For instance, the server can employ probabilistically checkable proofs (PCPs) in conjunction with cryptographic commitments to generate a succinct proof of correct execution, which the client can efficiently check. However, these theoretical solutions are impractical: they require thousands of CPU years to verifiably execute even simple computations. This dissertation describes the design, implementation, and experimental evaluation viiiof a system, called Pepper, that brings this theory into the realm of plausibility. Pepper incorporates a series of algorithmic improvements and systems engineering techniques to improve performance by over 20 orders of magnitude, relative to an implementation of the theory without our refinements. These include a new probabilistically checkable proof encoding with nearly optimal asymptotics, a concise representation for computations, a more efficient cryptographic commitment primitive, and a distributed implementation of the server with GPU acceleration to reduce latency. Additionally, Pepper extends the verification machinery to handle realistic applications of third party computing: those that interact with remote storage or state (e.g., MapReduce jobs, database queries). To do so, Pepper composes techniques from untrusted storage with the aforementioned technical machinery to verifiably offload both computations and state. Furthermore, to make it easy to use this technology, Pepper includes a compiler to automatically transform programs in a subset of C into executables that run verifiably. One of the chief limitations of Pepper is that verifiable execution is still orders of magnitude slower than an unverifiable native execution. Nonetheless, Pepper takes powerful results from complexity theory and verifiable computation a few steps closer to practicality / text
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Aeração de artigos odonto-medico-hospitalares reprocessados a oxido de etileno : a pratica em empresas prestadoras de serviço terceirizadoAbdo, Nelyan 23 February 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Isabel Pedreira de Freitas Ceribelli / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T03:14:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: A etapa da aeração em um ciclo de esterilização a Óxido de Etileno (OE) corresponde à fase de retirada de resíduos tóxicos dos artigos processados neste método. A aeração pode ocorrer por meio de equipamentos destinados para o processo ou ainda em ambientes projetados para essa finalidade. O presente estudo tem como objetivo descrever como vem se desenvolvendo a prática da aeração dos artigos odonto-médico-hospitalares (AOMH) em empresas terceirizadoras de esterilização a OE, na região sudeste do país, tendo como referência a Portaria Interministerial No. 482, de 16 de Abril de 1999 vigente e orientações internacionais relacionadas ao tema.Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, com dados coletados através de instrumento aplicado presencialmente pela pesquisadora, que versou sobre a caracterização das empresas, dos parâmetros do processo de esterilização, período e características da aeração realizada. Foram entrevistados os responsáveis técnicos de 10 das 12 empresas existentes na referida região. Para tratamento dos dados foram utilizadas tabelas de freqüência para variáveis categóricas e estatísticas descritivas para as variáveis contínuas. Como resultado, observou-se que as empresas foram caracterizadas com número de clientes acima de 300 para 60% dos respondentes, concentramse no interior da região sudeste e todas apresentam profissionais responsáveis graduados na área da saúde. Com referência aos parâmetros do ciclo de esterilização os dados foram bastante heterogêneos. Sobre a aeração, 60% das empresas usam a aeração ambiental e 40% a mecânica. Em todas as questões sobre aeração, os dados foram dispersos indicando uma não homogeneidade de ação. A PI482 (1999) não menciona o tempo de aeração ambiental (AA) indicado para o processo, apesar de orientar sobre a existência de uma sala de aeração e também não menciona qualquer informação sobre aeração mecânica (AM). Neste aspecto, as empresas estão adequadas sendo que 100% delas possuem sala de aeração, mas apresentam parâmetros heterogêneos para utilização da AA. As orientações internacionais analisadas, oferecem dados objetivos sobre os tipos de aeração e sobre quais fatores que podem interferir no processo. Devido à diversidade de fatores que interferem no processo de aeração, uma orientação genérica é indicada pelas principais organizações internacionais e que preconiza o uso de aeração mecânica aquecida por 8h a 60ºC ou 12h a 50ºC. Neste aspecto, nenhuma das empresas pesquisadas mostrou adequação sendo que as que utilizam AM, trabalham com temperaturas e tempos diferentes dos preconizados. Quanto ao fator que determina o tempo de entrega do AOMH para uso, não houve consenso e obteve-se a maioria dos respondentes indicando o tempo de resposta de teste biológico como o fator preponderante. Conclui-se que a aeração de AOMH realizado em empresas terceirizadas de esterilização a OE na região sudeste, encontra-se adequada em relação à PI 482 (1999), no que se refere à estrutura física enquanto as orientações sobre parâmetros da aeração, não são bem estabelecidas nas empresas estudadas. Quanto às orientações internacionais para aeração de AOMH, as empresas não se encontram em conformidade com o preconizado o que conduz à necessidade da avaliação efetiva do processo realizado atualmente / Abstract: The stage of the aeration in a sterilization cycle the Oxide of Etileno (OE) corresponds to the phase of withdrawal of toxic residues of articles processed in this method. The aeration can still occur by means of equipment destined for the process or in projected environments for this purpose. The present study it has as objective to describe as it comes if developing practical of the aeration of dentalmedical- hospital devices (AOMH) in outsourced companies of sterilization the OE, in the Southeastern region of the country, having as reference Inter-ministerial PI 482, dated April 16, 1999 of effective related international guidelines. One is about a descriptive study, with data collected through instrument applied actually for the researcher, that turned on the characterization of the companies, of the parameters of the process of sterilization, period and characteristics of the carried through aeration. They had been interviewed responsible the technician of 10 of the 12 existing companies in the related region. For treatment of the data tables of frequency for categorical variable had been used and statistical descriptive for the continuous variable. As result, it was observed that the companies had been characterized with number of customers above of 300 for 60% of the respondents, are concentrated in the interior of the Southeastern region and all present responsible professionals graduated the area of the health. Regarding to the parameters of the sterilization cycle the data had been sufficiently heterogeneous. On the aeration, 60% of the companies use ambient aeration and 40% the mechanics. In all the questions on aeration, the data had been dispersed indicating not a homogeneity of action. The PI482 (1999) does not mention the time of ambient aeration (AA) indicated for the process, although to guide on the existence of a aeration room and also it does not mention any information on aeration mechanics (AM). In this aspect, the companies are adjusted being that 100% of them they possess aeration room, but present heterogeneous parameters for use of the AA. The analyzed international guidelines, offer given objective on the types of aeration and which factors that can intervene with the process. Due to diversity of factors that intervene with the aeration process, a generic orientation is indicated by the main international organizations and that it praises the aeration use warm mechanics for 8h 60ºC or 12h 50ºC. In this aspect, none of the searched companies showed adequacy being that the ones that use AM, work with temperatures and different times of the praised ones. How much to the factor that it determines the time of delivery of the DMHD for use, did not have consensus and got it majority of the respondents indicating the time of reply of biological test as the preponderant factor. The aeration of DMHD is concluded that carried through in outsourced companies of sterilization the OE in the Southeastern region, meets adequate in relation to PI 482 (1999), as for the physical structure while the guidelines on parameters of the aeration, well are not established in the studied companies. How much to the international guidelines for aeration of DMHD, the companies do not meet in compliance with the praised one what she leads to the necessity of the evaluation accomplishes of the process carried through currently / Doutorado / Enfermagem e Trabalho / Mestre em Enfermagem
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Desarrollo de neumoconiosis y trabajo bajo la modalidad de tercerización en trabajadores peruanos del sector mineroCáceres-Mejía, Brenda, Mayta-Tristan, Percy, Pereyra Elías, Reneé, Collantes, Héctor, Cáceres Leturia, Walter 25 January 2016 (has links)
Objetives. The aim of this study is to evaluate the association between the time of outsourced work and the development of pneumoconiosis in Peruvian miners who attended the "Centro Nacional de Salud Ocupacional y Protección al Ambiente para la Salud" between 2008 and 2011. Materials and methods. Retrospective case-control study. Cases were defined as workers diagnosed of pneumoconiosis under standardized criteria. Outsourced work was defined as the time (in months) of work in a company that does not own the primary mining project. The project owner company was registered in the Mining Companies Directory (Ministerio de Energía y Minas). We used multiple logistic regression with crude and adjusted ORs. Results. The study comprised 391 cases and 1519 controls. In both groups, most of the study subjects had a level of education lower than complete high school and were born and currently lived in the Peruvian highlands. There was statistically significant association between more frequency of pneumoconiosis and working 10 or more years in an outsourced company (OR: 1.50; 95%CI: 1.05-1.14; p=0.026). Miners with pneumoconiosis were more likely not to have education (OR: 3.07; 95%CI: 1.55–6.08; p=0.001), be currently living at the Peruvian highlands (OR: 1.40; 95%CI: 1.10-1.78; p=0.007) and to have more than 20 years of underground work history (OR: 8.92; 95%CI: 4.53-18.25; p<0.001). Conclusions. A statistically significant association was found between pneumoconiosis and the time of outsourced work. Not having education, residing in the Peruvian highlands and the time of underground work were associated risk factors. / Objetivos. Evaluar la asociación entre el tiempo de trabajo tercerizado y el desarrollo de neumoconiosis en trabajadores mineros peruanos atendidos en el Centro Nacional de Salud Ocupacional y Protección al Ambiente para la Salud entre 2008 y 2011. Materiales y métodos. Estudio de casos y controles retrospectivo no pareado. Los casos incluyeron trabajadores diagnosticados de neumoconiosis, según criterios estandarizados. Trabajo tercerizado se definió como meses de trabajo en empresa no titular. Las empresas titulares están registradas en el Directorio Minero del Perú (Ministerio de Energía y Minas). Se realizó regresión logística múltiple con OR crudos y ajustados. Resultados. El estudio incluyó 391 casos y 1519 controles. En ambos grupos, la mayoría tenían estudios menores a secundaria completa y habían nacido y vivían en la sierra. Trabajar 10 o más años en una empresa tercerizadora se asoció significativamente con mayor frecuencia de neumoconiosis (OR 1,50; IC 95%:1,05-2,14; p=0,026). Los casos presentaron mayor probabilidad de no tener ningún tipo de estudio (OR: 3,07; IC 95%:1,55–6,08; p=0,001), residir en la sierra peruana (OR 1,40; IC 95%:1,10-1,78; p=0,007) y haber trabajado más de 20 años en subsuelo (OR 8,92; IC 95%: 4,53-18,25; p<0,001). Conclusiones. Se encontró asociación entre el desarrollo de neumoconiosis y el tiempo de trabajo tercerizado. No tener estudios, residir en la sierra peruana y el tiempo de trabajo en subsuelo fueron factores de riesgo.
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Desarrollo de neumoconiosis y trabajo bajo la modalidad tercerización en trabajadores peruanos del sector mineroCáceres Mejía, Brenda 29 January 2015 (has links)
Introduction: In Peru, mining contributes to socio-economic development;
nevertheless, mining workers are exposed to inorganic dust, which increases the risk of pneumoconiosis. Outsourcing is a frequent type of contract’s work. The aim of this study is to evaluate the association between the time of outsourced work and the development of pneumoconiosis in Peruvian miners who attended the “Centro Nacional de Salud Ocupacional y Protección al Ambiente para la Salud” between 2008 and 2011. Methods: Retrospective case-control study. Cases were defined as workers diagnosed of pneumoconiosis under standardized criteria. Outsourced work was defined as the time (in months) of work in a company that does not own the primary mining project. The project owner company was registered in the Mining Companies Directory (Ministerio de Energía y Minas). We used multiple logistic regression with crude and adjusted ORs. Results: The study comprised 391 cases and 1519 controls. In both groups, most of the study subjects had a level of education lower than complete high school and were born and currently lived in the Peruvian highlands. There was statistically significant association between more frequency of pneumoconiosis and working 10 or more years in an outsourced company (OR: 1.50; CI95%: 1.05-1.14; p=0.026). Miners with pneumoconiosis were more likely not to have education (OR: 3.07; CI95%: 1.55–6.08; p=0.001), be currently living at the Peruvian highlands (OR: 1.40; CI95%: 1.10-1.78; p=0.007) and to have a greater time of underground work history (OR: 8.92; CI95%: 4.53-18.25; p<0.001). Conclusions: A statistically significant association was found between pneumoconiosis and the time of outsourced work. Not having education, residing in the Peruvian highlands and the time of underground work were associated risk factors. / Introducción: La minería en el Perú genera gran desarrollo socio-económico, sin embargo, supone exposición constante a polvos inorgánicos y mayor riesgo de neumoconiosis. La tercerización es una modalidad laboral frecuente. El objetivo es evaluar la asociación entre el tiempo de trabajo tercerizado y el desarrollo de neumoconiosis en trabajadores mineros peruanos atendidos en el Centro Nacional de Salud Ocupacional y Protección al Ambiente para la Salud entre 2008 y 2011. Métodos: Estudio caso-control retrospectivo. Los casos fueron trabajadores diagnosticados de neumoconiosis según criterios estandarizados. Trabajo tercerizado se definió como meses de trabajo en empresa no titular. Las empresas titulares están registradas en el Directorio Minero del Perú (Ministerio de Energía y Minas). Se realizó regresión logística múltiple con OR crudos y ajustados. Resultados: El estudio incluyó 391 casos y 1519 controles. En ambos grupos, la mayoría tenían estudios menores a secundaria completa y habían nacido y vivían en la sierra. Trabajar 10 o más años en una empresa tercerizadora se asoció significativamente a mayor frecuencia de neumoconiosis (OR: 1,50; IC95%:1,05- 2,14; p=0,026). Los casos presentaron mayor probabilidad de no tener ningún tipo de estudio (OR: 3,07; IC95%:1,55–6,08; p=0,001), residir en la sierra peruana (OR: 1,40; IC95%:1,10-1,78; p=0,007) y haber trabajado más de 20 años en subsuelo (OR: 8,92; IC95%: 4,53-18,25; p<0,001). Conclusiones: Sí se encontró asociación entre el desarrollo de neumoconiosis y el tiempo de trabajo tercerizado. No tener estudios, residir en la sierra peruana y el tiempo de trabajo en subsuelo fueron factores de riesgo. / Tesis
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Terceirização e satisfação com o trabalhoOliveira, Ana Lúcia Amaral de 21 December 2009 (has links)
Submitted by paulo junior (paulo.jr@fgv.br) on 2010-03-10T18:07:44Z
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Previous issue date: 2009-12-21 / This study's mam objective is to analyze the relation between Outsourcing and Job Satisfaction. Having in mind that Outsourcing is a technique present at most organizations, it is expected to demonstrate whether it does or does not influence the employees' satisfaction on labor. The Job Satisfaction Scale - EST, in the Portuguese abbreviation -, created by Siqueira, was used in the questionnaire applied to outsourced and non-outsourced employees. That is a multidimensional scale composed by five dimensions of Job Satisfaction: in relation to co-workers, salary, leadership, nature of labor and promotions. A total of 77 answers were obtained from employees of different companies. The final result has shown that both nonoutsourced and outsourced employees are unaffected in relation to labor. The results of each dimension have shown slight differences between both type of employees. Along this study, several aspects related to outsourcing are developed, such as reasons, advantages, disadvantages and usual mistakes. Key words Outsourcing, Outsourced, Non-outsourced, Job Satisfaction / Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar a relação existente entre Terceirização e Satisfação com o Trabalho. Considerando que a Terceirização é uma técnica presente na grande maioria das organizações, espera-se mostrar se a mesma influencia ou não a satisfação demonstrada pelos empregados em relação ao trabalho. Foi utilizada a Escala de Satisfação no Trabalho – EST, criada por Siqueira, no questionário aplicado a funcionários terceirizados e não terceirizados. Trata-se de uma escala multidimensional composta por cinco dimensões da satisfação com o trabalho: em relação aos colegas, ao salário, à chefia, à natureza do trabalho e em relação às promoções. Foi obtido um total de 77 respostas válidas de profissionais de empresas distintas. O resultado final mostrou que ambos os tipos de funcionários – próprios e terceirizados – são indiferentes em relação ao trabalho. Os resultados de cada dimensão mostraram pequenas diferenças entre os dois tipos de funcionários. Ao longo do trabalho, foram apresentados diversos aspectos relacionados ao processo de terceirização como as razões, vantagens, desvantagens e erros cometidos.
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Privately run health care in prisons : an industry and health impacts analysisLarsen, Rebecca Ann 14 October 2014 (has links)
The following report is an assessment of the privatization of health care in prisons. It attempts to better understand the industry, the leading companies, and to determine whether they are providing adequate and constitutionally mandated levels of care. The report begins with an overview of prison health care in the United States, covering its history and its current state. It then examines the private correctional health care industry by looking at industry structure, market share, and leading companies. In an attempt to analyze the impact this industry has on people behind bars, several research approaches were utilized, including a literature review, a review of government reports and court documents, a review of case studies, a narrative report of one individual's experiences, and an assessment of mortality rates. Research findings suggest that the current privatization model incentivizes limiting services rather than improving oversight and access to care. Mortality rates were found to be the highest in privately run care facilities. Case study findings further suggest that private correctional care is routinely inadequate and exposes prisoners to harm and risk of harm, including inhibited access to care, severe medical conditions, amputations, suicide, and death. The propensity of this harm compared to publicly run care remains inconclusive. Increased independent oversight and population reduction over privatization are recommended. / text
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Gestion des connaissances et externalisation informatique. Apports managériaux et techniques pour l'amélioration du processus de transition : Cas de l’externalisation informatique dans un EPST / Knowledge Management and IT Outsourcing. Managerial and technical inputs to improve the transition processGrim-Yefsah, Malika 23 November 2012 (has links)
Le travail de recherche de cette thèse traite de la problématique de transfert de connaissances lors du processus de transition d’un projet informatique externalisé dans un EPST. En particulier, Comment transférer les connaissances, constituées des expériences-succès ou échecs passés, routines, assimilées et cumulées pendant la durée d’un projet externalisé par les membres d’une équipe sortante vers une nouvelle équipe entrante d’une manière efficiente ? Nous nous focalisons sur ce processus de transition en raison de son importance pour le succès de l’externalisation informatique, de sa complexité, de sa richesse théorique et le manque d’études dans ce domaine. Nous avons choisi d’approcher cette problématique par le biais de la gestion des connaissances. Dans un premier volet de cette thèse, nous nous sommes appuyées sur le paradigme Goal-Question-Metric proposant une démarche de définition de la qualité pour progresser de notre besoin opérationnel jusqu’à la définition des métriques d’évaluation de la robustesse utilisant des informations issues de l’analyse de réseaux informels sous-jacents aux activités effectuées dans le processus métier. Ces métriques permettent d’évaluer une partie de la qualité d’un processus métier en tenant compte de la connaissance tacite des acteurs du processus de transition. Dans un second volet de cette recherche, nous avons développés une méthode, en nous appuyant sur l’approche de capitalisation sur les connaissances et des mécanismes théoriques de transfert de connaissances, et un outil informatique pour mettre en œuvre ce processus de transfert de connaissances / The research of this thesis deals with the issue of knowledge transfer during the transition process of an IT project outsourced in EPST. In particular, How to transfer knowledge, experience and routines related to outsourced activities from outgoing team to a new incoming team? We focus on the transition due to its significance for outsourcing success, its complexity and theoretical richness, and its limited current understanding. We chose to approach this problem through knowledge management. In the first part of this thesis, based on the Goal-Question-Metric paradigm, we propose an approach for the definition of quality metrics covering the given operational requirements. The metrics we define take tacit knowledge into account, using information from the structural analysis of an informal network. In a second phase of this research, we developed a method, relying on capitalization on knowledge and theoretical mechanisms of knowledge transfer, and a tool to implement this process of knowledge transfer
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Fatores de risco psicossocial, estresse e saúde em agentes de limpeza terceirizados / Psychosocial risk factors, stress and health in outsourced cleaning agentsMandarini, Marina Bernardo 01 October 2018 (has links)
A terceirização é uma forma flexível de emprego que tem sido largamente utilizada no contexto internacional e nacional, sendo que no Brasil essa prática passou a ser comum a partir de 1990. Segundo dados da literatura, a terceirização é responsável por gerar impactos negativos para os trabalhadores, principalmente em relação à sua saúde, e o estresse tem sido citado como o impacto mais recorrente. O estresse contribui para a manifestação de problemas físicos e psicológicos, para o empobrecimento da saúde e para o aumento do absenteísmo e diminuição da produtividade nas organizações, e pode ser causado por fatores do contexto de trabalho, chamados fatores de risco psicossocial. Mediante revisão de literatura, nota-se a escassez de pesquisas brasileiras que visam identificar os fatores de risco psicossocial no contexto da terceirização. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar os fatores de risco psicossocial que podem interferir no estresse e na saúde de agentes de limpeza terceirizados e as estratégias que podem ser adotadas para a melhoria do trabalho terceirizado. Esta pesquisa consistiu em um estudo de caso de caráter exploratório, com utilização do método misto. Os dados foram coletados individualmente e os aspectos éticos envolvidos foram respeitados. Com os agentes de limpeza, foi realizada uma entrevista e aplicado o COPSOQ II e um questionário de dados sociodemográficos. Com os gestores da empresa terceirizada, foi realizada uma entrevista. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas e de correlação, os dados qualitativos foram analisados por meio da análise temática e os resultados de ambas as análises foram integrados e sintetizados. Os fatores de risco psicossocial identificados foram agrupados nos seguintes temas: Organização do trabalho e conteúdo das tarefas, Relações sociais e liderança, Exigências no trabalho e Interface família-indivíduo. As sugestões de estratégias para melhoria do trabalho, fornecida pelos participantes, consistiram em estratégias primárias de nível organizacional e grupal. Foi possível estabelecer relações entre as características da terceirização, as características do serviço de limpeza, questões de gênero e os fatores de risco psicossocial. Entre as características da terceirização que podem levar à exposição a fatores de risco psicossocial, destacou-se a existência de dupla hierarquia e as singularidades do contrato de trabalho. Tais resultados indicam a relevância das particularidades do trabalho terceirizado para a exposição dos trabalhadores aos fatores de risco psicossocial. Mais estudos são necessários a fim de verificar e sistematizar a existência de relações entre as variáveis estudadas, e estruturar e testar programas de intervenção para a redução do estresse no ambiente de trabalho. / Outsourcing is a flexible form of employment that has been widely used in the international and national context, and this practice has become common since 1990 in Brazil. According to the literature data, outsourcing is responsible for gerenating negative impacts on workers, especially in relation to their health, and stress has been cited as the most recurrent impact. Stress contributes to physical and psychological problems manifestation, to health impoverishment and to absenteeism increase and productivity decrease in organizations, and can be caused by work context factors, called psychosocial risk factors. A literature review shows few Brazilian research aimed to identify the psychosocial risk factos in the outsourcing context. Thus, the objective of the present study was to identify the psychosocial risk factors that may interfere in stress and health of outsourced cleaning agents and the strategies that can be adopted to improve outsourced work. This research consisted on a exploratory case study using the mixed method. Data were collected individually and the ethical aspects involved were respected. An interview was conducted and COPSOQ II and a sociodemographic data questionnaire were applied with the cleaning agents. An interview was conducted with the outsourced company managers. Statistical descriptive and correlation analysis were performed, the qualitative data were analyzed through the thematic analysis and the results of both analysis were integrated and synthesized. The psychosocial risk factors identified were grouped into the following themes: Work organization and task content, Social relations and leadership, Work requirements and Family-work interface. Work improvement suggested strategies, provided by the participants, consisted of primary strategies at organizational and group level. It was possible to establish relationships between outsourcing characteristics, cleaning service characteristics, gender related factors and psychosocial risk factors. Among the characteristics of outsourcing that can lead to exposure to psychosocial risk factors, it was highlighted the existence of a double hierarchy and the singularities of the work contract. These results indicate the relevance of outsourced work particulatiries for workers exposure to psychosocial risk factors. More studies are needed to verify and systematize the existence of relationships between the studied variables and to structure and test intervention programs for stress reduction in the work environment.
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