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FM Sourcing : En fallstudie över outsourcingarbetet inom Essentials Facilities ManagementMyrberg, Linda January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera och utvärdera Essentials Facilities Managements (FM) outsourcingarbete och utifrån detta komma med eventuella förbättringsförslag till kommande arbete med outsourcingfrågor.</p> / <p>The purposes of this paper is to analyze and evaluate Essentials Facilities Managements outsourcing work and from this make any suggestions for future work on outsourcing issues within the function.</p>
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The key factors of influencing airport operation contract out -- A case study of Chuhai airportchin-ling, Pi 16 August 2007 (has links)
The airports in Taiwan already adapted the outsourcing or contract out concept on some part of operation, such as commercial facilities, clearing, and maintenance. However, the full airport operation is still under the CAA¡¦s control.
The airport operation outsourcing will be influenced by the policy, regulations, economics, social, culture of the country, also the airport scare and operation characteristic, therefore, it is difficult to define one model to meet all airport demands. This study is using Chuhai airport operation outsourcing as a case study, to induct the key factors from different faces those are considered to influence the outsourcing project. If the airport operation in Taiwan is planned to adapt outsourcing in the future, this study may provide some reference.
The conclusion of this study is the influence key factors of airport operation outsourcing should consider from three faces, the external environment, the client side and contractor side.
1.The external environment: the policy (including law and regulation) and economy condition are the most important factors.
2.The client side: The law and regulation (the authorize and restriction); the organization (the strategic planning and preparation working); the management (clear object, audit mechanisms and performance evaluation).
3.The contractor side: The law and regulation (the restriction, contract reasonable, rights and responsibilities); the economic factor (profit and company strategy); the organization (the experience and capability); the management (the authority, audit mechanisms and performance evaluation).
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Would that be a round trip ticket? : Bringing outsourced functions back home / Tur och retur biljett? : Att ta tilbaka outsourcade funktionerLarsson, John, Blomberg, Karl-Linus January 2006 (has links)
Introduction: Outsourcing as a phenomenon has recently gained a lot of attention and is by some even considered as a trend. Traditionally, the functions to outsource have often been activities like computer operations or production with the purpose to cut costs or util-ize on resources not available in-house. The issues of outsourcing are however increasing, making the insight of the sources of competitive advantage and core competences more important than ever. With the rising amount of outsourced functions in firms of today, more and more outsourcing projects tend to end up with poor results. The combination of suppliers failing to live up to the standards set and an increased pressure of cost savings and quality improvements from customers is becoming untenable for many companies. As a result, large efforts are put into coordination and training and some companies even break their outsourcing agreement to either turn to another supplier or bring the function back in-house. Motives for bringing an outsourced function back in-house are often con-cerned with issues of quality and control. Purpose: The purpose is to determine whether backsourcing is merely a tool to correct implications of unsuccessful outsourcing agreements or if there are other underlying mo-tives to the process. Method: The study has been conducted according to the qualitative research approach. Empirical data has been collected through personal semi-structured interviews with repre-sentatives from three different companies that recently have backsourced a business func-tion. The empirical data have been analyzed in the light of relevant theories concerning outsourcing and backsourcing. Analysis: The analysis indicates on both differences and similarities of motives for, and implications due to outsourcing among the investigated companies. The same is evident for the backsourcing of the specific functions. Conclusions: From the analyzed data, conclusions can be drawn that all the companies suffered from implications from their respective outsourcing agreements and used back-sourcing to compensate for these. However, the process has, in some cases, increased knowledge and made the function perform better once taken back in-house. / Inledning: Outsourcing som fenomen har under den senaste tiden fått stor uppmärksam-het och anses även i vissa sammanhang som en trend. Funktioner för outsourcing har tra-ditionellt sett varit aktiviteter som datahantering och produktion med syftet att minska kostnader och få tillgång till resurser ej tillgängliga internt. Outsourcings ökande betydelse och komplexitet gör att företags förståelse för sina källor till konkurrensfördelar och kärn-verksamheter är viktigare än någonsin. Samtidigt som fler aktiviteter outsourcas i företag, påvisar allt fler outsourcingavtal på dåliga resultat. Kombinationen av leverantörer som misslyckas leva upp till förbestämda standarder och ett ökat kundtryck gällande kostnads-besparingar och kvalitetsbesparingar blir ohållbar för många företag. Detta resulterar i stora satsningar på koordinering och utbildning. Vissa företag till och med bryter sina outsour-cingavtal för att vända sig till en annan leverantör eller tar tillbaka funktionen internt. Ofta är motiven för att ta tillbaka en funktion internt förknippade med kvalitets- och kontroll-frågor. Syfte: Syftet är att avgöra huruvida backsourcing endast är ett verktyg för att korrigera konsekvenser av ett misslyckat outsourcingavtal eller om det finns andra bakomliggande orsaker till processen. Metod: Studien har genomförts i enlighet med kvalitativ metod. Empirisk data har insam-lats genom personliga, semikonstruerade intervjuer med representanter från tre olika före-tag som nyligen har backsourcat en företagsfunktion. Den empiriska datan har analyserats i ljuset av relevant teori gällande outsourcing och insourcing. Analys: Analysen påvisar skillnader och likheter av motiv och implikationer mellan företa-gen både gällande dess outsourcing och dess backsourcing. Slutsats: Från den analyserade datan kan man dra slutsatsen att samtliga företag led av problem från dess respektive outsourcingkontrakt och att backsourcing användes för att åtgärda detta. Processen har emellertid i vissa fall ökat kunskapen förbättrat funktionen efter det att den har tagits hem.
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Ideella idrottsföreningar och outsourcing av ekonomifunktionen : En beskrivning om en tänkbar lösning / :Holmberg, Niklas January 2013 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet är att beskriva hur och kartlägga varför ideella idrottsföreningar väljer att outsourca sin ekonomifunktion. Studien ska även öka kunskapen för de effekter outsourcing av ekonomifunktionen medför på den ekonomiska- respektive den sportsliga delen av de ideella idrottsföreningarnas verksamhet. Sammanfattningsvis ska studien också ge rekommendationer till idrottsföreningar som står inför valet att outsourca sin ekonomifunktion. Detta gjordes genom en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där primära källor utgjorts av intervjuer med sex personer verksamma i olika ideella idrottsföreningar. Kända referenser om outsourcing för företag samlades in för att kunna ställas i relation till svaren. Slutsatserna av studien är att ideella idrottsföreningar väljer att outsourca sin ekonomifunktion eftersom de vill få mer tid till kärnverksamheten, av ekonomiska skäl och för att få in rätt kompetens för att skapa en stabilitet i föreningens ekonomihantering. Effekterna av outsourcingen blir att föreningar sparar pengar i jämförelse med att ha anställda, att de ökar sina intäkter och att mer tid och pengar kan läggas på den sportsliga delen av verksamheten. Vidare innebär en outsourcad ekonomifunktion en avlastning för ideellt arbetande personer och att det underlättar för nyrekryteringen av ideella krafter.
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Outsourcing Employee Turnover in The Customer Service Department -- Using the Grounded Theory to Construct The Cause-Effect ModelChang, Pei-jung 29 January 2004 (has links)
The outsourcing business of the call center grew enormously in recent years, but there were only a few studies focused on the outsourcing employees, especially the turnover problems and related issues, which were deeply concerned by call center supervisors. This research aims to comprehend the turnover problems of the outsourcing employees; in addition, what policies the managers of the call centers adopt to solve the turnover problems. This is a one-case study. The qualitative research methodology follows the principles of the grounded theory. Eight supervisors of different call centers in the company were interviewed during April to November in 2003.
The data collection and analysis is a long process of hard working. The research findings can be concluded as the following three aspects. The first is that the high turnover rates of outsourcing employees cause serious problems to various call centers. The unstable manpower quality and the lower department morale would generate inconsistent customer services. It turns out the operation costs increase as well as the outsourcing cost. Because of the strong impact to the operation in each call center, supervisors have adopted several approaches in order to solve the turnover problems in the last few years. The most significant improvement is from the following efforts, such as clarifying the basic salary and benefit for the outsourcing employees in the outsourcing contract, training the back-up personnel, and improving the management skills of the vendors.
For the second aspect of the research findings, we conclude that the turnover problem is caused by the internal organizational factors and the external organizational factors. The internal factors contain the working environment associated with the climate, and the administration policy or style. The external factors include the personal concerns of outsourcing employees, and the vendor problems. Furthermore, there are two intervening conditions: employees¡¦ personality and working life quality. That would reinforce the influential factors to the turnover problem and action/interaction strategies.
Finally, some of the empirical results of this research are consistent to the literatures about the call center operation. By improving recruit process, employee training and encouraging policy, it may lower the turnover rate that may result in a better quality of customer service, and then have the outsourcing cost down.
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noneCheng, Cheng-Ting 08 September 2006 (has links)
In recent years, the rapid change of business climate, has cause a dramatic increase in investment risk throughout the world. The days of exponential growth and high profit margins are gone. Industries are facing an overly competitive environment and down-cycling in many sectors. Companies are focusing more on cutting costs, outsourcing manpower, shifting manufacturing to China, organizational downsizing in order to maintain a competitive edge.
In the other hand, industry is transforming in ways like never before. New hiring practices and modern horizontal management structuring have given both managements and applicants a better outlook of working value.
The concept of employee dispatching is gradually prevailing. However, what¡¦s the meaning and benefit of using outsourcing strategies to the employers? Case study is adopted in this research, and this is an exploratory study. We try to sketch the outline of the local dispatch method and compare the dispatched work agency and user enterprise in Taiwan. Furthermore, according to the above findings to foresee that how workforce outsourcing works in the near future.
From this research, we can conclude that¡G
1¡BThe main considerations of company using dispatching workers are more focus on organizational flexibility and reduce the risk of hiring.
2¡BThe values of using dispatch workers are arising different benefits along with the scale of each organization, industrial nature and core competence of different businesses.
3¡BEmployers will measure the cost of hiring by themselves with the transaction cost of outsourcing before their decision of using dispatching workforce.
4¡BThe so-called ¡§Core Value¡¨ of each business which has few related to the ¡§difficulty¡¨ of the jobs, but mostly defined by business owners¡¦ recognition to the job function / position.
5¡BIn Taiwan, the outsourcing service is expecting to integrate with HR full functions to be a total solution provider or to develop in depth service to become a specialist. Then the outsourcing shall become not only a value-added service to the companies but also the strategy partner between both parties.
Keywords¡GTransaction Cost¡BOutsourcing Workforce¡BOutsourcing Benefit¡BCore Competence
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Toward An Outsourcing Management Architecture:An Integrated viewpoint in HospitalWang, Chi 29 July 2001 (has links)
Outsourcing is regarded as a strategy for decreasing the transaction- cost by many Taiwan hospitals; therefore, this research focused on developing the Outsourcing Management configuration. From the aspects of resource-based theory and transaction-cost theory, this research selected a public medical center in southern Taiwan as its study case and probed into Outsourcing Management structure by examining the current condition. Two study stages are included; first of all, built up the initial research framework by discussing related literature. Through continuous investigation of this case, Researcher gathered qualitative data analysis, concluded with some revision of Outsourcing Management Architecture for hospitals.
The second stage discussed among variables; ¡§resources¡¨, ¡§Outsourcing Management¡¨ and ¡§performance of outsourcing¡¨. 295 questionnaires were distributed to all research samples, including local hospitals and medical centers as teaching hospitals, also local hospitals governed by Health Insurance Bureaus in Tainan and Kaohsiung-Pintung.
Main research states as followed¡G
1.There¡¦s no difference from the degrees of hospitals and quantity of sickbeds to resources that hospitals obtained.
2.The organizational capability of private hospitals is obviously higher than public hospitals.
3.There¡¦s positive relationship within factors between resource attribute and Outsourcing performance.
4.There¡¦s connection in factors between resource attribute and Outsourcing management.
5.There¡¦s connection between and Outsourcing management and Outsourcing performance.
Concluded from the foregoing results, this research suggests hospitals to strengthen personal capacity, organizing ability and followed up by supervision concerning the process, using punishment for command, building up trust to business in partnership and rational information gathering to Outsourcing Management, will present better performance.
Key Words¡GResource-based ¡B Transaction-cost¡B Resources
Outsourcing Management¡B Performance of outsourcing
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Would that be a round trip ticket? : Bringing outsourced functions back home / Tur och retur biljett? : Att ta tilbaka outsourcade funktionerLarsson, John, Blomberg, Karl-Linus January 2006 (has links)
<p>Introduction: Outsourcing as a phenomenon has recently gained a lot of attention and is by some even considered as a trend. Traditionally, the functions to outsource have often been activities like computer operations or production with the purpose to cut costs or util-ize on resources not available in-house. The issues of outsourcing are however increasing, making the insight of the sources of competitive advantage and core competences more important than ever. With the rising amount of outsourced functions in firms of today, more and more outsourcing projects tend to end up with poor results. The combination of suppliers failing to live up to the standards set and an increased pressure of cost savings and quality improvements from customers is becoming untenable for many companies. As a result, large efforts are put into coordination and training and some companies even break their outsourcing agreement to either turn to another supplier or bring the function back in-house. Motives for bringing an outsourced function back in-house are often con-cerned with issues of quality and control.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose is to determine whether backsourcing is merely a tool to correct implications of unsuccessful outsourcing agreements or if there are other underlying mo-tives to the process.</p><p>Method: The study has been conducted according to the qualitative research approach. Empirical data has been collected through personal semi-structured interviews with repre-sentatives from three different companies that recently have backsourced a business func-tion. The empirical data have been analyzed in the light of relevant theories concerning outsourcing and backsourcing.</p><p>Analysis: The analysis indicates on both differences and similarities of motives for, and implications due to outsourcing among the investigated companies. The same is evident for the backsourcing of the specific functions.</p><p>Conclusions: From the analyzed data, conclusions can be drawn that all the companies suffered from implications from their respective outsourcing agreements and used back-sourcing to compensate for these. However, the process has, in some cases, increased knowledge and made the function perform better once taken back in-house.</p> / <p>Inledning: Outsourcing som fenomen har under den senaste tiden fått stor uppmärksam-het och anses även i vissa sammanhang som en trend. Funktioner för outsourcing har tra-ditionellt sett varit aktiviteter som datahantering och produktion med syftet att minska kostnader och få tillgång till resurser ej tillgängliga internt. Outsourcings ökande betydelse och komplexitet gör att företags förståelse för sina källor till konkurrensfördelar och kärn-verksamheter är viktigare än någonsin. Samtidigt som fler aktiviteter outsourcas i företag, påvisar allt fler outsourcingavtal på dåliga resultat. Kombinationen av leverantörer som misslyckas leva upp till förbestämda standarder och ett ökat kundtryck gällande kostnads-besparingar och kvalitetsbesparingar blir ohållbar för många företag. Detta resulterar i stora satsningar på koordinering och utbildning. Vissa företag till och med bryter sina outsour-cingavtal för att vända sig till en annan leverantör eller tar tillbaka funktionen internt. Ofta är motiven för att ta tillbaka en funktion internt förknippade med kvalitets- och kontroll-frågor.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet är att avgöra huruvida backsourcing endast är ett verktyg för att korrigera konsekvenser av ett misslyckat outsourcingavtal eller om det finns andra bakomliggande orsaker till processen.</p><p>Metod: Studien har genomförts i enlighet med kvalitativ metod. Empirisk data har insam-lats genom personliga, semikonstruerade intervjuer med representanter från tre olika före-tag som nyligen har backsourcat en företagsfunktion. Den empiriska datan har analyserats i ljuset av relevant teori gällande outsourcing och insourcing.</p><p>Analys: Analysen påvisar skillnader och likheter av motiv och implikationer mellan företa-gen både gällande dess outsourcing och dess backsourcing.</p><p>Slutsats: Från den analyserade datan kan man dra slutsatsen att samtliga företag led av problem från dess respektive outsourcingkontrakt och att backsourcing användes för att åtgärda detta. Processen har emellertid i vissa fall ökat kunskapen förbättrat funktionen efter det att den har tagits hem.</p>
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FM Sourcing : En fallstudie över outsourcingarbetet inom Essentials Facilities ManagementMyrberg, Linda January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera och utvärdera Essentials Facilities Managements (FM) outsourcingarbete och utifrån detta komma med eventuella förbättringsförslag till kommande arbete med outsourcingfrågor. / The purposes of this paper is to analyze and evaluate Essentials Facilities Managements outsourcing work and from this make any suggestions for future work on outsourcing issues within the function.
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IT-Outsourcing for four organizationsDerventzas, Konstantinos January 2010 (has links)
Introduction IT-Outsourcing is a concept that describes the supply of part or all of Information Technology (IT) services by an external supplier company, known as IT-vendor, to a client company. The ‘IS-Improvement’ is one of the three strategic views of IT-Outsourcing for clients and involves advantages like focusing on core business, cost reductions and increase of IT-resources efficiency. Objectives The purpose of this project is to discover, describe and analyze the most critical aspects in implementing IT-Outsourcing and the critical aspects of the ‘IS Improvement’ view of IT-Outsourcing for clients, to further let IT-vendors know how they can improve on delivering their services to their customers. Research Question “Which are the most critical factors in implementing IT-Outsourcing and which are the critical aspects of the IS-improvement view of IT-Outsourcing for four organizations as clients?” Method This project follows an exploratory research method. It is mainly an action research but there is also an element of a realist research. The subject of IT-Outsourcing was chosen because it is part of IT-Management. The analysis is based on primary data collected from four organizations in the European Union (EU) that were chosen because they use IT intensively in their activities. Access to these organizations was because of convenience since it was enabled by personal contacts. Two organizations were in the shipping business, the third organization was an electronic-devices factory, and the fourth was a university. The data collection was based on three face-to-face interviews with the IT-Managers of the organizations, and one response was collected by electronic means since the fourth respondent (also IT-Manager) completed and sent the questionnaire by e-mail. The interviews were based on a semi-structured questionnaire, that in turn was formed based on the content of the critical literature review. The critical literature review was formed from books and articles found at Mälardalens Högskola’s library and databases, and interlibrary loans. The data were inserted in a table for content analysis that helped count the frequencies of the various factors of IT-Outsourcing. The results were drawn based on qualitative analysis and they were tested against dialectical critique. Conclusions The most critical factors in implementing IT-outsourcing for these four organizations are: Hardware maintenance is the most critical area to be outsourced. Low costs of services, supplier’s stability and reputation are the most critical factors in selecting an IT-vendor. Supplier’s understanding of client’s objectives is the most critical factor for a successful relationship between clients and IT-vendors. Precise definition of costs is the most critical factor to be included in an IT-Outsourcing contract, and selective/partial IT-Outsourcing is the IT-sourcing solution preferred by these organizations. The ‘IS-Improvement’ view of IT-Outsourcing for these four organizations is not valid, but the respondents’ words indicate ways that IT-Outsourcing can be improved to achieve increased IT-resources efficiency.
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