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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of The Effect of Convective Heat Transfer on Cooling of Overhead Line Conductors Based on Wind Tunnel Experimental Results / Studie av Effekten av Konvektiv Värmeöverföring vid Kylning av Ledningsledare Baserat på Experimentellt Resultat från Vindtunneln

Naim, Wadih January 2018 (has links)
It is important to keep an overhead power line within rated operating conditions. Thus,an accurate prediction of the conductor's thermal and electrical behavior leads to an increasein reliability and eciency. Under DLR operation, the current rating is adjustedbased on ambient weather and solar conditions to allow for dynamic line loading. Therating adjustment takes into account the cooling mechanisms acting on the conductor. Inthis thesis, cooling by means of convective heat transfer is studied based on wind tunnelexperimental measurements of three dierent conductor samples. Convection contributesto most of the cooling; however, it is aected by wind speed and direction. Two angle ofattacks were studied (40 and 90), where perpendicular ow was found to result in bettercooling. The location of boundary layer separation highly aects the surface distribution ofcooling, which is non-uniform. Oblique wind ow results in reduction in overall cooling dueto earlier boundary layer separation. Finally, the surface average convective heat transfercoecient correlates non-linearly with the Reynolds number, where higher wind speeds andlarger conductor diameters can lead to signicant improvements in cooling while keepingrelatively low current densities. The existing standards of IEEE and CIGRE were found tooverestimate the eect of convective cooling for the specic experimental cases. / Det är viktigt att hålla en kraftöverföringsledning inom nominella driftsförhållanden.Således leder en korrekt förutsägelse av ledarens termiska och elektriska beteende till en ökad tillförlitlighet och effektivitet. Under DLR-drift justeras nuvärdet baserat på omgivande väder och solförhållanden för att möjliggöra dynamisk belastning. Klassificeringsjusteringen tar hänsyn till de kylmekanismer som verkar på ledaren. I denna avhandling studeras kylning med hjälp av konvektiv värmeöverföring baserat på provning av vindtunnel av tre olika ledartyper. Konvektion bidrar till det mesta av kylningen. Det påverkas dock av vindhastighet och riktning. Två angreppsvinkelar studerades (40◦ och 90◦), där vinkelrätt flöde befanns resultera i bättre kylning. Placeringen av ytskiktseparationen har stor inverkan på ytfördelningen av kylning, vilken är ojämn. Skrå vindflöde resulterar i minskning av den totala kylningen på grund av tidigare separering av gränsskiktet. Slutligen korrelerar den ytvärdesöverföringskoefficienten för ytvärdet icke-linjärt med Reynolds-talet, där högre vindhastigheter och större ledardiametrar kan leda till signifikanta förbättringar i kylning samtidigt som relativt låga strömtäthet hålls. De befintliga standarderna för IEEE och CIGRE visade sig överskatta effekten av konvektiv kylning för de specifika experimentellafallen.

Dynamic line rating implementation as an approach to handle wind power integration : A feasibility analysis in a sub-transmission system owned by Fortum Distribution AB

Talpur, Saifal January 2013 (has links)
Based on conventional static line rating method, the actual current carrying capability of overheadconductors cannot be judged. Due to continuous increment in electricity demand and the difficultiesassociated with new line constructions, the overhead lines are therefore required to be rated based on amethod that should establish their real-time capability in terms of electricity transmission. The methodused to determine the real-time ampacity of overhead conductors not only can enhance their transmissioncapacity but can also help in allowing excessive renewable generation in the electricity network. In thisdiploma work, the issues related to analyzing an impact of wind power on periodical loading of overheadline as well as finding its static and dynamic ampacities with line current are investigated in detail.Initially, in this project, the investigation related to finding a suitable location for the construction of a 60MW wind farm is taken on board. Thereafter, the wind park is integrated with a regional grid, owned byFortum Distribution AB. In addition to that, the electricity generated from the wind park is also calculatedin this project. Later on, the work is devoted to finding the static and dynamic line ratings for‘VL3’overhead conductor by using IEEE-738-2006 standard.Furthermore, the project also deals with finding the line current and making its comparison withmaximum capacity of overhead conductor (VL3) for loading it in such a way that no any violation of safeground clearance requirements is observed at all. Besides, the line current, knowing the conductortemperature when it transmits the required electricity in the presence of wind power generation is also animportant factor to be taken into consideration. Therefore, based on real-time ambient conditions withactual line loading and with the help of IEEE-738-2006 standard, the conductor temperature is alsocalculated in this project.At the end, an economic analysis is performed to evaluate the financial advantages related to applying thedynamic line ratings approach in place of traditional static line ratings technique across an overheadconductor (VL3) and to know how much beneficial it is to temporarily postpone the rebuilding and/orconstruction of a new transmission line. Furthermore, an economic analysis related to wind power systemis taken into consideration as well to get familiar with the costs related to building and connecting a 60MW wind farm with the regional grid.

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