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Vikten av vikten : Hur kan sjuksköterskan stödja barn till viktnedgång? / The importance of weight : How can the nurse supportchildren to weight loss?Anving, Nicole, Svensson, Angelica, Teittinen, Caroline January 2015 (has links)
Övervikt och fetma bland barn är ett utbrett och växande problem i världen och Sverige och det kan leda till allvarliga hälsoproblem i vuxen ålder så som diabetes och hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Eftersom sjuksköterskor kommer i kontakt med barn som har problem med sin vikt i form utav övervikt och fetma är det viktigt att de är rätt rustade för att stödja och vägleda barnen och deras familjer. Syftet var att belysa sjuksköterskans möjligheter och hinder att stödja barn som lider av övervikt eller fetma utifrån barns, föräldrars och sjuksköterskors perspektiv. Studien är utförd som en litteraturstudie. Tre kategorier presenteras i resultatet; stöd genom interventionsprogram, stöd genom kommunikation och kunskapsförmedling samt stöd genom motivation och engagemang. Det finns faktorer som hindrar sjuksköterskans möjligheter att stödja barn, exempelvis barnets brist på motivation. Riktlinjer och handlingsplaner är för sjuksköterskor, enligt föräldrar och sjuksköterskor viktigt för att förmedla stöd. För att bäst lyckas att stödja barn med övervikt eller fetma spelar familjens engagemang en betydande roll. Sjuksköterskan bör i arbetet med barns övervikt och fetma arbeta i samverkan med hela familjen. Vidare forskning bör göras på hur barn kan motiveras och hur hela familjen kan engageras i viktminskningsprocessen. / Overweight and obesity among children are a widespread and growing problem in the world and in Sweden today and it can lead to serious health problems in adulthood such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Since nurses often are in contact with children who have problems with overweight or obesity, it´s important that they are properly equipped to support and guide children and families. The aim of the study was to illuminate nurses’ opportunities and barriers to support children with overweight or obesity, based on children's, parents 'and nurses' perspectives. The study is designed as a literature review. Three categories are presented in the results; support through intervention programs, support through communication and sharing of knowledge and support through motivation and engagement. There are factors that hinder the nurse's ability to support children, such as child's lack of motivation. Guidelines and action plans for nurses, according to parents and nurses is important to convey support. The families’ involvement plays a significant role in succeeding to support overweight and obese children. Nurses should work in collaboration with the entire family in the work with overweight and obesity among children. Further research should be done on how children can be motivated and how the whole family can be involved in the weight loss process.
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Šunų nutukimo ir antsvorio analizė / Analysis of canine overweight and obesityMorkūnaitė, Justina 05 March 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: išnagrinėti šunų nutukimo ir viršsvorio pasireiškimo dažnumą, priežastis ir svorio kontroliavimo galimybes.
Darbo uždaviniai:
1. Išsiaiškinti, kokius sveikatos sutrikimus dažniausiai patiria nutukę šunys.
2. Įvertinti tiriamus šunis pagal kūno kondicijos skalę nuo 1 iki 5 balų.
3. Išnagrinėti nutukimo priežastis bei išsiaiškinti, kokią įtaką viršsvoriui turi šunų šėrimo ypatybės ir gyvenimo sąlygos.
Tyrimai atlikti LSMU VA Dr. Leono Kriaučeliūno smulkiųjų gyvūnų klinikoje 2012 – 2013 metais. 2012-12-01 – 2013-06-01 buvo renkama informacija apie klinikoje užregistruotus veislinius viršsvorio turinčius šunis. Taip pat buvo įvertinti mišrūnai, apsilankę klinikoje 2013-08-01 – 2013-10-01. 2013-10-15 – 2013-12-23 buvo pateikta anketa šunų augintojams internetiniame puslapyje [www.apklausa.lt]. Nustatyta antsvorio ir nutukimo dažnumas, įvertina veislės, amžiaus, lyties, gyvenimo sąlygų įtaka nutukimui, ligų pasireiškimas viršsvorio turintiems šunims.
Baigiamojo darbo apimtinis – 48 puslapių. Juose pateikta 3 lentelės ir 20 paveikslų. Buvo panaudoti 44 literatūros šaltiniai.
Tyrimų rezultatai:
Viršsvorio turi vidutiniškai 19% bendros šunų populiacijos. Iš jų – 83% turi antsvorio, 17% yra nutukę. Dažniausiai viršsvorio turi šios veislės: Labradoro retriveriai, Vakarų Škotijos baltieji terjerai, taksai, auksaspalviai retriveriai, mopsai, prancūzų buldogai. Viršsvorio dažniau turi vyresni šunys. Didelių veislių (nuo 26kg) viršsvorio turinčių šunų daugiausia buvo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the work is to analyze the frequencies of canine overweight and obesity, also causes and options to control the weight.
The objectives of the work are:
• To find out what health problems usually have an obese canine.
• To rate the dogs according to body condition score from 1 to 5 points.
• To analyze the causes of canine obesity and to find out the impact of dogs feeding and living characteristics to them overweight.
Investigations of the work were carried out in the Clinic of Small Animals of Lithuanian University of Health Science Veterinary Academy Dr. Leonas Kriaučeliūnas in the year of 2012–2013. The information about pedigree canine with overweight problems was collected in clinic in the period of 2012-12-01–2013-06-01. Also there were analyzed mixed breeds dogs, which visited this clinic in the period of 2013-08-01–2013-10-01. Also in the period of 2013-10-15–2013-12-23 there were published the questionnaire on this theme for canine owners online [www.apklausa.lt].
Determined the frequencies of canine overweight and obesity, assessed the influence on obesity according to breed, age, sex, and living conditions, also analyzed the disease prevalence on canine with overweight problems.
The scope of scientific work are 48 pages, in these pages are 3 tables and 21 pictures. There were used 44 literature sources in this work.
The results of the work are:
There are about 19% overweight dogs (83% – overweight, 17% – obesity). Mostly of breeds with overweight:... [to full text]
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Föräldrars upplevelser av att ha barn med övervikt och deras behov av support. : En litteraturstudieBaumgartner-Kullander, Malin, Berglund, Kristin January 2014 (has links)
Övervikt och fetma är ett stort problem både globalt och nationellt och drabbar både vuxna och barn. Överviktiga barn löper risk för medicinska, psykiska och sociala problem. Föräldrar spelar en nyckelroll i barnets liv och utveckling men även i behandlingen av barn med övervikt. Syftet var att undersöka föräldrars upplevelser av att ha ett barn med övervikt. Ett annat syfte var att undersöka deras behov av support. Metoden som användes var en metasyntes. De sexton inkluderade artiklarna granskades och teman och kategorier extraherades. Av dem skapades centrala teman som sedan bildade sju nyckelteman. En syntetisering av resultatet presenterades: Föräldrar till överviktiga barn upplever osäkerhet i sitt handlande, skuld och skam, ensamhet samt rädsla och oro för barnets sociala utanförskap och ohälsa. Föräldrar önskar kunskap och stöd som stärker deras handlingskompetens och hjälper dem överkomma hinder och barriärer. Uppsatsen belyste komplexiteten det innebär att vara förälder åt ett barn med övervikt och kan ha klinisk betydelse för yrkesverksamma inom hälso- och sjukvården i mötet med familjer med överviktsproblematik. / Obesity is as a major problem both globally and nationally and concerns both adults and children. Overweight children is at risk for medical, psychological and social problems. Parents play a key role in the child's life and development but also in the treatment of children with overweight. The aim was to examine parents' experiences of having a child with overweight. Another aim was to examine their need for support. The method used was a metasynthesis. The sixteen included articles were reviewed and themes and categories was extracted. Central themes was created which then formed the seven key themes. A synthesis of the results was presented: Parents of overweight children experience uncertainty in their actions, guilt and shame, loneliness and fear and anxiety for the child's social exclusion and ill health. Parents wished for knowledge and support to strengthen their action competence and help them overcome obstacles and barriers. The degree project highlighted the complexity it means to be a parent to a child with obesity and may be of clinical importance for professionals in the health care system when meeting families with overweight problems.
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The effect of glycemic control on protein metabolism in obese subjects with type II diabetes mellitusStyhler, Karin January 1995 (has links)
We questioned whether improved glycemic control achieved by oral agent (gliclazide) would correct the altered protein metabolism during an iso-energetic (ISO) and a low energetic (50% of ISO) diets. Seven diabetic (DM) and 7 matched obese control (OB) subjects were give ISO for 14 (DM) or 7 (OB) days, followed by 28 days of the low energetic diet with constant 1.5 g protein/kg BMI$ sb{25}$/d. Giclazide (+ metformin in 4 DM) was given during days 8-14 of ISO and the low energety diet to DM. With ISO and gliclazide, fasting plasma glucose decreased and plasma insulin and nitrogen retention increased while 3-methylhistidine excretion and resting metablic rate decreased to levels no longer different from OB. With moderate energy restriction, weight decreased in all subjects and glycemia normalized in DM. Nitrogen equilibrium was maintained and 3-methylhistidine excretion did not change. The altered protein metabolism observed during hyperglycemia can be improved with oral hypoglycemic agent therapy $ pm$ the low energy diet. Moderate energy restriction with oral hypoglycemic agent therapy achieves diabetes control, nitrogen equilibrium, and a modest decrease in resting metabolic rate.
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OVERWEIGHT AND OBESITY IN OLDER ADULTSShaw, Kelly Anne-Marie Unknown Date (has links)
The high prevalence of overweight and obesity among older Australian adults and their strong association with an increased risk of ill health, functional limitation and disability, are well documented. This thesis examines the assessment and management of overweight and obesity in older adults. Meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials were undertaken to assess the effects of psychological interventions and of exercise on body weight and health. A series of analyses were then undertaken using data from the 1053 participants enrolled in The Tasmanian Older Adult Cohort Study, an ongoing prospective cohort study whose aim is to identify the environmental, genetic and biochemical factors associated with the development and progression of a number of chronic diseases. The purpose of the analyses was to investigate changes in body composition (measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry) that occur with age, the most accurate field methods for assessing body composition in different age groups, the influence of lifestyle risk factors on body composition, and the complex interrelationships between age, lifestyle, body composition and cardiovascular disease risk factors. Results demonstrate that body fat increases and lean body mass decreases with increasing age in older adults. The most accurate field methods for assessing body composition in older adults are body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference. Lean body mass is predominantly influenced by age in older adults and decreases as age increases. Body fat, however, is predominantly influenced by lifestyle risk factors. Physical activity levels, smoking and alcohol consumption in females are associated with lower body fat, whereas the presence of chronic pain and alcohol consumption in males are associated with higher body fat. In younger and middle aged adults, meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials demonstrate that exercise is an effective weight loss intervention, particularly when combined with low fat or low calorie diets. Exercise also improves factors commonly associated with cardiovascular disease, even in the absence of weight loss. Meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials also demonstrate that adults who are overweight or obese can reduce weight with psychological interventions, particularly behavioural and cognitive behavioural interventions. In older adults, observational data demonstrate that higher levels of pedometer-determined physical activity are associated with lower body fat, supporting the efficacy of physical activity or an active lifestyle as a weight loss intervention in this group also. The greatest impact of physical activity on body fat is observed when participants increase activity levels to greater than 7 500 steps per day. However, higher levels of physical activity are not associated individually with improved blood pressure, lipids or fasting serum glucose. Instead, higher physical activity levels are associated with a lower total number of cardiovascular risk factors, suggesting that in older adults, physical activity reduces the likelihood of multiple cooccurring cardiovascular disease risk factors. The studies within this thesis provide an evidence base for the continued development of an understanding of the assessment and management of overweight and obesity in older adults. A number of research priorities have also been highlighted. These include the need for long-term randomised controlled clinical trials in older adults in order to: assess the efficacy and safety of multi-component weight loss therapies (diet, physical activity and psychological therapy); determine the combination of physical activity and dietary therapy that will maximize loss of body fat while maintaining lean body mass in older adults for whom weight loss therapy is appropriate; and assess the effect of weight loss, diet and physical activity on clinical outcomes, particularly chronic disease end-points and risk factors in older adults. Longitudinal studies are required to: explore the interrelations between ageing, physical activity levels, body composition and cardiovascular disease risk in older adults; determine the causal relationships that exist between lifestyle risk factors, body composition and chronic disease in older adults; and better assess the effect of alcohol consumption on body composition using sensitive measures in older adults.
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Binge eating disorder and obesity : the nature of body image disturbance /Antoniou, Maria C. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Toronto, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 36-43).
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Going with your gut the effects of emotion on perceptions of liability in fast food litigation /Humke, Amy M. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2007. / Title from title screen (site viewed Oct. 21, 2008). PDF text: 153 p. ; 1 Mb. UMI publication number: AAT 3308321. Includes bibliographical references. Also available in microfilm and microfiche formats.
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Association of overweight and obesity with inflammation and blood pressure in U.S.-Mexico Border elementary school childrenBurgos-Monzon, Ximena. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Texas at El Paso, 2008. / Title from title screen. Vita. CD-ROM. Includes bibliographical references. Also available online.
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Weight loss programmes over the Internet : opportunities and limitations /Jonasson, Josefine. January 2007 (has links)
Licentiatavhandling (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2007. / Härtill 2 uppsatser.
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FAT : the story of my life with my bodyBraithwaite, Jean, January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2004. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaf 19). Also available on the Internet.
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