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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Övervikt och fetma under graviditet

Blixt, Anne-Sofie, Mejerblad, Maria January 2008 (has links)
ABSTRACT Overweight and obesity is an increasing problem worldwide although high-income countries take a leed. High BMI during pregnancy and delivery constitute to many risks for both the mother and her outcome. Intervention programmes with the purpose to get the pregnant women to eat healthier and to excercise more are now working out in many different shapes. The effect of these activities varies. The aim of this study was to investigate if interventions during pregnancy, with women who’s BMI are 25 or more, affects health of the mother and her expected child, delivery outcome and self estimated health. The design of this study was quantitative. A total of 163 women participated in this study who took place i two cities in Sweden. All of the women gave birth at the same hospital. 96 of the women participated in the intervention group and 69 in the comparison group. Data was analyzed using SPSS. The results shows that most of the women (60 percent), choose not to participate in water aerobics. The results of the women who used a stepcounter showed that the women were more active during early pregnancy than later on. Results showed that there was a significantly increased risk for complications during delivery if the women had gained more than seven kilograms during pregnancy. Overweight women who had a weight gain of more than seven kilograms also had an increased risk for delivering large babies (more than 4000 gram), compared with those who gained less. There were no difference in self estimated health between the groups. The results of the study shows that a weight gain less than eight kilograms is positively associated with less complications during pregnancy. Women should be helped to get motivated to live a healthy and active life during pregnancy. What motivates pregnant women towards healthier living needs to be examined further.

Övervikt och fetma under graviditet

Blixt, Anne-Sofie, Mejerblad, Maria January 2008 (has links)
<p>ABSTRACT</p><p>Overweight and obesity is an increasing problem worldwide although high-income countries take a leed. High BMI during pregnancy and delivery constitute to many risks for both the mother and her outcome. Intervention programmes with the purpose to get the pregnant women to eat healthier and to excercise more are now working out in many different shapes. The effect of these activities varies. The aim of this study was to investigate if interventions during pregnancy, with women who’s BMI are 25 or more, affects health of the mother and her expected child, delivery outcome and self estimated health. The design of this study was quantitative. A total of 163 women participated in this study who took place i two cities in Sweden. All of the women gave birth at the same hospital. 96 of the women participated in the intervention group and 69 in the comparison group. Data was analyzed using SPSS. The results shows that most of the women (60 percent), choose not to participate in water aerobics. The results of the women who used a stepcounter showed that the women were more active during early pregnancy than later on. Results showed that there was a significantly increased risk for complications during delivery if the women had gained more than seven kilograms during pregnancy. Overweight women who had a weight gain of more than seven kilograms also had an increased risk for delivering large babies (more than 4000 gram), compared with those who gained less. There were no difference in self estimated health between the groups. The results of the study shows that a weight gain less than eight kilograms is positively associated with less complications during pregnancy. Women should be helped to get motivated to live a healthy and active life during pregnancy. What motivates pregnant women towards healthier living needs to be examined further.</p>

Sjuksköterskans stöd till en hälsosam förändring för överviktiga barn och deras familjer

Öman-Olsson, Linn, Gunnarsson, Anneli January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva hur sjuksköterskan kan stödja överviktiga barn och deras familjer till en hälsosam förändring samt beskriva vilket stöd dessa barn och deras familjer vill ha från sjuksköterskan för att genomföra en hälsosam förändring. Vidare var syftet att granska de ingående artiklarnas kvalitet, avseende datainsamlingsmetod. Metod: En systematisk litteratursökning gjordes i databaserna Cinahl och Academic Search Elite. Dessa sökningar genererade 11 artiklar vilka resultatet baserades på. Resultat: Barn som lider av övervikt och deras föräldrar önskar ett utökat stöd från sjuksköterskan och sjukvården genom till exempel individuella viktminskningsprogram för hela familjen. Genom att använda ett neutralt språk och att ta hjälp av tillväxtkurvan kan sjuksköterskan göra familjerna uppmärksammade på barnens övervikt. En bra metod för sjuksköterskan att använda sig av för att kunna stödja familjerna är motiverande samtal. Olika interventionsprogram har utvecklats för att stödja överviktiga barn och deras föräldrar och är ett bra sätt för att uppmärksamma levnadsvanor samt för att kunna ge en mer individuell rådgivning till familjerna. Datainsamlingsmetoden beskrevs tydligt i samtliga av de 11 inkluderade artiklarna. Slutsats: Föreliggande litteraturstudie visar att överviktiga barn och deras familjer önskar ett utökat stöd från sjuksköterskan och sjukvården. Sjuksköterskan önskar mer utbildning för att kunna uppmärksamma barnen och föräldrarna på problemet. Genom att utveckla och stärka de tillvägagångsätt och verktyg som är framtagna kan sjuksköterskan stärkas i sin yrkesroll i arbetet med att stödja överviktiga barn och deras föräldrar. / Aim: The aim of this literature review was to describe how the nurse can support overweight children and their families and to describe what support these children and their families request from the nurse in order to make a healthy change. Furthermore the intent is to review the included articles quality regarding the data collection method. Method: A systematic research in the databases Cinahl and Academic Search Elite was used to find the articles. The systematic research lead to 11 articles that was included in this study. Result: Children suffering from overweight and their parents wish to get an increased support from the health care through in example individual programs for the entire family. The nurse can use a neutral language and the growth chart in order to make the families observe the overweight of the children. Another good method for the nurse to use is motivational interviewing. Different intervention programs have been produced to support overweight children and their parents and are a good way to highlight the living habits and to make an individual plan for the families. The data collection method is explicitly described in all of the 11 included articles. Conclusion: The present literature review shows that overweight children and their families want more support from nurses and healthcare. Nurses need more education to be able to pay attention to the kids and parents on the issue. By developing and strengthening the procedures and tools that have been developed, the nurse may be strengthened in their professional role in efforts to support overweight children and their parents.

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