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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental removal of anoxic hypolimnion conditions in a lake increases perch growth

Torsson, Felix January 2021 (has links)
Global warming leads to an increased browning of lakes across the northern hemisphere. This browning can due to benthic light-limitation cause hypoxic bottom conditions which can have negative impact on the fish production in the northern lakes. In this study, I obtained data from a large-scale experiment to test if the removal of anoxic bottom conditions in the hypolimnion affects Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) populations. This was done with a Before-After, Control-Impact design in two adjacent lakes by altering the oxygen conditions in the hypolimnion in one lake while the other remained as control. To analyse if experimental oxygenation of an anoxic hypolimnion altered perch performance, I analysed samples of individual growth (based on back-calculated growth from operculum bone readings), condition, diets and stomach fullness in perch before and after oxygenation from the control and impact lake. The results showed that growth, condition, and stomach fullness increased in the treatment lake but not in the control lake, suggesting that resource availability increased for perch with the removal of anoxic hypolimnion conditions. However, a decline in population abundances was also observed over time within both lakes, which may provide at least an alternative explanation of the observed responses. Still, I hypothesize that the oxygenation at least partially increased the resource abundance in brown lakes, thus increasing fish growth and size.

Etude des possibilités de valorisation des pentoses par fermentation alcoolique d'hydrolysats de paille de blé. / Ethanol production by microbial conversion of pentoses from wheat straw hydrolysates

Fromanger, Romain 20 December 2010 (has links)
La levure Candida shehatae est le microorganisme modèle d’étude choisi. Cette levure peutconvertir le xylose et le glucose en éthanol, contrairement à Saccharomyces cerevisiae, levuretraditionnellement utilisée dans les procédés industriels, qui ne peut convertir le xylose.L’optimisation des performances de production d’éthanol à partir de xylose passe par unemaximisation des trois critères suivants : la productivité volumique, le titre final et lerendement éthanol/xylose. Pour diriger le flux de carbone vers la production d'éthanol defaçon optimale, le paramètre majeur qu’il faut contrôler est le degré de limitation en oxygène.Les cultures sont réalisées sur milieu minéral en mode fed-batch et conduites en deux phases :aérobie puis limitation en oxygène. Une valeur moyenne de la vitesse spécifique derespiration (qO2) de 1,19 mmolO2/gX/h permet de maximiser les trois critères deperformances sur xylose : le rendement en éthanol (0,327 gETOH/g-xylose), la productivitéspécifique maximale (0,22 gETOH/gX/h) et le titre en éthanol final (48,81 g/L). Pour lafermentation du glucose, le rendement en éthanol le plus élevé (0,411 gETOH/g-glucose) estobtenu lorsque qO2 est faible et a pour valeur moyenne 0,30 mmolO2/gX/h; tandis que laproductivité spécifique et le titre en éthanol final atteignent les valeurs maximales de 0,35gETOH/gX/h et 54,19 g/L pour respectivement qO2 de 1,7 et de 2,5 mmolO2/gX/h.Pour la consommation simultanée des deux substrats, un phénomène de répression du glucosesur le xylose est démontré par expérience en chemostat de pulse glucose en régime stabilisésur xylose. La simple présence intra-cellulaire des enzymes de la voie du xylose (XR andXDH) ne permet pas la co-consommation efficace des deux sucres et le glucose estpréférentiellement consommé.Afin de structurer la connaissance acquise sur le métabolisme de C. shehatae et pouvoiroptimiser par simulation les co-cultures C. shehatae / S. cerevisiae pour la productiond’éthanol à partir de mélanges xylose/glucose, un modèle cinétique de C. shehatae estconstruit. Ce modèle est validé avec des cultures sur substrats purs (xylose et glucoseséparés). Un modèle cinétique de co-culture est ensuite développé de manière à simulerdifférentes stratégies de fermentation pour l’optimisation de la production d’éthanol surmélange xylose/glucose de type hydrolysats de paille de blé / The yeast Candida shehatae was the model microorganism of the study. This yeast canconvert xylose and glucose into ethanol, unlike Saccharomyces cerevisiae traditionally usedin industrial processes, which cannot convert xylose. Performance optimization of ethanolproduction from xylose is performed through maximization of the following three criteria:volumetric productivity, final ethanol titer and yield of ethanol over xylose. To direct thecarbon flux towards ethanol production, the major parameter which must be controlled is thelevel of oxygen limitation. Cultures are carried out in fed-batch in mineral medium andperformed in two phases: the first one is not limited in oxygen and the second one is oxygenrestricted. A mean value of qO2 equal to 1.19 mmolO2/gX/h maximizes the three criteria ofperformance on xylose: ethanol yield (0.327 gETOH/g-xylose), the maximum specificproductivity (0.22 gETOH/gX/h) and the final ethanol titer (48.81 g/L). For glucosefermentation, ethanol yield is the highest (0.411 gETOH/g-glucose) when qO2 is low as anaverage value of 0.30 mmolO2/gX/h, while the specific productivity and the ethanol final titerreach maximum values of 0.35 gETOH/gX/h and 54.19 g/L for respectively qO2 of 1.7 and2.5 mmolO2/gX/h.For the simultaneous consumption of the two substrates, a phenomenon of glucose repressionover xylose is observed in chemostat experiment with glucose pulse on xylose steady state.The presence of intracellular enzymes of the xylose pathway (XR and XDH) is not sufficientfor efficient co-consumption of both sugars and glucose is preferentially consumed.In order to structure the knowledge obtained on the metabolism of C. shehatae and tooptimize by simulation the co-culture C. shehatae / S. cerevisiae to produce ethanol fromxylose/ glucose mixtures, a kinetic model of C. shehatae is built. This model is validated withpure substrate cultures (xylose and glucose separated). A kinetic model of co-culture is thenbuilt in order to simulate several fermentation strategies to optimize the ethanol productionfrom xylose/glucose mixture similar to wheat straw hydrolysates

Effects of environmental variations in <em>Escherichia coli</em> fermentations

Soini, J. (Jaakko) 30 October 2012 (has links)
Abstract Production of recombinant proteins and organic molecules by microbial fermentation is a widely used process in pharmaceutical, biofuel, food and chemical industries. Micro-organisms are cultivated in a bioreactor enabling a proper environment and conditions for production of the desired product molecule. Usually, however, the conditions in the bioreactor are inhomogeneous because of technical limitations such as insufficient mixing. This causes gradients in various parameters such as temperature, ph, dissolved oxygen or substrate concentration, which can have a negative effect on product quality and quantity. Understanding the effects of such environmental variations for the host organism and product molecule are crucial for the bioprocess control. The aim of this dissertation was to study the metabolic and gene expression level response of Escherichia coli bacterium for variating conditions in the bioreactor. The responses for rapid temperature increase and oxygen limitation was studied by shift experiments. The effect of oscillating oxygen and glucose concentrations, typical for industrial scale processes, was studied with a scale-down model. The main results were obtained in the oxygen downshift experiments. It was shown that a non-canonical amino acid norvaline, known to replace leucine in recombinant proteins, is accumulated in significant concentration under oxygen limitation. The accumulation of norvaline was also observed in the scale-down model indicating that norvaline could also be found in large scale processes. The quantitative gene expression results for the norvaline pathway genes showed no clear response. This indicates that the norvaline formation occurs due to the changes on metabolic rather than transcriptional level. The second key result of this dissertation was the finding, that the accumulation of formate, a typical anaerobic metabolite, was diminished by medium boosted with trace amounts nickel, selenium and molybdenum, enabling the activity of formate degrading enzyme complex. The results of this dissertation can be utilized in the industrial process optimisation and as a basis for further bioprocess studies. / Tiivistelmä Vierasproteiinien ja orgaanisten molekyylien tuottaminen fermentoimalla on paljon käytetty menetelmä lääke-, bioenergia-, elintarvike- sekä kemianteollisuudessa. Mikrobit kasvatetaan bioreaktorissa, joka mahdollistaa sopivan kasvuympäristön ja tuotanto-olosuhteet halutulle tuotteelle. Usein bioreaktorin olosuhteet ovat kuitenkin epätasaiset teknisten rajoitteiden kuten riittämättömän sekoitustehon vuoksi. Tämä aiheuttaa eri muuttujien, kuten happi- ja ravinnepitoisuuden, pH:n tai lämpötilan vaihtelua ajan ja paikan suhteen, millä voi olla haitallinen vaikutus tuotteen laatuun tai saantoon. Ympäristötekijöiden muutosten isäntäsolulle tai tuotemolekyylille aiheuttamien vaikutusten ymmärtäminen ovat yksi ratkaisevista tekijöistä bioprosessien hallinnassa. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkittiin Escherichia coli -bakteerin aineenvaihdunnan sekä geeniekspression vasteita bioreaktorin ajan ja paikan suhteen vaihtelevissa olosuhteissa. Hapenpuutteen ja lämpötilan nousun vaikutusta tutkittiin kokeilla, joissa olosuhdetta kertaluontoisesti ja nopeasti muutettiin. Teollisille fermentointiprosesseille tyypillistä happi- ja ravinnepitoisuuksien jatkuvaa vaihtelua tutkittiin suurta bioreaktoria jäljittelevällä pienoismallilla. Tärkeimmät tulokset liittyivät kokeisiin, joissa tutkittiin hapenpuutetta. Kokeissa kävi ilmi, että happirajoitetuissa olosuhteissa muodostuu huomattavia määriä epätavallista aminohappoa norvaliinia, jonka tiedetään korvaavan leusiinia vierasproteiineissa. Norvaliinin muodostumista havaittiin myös pienoismallilla tehdyissä kasvatuksissa, osoittaen että norvaliinia voi mahdollisesti löytyä myös suuren mitan prosesseista. Geeniekspressiomittaukset eivät osoittaneet muutoksia norvaliinin aineenvaihduntareitillä, osoittaen että havaittu norvaliinin muodostuminen tapahtuu aineenvaihdunnallisten muutosten seurauksena. Toinen tässä väitöstutkimuksessa saatu tärkeä tulos oli muurahaishapon kertymisen vähentyminen, kun kasvatusliuokseen lisättiin nikkeliä, seleeniä ja molybdeeniä aktivoimaan muurahaishappoa hajottavaa entsyymikompleksia. Tämän väitöstutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää teollisten prosessien optimoinnissa ja perustana uusille tutkimusaiheille.

Lactic acid production by immobilized Rhizopus oryzae in a rotating fibrous bed bioreactor

Thongchul, Nuttha 06 January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

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