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Práva pacientů / The rights of patientsKašparová, Anna January 2011 (has links)
Rights of the Patients (resume) The thesis Rights of the Patients does not provide a comprehensive survey of all rights the patients have under applicable legislation, thus, for reasons of complexity of the theme, the author focused only on the most important of them. Separate chapters are dedicated to individual rights, in order basically corresponding to importance the author attaches to particular ones. Each chapter comprises general lecture on the respective right, its regulation in international legal documents binding on the Czech Republic and in domestic legal documents. In footnotes, the author provides, for the purposes of comparison, regulation of particular institutes in foreign legislation. In the opening, the author defines the terms "health law" and "medical law" and provides overview of the most important international and domestic health-law regulations, supplemented with enumeration of their principles related to the area of providing medical care. With regard to currently discussed legislative proposals, which mean the long-awaited amendment to domestic medical law and, if approved, will bring many significant changes compared to the present state, the author included a separate section dedicated to these legislative proposals at the end of the first chapter. The second chapter discusses...
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Právní úprava veterinární péče / Legal regulation of veterinary careVilhelmová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Resumé v anglickém jazyce The aim of this thesis is to describe and analyze veterinary care legislation in the Czech Republic, in the European Union and international law. The content of the thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is brief and describes the historical development of veterinary care. The second chapter covers animal welfare. The third chapter deals with international law and veterinary care, which is dominated by agreements concluded by the Council of Europe, the intergovernmental organization. One of the parts of the third chapter focuses on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. The fourth chapter tries to map the sources of law and the institutions of veterinary care in the European Union. One of the parts of this chapter deals with bird flu. The fifth chapter is comprehensive and provides veterinary care description in the Czech Republic. This chapter tries to approach a more detailed explanation of the Veterinary Act, the implementing rules and regulations related to veterinary care. Another section of the thesis consist of an introduction, conclusion, abstract and key words, list of abbreviations, list of sources and supplements.
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Hodnocení psychosociálního klimatu rodičkami v malé porodnici. / Evaluation of Psychosocial Clima by Woman in a Small Maternity HospitalŽipajová, Věra January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on mapping and evaluation of psychosocial climate by expectant mothers in the "Česko-německá horská nemocnice s.r.o.". This work is based on the results of the research project "Psychosocial climate in maternity hospitals from the perspective of parturients - theory and diagnostics" (project no. 316111), realized in the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. The thesis is a theoretical and empirical work. The theoretical part provides knowledge about psychological changes, which the woman goes through during her pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. The further space is devoted to the historical look at the development of inclusion of the psychosocial aspects into the health care and the current approach to the patients in general basis and to the women in labour especially. The theoretical part touches also the pathological mental states of women occurring in this time most frequently. However, the psychosocial aspects of the care for the woman in the perinatal period are the core of the theoretical part. The research part of the work tries to achieve the evaluation of psychosocial climate in Česko-německá horská nemocnice s.r.o. by the women who gave birth there. The research has got a quantitative design. The number of 51 women participated...
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Přístup zaměřený na člověka (PCA) v psychoterapii závislostí: teoretická východiska, aplikační možnosti a kompatibilita se současným systémem ambulantní péče a jeho praxí. / Person centred approach in addiction treatment: theoretical background, application possibilities and compatibility with the current system of outpatient care and practice.Sklenářová Francová, Kateřina January 2013 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze 1. léka ská fakulta Studijní program: Specializace v léka ství Studijní obor: Adiktologie Bc. Kate ina Sklená ová Francová ístup zam ený na lov ka (PCA) v psychoterapii závislostí: teoretická východiska, aplika ní možnosti a kompatibilita se sou asným systémem ambulantní pé e a jeho praxí. Person centred approach in psychotherapy of addiction: theoretical background, application possibilities and compatibility with the current system of outpatient care and practice. Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: PhDr. Monika Nevoralová Praha, 2013 Abstrakt diplomové práce: Východiska: Mezi základní charakteristiky p ístupu zam eného na lov ka (PCA) ve vztahu klient- terapeut pat í mimo jiné pojmy bezpodmíne né p ijetí, empatie a autenticita. V minulosti se tento psychoterapeutický sm r nazýval nedirektivním. Dnes je tento název p ekonán pro jeho redukující edur ení, nicmén pojem nedirektivita by se dal ozna it jako další z jeho p ízna ných rys . Sou asný systém lé by a rehabilitace závislých v psychiatrických lé ebnách, terapeutických komunitách i ambulantních typech lé by je založen na kontrole, režimu, vedení, tvorb terapeutického plánu a jiných, zejména kognitivn -behaviorálních metod, které jsou v sou asné adiktologii "dominantní". Nabízí se proto otázka, zda PCA m že najít v adiktologii...
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Možnosti a meze postpenitenciární péče v ambulantních službách pro uživatele drog / Opportunities and limits of post-penitenciary care in out-patient services for drug usersMalinská, Dita January 2013 (has links)
In my thesis I deal with the postpenitenciary care in ambulatory services for drug users. The aim of this study was to explore why clients seek and visit the institute, where my study took place, what services they used and which services did they miss there. Then I investigated reasons of their early abortion of these services. For these purposes, I chose a qualitative study - six case studies of clients who have used postpenitenciary services. My research took place in one organization - the ambulatory center for drug users. I was in contact with the clients throughout their whole attendance at the service. For the purpose of qualitative research I used data folders of the clients - records of consultations made with clients and all documents that were relevant for the study. All respondents were sent to the institution by workers of Probation and Mediation Service for Czech Republic. Four of the six clients completed the program properly. Two clients aborted the service earlier. Due to the quantity of the research sample we can not generalize these information, but we can say, that the provision of postpenitenciary care is very important to map the client's situation, individual access to his or her needs, and on this basis to select the appropriate interventions in work with theem, which I...
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Hodnocení spokojenosti pacientů s perioperační anesteziologickou péčí / Evaluation of patient satisfaction with perioperative anesthetic careBřízová, Pavla January 2013 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is "Evaluation of patient satisfaction with perioperative anaesthesia care." The work is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical section describes the definition of satisfaction from multiple points of view and analyses factors affected satisfaction of patients and psychosocial needs that have a significant impact on the experience of the hospital care. The practical part deals with the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire is focused on the evaluation of patient satisfaction with perioperative anaesthesia care. Questionnaire results are statistically analysed. The aim of this work is to determine the level of satisfaction of patients in the preoperative and postoperative period.
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Kritický úvod do vztahu filosofie a výchovy jako fenoménu v postmoderní době / A critical introduction to the relation between philosophy and education as a phenomenon in postmodern timesPetrescu, Armand January 2013 (has links)
A critical introduction to the relation between philosophy and education as a phenomenon in postmodern times. We can perceive it as three separate units. The boundaries between them are historical rather than thematic. In the first unit we livelily pursue Plato. In the second unit we discover Patočka's thoughts on philosophy and education. And in the last one we immerse in thematically similar mooded work of Hogenová. During our journey we gradually, but very delicately, discover the common presence of these three philosophers in one philosophical tradition. Our task is to gradually discover this tradition, to grasp it, but above all to experience it and at the end decide, if we will join it or refuse it as unnecessary. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Povinnost péče řádného hospodáře člena voleného orgánu kapitálové obchodní společnosti a důsledky jeho porušení / The duty of due managerial care and diligence of the member of en elective body of a limited company and the consequences of its breachŠubertová, Karolina January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to compare the standard of due care in contemporary legislation as well as in the new upcoming legislation which should become effective as of 1 January 2014. Furthermore, the thesis is focused on consequences of breach of the standard of due care by persons in position of members of elected bodies of capital business companies and / or business corporations. The thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter One is introductory and deals with history of the standard of due care in the Czech legislation from the period of the General Civil Code to the recodification of civil law and commercial law represented by two crucial statutes - the new Civil Code and the Business Corporations Act. Chapter Two deals with contemporary valid and effective legislation concerned with the standard of due care and its main components. In Chapter Three I tried to emphasize the changes which we will experience in the new legislation. Especially, I mean the newly introduced business judgment rule which was inspired and implemented to the Czech legislation on the basis of modern foreign legislations - US and Germany. Chapter Four presents selection of case law of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic which repeatedly commented on the standard of due care in practice and its related aspects...
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Péče o duši jako základ sebevýchovy / Care about soul as basis of selfeducationStříbrská, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with the interpretation of the 'soul care' theme supplemented by the considerations falling within the educational philosophy. The author of the thesis puts forvard three crucial questions as set in the introduction: What is the 'soul care' and what does it include? What would be the possibilities of getting back to this concept in the current times and would this be possible indeed? What role performs the school within the concept of 'soulcare' and what is the teacher's role? The thesis is divided in three parts denoting the comprehension of the concept of the soul in the Ancient times, in the New Age, within Patočka's concept of history and life movements and questioning, dialogue and discovering the sole origin as properties which are vitally important for the soul movement. The 'soul care' is also closely connected with the phenomenon of freedom as the freedom towards something which helps to found us and to form us. The necessity of the 'soul care' update has been gradually occuring and the primary role in such course of education belongs to school as the main contributory.
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Rozhodování soudu o výchově dítěte z pohledu vybraných institutů občanského práva / Court deciding on the custody of a child with a special regard to selected institutions of civil lawMazur, Jiří January 2013 (has links)
The court decisions on child's custody - summary The upbringing of children is one of the basic institutes of parenthood. As every legal institute even this one can be approached from different perspectives of legal regulation. This thesis is focused on aspects and consequences of court proceedings and decisions on the child's custody issues in relation with the divorce or separation of parents - as regulated in Sections 26 and 50 of the Act no. 94/1963 Coll., Family Act, as amended. I have chosen this particular topic for personal reasones. From the formal point of view, the thesis is divided into six chapters. In the first chapter, sources of the law and main terms are defined. Furthermore, the current legal regulation of the court's decision on the child's custody is compared to the legal framework, which is yet to come into effect, and in a more details the judicial application of the regulation is analyzed considering the legal and factual relations with the divorce and the parents separation. The second chapter and the third chapter are focused on the outline of the substantive law - the second chapter on the current legal framework, the third chapter on the rules set down in the new civil code. The fourth chapter contains the overview of the procedural regulations and institutions. The fifth chapter...
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