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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Representations and Parameterizations of Combinatorial Auctions

Loker, David Ryan January 2007 (has links)
Combinatorial auctions (CAs) are an important mechanism for allocating multiple items while allowing agents to specify preferences over bundles of items. In order to communicate these preferences, agents submit bids, which consist of one or more items and a value indicating the agent’s preference for these items. The process of determining the allocation of items is known as the winner determination problem (WDP). WDP for CAs is known to be NP-complete in the general case. We consider two distinct graph representations of a CA; the bid graph and the item graph. In a bid graph, vertices represent bids, and two vertices are adjacent if and only if the bids share items in common. In an item graph, each vertex represents a unique item, there is a vertex for each item, and any bid submitted by any agent must induce a connected subgraph of the item graph. We introduce a new definition of combinatorial auction equivalence by declaring two CAs equivalent if and only if their bid graphs are isomorphic. Parameterized complexity theory can be used to further distinguish between NP-hard problems. In order to make use of parameterized complexity theory in the investigation of a problem, we aim to find one or more parameters that describe some aspect of the problem such that if we fix these parameters, then either the problem is still hard (fixed-parameter intractable), or the problem can be solved in polynomial time (fixed-parameter tractable). We analyze WDP using bid graphs from within the formal scope of parameterized complexity theory. This approach has not previously been used to analyze WDP for CAs, although it has been used to solve set packing, which is related to WDP for CAs and is discussed in detail. We investigate a few parameterizations of WDP; some of the parameterizations are shown to be fixed-parameter intractable, while others are fixed-parameter tractable. We also analyze WDP when the graph class of a bid graph is restricted. We also discuss relationships between item graphs and bid graphs. Although both graphs can represent the same problem, there is little previous work analyzing direct relationships between them. Our discussion on these relationships begins with a result by Conitzer et al. [7], which focuses on the item graph representation and its treewidth, a property of a graph that measures how close the graph is to a tree. From a result by Gavril, if an item graph has treewidth one, then the bid graph must be chordal [16]. To apply the other direction of Gavril’s theorem, we use our new definition of CA equivalence. With this new definition, Gavril’s result shows that if a bid graph of a CA is chordal, then we can construct an item graph that has treewidth one for some equivalent CA.

Measure-Driven Algorithm Design and Analysis: A New Approach for Solving NP-hard Problems

Liu, Yang 2009 August 1900 (has links)
NP-hard problems have numerous applications in various fields such as networks, computer systems, circuit design, etc. However, no efficient algorithms have been found for NP-hard problems. It has been commonly believed that no efficient algorithms for NP-hard problems exist, i.e., that P6=NP. Recently, it has been observed that there are parameters much smaller than input sizes in many instances of NP-hard problems in the real world. In the last twenty years, researchers have been interested in developing efficient algorithms, i.e., fixed-parameter tractable algorithms, for those instances with small parameters. Fixed-parameter tractable algorithms can practically find exact solutions to problem instances with small parameters, though those problems are considered intractable in traditional computational theory. In this dissertation, we propose a new approach of algorithm design and analysis: discovering better measures for problems. In particular we use two measures instead of the traditional single measure?input size to design algorithms and analyze their time complexity. For several classical NP-hard problems, we present improved algorithms designed and analyzed with this new approach, First we show that the new approach is extremely powerful for designing fixedparameter tractable algorithms by presenting improved fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for the 3D-matching and 3D-packing problems, the multiway cut problem, the feedback vertex set problems on both directed and undirected graph and the max-leaf problems on both directed and undirected graphs. Most of our algorithms are practical for problem instances with small parameters. Moreover, we show that this new approach is also good for designing exact algorithms (with no parameters) for NP-hard problems by presenting an improved exact algorithm for the well-known satisfiability problem. Our results demonstrate the power of this new approach to algorithm design and analysis for NP-hard problems. In the end, we discuss possible future directions on this new approach and other approaches to algorithm design and analysis.

Parameterized algorithms and computational lower bounds: a structural approach

Xia, Ge 30 October 2006 (has links)
Many problems of practical significance are known to be NP-hard, and hence, are unlikely to be solved by polynomial-time algorithms. There are several ways to cope with the NP-hardness of a certain problem. The most popular approaches include heuristic algorithms, approximation algorithms, and randomized algorithms. Recently, parameterized computation and complexity have been receiving a lot of attention. By taking advantage of small or moderate parameter values, parameterized algorithms provide new venues for practically solving problems that are theoretically intractable. In this dissertation, we design efficient parameterized algorithms for several wellknown NP-hard problems and prove strong lower bounds for some others. In doing so, we place emphasis on the development of new techniques that take advantage of the structural properties of the problems. We present a simple parameterized algorithm for Vertex Cover that uses polynomial space and runs in time O(1.2738k + kn). It improves both the previous O(1.286k + kn)-time polynomial-space algorithm by Chen, Kanj, and Jia, and the very recent O(1.2745kk4 + kn)-time exponential-space algorithm, by Chandran and Grandoni. This algorithm stands out for both its performance and its simplicity. Essential to the design of this algorithm are several new techniques that use structural information of the underlying graph to bound the search space. For Vertex Cover on graphs with degree bounded by three, we present a still better algorithm that runs in time O(1.194k + kn), based on an “almost-global” analysis of the search tree. We also show that an important structural property of the underlying graphs – the graph genus – largely dictates the computational complexity of some important graph problems including Vertex Cover, Independent Set and Dominating Set. We present a set of new techniques that allows us to prove almost tight computational lower bounds for some NP-hard problems, such as Clique, Dominating Set, Hitting Set, Set Cover, and Independent Set. The techniques are further extended to derive computational lower bounds on polynomial time approximation schemes for certain NP-hard problems. Our results illustrate a new approach to proving strong computational lower bounds for some NP-hard problems under reasonable conditions.

Effective algorithms and protocols for wireless networking: a topological approach

Zhang, Fenghui 10 October 2008 (has links)
Much research has been done on wireless sensor networks. However, most protocols and algorithms for such networks are based on the ideal model Unit Disk Graph (UDG) model or do not assume any model. Furthermore, many results assume the knowledge of location information of the network. In practice, sensor networks often deviate from the UDG model significantly. It is not uncommon to observe stable long links that are more than five times longer than unstable short links in real wireless networks. A more general network model, the quasi unit-disk graph (quasi-UDG) model, captures much better the characteristics of wireless networks. However, the understanding of the properties of general quasi-UDGs has been very limited, which is impeding the design of key network protocols and algorithms. In this dissertation we study the properties for general wireless sensor networks and develop new topological/geometrical techniques for wireless sensor networking. We assume neither the ideal UDG model nor the location information of the nodes. Instead we work on the more general quasi-UDG model and focus on figuring out the relationship between the geometrical properties and the topological properties of wireless sensor networks. Based on such relationships we develop algorithms that can compute useful substructures (planar subnetworks, boundaries, etc.). We also present direct applications of the properties and substructures we constructed including routing, data storage, topology discovery, etc. We prove that wireless networks based on quasi-UDG model exhibit nice properties like separabilities, existences of constant stretch backbones, etc. We develop efficient algorithms that can obtain relatively dense planar subnetworks for wireless sensor networks. We also present efficient routing protocols and balanced data storage scheme that supports ranged queries. We present algorithmic results that can also be applied to other fields (e.g., information management). Based on divide and conquer and improved color coding technique, we develop algorithms for path, matching and packing problem that significantly improve previous best algorithms. We prove that it is unlikely for certain problems in operation science and information management to have any relatively effective algorithm or approximation algorithm for them.

Families of Thue Inequalities with Transitive Automorphisms

An, Wenyong January 2014 (has links)
A family of parameterized Thue equations is defined as F_{t,s,...}(X, Y ) = m, m ∈ Z where F_{t,s,...}(X,Y) is a form in X and Y with degree greater than or equal to 3 and integer coefficients that are parameterized by t, s, . . . ∈ Z. A variety of these families have been studied by different authors. In this thesis, we study the following families of Thue inequalities |sx3 −tx2y−(t+3s)xy2 −sy3|≤2t+3s, |sx4 −tx3y−6sx2y2 +txy3 +sy4|≤6t+7s, |sx6 − 2tx5y − (5t + 15s)x4y2 − 20sx3y3 + 5tx2y4 +(2t + 6s)xy5 + sy6| ≤ 120t + 323s, where s and t are integers. The forms in question are “simple”, in the sense that the roots of the underlying polynomials can be permuted transitively by automorphisms. With this nice property and the hypergeometric functions, we construct sequences of good approximations to the roots of the underlying polynomials. We can then prove that under certain conditions on s and t there are upper bounds for the number of integer solutions to the above Thue inequalities.

Estratégias de escalonamento OFDMA DL para redes móveis

Nogueira, Matheus Cadori January 2016 (has links)
A grande popularidade dos dispositivos móveis que provêm acesso ubíquo à Internet de banda larga, através de redes de rádio, e o volume de tráfego gerado por estes dispositivos estão aumentando a cada ano. Além disso, vem ampliando consideravelmente a frequência com que usuários de dispositivos móveis estão usando serviços baseados na Web. Alguns destes usuários podem estar acessando serviços que precisam de transmissão contínua como, por exemplo, vídeos interativos, outros podem estar apenas lendo e-mails, o que não exige um fluxo contínuo de dados. Mais do que isso, usuários com altos níveis de sinal podem atingir melhores taxas de transferência do que os com níveis menores. Portanto, encontrar a melhor relação entre os usuários que estão acessando serviços sensíveis ao atraso e aqueles que maximizam a taxa de transferência, e ainda ser justo na transmissão, é um relevante desafio para o escalonamento dos recursos de uma rede sem fio. Embora as pesquisas de escalonamento de recursos em redes sem fio tenham evoluído neste sentido, o recente aumento do volume de tráfego mencionado pode levar a uma sobrecarga no sistema, comprometendo o escalonamento. A fim de enfrentar estes desafios, o Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), tecnologia fundamental para o acesso múltiplo em redes de quarta geração, tem sido considerado também para ser utilizado na próxima geração de rádios móveis. Para implementar um serviço efetivo aos usuários, requisitos, tais como, altas taxas de transferência, tolerância baixa ao atraso, minimização da perda de pacotes e maximização da justiça no escalonamento, devem somar-se à característica, de alta densidade de usuários, que surgiu após o advento da popularização dos dispositivos móveis. Portanto, novas estratégias de escalonamento devem ser idealizadas. Nesta dissertação, deu-se um passo além na proposição de um escalonador para as redes móveis de próxima geração, que busca melhorar a relação entre taxa de transferência e atraso, consequentemente, levando a maiores índices de justiça no escalonamento resultante. O escalonador foi especialmente desenvolvido para lidar com altas densidades de usuários, inerentes às redes modernas, e as redes LTE foram utilizadas como caso de estudo. Desta forma, um novo escalonador ótimo que considera provisão dos requisitos acima mencionados, é modelado. Além disso, uma nova heurística parametrizável, baseada na qualidade do canal do usuário, no atraso permitido por cada serviço e na justiça do escalonamento é proposta, a fim de lidar com cenários sobrecarregados. Resultados demonstram que a abordagem de escalonamento proposta leva a uma taxa de transferência apenas 7,5% menor que os valores ótimos, com 25% a menos de perda de pacotes em cenários sobrecarregados. O modelo também garante que o escalonamento resultante seja pelo menos 0,91 na escala do índice de justiça de Jain. Finalmente, os resultados mostram uma melhor relação entre a eficiência espectral e as métricas de QoS. / The huge popularity of mobile devices that provides a ubiquitous Internet broadband access via radio networks and the volume of traffic generated by these devices in the base stations are increasing every year. Furthermore, the frequency which, mobile users are using web-based services, is increasing, requiring high transfer rates such as transmission of interactive videos. These factors have become the main challenges for the scheduling of radio resources. In order to meet these challenges, the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), a key technology for multiple access in fourth generation networks, has also been considered for use in next-generation mobile radios. To implement an effective service to users, requirements such as high transfer rates, lower delay tolerance, minimum packet loss and maximum scheduling fairness, should be added to the requirements that emerged after the advent of the popularity of mobile devices. Therefore, new scheduling strategies should be projected. Despite efforts to solve the downlink (DL) scheduling problem on wireless networks, we are not aware of previous attempts that have addressed the above requirements in a single strategy. In this thesis, we took a step further in this direction and still considering the high densities in small cells inherent in modern networks. In additional, we address the radio DL resource scheduling problem for multiple users using LTE networks as a case study. A new optimal scheduler is modeled regarding Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning. In addition, a parameterized heuristic based on user channel quality and service delay is proposed to reach scheduling solutions for overbooked scenarios. Results demonstrate that the proposed scheduling approaches led to a throughput of 7.5% lower than the optimal ones and 25% lower packet losses in overloaded scenarios. Our model also ensures that the resultant scheduling is at least as fair as 0.91 in Jain fairness index. Additionally, the obtained results show a reasonable trade-off between spectral efficiency and QoS metrics.

Estratégias de escalonamento OFDMA DL para redes móveis

Nogueira, Matheus Cadori January 2016 (has links)
A grande popularidade dos dispositivos móveis que provêm acesso ubíquo à Internet de banda larga, através de redes de rádio, e o volume de tráfego gerado por estes dispositivos estão aumentando a cada ano. Além disso, vem ampliando consideravelmente a frequência com que usuários de dispositivos móveis estão usando serviços baseados na Web. Alguns destes usuários podem estar acessando serviços que precisam de transmissão contínua como, por exemplo, vídeos interativos, outros podem estar apenas lendo e-mails, o que não exige um fluxo contínuo de dados. Mais do que isso, usuários com altos níveis de sinal podem atingir melhores taxas de transferência do que os com níveis menores. Portanto, encontrar a melhor relação entre os usuários que estão acessando serviços sensíveis ao atraso e aqueles que maximizam a taxa de transferência, e ainda ser justo na transmissão, é um relevante desafio para o escalonamento dos recursos de uma rede sem fio. Embora as pesquisas de escalonamento de recursos em redes sem fio tenham evoluído neste sentido, o recente aumento do volume de tráfego mencionado pode levar a uma sobrecarga no sistema, comprometendo o escalonamento. A fim de enfrentar estes desafios, o Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), tecnologia fundamental para o acesso múltiplo em redes de quarta geração, tem sido considerado também para ser utilizado na próxima geração de rádios móveis. Para implementar um serviço efetivo aos usuários, requisitos, tais como, altas taxas de transferência, tolerância baixa ao atraso, minimização da perda de pacotes e maximização da justiça no escalonamento, devem somar-se à característica, de alta densidade de usuários, que surgiu após o advento da popularização dos dispositivos móveis. Portanto, novas estratégias de escalonamento devem ser idealizadas. Nesta dissertação, deu-se um passo além na proposição de um escalonador para as redes móveis de próxima geração, que busca melhorar a relação entre taxa de transferência e atraso, consequentemente, levando a maiores índices de justiça no escalonamento resultante. O escalonador foi especialmente desenvolvido para lidar com altas densidades de usuários, inerentes às redes modernas, e as redes LTE foram utilizadas como caso de estudo. Desta forma, um novo escalonador ótimo que considera provisão dos requisitos acima mencionados, é modelado. Além disso, uma nova heurística parametrizável, baseada na qualidade do canal do usuário, no atraso permitido por cada serviço e na justiça do escalonamento é proposta, a fim de lidar com cenários sobrecarregados. Resultados demonstram que a abordagem de escalonamento proposta leva a uma taxa de transferência apenas 7,5% menor que os valores ótimos, com 25% a menos de perda de pacotes em cenários sobrecarregados. O modelo também garante que o escalonamento resultante seja pelo menos 0,91 na escala do índice de justiça de Jain. Finalmente, os resultados mostram uma melhor relação entre a eficiência espectral e as métricas de QoS. / The huge popularity of mobile devices that provides a ubiquitous Internet broadband access via radio networks and the volume of traffic generated by these devices in the base stations are increasing every year. Furthermore, the frequency which, mobile users are using web-based services, is increasing, requiring high transfer rates such as transmission of interactive videos. These factors have become the main challenges for the scheduling of radio resources. In order to meet these challenges, the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), a key technology for multiple access in fourth generation networks, has also been considered for use in next-generation mobile radios. To implement an effective service to users, requirements such as high transfer rates, lower delay tolerance, minimum packet loss and maximum scheduling fairness, should be added to the requirements that emerged after the advent of the popularity of mobile devices. Therefore, new scheduling strategies should be projected. Despite efforts to solve the downlink (DL) scheduling problem on wireless networks, we are not aware of previous attempts that have addressed the above requirements in a single strategy. In this thesis, we took a step further in this direction and still considering the high densities in small cells inherent in modern networks. In additional, we address the radio DL resource scheduling problem for multiple users using LTE networks as a case study. A new optimal scheduler is modeled regarding Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning. In addition, a parameterized heuristic based on user channel quality and service delay is proposed to reach scheduling solutions for overbooked scenarios. Results demonstrate that the proposed scheduling approaches led to a throughput of 7.5% lower than the optimal ones and 25% lower packet losses in overloaded scenarios. Our model also ensures that the resultant scheduling is at least as fair as 0.91 in Jain fairness index. Additionally, the obtained results show a reasonable trade-off between spectral efficiency and QoS metrics.

Harnessing tractability in constraint satisfaction problems

Carbonnel, Clément 07 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is a fundamental NP-complete problem with many applications in artificial intelligence. This problem has enjoyed considerable scientific attention in the past decades due to its practical usefulness and the deep theoretical questions it relates to. However, there is a wide gap between practitioners, who develop solving techniques that are efficient for industrial instances but exponential in the worst case, and theorists who design sophisticated polynomial-time algorithms for restrictions of CSP defined by certain algebraic properties. In this thesis we attempt to bridge this gap by providing polynomial-time algorithms to test for membership in a selection of major tractable classes. Even if the instance does not belong to one of these classes, we investigate the possibility of decomposing efficiently a CSP instance into tractable subproblems through the lens of parameterized complexity. Finally, we propose a general framework to adapt the concept of kernelization, central to parameterized complexity but hitherto rarely used in practice, to the context of constraint reasoning. Preliminary experiments on this last contribution show promising results.

Development of a Parameterized Model of Transverse Maize (Zea maysL.) Stalk Morphology

Larson, Ryan A. 09 April 2020 (has links)
Stalk lodging, or failure of the stalk structure, presents a serious problem in the production of maize (Zea mays L.). Lodged stalks negatively impact crop yields by inhibiting further grain growth and often prevent the harvest of the grain. Addressing this problem requires the development of new maize hybrids that exhibit enhanced lodging resistance, which in turn requires an understanding of the parameters that influence lodging resistance. Current methods make use of specimen-specific geometry and material properties, but these methods have limited ability to examine geometric effects and can require excessive time. A parameterized model of the maize stalk has the potential to overcome these limitations. The purpose of this study was to develop a model of the maize stalk cross-section that could accurately predict transverse stiffness. Principal component analysis was utilized to discover underlying geometric patterns that could be used as parameters in a cross-sectional model. Using the resulting principal components, a series of approximated cross-sections was created that represented various levels of fidelity to real cross-section geometry. The real and approximated cross-sections were modeled in transverse compression with a prescribed deformation load, and the predictive accuracy of each approximated model was calculated. A sensitivity study was also performed to quantify the strength of individual parameter effects. The simplest model, an elliptical cross-section, accurately predicted transverse stiffness while minimizing the number of model parameters. This model may later be used as a basis for a three-dimensional parameterized model of the maize stem.

Exploring Algorithms for Branch Decompositions of Planar Graphs

Dinh, Hiep 29 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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