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Recycling as play: encouraging recycling through a participatory design process with childrenSantoro, Amanda January 1900 (has links)
Master of Landscape Architecture / Landscape Architecture/Regional and Community Planning / Jason S. Brody / Recycling in many cities faces dilemmas with accessibility and education, especially within the public realm, which leads to a lack of participation in this sustainable activity. The City of Kansas City, Missouri does not currently provide recycling solutions for multi-family and commercial businesses and has minimal to non-existent recycling infrastructure within its downtown’s public realm. Envisioning a new recycling system for a city requires many entities to come together in the design process. However, the city, landscape architects, and other designers frequently overlook incorporating children into the participatory community design process, even though children have knowledge, experiences, and ideas to offer (Speak, 2000). Incorporating many avenues of community input can benefit the design outcomes, and children should be included in the participatory design process when it engages their built environment.
The Kansas City Design Center (KCDC) produced a vision plan and conceptual site designs for downtown Kansas City’s recycling system. Community input was part of the KCDC studio project’s design process by utilizing a series of advisory council meetings, professional reviews, and open houses. This report integrated another form of community involvement into the project by working with children on designing urban space and playful infrastructure focused on encouraging participation in recycling. A series of design charrettes were conducted with 5th grade students from Kansas City’s urban charter school Crossroads Academy due to the school’s focus on immersion in the urban environment. The students’ design charrette ideas added a new perspective to how urban space and recycling infrastructure could encourage participation. These ideas and perspectives were shared with classmates and utilized to further design development in the recycling project's streetscape "Links" strategy.
As the project developed, the researcher observed how the children's ideas impacted the "Links" strategy design coming through in playful ground plane designs, interactive elements, concepts of place-making, and considerations for a variety of users. The participatory process with the children was most influential on those involved directly with the children's process. This allowed the children's ideas to become inherent base knowledge when designing. Engaging youth’s imaginative minds in the design process for urban space and recycling infrastructure sparked new playful perspectives on how to encourage participation and led to meaningful recycling design outcomes within the public realm.
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Participatory projects – a benefit to all? : A minor field study in rural IndiaStrand, Annie January 2008 (has links)
Participation has become a crucial aspect for development and development aid thus it ensures empowerment and appropriate gain for the stakeholders. Participation is important especially for managing natural resources like water but the participatory approach is not always satisfying. This Minor field study has looked at two different projects participation from the stakeholders view and tried to answer what the stakeholders gain is for from participatory projects. This is done by interviewing the initiators of the projects and the villagers involved in it. The interviews showed a difference between the projects where the local development project had a more constant participation from start to finish while the research project stationed in Sweden had participation at times and in a different way. The study showed that more efforts need to be done to define participation thus it is now used in many different ways. There is also a need for improved documentation on the participatory process to assure participation and improve the procedures.
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Participatory projects – a benefit to all? : A minor field study in rural IndiaStrand, Annie January 2008 (has links)
<p>Participation has become a crucial aspect for development and development aid thus it ensures empowerment and appropriate gain for the stakeholders. Participation is important especially for managing natural resources like water but the participatory approach is not always satisfying. This Minor field study has looked at two different projects participation from the stakeholders view and tried to answer what the stakeholders gain is for from participatory projects. This is done by interviewing the initiators of the projects and the villagers involved in it. The interviews showed a difference between the projects where the local development project had a more constant participation from start to finish while the research project stationed in Sweden had participation at times and in a different way. The study showed that more efforts need to be done to define participation thus it is now used in many different ways. There is also a need for improved documentation on the participatory process to assure participation and improve the procedures.</p>
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Village of the Dammed: The Biophysical and Socioeconomic Impacts of Small Dams and their Removal - A Case Study of Eden Mills, OntarioGiddings, James 30 September 2011 (has links)
In 2001 the World Commission of Dams concluded that the economic, social and environmental cost of dams has been unacceptably high. As a result, dam removal is emerging as a promising option in addressing these concerns. However, dam removal is a contentious issue sharply divided between biophysical and socioeconomic interests. The purpose of this thesis is to conduct an explanatory case study of Eden Mills, Ontario to investigate the process of dam removal consideration. It was determined that i) safety ii) economics iii) social value and iv) environmental impact were critical variables influencing the decision-making process. Following site analysis, key-informant interviews and a design vignette survey it was determined that Eden Mills pursue dam removal as the social value of the millpond no longer justified the sustained economic and biophysical costs associated with the dam. This process theory can be applied to other dam removal scenarios to facilitate the decision making process.
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Utilização de TICs em processos participativos no Brasil sob a ótica de capacidades de governo / Use of ICT in participatory processes in Brazil from a state capacity perspectiveAnita Gea Martinez Stefani 23 October 2015 (has links)
As Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) vêm sendo utilizadas massivamente em processos participativos realizados por governos de diferentes partes do mundo e também no Brasil. No entanto, tais iniciativas carecem de estudos com viés da administração e gestão pública. A pesquisa analisa este fenômeno sob a ótica de capacidades de governo de maneira articulada ao projeto político e à governabilidade do sistema. A pesquisa identifica quais as capacidades políticas, institucionais, técnicas e administrativas relacionadas à utilização de TICs em processos de participação social. A partir de um referencial teórico-conceitual multidisciplinar, a pesquisa lança mão da metodologia de estudo de caso da consulta pública online do Marco Civil da Internet para a identificação de capacidades. Desenvolve, para essa análise, o conceito próprio de Capacidades de Governo relacionadas ao uso de TICs em Processos de Participação Social (CGTPS) e aponta as principais condicionantes do desenvolvimento, gestão e implementação desse tipo de iniciativa no governo brasileiro. A pesquisa propugna pela aplicabilidade da ótica de capacidades de governo para a análise da utilização de TICs em ferramentas de participação social, bem como pelo necessário fortalecimento de capacidades específicas para a consolidação e melhoria desse tipo de iniciativa. Por fim, aponta desafios e possibilidades a respeito da criação de tecnologia e inovação no setor público em ações de participação social / Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been used massively in participatory processes undertaken by governments in different parts of the world and also in Brazil. However, these initiatives lack studies which take into account an administration and public management slant. The research analyzes this phenomenon from the perspective of state capacity in an articulated way with the government project and the system governability. The research identifies which political, institutional, technical and administrative capacities are related to the use of ICT in participatory processes. Having the construction of a multidisciplinary theoretical and conceptual framework as a starting point, the research then applies the case study methodology to the online public consultation of Brazilian Internet Civil Rights Law aiming at the identification of state capacities. It also develops the concept of State Capacities related to the use of ICT in Participatory Processes (SCIPP) and outlines the main constraints to the development, management and implementation of this type of initiative in the Brazilian government. The research concludes that it is possible to apply a state capacity perspective to the analysis of the use of ICT in participatory tools. It also points toward the necessity of strengthening specific capacities for the consolidation and improvement of this type of initiative. Finally, it points out challenges and opportunities to the creation of technology and innovation in the public sector regarding participatory actions
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Utilização de TICs em processos participativos no Brasil sob a ótica de capacidades de governo / Use of ICT in participatory processes in Brazil from a state capacity perspectiveStefani, Anita Gea Martinez 23 October 2015 (has links)
As Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TICs) vêm sendo utilizadas massivamente em processos participativos realizados por governos de diferentes partes do mundo e também no Brasil. No entanto, tais iniciativas carecem de estudos com viés da administração e gestão pública. A pesquisa analisa este fenômeno sob a ótica de capacidades de governo de maneira articulada ao projeto político e à governabilidade do sistema. A pesquisa identifica quais as capacidades políticas, institucionais, técnicas e administrativas relacionadas à utilização de TICs em processos de participação social. A partir de um referencial teórico-conceitual multidisciplinar, a pesquisa lança mão da metodologia de estudo de caso da consulta pública online do Marco Civil da Internet para a identificação de capacidades. Desenvolve, para essa análise, o conceito próprio de Capacidades de Governo relacionadas ao uso de TICs em Processos de Participação Social (CGTPS) e aponta as principais condicionantes do desenvolvimento, gestão e implementação desse tipo de iniciativa no governo brasileiro. A pesquisa propugna pela aplicabilidade da ótica de capacidades de governo para a análise da utilização de TICs em ferramentas de participação social, bem como pelo necessário fortalecimento de capacidades específicas para a consolidação e melhoria desse tipo de iniciativa. Por fim, aponta desafios e possibilidades a respeito da criação de tecnologia e inovação no setor público em ações de participação social / Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been used massively in participatory processes undertaken by governments in different parts of the world and also in Brazil. However, these initiatives lack studies which take into account an administration and public management slant. The research analyzes this phenomenon from the perspective of state capacity in an articulated way with the government project and the system governability. The research identifies which political, institutional, technical and administrative capacities are related to the use of ICT in participatory processes. Having the construction of a multidisciplinary theoretical and conceptual framework as a starting point, the research then applies the case study methodology to the online public consultation of Brazilian Internet Civil Rights Law aiming at the identification of state capacities. It also develops the concept of State Capacities related to the use of ICT in Participatory Processes (SCIPP) and outlines the main constraints to the development, management and implementation of this type of initiative in the Brazilian government. The research concludes that it is possible to apply a state capacity perspective to the analysis of the use of ICT in participatory tools. It also points toward the necessity of strengthening specific capacities for the consolidation and improvement of this type of initiative. Finally, it points out challenges and opportunities to the creation of technology and innovation in the public sector regarding participatory actions
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Recomendações de conforto térmico para projeto arquitetônico e implantação de unidades habitacionais em assentamentos rurais : caso assentamento rural Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul-SP / Recommendations for thermal comfort for architectural design and deployment of housing units in rural settlements : case rural settlement Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul, SPFrancisco, Maíra do Lago 26 November 2009 (has links)
A concepção de projetos arquitetônicos e implantação de unidades habitacionais em assentamentos rurais, que contemplam a participação das famílias beneficiárias nos processos decisórios, estão condicionadas a variáveis, tais como: a limitação de recursos governamentais para financiamentos, descapitalização das famílias, atendimento a um programa de necessidades específicas, além da busca pela melhoria da qualidade da moradia. Nesse contexto, a presente dissertação analisou o processo de elaboração de projeto e implantação das unidades habitacionais do assentamento rural Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul-SP, tendo como hipótese de pesquisa a melhoria da qualidade destas moradias por meio de incorporação de recomendações projetuais a partir da aplicação de métodos simplificados de avaliação de desempenho térmico. No assentamento rural Sepé Tiaraju estão em construção 77 habitações, sendo 72 em alvenaria estrutural de bloco cerâmico, 1 em adobe estrutural, 1 em tijolo de solo-cimento estrutural e 3 em sistema estrutural de pilar e viga de eucalipto roliço e vedação com materiais alternativos. As famílias contam com financiamento do Programa INCRA/CEF e assessoria técnica do Grupo de Pesquisa em Habitação e Sustentabilidade - HABIS (EESC/USP e UFSCar). Como metodologia de pesquisa tem-se a verificação de enquadramento na ABNT NBR 15220-3, norma brasileira de desempenho térmico de edificações, e a aplicação do método de cálculos do C.S.T.B. (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment - de Paris) em dois casos - casa em adobe (Caso 01) e casa em bloco cerâmico estrutural (Caso 02). São apresentados como resultados: análise do desempenho térmico dos casos 01 e 02 e de mais 06 alternativas de adaptações e/ou alterações de projeto e orientação de implantação que permitiu a simulação de diferentes situações termicamente favoráveis para os ambientes escolhidos. Os principais produtos elaborados foram dois quadros comparativos contendo em um o objetivo da aplicação de cada alternativa e suas implicações; e no outro os resultados de desempenho térmico avaliado por meio da aplicação de um nomograma de temperatura efetiva. A pesquisa mostrou que a análise de desempenho térmico de edificações é uma variável muito importante a ser considerada quando se pensa na melhoria da qualidade de habitações rurais, principalmente em processos participativos de elaboração projetual, pois fornece subsídios que auxiliam no momento de criação das espacialidades internas, de escolha dos sistemas construtivos, bem como de orientação de implantação destas moradias, levando-se em conta sua relação com o meio. / The architectural design and implementation of housing units in rural settlements, that include the participation of involved families in decision-making processes, are conditioned by some criteria or variables, such as: the limitation of governmental resources for financing low income families, the existence of a program with very specific needs, besides the search for improving the quality of housing. In this context, this thesis proposes an analysis of the process in designing and building of housing units in the Rural Settlement Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul-SP. The research hypothesis is that the application of simplified methods for evaluating thermal performance could be incorporated in design recommendations to improve the quality of the houses. In the Rural Settlement Sepé Tiaraju 77 houses are being built: 72 masonry structural ceramic block, one in structural mudbrick (adobe - fire free brick), one in structural soil-cement and three in structural system of pillar and beam of stem eucalyptus and walls made of alternative materials. The families count with fundings from INCRA/CEF and have technical advice from the Research Group on Housing and Sustainability - HABIS (EESC/USP and UFSCar). As a research methodology, the ABNT NBR 15220-3, Brazilian standard of thermal performance of buildings was verified, and application of the method calculation of the C.S.T.B. (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment - from Paris) in two cases - house in mudbrick (Case 01) and house in structural ceramic block (Case 02). Results are presented as: analysis of thermal performance of cases 01 and 02 and more than 06 alternative adaptations and/or changes in design and deployment guidance, allowing the simulation of different favorable heat situations to the environments chosen. The main products were two comparative tables containing in one the objective of implementing each alternative and in the other the results of thermal performance evaluated through the application of a nomogram effective temperature. The research has shown that the analysis of thermal performance of buildings is a very important variable to consider when thinking about improving the quality of rural housing, especially in participatory processes of projectual development, as it provides grants that support the moment of creation of internal spatiality, of choice of building systems, of deployment guidance for housing, taking into account its relationship with environment.
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Participatory multi-criteria assessment for monitoring actions and supporting decision making to combat desertification in the San Simon watershed (Arizona)Ocampo-Melgar, Anahi January 2013 (has links)
Assessment of the myriad of historic attempts to manage and/or restore degraded drylands offers a rich opportunity to learn from the past, particularly if conducted with full stakeholder engagement. Participatory environmental assessment of past land management and restoration actions would contribute to the improvement of future management techniques in a way relevant to the concerns of people involved with or impacted by these actions. This can also help to deal with the often scant information available, conflicting values and perceptions among stakeholders, and the uncertainties inherent to complex dryland systems. In this study I applied and evaluated a participatory protocol that incorporated multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) tools to assess five actions in the San Simon watershed, one of the most extreme examples of degradation and human intervention in southeastern Arizona (U.S.). The participatory assessment process included a semi-structured interview, elicitation of local-based assessment criteria, prioritization of the assessment criteria, estimation of data, a MCDA-based integration and group evaluation of final results. The process was used to evaluate five combinations of grazing management, vegetation management and hydraulic structures implemented between the 1940s and 1980s. The application of this process allowed me to not only evaluate these actions in a participatory way, but also to identify and compare values and perceptions connected to the historic, cultural and scientific narratives used by three different categories of stakeholders (researchers, practitioners and land users). The revised Simos' procedure used to elicit assessment criteria weights proved useful to expose values and perceptions, source of the individual criteria priorities, while revealing conflictive points of views among the stakeholders. The outranking-facilitated participatory assessment, when compared to the unaided baseline assessment, proved useful in making stakeholder preferences explicit in the form of evaluation criteria and weights, while incorporating data and uncertainty. The specific MCDA outranking integration model used, ELECTRE IS, proved to be simple and systematically synthetic, helping stakeholders structure and re-evaluate their unaided assessments. The results of this study provide insights in how stakeholders' knowledge and views can be elicited, explored and effectively incorporated to assess and learn from past land management and restoration actions implemented in drylands.
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Análise da sustentabilidade de sistemas locais de tratamento de efluentes sanitários para habitações unifamiliares / Análise da sustentabilidade de sistemas locais de tratamento de efluentes sanitários para habitações unifamiliaresMartinetti, Thaís Helena 24 April 2015 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2015-04-24 / Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais / Sustainability is a recent debate derived from the environmental concern and the use of finite natural resources. Currently, in addition to environmental issues, some authors incorporate the economic, social, cultural and political dimension to its definition. The political dimension emphasizes people participation in decision-making, management and collective control, through the reality understanding and analysis of different alternatives. The adoption of participatory processes for decision-making of more sustainable local systems for residential wastewater treatment enable the knowledge transfer and allows access to unconventional technologies. The sustainability analysis arises from the research and practice in the planning and management areas, as a new tool for decision-making, directed promoting sustainability. This work is inserted in the discussions about concepts, principles, strategies and techniques of more sustainable local system for residential wastewater treatment, emphasizing the interaction between those dimensions. General objective was the sustainability analysis of local systems for residential wastewater treatment, taking into account the multiple sustainability dimensions in view of the territories dynamic balance. General research strategy was the data collection research in technical and scientific literature. General steps were: 1- analysis of the technical and scientific literature regarding studies about the subject; 2- characterization of local alternative for residential wastewater treatment; 3- sustainability analysis of decision-making process for the choice of local alternative for residential wastewater treatment; 4- sustainability analysis of local systems for residential wastewater treatment. To each verified hypothesis, were created a spreadsheet that indicated: the type of information (variable), sources of evidence, the procedures for collecting and analyzing data. Products were: 1-process for decision-making to choose the local system of residential wastewater treatment, principles analysis, actions and strategies for sustainability; 2- synthesis flow for analysis of local treatment of residential wastewater systems and; 3- sustainability analysis of local treatment alternatives and wastewater disposal. Results indicated that the sustainability analysis of local residential wastewater treatment systems helps in the choice and decision-making process. The understanding of the concept and sustainability principles, the use of participation in decision-making, increase the sustainability degree of local residential wastewater treatment systems in the context of the territory dynamic balance. Systems that provide water separation in gray and black ones or systems that do not use water, enable the waste reuse, reduce water consumption and improve participatory process in decision-making at different stages, with management and process social control tend to get gains in sustainability. / A sustentabilidade é um debate derivado da preocupação com o meio ambiente e a utilização dos recursos naturais finitos. Atualmente, além de questões ambientais, alguns autores incorporam as dimensões econômica, social, cultural e política na definição do conceito. A dimensão política da sustentabilidade enfatiza a participação das pessoas nos processos de tomada de decisão, gestão e controle, por meio da compreensão da realidade e da análise das diferentes alternativas. A adoção de processos participativos para escolha de sistemas locais de tratamento de efluentes sanitários mais sustentáveis, além de possibilitar a transferência do conhecimento, permite acesso às técnicas não convencionais. A análise da sustentabilidade surge, a partir da pesquisa e da prática em áreas do planejamento e gestão, como um novo instrumento para suporte a decisões direcionadas à promoção da sustentabilidade. O presente trabalho está inserido nas discussões sobre os conceitos, princípios, estratégias e técnicas de tratamento local de efluentes sanitários mais sustentáveis, enfatizando a interação entre as referidas dimensões. O objetivo geral foi analisar a sustentabilidade de sistemas locais de tratamento de efluentes sanitários, em habitações unifamiliares, levando em consideração as múltiplas dimensões da sustentabilidade na perspectiva do equilíbrio dinâmico dos territórios. A estratégia geral de pesquisa foi a pesquisa de levantamento de dados na literatura técnico-científica. As etapas gerais foram: 1- análise da literatura técnico-científica em relação aos estudos referentes ao tema de pesquisa; 2- caracterização das alternativas locais de tratamento de efluentes sanitários; 3- análise da sustentabilidade das etapas do processo de escolha de sistema de tratamento local de efluente sanitário; 4- análise da sustentabilidade dos sistemas locais de tratamento de efluentes sanitários. Para cada hipótese foi elaborada uma planilha em que se explicitaram: o tipo de informação (variável), as fontes de evidências, os procedimentos para coleta e análise dos dados. Os produtos obtidos foram: 1- processo para escolha do sistema local de tratamento de efluentes sanitários e análise dos princípios, ações e estratégias da sustentabilidade; 2- fluxo síntese para análise dos sistemas locais de tratamento de efluentes sanitários residenciais e 3- análise da sustentabilidade das alternativas locais de tratamento e disposição local de efluentes sanitários. Os resultados indicaram que a análise da sustentabilidade de sistemas locais de tratamento de efluentes sanitários auxilia no processo de escolha e tomada de decisão da alternativa de tratamento a ser utilizada. A compreensão do conceito e princípios de sustentabilidade e a participação dos usuários na tomada de decisão aumentam o grau de sustentabilidade de sistemas de tratamento de efluentes sanitários na perspectiva do equilíbrio dinâmico do território. Os sistemas que favorecem a separação das águas em cinzas e negras ou não usam água, sistemas que possibilitam o uso de resíduos, diminuição do consumo de água e o processo participativo na tomada de decisão nas diferentes etapas, com gestão e controle social do processo tendem a ter ganhos em sustentabilidade.
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Recomendações de conforto térmico para projeto arquitetônico e implantação de unidades habitacionais em assentamentos rurais : caso assentamento rural Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul-SP / Recommendations for thermal comfort for architectural design and deployment of housing units in rural settlements : case rural settlement Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul, SPMaíra do Lago Francisco 26 November 2009 (has links)
A concepção de projetos arquitetônicos e implantação de unidades habitacionais em assentamentos rurais, que contemplam a participação das famílias beneficiárias nos processos decisórios, estão condicionadas a variáveis, tais como: a limitação de recursos governamentais para financiamentos, descapitalização das famílias, atendimento a um programa de necessidades específicas, além da busca pela melhoria da qualidade da moradia. Nesse contexto, a presente dissertação analisou o processo de elaboração de projeto e implantação das unidades habitacionais do assentamento rural Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul-SP, tendo como hipótese de pesquisa a melhoria da qualidade destas moradias por meio de incorporação de recomendações projetuais a partir da aplicação de métodos simplificados de avaliação de desempenho térmico. No assentamento rural Sepé Tiaraju estão em construção 77 habitações, sendo 72 em alvenaria estrutural de bloco cerâmico, 1 em adobe estrutural, 1 em tijolo de solo-cimento estrutural e 3 em sistema estrutural de pilar e viga de eucalipto roliço e vedação com materiais alternativos. As famílias contam com financiamento do Programa INCRA/CEF e assessoria técnica do Grupo de Pesquisa em Habitação e Sustentabilidade - HABIS (EESC/USP e UFSCar). Como metodologia de pesquisa tem-se a verificação de enquadramento na ABNT NBR 15220-3, norma brasileira de desempenho térmico de edificações, e a aplicação do método de cálculos do C.S.T.B. (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment - de Paris) em dois casos - casa em adobe (Caso 01) e casa em bloco cerâmico estrutural (Caso 02). São apresentados como resultados: análise do desempenho térmico dos casos 01 e 02 e de mais 06 alternativas de adaptações e/ou alterações de projeto e orientação de implantação que permitiu a simulação de diferentes situações termicamente favoráveis para os ambientes escolhidos. Os principais produtos elaborados foram dois quadros comparativos contendo em um o objetivo da aplicação de cada alternativa e suas implicações; e no outro os resultados de desempenho térmico avaliado por meio da aplicação de um nomograma de temperatura efetiva. A pesquisa mostrou que a análise de desempenho térmico de edificações é uma variável muito importante a ser considerada quando se pensa na melhoria da qualidade de habitações rurais, principalmente em processos participativos de elaboração projetual, pois fornece subsídios que auxiliam no momento de criação das espacialidades internas, de escolha dos sistemas construtivos, bem como de orientação de implantação destas moradias, levando-se em conta sua relação com o meio. / The architectural design and implementation of housing units in rural settlements, that include the participation of involved families in decision-making processes, are conditioned by some criteria or variables, such as: the limitation of governmental resources for financing low income families, the existence of a program with very specific needs, besides the search for improving the quality of housing. In this context, this thesis proposes an analysis of the process in designing and building of housing units in the Rural Settlement Sepé Tiaraju, Serra Azul-SP. The research hypothesis is that the application of simplified methods for evaluating thermal performance could be incorporated in design recommendations to improve the quality of the houses. In the Rural Settlement Sepé Tiaraju 77 houses are being built: 72 masonry structural ceramic block, one in structural mudbrick (adobe - fire free brick), one in structural soil-cement and three in structural system of pillar and beam of stem eucalyptus and walls made of alternative materials. The families count with fundings from INCRA/CEF and have technical advice from the Research Group on Housing and Sustainability - HABIS (EESC/USP and UFSCar). As a research methodology, the ABNT NBR 15220-3, Brazilian standard of thermal performance of buildings was verified, and application of the method calculation of the C.S.T.B. (Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment - from Paris) in two cases - house in mudbrick (Case 01) and house in structural ceramic block (Case 02). Results are presented as: analysis of thermal performance of cases 01 and 02 and more than 06 alternative adaptations and/or changes in design and deployment guidance, allowing the simulation of different favorable heat situations to the environments chosen. The main products were two comparative tables containing in one the objective of implementing each alternative and in the other the results of thermal performance evaluated through the application of a nomogram effective temperature. The research has shown that the analysis of thermal performance of buildings is a very important variable to consider when thinking about improving the quality of rural housing, especially in participatory processes of projectual development, as it provides grants that support the moment of creation of internal spatiality, of choice of building systems, of deployment guidance for housing, taking into account its relationship with environment.
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