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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The evolution of the Portuguese party system in comparative European perspective since 1974

Jalali, Varqá Carlos January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

En förtvinad opposition? : En kartläggning av hur europeiseringen och den inre marknaden påverkar det nationella partipolitiska handlingsutrymmet i fallet Vaxholm

Marcusson, Sandra January 2012 (has links)
This thesis aims to study the indirect effects of the Europeanization on national parties and the presence of an established national opposition towards the European Union (EU) and its effects in Sweden, as a result of the so-called conflict of Vaxholm.   The questions asked were whether or not it existed an established national opposition towards the EU, and if so, what the opposition consists of substantially. The research method, which was used, is a quantified text analysis on the chamber debates of the Swedish Riksdag and the party congresses of Socialdemokraterna. The study shows that there is an ambivalent opposition towards the EU and its effects in the aftermath of the conflict of Vaxholm.  Socialdemokraterna presented resistance, but did not manage to present apparent alternatives, which left the party with a rather indistinctive opposition. In contrast to the right-wing party, the left-wing party had some profound difficulties in positioning itself in the new and globalized economy. I therefore suggest, that it might be more providing and exhaustive to introduce Azmanova’s ideal-type analysis, which instead of positing parties on a left-right continuum, posit parties after respective party’s opinions concerning the risks or opportunities which the EU and the internal market’s effects.

Regionalist Party Electoral Outcomes and the Supply-Side of Party Politics

Fontana, Cary 11 January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation addresses two important questions: what constitutes regionalist party success and what factors explain this success? Regionalist parties are political parties that compete within a confined geographic region and focus on gaining greater political autonomy. This differentiates them from mainstream parties who prefer to emphasize traditional left-right political issues and compete across the entire country. I argue that to better understand the electoral outcomes of these parties, their results need a more nuanced categorization: breakthrough, failure, and persistence. Breakthrough occurs when a party has a large surge in support. Electoral failure happens when a party suffers a precipitous decline in vote shares, diminishing its political relevance. Persistence results when a party replicates its previous electoral outcome with minimal change. I used a supply-side and demand-side theoretical framing to consider the influences on regionalist party outcomes. Demand-side or “bottom-up” based theories state that political parties are primarily responsive organizations that adapt to changes in public attitudes. Thus, they must respond and closely align with the social, cultural, and economic positions of the public. I hypothesized, however, that supply-side factors best explain a regionalist party’s fate. Supply-side or “top-down” theories maintain factors outside of public demand can shape elections. These include institutional arrangements and party strategies, such as the positions the parties take and salience they give to particular issues. In this framework, the choices parties make can impact citizens’ voting. To explain breakthrough, failure, and persistence, I found three factors most relevant: the emphasis mainstream parties put on issues related to regional autonomy compared to left-right issues, the positions mainstream parties take on decentralizing power, and the positions that regionalist parties adopt regarding regional autonomy. When all of these align favorably in an election a party is more likely to breakthrough. In instances where all of them align unfavorably the probability of failure increases. Persistence is most probable when one or two of the factors is beneficial, but not all of them. I analyzed these questions using a mixed-methods approach that included multiple regression analyses and case studies of eight different elections in Scotland.


Tarkhani, Soran 01 May 2019 (has links)
The outbidding model of intraethnic party competition has dominated the literature on ethnic party competition. The emphasis of this literature on radicalization as an inevitable consequence of intraethnic competition has recently faced fair criticism. Scholars have presented new empirical evidence for intraethnic party competition that runs counter to the predictions of outbidding. Nevertheless, the major assumptions of the outbidding model persist. Scholars generally focus on ethnic outgroups as a source of intraethnic party competition, disregarding other factors that affect competition between ethnic parties within the same ethnic group. My approach to study intraethnic party competition is different. Instead of merely focusing on ethnic politics as the main factor driving intraethnic competition, I investigate other factors that determine intraethnic competition beyond ethnic politics, including social cleavages, and the electoral system. I submit that intraethnic party competition cannot be boiled down simply to ethnic politics. Ethnic parties within the same ethnic group compete over various issues ranging from socioeconomic concerns, to foreign policy and regionalists.

Local Government & Social Welfare Development in Taiwan:An Analytic of Political-Economy

Wang, Yang-chuan 18 April 2001 (has links)

Revenge of the Radical Right: Why Minority Accommodation Mobilizes Extremist Voting

Siroky, Lenka Bustikova January 2012 (has links)
<p>How can we explain variation in support for radical right parties over time and across post-communist democracies? This project suggests that support for radical right parties is driven by the politics of accommodation, and is aimed at counteracting the political inroads, cultural concessions and economic gains of politically organized minorities. It differs from other studies of extremist politics in three primary respects: (1) Unlike current approaches that focus on competition between the extreme and mainstream parties, I emphasize dynamics between the radical right party and non- proximate parties that promote minority rights. (2) Several approaches argue that xenophobia drives support for the radical right, whereas I show that xenophobia is not a distinct feature of the radical right party support base; what differentiates radical right voters from other voters is opposition to governmental transfers towards politically organized minorities. (3) I endogenize issue salience and identify coalition politics - i.e., coalitions of mainstream parties and parties supporting minority protection - as a key mechanism that increases the salience of identity issues in political competition, and benefits radical right parties. The project tests these propositions empirically, and finds supportive evidence using two unique micro-level surveys and an original party-election-level data set covering all post-communist democracies.</p> / Dissertation

Motstånd mot den Europeiska Unionen ur flera åsiktsdimensioner : En statistisk studie om vilka värderingar som driver EU-kritik i Europa / Resistance towards the European Union in mutiple dimensions : A statistical study of which values that drives EU-sceptical opinion in Europe

Hedlund Kancans, Alexander January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate to what extent skeptical attitudes towards the European Union is driven by materialistic-, postmaterialist values and populism in different parts of Europe. To achieve this aim, the study is based on multivariate regression analysis with data utilized from the European Social survey 2014. The findings show that cultural questions associated with TAN values, such as a nationalistic resistance towards immigration, have the best ability to predict EU-skepticism over economic questions related with a subjective placement on the political left-right scale, or populism associated with a lack of trust in the state of political governance. These findings suggest that the subjective left-right scale do not structure attitudes toward the European Union to a great extent. Instead, the results of this study are in line with scholars that argue that the TAN-GAL scale as well as populism have grown in importance, as these axes of competition are both more linked with opinions on EU. These results hold for all regions in Europe that are examined in this study, although particular strong effects are found in Germany, where populism and TAN values shape attitudes towards EU to the greatest extent.

Do niche parties make a difference? The effect of extremist parties’ council representation on public policy

Dapfer, Mona January 2023 (has links)
This paper examines the causal effect of niche parties’ council representation on policy outcomes in Spain between 2003 and 2022. Focusing on the far-left IU and far-right VOX as niche parties, it utilizes local-level data on municipal elections. To account for possible endogeneity, I apply a regression discontinuity design using the 5% electoral admission threshold, generating quasi-experimental variation in the probability that a niche party is represented in the council. I show that if IU obtains council representation, municipal budgets shift from a surplus to a deficit. Moreover, I find large effects on revenue and spending if PSOE is forming the coalition, even if it is not the strongest party in the election. These findings suggest that IU plays a crucial role as a coalition partner, exerting a considerable influence on local policies. Conversely, there seem to be no effects of IU’s representation for single-party majority governments. This indicates that in contrast to research looking at parties’ policy positions, bargaining about resources rather than electoral competition for voters drives the results. Additionally, I provide evidence for spillover effects to the regional level, resulting in a higher level of party favoritism between regional and local governments due to IU’s council representation. Regarding VOX’s entry into the council, I find a substantial reduction in fee revenues.

L’européanisation de la compétition électorale en France, en Allemagne et au Royaume-Uni (1986-2009) / Europeanisation of party competition in France, in Germany and in the United-Kingdom (1986- 2009)

Guinaudeau, Isabelle 29 November 2011 (has links)
Depuis le milieu des années 1980, la construction européenne est entrée dans une phase d’accélération quivoit l’affirmation de l’Union européenne comme un espace de décision politique à part entière, dont lesprérogatives et les interventions deviennent toujours plus palpables au niveau domestique. Cette thèseexplore les conséquences de ce processus sur la compétition électorale. Le questionnement de ladistinction populaire entre effets « directs » et « indirects » nourrit une réflexion sur les mécanismes parlesquels les partis sont affectés et nous conduit à conceptualiser l’intégration européenne comme unealtération de l’environnement et de la structure d’opportunités des partis, à travers l’européanisation despolitiques publiques et la mise sur agenda de nouveaux enjeux. Cette perspective permet à la fois de mieuxintégrer dans l’étude des partis le tournant interactionniste des recherches sur l’européanisation, etd’enrichir l’analyse en l’inscrivant dans des cadres théoriques depuis longtemps éprouvés pour étudier lespartis et la compétition politique. L’européanisation de la compétition électorale en France, en Allemagneet au Royaume-Uni entre 1986 et 2009 est étudiée au prisme des opportunités et des contraintes découlantde l’intégration, puis des réponses apportées par les acteurs partisans à différents niveaux. Notre enquêtes’appuie pour cela sur l’analyse d’un vaste corpus de documents, de données et de littérature, notammentsur la couverture médiatique des questions européennes, les orientations européennes discernables dansl’opinion publique des trois pays, l’européanisation des politiques publiques, les discours tenus lors descongrès des partis sociaux-démocrates et les programmes électoraux des différents partis. Nous observonsune européanisation différenciée, mais significative, de la structure d’opportunités des partis. En raison desrésistances déployées par les acteurs partisans qui dominent la compétition inter- et intra-partisane, cettetendance n’affecte les dynamiques de compétition électorale qu’à la marge. / European Union to establish itself as a full-fledged political space whose prerogatives and interventionsbecome more and more palpable at the domestic level. This thesis explores the consequences of thisprocess on party competition. The questioning of the popular distinction between « direct » and« indirect » effects nourishes a reflection about the mechanisms by which parties are affected and leads usto conceptualize European integration as an alteration of parties’ environment and structure ofopportunities, through the europeanisation of public policies and the agenda-setting of new issues. Thisperspective allows both to better integrate in the study of parties the « interactionnist » turn of research oneuropeanisation and to enrich the analysis by anchoring it within ordinary frameworks of parties andelectoral competition. The europeanisation of party competition in France, Germany and the United-Kingdom between 1986 and 2009 is studied from the perspective of opportunities and constraintsgenerated by European integration and, then, from the perspective of partisan actors’ reponses at severallevels. Our inquiry relies on the analysis of a vast corpus of documents, data and literature, notably on themedia coverage of European issues, European orientations in the public opinion of the three countries,europeanization of public policies, discourses held at the congresses of social-democratic parties andelectoral manifestos of the different parties. We observe a differentiated, but significative, europeanisationof parties’ structure of opportunities. Due to the resistances of the actors who dominate inter- and intrapartycompetition, this tendency affects the dynamics of party competition only marginally.

Competitive, Accommodative or Neither? : An Examination of two Swedish Parties Competitiveness while in Opposition and Support Party Status / Konflikt, ackommidering eller ingetdera? : En undersökning av två svenska partiers konfliktfylldhet under sin tid som opposition- och stödparti

Gunnarsson, Nathalie January 2020 (has links)
This research aims to contribute to the knowledge gap about opposition and support parties’ competitive behaviour in minority situations where no party have a majority in the parliament. Two Swedish parties - the Centre Party and the Left Party - will be examined to answer the two overarching research questions. Namely, 1) how does the competitive behaviour of parties vary in relation to a party’s role as a support party or opposition party? And 2) does the result support the cartel party thesis or the model of classic opposition? The competitive behaviour was measured in regards to counter proposals, standpoints and reservations on the governmental propositions. This was done through a quantitative content analysis of committee reports during four terms of office. The results indicate that both parties were more competitive during their time in opposition compared to in support status. This supports the model of classic opposition and rejects the cartel party thesis.

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