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The wear of bainitic and pearlitic steelsGarnham, John Ernest January 1995 (has links)
The rolling-sliding dry-wear behaviour of a series of bainitic steels and a standard pearlitic rail steel have been compared over a range of contact stress and creepage conditions applicable to the British Rail network. A rolling-sliding wear machine has been constructed - LEROS - which allows very high contact stresses to be combined with high creepages under well controlled conditions. Materials were tested on LEROS and on an Amsler machine. Limited vibration analyses were carried out on both machines and compared with the frequencies of disc surface periodic undulations. No direct linkage was determined. Despite better standard mechanical properties, the wear resistance of lower carbon bainitic steels was inferior to that of the pearlitic steel. A bainitic steel with the same carbon content as the pearlitic steel wore a little less, but at considerable expense to the pearlitic wheel steel counter-material in the wear couple. The wear resistance of bainitic steels depends upon the volume fraction of hard phase, such as carbide and martensite-austenite phase, for rolling-sliding as well as other types of dry wear loading. Pearlitic steel performs exceptionally well under certain rolling-sliding conditions, such as the majority seen in these tests, since the lamellar microstructure is modified so as to present a greater area fraction of carbide hard phase at the wear surface, a fraction in excess of bulk volume fraction. Recommendations are made for the dry wear applicability of the steels.
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Tratamentos térmicos para obtenção de cementita esferoidizada em ferro fundido nodular / Heat treatments to the obtaining of spheroidal cementite in ductile cast ironKinap, Paulo Eduardo Barros 27 March 2001 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho, consistiu na obtenção de ferro fundidos nodulares, a serem utilizados na fabricação de eixos, com as seguintes características mecânicas após os tratamentos térmicos adequados: limites de resistência à tração e escoamento mínimos de 700 N/mm2 e 450 N/mm2 respectivamente, alongamento mínimo de 5% e dureza entre 235 à 285 HB. A microestrutura mais adequada à obtenção das características mecânicas desejadas deveria consistir de cementita esferoidizada numa matriz ferrítica, a ser obtida com o tratamento de recozimento ou revenimento de microestruturas previamente perlíticas ou martensíticas, respectivamente. No caso do tratamento de recozimento, as estruturas iniciais consistiram de perlita grossa mais ferrita, presentes no material no estado bruto de fusão, ou, de perlita fina mais ferrita, do material normalizado. Todos os tratamentos térmicos utilizados, dependendo do tempo de tratamento, permitiram a obtenção de cementita esferoidizada. O material normalizado e recozido durante 2 horas a 700ºC, possibilitou a obtenção das propriedades mecânicas desejadas: limites de resistência à tração e de escoamento de 827 N/mm2 e 547 N/mm2 respectivamente, alongamento de 7% e dureza de 277 HB, valores estes, dentro dos limites desejados no presente trabalho. No caso do material temperado e revenido a 700ºC durante 0,5 hora, obteve-se limites de escoamento de 542 N/mm2, alongamento de 6% e dureza de 246 HB. O tratamento de recozimento realizado durante 48 horas, produziu microestrutura quase totalmente ferrítica, com pequenas áreas de agregados de carbonetos. O restante do carbono migrou para os nódulos de grafita secundária ao redor dos mesmos. / The purpose of the present work, consisted in obtaining ductile casting iron, that will be used in the shaft production, with de following mechanical properties after the appropriated heat treatments: ultimate tensile strength and yield strength values of 700 N/mm2 and 450 N/mm2 minimum respectively, elongation of 5% minimum and hardness value from 235 to 285 HB. The microstructure more adequated to obtaining the desired mechanical characteristics should consist of spheroidized cementite in a ferritic matrix, to be obtained with the annealing or tempering treatments of microstructures previously pearlitic or martensitic respectively. In the case of the annealing treatment, the initial structures consisted of thick pearlite plus ferrite, wich were in the material in the ascast state, or fine pearlite plus ferrite, of the normalized material. All the used heat treatment, depending on the time of treatment, allowed the obtainment of spheroidized cementite. The material normalized and annealed for 2 hours at 700°C made possible the obtaining of the desired mechanical properties: ultimate tensile strength and yield strength value of 827 N/mm2 and 547 N/mm2 respectively, elongation of 7% and hardness values of 277 HB, values these, in acordance with the aims initially proposed in the present work. In the case of the material quenched and tempered at 700°C for 0,5 hour, it was obtained yield strength values of 542 N/mm2, elongation of 6% and hardness value of 246 HB. The annealing treatment made during 48 hours, produced a microstructure almost totally ferritic, with small areas of aggregated carbides. The remaining of the carbon migrated to the graphite nodules producing secondary graphite around them.
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Mécanismes métallurgiques et leurs interactions au recuit d’aciers ferrito-perlitiques laminés : caractérisation et modélisation / Metallurgical mechanisms and their interactions during the annealing of cold-rolled ferrite-pearlite steels : characterization and modelingMoreno, Marc 18 June 2019 (has links)
Les aciers Dual Phase (DP) ferrito-martensitiques sont largement utilisés sous la forme de tôles minces dans la construction automobile en raison de leur excellent compromis résistance/ductilité et donc pour leur potentiel d’allègement. Ils sont élaborés par coulée continue, laminage à chaud et à froid suivis d’un recuit continu. Durant l’étape de chauffage et de maintien de ce recuit, la microstructure ferrito-perlitique déformée issue des étapes de laminage se transforme en microstructure ferrito-austénitique recristallisée. L’expérience montre que les cinétiques de recristallisation et de transformation ainsi que la distribution spatiale et morphologique des microstructures résultantes sont très sensibles aux vitesses de chauffage. Ce travail de thèse s’intéresse aux différents mécanismes expliquant cette sensibilité comme la maturation des carbures, la restauration, la recristallisation de la ferrite et la transformation austénitique et toutes leurs interactions. Ces mécanismes métallurgiques ont été caractérisés à différentes échelles et par des approches in situ sur un acier industriel puis modéliser par des approches à base physique pour guider une possible production. Après un premier chapitre dédié aux techniques expérimentales et de modélisations utilisées, le second chapitre de ce travail s’intéresse principalement à la caractérisation de la morphogénèse des microstructures ferrito-austénitique en microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB). Le troisième chapitre est une étude détaillée en Microscopie Electronique à Transmission (MET) et par modélisation thermocinétique (ThermoCalc, DICTRA) de la composition des carbures tout au long du processus, du laminage à chaud au recuit. Restauration et recristallisation sont étudiées au chapitre 4 principalement par des expériences in situ en Diffraction des Rayons X à Haute Energie (DRXHE) sur ligne de lumière synchrotron et modélisées par une approche originale à champs moyen. Enfin, le chapitre 5 propose une étude sous DICTRA pour comprendre les cinétiques de transformation austénitique en fonction des vitesses de chauffe. Cette approche est novatrice car elle prend en compte les carbures intergranulaires de la ferrite, a été conduite en conditions anisothermes et propose une analyse fine des modes de croissance de l’austénite associées au manganèse, élément clef de la composition de ces alliages. / Ferrite/Martensite Dual-Phase steels are largely used in the form of thin sheets in the automotive industry for their excellent balance between resistance and strength and thus for their lightening potential. They are elaborated by continuous casting, hot- and cold- rolling, followed by a continuous annealing. During the heating and the soaking stages of this latter process, the deformed ferrite/pearlite microstructure obtained after rolling evolves is transformed into a recrystallized ferrite-austenite microstructure. The experiments show that recrystallization and austenite transformation kinetics as well as the resulting spatial and morphological distribution of the phases are highly sensitive to the heating rate. This PhD thesis aims at understanding the different metallurgical mechanisms explaining this particular sensitivity as carbides ripening, recovery, recrystallization and austenite transformation and all their possible interactions. The mechanisms were characterized at different scales and by in situ technics on an industrial steel and model by physical based approaches in order to drive future production lines. After a first chapter dedicated to the experimental and modeling methods, the second chapter deals with the characterization of the morphogenesis of ferrite-austenite microstructures by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Chapter 3 is a study by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and by thermokinetic modeling (ThermoCalc, DICTRA) of the chemical composition of carbides along with manufacturing, from hot-rolling to annealing. Recovery and recrystallization are studied in chapter 4 by the means of in situ High Energy X-Ray Diffraction (HEXRD) experiments conducted on a synchrotron beamline and modeled by an original mean-field approach. Finally, chapter 5 proposes an analysis with DICTRA to understand austenite transformation kinetics as function of heating rates. The proposed approach is innovative as it accounts for intergranular carbides in the ferrite matrix, is conducted in non-isothermal conditions and propose a fine analysis of growth modes of austenite associated to manganese, a key alloying element of the studied steels.
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Tratamentos térmicos para obtenção de cementita esferoidizada em ferro fundido nodular / Heat treatments to the obtaining of spheroidal cementite in ductile cast ironPaulo Eduardo Barros Kinap 27 March 2001 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho, consistiu na obtenção de ferro fundidos nodulares, a serem utilizados na fabricação de eixos, com as seguintes características mecânicas após os tratamentos térmicos adequados: limites de resistência à tração e escoamento mínimos de 700 N/mm2 e 450 N/mm2 respectivamente, alongamento mínimo de 5% e dureza entre 235 à 285 HB. A microestrutura mais adequada à obtenção das características mecânicas desejadas deveria consistir de cementita esferoidizada numa matriz ferrítica, a ser obtida com o tratamento de recozimento ou revenimento de microestruturas previamente perlíticas ou martensíticas, respectivamente. No caso do tratamento de recozimento, as estruturas iniciais consistiram de perlita grossa mais ferrita, presentes no material no estado bruto de fusão, ou, de perlita fina mais ferrita, do material normalizado. Todos os tratamentos térmicos utilizados, dependendo do tempo de tratamento, permitiram a obtenção de cementita esferoidizada. O material normalizado e recozido durante 2 horas a 700ºC, possibilitou a obtenção das propriedades mecânicas desejadas: limites de resistência à tração e de escoamento de 827 N/mm2 e 547 N/mm2 respectivamente, alongamento de 7% e dureza de 277 HB, valores estes, dentro dos limites desejados no presente trabalho. No caso do material temperado e revenido a 700ºC durante 0,5 hora, obteve-se limites de escoamento de 542 N/mm2, alongamento de 6% e dureza de 246 HB. O tratamento de recozimento realizado durante 48 horas, produziu microestrutura quase totalmente ferrítica, com pequenas áreas de agregados de carbonetos. O restante do carbono migrou para os nódulos de grafita secundária ao redor dos mesmos. / The purpose of the present work, consisted in obtaining ductile casting iron, that will be used in the shaft production, with de following mechanical properties after the appropriated heat treatments: ultimate tensile strength and yield strength values of 700 N/mm2 and 450 N/mm2 minimum respectively, elongation of 5% minimum and hardness value from 235 to 285 HB. The microstructure more adequated to obtaining the desired mechanical characteristics should consist of spheroidized cementite in a ferritic matrix, to be obtained with the annealing or tempering treatments of microstructures previously pearlitic or martensitic respectively. In the case of the annealing treatment, the initial structures consisted of thick pearlite plus ferrite, wich were in the material in the ascast state, or fine pearlite plus ferrite, of the normalized material. All the used heat treatment, depending on the time of treatment, allowed the obtainment of spheroidized cementite. The material normalized and annealed for 2 hours at 700°C made possible the obtaining of the desired mechanical properties: ultimate tensile strength and yield strength value of 827 N/mm2 and 547 N/mm2 respectively, elongation of 7% and hardness values of 277 HB, values these, in acordance with the aims initially proposed in the present work. In the case of the material quenched and tempered at 700°C for 0,5 hour, it was obtained yield strength values of 542 N/mm2, elongation of 6% and hardness value of 246 HB. The annealing treatment made during 48 hours, produced a microstructure almost totally ferritic, with small areas of aggregated carbides. The remaining of the carbon migrated to the graphite nodules producing secondary graphite around them.
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Optimalizace technologie perlitizace masivních vývalků / Optimization of heat treatement for steel beamsDyčka, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with heat treatment of pearlitic steel beams with using of induction heating. The aim of this heat treatment is to improve mechanical properties of steel beams. In theoretical part are described pearlitic steels and theory of induction heating. In experimental part of this thesis analysis of current state of technology with its results was made. Numerical model describing current state of technology was assembled. Then this model was used to recommend adjustments in current technology of heat treatment, which leads to enlargement of heat treated depth. Experiments with adjusted parameters were executed on heat treating machine. Analysis of microstructure using LM and EM, measurement of hardness and fractographic analysis were done. The result of adjustments is enlargement of heat treated depth about half compared with current technology.
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An Experimental Investigation of the Hardenabilities Tensile and Fracture Properties of Powdered Metal SteelsTallon, Paul January 2018 (has links)
Powder metallurgy (PM) steel is produced by near net shape manufacturing, which is used to fabricate alloy steels for many purposes. Designing new powder metal steels that can form a significant fraction of martensite relies on hardenability calculations developed for wrought steels. These proven tools are built upon assumptions for wrought steels that do not hold true for PM steels. One assumption is that the alloying elements are homogenized throughout the material. In admixed powder blends that are industrially sintered this is not the case. Using prealloyed powder is a solution to this issue, yet it places restrictions on alloy design and compressibility. There are tools available to computationally optimize diffusion problems, yet the complexity during the sintering of PM steel is such that a robust model has yet been produced. It is intuitive that with smaller particles of Fe sintering time can be reduced. A direct experimental investigation linking Fe-powders’ sizes and hardenability on Fe-C-Cr-Mn-Mo-Ni PM steel was subject to microstructure analysis and mechanical properties (Jominy test) for comparative analysis.
Another assumption that is made for wrought steel is a consistent density of 7.87g/cm3. This is not the case for PM steel as the press and sinter method produces pores, decreasing the density. This directly affects the thermal conductivity and phase transformation of the steel. In an effort to understand how these differences affect Grossmann’s predictions of hardenability, a direct experimental investigation linking the density to hardenability was launched on prealloyed FL-4605 and FL-4605+2%Cu. Specifically the Jominy test was completed on a range of densities, as well as compared to software predictions.
The chemical variations in admixed and sintered PM steel produce a unique system where one TTT diagram cannot predict the entire final microstructure. PM steel such as this is observed in industry, and can be created through incorporating larger Fe-particles such that less alloying constituents have a chance to fully alloy these regions. Since the large particles will not have the chance to be alloyed, they will not have the ability to form martensite. Since the regions between large particles will be alloyed, martensite will form, creating a hard matrix surrounding softer particles. This structure is characteristic of a metal matrix composite (MMC), and therefore should be treated as such. There are methods of MMC design that involve numerical methods of predicting strength and toughness. These methods, along with experimental data (tensile and Charpy testing) of Fe-C-Cr-Mn-Mo-Ni PM steels with ranging volume fractions of pearlitic inclusions were compared. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Analysis of the microstructure transformation (wel formation) in pearlitic steel used in relevant engineering wear systems. / Análise da transformação microestrutural (formação da camada branca) em aço perlítico utilizado em relevantes sistemas de desgaste em engenharia.Pereira Agudelo, Juan Ignacio 14 May 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, the behavior of pearlitic steel was characterized under controlled wear conditions in the laboratory and service conditions in two ore mining stages, comminution and transportation. The thesis consists in three experimental chapters, divided according to the tribosystems analyzed. On all the chapters Electro Microscopy techniques for the microstructural analysis were employed. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Focused Ion Beam (FIB-SEM), Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) were used. The first experimental chapter shows the analysis of the pearlite under abrasive wear with loose abrasive particles in multi-events conditions. The sample was taken from Semi-Autogenous Grinding mills (SAG) and experimental simulation was carried out in laboratory using the Dry Sand Rubber Wheel Abrasion Test (DSRW). The results show a polycrystalline layer formation in both cases, characterized by ultra-fine grains of ferrite in the layer closer to the surface. It was also concluded that the DSRW can simulate the wear produced on field (superficial and microstructural features) in conditions of higher normal load than recommended by the ASTM Standard G65. The second experimental chapter explores the characterization of the microstructure after the indenter pass in scratch test using two conditions of normal load applied and five sequences of scratch. The microstructural analysis shows the formation of two subsuperficial layers identified by the level of the microstructural alterations. In the subsuperficial layer (close to the surface), the formation of new ultra-fine grains of ferrite was observed. A second layer was observed deeper in the sample and denominated as layer of the microstructure transition, characterized by the combination of deformed (reduction of the interlamellar spacing) and pearlite colonies not affected plastically by the mechanical loading. On this layer, the crystallographic texture in RD // in samples tested at 4 N (normal load) and one-pass scratch was determined. Later, on this chapter, the microstructure in a ground rail (industrial procedure characterized as a multi-event scratch test) was analyzed. Two grinding conditions were used for the analysis with variation of the grinding linear speed and load on the grinding stones (discs). The combination of low grinding speed and high load promotes a higher deformed layer formation beneath the patch zone and low randomized orientation of the pearlite colonies. Finally, in the third experimental chapter, the pearlitic characterization was concluded with the study of samples of railway wheel and rail under wear in service and Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) in laboratory. The laboratorial simulation was carried out using the twin-disc rolling contact tribometer with a variation of number of cycles. The characterization of railway wheel shows that the WEL is characterized by levels of breaking and aligned cementite and zones with dissolution of the carbon atom in the ferrite to form the supersaturated carbon ferrite. The polycrystalline ferrite formation (ultra-fine grains) in the sub-superficial layer and it was identified a preferential orientation of RD // in the layer of microstructural transition. The results of the laboratory test show surface crack nucleation and propagation at low angle in the more severe deformed layer. The microstructure of the layer consists in polycrystalline ferrite and the cementite dissolution. / Nesta tese foi caracterizado o comportamento do aço perlítico em condições controladas de desgaste em laboratório e em serviço em dois estágios do processo de mineração de minério, cominução e transporte ferroviário. A tese consiste em três capítulos experimentais divididos segundo o tribosistema analisado. Em todos os capítulos do trabalho foi utilizada a técnica de microscopia eletrônica para análise microestrutural. Foi utilizado Microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), Focused Ion Beam (FIB-SEM), Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) e Microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET). O primeiro capítulo experimental mostra a análise da perlita in condições de desgaste abrasivo com partículas soltas em eventos múltiplos. As amostras foram tiradas de um moinho semi-autógeno (SAG) e realizada uma simulação experimental do desgaste em condições controladas usando o tribômetro de roda de borracha (RWAT). Os resultados mostraram a formação de camada branca em ambas as condições de análise, consistindo em uma camada poli cristalina caracterizada pela formação de grãos ultrafinos na camada mais próxima da superfície de desgaste. Também foi concluído que a roda de borracha pode simular o desgaste produzido nos moinhos SAG tanto nas características superficiais quanto microestruturais em condições de maior severidade as comumente utilizadas na norma ASTM G65 (procedimento B). O Segundo capítulo experimental explora a caracterização da microestrutura depois da passagem do endentador no ensaio de riscamento (scratch test) utilizando duas condições de carga normal aplicada e 5 sequências de riscamento. A análise microestrutural mostrou a formação de duas camadas subsuperficiais identificadas pelo nível de alteração microestrutural. Na camada mais próxima da superfície de desgaste foi observada a formação de grãos ultrafinos de ferrita. A segunda camada identificada mais profundamente na amostra, denominada como camada de transição, é caracterizada pela combinação de colônias deformadas (redução do espaçamento interlamelar) e camadas não afetadas pelos esforços produzidos no contato. Nesta camada foi determinada a texturização em direção RD // nas amostras testadas a 4 N (carga normal aplicada) e uma passada. Posteriormente à análise de riscamento foi caracterizada a microestrutura de uma amostra tirada de um trilho esmerilhado (processo industrial que pode ser considerado como aplicação do ensaio de riscamento). Foram consideradas duas condições de esmerilhamento com variação de velocidade de esmerilhamento (deslocamento linear do veículo esmerilhador) e potência dos motores dos rebolos usada no procedimento. A combinação de baixa velocidade de esmerilhamento e alta potência nos motores controladores dos rebolos promoveu uma grande deformação nas camadas subsuperficiais na região de contato e uma baixa aleatoriedade das orientações cristalográficas das colônias de perlita. Finalmente, no capítulo três, a caracterização da microestrutura perlitica foi finalizada com o estudo de amostras de roda e trilho em condições de desgaste em campo e de Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) em ensaios de laboratório. A simulação experimental foi realizada utilizando o tribômetro twin-disc rolling (configuração disco-disco) com variação do número de ciclos. A caracterização da roda ferroviária mostrou a formação da camada branca caracterizada por níveis de cementita fraturada e alinhada em direção do movimento de rolamento/deslizamento com áreas de dissolução do átomo de carbono na ferrita formando uma ferrita supersaturada. Foi identificado a formação de policristais de ferrita (grãos ultrafinos) na camada mais superficial e uma orientação preferencial RD // na camada de transição. Os resultados dos ensaios de laboratório mostraram a nucleação de trincas superficiais se propagando a baixo ângulo na camada branca. A transformação microestrutural dessa camada após ensaios de laboratório consiste em policristais de ferrita e dissolução da cementita.
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Rodas ferroviárias: análise, microestrutura e propostas de melhoria. / Railway wheels: analysis, microstructure and improvement proposals.Chaves, Ana Paula Gonçalves 02 December 2016 (has links)
A pesquisa relativa ao transporte ferroviário no Brasil tem se intensificado nos últimos anos visando principalmente a melhoria no desempenho do par rodatrilho. Isso se deve à demanda de se transportar cada vez mais carga por eixo com a finalidade de reduzir o custo de transporte. Através de mudanças na microestrutura do material ou de mudanças na composição das ligas utilizadas na fabricação pode se aumentar a resistência do par roda-trilho. Neste trabalho foi analisada a influência de diferentes microestruturas (puramente perlíticas e perlíticas-bainíticas), obtidas por meio de tratamento térmico por dilatometria, nas propriedades de um aço alto carbono similar ao utilizado em rodas convencionais classe C AAR destinadas ao transporte de carga pesada. As análises empregaram técnicas metalográficas (identificação de fases presentes e distância interlamelar da perlita), ensaios magnéticos (saturação magnética e ruído magnético de Barkhausen), ensaio mecânico de dureza e ensaio tribológico de resistência ao desgaste por deslizamento. Foram caracterizadas rodas ferroviárias classe C AAR em quatro condições distintas: usadas e novas, fundidas e forjadas. / Research about rail transport in Brazil has been intensified recently due the need to improve the wheel-rail performance, considering the demand of increasing axle load aiming for transportation cost reduction. Changes in the material microstructure or in the alloys composition can improve the wheel-rail resistance. A eutectoid steel similar to that used in conventional class C AAR wheels (designed to heavy haul transportation - high loads and low speeds) was submitted to isothermal heat treatments applying dilatometry techniques at ten different cycles. Different microstructures (totally pearlitic and pearlitic-bainitic) were obtained and their influence on the mechanical and magnetic properties was analyzed. The analysis included metallographic techniques (identification of phases and pearlite interlamellar spacing), magnetic testing (magnetic saturation and magnetic Barkhausen noise) and mechanical testing (hardness and pin-ondisc tests). Railway wheels Class C ARR were characterized in four different conditions: new and used, cast and forged.
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Analysis of the microstructure transformation (wel formation) in pearlitic steel used in relevant engineering wear systems. / Análise da transformação microestrutural (formação da camada branca) em aço perlítico utilizado em relevantes sistemas de desgaste em engenharia.Juan Ignacio Pereira Agudelo 14 May 2018 (has links)
In this thesis, the behavior of pearlitic steel was characterized under controlled wear conditions in the laboratory and service conditions in two ore mining stages, comminution and transportation. The thesis consists in three experimental chapters, divided according to the tribosystems analyzed. On all the chapters Electro Microscopy techniques for the microstructural analysis were employed. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Focused Ion Beam (FIB-SEM), Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) were used. The first experimental chapter shows the analysis of the pearlite under abrasive wear with loose abrasive particles in multi-events conditions. The sample was taken from Semi-Autogenous Grinding mills (SAG) and experimental simulation was carried out in laboratory using the Dry Sand Rubber Wheel Abrasion Test (DSRW). The results show a polycrystalline layer formation in both cases, characterized by ultra-fine grains of ferrite in the layer closer to the surface. It was also concluded that the DSRW can simulate the wear produced on field (superficial and microstructural features) in conditions of higher normal load than recommended by the ASTM Standard G65. The second experimental chapter explores the characterization of the microstructure after the indenter pass in scratch test using two conditions of normal load applied and five sequences of scratch. The microstructural analysis shows the formation of two subsuperficial layers identified by the level of the microstructural alterations. In the subsuperficial layer (close to the surface), the formation of new ultra-fine grains of ferrite was observed. A second layer was observed deeper in the sample and denominated as layer of the microstructure transition, characterized by the combination of deformed (reduction of the interlamellar spacing) and pearlite colonies not affected plastically by the mechanical loading. On this layer, the crystallographic texture in RD // in samples tested at 4 N (normal load) and one-pass scratch was determined. Later, on this chapter, the microstructure in a ground rail (industrial procedure characterized as a multi-event scratch test) was analyzed. Two grinding conditions were used for the analysis with variation of the grinding linear speed and load on the grinding stones (discs). The combination of low grinding speed and high load promotes a higher deformed layer formation beneath the patch zone and low randomized orientation of the pearlite colonies. Finally, in the third experimental chapter, the pearlitic characterization was concluded with the study of samples of railway wheel and rail under wear in service and Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) in laboratory. The laboratorial simulation was carried out using the twin-disc rolling contact tribometer with a variation of number of cycles. The characterization of railway wheel shows that the WEL is characterized by levels of breaking and aligned cementite and zones with dissolution of the carbon atom in the ferrite to form the supersaturated carbon ferrite. The polycrystalline ferrite formation (ultra-fine grains) in the sub-superficial layer and it was identified a preferential orientation of RD // in the layer of microstructural transition. The results of the laboratory test show surface crack nucleation and propagation at low angle in the more severe deformed layer. The microstructure of the layer consists in polycrystalline ferrite and the cementite dissolution. / Nesta tese foi caracterizado o comportamento do aço perlítico em condições controladas de desgaste em laboratório e em serviço em dois estágios do processo de mineração de minério, cominução e transporte ferroviário. A tese consiste em três capítulos experimentais divididos segundo o tribosistema analisado. Em todos os capítulos do trabalho foi utilizada a técnica de microscopia eletrônica para análise microestrutural. Foi utilizado Microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), Focused Ion Beam (FIB-SEM), Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) e Microscopia eletrônica de transmissão (MET). O primeiro capítulo experimental mostra a análise da perlita in condições de desgaste abrasivo com partículas soltas em eventos múltiplos. As amostras foram tiradas de um moinho semi-autógeno (SAG) e realizada uma simulação experimental do desgaste em condições controladas usando o tribômetro de roda de borracha (RWAT). Os resultados mostraram a formação de camada branca em ambas as condições de análise, consistindo em uma camada poli cristalina caracterizada pela formação de grãos ultrafinos na camada mais próxima da superfície de desgaste. Também foi concluído que a roda de borracha pode simular o desgaste produzido nos moinhos SAG tanto nas características superficiais quanto microestruturais em condições de maior severidade as comumente utilizadas na norma ASTM G65 (procedimento B). O Segundo capítulo experimental explora a caracterização da microestrutura depois da passagem do endentador no ensaio de riscamento (scratch test) utilizando duas condições de carga normal aplicada e 5 sequências de riscamento. A análise microestrutural mostrou a formação de duas camadas subsuperficiais identificadas pelo nível de alteração microestrutural. Na camada mais próxima da superfície de desgaste foi observada a formação de grãos ultrafinos de ferrita. A segunda camada identificada mais profundamente na amostra, denominada como camada de transição, é caracterizada pela combinação de colônias deformadas (redução do espaçamento interlamelar) e camadas não afetadas pelos esforços produzidos no contato. Nesta camada foi determinada a texturização em direção RD // nas amostras testadas a 4 N (carga normal aplicada) e uma passada. Posteriormente à análise de riscamento foi caracterizada a microestrutura de uma amostra tirada de um trilho esmerilhado (processo industrial que pode ser considerado como aplicação do ensaio de riscamento). Foram consideradas duas condições de esmerilhamento com variação de velocidade de esmerilhamento (deslocamento linear do veículo esmerilhador) e potência dos motores dos rebolos usada no procedimento. A combinação de baixa velocidade de esmerilhamento e alta potência nos motores controladores dos rebolos promoveu uma grande deformação nas camadas subsuperficiais na região de contato e uma baixa aleatoriedade das orientações cristalográficas das colônias de perlita. Finalmente, no capítulo três, a caracterização da microestrutura perlitica foi finalizada com o estudo de amostras de roda e trilho em condições de desgaste em campo e de Rolling Contact Fatigue (RCF) em ensaios de laboratório. A simulação experimental foi realizada utilizando o tribômetro twin-disc rolling (configuração disco-disco) com variação do número de ciclos. A caracterização da roda ferroviária mostrou a formação da camada branca caracterizada por níveis de cementita fraturada e alinhada em direção do movimento de rolamento/deslizamento com áreas de dissolução do átomo de carbono na ferrita formando uma ferrita supersaturada. Foi identificado a formação de policristais de ferrita (grãos ultrafinos) na camada mais superficial e uma orientação preferencial RD // na camada de transição. Os resultados dos ensaios de laboratório mostraram a nucleação de trincas superficiais se propagando a baixo ângulo na camada branca. A transformação microestrutural dessa camada após ensaios de laboratório consiste em policristais de ferrita e dissolução da cementita.
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Rodas ferroviárias: análise, microestrutura e propostas de melhoria. / Railway wheels: analysis, microstructure and improvement proposals.Ana Paula Gonçalves Chaves 02 December 2016 (has links)
A pesquisa relativa ao transporte ferroviário no Brasil tem se intensificado nos últimos anos visando principalmente a melhoria no desempenho do par rodatrilho. Isso se deve à demanda de se transportar cada vez mais carga por eixo com a finalidade de reduzir o custo de transporte. Através de mudanças na microestrutura do material ou de mudanças na composição das ligas utilizadas na fabricação pode se aumentar a resistência do par roda-trilho. Neste trabalho foi analisada a influência de diferentes microestruturas (puramente perlíticas e perlíticas-bainíticas), obtidas por meio de tratamento térmico por dilatometria, nas propriedades de um aço alto carbono similar ao utilizado em rodas convencionais classe C AAR destinadas ao transporte de carga pesada. As análises empregaram técnicas metalográficas (identificação de fases presentes e distância interlamelar da perlita), ensaios magnéticos (saturação magnética e ruído magnético de Barkhausen), ensaio mecânico de dureza e ensaio tribológico de resistência ao desgaste por deslizamento. Foram caracterizadas rodas ferroviárias classe C AAR em quatro condições distintas: usadas e novas, fundidas e forjadas. / Research about rail transport in Brazil has been intensified recently due the need to improve the wheel-rail performance, considering the demand of increasing axle load aiming for transportation cost reduction. Changes in the material microstructure or in the alloys composition can improve the wheel-rail resistance. A eutectoid steel similar to that used in conventional class C AAR wheels (designed to heavy haul transportation - high loads and low speeds) was submitted to isothermal heat treatments applying dilatometry techniques at ten different cycles. Different microstructures (totally pearlitic and pearlitic-bainitic) were obtained and their influence on the mechanical and magnetic properties was analyzed. The analysis included metallographic techniques (identification of phases and pearlite interlamellar spacing), magnetic testing (magnetic saturation and magnetic Barkhausen noise) and mechanical testing (hardness and pin-ondisc tests). Railway wheels Class C ARR were characterized in four different conditions: new and used, cast and forged.
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