Spelling suggestions: "subject:"peak"" "subject:"pea""
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Peat Deposits of Moreton Bay:Natural Archives of Environmental PollutionJiajia Zheng Unknown Date (has links)
Two ombrotrophic peat bogs (NC2 and BL2) from North Stradbroke Island, Australia, were precisely dated using 210Pb and analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. Sub-samples were total digested and sequentially leached for trace and major elements concentrations using ICP-MS and ICP-OES. Total Pb concentrations in both profiles increased with the time. PAAS normalized REE patterns were characterized by relatively flat patterns, with slight enrichment in LREE, and a significant negative Eu anomaly. The temporal changes in metal concentrations, 206Pb/207Pb ratios, REEs, and ash content observed in the two profiles suggest three different periods with distinct conditions in terms of dust provenance and atmospheric pollution: (1) Pre-anthropogenic (pre-1842); (2) Early industrial (from 1840s to 1920s); (3) Industrial (post-1930s). Ombrotrophic peat bogs may be reliable archives of environmental pollution, but also shows that adjacent sites may provide contrasting evidence. Despite their close proximity, the two sites show different trends in metal deposition. Metals in NC appear to be largely bound to minerals and inorganic materials, while in BL they are mainly organic-related. Indeed the peculiar behaviour of Pb in the BL profile suggests that biological process may cause Pb isotopic fractionation. Ash contents, texture, Pb isotopic compositions, Sb/Pb values, patterns of selected trace elements (Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr, Co, Sb, Ni, Se, As, Be and Mo), and their leaching behaviours suggests that NC and BL are chemically different types of peat bogs. NC peat bog is an open sink for elements, and can be used to define regional anthropogenic impacts. In contrast, the BL site appears to be influenced by local natural and anthropogenic processes and activities, such as changes in land use. Furthermore, it demonstrated that only some of the environmental-related trace elements preserve their original depositional record. Arsenic, Be, Co, and Zn are highly mobile under weak acid conditions, and are therefore not suitable for assessing temporal trends of pollution. Cadmium, Ni, and V may also be highly mobile under certain conditions. In contrast, Pb, Cu, Cr, Mo, and Sb are not subject to vertical migration, and are useful for establishing the pollution record of ombrotrophic peat bogs.
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Surface energy exchange and hydrology of a poor Sphagnum mire /Kellner, Erik, January 1900 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Univ., 2001. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Soil organic matter decomposition : effects of organic matter addition on phosphorus dynamics in lateritic soils /Yusran, Fadly Hairannoor. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Western Australia, 2005.
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The effect of physical and hydraulic properties of peat moss and pumice on Douglas-fir bark based soil-less substrates /Zazirska Gabriel, Magdalena. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Oregon State University, 2009. / Printout. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 48-50). Also available on the World Wide Web.
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Sorption of cadmium and nickel from solution by peat and modified peat /Prativadi Bayankara, Srinivas, January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.)--Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2003. / Bibliography: leaves 84-92. Also available online.
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Revitalizace vybrané lokality rašeliniště s ukončenou těžbou / Revitalization of selected sites of excavated peat bogsJANÁK, Bohumil January 2017 (has links)
Roast moorland one of the unique South Bohemian habitats. Currently, these sites are protected by law and they paid great attention to the media and professional - the general public. Local unique biodiversity is linked to hydrological conditions in the area, they live here rare species of animals and unique diverse plant communities. Despite this fact, a large part of the area previously used for peat extraction. These interventions, however, fundamentally not damage the local area and biological processes. That all changed beginning of the industrial peat extraction, where a large part of the territory forcibly drained, and cut down massively damaged by subsequent mining. Drainage of land degradation brought about significant changes in the local flor, faun and peat. After mining was part of the territory of unprofessional revitalized using improper procedures and are non-native plants such as: Giant cage and others. Since 1998 in this and surrounding areas held a program to rescue these unique habitats revitalization of Šumava wetlands and peatlands. Its main aim is to rescue the damaged wetlands and marshes, groundwater and increase the overall improvement of the water regime in the landscape. This program could involve the general public.
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Resistência de solos moles orgânicos artificialmente cimentadosTeixeira, Bruno dos Santos January 2014 (has links)
A estabilização de solos é uma técnica através da qual se busca a melhoria das características de comportamento do solo, especialmente em termos de resistência, deformabilidade, durabilidade e permeabilidade (Ingles & Metcalf, 1972). A ágil e rápida determinação do ganho de resistência de solos artificialmente cimentados ainda não é precisa, e necessita de grande aprimoramento. Com esse objetivo se desenvolveu um equipamento para previsão da resistência de solos moles orgânicos artificialmente cimentados que oferece rapidez nos ensaios e precisão nos resultados. O equipamento basicamente funciona com a cravação de uma haste com base circular alargada adaptada em um anel dinamométrico de nylon que penetra no solo e cujos resultados têm relação linear com a resistência à tração por compressão diametral e resistência à compressão simples independente do tipo de solo, adição de agente cimentante, tipo de agente cimentante, teor de umidade da mistura e tempo de cura. Neste estudo também são mostrados resultados do melhoramento de solo com diferentes teores de cimento e cal, bem como os efeitos dos teores de turfa e resíduo de folhas de eucalipto moídas. Além disso, são avaliados os efeitos do pH baixo através da acidificação das amostras com ácido clorídrico e sulfúrico. O teor de umidade do solo apresenta grande influência nos resultados, pois quanto maior a umidade menor a resistência ou maior o consumo de cimento. A adição de ácido húmico em teores de 0,5%, 2,1% e 4,0% apresentou redução de resistência à compressão simples. As misturas com resíduo de folha de eucalipto moídas e turfa apresentaram redução de resistência e também retardo na atuação dos agentes cimentantes. As misturas com adições de cimento atingiram de uma forma geral resultados superiores comparados com adições de cal virgem. No entanto a combinação de cimento e cal virgem apresentou ótimo desempenho até mesmo superior às misturas com adição de cimento. / Soil stabilization is a technique which seeks to improve the performance characteristics of the soil, especially in terms of strength, deformability, durability and permeability (Ingles & Metcalf, 1972). The agile and rapid determination of the resistance gain of artificially cemented soils is still not accurate and needs major improvement. The main objective of present research was the development and testing, as well as the correlation with standard equipments results, of an apparatus for predicting the resistance of artificially cemented organic soft soils in a fast and accurate testing procedure. The equipment developed in present research basically works with the penetration of a rod with a circular base (adapted in the tip of a dynamometer ring made of nylon) into cement treated soft soils whose results have linear relationship with the tensile strength and compression strength regardless of soil type, addition of cementing agent, type of cementing agent, moisture content of the mixture and curing time. In this study are also shown results of soil improvement due to insertion of different amounts of cement and/or lime, and the effects of the amounts of peat and crushed eucalyptus leaves into soil strength. Furthermore, the effects are evaluated from low pH by acidifying the sample with specific acids. The moisture content of the soil has a major influence on the results, the higher the humidity the lower resistance or higher cement consumption. The addition of humic acid at levels of 0.5%, 2.1% and 4.0% showed a reduction of the compressive strength. Mixtures with waste ground eucalyptus leaf and peat showed a delayed action on cementing agents. Some combinations of cements (cement, lime and ash) showed excellent performance. Combinations of cements generally obtained higher results compared to lime addition. However combinations of cement and lime came up with results better than mixtures with only cement.
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Rašeliniště a jejich vliv na místní klima - Borkovická blata, Olešenský mokřad / Impact of bogs on local climate - Borkovická blata, Olešenský wetlandLEŠTINOVÁ, Iveta January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses the influence of peat bog habitats on local climate, especially the temperature and humidity regime and indicators of energetic balance in similar locations Borkovice Marshland and Olešenský Wetland compared to the contrasting terrestric non-wetland TTP eco-system between the municipalities of Soběslav and Veselí nad Lužnicí. The evaluation was carried out based on the measurements of temperature and humidity characteristics in the given habitat with using automatic weather stations. The measuring was carried out in the period of 17 April until 3 November 2016 in an hour interval. During the vegetation period, samples of plant biomass were taken and species diversity of the observed ecosystems was described. The analysis of measured meteorological data has proved that the locations differed from each other. Results prove relatively small differences in air temperatures shot at the level of growth and in 2 meters above the surface. The greatest average temperatures were found in the location of the permanent grass growth. The greatest average pressure of water steam was noted in the location of Olešenský Wetland both in 2 meters above the suface and on the level growth. The lowest average saturation supplement was noted in the location of Olešenský Wetland, also it is the wettest place. The highest values were proved by the location of permanent grass growth, meaning that it is the driest place. The highest average evaporational fraction was noted in the location of Olešenský Wetland where a single vapour used the greatest amount of available energy. In the Borkovická Marshland lokality, a single vapour used the lowest amount of energy. Differences among the studied localities were caused by vegetation and the amount of water present in the eco-system.
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Produção de mudas e crescimento de Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex maiden inoculado com fungos ectomicorrízicos em área arenizada / Eucalyptus grandis Hill ex Maiden seedlings production and growts inoculated with ectomycorrhizal fungi in sandy areaSouza, Eduardo Lorensi de 26 February 2009 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Eucalyptus. grandis is one of the main species used in forestry, in the Rio Grande do Sul State. The reforestations have been concentrated in low fertility soil areas, especially in phosphorus, such as the Quartzarenic Neosoils, which occur in the south of the state. It represents a problem for the establishment of this culture in field. This forestry species has the capacity of making symbiosis with ectomycorrhizal fungi that increase plant grown and the absorption of water and nutritious. The aim of the work was to evaluate the initial growth of eucalyptus in sandy area and the ectomycorrhizal fungi inoculation isolated, individually or mixed in Neosoil. In the first stage, eucalyptus seedlings were produced in greenhouse, inoculated or no-inoculated with the UFSC-Pt116 isolated, produced in peat
or in Neosoil. After 120 days seedlings were transplanted to an area subjected to the process of sanding in São Francisco de Assis and evaluated regarding the survival, height, stem s diameter and tenors of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, total phosphorus, inorganic phosphorus, and wood production. In the second stage it was tested, in greenhouse, the effect of ectomycorrhizal fungi inoculation with the UFSC-Pt116, UFSC-Pt188 and UFSC-SA9 isolates, individually or mixed in peat substrate and in Neosoil. Determinations were accomplished regarding stem s diameter and height, dry matter of the aerial portion and the roots, roots volume, mycorrhizal colonization as well as the level of nitrogen, potassium and total, organic and inorganic phosphorus of the aerial portion of plants. In
field, the plants produced in Neosoil and inoculated with the isolated UFSC-Pt116 obtained the highest survival, stem s height and diameter, nitrogen level, as well as wood production in relation to the no-inoculated seedlings. In the second study, the plants that received individual inoculation of the isolated UFSC-Pt116 and UFSC-SA9 and that were produced with peat obtained the highest height, stem s diameter, mycorrhizal colonization and dry matter accumulation. The plants that were produced in Neosoil and the individually inoculated with the isolated UFSC-Pt116, UFSC-Pt118 and UFSCSA9 showed highest height, stem s diameter, dry matter of the aerial portion and roots volume. The seedlings produced in Neosoil obtained higher height and diameter than those produced in peat. / No Estado do Rio Grande do Sul o E. grandis é uma das principais espécies utilizadas na silvicultura. Os reflorestamentos têm se concentrado em regiões de solos com baixa fertilidade, especialmente em fósforo, como os Neossolos Quartzarênicos, que ocorrem na metade sul do Estado, tornando-se um problema para o estabelecimento dessa cultura no campo. Esta espécie florestal tem a
capacidade de formar simbiose com fungos ectomicorrízicos que auxiliam o crescimento das plantas através do aumento na absorção de nutrientes e água. No presente trabalho teve-se por objetivos avaliar o crescimento inicial do eucalipto em área arenizada e a inoculação dos isolados fúngicos
ectomicorrízicos, individualmente ou em mistura em Neossolo. Na primeira etapa do trabalho, foram produzidas mudas de eucalipto em casa de vegetação, que foram inoculadas ou não com o isolado UFSC-Pt116, produzidas em turfa ou em Neossolo. Após 120 dias, essas foram transplantadas para
uma área arenizada em São Francisco de Assis e avaliadas quanto à sobrevivência, altura, diâmetro do caule e teores de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio, fósforo total, fósforo inorgânico, fósforo orgânico e produção de madeira. Na segunda etapa testou-se em casa de vegetação o efeito da inoculação dos isolados de fungos ectomicorrízicos UFSC-Pt116, UFSC-Pt188 e UFSC-SA9, individualmente e em
mistura no substrato turfa e no Neossolo. Foram realizadas avaliações quanto à altura e diâmetro do caule, massa seca da parte aérea e das raízes, volume de raízes, percentual de colonização micorrízica e teores de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio da parte aérea das plantas. No campo, as plantas que foram produzidas no Neossolo e inoculadas com o isolado UFSC-Pt116 obtiveram a maior sobrevivência, altura e diâmetro do caule, teores de nitrogênio, bem como produção de madeira em relação às mudas não inoculadas. No segundo estudo, as plantas que receberam inoculação individual dos isolados UFSC-Pt116 e UFSC-SA9 e foram produzidas com turfa obtiveram a maior altura, diâmetro do caule,
colonização micorrízica e acúmulo de massa seca. As plantas que foram produzidas em Neossolo e inoculadas com os isolados UFSC-Pt116, UFSC-Pt188 e UFSC-SA9 individualmente alcançaram a maior altura, diâmetro do caule, massa seca da parte aérea e volume de raízes. As mudas produzidas no Neossolo alcançaram altura e diâmetro maiores que as produzidas na turfa.
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Substâncias húmicas: extração, caracterização, novas perspectivas e aplicaçõesRosa, André Henrique [UNESP] 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
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rosa_ah_dr_araiq.pdf: 969734 bytes, checksum: 139a7cac4d6c1e6e2473dd04fe434171 (MD5) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Este trabalho aborda novos desenvolvimentos relacionados à pesquisa científica de substâncias húmicas (SH) extraídas de amostras de solos/turfas . Assim, na primeira etapa descreve-se o desenvolvimento de um procedimento em fluxo contínuo para extração de substâncias húmicas e fracionamento destas em ácidos húmicos e fúlvicos. O procedimento em fluxo proposto apresenta vantagens em relação ao procedimento tradicionalmente utilizado (batelada) devido ao aumento do rendimento e diminuição do tempo de extração. Além disso, facilita o trabalho dispendiosos no manuseio, transferência e ajuste de pH das frações. Numa segunda parte do trabalho, descreve-se a preparação de um novo suporte para imobilização da enzima invertase utilizando-se substâncias húmicas. O suporte preparado pela ativação da aminopropil sílica com SH (APTS-SiO2-HS) mostrou ser um método viável e interessante para a imobilização da invertase. Os resultados referentes a quantidade e atividade da invertase imobilizada no APTS-SiO2-HS foi comparado com um suporte tradicional (aminopropil sílica ativada com glutaraldeído, APTS-SiO2-GA). A quantidade de invertase imobilizada no APTS-SiO2-HS foi 15200 U g-1 enquanto que no APTS-SiO2-GA foi 13400 U g-1. As atividades enzimáticas experimentais foram 3700 e 3270 U g-1, para os sistemas APTS-SiO2-HS e APTS-SiO2-GA, respectivamente. A terceira etapa do trabalho trata da caracterização de espécies... / This work presents new developments about the scientific research of humic substances (HS) extracted from soils/peat samples. So, the first part describes the development of continuous flow procedure for extraction and fractionation of humic substances in humic and fulvic acids. The proposed flow procedure presents advantages in relation to the traditional used procedure (bath) due to the increasing of the yields and decrease of extraction time. Besides, discharge the research work in the handling and transference and pH adjust of the fractions. The second part, describes the preparation of a new support for immobilization of invertase enzyme using humic substances. The prepared support by aminopropil silica activation with HS (APTS-SiO2-HS) showed be a good method for invertase immobilization. The results about the quantity and activity of the invertase immobilized in the APTS-SiO2-HS it was compared with a traditional support (aminopropil silica activated with glutaraldeyde, APTS-SiO2-GA). The quantify of immobilized invertase in the APTS-SiO2-HS it was 15200 U g-1, while in the APTS-SiO2-GA it was 13400 U g-1. The experimental enzymatic activities were 3700 and 3270 U g-1, for the systems APTS-SiO2-HS and APTS-SiO2-GA, respectively...(Complete abstract, click electronic access below)
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